a of MAURICE cat and flavor. S. SARS and TOB at Reduced Pric —— bh) cL PRR he Nee The fons of correct furniture an in thidern home cannot be over if youh to entertain your friends that ydo yourself and your hus The bevay to insure proper fuenited i here tgake your selections. is doing such wonders market after a" Nn 0 Sada PETES Te SERRE SE ESE EIRENE RET: \ \ \ f THE MOU WT JOY BULLET Produce ard ive Stock Market ECT INFORMATION FUR. SHED WEEKLY [LY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR (THE BULLETIN/ osing moderately Bet- feeling on all clasges of Killing k. Comparisons with week ago: Steers strong to 25c higher, 2400's top $10.00; bulk of sales 5-9.00. She Stock and Bulls 2 fing full advance, Stockers and BI }ders firm, most s 25¢ higher, 8 Ik $6.50-7.25, sea out at an i d. Calves firm, to} Us $15.00, sts higher. Hogs eg to 25¢ ther, top wester:) 4515, bulk B.25-13.50. A [Receipts for Satuilday’s market: « [pttle, 25 cars: 14 Chicago, 4 Pa, {Va.,, 2: W. Va,, 1 Canada and 1 |/wa, containing 624 head, 377 hogs, RN) calves. for week ending January 1926: Cattle, 55 cars: 21 Chica- 9 Va., 8 Pa. 4 St. Paul, 3 Iowa, Ww. Va., 1 Canada, 1 Buffalo, 1 it. Louis, 1 Tenn., 1 Ky., 1 Ind, 1 SI Caro., 1 Mich., containing 1423 27 Calves, 625 Hogs, 319 Compared with week prev- Peattle. 60 cars containing 1614 36 Calves, 1627 Hogs. Post-Holiday Trade Active Trading was fairly active on the >hiladelphia fruit. and vegetable the Holiday lull. Of- ferings were liberal and there was a good movement of most lines, according to)the State and Federal Bureau of markets. Fancy A 2% inch Pennsylvania apples topped the market selling as high as $7.00 per barrel. The market generally ruled steady and most, varities sold, at unchanged prices. Cabbage was firm, altho with scveral {icsh cars prices were not as high as those established last week. Celery was in moder- ate demand and desirable stock brought higher prices. Onions were in fairly active demand despite the heavy supply. Florida spinach showed a wide range in quality and condition® and the market was easier. Pennsyl- vania mushrooms weakened slightly but cranberries held steady. Swee’ potatoes were in moderate supply and steady. The white potato market was firm and the demand moderate. Penna. round whites ranged from $7.00 to $7.25 per 150 pound sack, with bulk stock selling at $4.50 to $4.75 per 100 pounds. ead. sheep x ous: “head. Range of Prices: STEERS Good to choice Fair to good Medium to fair ‘| Common to medium BULLS Good to choice Fair to good Medium to goo Common to me H Choice to prime Good to choice Medium to goo) to m 4 Good to choice Medivm to good Common to medium Canner., & Cutter STOCKER AND FEEDER . PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To ‘Say This Week Ich con mer’s net ivver’s hartz bringa, ich muss dere widder shriva. Mere hen so en grosse tzeit g’hot de ledsht woch doh om Barrick os de pons nuchbershoft uff ga-reared is. Es wore en “Karriche Fare,” un es hut now boomerawlishe socha gevva, Du waisht mer hen shunt long druv- vel g’hot init em Porra Mohler sime loo. De g’mae cons nimmy uff maucha. De gleeder sawga are is ous-ga- -shpeelde. Are hut shunt dri mohl si barl full breddicha ’esun- nersht-eversht gagraid, der budda rous g’'shloga un widder unna aw- fonga laesa. Un es shlimsht is are muss laesa mit tswae finger. Won are ushst mit ame finger noach gait don farleered are sich we do Kinner Iserawl in der wald un es nembt ene fartzich yohr far si wake rous finna. Are breddicht uft mohls en shtoond- un-en-holb un won are fardich is don wase ken salicher mensh wos si text wore. De oldta hardt-shofficha bow- er, woo ga-used sin olla morga on fier uhr uff shtae, shlofa, ei un schnorixa os de benk donsa, de maid an boova shmisa shofe-awga nuch- annoner, un de glaena kinner schwenka de bae unich de benk hen- ka de kep hinna uff de sitz un wat- cha de weshpa dreck-neshter bowa in der ceiling fun der oldta karrich. Se wara ene garn lose awver are wase en goot ding won are’s saed. Are mauched en gowlish goot ga- bade un is dere besht handshaker os si laeva om Barrick wore. Well, we ich g’sawd hob, se her druvvel far si loo uff-maucha, un far des hen se en “Karriche Fare” g’'- holda, un ich un de Polly sin onna. Se hen olla sort games g’hot far bensa fonga. Fish-pond, koocha weega (far saena ware’s naixt gessa on we schware os se sin), ludderee tickets, un in fact olles os en poker game—wile se so barmlichs drunna sin uff korda shpeela. Awver sel wore net oll. Wos es mensht drufl ga-tzaeled wore far geld ei- bringa wore es supper game. Se hen en hap uff g’henked un en glae luch ne o'schnitta. De monsleit sin hinnich der hap g’shtonna un hen era nawsa dorrich ¢’shtecked. Es weipsmensch woo es arsht ga-gassed hut wem se naws os se is wore em mon si pard- ner far supper woo de naws ga-agen- hut. Es is olles recht gonga his Mike Hetzel hinnich der curtain Are is wid-mon un mon. Now der Mike is about der ublesseerlicht mon om gonsa barrick. Are hut arem 0s em nunner henka bis on de wauda en kup we en kolbasht, en mowl we en karrich-hofe, fees we en commale un hend we misht- hoka. Es shlims fun oll is, are hut en wartz uff der ed der g’shtepped is. wore der drit hosselniss un de ) MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO.\PA. Home Health Club WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX- PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H)\ REEDER FAT FOLKS: A regul r reader of my Health articles writes, me about ker weight. Her husbany is thin and she is fat, wants to what the trouble is, as near as\she can teli they both like and cat the same things. subject. “When you were nor: about 120, did you ¢ vey 70 pounds of oy a chunk of a boy Why no, I co carry 70 pounds. let alone up a s “Well, that doing every carrying 70 pounds of matter in the form of fs d it gives you no strength w, ver, instead, prevents your muse from doing their work with the/greatest ease.” “But what makes me so fat, doe- tor, I den’t eat early so much as my husband and he is as thin as a rail?” “What did you eat for breakfast?” “A small dish of breakfast food, two pieces of toast and a cup of coffee. My husband ate a couple of eggs, {wo pieces of toast, the Breakfast food, a cup of coffee and half a cantaloupe. n “Your husband secretes enormous quantities of saliva. I happen to know that he drinks his coffee af- ter he has finished cating. He di- gests starches perfectly, He doesn’t eat candy and uses littie sugar. His muscles are as hard as iron and his elimination is good. He always eats something raw, at each meal, so he is quite likely to.keep well for many years.” “You, on secrete much saliva, kaline secretion, and you make it worse by drinking youX, coffee and several glasses of "water \in order to wash down your food. do not chew your food $00, and you cannot digest starch. Nearly every- thing you eat is starch, fal. You eat cream and sugaj your coffee. Lots of butter on yyur bread and you eat lots of \ jams, jellies, cakes and pies ant vou are fond of fat meats, soups and gravies. You are constipated and on account of the sweets and mushy, starch foods without the natural mineral salts, your teeth are decayed and there is absorption from them, so on the whole you are a mass of diseased fat.” “Well, what ean I do, doctor. I simply can’t live without my good, home-baked bread. I take the prem ium every year at the fair for the finest and whitest looking loaf, and the taste is so good.” “Think you cannot only live with- out your white bread, but you will enjoy life much more. Just try laying off that 75 pounds of white starch or flour that you have been carrying around in the form of fat and see how much more abundantly you can live.” I received a from a fat woman, woman who was very fat six months ago and is now so proud of herself that she sent me two photographs te prove the difference, and in her letter she says she feels so light and strong, she cannot resist taking lcng walks and can climb the steep- est hills with ease. Now isn’t that worth while? \ the do not Which is an al- letter this morning no excuse me, a INGHOUSE 220 er 5 fo OU are likely to abuse the battery in your car these hot days. Like the horse, it needs a drink. It is also easy to overfeed a battery in hot weather, and over- feeding (over charging) will burn it up. Regular inspection by men who know will keep it fit. Longer life and more dependable service will be the reward. We are equipped to test, recharge and repair all makes of batteries. We carry the West- inghouse auality line—Ford size, fits 80% of cars This battery is in a one piece composition case that eliminates the expense of case and jar renewal. Make this Station Your Headquarters When in Town Tryon’s Garage. ~~ Mount Joy SE VICH, FIRST A Remove All DEAD XA ili by the Use of AW Geo. Lampa ROCKLAND STREET We Pay All Tel Bell Phones 920—2422 x x x 0 LS) x Oo oO & O x Oo O Oo Oo Oo o O O O & O Oo a 8 O oS & o a & O ok ve an electric ray machine 1 o skin diseases, that I since: let} ublic know about it. naws so grose 0s en hut en dutzent barsht druff en holl tzoll long. De de naws dorrich der > shie cooma is sin de weips : : hr worra. Un es shlimsh|er of them has gained or lost in wore es hut kens wissa wella tsu | weicht at any time since. The wen os des gadeer kared wile se {greatest variation has not at any net mi em agener derfun nuch em time exceeded two pounds, and when dish hen wella. Se hen oll declar-) they started to eat right the man ed se wista net wem se ware. | was skin and bones and supposed Galoga! Haryom mer! Ich hob [to be dieing of cancer while the net gawist os so fee linger om was called a rolypoly. I know a man and wife who put themselves in normal health and weight over 30 years ago and neith- Good to choice Fair to good Medium to fair Common to medium . STOCKER BULLS Good to choice Fair to good Medium to fair Common to medium CALVES Good to choice ely felt it was my duty to safe; no ill effect can be- the rays. it from the first treatment. Donegal Mi Hatching Since 1910 15 Yrs. Experience se electric rays, are perfectly, alli patients who are exposed to nh k will see an improvement rig cn be cured; only two to i . iserious case atments. Tho bo bo Sut of Erysipelas Having started in hatching fi fill all the orders offe nose troubles and open stores dre also treated with ot S have i Bell 1053-J; Penn State 30] R. D. BEC ENSED CHIROPR Office Hours: 138 East ANCA X'S | Mogning 8 to 11; Clastnut 1 Consultation Free VER, D. C. RACTIC PHYSICIAN X-RAY EQUIPMENT FIRST CHI TOR OF 14 YEARS ERIENCE Afternoon 1 to 4; Evening 7 to 9 Street LANCASTER, PA. vv | Heavyweights | Mediumweights | Light weights DOO0C0O go, SO D000C BARRA BRIT TE TE EBLE TE 35x5 Firestone Cord 34x43} Lee Cord ... Lee Cord .. 33x4 Massasoit Cord 31 4 way oo sk Cord S. FN SRY BARGAINS in TIRES $43.00 $33.00 $30.00 $15.00 $20.00 $ 5.00 $15.00 $15.00 $12.50 $10.00 (used) J up Cad be ANCK SCHOCK E BROTHERS CARS Mount Joy, Pa. PS SS RS SS SA Ss — \ 3 | | or { Alfalfa | Cot Medium Common Soe Doo 1 HOGS Pt jt pt TNO COO woo = . Rough Stock 0-12.50 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Milling Wheat:% i... ...., $1.65 ton $58.00-59.00 ton 50.00-51.00 ton 41.00-42.00 ton 42.00-43.00 ton $47. 00-$48.00 ton 8.50 ton 3.00 ton 44.70-45.00 tou 49.50-50.50 ton 52.00-53.00 ton 45.00-46.00 ton 46.00-47.00 ton Oats (Regular) 41 pe. 16 pec. 18 pe. pe. Ground tonseed Dairy Feed Dairy Feed Ds: airy y eed Dairy Feed pc. Dairy Feed pe. Horse Feed 8: pe, ! Alfalfa Meal ( NEW LINEMAN This brown bear : fier watching Bell Telephone Company of Pennsylvania linemen run new circuits at Norris town recently, decided to imitate them He climbed one of the poles and had to baz coaxed down again by his owner. Hall's Catarrh Medicine will do what we claim for it— rid your system of Catarrh or Deafness caused by Catarrh. Sold by druggists for over 40 years F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio barrick sin. Un oll de leega ; om Porra Mohler si loo raisa. Se hen oll g’saena os won net ebber boll ebbes doot don geba hoodleri. Doh wore now ga-wis 1 mish-mosh. De Bixler e daid net mit noach supper gae won's d iff-brecha daid. De Az: over hut g’sawd se Ww oretz hovva, ta his itta bi un htenna unhut nent noacn sin ii -8 lussa mit denk are sntae hap, un ,ich dart—are 1s ¢ far supper. supper g’hut. welch-hawna ga-reast g’hot ne hen mich draw far en “carva’ im fennsylfawnisha Leitscha wake un ich hob ene nows tsu meim dellar ae bae ob-g’schnidda far mich ui es onner for de Polly un ene der- no widder tzurick g’shtelt un hob g’'sawd: “Now helft eich selver. Sell is der Pennsylfawnish Deitsch wake far om dish ob-words.” Noach supper hen mere duch ivver de weipsleit g’henked so os nemond se gakent hut, un no hen de monsleit se dricka darfa tar en fardle dawler. Now, du konsht dere net ei-bilda we shtar- rick os des en Porra Mohler siloo uff-maucht hut. Du waisht der Sam Seeshuls is en wid-mon. ‘Are hut shunt elf yohr nix tsu der karrich gevva, un on sellem game hut are wise-der-freeda dri dawler un-a-raidle ni ga-blosa. We my tzeit cooma is hov ich my fardle ga-caipped un uff-g’shtepped far “drick.” Ich hob bout en neice g not. Ich hob g'maned ict de Lissy Hulsopple, en shaen- maidel om barrick, un ich hot ga-dricked un ga-dricked—ol aw-ga-lust os wo nich net ware ich het bis endlich he: le leit awfonga locha un ich hob ena os uff meim game sin, we ich’s line-duch runner ob wore’s, by-em-shinner, de Wilke hen en grosser un S€ en line my weal 1et sht va la wile wist g sa se un don Polly! Se hut mere usht ich feel de gons tzeit ich dorrih en longe ae gook gevva sidder os gronket un won ware. De “Fare” is gli dernoach uff- ga-brucha un mere sin hame, un sidder is der gons barrick uff- rear- ish. De oldta maid woo shunt Tr tswonsiel yahr nimmv ga-dricked sin warra wella nuch en “Fare” far It people who to change their anyone can for power, of eating, but who will. I'he one thing against hi I must caution all fat folks, Do not under any circun is hard not the will habits rm of so-called Eat right any f¢ | nd | Tora welgne | publication | your this EFFECTIVE JAN. State last which low effec- ary of warns and with the the .egislature extremely will become 1926, Secret P. Willits, manufacturers dealers to become familiar the provisions of the new law. The law as it now reads prohib- its the sale in Pennsylvania of any mixed fertilizer or mixture composed of two or more ingred- ients containing less than 14 per cent of total plant food. It like- wise provides that no commercial fertilizer shall be sold which con- tains less than one per cent of ammonia, one per cent of available phosphoric acid or one per cent of water soluble potash. Another valuable feature of the amendment is the faet that the number of brands of mixed fertil- izer will be greatly reduced and farmers will find it less confusing to make purchases. Still another feature is the fact that the law as amended will enable farmers desir- ing to purchase fertilizer for to- bacco to have the assurance that such special brands will not in clude potash in the form of chlor- ides. This is extremely important since it has been demonstrated that potash in the form of chlor- ides in fertilizer injures the burn- ng quality of tobacco. prohibits the sale of rtilizer, grade tive Js ary 1, rtilizer monisleit sin aw drin gle g’hireda weip- druff we en dow- Farwass wase ich sich ei-bilda. wora oll de nuchbershoft bissy room dy bouch-wae druppa ous- daela fun tsu feel ice- crean nawma Guttes” un ol Mohler si loo hovva un de derfore, awver leit si ndrunng send bocka-stag/ net—awver. Der nail duckter i der er con dawg result “im » em Porra . 2 2000000000000 raisa.’ -~ been able to owing to insufficient incubator ef through the busy season oftimes v not able to fill all. Would ury ing space early. at 1 an book orders f Phare SA iid No. 140R6 Phone PLT mE BIL Furniture ARE YOU BUYING SATISFACTION WITH YOUR FURNI- TURE AND CARPETS? QUALITY AND SERVICE MAKE FOR SATISFACTION. WE ASSURE YOU OF ALL THREE WE ARE DEPENDABLE PERRI Zs Zu WESTENBERGER, MALEY © MYERS 125-131 E. Ki~g St., Lancaster, Pa. 6 O'Clock Closing Saturdays RT PT TT RP Ri RAR Ro SE RE SESE SASL TAT a ST SR TS SO TO TO So SO 5 TA 0 TS SO CLARENCE SCHOCK : MOUNT JOY, PA. 0 _LUMBER-COAL