The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, December 30, 1925, Image 6

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By Charles Sughroe
2) 0 5
X WHAT Wi Nov Q \ WAS ii

[\ Dont ou ver) (‘Bur How THE Wer WH FART, IY WAS BECAUSE \ ER) DRIVING THE
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144 N. Qu


VEY oa


The Lancaster County Histori-
mice Jociety have set in motion the | gm
Ds considered to be necessa : : -
to celebrate properly next July the | a : : : THEMARTIN


Ey Med 4 WW bg
150th anniversary of the signing of
| Loo Declaration of Independence. | PASTEU
{ The celebration is intended to em- |
i. id § (Lief d
johative and rake . plain to the | od) gE BREESE :
ey A A : reneration the true and actual]
FOR IT'S ALWAYS FAIR WEATHER Bo 8 Big hich Lancaster County took |
WHEN THE HEAT FOLKS GET TOGETHER | § : ! | American Independence. To |
WITH A FIRE IN THE FURNACE ~ "| § } ® | do this, it" will be necessary to go
AND A WARM CHEER IN THE AIR ni i : . # linto faithful and thorough re- |
i : 4 | search upon all the lines of our
| county’s attivity and help in the
Revolutionary War. and in the | in RR dh ig
steps leading up to it. It is intend- | RUN BL PEE dd 1 AN
ed to begin at once to prepare our |
ople for the event by inserting
the local papers the steps day | ; i 7 Bis i 0 : : i > ; Every
7 day or wec k by week {which | BE 2 y = | al
feasible), the acts which Bi 3 wi a (
Lancaster did 150 | : $A os a AL fi spot in
that by the time 2 § wr ory for
arrives, the stages ; : tioned Db
the Declaration will | i HR i atid M
n reviewed weekly as | og x i [3 a
occurred 150 years ago. By a Gh i FE i milk espec
means, when July 1926 arrives : i : ee them.
+ interest, our information, and HE completion of the new Chicago | charge, to patrons of .the Union Stas
will Union Station marks a note-| tion lines for conferences and other 1 T


2 PE

united efforts in the event
awakened and active. Some of worthy accomplishment in the history | meetings. | EDMARTI
— “the lines of the preparation neces- of important engineering undertakings, To give some idea of the immensity A ITA ARY DA
TUTE TO ary to success of the event will from which travelers fn all parts of | of the new station, it may be stated ES AR. MARTIN pi
ERN FARMER be, a thor canvass of the {he United States will derive pleas-| that the main building covers an area 2 our
= graves of Revolutionaty heroes in ang penefit. of about three aeres with a concourse
, this county and the interest of the The station is without doubt one of | covering 60,000 square feet. The en-
emi-antaracite) coc ind ol i yo ) » wel o- families of today descended from finest and most efficiently designed | tire terminal facilities cover more than
bo) Stanas for in ' them. Newspapers are desired to * [ies alla mos? coven Semin cover more ihn
leeds. ; J oo gress of the worid al 5% *'% insert an inquiry in their papers railroad tevininals in the world. It] 35 acres and will expedite the prompt
will have your favorit grade yf anthra nstitute f Animal Econ- for their location of such graves, | forms a vital link in the realization of { and satisfactory loadin Of Sg
3 soon as we can get them. ’ P| Sun dertaking in behalf nn and to requ all those who have | the “Chic; 2 amir PIRI Passengers, 400 tons of baggage and
. . ; BR aL LRT Rt ey pd to report Tty, accessibility and convenience | 300 trains daily with room for future
Call the gait oy, ED Ph all that they know and can gather | for the traveling public are the essen- | expansion. Fifteen acres of glass
in te art t work rom tombs about the or tial virtues of the new terminal. Rest | were used in the various ‘coverings
WEAY FOLKS §| have be led for building a To De Sr iy intey 3 4 and recreation rooms, ticket offices, | over the train sheds, which extend
- 18 | great Incas in the last. those oraves; and to collect all the barber shop, dining rooms, stores of | more than 1,200 feet beyond the main -
For Good, Clean Coal ation on information and even tradition that | V2rious Kinds, and almest every con- structure. A total of 17.000 tons of Walnut Hash Peanut Britt
venience known to travelers, are to be | structural steel, 175,000 cubic feet of > :
found on the one level, no steps to! Indiana limestone and 10,000 cubic
ore eflicient Ral a
x we cs the S Tg activ 1: ar .
e can of the oldier’s activity linger’s Candies, 60c¢ quality i
he and crops :
hens and ops and all about him that can
° x7 | methods with co >
6 / cd 1 2 Ct he scope of ’ 2 ; : : : ; %
Daniel M. W olg emuth 81 al 3 Fo secured. Send information to | climb, feet of granite were used in the sta- Assorted Flavors
= | LD 1ewly te ed nstitute. in of the i | The main station is a low monumen- | tion building and concourse. The foun- anut Brittle, Cocon
chairm: committee. Y J
FLORIN, PENNA. ge 2h i i as The Lan er County Historical | tai type of building with a row of | dation consists of 449 cylindrical con- Peano te Mints ii Yeu
Phone 151R4 Mt. Jov Exchange ; 2 os WIth Society. H. Frank Eshleman, Chair- | massive columns of classic design | crete piers from four to ten feet in pana Manle 5 nes pe
i Seater y ng in the East” and man of Committee. | along the entire east front. Once in- | diameter, reaching to a depth of more es; Maple, Lemon, Orange.
. eG GR + . fr 8 1, 3
: mselves been practi- : | side, the traveler finds himself in a than a0 feet below the level of the We are Headquarters for
farm No nhase of dairying ONIONS AND GOATS FAVORED | gigantic waiting room more than 100 | Chicago river.
poultry raising will be over- BY ZUNI BOYS AND GIRLS [feet high: and brilliantly lighted| Those who have had the privilege SHULL'S CANDIES
looked ich (gars a Co Smt rough Tian hn the arent arel of inspecting the new Station pro- Nothing better on the market to-
Since the fovrer Inspired by the success of boys’ | ¢eiling. olonnades inclose the room, nounce it a marvel in terminal con- | day, We have it in pound boxes for
letermine the market price and girls’ club work, carried on by | the walls of which are patterned after | struction and are urging their friends 59¢ and 69c; 5-pound boxes $2.25.
| the architecture of ancient Rome. Bor- | to see it on their next visit to Chicago. | We can also give vou a 5 lb. box
i hi Soll. isup to him to increase the extension service of the United Ve 1
Trappers=- Trappe IS his profit and to lower his costs, States Department of Agriculture | dering this room are the ultra-complete | The station is used jointly by the |0f New York Assorted Chocolates
% | and this is what the Institute of 20d the various agricultural passenger terminal facilities. An inno- | Pennsylvania Railroad; Chicago, Mil | for $1.50 the box and a Special one
leges, the Indian Service of the De-| vation in railway terminal design is a | waukee & St. Paul Ry, ; Chicago, Bur- pound Assorted Chocolates, 35c the
: Te Animal Economies will work hand- © t or te Taber initia pound at
Grade your own furs and bring them into my store at |in-glove with him to accomplish. partment, Ox the nterior — INVILed | aonference room accommodating 125 lington & Quincy R. R., and the Chi: :
¢ cooperation of the Department of
these : . Dairying is the logical Industry in inititatne shaller vegple, which {1s available, without| cago & Alton R. R. ’ Dru
of the Kastern farmer says : an er S
New High Prices Effective December 30th James BE. Larrowe, widely known | work among the Indian boys and CONS RIG ON MEN ENCOUN ER | Sten
frames = Rone girls a e overnment schools.
engineer and. president of the Four clubs were formed about two J In West Main Street
L M S large manufacturing concern whose |
. .
2 | donations made the Institute pos- Joes gos wh floss 8 3 MCUNT JOY, PENNA.
Muskrats $1.30 85¢ 50¢ sible, in hy the Insti | work was conducted on 53 reserva- LES Sunday Hours: 5 to 7 P. M.
| tute has chosen this field for its £
| 1 tions, with an enrollment of more i To
Opossum $1.15 75¢ 50¢ | suited Fo it, but an 1,800 boys and girls, chiciy
| conditions suited to it, an ev-
: . : | Indian, and not including Five - Tm ” of
| er-increasing market is furnished! ; re J ; >
Black Short Long Broad GIF ra amis boven 08, "Gulshoma ; Paul A Martin
2 | centers nearby. No other farm ef |W The ave 0 members.” 2 goa A : a
Skunk 3 70 $1.60 $1.10 75¢ | fort will pay him so well as effi- e lines of work that in‘eres ; : pa RL : 140 ‘COLLEGE AVE
| cient dairying with poultry raising these boys and £118 include nog Lo ; :
Just skin them; not necessary to stretch them on boards. 52 The In- a Ca oo oF potas ! 25 Si i 3 : ; Elizabethtown, Pa.
Bring them as fast as you trap them to stitute wi <eep the Iarmer “7 yp re aT aed LER ;
= P formed on ways to increase his |Clubs. Very recent BEC Iopo chil
0 onion and goat clubs Tae twe
| RB R SOW Sng Jon Roum Ie latter are especially Popa ar amon: | i : : ; :
| i E GA F | search and interpretation of the]. 5 y dar among | . : S$ iad . .
. . 44. | areat work of the various agricul-|the Zunis of New Mexico. F is gs : : i iss Bu 1 Id 1 ng
tural colleces member of the onion club has § plant Fuge
AT THE TIRE STORE eg ed 1,000 onions. The su.
It will do this in several ways. % 4 3
; tres . Noe: Jeane | the goat clubs will mean mu i § ZS 2h C t 1
208 East Main Mount Joy, Pa. ey oy Whig Paging 1 Indians as it will help then tc | hi ot on rac or
calities throughout the East to Start the raising of milk goats and |
give the Institute a working know J ;
DO000 Tne, IS 2. now Among the Navajos a girls’ sheep | ; : : A
{ledge of farm conditions today Tub. h Be £ lM ; 2
and what problems most relentless- ps Pov Wok $s oma. 1 ore than : 0 ng
ly confront the farmer. An ex-| dian boys and girls are en :
rolled in clubs in Arizona. On one |
perimenta fa ill be erate : 2 .
perimental rm will be operated reservation in that State the gar-| 3 i ods Estimates Cheerf
under average farm conditions and |
: = {den clubs have furnished 350 Ibs. | : :
he results of this will be made |° Shed oo Ibs | ; : 1
New methods of 100 pounds of spinach, | : xX i Furnished
| | anc 2
d caring. Tor co : Tokens 50 pounds of turnips to the ; .
end re ire ishing hers | day school for use at the noon-| a Satisfactory
duction will be closely watched [5a meals. The sewing club on | : QGuaran
and tried out before recommenda- i Same won the first | Telephone construction men of the Delaware and Atlantic Telegraph
tion. A bureau of inquiry will be | [1% 19T the best club exhibit in| op Telephofie Company resorted to the ingenious device above when setting |
established, giving personal service ne State, and the sweepstakes at | : :
C the State fair. Poultry, pig, and poles in sandy soil along the New Jersey coast. A caisson shaped like a
on any questions sent in. calf clubs have large a2 | barrel is sunk in the shifting sand. This prev ents the hole from filling up | Used G

provide milk for use in the home

In creating the institute and The club leaders: under: whose before the pole is in place. After the pole is “planted,” the caisson is
providing largely for its mainten- < : 4 +i
. : a; uper : removed in two sections.
ance, Mr. Larrowe is giving sub- pervision the clubs are carried |
aman hot how . , | on, include superintendents of the |
ance te at Sas Long been 2 Go ernment schools, Indian Berri E r T
wide knowledge of both engineer- |. public school teachers, kk C gi
a ot field
cree ing and nutrition to both of which | matrons, neighboring white
cit me pg i 4, nairition y | and Indian men and wo-
Pound for pound, Baker's Coal will give you more heat, whether '¢ given study. men who have met with success in W
[their work. County and State
burned in furnace, stove or grate, than any other coal you can buy. A |
: : Brighten Rooms With Flowers |fairs have proved Ss
trial will prove the truth of our statement. | Cut the branches of any of the | cessful in Tit 1 Sue.
| 5 3 mulating interest in
early flowering shrubs, such as | the club work.
pussy willow, Jap Quince, golden | EE
F, | bell, witch hazel, and early honey- | Tell Ab
13 H F R, suckle will flower in January if | e out Insect
H. A Mount Jovy, Pa. placed in jars of water in a warm| Lhe red-banded leaf roller has
: room. A little later cherry and |C3USed serious losses to the fruit]
2 mT {apple can be forced. Cal ies : West Main
2 x i 4 ves 1

- | Get Cockerels Now
A Haircut Now is the time to buy breéd-
ing cockerels for the farm flock.
If you wait until the last minute |
E ver 1 0 D you will -pay twice as much as at’
Vv ays | present. The breeder must be |
paid for keeping the cockerels for
a formula for good looks vou until you order them. eep the poultry houses well |
[ventilated to prevent colds. Ven- |
| means d houses.
Make Stable Changes | entirely close the eis a
’ | The winter season provides time | cold night: t
LADIES’ AND CHILDREN'S | for making," repairs 3nd improve. | Cure to’ gather inthe mats, "i
; ( ments in e dairy stable ten result
HAIR BOBBING labor can be saved and cows Orton | resulting colds. 3 an gf pre-
. | more comfortable by a few inex- a 2nd 0 cure:
{ pensive changes in arrangement.

Remember te S
eep the d
Cell. a $ Produéts Show,
Hershey's Barber Shop ||... os 18 vail}
Agent for Manhattan Laundry.