1. JOY B - MOUNT JOf, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, ditor & Propr. Six Months ..... 75 Cents Entered at the post office at Mount Joy cond-class mail matter. * rhe date of the expiration of your 2 iption follows your name on e label. We do not send receipts for subscription money received. Whenever you remit, we that you are given proper gredit, : credit all subscriptions at the first of eac th. The subscription lists of the Juudiavilie Vigil, the Florin News and the Mount A Star and News, were ‘merged witht ot of the Mount Joy Bulletin, which makes eaper’s ordinary weekly. EDITORIAL eee TO LIVE LONG! Work steadily when you work, play hard when you play, rest a little and sleep enough. i Keep your head cool, your feet dry and your dressing room key handy. Sa rig Wash outside and inside, have a sense of humor and eat what your body and brain should have. . Worry a little to save worrying a lot. Wisely invest your and part of your income. Be dependable in word, kindly in deed, and always give good ser- vice. If these rules fail to make you live a long and happy life, some- thing is wrong elsewhere, and you know where it is. experience IN NAME OF ADVERTISING Many business firms charge sun- dry items to advertising, either becamse they don’t know what else to do with them or they can get them by the income tax inspectors under that heading, whereas these items ought to be charged to don- ations or money thrown away. False bookkeeping and records won’t help anybody. Intelligent analysis of advertising is as necess ary as is intelligent analysis of any other part of business. Find out by study, tests, etc., what is legit- imate advertising, and do that kind of advertising on a business basis. Don’t load the advertising ac- count with programs and bazaar donations. Advertising f can be made the biggest asset in any bus- iness, but it requires more intelli- gence and application than any other department. That is natur- ally true. It is usual to find the greatest results where there are expended the greatest efforts. Of- course, there must be potential- ities. But wise advertising has these. UNNECESSARY RESTRIC- TION OF CONSTITION- AL RIGHTS There is constant agitation in different States to establish com- pulsory state fund workingmen’s -t compensation and automobile in- surance. In plain English, this to prohibit a private | a private means a law citizen from insuring in insurance company. It is bad enough to have the state or nation go into business in competition with private citizens who must guarantee tax funds so that tax-free state undertakings may exist, but it is a hundred et 5 e to pass a law which tate or the nation to 2a business to exclusion 1 of Pw fivate competition. This is 2 more or less than down- right tyranny and confiscation of te property rights. he proponents of such measures wolNld not receive the attention now, accorded them, if the public fudly understood that such schemes are the entéring wedge of socials ism to destroy our basic form of government, pri SENATE’S INVESTIGATION For three days last week, in the Senate investigation into the work- ings of the Volstead act, the wets held the floor. On Monday, a large delegation of women appeared to urge the strictest enforcement of the law, and to advocate strength- ening rather than modifying it. General Andrews occupied the at- tention of the committee for sev- eral sessions, and under the skil- ful questioning of Senator Reed ad- mitted very frankly the difficulties in the way of the adequate enforce- ment. He expressed the belief that with his reorganized force he might n time cut off the major sources of pply of liquor, but at the same pe he called attention to the mul- lication of home stills. He ught that non-intoxicating beer pld aid in enforcement. His at- Bde in this respect drew fierce gcism from the extreme drys demands that he should re- The testimony of a priest the mining district in Penn- la as to existing demoraliz- @nditions was another feature hearings. The wets closed pse on Thursday, and on the other side had its turn ET’S CLEAN UP pring is most liable to us any day, let's boro its annual clean-up. idual do a little and ifference in general ap- ow don’t only clean of your premises but ear, 0 thru our town on pnd compliment us on 1 and clean looking ping happens like a en water main, a fire of that sort and Is directed down kind of an impres that public on Henry street aven and Market, rist? Really, it any city dump. ns, who are guil- p, discontinue it? tin cans, er, etc., around cart it to the ce. a diseredit to ple and if the ontinue their Rill appeal to 'e our ordin- depositing streets and [EN—STOP = | Margaret Grube, spent Sunday at Harrisburg. unga, ey on Tuesday. ter, spent the week end with Miss 4 spent several days with Mr. and daughter spent a ANDISY -_ax — oy . Paul Weaver an-|DAY OF APRIL, 1926." Subgeription Price $1.50 BT Lak birth of a daughter. Permanent Investments, viz: Sample Copies in Mrs. Lulu Rittenhouse, of Lancas a. Mortgages ....... . $600.00 Single Copies ....3 Cents ter, spent the week end with rel- b. Other investments .35,176.70 Three Months ...40 Cents atives here. | Temporary Investments, viz: C. B. Grube and niece, Miss a. Mortgages and other Mrs. Jacob Newcomer, of Sal- called on Mrs. Susan Hersh- Miss Kathryn Logan, of Lancas- Marie Bowers. Miss Lydia Witmer, of Mt. Alto and Mrs. Harry Lump. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlotzhauer Sunday with Mrs. Mary Dissinger. Miss Pearl George, of Lancaster, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Dattisman. Mr. and Mrs. William Dengler, of Lancaster, spent Wednesday with Miss Ella Stanley. Mrs. Charles Stanley and daugh- company Landisville Fire Monday their monthly meeting on evening at Nissley’s Inn. Miss Peggy Dunlap and Roy Mar and Harry Kline took a trip to Ni agara Falls over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. William Derr and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Derr, of Rohrerstown, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Forry and children, of Ironville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lump. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Buel and children, of Allentown, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buel. Miss Viola Schroll, of -Elizabeth- town, spent the week end with her cousins, Bertha and Marian Weav- er. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baker and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hershey, of Lan- caster. Earl Donley Miss Catherine Stan ley and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lan- don motored to Mt. Gretna, on Sunday. Miss Anna Bennett and niece, of Lancaster, spent Saturday at their cottage at the Landisville Camp grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amand vis ited their daughter and husband Mr. and Mrs. Abram Kilheffer, of Lititz, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne 3rown and daughter, of Collegeville, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bricker. Miss Edith Nissley, a missionary who recently returned from India, will be the speaker at the Church of God, Sunday evening. Mrs. Lillie Geiger, of Reading, and Mrs. Harry Hall, of Columbia spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Kauffman. The teachers’ training class of the Church of God, taught by Rev. S. Hershey will be given their first lesson Sunday, following Sun- day school. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shenberger Mr. and Mrs. Earl Killian, children and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mc®auley all of Lancaster, spent Sunday at the Landisville Camp grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neff, of Lancaster; Ira McCarthy, of New Holland; Herman Ruof, Lancas- ter; and Miss Mary Denlinger, of Witmer, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stanley on Sunday. The Ladies’ Aid Society met on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. B. Hershey. Plans were made to attend the public sale held on the farm of C. A. Spahr, where they will have sandwiches, cakes, candy and coffee for sale. A birthday party was honor of George Herman at his home. The guests were: Anna Ruth Swarr, Verna Summy, Evelyn Heiserman, Marian Weaver, Earl and Robert Myers, Frank Roupe, Harry Shenk, George Hess and Howard Slehman, e orcas Societ of the Church of God was Soe rtained at the home of Miss Elizabeth Lane on Tuesday evening. Those pres- ent were: Mrs. HH 8S Hershey, Misses Elizabeth Kreider, Estella Staley, Madeline and Catherine Stanley and Mrs. Earl Stauffer. The Intermediate class taught by Mrs. Harry Lump met at her home for the first time on Tuesday evening. A short program was giv- en and officers elected. The pro- gram follows: Devotional exercis- es; song; piano solo, Edna Musser: reading, Marian Weaver: and the following officers were elected: President, Veida Summy; secretary, Evelyn Heiserman; piano solo, Cath ering Wilson. The Ladies’ Bible class ‘of Church of God held the as meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Shultz. Refreshments were served Those present were: Mrs. John Bak er, Mrs. John Stehman, Mrs Harry Dattisman, Mrs. P. 0. Meckley Mrs. Harry Greiner, Mrs, Elias Kreider, Mrs. E. LIL. McElhenny Mrs. William Mease, Mrs. John gv Mss, Benjamin Hess, Miss- S Alice Hershey, Ada Malé Edith Helter: Magno LANC. JUNCTION Roy Rutt motored to given in New York on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer and family motored to Lancaster on Sunday. Miss Sara Farmer s 7 z spent a week with her sister, Mrs. William War Rel of Lancaster, rs. Lizzie Snavely spent week end with her ithe William Heisey. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jae. family motored home, the Mrs. Spangler and to the Mennonite near Oreville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob W daughters, Mrs. Kate a spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. of Lititz. ‘Mr. and Mrs, David Wea - tertained on Sunday: Mr, RM Mrs. Milton Archer and sons vis- ited at Coatesville this week end. OF Abram Long, Mrs.” William Wenger | J and. daughter, of Lancaster. JO Corporate Trusts, Trusts under deeds of trust or mort- gages executed by Corporations the Company as Trustee to secure is- sues of corporate bonds, Equipment Trusts, none ed by Corporations with pany as Trustee to secure issues of Collateral Trust Bonds, none ter visited Mr. and Mrs. A. M.|Lancaster, ss: ' Harman on Wednesday. i. R. Fellenbaum, Cashier of the Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver and|above named Bank, do solemnly daughter, of Mountville, visited | affirm that the above statement is relatives on Sunday here. true to the best of my knowledge and held belief. tin, of Lancaster, called on Miss| ‘W. M. Hollowbush, Notary Public. Myrtle Witmer, on Sunday. | My commission expires Feb. 24, 1927 "Mr. and Mrs, Harris Kilgore anc | Correst—Attest: family visited Mr. and Mrs. Arbe- THOS. J. BROWN gast, of Newville, on Sunday. J. N. HERSHEY Mrs. Mary Malehorn and daugh- J. S. CARMANY Directors. ters spent Sunday with Mrs. Roy ~~ Garman, of Lancaster Junction. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Rettew visited | OF THE TRUST DEPARTMENT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rettew, at E| OF THE UNION NATIONAL MT Petersburg, on Saturday evening. |JOY BANK, LOCATED AT EAST Edward Kline, William Henry | MAIN ST., MOUNT JOY, PENNA, INT JOY 'LLETIN, MOUNT JOY ; CONDITION [| BET OF TIONAL BANK OF MT. 0Y > LOCATED AT MOUNT ANC. CO., PA., AS OF 12th securities, none. b. Advances from general cash, none ¢. Overdrafts, Schedule A—Trusts, none. d. Cash balance and loans uninvested 702.69 Total Trust Funds ....$36,479.39 Total amount (i. e. face value) of to including Total amount of securities deposit- the Com- State of Pennsy.vania, County of R. FELLENBAUM, Cashier Subscribed and affirmed to before me this 16th day of April, 1926. AS OF 12th DAY OF APR, 1926. Permanent Investments, viz: a. Mortgages, none. b. Other Investments, none. Temporary Investments, viz: a. Mortgages and other Securities b. Advances and loans from general uninvest- ed cash... . 0... 995.08 ¢. Overdrafts, Schedule A—Trust + 241.75 d. Cash balance 9,816.61 Total Trust Funds .. Corporate Trusts, Total amount (i. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mortgages executed by Corporations to the Company as Trustee to se- cure issues of corporate bonds, in- cluding Equipment Trusts, none. Total amount of securities de- posited by Corporation with the Company as Trustee to secure issues of Collateral Trust Bonds, none. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancaster, ss: I, H. N. Nissly, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. N. NISSLY, Cashier Subscribed and affirmed to before me this 16th day of April, 1926. ..$94,173.81 Annie C. Blensinger, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 6, 1929. Correct—Attest: J. E. LONGENECKER ELI G. REIST J. B. KELLER REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FLORIN TRUST COM- PANY, LOCATED AT FLORIN, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. AS OF 12th DAY OF APRIL, 1926. RESOURCES: Directors. Reserve Fund: Cash, specie, & notes ....-... $16,852.00 Due from Ap- proved reserve agents ...... 29,218.26 Legal reserve se- curities, at par 2,000.00 $48,070.26 Nickels and cents ....... 431.10 Cash Hems ..... +. 333.00 Due from banks, trust com- panies, ete., excluding Ll, LL li es 2,777.36 Bills discounted: Upon one NAME eves vistas 5,100.00 Bills discounted: Upon two or more names ...... 82,057.39 Time loans with collateral 18,696.65 Call loans with collateral. 36,114.73 Loans on call: Upon one MBG. sis Cates vias 1,140.00 Loans on call: Upon two Or more names ...... 23,443.20 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages ....... 40,626.80 BORA Jai hie, 42,433.98 Office building and lot ... 22,157.46 Furniture and fixtures 6,398.83 Other real estate ....... 5,048.38 Overdrafts 26.80 Other assets not included in‘above 460.60 Total i. $335,316.54 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in ..$125,000.00 Undivided profits less ex- penses and taxes paid.. 21,311.02 Demand deposits: Deposits subject to check ...$85,301.79 Treasurer’s checks 114.71 85,416.50 Time deposits: Time certificates of deposit ..$40,092.59 Special time de- posits’ ...... 3,113.36 Time savings fund deposits 60,383.07 103,589.02 Total ............. $335,316.54 Trust Funds: Morteages ............ $ 2,820.00 Cash balance: .......... 188.22 Total Trust Funds ....$ 3,008.22 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (i. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort- gages executed by Cor- porations to the Com- pany as Trustee to se- cure issues of corporate bonds, including Equip- ment Trusts ........ $125,000.00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancaster ss. I, J. Wayne Aungst, Treasurer of the above named Institution, do sol- emnly affirm that the above state- ment is true to the best of my know- ledge and belief. J. WAYNE AUNGST, Treas. Affirmed and subscribed to before me this 20th day of April, 1926. Jacob H. Zeller, Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 26, ’27. Correct—Attest: ANDREW S. BARD A. G. WALTERS REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE NATIONAL MOUNT JOY BANK JOY, JIN THE STATE OF PENNS IA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSIN APR 12, 1926. \ RESOURCES Loans! and discounts, in- cluding rediscounts Total loans .. ,133,426.11 Overdrafts, e- cured Sri tT ibe 44.99 Deposited to secure c lation (U. S. bonds par > VBINEY | $100,000.00 All other United States Government Securities .. 244,350.00 TPOLAL ©... iene 344,350.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 132,486.84 Banking House, $25,000; Furniture and Fixtures, $8,704.00 33,704.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Re- Serve Bank i... ine Cash in vault and amount due from national banks ........ 130,397.46 Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States 14,334.92 Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, and BB tinier 3144753. 38 Miscellaneous cash items ..o......... 4,256.86 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- urer and due from U. S. Treas. 5,000.00 Other assets, if any Cs Rd drs A . $2,166,501.47 rr LIABILITIES Capital ‘stock paid in $125,000.00 Surplus fund dei siamese. 279,000.00 Undivided profits Less current exp. paid 56,331.61 Circulating notes outstanding 100,000.00 Ca r’'s checks outstanding 1,208.61 T of items 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 ....$1,208.61 Individual deposits subject to check 424,752.28 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of as- sets of this bank or surety bond 28,000.00 Dividends unpaid 12.00 Other demand deposits 63.37 Total of demand deposits 452,827.65 Certificates of der (other than for money borrow 742,956.13 Other time deposits 413,177.47 Tota] of time deposits...1,156,133.60 Total $2,166,501.47 State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancas- ter, ss: I, H. N. Nissly, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my and belief. H. N. NISSLY, Cashier. Subscribed and affirmed to before me this lay of April, 1926. / ie C. Blensinger, Notary My commission expires Jan. 6, Correct—Attest: knowledge Public. 1929 B. KELLER 7. ESHLEMAN J. WW. Ef ‘ N J. E. LONGENECKER Directors. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL, BANK OF MOUNT JOY AT MOUNT JOY IN THE STATE OF PENN. SYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI- NESS ON APRIL 12, 1926. RESOURCES T.oans and discounts, in- cluding rediscounts $909,203.64 Total loans . $909,203.64 Overdrafts, secured, none; unse- secured sores ia 237.00 Deposited to secure circu- lation (U. S. bonds par value) x $125,000.00 All other U. S. Govt. se- curities erring 239,198.24 Total ; ihm nt 308,193, 24 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 484,755.30 Banking House $29,667.29 Furniture and Fixtures ..13,667.02 43,334.31 Lawful reserve with Federal Re- serve Bank ... Cash in vault from national banks - Checks on other banks in the same 65,287.75 due 112,974.98 and amount city or town as reporting bank... 580.20 Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 13: ...$113,555.18 Miscellaneous cash items 1,679.98 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- urer and due from U. S. Treas. 6,250.00 Other assets, if any . - . 474.77 Tetal $1,988,976.17 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000.00 Surplus fund ir 125,000.00 Undivided profits $79,412.96 Reserved for losses 10,092.83 I.ess current exp. paid 18,477.43 71,028.36 I rved for taxes, interest, etc. accrued: sii ihm Circulating notes outstanding 125,000.00 Amount due to State banks, bank- and trust compapies in the 11,851.97 ers, United States ...... : tas 307.17 Certified checks outstanding 5,004.83 Cashier's checks outstanding 3,809.03 Total of Items 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26 $11,121.03 Individual deposits subject to check .. ‘ 442,097.40 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 4 75,114.00 State, county, or other municipal deposits secured by pledge of assets of this bank or surety bond oo arteries wissen = Total of demand deposits 567,211.40 Certificates. of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ML . 381,634.61 Other time deposits ........ 447,128.80 Tota] of time deposits... 828,763.41 U. S. Govt. securities borrowed... Bills payable (including all obliga- tions representing money borrow- ed other than rediscounts) ....... Potala hs rn State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancas- ter, ss: I, R. Fellenbaum, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly affirm that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. FELLENBAUM, Cashier. Subscribed and affirmed to before me this 16th day of April, 1926. Wm. M. Hollowbush, Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 24, 1927. Correct—Attest: THOS. J. BROWN J. N. HERSHEY J. S. CARMANY 34,000.00 90,000.00 Directors REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LANDISVILLE AT LANDISVILLE IN THE STATE OF PENN- SYLVANIA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSI- NESS ON APRIL 12th, 1926. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, in- cluding rediscounts $252,024.82 Total loans eid $252,024.82 Overdrafts, secured, none; unse- secured advisers 28.64 Deposited to secure circu- lation (U. S. bonds par value) $35,000.00 All other United States 30,850.00 Government securities ot are wo 65,850.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 238,354.20 Banking House $4,100.00 Furniture and Fixtures . 8,500.00 Total . ..... 12,600.00 Lawful reserve with Federal Re- Total ...... . $612,752.24 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in .$ 50,000.00 Surplus fund ia 50,000.00 Undivided profits . $19,570.31 I.ess current exp. paid 8,107.09 11,463.22 Circulating notes outstanding 34,500.00 Cashier's checks outstanding .... 504.18 Total of Items 22, 23, 24 25 and 26 3504.18 Individual deposits subject to CHECK: sii insist . 174,099.88 Deposits requiring notice, but less than 30 days . Hii imi 10,978.90) Total of demand deposits $191,078.78 PL yo RIL) nm SAFETY atyour OO000 DRUG STORE Rexall Emulsion Cod Liver Oil 79¢ a large bottle It’s a splendid food tonic that will enrich your blood, and al- though it contains a large per- centage of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, it is so pleas- antly flavored that it is easy to take. Especially good for the treatment of general debility and loss of flesh. * 750 Rexall swre MOUNT JOY, PENNA. serve Bank 5 . 21,890.15 Cash in vault and amount due oo from national banks 19,567.02 | § oe Amount due from State banks, bankers, and trust companies in \ the United States erties 169.74 Total of Items 9, 10, 11, B 12 and 13 nn $19,736.76 ® ° u er Miscellaneous cash items ........... 1,017.67 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas- . urer and due from U. S. Treas. 1,250.00 Florin, Penna. Your credit is good here on Goodrich Silvertown Cords. No mass of red tape. Just a straight busi- ness-like plan to equip your car now with the finest of tires. H. E. Garber Mount Joy, Pa. 24 D A Br =A AN ALL AROUND DISH Every man, woman and child has a fond spot in their food mem ory for good old fash- ioned bread and milk and Martin's Dairy milk especially pleases them. THE MART € ANITARY By A.R.MARTIN, AIRY: Jig fi Millman” . House Painter When in need of a good job of painting, see me before letting your contract. Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) ............. 259,811.48 Other time deposits... 15,394.58 Total of time deposits $275,206.06 Total . ... $612,752.24 ter, ss: I, 'J. N. Summy, Cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. N. SUMMY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of April, 1926. Henry H. Koser, Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 21st, 1927. Correct—Attest: H. W. MINNICH W. SCOTT BUSHONG JACOB H. MUSSER DAVID H. EBY Directors. Directors. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lancas- | PRICES REASONABLE mar. 17-tf BOBBING “> SHINGLING CURLING and MARCELLING © I 1 TOPO 00 PL 0 AO 1 TO JO 4 ear taDIO ANNOUNCEMENT I have just received word of my appointment as’ the Exclusive Authorized GROSLEY RADIO DEALER for Mount Joy and surrounding community. I carry a complete line of Crosley Receivers, price ranging from $50.00 and up complete. Do not fail to hear the new Amrad Neutrodyne Receiver before you buy. This Receiver is now being built under Crosley supervision. The Amrad Receiver is absolutely one of the best Five- Tube- Radio Receivers on the market. The following is a list of stations heard without an aerial of any sort, with sufficient volume to be heard all over the house: NBAL—Baltimore; WRNT—New York; WREA—Rich- mond; WPG—Atlantic City; KDKA—Pittsburgh; WFMB—New Olsens; WGY—Schnectady; WJAX-—Jacksonville; WJZ—New ork. I will gladly demonstrate this wonderful set in your home, using only 25 feet of cotton-covered wire laid across the floor of your house and prove my statement. Come visit my sun-lit, glass-enclosed radio parlor and hear these Receivers in operation. I have added the famecus Hartman Pedestal Loud Speaker which I furnish with the Amrad Set. I also carry a complete line of Tubes, Batteries and Ac- cessories for all makes of sets. All sets sold on easy time payments. BOOOOOOO00L JOHN H. TYSON Bell 38R5 MOUNT JOY, PA. apr. 21-1t 221 Mt. Joy Street WI LARGEST STOCK TOBACCO MUSLIN The Best Quality In Lancaster County Schell’s GARDEN SEEDS NONE BETTER CHOICE ONION SETS 12c A QUART G. MOYER Prices Always Right —This Year Don’t Make This Costly Mistake Plan this year to keep your cows in the barn, on a Larro ration, until you know you can turn them out without sacrificing profit. Too early pasturing is costly—it will cut milk production, pull down the con- dition of your cows, and damage the pasture itself. By all means use your pasture when it’s ready, but right now your best bet is Larro. DANIEL WOLGEMUTH FLORIN, PENNA. apr. 14-tf Yes Sir, That’s My Barber, “Cap” Williams For a Good Clean Shave and Hair Cut at a right price go to Williams and Schofield East Main Street Mount Joy, Pa. Agents for the Eureka Laundry Will Call For and Deliver R01 Milady Shoppe 70 E. Main Street Furniture ARE YOU BUYING SATISFACTION WITH YOUR FURNI- TURE AND CARPETS? QUALITY AND SERVICE MAKE FOR SATISFACTION. WE ASSURE YOU OF ALL THREE WE ARE DEPENDABLE WESTENBERGER, MALEY ¥ MYERS 125-131 E. King St, 6 O'Clock Closing Saturdays Lancaster, Fa. \ 6 OOOO BBB BBE ~~ 4 I % 2 3