“ws. Wy FT VS Y | VV VT VV VV VV VV VV VV VV ® WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14th, 1926 Tobacco Muslin —FOR— "Seed Beds Finished in 1, 6 or 9 ft. widths, wide enough to cover the usual tobacco beds without home sewing, good in quality and the price is right. I handle the well known Cannon Tobacco Cloth. It is reinforced thruout and has a wide selvaged edge for holding the seams and fastening to the outside edges of the frames. See this cloth before you buy. D. Roy Moose FLORIN, PENNA. Buy The Best! I will sell you extra fancy Clover Seed at $20.00. Every farmer knows the high grade Seed I have been handling for the past 40 years. This is the finest seed that grows. I defy comparison on this Clover Seed, Alsyke and Alfalfa. I have just received a large supply of Tobacco Muslin and shall be glad to supply your wants. The price is the same as last year. We are Headquarters for Extra Fine Garden Seeds. G. MOYER West Donegal Street MOUNT JOY, PA. mar. 10-tf Next to Your Own Home the Best Place to Eat is Here 4 & SE Tuffield Olena Proprietor EVERYTHING IN SEASON Columbia, Penna. Cor. 4th & Locust Sts. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF DINNERS WHEN IN COLUMBIA GIVE US A CALL Our Specials each week are getting very popular; every- body is taking advantage of them. Specials for Week of April 15 to 21 CREAM CORN STARCH, Pound Package .............. 10c SILVER RUN PEAS, 2 Cans for 25c MOTHER’S OATS, Large Aluminum Package .......... 27¢ MOTHER’S OATS, Regular Size Package .............. 10c¢ HIGH ART FLOUR, 12-lb. Bag 58c MILLER’S BABY PANTS, Per Pair ................... EVERFAST DAMASK FOR DRESSES; Yard ........ $1.00 $1.00 NEW IDEA SILK STOCKINGS, Per Pair ......... 75¢ 50c MEN’S FANCY SOX, Per Pair 40c Tow. BESTYETTE CAMBRIC, For Wash Dresses, Yd. Wide, Yd. 29¢c S. B. BERNHART ESTATE East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. La Se los Michigan Grown Bright--- Plump --- Heavy Grains-- Weighs up to 42 Ibs. per measured ALVIN J REIST bushel. Cleaned clean, and at the EED JOATS MOUNT JOY, PA. PHONE 124-R3 right price too. 3 The Produce and .|der glass has peen A Haircut Every 10 Days a formula for good looks LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S HAIR BOBBING Agent for Manhattan Laundry. Hershey’s Barber Shop MOUNT JOY, PENNA. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO0., PA. Live Stock Market | CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN ~— The first straight car of South Carolina asparagus arrived in Phil- adelphia today and met a fairly active demand. Prices were about in line with California stock. Warmer weather will now bring on the New Jersey asparagus with in the next few weeks. The potato market has been ac- tive during the past week ' and ‘Pennsylvania round whites topped the market on Saturday selling as high as $9.25 per 150 pound sack. A few of the dealers were asking $9.50 for fancy stock. The de- mand has been fairly active at the high price levels, although it slackened on Thursday and Friday. New potatoes ‘also showed some improvement toward the close. Pennsylvania mushrooms were in moderate supply during the = past week but trading was slow. The competition with fresh vegetables appears to be affecting the de- mand. Supplies were liberal to- day and prices were forced down- ward to clean up the supplies. Some Penna. rhubarb grown un- appearing on {the market during the week. The] demand for this has been good and the market firm. Sweet pota- toes showed a stronger tendency and there were slight price advanc- es. The first car of Louisiana straw- berries arrived on the market dur- ing the week and the quality was good. Prices eompared favorably with the Florida stock. Dandelion greens and scullions from nearby farms continued weak on account of the liberal supplies. Cabbage was in light demand at the close and weaker. MARKET: After a dull draggy week, today’s market showed con- siderable life, both beef steers and cows being in demand. Receipts mostly from nearby feed lots. Comparisons with week ago: Beef steers steady, quality improved, top heavies $9.75, medium weights $9.- 65, several lots $9.25 to 9.50, bulk $8.50-9.25. Bulls and heifers slow about steady. Butcher cows and canners fairly active; fully steady, bulk cows $4.25 to $5.25. Calves steady with Friday's mar- ket or 50c lower for week top vealers $14.50. HOGS: Inactive, no receipts ar: riving since Monday. RECEIPTS: For today’s market: Cattle two cars from Penna., con- taining 52 head, 358 head trucked in from nearby farms, total 410 head. Receipts for week ending April 10, 1926: Cattle twelve cars: 10 from Penna.; 1 St. Paul; 1 Indiana, containing 285 head, 786 head trucked in, total cattle 1071 head; 13 calves; 212 hogs; 157 sheep. Compared with previous week: Cattle 24 cars, containing 562 head, 773 head trucked in. to- tal cattle 1335 head; 35 calves, 338 hogs. Range of Prices: STEERS . Good to choice $9.00-9.75 Fair to good 8.50-9.00 Medium to fair 7.75-8.50 Common to medium $6.50-7.75 BULLS Good to choice 7.00-7.75 Fair to good 6.00-7.00 Medium to fair 5.25-6.00 Common to medium 4.50-525 HEIFERS Choice to prime 8.50-9.00 Good to choice 7.75-8.50 Medium to good 5.75-7.75 Common to medium 4.50-5.75 COWS Good to choice 6.00-7.25 Medium to good 5.00-6.00 Common to medium 4.00-5.00 Canners & Cutters 2.50-4.00 STOCKER BULLS Good to choice $6.50-7.25 Fair to good Medium to fair 5.00-5.50 Common to medium 4.50-5.00 CALVES Good to choice $33.25-14.50 Medium 10.50-13.25 Common 5.00-10.50 ; HOGS Heavyweights 13.25-14.00 Mediumweights 13.75-14.50 Lightweights 14.00-14.50 Rough stock 10.75-13.25 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Milling wheat ......... $1.40 bu. Comn ci |. ov. nin a 68c bu HAY (baled) Timothy ....". ../. $15.00-17.00 ton Straw 5... 00. 10.00-11.00 ton Selling Price of Feeds Bran $37.00-38.00 ton Shorts 38.00-39.00 ton Hominy 36.00-37.00 ton Middlings 41.00-42.00 ton Linseed 58.00-59.00 ton Gluten 43.00-44.00 ton Ground Oats 40.00-41.00 ton Cottonseed 41 pe. $43.00-44.00 ton Dairy Feed 16 pec. 33.00-34.00 ton Dairy Feed 18 pe. 37.00-38.00 ton Dairy Feed 20 pe. 39.00-40.00 ton Dairy Feed 24 pe. 45.00-46.00 ton Dairy Feed 25 pc. 48.00-49.00 ton Horse Feed 85 pe. 42.00-43.00 ton —-— WORK WEARING YOU OUT? Mount Joy Folks Find a Bad Back a Heavy Handicap. Is your work wearing you out? Are you tortured with throbbing backache—feel tired, weak and dis couraged? Then look to your J}id- neys! Many occupations tepu to weaken the kidneys. Constant back- ache, headaches, dizziness sna’ rheu- matic pains ave, result. You suffer annoying ladder irregulari- ties; feel nervous, irritable and worn out. Don’t wait! Use Doan’s Pills— a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Workers / everywhere recommend Doan’s. Here’s a Mt. Joy case: Mrs. Katie Barto, 208 E. Donegal St., says: “My kidneys were out of order and acted. too freely. 1 had pains in the small ‘of my back when- ever I stooped to lift anything and it was hard to do my housework. Spots came before my eyes and everything whirled about me. I tried Doan’s Pills and several boxes ben- efitted me.” 60c, at all * dealers. Foster-Mil- burn Co., Mfrs.. Fler il Buffalo, N. Y. v Ich do sheer olla dawg brief greega fun olla sart leit uff olla sart solha. Now, ich com de zrief net olla answera. Feel fun da brief sin fun yunga menner os my rode wissa wella we en laeva maucha. Aner hut mich der on- ner dawg g'frogt: “We con ich es best laeva maucha?” Des is de noddure fun da brief. Ae answer loots far se oll. Un doh gaits: Amohl as arsht, my yunger friend, sin tswae socha os yader mensch mit sich uff de welt bringa mus, un sell is g’soonheit un farshtond. Du consht sheer olles soonsht som- la in dara weldt, awver de tswae sin in der mensch gabora un du mawksht dich educata bis du der besht ga-larnt mon bisht im lond, won du kon gooter farshtond husht don gaisht du der grebs-gong. Won en yunger mon de tswae socha hut don is ken limit tsu wos are gevva con. Won du nows Shtardt un du doosht’s recht hond warrick choosa don bisht du oll recht, won net bisht du oll recht, won net bisht du sheer olsfart oll lets. Doh is woo gooter farshtond ni comed. Won du derno in bisniss bisht si arlich un ucrichtich, En friar ga- wissa is feel wardt. Nem ken geld os du net arlich fardeenel husht. farhondel net di arlichkeit uff geld. Du mawksht en ugarechter dawler tsu decka mit arlich geld so deef os du wid, are woxed dor- rich ruff we en welshkarn shtuck. Farluss ken freind im fire. Holdt dich net uff mit shlechte coompany Broveer net yader ebber tsu bleesa awver do wos recht is un geb ocht uff dich selver. En mon os recht doot greeked olsfart find, wile dale leit woo schlecht sin usht so leit gleicha woo schlechta socha mit ena doona. Won deeb, un rawver, un lingner, dere socha noach saw. ga far suspicion fun sich selver shmissa, labe so os nemond es fun dere glawbed. Du consht net ex- pecta dorrich de weldt cooma oona opposition, un won du ken opposi- tion meeta daidsht don daidst du aw ken divel wardt wara. Opposi- tion is wos en mon ine fire doot un weist was far quality fun guld os are is, Si net far-shrucka waega. Se sin we dreck. Se shtecka tsu deim glaed bis se drooka sin un derno folla se ob fun sich selver. En recht-shoffich- er mon is monich mohl es besht ga-kent by da find woo are hut. Do net tzarrafa bis du es nimmy helfa consht, un derno gae druff lose we en bull uff en hoy-shtuck. iDer Martin Ludder hut g'sawt: “Shtart frish uff, mauchs mowl uff, hare boll uff,” un luss mich dere sawga der oldt Ludder hut en ordlicher levler kup g’hot. Der g’sheitsht gebt olsfart arsht uff. Shoff net Soondawgs, gammel net. si olsfart uff ga-lebt, holdt dich fun shlechta weipsleit. Mauch oll’s feld os du consht arlicher-wise un safe oll os du consht oona geitz. Geb tsu goote sorha mitera fria hond un unershtitz karrish un Soondawg-shool. Helf da orma, awfer luss neemond es ousfinna, holdt en fri hartz un en weise hond un du finsht ous os des de besht weldt is os du in dime laeva drin worsht un dos der himmel net wide ob is won du de weldt farlusht, SILVER SPRING a — (Too late for last week) The pipe line men are busy tak- ing up the pipes. Mr. Reginal Leifried and Miss Grace Brandt spent Saturday even- ing at Lancaster. Mr. Monroe Waser and family spent Sunday evening with John Gibble and family. Messrs. John Stively and Wm. Smuck are working with the pipe line men ‘at present. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Waser, of Manheim, spent Sunday afternoon with John Waser and family. Waser and Gibble have receiv- ed a carload of fertilizer, dairy feed and a carload of nut coal. Mrs. Jacob Heisey and children Martha and Mahlon, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. John Gibble. Mr. Monroe Waser and family spent Saturday evening at Eliza- bethtown with John Brandt and family. Mr. John Gibble and son, Junior, and Miss. Mamie Kile spent Sunday morning at Lancaster, visiting Mrs. Amanda Hershey. Mrs. Clayton Diffenderfer and two sons spent Saturday after- noon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Waser. Mr. and Mrs. Osmand Little and daughter, of Lancaster, spent Sun- day with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Little. Charles Mumma, Nelson and Romaine Stively are their Easter vacation at the Stively having pre- sent time from high school. Mr. John Gibble and two sons and Grandma Gibble attended the funeral of Christian Horst on Sun day afternoon, held at the Green Tree church. For Sale in Florin A fine home with all convenienec- es, such as light, heat and bath. Property is in excellent condition and nicely located. Possession April 1st. This is a corner pro- perty on Mt. Joy twp. side. Price, $5,660.00. Call or phone Jno. E. Schroll, 41R2, Mt. Joy tf —— A Very Good Home. Any one wanting a very well built home in a good community should see this. A 64 ft. lot with an 8-room house, has all conven- iences, open lawn and property is in good shape. Possession now and pay April 1st. See J. E. Sheroll, Mt. Joy, Phone 41R2. tf Ee Qur classified ads bring results. The Mt: Joy Bulletin costs only $1.50 per year. Our classified ads bring results, Buick Controlla- ble Beam Headlights make night driving a pleasure. Bright licht all the time, with steering wheel control. Come in some eve- ning and take a ride. BUICK MOTOR COMPANY Division of General Motors Corporation FLINT, MICHIGAN S. J. ULRICH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA, First Mortgage SAFE INVESTMENT I i 0.1. Mer & G0. ! lo . . . Why risk a loss in order to make a profit? “Paper Profits’”’ are so of- ten “Pocket Losses”. In all the vears of business history no one of the thousands of Miller customers has ever suffered a loss. All have made profits. Miller bonds offer safety with interest up to 7%. No market fluctuations. Every day vour dollar is worth 100 cents, plus a good interest. Represented by Quintin O. Reitzel SALUNGA, PENNA. Phone: Landisville 33M Save Your Old Roofs Royal Asbestos Roofcoating Will make your Tin, Paper Metal and Slag roof Water and Rust-proof, after we have covered your roofs under absolutely strict guarantee. Made Right—Price Right—All Right Miller Bros. Slate Roofers MOUNT JOY, PA. mar. 17-6t Cold in the Head and La Gripp Always take Doctor Grosse’s Cold in the Head Remedy. For sale at Chandler's West Main Street MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Sunday Hours: 5 to 7 P. M. Drug Store Let us fashion your shingle—we know how. MILADY PAGE SEVEN Convinee Yourself Today--- that it Pays to Buy all your Table Needs in your nearest ASCO Store— Where Your Money Goes Furthest for Quality Foodstuffs! Best Pure Lard Quality the finest. * 17¢ Specially priced for this week. * 27c 2 1 50¢ Makes a most delicious breakfast dish as well as a dessert. ASCO Evap. Milk 0 2 tall cans 19c¢ Richer and more economical than fresh milk. Quaker or Gold Seal ROLLED OATS pkg 8 Cc Further proof that in our Stores Your Money Goes Furthest. 2" == 25¢c A Real Breakfast treat. hE A a a a hh Extra Quality Lake County California Evaporated BARTLETT PEARS Regular 15¢ Fancy CALIF. SARDINES Try them served Hot on Toast. A TREAT FOR TEA LOVERS! ASCO TEAS Plain Black or Mixed 1-4 1b pkg 14c : 1b 55¢ Orange Pekoe, India Ceylon, Old Country Style 1-4 1b pkg 17¢ : 1b 65¢ Pride of Killarney Tea .1-4 1b pkg 19¢ : Ib tin 75¢ w=15c No trouble—just heat and serve. 6 Delicious Cooked SWEET POTATOES Regular price, 18ec. N. B. C. Cake Junior Nabisco Wafers Zu Zu Ginger Snaps pkgs Chocolate, Lemon and Vanilla Snaps 25 C 3" 25¢ Serve it Creamed and Frizzled. Cheese Pangs | | J Specials Regular 10c ASCO SLICED DRIED BEEF Sliced as you like it. Our Bread is made of the purest ingredients and baked with the utmost care in our own Sunshine bakeries, by master bakers who take a pride in their art. Pan Loaf 1c VICTOR BREAD BREAD SUPREME Bis Wrapped Loaf 10c VICTOR RAISIN BREAD ...... loaf 10c GOLD SEAL FLOUR 12 Ib bag 69c ASCO Baking Powder... 1b can 20c Quality Fruits and Vegetables! ASCO California Peaches .big can 27c Reg. 10c Del Monte Sliced Peaches tall can 15¢ Kirkman’s ASCO Royal Anne Cherries ..can 23c Fancy California Peaches ..can 23c SOAP ASCO Golden Bantam Corn ..can 15c CHIPS 3 we 250 Buy and Save Teddy Bear Sweet Corn ...can 12%c Choice Early June Peas ..2 cans 19¢ ASCO Fancy Sweet Peas ....can 18c ASCO Small Sifted Peas ..... can 25c¢ Red Ripe Tomatoes ....big can Choice Ripe Tomatoes ....3 cans 25c¢ 55¢ Quality—Why Pay More? ASCO COFFEE " 44c Buy a pound today—you’ll not only taste the difference but save the difference! Are You Trading Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest? These Prices Efiective in Our MOUNT JOY Store ES SQ SPN =~ Ie hy WN ‘ Nh \ Ww i) Years ago) praft> Buttermilk Baby Chick Food revolutionized and made chick raising safer, surer and easier. The original “baby food for baby chicks” —Pratts—is correctly balanced, mechanically pre- digested, appetizing, sweet, pure. It makes chicks live and grow. : After starting them right, keep up their health and growth by feeding PRATTS BUTTER- MILK GROWING MASH. Gives quickest, most uniform and profitable growth. Eve Pratt Product— Feed, Regulator Lice Killer, Disintectant or Remedy—is sold under this squate-deal guarantee— "Jy, “Your Money Back If You Are NotSatisfied” ly g D. ROY MOOSE a. Florin, Bisse 78 / OF SERVICE