WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1928 { THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA." vy 7 PAGE FIVE | SATURDAY, I HAVE HEREWITH MADE A NUMBER OF THAT ARE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. THEY CANNOT BE EQUALED NEAR THE PRICE. DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVAN- TAGE OF AN OPPOR [UNITY SUCH AS THIS. ANYWHERE AT OO OT Grotery Specials At Big Savings OVERALLS ’s 220 weight Denim, well You can’t buy any better at this price. Saturday only ........ cake the following Lb. can Ideal%Cocoa...... 14-1b cake Ideal Chocolate. 3 cans Campbell 40-0z. sack Corn ARR ria I MEN’S & BOYS’ OXFORDS Clearance values up to Saturday only, per doe Da Regular Retail Value Mercerized and the 14-1b. Lisle Stockings. Chocolate free MARCH SE 1 $ COMBINATIONS 11 OE 00 TE Dry Go Goods 2° FREE s Four yards 32-in. Dress Gir Gingham, good qual- deal Chocolate with 4 iy, 2 assorted patterns. Five yards i . = 25-in. Assorted Apron Gingham. The assortment: Bi. ini 40c 4 above assortment, Saturday only .. 20c § Beans... 30c zm 40-in. Unbleached Muslin. Excellent gal..... 15c¢ a quality, closely woven, fine thread. Saturday only, 8 yards for $1.05 ‘$1 White, Srey, Biege and./Peach. , and 10, for the Tow price. Saturday only, 4 pairs for Seen ANOTHER GOOD UNEQUALED BARGAIN Lb. can 1deal Cocoa: ...... 1%4-1b. cake Ideal Chocolate 20c 1 pkg. Ideal Candy Batons. Cow Boy Brand Fancy Early . Saturday only, Retail Value the above as- Saturday Double Cut 2 can Corn. Crushed No. Saturday only : yo 0. 21% can Silver Dale 's. Saturday only, Run Crushed A an old re- Brand Sliced Pineapples. iy. 10 cans iE, Saturday only, - = = " - nu = a a = = » = = ALWAYS RELIABLE assortment fi 29c¢ value 32-in. Fast Color Dress cake o 1 Ginghams. Assorted patterns. Sat- 1 2 urday only, 4 yards for Cen ha, 27-in. Fine Quality, Good Weight White Outing Flannel. Saturday only, 1 40c Styards for... 0... Bs oni aie 10c = > . ® %59c « Heavy Bleached 81-in. wide 8 Shceting. Saturday only, 2 700 § Noe Ra for. i... aah Se Re a. om 3 " : $1 5 $1.25 5X0 $1.50 Ladies’ Gingham and a Percaleflouse Dresses and Bungalow 1 a Aprons. ‘Qaturday only, each ...... = Fe Saad = Six large St. Cups and Saucers 3 and Six Crackled Sherbets. Saturday Hillsdale 5 enly Ny el vam aA = We will sell a Dozen of either kind at the cans. #@ same price. h 2] Ee D. Roy Moris Dept. FLORIN, PENNA. SATISFACTION Store GUARANTEED Hosiery Full Fashiomkd, Fast Color and CLARENCE Seog: MOUNT JOY, PA. Gi Th LUMBER - COAL _ nest quality pure A Hose are extra- woven from the silk thread. ordinary values Nightingale Hose '...... Re + ice $1.00 Miller Full Fashioned Get It At BOOTHS Wednesday, Mar Elwood P. Roberts Fire Caused by Lightning That fires kindled by lightning can- | not he put out with water is an old ! myth without foundation in fact. Fire started by lightning is just like any ther fire.—Exchange. settles me. py, Table Talk “I have lived in 869 boarding | houses,” says Bill Rigby, “and heard the same thing in every one of them: ou’ll like it the way we cook it.’ "— The Mt. Joy Bulletin costs only $1.50 per year. | For . Announcement Next Week | Of Newcomer and 1d Son Public Sale Sat’day, Apr. § | Time Saver FREAK WEATHER KEEPS TELEPHONE LINES BUSY Persons Seeking Relief From Heat Telep one Anxious In- quiries to Weather Man. According to George S. Bliss, Phila- delphia’s official weather man, average Philadelphian, and from re- ports in other localitics in the State, the average Pennsylvanian, is so inter- ested in weather conditions and in their effect on his nlans for holiday trips and seashore week ends, that the ‘office force of the Weather Bureau is kept busy answering telephone re quests for information. During the recen‘ hot spell, there were around five hundred telephone calls made daily to the Philadelphia Weather Bureau in the DPostoffice Building, said Mr. Bliss. Before holi days and on Thursdays and Fridays in the summer time he found that there was a great increase in‘the number of telephone calls for tins on the weather He also said that there was the same cusiosity throughout the State in gard to when “relief is expected” and that the telephone was called intQ us as the quickest way of obtaining T= information. “The hotter the weather, the mor calls,” said Mr. Bliss. “It gives us a: much satisfaction as the person mak ing the inquiry when we can promise relief.” It is estimated thatethe Philadelphin office handles about 60,000 such calls each year. TELEPHONE IS BUSY WHEN SO REPORTED: o Subscribers if Understood, Says Tele- phone Company. It is claimed by the Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania that tele- | phone users would be better satisfied after once receiving a busy report on a telephone should they wait a few minutes before to reach the same number. ~~ Continued and immediate attempf | | PA | Childhood’s eo Childhood has no forebodings, bug Joy Bulletin costs only then, it is soothed by no memories of | outlived sorrow.—George Eliot. { to obtain a telephone reported bus means continued busy reports and t loss of time to telepho S. Telephone people are of the op that these reports would be materially reduced and the telephone user better satisfied if a reasonable interval is al- lowed before trying to again obtain the : SALUNGA Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Halde- man and daughter, Goldie Jean, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dattisman on Sat- urday. ea fin For 1925 there were seventeen successful candidates for the posi- tion of Foreign Service Officer, among them a young women of nine, the first of her sex o fill a consular position. She is Mish Pattie Field, Vice-Consul, at Amsterdam. Four nations lost 376 men on submarines since the World War ended. Of this number Great Bri- tain lost 154, Japan 134, Italy 50, and the United States 38. ee The oboe is used for testing the acoustic properties of halls in some places in. Europe. Classified Column RATES: Five cents per line each insertion. No ads inserted under 20 cents per week. FOR Ap- ply 317 p itchen range. White Leghorn Pu laying condition. R21, Mt. Joy. FOR SALE CHEAP-—Colonnade new, also electric light dome. H. Reist, Mt. Joy. Pa. dt NOTICE—I. do all kinds of haul- ing. Apply Jno. Ebersole, North Barbara St., Mt. Joy. mar 17-2t-pd ednesday, March 24—On "the gnegal St., Joy, household 200ds by EL P. Roberts. Frank, auct. pret Mt. wood NOTIC E —Will Toard two gentle- men. Apply 24 W. Donegal St., M d ak “ot FOR “SALE Corncobs. Apply Alvin’ Reist, 12913, Mt. Joy. _ LOST--A Pocket book contain- ing two keys and other papers. Finder please return to this office and receive $1.00 reward, mar 17-1t-pd REN hnd Poul- try Farm es, near Reich’s Church, be, frame stable, poultry hou ft. long. TELEPHONE os SEND THE WAGON A COLLECT CALL —Telephone Nets Capacious Tub Kennebec Journal—*“He returned | from Bangor and passed t week-end in bath with his family.”— Boston Transeript A Had He Mentioned It? 000.000 negroes in South Africa, count- The Ananias Club—“I've had a cold { for three weeks and not a single per Son has told me a sure cure | i he —Cit it Bnanirer mtr eel : { African Negroes There are said to be more than 10, Bushmen, Kaflirs ng | Diffenderfer. and 4-Day Tour Personal y-Conducted OSTON & APRIL 2nd to 5th $448 rom Mt. Joy round-trip transporta- at Br oad S 8 on the going on the Fall sach direction, Fare i tion, tion, meals 2 Line steamer i seeing at Bostol luncheon at New accommodations in Leave MT. JOY ... Apply to Ticket Ae leaflets giving complet® tour. River sight for special details of August 19 PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO. # number once reported busy. Apply to J. Harry Mills Mount Operators, knowing that a busy re- | jov 3 Joy. Feo tf port means continued calls until the connection is made, do not : busy unless they are actually in use. a fa Donegal hy . Cc ILL WITNESS TESTIFIES nar A NO BY MEANS OF TELEPHCNE ROL YUSE : lady who An innovation was introduced in house-keeper in | she -ayette County Court that sits young man can in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, re dress ing “House-Kee | cently when one of the witnesses Bulletin, Mt. Joy. ; te | in a traffic case was permitted to : give te nony over the telephone. 0 Fon 3 | State Richard Parton, :rincipal wit- ertified Son od Pos Phone 149 Tar ith. had || B18; Harry Leedom, ness for the Commonwealth, hac id 5.3 just returne me from the Union- ar 3-3t town IH and was unable to WANTED-—Man to WOM on attend the trial. He was called to farm, near Salunga, by the year. the telephone, the oath adminis- Apply Jno. J. Hamilton Jr, R2, tered and his testimony was trans. | | Manheim, Pa. Mar. 3-2t-pd mitted by wire and recorded by the A - : i Court Stenogranher. tow Farm in Rapho ownship, exce al bargain for right party. Apply ae. Lizzie Shearer, R Manheim. 9 Oo, a Mar. 3 2 MOVINGS —Any person who will have a flitting this spring will do well to see me about hauling. Can furnish large or small truck. Price | ie, John. L. Schroll, Mt. Joy St., Mt Joy. Phone 38R5. mar. 17-2t NOTICE—I will buy Rabbits Guinea Pigs. Write for my prices. Irvin H. Ginder, R. D. Mount Joy. mar. 10-3t-pd and wish to inform my have again accepted oyer’s, Mount pleased P, friends a position Joy, Pa., to a where serve you as before. mar. SALE. A Co Columbian “Chal lenge Gas and Coal ¢om- bination, wi ing closet, in good condition. le. 1Ap- ply to Joseph Bundle al Springs street, Mt. Joy. yo £ mar, The: » TO ALL—Mr. err family wishes to thank ev ry- that assisted durine the fi e. ar 10-14 pd NTED—A Housekeeper oF 4 ©. Youhg woman from ied. Good home a “‘M, C7, THANKS and body family the country 1 for right person. } care of Bulletin office, FOR SAL ives, -Ten “Hives Bees iin Some surplus stoek look them over. John G. for hives. . C. C. Keiser, Engle Estate, Execu M: mtr. 17-tf 2 aturday, ers, = Mar. 27—Near Hoss- on road leading from Mt. Joy to © Square, real es- tate and honse M: artha W. I, ongenecker, /in Longenecker, deceased, FOR SA 1922 Model, A } Radiator, new Batte Demountable Rims, Pai good. Price $175. 00 C. Executor for John G. Engle Maytown, Pa. ne Ford Coupe, condition; new elf -Starter, WANTED—A Married Man with Wino experience to operate de: liver¥™speutes about Mt. Joy, Eliza- { bethtown; orin, Columbia and + vicinity. and commission paid. Write or to Imperial Tea Co, 205 Har 17-2¢ risburg, Pa. h