PAGE SIX MICKIE, THE PRINTERS Je FAMOUS AFFINITIES NOT7482 D PINK STockinGS BE GOING HOME = “TH' FAMILY 1S Al 7 STEPPING OUT TOGETHER. TOMIGHT= MOTHER HAS HAD HER HAIR- BOBBED AND SHE WANTS TO SHOW OFF, BLESS HER ! iw DEVIL - == = — = eo x LTE qe SEASON WITH A NEW FLA Za DAUGHTER \8 RUSHING SPRING SUIT WHICH DOES NOY QUITE COVER. HER PINK-STOCKINGED KNEES \ WHILE SON WiLL 88 = =>; A “TW GYNOSURE OF 27 cL” ALL EVES IN “THOSE 7 BIG FLOPPY BALLOOM 7 PANTS = “OXFORD V2 BAGS" | BELIEVE HE CAUS THEM N ME — —— NES a 5 WELL, |F | EXPECT ANYBODY 7 TO NOTICE ME, I'L HAVE SO GET A COWBELL AND HANG \Y 'ROUND MY NECK Inconspicuous Papa = ZZ THERE'LL BE A HOT TIME ! IN THE OLD HOUSE TO NIGHT APPY is the furnace the Heat Folks coming down the And it should be! For it knows its scolding days re over. No more pains in its grate. No more viclpus shaking by the firetkkeeper. No more poking and choking. A fur- nace will sing like a teakettle whep it has the Heat Folks romping about. Have harmopy in your cellar with the Heat Folks in the bin. Call the \ WE For Good, Clean Coal iRiver Road Gets Quite a Boost (From Page One) matter of a survey of the road by the State Highway Department. War He stated that the committee had | “5 a conference with the County Com- missioners who were co- operate at any time. Senator Homsher, who ardent worker for the bill at the last session of the Leg- | co) islature, which provides the State! © shall take over and control the river road, delivered an interesting address. He dwelt on the subject of road building in the State but laid particular stress on Lancaster county. He referred to the road from Manheim to Hull’s Inn. This road was taken over by the State in 1911, but it was not recon- structed and made a permanent highway until 1925. He said it is impossible to build primary roads in all sections of the State at|g, | | | fame. was James Murry, others, not SS SS SS SS SS SA SS RSS RASS NARA RSNA RA RS During the course of the meeting it was stated that there is $800,- 000 available for road construction SE SARE NESE NESE PEATE EERE IE FETE RET, ° : the Susquehanna River to Marietta | Jemina, went with her husband to > 3k : anie 0 ge iu thence over the recently constru Wai 4 I J h H 2 of 1 O | Pennsylvania in this branch of ser- 1e 3 el he recent! construct- | ar . Jose nry an- | vie ag. 4 3 3 : . ed road proposed " : ¢ ie Re 8 Shin : ep en of n= ice, indeed it did in every Bed Toot proj d on- | caster{ then seventeen years old, branch outside of the city of | FLORIN, PENNA. 5 crete 1) Chicques Hil A also in the company and he Philadelphia { route to ( and thence | a full ace 2 this! NG ot a Joate fo. Colum} ind the nce lwrote up a ull account of thi No one will be put to anv mon Phone 151R4 Mt. Joy Exchang A ue 2 the river to the lowe end lec and bitter march agaist | ied expense in this connection, and ht | OT ashing ere 1 will | Quebec al 1eCt hn, an { 1 x Tiley t+ awit] {> ie SANE : y teamsters or - tl that enter the | resis es ; \ | con wit ) illers- | Conserning Jemina Warner, he le with yropertv will be RASA SARS | ville, to to the {tells usthat she was beautiful, and re hi : 4 incol | AR bdo bd hardy ye Li £ 0 vhile ( enon oog DE re _— — Lincoln would not {that her husband could not keep up | either in TLancaster or in the Bor ECE TIE TET TE FETE TE TE TET TE TE TET TE TE ors hrs rs rss wg only be tourists, but |with, the march, lagged behind and | events in the third ef Peo Dope te yaad 2 is ely De i A 5 In the d eof July and the tit would sen | became very sick S f y tor: : 8 I woul 3 ) ee jj very ick. His wile re entering the celebration at home # | Harrisburg el six | ‘mained with him alone several | on the third need not interfere | i i he by | ( S, urging. him to march for. | with taking part in Lancaster on Bs 16 Middleto 1 1 the but all in vain for he be-|the fifth a shurg utomobile h ontinually aker OF) i i 0 papi 2 Rabie Clul the | ! ct weaker. For a The committee ‘is composed of A San Frome ile lub and fx d, she placed him reclining | D. F. Magee, Lancaster, 1. as Keystone Motor lub, of Phil Y a » tree, where he died | Chairman, d George W. Hensel « inhi | vo opr ! am | : 3 | ac gp Mia. : jin ywwember. She then shouldered | Jr., Qu ville, Wm. D. Schneit- 3» 5 tequests have been made of the |his arms and ammunition, and | man, Elizabethtown, and Pierce 3B Gompsissioners _ofv Lancaster and | along the line where the soldiers | Lesher, Adamstown a 1 ounties . ‘ . ‘ 7 mare | : 5 D po nties for a survey of jot the company “had marc hed, and Any one who can help the com- § | De road by the State Highway | Where several of them died of cold | mittee, either by offering some- ) ar » « . > £ starve are 3 2 YT = 2 {By Pp ho nt. and it is expected and starvation, marched on alone | thing of their own, or giving in- 3 That als gs ev Tal be made be- bi ( anada. and. in December, | formation as any person whom >. : v ha a Renta +11 this “wi ; . . va Top uv tl > Rt 4d une St, when the State will [this “w idow of poor James Warn- | they know has some or some part A ake over the road. Plans have |e? reached Quebec , bearing her |of the things set forth above wil Rn Fads been drawn and approved | husband’s rifle, powder-horn and confer a great favor on the cele or « doe ror Chickioc > 5 ‘ ar as 3 » pin 2 ORCIELS over Chickies pou h. She appeared fresh and |" “tion management by dropping onegs reeks Ww I "OSV as ever | . Th = : i s, which will |T¢ 7 Ta letter to D. F. Magee, Lancas- X ne dangerous covered | M ge Henry adds, The story | ‘er, Pa., or by personal interview | ages 7 3 Mrs. Je ‘ yp lpr . : . Fh ROW In use. : |o Ed rs. Je mina Warner told, was th any one of the above named 2 ter reports of Zone commit [extremely affecting and may be | mmittee. . an ees wer receiv » Associati wor ing as it is--a sam | The importance of correct fulgniture and furnishing : Ore Tecelved ‘the Association oh Tementbering us it Isa sam | g adjourned to meet in a few weeks Ple of the whole of our distress | in the modern home cannot over emphasized, to hear further reports. and intolerable dirasters.” RHEEMS if you wish to entertain your fr¥gnds in a manner |; Joe Boe k of James Wariey i —_—rr t exactly known; bt » was : : : n he was ¢ | Snbserihe for the Mt Jovy Bulletin that will do yourself and your credit. Twp. Responsible PETERS REARS TARE RATA RATS SSN — Reviewing the Revolutionary War and take part in the Revolutionary The letter states that money would be At this same time, one of most efficient units of the war was 3% 'the Fourth Battalion Omnibus | oy Militia under command James Burd, of that part of county now Dauphin 1 It was made up of nine companies; those of Captains James Richard Manning, Jno. Reed, James given. Capt. Diebler. Murry’s and Friedley’s ies took part in Trenton and Princeton; Reed's, in the battles about Philadelphia and part of Andrew Deibler’s number of the soldiers were wound- ed at Amboy, N. J. March 25 and 27, Sheerer’s com- resident of Celebrating the Sesqui-Centennial (From page one) 4. As many Old Kentucky rifles op Continenial muskets as can be ad. 5. Any swords, pistols or small arms, belts, holsters or accompany- ing equipment for sale as can be found. 6. Knap sacks, saddle bags, cook ing equipment as used in camps, fire flints. etc. 7. Old cannon of that mounted or dismounted. 8. Any other object or thing that was used in the fighting, transpor- tation or camp outfit of the olden days that any one may know of will be most welcome. We take it for granted that any citizen who has preserved such mementos up to this time will be patriotic enough to allow their use and display in the coming big celebration and will take pride in having them used on this great oc- (From Page One) forwarded to pay for the the of Lancaster of county. y period, Goutch, Cowden, James Sheerer, Jacob Friedly and two whose captains’ names were Another was under compan- the battles of was once, but he urged the continuance captured at Long Island. Sheer- Sus road constructed as a necessity. Spring and summer of 1776 and SY Core os best of shape. Furthermore, if any one should have any material of this kind and in Lancaster county, for secondary was passed before the local : A : ag a a 5 1 roads. But it has been deemed |Committee of Observation, the lo- 5 1 | WY by advisable to urge the construction |ecal War Board and mustered in. ih itr to br hk 1 p £ lv ae. of en pu : : portunity to bring the knowledge o only primary p The others had made prior return. | f it to the public and the com- roads. Lancaster County’s Mollie Pitcher | would lend its aid to find A number of others who were| James Warner, of Lancaster Co. 2 0, md ing a purchaser. present expressed their opinions onlwas a private in Capt. Matthew As io the f wz . road construction in general and|Smith’s Company in its hazardous team: of Nors ae Wagons Se the river road in particular and itltrip from Boston through ' the |is trusted th 2 nt e pare 5 | was the consensus of opinion that! Maine and Canadian wilderness to edito have 2 Be wi 1 Deny the Association continue its efforts jattack Quebec, in the fall and win-| ape Sark od 1 2 ne = | toward the reconstruction of the [ter of 1775—half a hundred other | ing thoir bit to hol Xe tons we river read, This road, as proposed | Lancaster county boys were in the | showing that Lansaster i) con y star . \ ; v | compe , ay Tar Ja 1 . aR host a will start at Middletown, follow |company. James Warner's wife | tributed move than any county in our county of TLancas- | \ . . x ancas Church of the 3rethren held reg- The best way to insure proper furnitlige is to come ter, as it then was. in evening servi prop aq 9 a timates that he was his fellow | .. ye ices, gt Bisons here to make your selections. or Pu ile Ti t townsman. t Sunday with a large attend- pi OS UITION]| Knowing this incident, we need re > not longer ask ourselves whet! and Mrs. George W, Swartz, : ¢ urs 1othe : a there is sufficient in Torin f Harrisburg, spent last Sunday (From Pace On 3 , aT “at the home of Mr. : hE i Bulloti ( m Psoe One) county’s part in. Amedican the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd } etin for ing 1: 1Ce 1 1*vhy y H C BR ] J bulletm Tor an opinion on this}pendence *o make it worth whi Ad Murphy: ob Bheents, ° ‘o » Yi wi % | matter ind in reply we publish alto celeb the 150th anniversa I+. and Mrs, Jacob Horst, of | let from County Superinten- |of the event Snhivens ar Mount Joy, spent last Sunday . N | A. P Mvli vhich th ; { Ty a HH the nO > ££ Nv . 2 1 West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. AP. Mylin, which fully ¢ H. FRANK ESHLEMAN the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe we e uestion. Pro Ee Zer f Rheems. KY : \ hn ; : More Truth Than Poetry 0 19, 192 “FORGETTING 2s FORGETTING eis. spent . i 1, By ¥. ’ 1 0 ¢ T iy . A! OSTER TEA y ‘ E } ( P Replyin 1 : oe town Pennsy ( ne < 1 } { the ( ) I : I y 1 Leader eariess and T f ; I ( in a i ai Head #4 he ( Restanr: : GOSK]TT € I . wwenit 1 od 1 { I I Pound for h se 2 burned in furna ors : trial will prove the truth of our statement " y Don 1 { \ G i . 7 > } + ob nr $Y 9 ie 4 | | Mr. | SMOKED 5 the lowir i ol ae ia Poe “Curious, Capt } eral of Mildred F. FT | Th er : an, aged 9, daughter of ina —"Seeking and Sav | N nd Mrs. John 'E, Eshleman was | bn Puss Ss : Army ex! Community Sale Pheld at the Rheems church, Mon- i n Passion week, subjects will | 4 e next Community Sale a day afternoon with a large at- follow the course of events as it Florin Hall will be held on Sat. | tendance. The pupils of the Yoint Lifts took place in. Our Lord’s aH ay, Abr. 3. at 6 o'clock P. M. school, where (Mildred was a fav- a e. Services begin at 7:30 ey will sell live stock, imple. attended in a : 5 ents, household goods. ete. Don’t | P0dY With ir teacher, Miss Esh- Come. You are welcome. orget the time and place. leman, of bethtown Phone 1 G-10-35 Buick’s “Triple Seal” air cleanér, oil line filter) keeps dirt ° and gtiit out of the|fa- mous Buick Valveilin- Head enging. It reducep en- zine wear, loosendss | and viljra- | tion tolthe | absolutg | minimum. BUICK MOTdR CO. Division of General Motors FLINT, MICHIGAN S. J. ULRICH ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. A. Kessler 4.6 East Main Street MOUNT JOY E. 3 Clams | and personal property: | HALF STORY FRAME ! age and other outbuildings THE OLDEST HAT STORE LANCASTER Only $5.00 Niagara Fall Sunday, April 1 SPECIAL TRAIN Saturday Evening, April Leave Lancaster 8:35 Mount Joy 8:57 P. M.;& bethtown 9:09 F. V town 9:21 P. M.; 9:55 P. M. Sunday, April Ar. Niagara Falls (New Central) 7:45 A. M. Returning, leavé Niagara Falls (New Yor Central) 4:05 P. M. 3:00 P. M.; Tickets on preceding excursigh. tickets will be lifhi pacity of equipmg Pennsylvahi The Standard Ri Ww days PUBLIC SALE —=Of— Real SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1926§ The undersigned Administrator @f the late Edwin W. Longenecker, ceased, will sell at public sale on premises on road leading from § Joy to Union Square, near Hoss Church, the following real eg: TWO AND ONE-HALF ACR FARM LAND With a ONE AND ONE- DWELLING HOUSE, Gar- ff There is an abundance of £55 on the premises, apples, peas, grapes, ete. Household Go Two beds, tables, coo waterback, parlor stov dresser, rocker, sink, j fork, washing macl incubator and tomobile tires and kettle, crates, cul row, wire fencingfand wire combin- ation wheelhoe nd planter, feed chest, sleigh, buggy, split wood, lo- cust posts, shoygels and many other articles not mghti Sale to commence af one o’clock, when terms willl be made known by MARTHA M. LONGENECKER H. M. Lehn Auct. Administrator. W. Ensmirfger, Clk. mar 24-1t EASTER FLOWERS FOR SALE In the ksecker Building Main Street, Mt. Joy, Pa. S$ stove with , washstands, "on ladles and 1e, sandstone, r; lumber, au- iron vator, wheelbar- on Wes | Thursd Friday April A VARIETY OF Consistin? HYACINTHS, TULIRS, DAFFO- DILS, LILIES Others Ev'g., April 1, d Saturday and 3 TTED PLANTS of and AT ALL TIMES feb. 1 YOUR SUGAR-CURED MS FOR EASTER THE CAI LARD BY C. F. GREIDER 29R31 Milton Grove, nay mar. 10-37 KRALL 3 Lf i. ki. J! I always have oWghand anything in the Ii MEATS, BEEF, BOLOGNA, Also Fresh Beef, Veal P Krall’s Meat Mar West Main St., Prices Reasonalfe Come and See our play Calvin Krame mary 24-1t Your Old Roofs a 2... Je Lae LX DO Slate Roofers MOUNT JOY, PA. : mar. 1 746t BOBBING INGLING * Estate and Household Goods] oe _@ (LB [ ) ® 3 4 wi J 3