The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 04, 1925, Image 1

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~ The Mount Joy Bulletin
Ir. Business. Man Don’t Sit and Wait for Business to Come Unsolici
Boro Council in
Monthly Session
The regular monthly meeting of
Mount Joy Boro Council was held
in the Council Chamber on Mon-
day evening with all members,
Burgess and secretary, present.
The minutes of the last meeting
were read and approved.
Report of Burgess
Mr. Bachman reported collee-
tions to the amount of $8.50, same
turned over to the boro. treasurer.
Street Committee
Mr. S. F. Eshleman reported all’
concrete work at“the Ed.: Ream
properties on East Main and South
Barbara streets attended to. Some
rubbish was hauled.
Burgess Bachman reported the
railroad crossing at the Brown Sons
building on East Donegal street,
has not been repaired as ordered
at the last meeting.
Mr. Garber reported
work on the boro getting
very, nicely.
The clerk was ordered to notify
the Sanitary Milk Company, Lan-
caster, to repair ambroken ~ sewer
pipe in the gutter, ™which their
trucks cross going from Manheim
road to their creamery,
Grades for laying pavements on
North Barbara street weré - given
te. Messrs. Clinton Eby, Elmer,
a {Benjamin and Peter Brubaker, the
latter, refusing to lay his. He
will be notified by the clerk to
make his pavement within ten
days or the boro will do the work
at his expense.
Mr. Miller reports South Lum-
ber street, between West Donegal
and Marietta street, in bad ‘shape.
Same was referred to. the street
Mr. Ross Eshleman reported the
crossing at the Elmer Zerphy. pro-
perty on Delta street in bad shape.
Referred” to the street committee.
The clerk will notify
vania R. R. Company to repair the
covering on the water main cross-
ing the Barbara street bridge.
Finance Committee
Mr. Ross Eshleman reported the
approval of all bills,
Ord'nance Committee
The ordinance for the opening
of a new street from Barbara to
Longenecker’s road passed second
reading. This street -will be known
as New street.
An ordinance for the opening of
a street from South Market street
to Pinkerton road, passed first
reading. This will be known as
Sdhool Lane. -
An ordinance for the opening of
a new street -from Market to Wal-
(Turn to page 3)
The School Board met in regular
session Monday evening with all
members present.
Representatives from two
clock companies were present, they
were Standard Electric Time Com-
pany and International Time Record
Company, both of New York. The
contract was awarded to the Stand-
ard Electric Time Company. The
clock is known as the program clock
and is controlled by one
The supervising principal, Mr.
Bair, reported five hundred forty-two
pupils on the roll. There are seven
additional pupils since the roll was
Institute Week will be the week
of November 9th. Thanksgiving va-
cation will start at the close of
school November 25 and open on
November 30th.
Bills were then
board adjourned.
paid and the
Mr. Roy Sheaffer, of this place,
an employe of- H.. W. Greiner, car-
penter, of Landisville, was working
his capacity as a carpenter. in
erecting a house along the Colum-
bia pike, where he met with an
He was performing his duties on
the ground, while other workmen
were above him. In some manner,
a heavy door slipped from their
grasp and fell upon Sheaffer's
head, some feet below®
Sheaffer was taken to the St.
Joseph’s Hospital in a semi-con-
scious condition. A fractured skull
seems very probable.
Rapho Teachers Will Meet
The teachers of Rapho township
will hold the monthly meeting Sat-
urday, November 7, at Sporting
Hill. The following program has
been arranged: Devotional, Miss
Alice - Strickler; round table, epen
to all; discussion, “Some Methods
of Discipline in the Lower Grades,
Miss Miriam Rengier; recitation,
Miss Mary Hoffer; discussion, “How
Can I Better Discipline the Higher
Grades?” Frank Mauss; piano se-
lo, Miss Alverta Hershey; address,
Director, Jacob Moyer.
Deeds to be Recorded
A. Musselman to John Hilde-
brand. tract of land in Mt. Joy,
Phares B. Stehman,
tor, to Frank E. Felker, property
in Mt. Joy, $4,000. -
S. Nissley Gingrich and E. J.
Nissly to Albert G. Walters, lot in
Mt. Joy, $600.
Pennsyl- |
time |
master |
Mark Basehore, nee
place, re-
While Mrs.
Martha Heisey, of this
siding on East Park street,
bethtown, and her guest,
Clinton Eby, of this place, were
returning from a stroll in the
woods at Keener’'s Park, Elizabeth-
town, Thursday afternoon, Mrs.
Basehore was struck by an. auto
truck driven by Paul Kaylor, of
that place, throwing her to
the: ground with such force as to
render her unconscious, She suf-
fered deep lacerations about the
face and head and was taken im-
mediatel to the office of Dr.
Ulrich, Elizabethtown, who had her
removed to the St. Joseph’s Hos-
pital, Lancaster, Her, condition is
greatly improved.
All Day Meeting
At Pleasant View
meeting of the
United Zion Children will be held
in the Pleasant View church, two
miles north of this boro, on Sunday,
November 15. There will be a
morning and afterndon program and
a number of very prominent speak-
ers will attend.
The complete program follows:
Morning Program
9:15 A. M., Devotional Exercises;
9:30 A. M., Address of Welcome,
Elder Daniel Miller; 9:45 A. M,,
Family Alter, Elder Henry Bicksler;
10:15 A. M., Shall the Church Pro-
gress, and How? (German), Elder
John Light; 10:45 A. M., Can the
Affliction of the Righteous and the
Prosperity of the Wicked be Counted
with God’s Justice?, Bishop John
Brinser; 11:30 A. M., Closing; In-
Afternoon Program
1:15 P. M., Devotional Exercises;
[1:30 P. M., How Shall We Face the
Present Day?, Elder Matthias Brin-
ser; 2:15 P. M., What Effect Should
this Uncertainty Have as to: Our
Knowledge of Knowing at What
Time the Lord will Come as a Thief
in the Night?, Elder Isaac Kauffman;
3:00 P. M.,, Can Dry Bones Hear
{ the Word of the Lord, Get Breath
and Live?, Bishop Henry Light;
3:45 P. M., Closing Prayer.
A ministerial

The judges awarded the following
prizes to our Schools fer work on
| display during the hE Ex-
Drawing — First Prize, Sixth
Grade: Second Prize, Third Grade;
Third Prize, Seventh Grade.
Penmanship—First Prize, Second
| Grade; Second Prize, Seventh Grade;
Third Prize, Fourth Grade.
| The tests for the second month of
school were held on Friday in the
| Junior and Senior High Schools.
| Miss Mary Longenecker was ab-
sent on Friday and Miss Mary New-
| pher took her place for the day.
| © The report cards for the second
! month of school were placed in the
! hands of the pupils at the close of
| school on Thursday. Again it is
| suggested that parents may find
| some means of having better work
done by their children.
Basket Ball practice was started
by the boys on Tuesday evening,
Cctober 27th. Robert Heilig has
! been elected manager for the season.
Drawing has been started for the
High School pupils. Under our
crowded conditions it is hard to give
our boys and girls as much as we
should in the finer arts. We look
for more advantages in the new
man at the local P. R. R. {freight
station, was placed on the “Roll
of Honor,” effective November 1st.
He started in the employ of the
P. R. R.,. as track hand under
Harry Stoll in 1880, working = two
years. He was then employed as
warehouseman, by Jacob Cassell,
who was then agent, for three
years. April 4th, 1885, he was
again employed by the P. R. R.
Co., as warehouseman, which po-
sition he held until his retirement.
During his forty years service,
Mr. Mateer worked under only
four agents, viz.; Jacob Cassell,
W. W. Cassell, C. S. Good and
Geo. Althouse. Mr, Mateer retires
with a clean record, never having
lost any time thru suspension, and
was the recipient of congratulatory
letters from W. L. Ekin, Superin-
tendent, and J. A. Oehme, .super-
vising agent of the Philadelphia
A Ar
A. C. Mateer,
Martin Rutt, graduate of May-
town High School, a tackle on the
Lehigh Freshmen foot ball team, is
out for the rest of the season as
fthe result of an injury sustained in
| scrimmage. ’
“Rutt was removed to St. Luke's
Hospital, where an X-ray examina-
tion received a fracture of the leg.
eee eee
Home Receives War Trophy
The Masonic Homes, at Elizabeth
town, received a 150 “millimeter
long field gun on transport vehick,
from the Arsenal, at Rariton, N.
J., a gift from the government. It
4d weighs ten ton, was captured from
the Germans, and will be placed in
Memorial Grove.

New Mail Carrier
Mr. Joseph Sheaffer, is the new
mail earrier from the P. R.
station, to. the Post Office. He
succeeds Mr. Albert Laskewitz.
Picked From Our
Weekly Card Basket
Miss Bertha Wertz spent Sunday
with Mrs. Anna Fetter, .
Mr. Philip Pyle, of Pittsburgh, is
spending a few days in towne
Mrs. Malinda Sheaffer visited
friends at Rheems on Sunday. .
John Sillers visited his grand-
parents on Sunday at Lancaster.
Mr. and Mrs. George Althouse
are enjoying a vacation in Mich-
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Johnson
spent several days at the latter’s
home at Carlisle. : ;
Mr. Haroid Leib, of Philadelphia
is spending the week with his fath-
er, Mr. M. M. Leib.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuhns, of Allen-
town, visited Rev. and Mrs. Ralph
Borneman, on Thursday.
Harry Leib spent Saturday at
Lancaster, visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. W, Leib.
Mrs. Frank Haug-and son, Ray,
spent the week end at Ironville
with Mrs. Amanda Hartman.
Mrs. Hubert Rice and son, spent
Wednesday at Elizabethtown, vis-
iting his mother, Mis. Rice.
Norman Garber, Ed. Hoffmaster,
and Mrs. Bessie Rodgers celebrat-
ed their birthdays the past week.
Mervin Barnhart, Samuel Miller
and Clarence Weaver left Sunday
for Perry County on a gunning
The Misses Sue and Flora Drab-
enstadt and Donald Arntz, of May-
town, visited: Mr. and Mrs, H. B.
Arntz, on Sunday. I
Mr. and Mrs. Amos - Wolgemuth
and two daughters, and Mr. Harry
Engle left Tuesday for Arcadia,
Florida, where they will spend sev-
eral months.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hi Weidman
and grandson, Harold Reich, and
Mrs. James Peirsol and son, James
of Lancaster, visited D.: W. Stray-
er and family on Sunday.
Rev. H, S. Kieffer, pastor of St.
Mark’s church, this place preached
a sermon on ‘The Holy Atmos-
phere,” to . the congregation
church, at Lancaster, on Sunday
Misses Margaret Rahm, Margaret
and Annie Dearbeck attended the
Mercersburg and Kayser College
football game, at Mercersburg. The
latters’ brother, Sylvester Dearbeck
is captain of the Kayser team and
plays quarterback.
Food Sale Nov. 7th
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the
Trinity Lutheran church, of this
place, will hold a food sale in the
Ricksecker building ‘on Saturday,
November 7th. They will sell pies,
cakes, potato salad, potato chips,
and sandy. Sale starts 10 A. M.
Spelling Bees
Prove Valuable
’ —————
With the advent of fall weather,
the old fashioned spelling bee is
coming into its own. These con-
tests, which draw old and young,
the fall and winter ‘months, are
still one of the greatest attractions
for country folk.
The usual form is to have tv
classes of spelling contests, divid-
ed by ages, and one general in-
formation class; the latter _ being
very interesting and provoking a-
musement for all. A capable teach-
er, usually the teacher of the school
where the contest is held, is in
charge of the various classes. The
evening is often enlivened with the
award of prizes for the winners.
This is a custom that should be
preserved. It is not only a good
thing for the people in Lancaster
county to keep up their ‘readin’
and ’ritin’ and ’rithmetic,” but the
bees promote a social intercourse
and friendship that also is of great
The opportunity to meet one’s
neighbors, in some friendly contest
and later in a social hour is. one
that should not be ignored. In the
towns and’ communities of the
country it is perhaps, more essen-
tial than in the city, where spell-
ing bees are now, novelties.
The training that the people in
the county get when they are fac-
ed” with words like ‘“adumbrated”
or “diphtheria” or “casualties,” is
one that can not be ignored. Per-
haps the people in the city have
lost, in this lack of continuance of
their school days.
Certainly, in these days, the poor
speller is noticeable, because he is
a member of a large group. Too
liftle attention is devoted to this
simplest of all forms of education.
= Ieee.
Will Hold Food Sale
The Sisterhood Bible Class of
the United Brethren church, of
this place, will hold a food sale in
the Ricksecker building, West Main
street, on Saturday. December 5th.
Many good things to eat will = be
for sale. Also a lot of fanev
work. Nov. 4-4t
Non-Support Cases
John Nye, Landisville, was ord-
ered to pay $3 per week to the
support of his wife. Z
Irvin Zink, this place, was. -ord-
ered to pay to his wife, Ellen. for
the support of their two children
under six vears $6 per week. =:
REE a pa]
Guardian Appointed
The Union National Bank, of-
this place. was apvointed gusrdiap
of John Wiliam Funk, weak: mind
ed, on petition of his mother, Mrs:
Fannie Funk. 54

at |
; afternoon,
the banks of the ‘Busguehan-
Mount Joy, Penna. iWednesday, Nov. 4, 1925
Armistice Day Service
The W. S. Ebersole Post No. 185,
of Mount Joy, will dedicate on Ar-
mistice Day, November 11th, 1925,
at 2-P. M., a memorial plot in Mt.
Joy Cemetery. .
The citizens of Mount Joy
Community are invited to
these services, and it is
that we show our interest
respect by our presence,
The Local Post requests that all
places of business be closed and
business suspended between the
hours of two and three o'clock P.
M. on that day.
J. A. BACHMAN, Burgess
Guild’s Annual Xmas Sale
The Needle Guild, of the Trinity
Lutheran church, will hold their
annual Christmas sale of fancy
work and home-made candy in the
Ricksecker building on Saturday,
December 12th,
Wounds Fatal
, To Florn Man
Charles Sweager, 36 years
of Florin, who was shot by
Henderson, also of Florin, during
revolver duel in a house in
Perry county last Tuesday night,
succumbed to his wounds at 9:45
last Wednesday morning at the
Polyclinic Hospital, in Harrisburg.
Sweager lingered between life
and death since he was admitted
to the hospital. Part of his right
lung had been torn away by the
bullet from Henderson’s gun, which
ploughed its way into the man’s
spinal column, fracturing it and
resulting in complete paralysis of
his legs.
His condition was so critical that
surgeons could not probe for the
| bullet, fearing that such an oper-
ation would be fatal.
Sweager’'s body was removed
from the hospital by the Coroner
| and taken to Hauck’s undertaking
i establishment, on Third street, Har-
Henderson has been: held in the
| jail at New Bloomfield on a charge
lof aggravated assault and battery
since the shooting. State Troopers,
who arrested’ high said af’ that
time he likely ' would be . ¢harged
{with murder should Sweager die.
Sweager, according $9 a- statement
i credited to him after the shooting,
admitted that he started the: shoot-
ing’ and that Henderson fired only
after his life had been threatened.
| Sweager and, K Henderson had been
| bitter enemies since last July
| when Sweager’s wife left him and
his three children, taking five
| children with her. The husband
| blamed Henderson for his wife's
{act, saying he had urged her to
i desert her family.
The ‘shooting
home of Sweager’s
{ where he had gone in search of
| his wife. He found Henderson in
the home police say, and began
shooting when the man was unable
lto explain satisfactorily his pre-
sence there.
{ i eis

occurred at the
Do not forget the meeting of |
‘the Men’s Christian Federation to
be held Sunday afternoon, Novem-
ber 8th, at two-thirty o’clock, in
the Church of God. We have
been very fortunate in securing
Rev. H. C. Miller, of Lebanon, to
make the address. Let us all show
our appreciation by attending this
service. Come out to hear
Miller and you wil] be amply
paid. There will ‘also be special
music. Make this known among
jyour friends and let every man
and boy make an effort to
Be a booster.
{ Promote a spirit of co-operation
the men of our various de-
‘nominations. Feel it your duty to
support these services. Sunday
November 8, in the
{ Church of God.
stint) npn mete
of Eliza-
David Gingrich, 35,
| bethtown, died at a
| hospital at 1 o’clock Friday af-
ternoon from a fractured skull,
received when the motorcycle
which he was driving through Mid-
dletown about 11:30 Friday morn-
ing struck a pile of dirt, tossing
him to the ground, his head hitting
a trolley rail
Gingrich was in the west end of
the town, on his ‘way to Harris-
burg. As he approached a pile of
dirt in the street, near some build-
ing operations, he met another ear.
Gingrich, according to witnesses of
the accident, was pressed too
close to the pile of dirt by
auto and his side car hit
edge of the pile.
Benevolent Society to Meet
A meeting of the Benevolent So-
ciety is called for Tuesday after-
,. November 10, three
at the home of Miss Rebecca Hof
fer. A full attendance is i
nouncing that our need for fun
was very generously responded
and we heartily. thank every
who helpéd us.make things p
ible’ for ‘our coming demands.
rm ere atl A Aer
._ Marietta ‘Man Injured
| White Calvin .Fuhrman, of East
Marietta, was hunting for ducks
na he tread on a piece of
tin > penetratedshis shoe to the
flesh, inflicting an #igly gash, which
‘bled eonsiderably.” He was treafed
by Dr. John 8. Simons, the physi-

cian: having 'to place a. number “of
stitches to close the “wound. z
25, |
Rev. |
re- |
attend. |
Join the Federation.’
the |
“The monthly meeting of the
choir of Trinity U, E. church was
held .at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Kaylor, on Friday evening.
After the rehearsal, the business
meeting was held, A pleasant so-
cial evening, followed and refresh-
ments were served. The house was]
prettily decorated. Those attend
ing ‘were: Misses Anna Weber
Mildred Geistweit, Dorothy Kaylor,
Blanche Eshlgmah, - Kathryn Sea
man, Nedra, Hazel, Ruth, Almeda
and Mildred“ Kaylor, Mrs. "Ralp
Borneman, Mrs = Chlvin Kramer
Mr. and Irs. Harry«Kaylor, ~ Ber
nice Geistweit, Mr. and Mrs. H. B
Arntz and sons, Gerald and Rob
Many Hallowe'en
Parties Here
Miss Pauline Henry held a Hal-
lowe’en party at her home, on N.
Barabara street, . Saturday even
The home was decorated with
the “spooky” trimmings of Hallowe
en. About twenty guests were
present to. enjoy the dainty ré-
reshments served by their hostess.
Dancing, games, camp-fire stories ert, and Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Kaylo
and music was enjoyed by all; ‘and and son, Cletus, .
a4 Jute hour the “deparc-
for their respective homes. © | Caneral News for
Quick Readin
Master Jack Toppin entertained a
number of his friends at his home
on West Donegal street on Saturday
afternoon from 3 to 6 o’cloek. The
afternoon was spent in playing
games and a dainty supper was
served. Hallowe’en favors and prizes
were a feature. Those who enjoyed
the party were: Jack Toppin, Joe
Brown, Ralph Cramer, Richard
Beamesderfer, Gerald Arntz, Harry
Walters Jr., Cleon Sheaffer, Ruth
and Sara Bear and Mrs. Toppin.

A new shirt factory will locatd
at Palmyra.
Samuel Fausnacht celebrated hig
birthday on Monday.
Melvin H. Bachman, the floris
at Middletown, is bankrupt.
Phares White and family, o
Florin, moved into the P. R. R
Co. house on Donegal St., vacat
ed by Walter Bradley.
Thieves stole a number of artic
les .0f small value from the sho
A party was held at
the home of Miss Bessie Cowell, on
Fairview street, on Friday evening.
The room was decorated with corn
shocks, pumpkins, crepe paper, ete.
THe guests came masqueraded and
had a very enjoyable time. Those
present were: Misses Olga Heisey,
Goldie Jackson, Bessie Cowell, Anna
Mae Minor, Paul Cator, Samuel Way | window of J. M. Shookers’ jewe
and ‘Lucy Lockward. Dainties were ers, at Elizabethtown, early Satu
served, games played and music en- day morning. : :
joyed. { Mr. Jerry Culp, game protecto
mrs lof Columbia, met with a painf
A Hallowe’en party was held by accident when he had occasion t
the sixth grade of the Mount Joy use his knife. The blade slipped
schools at the home of Beatrice Derr, land severed the first finger on th
on West Donegal street. Games left hand.
were played and a Hallowe’en lunch-| Mrs. Spangler and Mrs. Rhind
eon served by the teachers, Miss hart, entertained their Sunda
Herr and Miss Grace Henderson. School classes of U. B. chure
Those present were: Misses Beatrice at the Spangler farm, near thi
Derr, Elizabeth Heilig, Julia Brandt, place, Saturday afternoon. Game
Evelyn Smeltzer, Pauline Heilig, were played and refreshments ser
Mildred Kaylor, Mildred Rye, Myrtle ed. The afternoon was enjoyeq
Roth, Fannie Dillinger, Mary Grove, by all present.
Louise Garland, Estella Brandt, Ma-
bet Smenall 203, Yande Kipple; WEDDING RECEPTION FOR
Messrs. arles arland, Edward H
| Helle, Chaples Sehroll, Charles Bul- MR. AND RS A -suzans
er, James Heilig, Dale Byers, Les- ; ine r i ras 4
| ter Mumma, James Schneider, oS ny, yotephion Mes kel
{Freddie Leiberher,. Dr. and: Mrs. W.. and. Mrs. John MM... Shearer, ©
R. Heilig and Mr. and Mrs. Derr. pear this place in honor of M
| Every one had a very enjoyable ang Mrs. Allen Shearer.
| evening. The following were present. Mj
and Mrs. Allen Shearer, Mr.
, The third annual public Hallow- Mrs. John eR = Mig
e’en party was held in the High Jacob Ober and daughters, Elsid
| School gymnasium on Friday even- and Esther, Mr. and Mrs. Olive
ing, by the Senior Class. The gym Oper and son, Jay, Rev. and Mr
was beautifully decorated with Allen Becker, and daughters, Mi
crange and black crepe paper, corn nie and Elsie, Mr. Reuben Sheard
i shocks and pumpkins. Many good Mr. and Mrs. Ira Risser, Mr. an
| things to eat were sold, including Mrs. Henry Shearer, Mr. and Mr
{hot dog sandwiches, pumpkin pies, Abram Brubaker, Mr. and Mr
{ doughtnuts, home-made candy, cider George Summy and sons, Jay an

(Turn to Page 4) |Carl, Mr. and Mrs. John Landi
‘Mr, and Mrs. Earl Witmer an
son, Hiram Howard, Mr. and MrS
Youn Folks Are {Harvey Campbell, Mrs. Samfel
g | Hoffman, Misses Martha Habacker,
. . Blin Forrey, Martha Risser, Mary
and Kathryn Shearer, Mable
Joined in Wedlock Ada Shearer, Ellen Longenecker,
{Eva Stermer, Grace Landis, Eliza-
tn {beth Brown and Mayme Risser.
NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN , Messrs. Abram Rohrer, John For-
YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED [rev Paul Risser, Christian Shear.
IN THE HOLY BONDS | Samuel, Harry and Herman Shear-
OF MATRIMONY er, Herma? Hossler, Earl Longe-
aise | pecker Jerome Brubaker, and Al-
ert Miller.
Hon Trego The bride received many
town, and Miss Callie I. Trego, of and beautiful gifts.
Ephrata, were married Saturday
night at 8 o’clock in the parsonage
of Trinity Lutheran church, Eph-|
rata, by the pastor, Rev. J. W.|
Smith. The ring ceremony was The Mt. Joy Branch of the
used and the couple will reside in |Needlework Guild of America will
Ephrata. {hold its Annual Ingathering, Thurs-
|day, November 19th, in the Pres-
| byterian Church.
Mr. and| The garments will be on
Market |in the afternoon and evening.
2 Helen | program will be rendered in
Smith, of Marietta, were married |evening, beginning at 7:30.
at the parsonage of First Meth- Mrs. Joseph P. Dfilon, of Phila-
odist Episcopal church. Marietta, |delphia, will be principal speaker.
by the pastor, Rev. L. C. West, on |She is a representative of the Na-
Saturday afternoon. The ring [tional Organization and will ex-
ceremony was used. Following a plain the working of the Guild.
short wedding trip the couple will Mrs. Dillon is not a stranger in
reside in Marietta. this Community. She was here
several years ago, when she de-
lightfully entertained as well as
instructed all who heard her.
All members and friends of this
organization are urged to remem-
ber the date, Nov. 19, and come
out, hear Mrs. Dillon, and learn
what this body, which now num-
bers nearly three hundred is doing
in this Community.
tl rere
Mr. E. S. Weaver, of
purchased the farm and
yf Levi Mummau.
The Jno. W. Burkholder property
vas withdrawn at public sale on
Saturday at $80 per acre.
The farm property of the Maria
chock estate, containing 138 acres
was withdrawn at public sale, on
aturday, at $153.25 per acre.

Frank Gorner, son of
Mrs. Frank P. Gorner,
street, Marietta. and Miss
Miss Viola Grider, Salunga,
Mr. Paul Miller. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Miller, of near here,
were married Thursday morning at
9:00 o'clock at the home of Bish-
op Isaac Brubaker, at Elizabeth-
Miss Mary Brackbill and Mr.
Willis Reese attended the couple.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller left for a
wedding trip to Niagara Falls and
other points. In the spring they
will make their home on a large
farm in Rapho township.

Grade Pupils Win Prizes
Prizes were awarded to the fol-
owing grade pupils, for selling the
nost tickets to the Senior Hallow-
’en party. First prize, one dol-
lar, Harold Hauer, fifth grade; sec-
ond prize. seventy-five cents, Ed-
ward Heilig, fourth grade; third
orize, fifty cents, Dorris Grove,
fifth grade.
Choir Sang at Rohrerstown
The Choir of ithe Trinity Luth-
eran church, of ‘this place, attend-
ed the one hundredth anniversary
of Rohrerstown Lutheran church
Thursday evening, where they sang
several selections. Edison Supervisor Resigns
Mr. John Tyson, resigned his
position as Supervisor of this Dis-
trict for the Edison Electric Com-
Mr. Martin, of Lancaster,
1611 the vacancy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Loewn an-
ounce the birth of a son, on
nday morning,
Ober, |
useful |
$1.50 a Year in Advance
ted. Get After It. Advertise
The W. S. Ebersole Post, No.
185, American Legion, of this place
will dedicate a Memorial Plot in
the Mt. Joy cemetery, on Armis-
tice Day, November 11th, at two
Capt.- John M. Groff,
Vice Commander of the
ment of Pennsylvania,
Commander of Post No.
deliver an address.
Mayor Daniel B. Strickler, Dist-
rict Deputy of Lancaster county,
{will present all Past Commanders
with jewels.
The following be
Past 1st.
and Past
34, will
program will
ow your respect by attending
these services. :
Arrested Thursday after a chase
bv Officers Tillman and Shields, of
Marietta, Abram Haines, Newtown,
is being held in the county prison
ion a charge of attempting to pass
a bad check for $27 on the Bain-
bridge bank. He will be given 1
hearing before Justice of the Peace
Hicks, Maytown, tomorrow, Thurs-
dav night.
The charge was preferred
Oliver Frev., the bank cashier.
A new charge in a snit that was
brought againt him before Justice
McCracken by W. J. Stalev, who
alleged Abie is guilty of false
Constable Stewart went to Lan-
caster. Saturdav afternoon. and
served the warrant on Haines in
the county jail.
The Bachman Chocolate Company
of this place. purchased all the ma-
chinerv of Klein Brothers Che
late plant. operated at Denver, Pa.,
which will he moved to their fast
expanding plant dn this place. The
sale was conducted by the trustee of
the Klein Brothers, the Lancaster
Trust Company. represented by B. J.
Myers and G. K. Bard.
Letters Granted
Alice Greiner, Mt. Jov. adminis-
tratrix of Mary Wachstetter, late
of East Denegal township