The Mount Joy Bulletin & XXV NO. 36 Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, Feb 3, 1926 $1.50 a Year in Advance If You Want Boro Council Met On Monday MAKE ALL TURNS ON GREEN SIGNAL—DR. W. D. CHAND- LER RE-APPOINTED TO BOARD OF HEALTH Our Boro Dads, five of them, and Burgess Engle, met in regular monthly session Monday evening wita the following present: Chair- man Geo. B. Zeller, S. H. Miller, H. F. Hawthorne, Jno. L. Murphy ard Jos. C. Witmer. . Friendship Fire Company, thre a communication, asked for an ap- propriation of $100, owing to a deficiency in their treasury. Action on same was deferred for a month. A communication was -Teceived from Mr. Chas.” Derr, Fhe does the majority of the boro’s hauling for is paid $1. 00 per hour, truck hire. Mr. Derr claims that the compensation is too low and asked that it be increased to per hour. His request granted. Report of Burgess Burgess Engle reported collected $5.00 license money ing January. He also read a munication from Walter S. sole Pest No. 185, American gi granting council the sien to erect a memorial in or of our soldiers on its grounds. Same was accepted. Stree! Committee Mr. S. H bad spots on the streets the town and that the would repair same. Water Committee H. F Hawthorne purchased coal (Turn to page 4.) dur- com Eber- Le- mn n, thruout Mr. having for the OUR SCHOOL BOARD IN MONTHLY SESSION The School Board met in regu- session on Monday evenng with members except Hon. T. J. wn Sr. who attending the ‘ecs’en of Leg slature iro. ng ported pnpils ar all Bro the Grover C. forty- oC. of the oiv- principal hundred attending engaged Dr. superin‘endent, for be fis live deputy Harrisburg, as the Commencement prog yout Mav 28th. Vm Flahar'y, dutv on account of science teach- off sick- committee reported the new building to b progressing nicelv, Bo then SECOND TRIP EAST IN PAST EIGHTEEN YEARS i ine school very adjourned. for ner resident: of but “who for the st eighteen years id been farming in lew, Iowa, visited his cousins, Clovd and Paul Tressler and Mrs. W. Smith, of Middletown. He visiting at the home of Mr. Samuel Tressler, in East township. This is his d trip east in 18 years. aud Mrs. Cloyd Tressler, on their wedding trip to West, visited at the Stokes’ Roy Stok Perry coun a while the . home. —_——— a Should Do That Here Any telephone subscriber in Eng- land who so wishes may rrange to be called at any hour by telephone operator. All the seriber has to do is to ring up exchunge overnight and "ask to called at such-and-such a time in the morning. At the appointed hour his beli will be ringing and ccntinue to do until the subscriber answers, ng his set sO \ Sentences Imposed Bohn, of near guilty man named Neff to a 20 on Jarry Laskewitz, 1t of this boro. He was 4 and the costs and sent for six months. Bohn was intoxicated when he com- mitted the forgery and knew noth- ing about it. 4 © town, a a fin- Letters Granted T. Brandt, Lancaster, of Susanna G. andt, Donegal township. H. Henry, Rapho township, of Miranda B. Ruhl, B. tor Eas’ Ellis administrator late of Rapho township. Joseph B. Ginder. Mount Joy tow nship and Henry T. Frey, Mount- ville, executors of Elizabeth Ginder, late of Rapho township. — et execu- late of When to Buy Chicks vou have a single purebred which has been culled out fhe year so that the best e producing birds are left for I it is advisable to hatch your own chicks. If these conditions do not exist, buying: chicks from a reliable breeder or hatchery If breed ers, sue ).000 in Authority to unt $58,0¢( } . to finance the $52,000, 000 super- nower proiect near Conowingo, was asked of the Public Service Commis- sion by the Susquehanna Power Company of ————————————— Granted a Divorce James B. Baughman, of this place. wae oranted a divorce in Court last Wednesday morning from his wife, Olive N. Baughman, of Marietta; on the grounds of desertion. Was Given Three Months David Kreider, of Marietta, must three months in jail and pay a fine of $100 for violating the licuor laws. He was convicted in the last term of Court. serve a Successiul Spring Sale, Get Your Printing Done at The Bulletin Office--Nuf Sed FARMERS ARE TOLD OF MANY FRUIT PESTS B. F.. MacLeod, of the State ‘ollege Extension Service, gave an interesting talk to 30 members of che Lancaster County Fruit Grow- rs Assoctalion” on Saturday ®in. the Farm Bureau Rooms, at Lancaster, on the destructive red spider, which 1as been doing considerable .dam- age to Lancaster receqt Various remedies weve and recommended, chief was a combination spray of pre- pared oil and lime-sulphur. Other lights and insects were discussed by MacLeod, who is an expert in his line. H. M. Hostetter discussed of which gave a short talk on the current prices of various spravs, ferilizers and fruit baskets. The meeting was presided over by 8S. 8S. Kraybill, Mt. Joy, presi- dent of the organization. M. A. Moore, secretary, led in the discus- sion after the addresses. ss a AE was | having | permis- | hon- | Miller reported a few | x Supervisor | married i | stein, reported | rece the | sub- | be | | ed | various to forging the name | check to | aid Young Folks Are Joined in | ope: { NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN | © YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED {IN THE HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY Hostetter—- Eshleman Irvin S. Hostetter, of ° Manheim D. No. 2, and Miss Cora L. hleman, of Landisville, were Saturday evening at 8 bv the Rev. A. S. at his home in East R. o’clock burg. Beamesderfer—Strickler , George S. Beamesderfer and Miss Emma S. Strickler were married Thurséay at ‘he hoine of the bride ‘n Landisvilie. Members of the im- mediate families were present. The bridegroom 1s a building contractor. at East Pete sburg. The couple will thelr home in Landisville make Wolgemuih, son of H. 3] Wolgemuth, Miss \Edna Mill- and Mrs. Sam- Joseph M. and Mrs. this place, and er, daughter Mr. uel Miller, Palmyra, were married Thursday morning at 8 o'clock at ra by the Rev. Risser. ra trip to and other points, they on the Wolgemuth near this place. Mr. { f of Pitts- will a home rm ABDUCTION CHARGES HAVE BEEN WITHDRAWN abduction Sweager, Florin, been withdrawn, «f the Peuce George D. C. Manheim, announced. ‘the wo- man was arrested two weeks ago she toox her daughter, Cath- crne, 9 vears old, from the home of William Ricedorf, of Florin, who had legally adopted the child. The child was an important witness at the irial of George Henderson, who was found guilty in the second last week shooting and degree of killing Charles Sweager, the girl's A charge of Mrs. Minnie against formerly of Justice Danner has nen ‘father. A $170,000 STATE AID FUND DUE COUNTY SCHOOLS Schools of Lancaster county will ive approximately $170,000 aid from ‘a fund of $5,241,- to be dis‘ricted to fourth class 1 d’striets on February 1, siding to County Superinten- t Arthur P. Mylin. Only county schools will benefit from the fund. Columbia schools are in the third class, and the city ,chools are in the second class. State Treasurer Lewis announc- that a total of $5,241,438 vould be paid out Monday to the districts of the State. EE state Entertained on Sunday and Mrs. Henry M. Hess iined the following guests home on Sunday: Mr. Miller Wolgemuth, ‘Mr. Abram: S. Kreider, Mr. . Christ Malehorn and children, Martha and Willis, Mr. and Ezra Wolgerauth and children, Elizabeth, Clarence and Ezra Mrs. John S Mvers, Anna Mary L. © Miss Viola Mr. Elias Musser, Miss Rhoads, Mr. Jacob na Hersh, FElizabeth, Mary Arlene 1 eR en- Ss at and and and Reed, Faye Paul and > Avoid Freezing Milk Don’t le! ‘he milk and “cream freeze. The creaming ability nilk is injured by freezing and is difficult to get a good test frozen milk. It is also test cream been frozen. Tt makes poo rer +ar. he of the parti TY veigh not it destry tion of rlobules, ne'der ss due + Teo to be of 1 time wages and coal whith is still in the whic they los 31,980.000 could have nines. $14 4 been sold Lost End of Finger Edward Neidig, tenant on Duffy farm, in East Donegal the end of one of his fingers off when caught in the brake ing of automobile. A glove wis wearing was responsible the accident. the had cut lin- he for A Musical Comedy The Junior Class of Mount Jov high school will hold a musical comedy entitled “Polished Pebbles,” “n Mecnday, February 15, and on Wednesday, February 17. { the holidays i general Stoll. | changes, ion Hocten- | Peters- | ‘duties as general manager | of Hawthorne, {HELD BI and | | was Mrs. | | games { freshments | party Shank, Miss An- | | Ethel of | with ! difficult to | which has | but- | | RAPHO TEACHERS C. G. Stoll Takes On Added Duties NATIVE OF THIS BORO GIVEN ANOTHER PROMOTION BY WESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY many friends of Mr. Clar- G. Stoll, a native of this and a son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stoll, will be pleased to learn of his recent promotion. Mr. Stoll has been in the employ of the Western Electric Company for a number of years and is certainly “making good.” The following Havin Microphone, aper published by the ¢Company, at Chicago, Ill: “At the last meéting of the Board of Directors held just before C. G. Stoil, Hawthorne manager, was promoted to manager of manufacturing in charge of all Company manu- faciuring and made a member of wd of Directors. Dodd, formerly Hawthorne superintendent and as- manager at Kearny, ! Gilman as works man- reporting to Mr. The ence boro, John appeared in the a news- Western Works aung ant works cceeds Mr. + at Kearny, these appear | B. As a consequence of three new names the Board of Directors. Odell, C. G. Stoll, and G. the Company’s general A. Salt, now he Graybar Electric J. W. Johnston, retired, and Frank x Ketcham, who has been made | (xecutive vice president the Graybar Electric Company. Mr. Stoll, in addition to 3 S. Pratt, | attorney, president | -Company, of his new of man present mana- ' will retain his Hawthorne ufacturing, ac Works er. Mg=, Stioll’s Company History mos. of our officials, vianager Stoll has position, stern Electric training where his jack i Gen- climbed He be- career on at was "actory months New time T ool De- these head part- L course on Si., he- spent vitehhoard Wiring Engineering training on him promotion to atus Design De in Tn: H take work at ‘re to apparatus design In October of the same i ectically all apparatus ' de- 5 » Tas ncentrated at New York, Stoll head of ue zed organization took © ods Denar ment shops and promoted to the placed as as rer. the En- of three act manufacturing k in fuil char ye in July, 1912. In November of the same year, he sailed for Eu- rope to become shop superintendent of our Antwerp factory. When the World War broke out the Belgian factory was closed and in June, 1915, Mr. Stoll returned t Eu- Yo was of being New ) later ing head branch, to America and took over the ropean Automatic Department here Hawthorne. In March, 1916, became superintendent of the Operating Branch, and in October of that year, he took over the su- r niendency of the Technical ch. He became assistant gen- superintendent of Hawthorne in 1920, In Febguary, 1923, he was put’ in charge of all departments at Hawthorne and given the title of Works Manager. His new duties as general man | ager in charge of manufacturing include the rnanagement not only |g but. also of our new works at Kearny, New Jersey, ee A RTHDAY PARTY FOR MISS MA ARY DIFFENDERFER at he very held Ww enjoyable at T. n birthday party the home of Mr. and Diffenderfer, on Dav- street, nor of their daugh- ter, Mary’s sixteenth birthday. It juvenile party, all being youngsters. Sppropy! ate were played, prizes being won by Kathryn Cuskey, Lester Brubaker 1 Tyndall, Re wer served and the with ng fest.” many beautiful gifts. were: Naomi Fortin, Marian Eisenberger, Esther Denlinger, Mary Ruth Derr, Kathryn Joseph Shaeffer, Joseph Moore, John Meisenberger, Lester Brubaker, Fred Diffenderfer, Gib- nev Diffenderfer, Mrs. Wm. Tyn dall, Reverend and Mrs. H. A. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. nderfer. dr ended received Those present Moore he Iva Shoop, DiTenderfer n Cuskey, eB MEE AT SPORTING HILL teachers of vho township mon: hly session at yn Saturday, Febru- M. The follow- rendered: De- 's Edna Moh- no be discussion ; Oral and Kath- a question ‘ure Good Comnosition” M vn Rettow: select o Miss T.2ah Heisey: discussion. “Project ‘othod in ( 1y,” Miss Mary Bast. Addr Direc'or Harvey teachers; adjourn ment. with Ce IDC nd YW ritten to wr read song 59 rrr etl Qe Read These Repor's The annual report of the Mount Toy Boro General and Water ae- “~unts mav be found in our adver- sing columns. Also the annual report of County ‘ontroller Eby. All these repgas are of interest o tax payers. 2 J | ents, NEAL TREATS HIS FRIENDS TO RABBIT On Monday Mr. and Zerphey, of this place, containing = twenty-one large rabbits from Mr and Mrs. 8. J. Neal, of , Linneu Mo. With the box came ont to deliv- er a rabbit to each of the follow- ing: Jno. E. Schroll, Arthur R. Hendrix, Wm. Hendrix, Wm. Dill- inger, Chas. Webb, Mrs. Elizabeth Good, F. H. Baker, Wm. ~‘Beames- derfer, David Zerphy, Rev. George Kercher, Dr. A. F. Snyder and D. F. Gable. “Jim” is quite a hunter and on numerous occasions has shot thirty rabbits in eight hours. An unusu- al part of his hunting is that he shoots them with a rifle. He fre- quently takes rabbits to Linneus, his nearest town, where they sell for ten cents each, being so very plentiful out there. Mr. and Irs. Neal lived here some time ago. They are both enjoving excellent: health and expect tc visit their friends here some time during the coming sum- 135 Cows With Tuberculin Germs iE RESULTS OF THE FIRST TESTS ARE REPORTED BY COUNTY FARM BU- REAU “JIM” Mris. David received a fine box TE Tests made at the beginning of 1st week by State Examiners re- ted in 435, cows. being found in- | fected in Colerain townsHip this county, with tuberculosis; accord- ing to reports from the Farm Bu- yeau Saturday. The animals will be condemned and sent to Reading, Phoenixville «nd Philadelphia for butchering un- rederal supervision for either or fertilizer, depending upon yndition oi the cows upon ar the slaughter houses. ers who lose COWS because infection as indicaied by the li receive indemnity from state and federal vernment. addition, those shipping milk to Abbott Milk Co., Philadelphia, will receive an additional indem nity- of $15. The state examiners njected serum into animals of 60 ds in Colerain township. Those ‘hich developed swellings infected. of the township claim ‘cblem resulting from ement of the difficult to prices to pass er eat toe « . at farm the $ tat week this tests. prices will be ree whose herds ¢ Abbott Company offered several cents more milk from tested herds. sustained by dairymen n the section where animals were tested do nol affect the local milk supply. as-the product goes to oth- er markets. Protests are expected, however. Picked From Our iL Ire u! in iter dairymen tests, the clready {or certified The losses having “Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOU1 THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY M. J. Bieber days in town, A. C. Kover, Sunday with Fred Lieberher. Mr Robert Brubaker, of Mary- lard University, College Park, Md., spent the weel-end in town. Miss Caroline Nissly, of Myers- town, spent Sunday with her par- Mir. and Mrs. H. N. Nis Virginia Newcomer, Goucher College, spent vith her parents, Mr. and S. Newcomer. Miss Dorothy Schock, of Millers- ville ®Wormal School, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Franck Schock. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stark and son, Claud, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brinser, at Elizabethtown Mae O’Connor, th her sister. Mrs. spent several days at Del., last week. Ed. Miley and Miss Elizabeth, of near were Sunday guests in the of My». and Mrs. S. H. Miller. Mr. S. fred Diffenderfer, a stu- at the Rensselaer Polytechnic at Troy, N. Y., is spending davs’ vaeati with his par- Mr. and Mrs Diffenderfer. is spending of his Rev. veral Mr, spent se Berwyn, Miss Mrs. H. who mington Mrs. daughter, Chickies, dent School a fev ents, Leedom, ad- estate of Rebee- wart, on Friday dis- sale, a tract of arches of land and Mt. Joy town- h'p, near Elizabethiown. The sale was made to William Hossler, the tenant, for $705. The Clarence Casse! property, at ‘he northern end of Manheim boro, vhich was offered at publie sale vacently, has now been sold at pri- va‘e sale and on private terms to "ncob M. Becker, of Rapho twp. . Pdward Grube on Monday sold to Benjamin K. Brandt. his two- =tory frame dwelling house and ~hont one acre of ground at Sporting Hill, for $1900. ame buildir der | Middletown to i SPECIAL EVANGEL! SERVICE IN CHURCH OF GOD Joy, Pa. ling, daughter, | Sunday | Hoverter, "1 Detter, family | Local Doings Around Florin ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE THE PAST WEEK spent ill Mrs. William Hassinger last Wednesday at Lancaster. Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch with an attack of pneumona. Miss Mary Bates is bedfast on account of an attack of grippe. Mr. and Mrs. D Roy Moose vis- ied friends at Harrisburg on Sun- day. Mrs. Martin Liggins and Mrs. Wm. Eichler spent Monday at Lan- caster. Mr. and Mrs. Chrstian Male- horn were Monday visitors to Lan- caster. Grandma Adair has returned home after spending a month with friends near Harrisburg. Miss Evelyn, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fike, cele- brated her fifth birthday, Monday. Rev. M. H. Miller, local United 3rethren pastor, will conduct a funeral at Reading on Friday. Mr. Lester Hench has accepted a position as truck driver for Peris Manufacturing Company. Miss Anna Garber, who was quite ill, is slightly improved at this writing, we are pleased to say. Miss Mary Sheaffer spent Sun- day at Harrisburg visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Witmer. Mr. Martin Nentwig. of Harris- is burg, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Reuben Nentwig, on Sunday. Mr. Irvin Engle, of Grantham, was the guest of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Herr, on Sun- | day. . Dr. Dale Garber. of Philadelphia spent the week end here with his rarents, Mr, and. Mrs. A. D. Gar- ber. Mr. and ghter, guests Easton Mr. Victor Haldeman, lingswood, N. J.. spent! with his mother, leman. iss Ruth Kraybill from Mi School, spent with her parent Henry Keener and children spent Sindav at Elizabeth'own guests of daughter, Mi: Mrs. Herman Brinser. and Mrs. Bernice Fry, of School House parents, Mr. Saturday , who was Lancaster for ying an r hon much i M of 1 of r and Sun- Jno. Paul Connelly aster, were and Mrs. da day D of Col- Saturday here Mrs. Ella Hald friends Normal and two illersville the week-end lady State here Se = and on : . brought © proved. Mr. Wilkes- for the Company, the latter of An Barber, lesms late visitor town last week. “The Penn Auto Wrecking pany received two carloads which will be used to of Com- of ein for grading | purposes about their place of busi- ness west of town. Mr. and Mrs Ed. of Paoli, spent Saturdav her parents, Mr. and Mrs Gever. From here they vigit her Geyer. “Steigerwald, here with G. A. went to A brother, Rev. Harvey STIC There will be’ Evangelistic vices in “the Church of God, beginni Sabbath March 7th, and continuing un- Sabbath evening, March 21, 6. The following visiting minis will preach: Monday, March Hershey . Tuesday, Mount even- til 162 ters _8th—Rev. H. E. March 9—Rev. F Burger. Wednesday, March Shade. Thursday, March ghes. * March March 10—Rev. H. 11—Rev., C. He Friday, Jagner. Saturday, Yoder. Monday, Wagner. Tuesday, —Rev. James nor 13—Rev. March 15-—Rev. H. March 16—Rev. G. Wednesday, C. Fornerook. Thursday, March 17—Rev. 18-—Rev. J. Friday, March 19—Rev 3 A Sat bath, er aiturday night and all we will have with us Broth- Isaac Snvder and the Men's Quartette, fror Altoona. There will likely be a Praise service on Szbbath af'ernoan the com- will be rtun- hear the Gos- ngers day Sab- and o'ven an con nn Hv to at € ec ed pel si a EMTERTAIMNEDR AT CAXLYN TE Tea Hoe iles 5 West Saturday of Steelton, Atlantic High- City. peas in pink the foundation which were ernoon pass- unanimous- and u sweet and vellow rmed f the decorations ory elaborate. The aft ~d too omicklv. as was 'v stated by the guests. Looking For “Soft” Jobs There were thirty-two applicants for the vacaney as rural mail car- “iar, caused .hy ‘he retirement of “ohn MecT anachan, who served Route No. 2. from the Elizabeth- ‘own post office. day evening at the | UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH WILL RECEIVE MEMBERS As a result of gelistic services in the Brethrén church, there reception of members, February 7th, at 10:15 when Rev. H. S. Kiefer, the will receive a el into the church, time, a number baptized. The Ushers’ League of the church will meet for their regular monthly business meeting, Thurs- 7:30 in the home of William Weldan. An interesting program has been arranged for this meeting. tl nas Bequest to Church In the.will of Susanna S. Brandt late of Mavtown, admitted to pro- bate, $300 is given to the trus- tees of St. John’s Lutheran church, Maytovin, to be held in trust, the interest therefrom to be used for general purposes of the church. the special evan- Jocal United will be a Sunday, A. M, pastor, of some Dr and at the same of these will be General News for Quick Reading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE The Susquehanna river icebound. Did the shadow yesterday? Not Fort¥-six breeds of is again its Joy. were Hog see in Mt. dogs Ground last week. | the ser- | H.| entered at the Lancaster Dog Show There are more houses in Bel- gium today than there were before the war. Paul Whiteman, the orchestrs leader, was once a taxicab driver and still retains his public licenses. | Fire destroyed the A. Scott Frey & Co. cigar faetory at Red Lion. The loss is $25,000 and 50 men are jobless Blueberries seven-eighths inch in diameter have duced by experimenters Jersey. Sophie was of been in an pro- New ! Tischler, of Bainbridge, nied divorce Saturday Tischler on the treatment, chief of the Key- Chemical Engine was presented with by his associate ~ | rom rounds Wn. Tone Co. at a fine firemen. Co mE watch gold el Ee MET WITH EBY, ON THURSDAY | met lay eveu- two bers and Tel "Stehman. call was responded to by a Year thought. seretary and treasurer re were then given. V: rious superintendents reported page of literature visits delicacies, 1 SW peas Reports meeting Church Gaige speaker, held Roll New The et given, given of the on January God. Mille pub- 19 at | when Prof | rsville was | also the prayer the home held of of and 1:C Fred the Stehman, on January 7, of praver. rs were gin treasurer i also A motion « abethtown union lar meet ng, I I rT our next regu to furnish he Ww. | B: ithe forceme: | The | Eby, S | servance. were 30) lendid bers ar read { which held Tuesday : Roll say ing Thomas | Ar ne the Amn Rotary Club Met regular meeting Rots lub was adjourned with of the held at 12:15 The 7 JOV hold ‘uesday hizzler it second when it be- ay that V r there, ap $11.000 wort} own has taken lo- auto- a carload | call and the the Chevrolet unloading invites vou to im Taken Agency i agcencv iles. He and see them. rere Pree Births M+ and Mrs. Thos. Brown announce the birth of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony tadav Jr, Warta dert lannounce the birth of a gaughter. | Road We Must All Travel Sometime MANY WELL KNOWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND v4 Sallie, wife of Harry F. Sample, died at Columbia, aged 50 years. Mrs. Henry Hummer, north of Manheim, died yesterday, aged 74 years. Mrs. Leanna Young, widow of Carl Young, died at Columbia, aged 70 years. Marian Grace, wife of Benjamin Steiner, died at Washingtonboro, aged 31 years, Jolin H. railroad engineer, aged (G8 years. Bailey, a retired Penna. died at Columbia, Mrs. Lavina D. Harnley died at Manheim, aged 75 years She was buried in Kreider’s cemetery. McMichael, aged 70, fractured his home, dead Thomas tripped, fell and skull in the orchard at his near Christiana. He was when found. T. W. Wickersham Wickersham died at his in Glenside. He was a son- of Joseph Miller and broth- er of Mrs. Mary Reist, both form- erly of this place. Body was brought here on Monday for burial in the Mount Joy cemetery. TT. W. home in-law Miss Della May Spangler Miss Della May Spangler, 34, died suddenly Monday after- noon from the effects of a stroke, at the home of David Wickenheis- er, of near this place. Funeral ser- vices were held this afternoon at 1:30 o’clock from the parlors of Roy B. Sheetz. Burial was made the Rohrerstown emetlery. aged J. F. Foster Foster, general superinten- the South Park system at I11.,, for the last 45 years, in St. Luke's hospital after ilines two months. Deceas- was 74 old. He leaves a dow as a native of “this maiden -name being Walton. One daughter also surviv es, of Chicago, died an ed of years WHO Ww borough \ Miss Death of An Infant five-months-old daughter ence and Mary Seigrist, of ta, died of pneumonia, parents, the following rs survive: Lilli- Irene and Raymond, ie. [funeral services were ‘om the late home Saturday was made in the yn. Burial Spring cemetery. the and Martha, sist Mrs. Mary Jane Musser Mrs. Mary Jane Musser. a form- er resident of Sporting Hill, died Camp Hill, Pa., from complica- tions in her 85th vear She was a member the Me hodist Episcopal church is Fated with the Grand Arm 5! e vived by four teen - and great grandechild- ren, of and wer ou daugh and Mrs. Harry E. Hempfield town- : Grubb, deed on Besides the ‘parents, a others and sisters su Fu: services were held from the he ma Tuesd »- r morn r. n J Tr Zeh sine, Gross, ship, nea Saturday. number of 1 iva ate on rade 1 nie ceme- v A. Snavaly \.. wife of Rew C. t he home in funeral home services Brethren ‘ Interment in the Fishburn ceme- The her late with "nited 1 1 ras United ine three local charge in 1921, a former pas Breth Brethren church venrs He ‘left Mrs. Kate T. Dalton Kate T. Dalton, 69 vears 1 at her home on South Manheim. She was v of Thomas T. Dalton. following children survive: ttie Eberly, Mrs. George Susan E. Dalton, elphia; Mrs, Robert 5 Dalton, Laneas- Mish, Mrs. Guy ] Lincoln, ), Manheim. s . held Tuesday the home. Pri- in Fairview ot nade made n . B. Erisman eigert, of Rowen- 1 of the death of ence B. Erisman suddenly from a is heme in Mid- a son of John and fora time the Middletown survived by his sons, Charles and home, and five daugh- Amos Sweigert, Rowen- s. Adam Sweigert, Bain- ; Mrs. George Weirich, Mid- dletown, and Misses (Bertha and Ethel, at home. Four brothers, James, Royalton: Jacob, Charles and George. Middletown; two sis- ters, Mrs. George Hevel, Middle- town. and Mrs. John Kreiser 8; Royalton, also survive Tt (Turn to Page & ole tack, at He was Erisman, at is two te na: br 0