THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO.. PA. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 0th, 1925 KR RR RE ET TB FEA TE TE FEA ETE STORE | T. JOY BULLETIN| MASTERSONVILLE MOUNT JOY, PA. J. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Propr. Mrs. Scott Souder and daughter a Mary, spent a few days with rela- Bott gs vo... | tives in Lancaster. Subscription Price $1.50 Per Year Mr, and Mrs. Abram Stauffer Sample Copies ..... FREE were guests of his sister, Mrs. Su Single Copies ....3 Cents san Veit, of Monterey. T Mr. and Mrs. Abel Hollinger and ‘ I'hree Months ...40 Cents I. and Mrs, Abe ollinger an ne. > "Ca daughter, June, visited Mr. and Six Months ..... 75 Cents _| Mrs, Allen Hollinger, of Mt. Joy. is all athrob with the Spirit of the coming Yuletide. It's offerings were selected over the past six months with what we believe to be incompar- ably fine taste, and then priced according to our reputation for reason- } ft t Mount Joy Mrs. M. F. Davis, ot arkside, oh a pe 0st ¢ pr Mo M " . 3 a : : ae red, ut" he Jost Shice 2 ( hester, 18 spending this week The date of the expiration of your sub-| With her mother, Mrs. Maris Me- scription follows your name on the label. Millen. 7 C t send receipts for subscription Me G 4 We do 2 sx a ER ag Mr, and Mrs. Charies Taylor and that you are given proper credit. We son, Charles, and Misses Kathryn credit ‘all subscriptions at the first of each | and Ella Morris were recent vis 4 moh. Shscription lists of the Landisville | !tOYs in this village. ableness. Vigil, the Florin News and he Mount Joy Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Zug and 5 N / 8, wi 8 1 i ESAT Tule hi mal | dangle, Sire BC dug paper's ordinary weekly, WwW s Ih, . . i of em High Sve 3 A Gift that Never Fails to Please A Tie Always Makes Good With the Man ¥ ev. and Mrs. B. G. Stauffer an EDITORIAL daughters, Naomi, Esther, Dorothy, and Benjamin Stauffer Mr. and | — Mrs. Harvey Stauffer. visited Mr. 5 A SUGGESTION and Mrs. Peter Snavely, of Man- 8 i oh neim. i last week’s issue of the Bull- 58 Wosy ; : i . iy published the particulars Loy iver, of Mis is i a business | gy ° TLE 3 arevile; 5 | vss — i Shelly, o Pau’ 8 a a : iva. eérshey, of near Manheim, motor 3 a 3 >» third time mi. Y - a Here, a ene this place 5 bo Perry countv, to visit Miss ; was raided and the general impres- of oh ns, a former teache: SioR ‘seems to be “who. cares.” 0 e Mastersonville School. Be As long as men can make plenty Waa io ry Jann Rubi enter ng as he state laws [tained Mr. and Mrs, las Gal- of money violating our s breath and children, Emelia, Grace . hen. eo i a little and when cauecht, give up Aaron, Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Fl of that easy money. and be set pg dre free, we see no end of this trouble | Mer Hummer and ekildien, Elnore . and Elam, ¢f White Oak* Mr. and in sight. : . or of fining these violators, i Ed Herr, and son, Carson ) N WwW why not send fen to Ja for 30, 9 0) ¢ Ws Dress Gloves at 75¢ U M d B 60 or 90 days. e feel positive Mr. and Mrs. Henry — Shearer 3 § there would be 1 » po Sepiained, Rev. £23 Bowser 3 A" Wool Knit GI d Mitt P 75 eck ear for gn an ys Monied men simply t ugh at afine|o ork; Rev. an Mrs. H L g woo ni oves an litens c Regi pl) i J ; & to Xe BAS . “hi , egimental stripes will be very good; but show me the fr~% who can/| Hess, of near Chiques; Mr. and to, = 50—Men’s and Boys’ Kid Gloves, also ik Big Ding at $100 and laugh off a jail 3; Mrs. George Summy and sons, Ray lt Lr and Carl, of near Mastersonville ADVERTISING « (ICES [Mrs. Amos Brubaker Mr. an? Mrs. Persope” who have nét ‘given the Peter Brubaker, and son Paul, of and wool-lined, in Brown; $1.50. Beautiful selection of hand-made Aghhyand dark Tan, Capes in spear back | $1.50 up. Cut Silks at 50¢ to $3.00. and ey embroidered. Also light and Knit Ties at 50c to $3.50, including the EA a serious | Elizabethtown i subig of advertising serious . dark Gray Capes, Mochas and Buckskins . elon, : ie pefioht may be inclined to believe| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. Nohren of Grayy light colored Bucks and light famous Zeriiey in secordoon, Swiss and hat standard products could be] hold entertained Mr. and Mrs. Hen sold cheaper if the manufacturers |ry H. Nohrenhold, David B. Gind. did not spend so much money in| er, of Mastersonville: Mr. and Mrs advertising them. The contrary is| Joseph Moyer, of Noa ston and dark%Beavers. Capes at $1.50 up; Buckskins, $2.50 up; Mochas, $3.00 up. — EERE the truth. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ginder, Marth: ? Every concern which seeks af Ginder, Mrs. _ary Nohrenhold. of Gifts of Leather 7, eneral market for its goods finds | Manheim: Mr. and Mrs. John Hol Ear to set aside a certain | lin~er. of Old Line. sum each year for advertising, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Nohren this is charged as a part of the} hold entertained Mr. and Mrs. Sam- operating expenses, the same as|uel G. Nohrenhold Stella Nohren rent, fuel or insurance. The aim{hold, Mr. and Mrs. John Showers of the advertising manager is to| Fannie Showers, of Union "Square: buy the largest possible circulation| Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gish, Emme among persons who would b in- | Hiestond, Austin Brubaker, of Mas- terested in his product. . tersonville; Mr. and Mos. Ener Every manufacturer has certain White, Paul H. Brubaker, Margie fixed charges which must be paic H. Brubaker, of near Mt. Joy. Mr out of the receipts from the busi-|{and Mrs. Abram Heisey, Barbara ness, and the larger the volume of | Babel, Amanda Heisey, of near business that can be created the | Mastersonville, less per article is charged for the payment of overhead costs. This SALUNGA Tongue *and Snap Belts, 35¢ to $1.50. Pocketbooks, 50c up. Bill folds and Purses, $1.00 up. Leather-cased Pocket Combs, 50c up. Also every conceivable item in Traveling Goods — Bags, Suit Cases, Trunks, Brief Cases, Sample Cases, Overnight Bags, Hat Cases, etc. HF we oR Si Copyright 1921 Hart Schaffner & Marx SALE OF volume of business is obtained only ely by creating a demand for the | goods, and it is most quickly and Grace Mumma and Isabell Byer A v cheaply done by direct appeal thru|lv Sunday with Miriam Ken. | X Dress Hosiery the newspapers. dig. ; a) : : : The same princinle which obtains Mrs. Aaron Will was the gues Priced at 25c to $2.00. Silks, plain and in the case of the general adver |of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Sta tiser could be applied in the busi- lev. on Cunday. ness of the smallest merchant. The Lillis Stauffer spent Sunday with quicker the turnover which a deal-| her cousin and wife Mr. and er is able to make the sooner his! Mrs. Omer Landis, near Mellinger’s profit is obtained and the cash is church. = put in the till for new purchases. Kathleen Witmer, of Hanover Advertising of the practical kind| York county, svent a few davs las’ clocked, 75¢c to $1.75. Lisles at 25¢, 35c, 50c. Fibre Silks at 50c. Fancy Silk-and- Wool and 75¢ to $2.00. Part wool and lisle, 39¢, 50c. Black and Gray Cashmere, 65¢, 75c. Featuring such brands . as Westminster, Onyx and Interwoven. EWE TE ¥ p= + will help to make quicker sales and | week with her aunts, Tillie anc more frequent profits. ave Tesuls Annie Erisman. of § is that the retailer, with the ai orothy Minnich entertained st 5 : of the general advertiser, is able her home on Monda~ Seo the if Items 1m Brief Dress Shirts to maintain standard vrrices and | members of “or class at Landis p : : quality in the widely advertised | ville Hioh School. Bb and x Men’s Work Hose—1214¢ to 39c¢ pair. Our biggest department--yes, the town’s articles. Miss Stroh, a returned mission- | 3 > Eli Buckles 500 lai t teh hi ex est — featuring the dependable a | ary irom China, will speak in the e ains—initial or plain—to mate clipse” and “Getz”. Prices throughout DOING THE SHOPPING ae Salunga Methodist church on Sat Buckle—50c up. run from $1.00 up. Very el mii line 1 human Rapare hin hbo ey as OR : Belt Chain Sets—$1.00 to $2.50. of Broadcloths and Crepes in fancy stripes not be one of rush and worry over [Walter Staley, Albert Brosey mui Suspender Sets—T75¢ to $2.00. and Pongees at $5.50. Also Dress Shirts what to buy, and sales john Hamilton are hunting for Military Brushes—$2.50 up. with soft and pleated bosoms, collars to in stores would not be rushed deer in Perry county, this week. Work Gloves—29c to $3.00 pair. match—$2.50 up: exhaustion in the two or three Edith Nissley, a returned mis weeks before the event. If people sionary from India, snoke in - the did their shopping when it could | 1 theran church at Landisville on be done under the least congeste« Wednesday evenine. Her father. | onditions, it micht extend OVer | Frank Nissley, resides one mil: nonths instead of weeks, and it | gaqst of Landisville. would be not less seasonable. The monthly meetine of the . Golf Hosiery—$1.00 3.00 ir. Our entire stock---all regular ok rn fo $8.00 pan Fl . . 1 Underwear, Men’s and Boys’—50c up. 3 orsheim quality---al! styles-- Knit Vests—$5.50 to $6.50. Hzes anh Scatts Golf Knickers—$4.95 up. all leathers---get yours today at Student Stickers— $5.50 and $7.00. We’ll show you Men’s and Boys’ Hats However none but the excep-|{ Women’s Foreign Missionary So- Sr Ep Ln I tional person thinks of doing shop [ciety of the Salunga' M. E. Church Men’s Aretics, 4-buckle, Goodyear, Jersey and Scarfs 11 a range of Styles and prices ping until it an not be put oo fst bz Nonay pening at the | BY Upper—3$5.060. Boys’ Arctics—$4.50. Quran t help be worth thé while. Prices longer. Then it becomes an ordeal | home of Mrs, Fackler. This vear’s | Boys’ Boots—$3.50 up. for finest qualities run at $125, $1.5 er and is so strenuous that it tends study is on “Prayer and Missions.” A ® rene Cine S150 up. to $5.00. 3 % , $1.50 up to rob the season of the ‘cheer! pr Jj 3X Kendig and son, Ben-| and good will” that attach to It | jamin, and daughter, Mary. and sentimentally: The “good will brother, Dr, : John D. Kendig, of might actually evade the Manheim left on Monday for Me ns overworked Veytown, Miffin county, where the; 3 rere they not : v=} x ai find what they want and | will visit at the home of Dr g to get it. Yet it would Johnson, a classmate of the form : not be Christmas for a lot of peo-fer Dr. Kendie. : ple were it otherwise. They have The Cross and Crown class of | 3% % @ 9 9 ® become so accustomed to waiting Methodist church with Mrs. John 4 and then making a hurry-- ° job 0% | Peifer, teacher, held a miscellan x that they would not feel right Sous shower in honor of Mrs |%A : : : . A ¥ ward Bissinger, a Aber | ae Ee mer wor an ven we 21, RA Yh sm i 2 Br wan an were it done 2 nes a peli oo singer, pen Fof fx FB PB PPT PrP ASRS Gea PP AP Aires nature mE Ar. I EPs i : a i the fact that 2 of aad Mrs. Elias Strickler on — —_— . have it. It wouldn’t be human | Wec nesday evening. Mrs. Bissing ’ 73 Mi F . rubak- ASSN SSSI DA NE AR RE A i a a TA A RT TS TE TS se mr cu ce cr pr sic us have My wasn't odd. If weer received manv beautiful ane | LRISMAN’S CHURCH 2nd Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brubak- ms sms mm sss srs i i 5 5 SS Sm 5 SS Sm a 8% ALE 7 NA CECE SES SESE Rl SE gs A Fe EE =x vols ni £1 7 ‘ned XR a : asonable and | useful gifts shies rei er and family, of Mt, Joy, dined i did everything in a reasonable ay sorvad gift Refreshments were x with John Metzler and family, on fa x . sane way, we would not be human gin oi F. D. Kecner's new louse is Stnday. |B : beings, We would be Superman i an and nearing completion. | J. Earl Witmer _ while hauling 2% i ® Bld : and that is too much to De ae the M E hatch held -eague o _ Levi Eby and Martin Gross are | fc der last we=k, crased a cotten a a. g i } is the prerogative of human 5 ings pre ure 3 held 2 treacur | in Cumberland county hunting | tail from one cf tie fodder shocks® 7 3 ave i to do as they please an delay) mot at the ML Fh yen ng. They deer. | When he shit it, t. his surprise, of course, most of us please, ing of | they nrocured their pacers PETS Mss. A. B. Erb was confined tothe frightened four fine “jacks on! of as long as we can the doing v1 th re tickets and! per hed the past week wit’ a |the other side of the stock and }} a > t avoid. There may ence started out in two compa = IIE ‘or 7 i what we canno Tes ols Y i man | heavy cold. he caught the "ovr, ere they got 2 - if be thos ‘ho are forehanded in|ies, following the directions foun a of 1} -orn field How S50 E207 of Det : be {Hose Who are but they ave|slone the wav. After a Mr. and IIrs. Ammon Bucher os Jae hy vt Nissle va SEIS RX “op : hristmas shopping, sae) ad : o=hou- 1. oe Mr. and Mrs. yton Nissley | bp 2 7 Ot A ; all. thov 4 : , | were guests of Harry Kauffman, Rt J LAE § rare and so different from the alk ties the treasnre ans Ole devi y and family, Mr. and Mrs, David | $8 mass that they are odd, too, Sus Te 7% © home of Dr. and "Mr. ond Loe John Bakér were Nissley and family, Mr..and Mrs. i or Yen 3 By the way, we must do endig, where lunch wa- giiests eof rand a Ds ere Elam Longenecker and family | i = % shopping rretty soon. rved. SE be LE ar on as 4Xers, al) Mrs. Lavina Longenecker, > [Coins cous I 4 HABIT | Was all about if the menus ‘were Mr and Mrs K [ie Sune and Rose GE. Rohrer | EG ? 2 g y Mr. Mrs. alter Keener’s 1 cer di sith | #8 HELP CORRECT A BAD k re | Printed in Greek instead of Eng- | entertained John Cassel and family ana Ame Longenacker dined ‘with 3 4 7 4 The days of the week a (ish? Fla ; /ass Mr YH. and family on Sunday. | i 2. Z known by proper names. Holidays “=~ algebra th of t.e Junction, on. Stniay. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Keener en-| BG 1D and holy days alike bear names Portas re ye 1 eunknown:| Mr. and Mrs. Herman Metzler | tertained “the following . guests on] Percent. DY Percent. 2 that are pregnant with meaning. levers tc Vhoi i at for and children and Mrs. Abr. Metz- Sunday, at dinner: Mrs. Annie ay > ‘3 > : : 1St 1s unknow risite. ] v's M+ Tiss] a ; are neither numbered no: j= it Xmas; but Christians oun ler visited Monroe Metzler’s, on {Keer r, Mrs. Loda Nissley, Mr. and Interest 5 Sunday. Mrs. Joe Heistand, and children. # i tered i he order of their oc- 5; b : currence or for apy other = Teason, eR sawn such rather Mr. anc Mrs. Daniel Erb and! Alice, Almeda, Claude, D vid and : There is ome outstanding exception. sacredly Brot j Sep Christmas family and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Erb | Anna, Mr. and Mrs. ‘David Heist- One day—the day of all “days I so ‘that none of y Its right name | ang family called at A. H. Erb’s;and and chil gen, Erma, David 8 each year is sadly miscalled, dis- of its significance be | on Sunday. pr Ee : 2 ® # lost. ac si . , v Miller has =°v evs to We don’t call Easter Sunday Henrv Miller has ‘very fine lo Alarm Clock Day because that of Jullets, Wiich St - vresent arg MILTON GROVE correct the evil that is crowded. “0 closely identifi ity | Producing over 200 eges a day. into that one little expression: risin~. We don’t Sh Sine With Rev. and Mrs. Martin Metzler “Xmas. : Chilstiias day Zday because the letter Z oc | entertained Mr. and Mrs. Isaac B. AL. i aR RS of It's bad enough for cuples a symbolic position in the | EXP and family, and Mr. and Mrs. aed ar, and Mrs, - John to be written Xmas on any flimsy alphabet. Jacob Snvder and family, on Sun-| Bender, of Milton Grove, Sunda- day. On Saturdav. Mr. James Berrie: at this Bank, and you are most rdially invited to join. A small amount deposit weekly will 1sure you a handsome sum for next r's Christ- mas Shopping. i Interest ¥ g if New Christmas Savings Cli are now starting | etext; but now, largely through “Xmas” is n ” re use of the abertive abbrevia. 16 Toss Te Rl excusable Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Herr and | Purchased a Ford truck from Mr tion in newspaners—chiefly in aus It might be O. K. in shorthand | d2ughter, of near Mt. ‘Joy, and |Henry Strickler, of Elizabethtown vertising—that day is so dear to use X to designate Christ: be Mr. and Mrs. Abr. Eshleman and|. The hunters of around this vie- us is being given widespread Es as long as we’re not writing short. family, of Landisville, were guests | IM that were at the mountains nouneiation in accordance igh Js hand, it’s neither nice. necessary of Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Brubaker, hunting deer. returned home not shortened spelline, Christmas rou. nor appropriate. Let's forget the | Sunday. Sas Se any deer and reporting it doesn’t mean near 0s rit lazy. irreverent abbreviate mixture Tobaceo stripnine is in order. |t em scarce. : when it is called Ecksnias PIES. of Grecian symbolism and Saxoy | © took advantage of the|, Mr- and Mrs. Homer Kistler and The “X” is borrowed—ar stolen} gs . and stick to Christie damn weather and many of them | family. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ber- from the Greek in which language English. “THAT Inow have a supply taken down |e and family Mr. and Mrs it is a symbol eouivalent to the It’s Christ : : which will keep them busy for George Mumper and family. were name of the Saviour. 30. eolebrat. mas pe are preparing | this vear. - the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ae many of hn Sr ge, k haan tony Sther iz x gad Hp. poor), Keener 2d James Berrier and family. 9 w e A : - | amily, of Dauphin; [’r. a rs many of us would know what 1} Don’t eall it Eekemas. “dwin Heisey, of Our classified ads bring results. |’ MOUNT JOY, PA. SREB REBT i moh mv ar Naan be ad i iW Pm Ta EA a i EA ile Ni: CREE an TIT TERE TY Pe ae a ae Manet Pm.