The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, January 20, 1926, Image 7

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"The Produce and ah Interesting Cage
Live Stock Market ™ so” ™ ™| News of the Week|

st RR.

Produce Receipts Moderate
Receipts of fresh fruits and veg-
tables in Philadelphia during the
|past week have been generally
‘moderate and trading has been
fairly active on most lines, accord-
ing to the State and Federal Bu-
reau of Markets. .
Texas spinach has been coming"
in freely and offerings have
‘liberal. The reat variation 1
and eR resulted in a the Mt. Joy quintet a 45 to 25
wide price range and the general lacing on ‘the Lititz floor Saturday
trend of the market was down: night. Every man on the Lititz
ward. Sweet potatees continued Ich hob der onner dawg en shtick !five netted the ball at least twice,
dull throughout the week under a |goa-laesa fun ma mon os ga-winched , Hershey swishing the basket for
limited demand. hut are ware widder en boo un ware [five field goals. Angstadt starred
Apples moved slowly with only | dahame uff der boweri. Now ich|for the Mt. Joy aggregation with
light supplies of Pennsylvania | doubts eb seller mon uff der boweri | five field and six foul goals to his
stock offered. Western boxed ap- |ga-raised is warra. Won are wore | credit. Scores:
ples were slow with the extra large | don hut are grosse advantages g’hot Lititz All-Schol
sizes selling at a substantial dis- [ivver de boova wos uff der boweri Field: Foul Total
count. The market for Pennsyl-|uff gabrucht sin warra in minera Goals Goals Pts
vania mushrooms was quiet with |tzeit. Ich winch mich ken boo mae Ruhl. F
liberal receipts. Prices, however, | uff der boweri, un ansich ebber os! uh I.
did not vary greatly. doot dare muss in fardulta schlechta Grosh: -C
New York State celery moved | circumstances si now. oli ng G man
slowly, while Pennsylvania stock En bowers boo. Wos wore are? Hershev, Go...
met a fair demand. Turnips, par-|Gabora inera hamet woo blendy ara- Doster Ys .
snips and carrots held about steady | wet wore—wonr are sich net dote ga- po
but onions were weaker and sold | brilled hut bis de mommy era nine Totals
slowly. Cauliflower closed stronger [kee olla morga un owet gamulka °
due to the improved quality of the | hut g’hot, don hut are ' endlich a Mt. Joy
offerings. Florida strawberries con- | pawr hussa un a pawr shtiffel mit Field Foul Total
tinued in relatively light supply {rhode ledder uvva ga-arebed, u nis Goals Goals Pts.
and prices were well maintained. in de shool g’shicked warra. Are is|Angstadt, F. ......
The potato market held firm dur- | gonga mit sime karrively foll kold Hellman,
ing the early part of the week but | lever-warsht, hardt-gakuchte oyer |N. Mateer, G. .....
the market weakened toward the | un lod-warrick brote far si a b c's Neaver, G. .......
close. It closed with Pennsylvania | larna. Si bae wore tsu kartz far|W. Weaver, G.
round whites selling at $7.00° per | uff der budda longa, un dart hut are ——
150 pound sack. g’hucked der leeb long dawg, un si Totals: lio os T vy
MARKET: Slow. Medium grade | wammis-armel gaglessoored mit. sin- Neferee, Kontner,
cows and canners predominating ih era, naws. So g’schwint os are
receipts. Comparisons with week | grose ga-nunk wore far shoffa don i
(ago: Beef steers steady to strong, | sin si shool-dwaga ols kartzer warra. I Team Loti game
{some sales 25c higher, top $10.00. | Es arsht wor’s summer huls hocka, Rope Sard: 5 the Mount
average weight 1106; bulk $8.50- | un generally about ‘“freelings aw- op Hil HAY et. ball roo lost a
9.25. Bulls and cows sharing up- | fong” hut sell ni g’shtart. Derno = Hpi hay 50. Herman lod
turn; bulk nearby cows $4.25-5.00. | wor’s shtae laesa, fense mauch, | Bale a tos in scoring but
Heifers steady; stockers and feed- | welshkarn lond in odder greega, un | n> eam nates Tha
is Armes voce : to |Jimmy Krall was on his heels. The
ers firm; receipts light; bulk $6.50- | usht about de tzeit is ols anes fun Asttors’ best bot was: Hers. The
7.25. Calves, weak to 50c lower [da grossa dawg uff der boweri aw- | Des Yow
For The Whole Family
During the past week, our fair
lasies were the only team that
could put across a victory on the
basket ball floor, although the
High Five came very near victory.
Our big Five journeyed to Lititz
Saturday night and was defeated
by the All-Scholastic team there
F is good to do business under
the above sign. We know that
when we sell you a Westinghouse
Battery that we have made a sat-
isfied customer.

A Clean-up of Outing Flannel This Week
At 19¢ Yard
All Outings Priced Special, 19¢ Yard
Values to 28¢c—All 19¢
Lost at Lititz 3
The Lititz All-Scholastics main-
tained their prestige by handing

But you don’t need to wait till you
need a new battery to get ac-.
quainted with us. We are equipped
to test, recharge and repair all
makes of batteries.


Large Can Sour Krout ... 2 Cans 25¢
Pure Tomato Catsup ....... 2 Bots 25¢
Crisp: Saltines Lb 18¢
Shredded Wheat ..... .. 2 Pkgs 21¢
More of those Good Sliced Peaches
Small Can 1Q¢
Try them with Jello... Pkg 10¢
Beechnut Prepared Spaghetti... Can 15¢
Del Monte Peaches ................. Can 2B,
Royal Ann (White) Cherries .. Can 38¢
= 2 for 75¢
Sweer Tender Peds ............2 Cans 2B,


Make this Station Your Headquarters
When in Town
tHackman, F. .....


C0 TTR i x 0

ey CO i
Tryon’s Garage. Mount Joy












White Naptha Soap ..........§ Bars 19¢ Yi
top vealers $16.00. cooma. Es wore der shofe-shaer|”
rm HOGS: Strong to 25c¢ higher. top | dawg. Der g’schposs fum dawg hut Manor H. S.
Westerns $14.00; bulk $13.50-13.4 | ga-consist fun helfa de shofe, un Piste Poul Tope)
J i 19. derno- utf’ra huvvaelbonk hucka un oals Goals Pts.
CANDY SPECIALS | RECEIPTS: For to-day’s market: | da shofe de kep drunna haeva, wile | P. Stehman, F. .... 2 1 5
: | Cattle nine cars: 7 Penna.; 1 Va.;| de shofe-lice ame in der hols-ongle | F. Herr, F. .4..... 4 0 10
Chocolate Drops ae or ae 2 Lbs 35¢ i1 Indiana; containing 198 head; | room ga-groddled sin. Es naixt | Ziegler, Ce coin 4 0 8
224 od in from nearby; | wore welchkarn blonsa. Fier karna | D. Charles, 4 Harv 2 9 9
i | Total cattle 422 head, 25 calves, | tzum stuck. “Aney far der fuggel,|C. Stehman, G. .... 2
i Coconut Bon Bons EAE vin vals Lb 20c 21264 hogs. Receipts for week end- aney far de warrem, un tzwae far | —_—— —
| rade hab ibe Le RR Qing Jan. 16, 1926—Cattle 63 cars; | woxa.” Der dawdy is hinna Totaled... 00. 11 I 25 4 il
3 Zi (Reap do Chicago; 10 St. | cooma mit der hock, un won mers| Mt. Joy - -
i . | Haul; irginia; 2 Indiana. 1 {set recht g’'mached hut don is are| a 1h tal
3 We have Worcester Salt in 3-5-10-25 and &! Ohio; containing 1334 head, 461 | fore cooma mit em shteel. Hust du | Pioly Poul Toe SERVICE FIRST
i s [trucked in, total cattle 1795 head; | in dime laeva en gowl garidda far|; 1.4 3 1 q
§ 50 pound bags. The only pure salt. Don t [163 calves, 997 hogs, 246 sheep. | welshkarn blooga? Waisht nuch we Holic T eno 0 0 0 We Promptly Remove All
i {Compared with week previous— | schleferich os mer ols warra is un Herman Silane 4 0 ]
3 take chances on nthers to salt your meats. {Cattle 61 cars, containing 1522 | we wocker os mer warra is won en Prep oT o 0 1 DE A D A \ IMAILS
4 Ee ,,,,—,—— = heed, pa tacked in, total cattle | grund-shulla em ins hols-g’nick £a- B Real a. 0 1 1 LAL
2071 head, 60 calves, 244 , hogs, | druffa hut? Gli wore de hoyet doh. yz, 0" Fre 0 ( : ;
3 17 sheep. Fine. vex. moh sine doreich der. dick Yale, 4 2 een 0 9 by the Use of Automobile Trucks
x Range of Prices: glae un hen g’mauda uff garulled os| > ™ "7 ™ ==" a ena ’
§ STEERS we wolla seck, un der bower’s boo Matas ( 20 4 L ’ t S
J Every one-a good one [ Good to $9.75-10.50 | is en holb feld braiding hinna noach Toy on gq fo CR €0. ampar er S ons
a arcti can depcnd or [RAI 0 goog. 8.75-9.75 | cooma fars graws farshprava. Woslmp. 2° “0 oF bt: Thong of nate ps 3 :
ttl LA ae Red : all EL to ial 8.00-8.75 | mer ols g’horriched hut far hara fun | : ug Time I Per ROCKLAND STREET LANCASTER, PA.
: TE a DN Ty acu a i Common to medium 6.50-8.00 | wos os de mayer schwetze won se era| 8 : ; Vent
I'rade Mark. Well-made, easy- I BULLS D ry Se ae Be bein a : ; We Pay All Telephone Charges
> fitting, long-wearing and com- | Soot Shales $7.00-7.75 | erally waega de maid. De arn is| Toe Or Win is show 8 Bell Phones 920—2422 Penn State Phones 299—271
fortable. Every man needs a iar to good 5.75-7.00 | doh. En dutzent reffer un binner| “he Mount Jovy High Girls show- Q > t. 928. :
: ortadle Wh oF od PI Medium to fair 5.00-5.75 | im feld. Der boo is widder ous-ga- ed the boys how it s ould he done oc 3 mo
3 Pp g £0 Ds Common to medium 4.50-5.00 | bissa fum g’shposs. Are is en holb | Li they 8 me kare Ny ith Manor EE
3 HEIFERS feld braiding hinna. draw mit sime igh ‘on Saturday evening, | i = RE
3 Choice to prime 8.50-9.00 | tzomma drawga. Es tzac uhr shtick [It was 2 hard came and rather |
Good to choice 8.00-8.50 | is doh. Der hoo greeked es glensht ! rough, referee Ellis being obliged
Medium to £004 6.00 8.00 | shtick karsha-boy un ken drom. Mid- | fo i one of the Visiting Ingles °
Common to medium 4.50-6.00 | dawgs lia de mon uff em graws im that account. Miss Enele ec D 1 M 1 H h
. COWS hofe Yor en rook shtoond un der boo the locals in scoring with Miss cnega 1 a C ery
Good to choice $6.25-7.75 | muss de gile drenka, der worreffi Shank a cloca second while Miss Hatehi si
Medium to good 4.75-6.25 | haeva far de. Deitsha sensa denkla,} Bender for the visiting team, was atching Since 1910 Newtown Equipment
Common "to medium 3.75-4.75 | odder der shlife-shtae far de Reff-lthe big ace. Score: 15 Yrs. Experience Capacity 50,000
Canners & Cutters 2.25-3.75 | sensa shlifa, bis es widder tzeit far Manor H. S. Girls
i Sra Good + STOCKER BULLS ins feldt. Gli coomed 98 hovves Field Foul # A
rv os 100d to choice $6.50-7.25 | arn un en tzae ocker feld is usht Goals Goals Tis Having started in hatching fifteen ye : re y y
1 . Fair t e i 2 gs in he g fifteen years ago we have never
The “Ball-Band” special vacuum proc- Medium ii i die Tan Bender, F. Po 2 > 3 been able to fill all the orders offered us during the busy season,
ess by which the rubber Is forced into Common to medium 4.50-5.00 | sallabrasion is mer gait ins hovver Dr. le 0 0 owing to insufficient incubator capacity and orders coming in
the fabric gives the additiona endurance Good CALVES feld base ganunk far |” S-C. . 0 0 0 through the busy season oftimes were either delayed or We Were
p, for which” Ball-Band Rubber Footwear Modi bo chaice $14.25-16.00 | mer gait. Es is aw sella morls net Hoffman, S-C. =... 0 0 not able to fill at all. Would urge all to order chick or hatch-
3 \ isfamous. Make your choice of styles. edium 11.25-14.25 | fee tzurick gamowled warra, ........ 0 0 0 1
Common 5.00-11.25 | ich mich rech arrinera con. Endlich | poplin" "000. 0 0 0 ing space eary.
{ 3 HOGS is es shpote-yohr doh. Es welshkarn Frey © 0 0 0 We can book orders for any date if ordered Ls
Heavyweights $12.75-13.25 | muss gabosht si, un der boo wardt a a
: edinmweighis 13.25-18.75 | ous sime warma nesht ga-yawked on| 6 5 16 ——
3 ightweights 13.00-13.75 | fier uhr, shtribbled nine gile un H. S 4
Rough Stock : 10.75-12.75 | hucked en shtoond hinnich em uffa Mount Joy Field Foul S W L h Ch k 0 :
Ve easter Grain and Feed Market |un wardt far de dawg’s helling. : oo Goals Tis i ’ 8 8g orn IC S ur pecia J
! | ng Wheat"... $1.63 bu. | Won se doh wore don is mer ins Dale 10
DEPARTMENT STORE Com, o.oo 78¢ bu. | feld. Ich het ols usht se leeb mit|Shank, F. ........ 2 2
i ! HAY (baled) em divel garasseled os so en rificher Engle, F. ........ 0
| E M i St M { J Timothy ates ein $17.00-18.00 ton welshkarn shock aw-pocka. Won de Moore, FP... 3 PE 3 : 0
; . Main oun oy Shaw $11.00-812.00 ton |dresher tzeit doh wore don hut mere C = rerio 0 0 Phares Wol emuth
! 5 Selling Price ot Feeds dawgs ga-drusha un Jochty uffga- Buns, J Cuil vio avs o 0 0 :
ran 40.00 41.00 ton |hutzed. Husht du in dime laeva in a Gere ins ot :
Shorts 39.50-40.50 ton [ma waetza howfa g’hucked hinna | Garber, G. ....... 29-0 Phose No. 140R6 MOUNT JOY, PA.
1 Hominv 41.50-42.60 ton'|-nera oldta rhoda windmeel tzae I 10 2 29
Middlings 43.50-44.50 ton |uhr in der nocht un der kold waetza Tota "Elli Biron:
Linseed $58.00-59.00 ton [in di hussalotz ga-kitched? Ich denk Referee, 1s; SC a To
¥ | Gluten 50.00-51.00 ton |so. So naixt on da fire-dawg is mer oman; Timeksoper, to gart; —
Ground Oats . 41.00-42.00 ton |ols widder in de shool cooma. Es|of periods, minutes, $e
SPECIAL PRICES Alfalfa (Regula:) 42.00-43.00 ton |arsht uff em program wore en fecht. ;
Cottonseed 41 pe. $47.00-$48.00 ton | Won mer net ga-garrebed is warra Locals Tumble Columbia
Dairy Feed 16 pc. 37.50-38.50 ton |don hut der toacher ame gagarrebed, Playing a clever passing and
Dairy Feed 18 pe. 42.00-43.00 ton [un derno is mer nuch amohl dahame shooting game, the Mt. Joy A. A.
Dairy Feed 20 pc. ton za-garrebed warra wile mer in der |i, a fall out of Columbia last
Dairy Feed 24 pe. 49.50-50.50 ton | shool ga-garrebed is warra. Wednesday night on the local floor
Dairy Feed 25 pe. 52.00-53.00 ton Un so is es yohr room gonga uff by a score of 385-20. N. Mateer
Horse Feed 85 pe 45.00-46.00 ton | der boweri. Ich bin shtorrick driv- with sixteen points was the leading

Alfalfa Meal (Fine) 46.00-47.00 ton | ver gonga. Es wore ga-wiss net scorer. Score:
or. feel blesseer drin, un ich winch mich Colimbia Biz Five.
GUNNERS CLAIM RING- rimmy tzurick, awver duch bin-ich olumbia Big e
3 Field Foul Total
NECKS ARE POOR T fro os ich amohls en bower’s boo om 8
SHOOTING ore, far ich hob dart gelornt wos Goals Goals Pts
30x32... Aan $3.60 Per Pair
32x33 oe $4.00 Per Pair

3x4 $4.40 Per Pair . i a few ring neck. | is. un aw iv iN Pager) 18 WE ARE DEPENDABLE
3 easants were killed this sea- | rochta os shoffa doot. N. Fy oo.
3284 aoe $4.40 Per Pair son there still seems to be a great 8 ey Sinton, P. en 2 $ 2
33x4 $4 60 P Paj pany it As thoy very Mate for Hetoing Eggs LIN aE G 0 0 o
3 ig pam eC . rapidly, there shou 1 If hatchi are to be © S
er rau next year’s shooting. blenty Yor lected A a incubation, | C: Stautor, 8. 1 0 2 WESTENBERGER, MALEY [0] MYERS
A Second Grade ey oly, Jezel this season to [it is time to place de reading C. Broome, C. of 9 0 {EI E Riis
30x33 $2.10 Per Pai hens shared the same fate. Thon | Bannivivangs Bite. Cooke say. .......;. 7.9 20 Moca Cans Sarardeys | Pa.
2 eee . . e air birds have become so tame that It is just as undesirable to use Mt. Joy A. A.
32x33 32 25 Per Pair of the sportsmen declare |tco many males as $03 fo Toe Field Foul Total |
ST Ee SAE an Ts ve are poor sport and hesitate | proper ratio is one male to & e- Goals Goals Pts. | & an Goi ; apis A a Gi
‘ 32x4 $2 40 Per Pair to shoot them. At RE Ci nales for Leghorns and one male] askewitz, F. ..... 3 0 6 RAREST ITI WO it ar
eR mn te * are ®, be. found feeding with the | to 12 or 15 females in the sake 3 Hellman, ¥. ....... 2 0 4 —
: = . . . domestic birds on the farms American or dual purposes breeds. | Angstadt, F. 2 1 5 -
Also Slightly Used Chains. All sizes. {i CRB] ee N. Mateer, C. ..... 7 2 in Te =
< BOBBING Modern Home Cheap W Miter, @ 3 gg 2 aE :
i - . A ney house, six rooms and bath,| Weaver, G. ....... 0 0 0 inal) LARENCE 4
¢ 2 a SHINGLING on West Donegal street, Mt. Joy, Egy : 23 MOUNT JOY PA ER
¥ ry H ry BY 2 CURL for sale. Brick with asbestos shing Potale «. .... >. 16 gS 35 ] RE | ; & 0) A
¥ P. A SC OCK 8 LJ A ING and le roof. All conveniences. Possés-] Referee, G. Schneider. Time- Ph Re 3 5 ,
, Bl" MARCELLING | ion 0 ford pat, 008 seiner. Time of rer. | HSS
3 n ; ome, free from expensive 's | inds, minutes. :
» DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS 7 Mil d 70 E. Main | for years, buy this property. Jno. os
cers, M J P x lid y Shoppe Street E. Schroll, Phone 41R2, Mount WE
1 ? —— Joy. t :
hol ¥ S Our incubators are now in op- |
ene comms The Musser White Leghorn Farm || Medicine i! doh
MOUNT JOY, PA. rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness
° 3 : : : d by
Advertise in The Bulletin || sero swine Bay ones || Comms = °C
: " 2 F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio

eration and we can furnish chicks 0) ai RVICE,
in quantities at any time during = ok AGE ' SE |
February, March, April, May and a oy >

The Musser White Leghorn Farm
Mount Joy, Pa.

