The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 04, 1925, Image 7

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I will receive my first MAURICE RIVER COVE
OYSTERS about FRIDAY. From then on at all times.

Special 3 Days Only
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
A One Pound Box of ;
Fresh, Assorted Schrafft’s Blue Banner
Chocolates at 59¢ Per Pound
Ask for it if we don’t mention it to you.
You will see it in the East Window on display
Saturday. :
‘We also have a full line of Bachman’s Chocolate
with the 5-1b. layers at the usual price.
H. A. Darrenkamp
3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT Joy, PA.

W. H. Dishong
Elizabethtown, Pa.



Furniture Needs
The importance of correct furniture and furnishing
in the modern home cannot be over emphasized,
if you wish to entertain your friends in a manner
that will do yourself and your husband credit.
The best way to insure proper furniture is to come
here to make your selections.
West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA.

A Haircut
Every 10 Days
a formula for good looks
Agent for Manhattan Laundry.
Hershey’s Barber Shop

ler wardt is. De fact is, es is feel
easier geld lose wara os es ei bringa,
un uftmohls shtarta yunge menner
nows mit ma howfa geld fun eram
fodder un es seemed se sin net
g’satisfied bis se es lose warra. Es
seemed era heifly geld reibed se os
we en hickerniss in ma shtiffel. Se
sin net rooich bis es oll is, derno uff
ae mohl coomds ena os se on de ara-
wet missa un os es en dawg hard
shoffa nembt far en dawler fardeena.
Des: sin ae sart norra waega geld.
En onery sart geld norra sin karls
1623 hogs, 8 sheep.
L. Compared with week ago: Cattle
328 cars, 9595 head, 540 calves,
1229 hogs, 74 sheep,
Apple Shipments Increasing
The movement of apples from
the Eastern and Central States 1s
increasing and receipts at the ter-
minal markets are heavier, accord-
ing to the State and Federal Bu-
reau of Markets. These conditions
combined with the knowledge of a
heavier commercial crop are prob-
ably the chief reasons for the
dullness of the Philadelphia apple|woo mer de rale first-rate karls
market. During the week ending |hased. Woo olsfart blendy geld hen,
sir. liberal, un kenna net ous era
agena deer gae oony a pawr dawler
shpenda. Won du en bill collecta
wid fun ena don hen se nee ken
geld, awver won du se drows aw-
dreffa doosht don doona se dich
royal treata---farleicht mit dime
agena geld. Du konsht sheer, net
base warra ivver se un duch grawbts
in dere os we en mouse won se ous-
era malekisht fressa will.
En onery sort geld norra sin selly
Irarl woo hich ni shtarta in bisniss,
driva de beshta gile, un wara de
beshta glaeder. Se kawfa un far-
kawfa, schwetza waeaga tzae dow-
send dawler os wons usht tzae cent
ware, locha ivver leit woo hardt
shofft far en laeva maucha un laega
ena ous we easy os es is geld tsu
maucha won se usht schmart g’'nunk
vara. De leit gooka uff tsu ena os
won se harra wara. Yader ebber
drcwed ena un de menshta leit win-
sha won se usht a pawr dowsend
dawler hetta far ena tsu gevva usht
far “safe keeping”. Gli grocht eb-
bes. Der shreef coomed un derno
warts ous g’funna os era grosser
October 24, New York State ‘ship-
ped three times as many apples as
any other Eastern State with a
total of 1,955 reported for the
week. Pennsylvania rolled 223 cars
and Virginia .556. The total move
ment for the country for the sea-
son is 5,000 cars ahead of last
season’s total to the same date.
The Eastern potato markets are
strong with price levels even above
those of war times. In Philadel-
phia today, Pennsylvania stock met
an activé demand and prices con-
tinued to advance. Round Whites
in (150 pound sacks brought as
high as $5.25, while bulk stock ad-
vanced to $3.50 per hundred lbs.
Last year’s’ quotations on the cor-
responding date were $2.30 for
sacked stock and $1.50 for bulk.
Potato Prices Rise Sharply
The rapid rise of potato prices
was the . feature of the Philadel-
phia market during the past week,
according to the State and Federal
Bureau of Markets. ‘Heavy freez-
es and snows in many potato pro-
ducing sections and the fact that
the present erop is the smallest
in five years are the chief causes|eram geld, un derna farwoonerts
show ell gadeo is warra mit oner leit |
for the recent activity. Prices for
Pennsylvania round whites showed
a gain of $1.50 since. Monday
and the market closed strong at
$6.00 to - $ .35 per 150 pound
sack. Shipping point prices’ have
advanced sharply under the specu-
lative demand and are now higher

48> :

than war time levels.
Most offerings of nearby fruits
and vegetables were light on the
wholesale market. The demand and
trading were slow with prices on
most commodities showing little
change from Friday. Cranberries
sold at a wider range in prices and
grapes showed a weaker tendency.
Celery was slightly stronger while
Pennsylvania mushrooms were lib-
eral and sold slowly on a weak
market. Lettuce, romaine and spin-
ach were stronger. Apples and
pears held steady under light re-
Range of Prices:
Good to choice $9.75-11.50
Fair to good 8.50-9.75
Medium to fair 7.00-8.50
Common to medium 5.50-7.00
Good to choice $6.00-7.25
Fair to good 5.00-6.00
Medivm to fair $ 4.50-5.00
Common to medium $ 4.00-4.50
Choice to prime 8.00-8.50
Good to choice 7.25-8.00
Medium to good 5.50-7.25
Common to medium 4.00-5.50
Good to choice 5.00-6.50
Medium to good 4.00-5.00
Common to medium 3.00-4.00
Canners & Cutters 1.75-3.00
Good to choice 8.00-9.00
Fair to good 6.50-8.00
Medium to fair 5.75-6.50
Common to medium 4.50-5.75
Good to choice $ 5.75-6.50
Fair to good $ 4.75-5.75
Medium to fair $ 4.25-4.75
Ccmmon to medium $ 4.00-4.25
Good to choice 12.25-14.50
Medium 10.50-12.25
Common 5.00-10.50
Heavyweights $12.25-13.00
Mediumweights 12.50-13.25
Lightweights 12.25-13.25
Rough Stock 11.00-12.25
Lancaster Grain and Feed Market
Wheat ! $1.40 bu.
Old Corn .85 bu.
New Corn .65 bu.
HAY (baled)
Timothy $18.00 19.00 ton
Straw 11.00 12.00 ton
Selling Price of Feeds
Bran $3 .0037.00 ton
Shorts 37.00-38.00 ton
Hominy 39.00-40.00 ton
Middlings 43.00-44.00 ton
Linseed 53.50-54.50 ton
Gluten 46.50-47.50 ton
Ground Oats 38.50-39.50 ton
Alfalfa Meal. reg. $41.00-42.00 ton
Cottonseed 41 pe. $48.00-49.00 fon
Dairy Feed 16 pe. 36.00-37.00 ton
Dairy Feed 18 pec. 40.50-41.50 ton
Dairy Feed 20 pec. 42.50-43.50 ton
Dairy Feed 24 pc. 48.00-49.00 ton
Dairy Feed 25 pe. 50.00-51.00 ton
Horse Feed 85 pe. 44.00-45.00 ton
Alfalfa Meal. Fine $45.00-46.00 ton
GE SA rm,
The Bulletin is always prompt in
the delivery of all printing.
leit os se so faruompte kelver wora
un hen net dorrich se saena kenna
derfore. Awver farleicht tsu shpote.
Se missa widder frish no awfonga en
dowsend dawg shoffa far de dowsend |
dawler fardena os se dem raske
gevva hen, usht far eme tsu wisa we
feel confidence os se in eme g’hot |
De facet is, schpeculata mit one,
leit eram geld is g'farliche bisniss.
Es geld os du mauched won du glick
husht is di, uns geld os du farleersht
is dina friend. Glae awfonga un
grose uff gevva is en gooter motto
far ytnge leit. Won du en hoonerd |
dawler fardeenst in ma yohr un,
shpendsht nine-un-ninetzich don|
bisht du harlich; un won du en hoon- |
ert dawler fardeesht un shpendsht en
hoonert un ae dawler don bisht du
mowderlich. Der besht wake is cash
batzawla we mer gait won mer’s |
onishter do econ, un nix kawfa os]
mer net wase woos geld hare cooma |
doot fars batzawla. Ich wet liever|
en farissner ruch wara os batzawled
is os we en doochner ruck os ich ken
rasade derfore hob. Wons shunt net
so shae gooked mer con duch nochts |
shlofa oona ga-drockdeered se mit |
shoolda. Der droovel os mer sich |
selver mauched "is der hardsht un]
kenner shpraid em dae brodegrimla |
uc’s lineduch os we shoolda druvvel. |
Doh hare consht du dich druff fer-|
lussa, won oll my shpeculations dor-;
rich folla ae ding is sure, un des is|
os nemond g’shtucka waerdt-—wile |
ich ken geld laena wet won ich kent
un kent net won ich wet. |
Ah, appt

Is the Experience of This Mount Joy
Resident {
Are you miserable with an aching
back? Feel tired, nervous and run
down? Do you have daily head- |
aches, dizzy spells and annoying!
urinary disorders? Then why not
take the advice of a Mount Joy res-|
ident who suffered as you do and |
found lasting relief by using Doan’s
Pills—a stimulant diuretic to the
kidneys? Here is a Mount Joy case |
that the years haven’t changed. Why |
not profit by ‘it? |
Mrs. Irvin Geistweit, 205 W. Main!
St., says: “My back ached severely. |
I didn’t rest well at night.
I used Doan’s Pills as I knew other
and I can say they are the :
medicine I know of for
“Kidney trouble has been a thing
of the past ince Doan’s cured me.”
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil-
burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
etl Qe
Champion Potato Raiser
Elmer Kauffman, farmer, resid-
ing near Neffsville, appears to be
the champion potato raiser so far
as records indicate, His .argest
find weighed 32 ounces. Mr. Kauff-

man is a director of the East
Petersburg State Bank.
tl CE
Some Buyers About
There were a few tobacco buy-
ers about the rural sections last
week but as far as can be learn-
ed there were no sales by the
farmers. The tobacco is coloring
nicely and will soon be ready for
stripping on some of the farms.
ee etl Aree

Subscribe for The Bulletin.
| is painless and can not injure any-
My kidneys acted too frequently and | 1
Finally | 2 Jobin
folks had taken them with benefit |
LATER, Mrs. Geistweit added:

: y What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has To
Live Stock Market Say This Week WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX.
I promised to tell you about the
PENNA. BUREAU OF rew Cancer treatment developed by
BULLETIN On account of the fact that Chi’
a cago was hil (Loins the daylight
saving time while train t
MARKET: slow. Beef seers standard time I was go
with Week Aso attending the first clinic given by
slightly wea : r. Koch, b i
mon killers; none here to sell was there ION or ME ent
above $10.00; bulk, $8.00 to 9.50. the famous treatment.
Bulls, she stock and canners, show- 1 was asked to give a statement
ing better movement about steady. as to my case. It was as follows
Stockers: snd shendy), farly Married woman, aged 52, no child-
active; broader demand for ren, never consid d Nn
grad bulk $6.25 les 5 Vile ncurished, not AINE, ell
00; . yay ed when young. Fell on the i i
Nolet $14.50, Westerns Yous ago and injured left Ft.
$13.25; bulk, $12.75 to 13.00. = | SHPECULTA MIT ONER LEIT | cancer by pr. Jump vee pronounted
RECEIPTS: Receipts for to Ry ERAM GELD performed. Various treatments fol-
anada; . Paul; . ; in. J;
Virginia; 8 Chicago; 2 Kentucky; Ich denk du husht shunt uft g'- ir one san are in June she
2 Penna.; 1 West Virginia; 1 N.|woonered we ich en laeva mauch. ointment for e an a ¢ an ap-
Carolina containing 860 head, 100 [Olles os ich nuch so weit aw g’fonga to maha ot Rue date in order
calves, 2 3 hogs. 3 hob is more dorrich g’shlipped. My asia rare 1 0 From
Reseipts for week ending, Octo-|rigel-wake doot net batzawla, my in the oar ble y Judged her to be
ber 31, 1925: Cattle 313 cars: | biskotza burglar-proof safe is ken Befor th 8 age : .
99 St. Paul; 66 Virginia; 39 Can-|success wile de kotza tsu rawr sin, heh aN be e set for diagnosis,
ada; 32 Chicago; 20 West Virgin-lun my texa ducteri bringt gons certain. or e 2 ser yf to go to a
ja; 17 Tennessee; 15 St. Louis; 5 |wenich ei wiles ken hexa mae hut. not vet i” cer hospital and she did
New York; 5 Penna. ; 4 Kentucky; | Olla mon si experience is en lessen At sta No Tal :
4 North Carolina; 3 Buffalo; tsu onery mon, un my grosser droo- | (ay ee osm a a1 eschozatic plas-
Pittsburgh; 1 Iowa; 1 Indiana; con |vel far der windt raisa is en worning Yorip. sn 8p le = heb ate out a
taining 9350 cattle, 250 calves, | tsu karls woo net wissa wos en daw- nl oi A 8 of He eam
lected $500.00 and sent her home
worse off than before. She then
went to a surgeon and he told her
he could do nothing for her and that
she could live only a short time.
However, he admitted that he could
give her an X-ray treatment which
might help. She took 120 minutes
of X-ray treatments and again was
much worse than before. She then
went to another city and took the
Electronic treatment and was no
She came back to me two days
before the convention to see if [I
could get her into the clinic as they
had sold most of their farm and
spent the money on useless treat-
ments, and she did not expect to
live over a month unless I could
save her.
Dr. Koch had sent notice to all
of us that he would not treat pa-
tients who had been treated by X-
ray or radium but I did not know of
the X-ray treatment in her case un-
til she told it at the clinic.
About 300 scientists, including
Dr. Koch, said that the case was
hopeless and the patient could not
live. Had it not been for X-ray
treatments there would be a fair
chance under the new treatment.
As a special favor to me Dr. Koch
gave her the treatment, altho he
told me privately that he considered
it useless in her case.
Two days later when I saw her
she was feeling better than for over
a vear and wa: very happy and full
of hope. I have some hopes for
her now and will tell you of her
progress from time to time.
Dr. Koch has demonstrated to the
doctors present at the convention
that he has actually cured over one-
third of the cases presented to him
as hopeless, about 80 per cent. of
the other cases treated are vastly im-
proved, but he does not call it a cure
until three or more years have pass-
ed without return of the symptoms.
I was told that over 3000 cases
have been treated. The treatment

one even if there is no cancer but
only suspected.
Dr. Koch told me that he believed
it rendered the patient permanently
immune to cancer. He wants ano-
ther year’s test before giving the
details of his treatment to the en-
tire medieal profession.
——-———— ————
A number of local farmers were }
exhibitors at the Harvest Home show
at Columbia last week. The follow-
ing were among the winners:
Yellow Dent, first, J. Frank End-
ers, Columbia R 2; second, J. Harry
Enders, Columbia R 2; third, Sam-|g
uel Greider, Columbia R 2. 5
Golden Queen, first, J. C. Garber,
of Elizabethtown; second Warren
Aungst, Elizabethtown; third, D. L.
Shellenberger, Columbia R 2.
Lancaster County Sure Crop, first.
Elmer B. Newcomer, Mount Joy R
2; second, D. M. Landis, Lancaster
R 7; third, H. S. Nolt, Columbia R 2.
White Cap Yellow Dent, first, D.

M. Landis, Lancaster R 7; second,
D. C. Witmer, Mount Joy R 1; third,
W. D. Glick, Millersville.
Best Ten Ears, first, J. C. Garber,
of Elizabethtown; second, Warren
Aungst, Elizabethtown; third, J. F.
Enders, Columbia R 2.
Best Single Ear, first, L. S. Shell-
enberger, Columbia R 2; second, J.
C. Garber, Elizabethtown; third,
Warren Aungst, Elizabethtown.
Best Thirty Ears, Yellow Dent,
first, J. Frank Enders; second, J.
Harry Enders.
Gold Queen, first, J. C. Garber.
Lancaster County Sure Crop, H.
Elmer B. Newcomer of R 2, Mt.
Joy, took first on wheat.
I. H. Neiman, of Maytown, took
first and third on Rhode Island Red
Henry H. McElroy, Mount Joy R
first for best variety ban.ams.
Wame, Mayvtown, first on
{fancy pigeons.
| Mrs. Chas. Berrier, Kinderhook,
| first on bread.
P. BR. Kr H, Rheems, first on

Winter Banana apples.
Who Wants to Retire?
have a beautiful brick house,

9 rooms and ath, heat, electric
| lights, large stable with open space
| on both sides of house and tract
| of land adjoining in rear. This
| property is in East Donegal but
close to Florin. Here's a good
y buy at an interesting price. No.
1 289 in my list. Jno. E. Schroll, |
| Phone 41R2, Mt. Joy. tf
mst ene:
| Here's a Nice Home
Who wants a nice brick property,
on corner with wide lot on side, on

[ ] a —— - ——
1 Sale E i
o ale Extraordinary!
PA - .
A You Can't Afford to Miss This hy
® ®
1) B hE
% Big 19¢, 25¢ & 50¢ Sale! 2
® 9 ®
. . It’s an opportunity, Mrs. Home-Maker; to. make your ®
dollars go still further, and the beauty of it is that it is Ld -
a made up of things needed every day in the week, and hd
Quality counts in every item. og
A Don’t let this opportunity pass by, take fill advantage ug
of this special sale and buy ahead. You'll be amazed at .
4 your savings. .
® 4 LJ]
A Good wholesome food for the winter months. if
° Regular 18c or 20c wk
ASCO PEAS 3 cans 50c .
ll’ New crop sweet, tender Peas with that “just. picked” flavor... [MN
[ J] LJ
A Campbell's Tomato Soup 3 cans 25¢
* ®
° ‘ h
a More Big 19¢ and 25¢ Values! Py
A ini
PY ASCO Pork and Beans wt CANS 23c Py
® ASCO ‘Bread Crumbs ............. ... 3 pkgs 25¢ J
ASCO Cracker Meal ................. 3 pkgs 25¢ El
Fancy Stuffed Olives .......... i veined 2: hots 25¢ Ld
Red Ripe Tomatoes ........... .««.2 big cans 25¢
ASCO Tomato Puree ................4 eans 25c
Whole Green Peas ..... Fite sire ee 2 lbs 19c¢
Sweet Tender Peas ... 0 . 2 cans 19c
Gold Seal Rolled Oats ........... 3 pkgs 25¢
Beech-Nut Cooked Spaghetti ..........2 cans 25¢

{ Marietta street, one of our, most
i beautiful residential streets, for
{only $4,500. This property won't
last long at that price so don’t de-|
i lay if you are interested tf |
etl eee
The police at Steelton have ban-
ned the “Charleston” dance in



Our Teas Are Deliciously Different!
4 1b trial pkg 19¢ : sealed Ib tin 75¢
A blend of extra heavy bodied Teas. More cups :to the
pound. Easily $1.00 value.
ASCO TEAS } 1b pkg Ib. 65¢
Orange Pekoe, India Ceylon, Old Country Style and Java
ASCO TEAS % Ib pkg 14c : Ib: 55¢
Plain Black or Mixed
RED RIPE TOMATOES 3 med cans 25¢
New crop—1925 Pack. Buy a dozen cans;


RAISINS 3 pkgs 25¢
Sprinkle a few in your next Rice Pudding.

ASCO Corn Starch 3 pkgs 19¢|
New Pack Cleaned Currants ........... 2 pkgs 25c¢
Taste Tells India Relish. .... 2:bots 25¢
ASCO Home-Style Noodles ........... 6, pkgs 25¢
ASCO California Asparagus .......... 3° cans 50c
ASCO Cooked Red Beets ............ 3 cans 50c¢
ASCO Green Lima Beans ............ 3 cans 50c
Chocolate Covered Peppermints ........... Ib 25¢
.__ Delicious Creamy Caramels Pet raat 1 BOG +
1 Jar Stick Candy ] Beth for
1 pkg Beauty Marshmallows | 1 9 C
BREAD SUPREME big wrapped loaf 10¢
Made like you make Bread. Extm good! We say it
without boasting—it is the Best Bread, Baked.
VICTOR BREAD pan loaf 7c
Purest ingredients. Stays fresh to. the last slice.

PRUNES 2 Ibs 25
Eat stewed prunes aplenty. A, very healthful habit.

PINEAPPLE 3 cans 50c
.Just the right size can for a small family.

These Prices Effective im Our Stdres

A sudden dash from a side road, jamming of worn
out brakes, and your car joins the otbass on the jmnk pile.
Faulty brakes are to blame for most secidents—any police
department will tell yow that.
Perhaps that is why so many of are driving
in to have their brakes relimed with Asbestos \
Brake Lining.
They know it is the best—and wa put it om with no lost
muting! Teyor’s Garage, Mt. J Jy
Pound for pound, Baker's Coal will give you more heat, whether
burned in furnace, stove or grate, than any other coal you can buy. A
trial will prove the truth of our statement.




F. H BAKER, Mount Joy, P