WE © © © © © © © © © © OCTOBER 21, 1925 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. O SPECIAL ONE CENT SALE-OCT. 22, 23, 24 At this sale I am offering you exceptional values. Many of the articles are regular price goods reduced to you for this sale. Some of the goods are slow selling articles but of value to someone but not advertised, and such goods I am offering below cost to make room for better selling goods. My display will be in the back part of the store and it will be overflowing with good things. Come in and look them over even if you do not buy. TALCUM POWDER 25¢ Narcissus Talcum Powder ....... $ .19 25¢ Georgia Rose Taleum Powder ....$ .19 25¢ Trailing Arbutus Taléum ........ $ .19 25¢ Gentlemen’s Taleum ... Grrr $ .19 25¢ Jonteel nesses $ .19 50c Jonteel Taleum +... $ .39 25¢ Sterate ZINC $ .19 25¢ Juneve TalCunt evans $ .19 SHAVING SUPPLIES 50c Rexall Shaving Lotion, 8 oz. ..... $ .39 30c Rexall Shaving Soap_............ $ .25 30c Rexall Shaving Stick. ............ $ .25 30c Rexall Shaving Powder ......... $ .25 B0c Bay Rum des vis $ .39 30c Glosal, for after shaving ........ $ THERMOS BOTTLES 4,00 Quart Bottle ....... ado, $2.75 2.00 Pint Bottle ........3: ci. $1.20 $5.00 Lunck Kit, Drawer Type ...... $2.85 @ CANDY SPECIALS 60c. Maxine Cherries vc. $. 40c Jelly Spice Strings, Ib .......... $ .37 pate 3 Ries from Las a TTT 40c Jelly Spice Drops, Ib, .......... $ .37 $1.50 Artstyle Wonder Box, 1b ......$1.15 $1.50 Artstyle Little Bits from the East $1.15 ‘REXALL REMEDIES $1.00 Sarsaparilla Tonic ....... 2 for $1.01 25¢ Rexall Cold Tablets ....... 2 for $ .26 50c Rexall Kidney Pills ........ 2 for $ .51 25¢ Ko Xo Koo Kets .......... 2 for $§ .26 70c Pure Test Aspirin Tablets $1 2 for $ .71 35c¢ Rexall Rubbing Oil ........ 2 for $ .36 $1.00 Wine, Peruvian Bark ....2 for $1.01 15¢ Pearl Tooth Powder ....... 2 for $ .16 50c Rexall Compound Mustard Qintment ,......v vans ie 2 for $ .51 Vanishing Cream ...2 for $ .51 25¢ Rexall .26 35¢ .36 35c Rexall Baby Laxative ....% .36 25¢ Mother Kroh’s Catnip Comp.2 26 25¢ Mother Kroh’s Colic Remedy 2 for $ . 10c Rexall Foot Powder ....... 2 for $ . 25¢ Riker Cold and Grip Pills ...2 for § . $1.00 Maltaleum $. $1.00 Rexall Kidney Compound .%.... $. $1.00.93 Hair Tonle $. Milk of Magnesia $. $1.00 Iron and Cascara Tonic ....... $. 50c Eugalol Spray ................. $. $1.00" Sens Fig 3. 50c Rexall Penetrating Liniment ..... $. 50c Rexall Kidney Cure .......c. uve, $. WRITING PAPER $1.25 Royal Papeteries ............. $1.00 $1.00 Arley’s Papeteries ....... oc .$ .89 $1.50 Arabesque Papeteries ......... $1. 60c. Alstyne Papeteries ............. $ .50 75¢ Croyedon Papeteries $ .60 $1 Traditional Correspondence Cards .$ .89 50c Embassy Correspondence Cards ...$ .35 I have a special sale on writing paper in boxes that the boxes are soiled and will sell at a very low figure. The paper is some of the best. This is your opportunity to save money. With a 39c¢ tube of Rexail Shaving Cream we give one Gillette Safety Razor and one blade FREE. Durham Duplex Safety Razor ........ $ .10 Gem Minute New Model Safety Razor $ .79 $1.00 Ever-Ready Safety Razor ..... $.79 TOLIET WATER $1.00 Georgia Rose ........... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Lilac Persian .... iv 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Locust Blossom ......... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Arbutus 0. 0 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Chypre 5s ive 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Lily of the Valley ....... 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Wistaria i005. 2 for $1.01 RUBBER GOODS $1.50 Roxboro Hot Water Bottle SQUALE «x vasa aan 2 for $1.51 2.50 Onex Kantleek Hot Water Bottle $2.50 Onex Kantleek Srynge ..... $1.98 5c: Kantleek Nipples ........... 2 for $ .06 $1.98 Fountain $1.25 Kantleek Hot Water Bottle attachment PURE F 35c¢ Ballardvale Strawberry . 15 oz. 35¢ Ballardvale Raspberry Jam $1.00 Ballardvale Cherries, 15 oz. 2 for $1.01 Ny 25c¢ Ballardvale Cherries, 3 oz. .2 for $ .26 20c Fulton Table Syrup, 11 cz. ..2 for $ .21 20c Leslies Table Sauce, 5 9z. ..2 for $ .21 $1.00 Virgin Olive Oil, 12% oz. 2 for $1.01 25c¢ Ballardvale Chocolate Sauce 12 ounces .20 40c Symond’s Juice, Lemon Ex- vers vie sre nen 2 for 41 25¢c Grape Juice .............. 2 for .26 Opeko-QGoffee 21lbs $ .76 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES $5.00 Electric Flat Iron, regular size ..$2.98 $5.00 Electric Flat Irin, Junior ...... $2.50 $15.00 Waffel Iron ................. $8.00 $7.00 Electric Heating Pads ......... $5.98 $2.50 Electric Curling Iron and Waving Bod ........... .. 0% $1.98 $1.50 Electric Curling Iron and Waving Rod, white $ 98 $1.00 Electric Curling Iron and Waving Re Re ER Ls ee $ .79 60c “Sg, Constipation MISCELLANEOUS Slow-selling medicines but all valuable for the various diseases they are recommended for, but are not advertised and I am using this way to dispose of them at less than cost. $1 Kodol Liquid Dyspepsia Cure 2 for $1.01 50c¢ Kodol Liquid Dyspepsia Cure 2 for $ .51 $1.00 Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets ..2 for $1.01 50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tablets ...2 for $ .51 $1.00 Dewitt’s Kidney Pills ..... 2 for $1.01 50c Dewitt’s Kidney Pills ...... 2 for $ .51 $1.00 Dewitt’s Gaderol Tonic Pills Codliver OH ....4......5.... 2 for $1.01 $1.20 Simmon’s Square Vine Compound for mothers who are nervous and expectant ....... 2 For $1.01 60c Four-Fold Liver Tonic ..... 2 for $ .61 60c Four-Fcld Liniment ........ 2 for $ .61 90c Simmon’s Liver Regulator Tea2 for $ .91 35¢ Simmen’s Four-Fold Salve for Colds 2 for $ .36 25¢ Boshees German Cough Syrup 5 for $1.01 50c¢ Boshees German Cough Syrup 2 for $ .51 50c Gowan’s Pneumonia Remedy 2 for $ .51 30c Gowan’s Pneumonia Rémedy 2 for $ .31 35¢ Wynnes Rising Mist Salve for Colds and Crupe ........ 2 for $§ .36 25¢ Velvetine Soap .......... ~2 for $ .26 25¢ Velvetine Shampoo ........ 2 for $ .26 Foley’s Orino Laxative Cons sn vee ire 3 for $1.01 $1.28 Foley's Liquid Tonic Kidneys, Ba sts fs aa vay 2 for $1. Pills ....... 2for$. for § . for $ . for $ . for $ . ot 066 ¢ Chamberlains Liniment . ¢ Chamberlains Salve ....... 2 for $. $1.00 Superlax Digestive Tonic .2 Fay, $1.01 35¢ Mustard Ol .............. 2 for $1,36 10c Palmer's Soap ..... vc... 2 for § 25¢ Cakes of Soap, special make 2 for $ .26 10c¢ Rexall Toilet Soap ......... 2 for $ .11 10c Kienza Soap +... sss 2 for § .11 5c pkg 20 Mule Team Borax ....2 for $ .06 10 pkg 20 Mule Team Borax ....2 for $ .11 10c Klenzo Soap 2 for $ .11 Kotex esis package $ .42 NNN ON ND groom SUNDRY DEPARTMENT 25¢ Jonteel Wool Powder Puff ..2 for § . 25¢ Pennedy Nail Fides ........ 2 for § . 15¢ Good Four Hair Nets ...... 2 for S. 10c Jonteel Halr Nets ....c.. +» 3 for § . \ TOOTH PASTE AND WASH 50c¢ Klenzo Dental Cream $ 39 25¢ Klenzo Dental Cream ........... $ 50c Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste ....$ 25¢ Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste ....$ .19 50c Klenzo Liquid Dental Wash ...... $ .39 25¢ Klenzo Liquid Dental Cream ..... $.19 PURETEST PRODUCTS Please don’t class the following goods with the cheap products on the market for they are produced from the highest quality of goods obtainable, and made by skilled workers who understand the business. $1.00 Russian Type Mineral Oil, 1 pt. $ .69 59¢ Rubbing Alcohol, 1 pint ........ $ .50 35¢c Glycerine, 4 02. os $ 60c Castor Oil, 8 0Z. $ .50 50¢ Norwegian Codliver Oil, 8 oz. ....$ $1.00 Norwegian Codliver Oil, 16 oz. .$ 65¢ Witch Hazel, pint $ 80c Borac Acid, 1-4 pound .......... $ 15¢c Cream of Tartar .:.. deve. $ .10 25c Epsom Salts $ .15 30c Flax Seed, whole ....... scence $ .25 30c Flax Seed, ground ............. $ .25 20¢ Bicarbonate of Soda, pound ..... $ .15 We have many articles which are not ad- vertised in this sale, but a real saving to wou. Come in and look them over. FACE POWDER ~ J a i 50c Jonteel Cold Cream Face Powde $1 Bouquet Ramee Face Powder 2 for THE REXALL STORE E. W. GARBER MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 0000000000000 © \ © COPECO bone little boy I tell town are pace. At a was the beat that, away. better if Well, how did stuff eh? good. Over at Marietta Sunday a kid came velled: that book (It was a Front street kid.) mother said: with it?” just fell into the dumb A very pleasant young lady who is a student at the Union asked arry s, 9 » er the head, the irl oir girl up.” There's a walked down street Saturday night and any one could tell she bought | her dress at a bargain sale—‘“One Half Off.” was scant at that. They swimmers thick grease before they enter the water. have Joy could swim that ditch. of ‘em wouldn't even need to grease them selves either. We've got a certain fellow who expects to become a howling suec- by doing nothing but howling. cess I heard the boys argueing about a sure head. a little I carbolic acid. I'd this one clared did. too. ertain ih the above mentioned fat wo- man—believe me, she is Here's you like that Pretty snappy, just as week? Here some more Hold you'r hat. last best pets. Old soaks house and | 8TOW- thunder is swim?” The “What do you EA A certain hi running into the “Where the tellin’ how to The kid replied: “Hap | told his river and bugger can’t even swim.” other — wife’s lips them all. The school “Is it true that blondes than dark haired “Sure—the light- sooner they tie me: younger 1 said: clay. You map now, certain Florin girl tongue. like it still.” The half she had on Sixth grade and told her proving in said she cake and her channel with those themsevles tell me coat think we Mt. Some they that I'd fellows here in From some are So dern slick golden tunity.” cure for a cold in the Here's a killer, boys. Take strychnine in a glass of A woman National bank new check boo names in de- if I word, like to mention but the fat woman she’d stop her paper She's as good as her not matter, I ——— lady was asked where came the mother said: “Walter, your great-aunt.” “Believe me, mother, she looks it.” running up Walter We have a certain man here in town who kisses ealh of his child- ren before they go to bed but be lieve me, since some of them growing up they late hours some nights. make him keep you the certainly pinochl® party the other evening a Ford touring high prize. Next thing you know some one will be gifing Packards A fellow at make me believe that plants day is with artificial light, but in my es- timation the plant that profits most is the electric light plant. Salunga tried to the are a few our office devil. He says: The wildest flappers from little Kissing rouged girls is no Their lips stick. neighbor e | French girls, Indian maids and all nationalities, are the neighbor “By heck, that’s a fact.” A kid on Mt. Joy street put a little cement in his sister's beauty ought Charlie Bennett asked a custom- recently if she She said: One of the little girls in the came home mother she was her drawing. drew the 3 brother, that it was something to eat, tho’t it was an oyster. I was kidding one of our Done- gal street belles and said: “I sup- rry if you get a opportunity?” Well, it will all much gold there is in the pose you will ma depend on went to and asked for a “I've lost the one you vesterday,” she said. y i mat took the precaution of all the hee as I got it, soit won't be a to anyone else.” ny Sze They tell me that Abbie conversing Was held up the other and a fat—341 : me “all the way home. Here's a pened last week, The former’s and this is replied: could buy a petticoat. walker directed her to tique department. are While they were of the fellows said: this some people in this voyage.” setting r car | inside information.” You can’t They say “Spook” a suit. Fred said: “I'd try that suit on in the grow Ralph said: “That would rolonged | ¢ Prolonged ing room.” wise crax by the Mr. and Mrs. Monroe make drinkers | day, fun. and family. Mr. Charles Ditzler chased an Oldsmobile town fellow Roberson. that he kissed family spent but that hi 2 3 Wade and family. sweetest of replied: itary Milk Company. Mr. John Gibble spent Sunday and Mrs, P. H. Metzler. Mr. and Mrs. and to | see her Monroe Waser and family. fond of and I was “Yes, Mr. and Mrs. daughter spent recently er im- She picture of a knowing fer and family and John Gibble attended the of Miss Ada Young. Mr. and Mrs. * John F. Sunday: Mr. and M Waser, of York; Mr, aod Herr and family, Bashore and Miss Galebach, Mrs, She said: two sons how : oppor- | her brother, Monroe parents, Mr. and Waser, Mes: the Union “But it does Portable sawmill owners soon State College, October 19 Week. Shelly | ing and night.” I fellow told | the lumbermen. Write gram if interested." hap- from funny one that A woman town went into a department store at Lancaster and asked where The tne wo Joined in Wedlock A crowd of fellows were down | at Bowers’ Beach ona fishing trip. | Daniel Miller, going out one! married by Bishop Isaac “Something | at his residence in Mount Joy on tells me I'm going to be sick “What makes think so?” asked the captain. chap replied: “Oh, I've got a little | They The | Brackbill and Snyder went to Eshleman Bros., recently to buy | likel to Musser at the home of | yjjle window.” never do. - You'll have to use our dress- A WISE OWL SILVER SPRING ] announce the birth of a daughter on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Little spent Sunday evening with John Stively has pur- from Earl Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Heisey and Sunday with Galen Mr. Clayton Diffenderfer has ac- cepted a new position in the San- : family evening with Mr. Christian Brandt and son, Walter, spent Sunday with Mr. Adam Heidlauf has drilled a new well at his home. It drilled by the Bowers’ Brothers. Hess unday with h parents, Mr. and Mrs, Yer Mill was and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Diffender- Mr. and Mrs. funeral : Ww entertained the following Fests op Charles Mrs. and Mr. Annie Bashore. lice ennet - spent Sunday afternoon i WwW: family and took supper with her John —_——— To Hold Sawmill Week € and op- erators will find ga profitable ti or tim awaiting them at the Pennsylvania 1 , to 24. The occasion is the second Sawin Talks, demonstrations, saw- 2 chopping contests, and re- creation will provide a full week for for a pro- and Mr. and and ren, win, and ren, Mr. Young Folks Are (From Page One) Mount Joy, were Brubaker morning at 9 o'clock. attended by Mary Willis Reese. The couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and other points of interest. Melhorn—Wolgemuth A wedding was solemnized by Rev. L. O. Mr. and Mrs. Christian A, Florin, Thursday at 10 A. M.,] when their daughter, May, became | the bride of C. Miller Wolgemuth, | | | on | Thursday were son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wolge- muth. The bride was attired in grey flat crepe. The bridesmaid was | Ruth K. Wolgemuth and John E. Melhorn, was best man. Assisting at the wedding were Anna and Sara Wolgemuth, Edna Miller, Es- ther Wolgemuth and Alice M. Miller. The ushers were Joseph Wolgemuth and Paris Wolgemuth. Ralph Musser and: Earl Miller, of Grantham sang, “Keep Me Sweet.” Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melhorn, Martha and Willis Melhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Wolgemuth, Elizabeth Henry, Mart- in ‘Charles, Clarence and Harold Wolgemuth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kibler, and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. Isiah = Schock and daughter, Ruth, Mjss Fannie Schock, Mr. John Schock, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Strickler, Alice Miller, Paul Hinkle Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schock and son, Albert, Mrs. Elizabeth Kauff- man and son, Daniel, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Melhorn, Florence Mel- horn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilt, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melhorn, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolgemuth, Ruth McWilliams, Mrs. Norman Nissley, | Susan Engle, Paul Heisey, Mrs. L. | 0. Musser, Alida Wolgemuth, Mrs. | Harry Hersh, Mrs. Geyer, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob E. Wolgemuth daughter | Irene, Mrs. Katherine Winters Mrs. | Jacob Snyder, Ruth Hershey, Paul Musser and Anna Heisey. i The bride and groom left by | auto in the afternoon for Buffalo. | The wedding trip will be extended | to Ohio, Iowa and Kansas. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Abram Kreider who were married bv L. 0. Musser, Thurs- day at 2 P. M. They will be gone about four weeks. Kreider—Myers F. A pretty wedding was solemniz- ed on Thursday, October 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myers, when their daughter, | Lillian, became the bride of Mr. Abram S. Kreider. The ceremony | was performed by Rev. L. O. Mus- ser. The couple were attended by Miss Katie Newcomer and Mr. | Néah Landis. As the bridal party entered the | room, Messrs. Ralph Musser and | Earl Miller. of Grantham, Pa. ! sang. “Oh Keep Me Sweet.” [ .. The following were present: ™ Jacob | Mrs. Mummau. ’ Those assisting were: ceiver, Anna Myers; es, Anna E. beth Hershey, and Miriam H. Elam Musser After served Mr. on a wedding trip to New Ohio, T N —~ and Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. J. S. Myers and Anna, Amos and Mary Lauretta, Mr. Mrs. Edna, and Mrs. daughters, Rhoda and Kathryn. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. T. A. Pastorius and children, Thomas and Nellie Harriet, of Can- ton, Ohio; Mr. John and Mrs. Benjamin Schultz, Mrs. Mary Myers, Mary Myers, Nora Krieder, Kitch, Messrs, Krieder, Wm. Clausan and son, Walter, of Bare- | Mrs, Melhorn | Katie Mummau, Iowa L. O. Musser, Krieder, Mr. child- Ed- Abram SS. Joy. Myrtle, John Jr., NOW “ITZKY” Elmer Krieder and child- Esther, and Mervin, John Harnish and “Itzky” “Tumble was arrested charge brought Reichard, two girls Inn,” Rohrer Stoner, Mr. and Mr. Mrs. Carrie Misses Betty Krieder, Piefer, | John | Kieser, Wanner, Mrs. Samuel Krieder, day, near ing minors, Squire hearing on day and court. The Benjamin Mrs. Vm. Hendrix, Mrs. Mrs. | Esther | maintaining a | and operating The accused amount ance at Court. This Mrs. Carrie tert S. Hoffman, Miss Annie and Gift re- | Table waitress | Brubaker, M. Eliza- Miriam Hawthorne Mummau; Ushers, and Russel Mummau. was left York, western wedding and Mrs. the ment, and her peared before Danner, and charges of supper Krieder and other ho BRICK HOUSE % (PRICE MILLER » FACES NEW CHARGE Miller, near Thursday on a of Columbia, seized in the raid ducted by State Police last Satur- midnight. complaint against DIhller is Danner three returned counts and possessing intoxicating disorderly gambling gave of $1,100 gave charges for his morning, the Scotten, Scotten, the youth who was Schroll, Mt. Joy. recently sentenced to life imprison sister, Justice of pleaded disorderly Mr. | points. They will reside in Mount They were fined $10 and costs. Following the hearing, Mrs. An- na Reichard, mother of the swore out a Miller, which | rest. to be set later. Miller gave girls, complaint against resulted in his He will be heard at a date ar- bail proprietor of | of $100 for his appearance at the Landisville, | hearing. new | Mrs. mother of | con- Elmer Strickler, Maytown, prietor of Strickler’s building an addition to his garage which will show room for automobiles. Strickler will make a other improvements in the future to the main building. — 0 Eee. Why Pay Rent? Who wants an 11% aere with good buildings along a The latest entic- Miller a Wednes- the case to were selling liquors house ! devices. bail to the appear- lots of fruit, good water pleasant place to live. ly $3.500. Come me show you this property. girls, two wife of R« —_——-— Pearl, ap-| Peace, | conduct. | etc.” column more frequently. bound to pay. Just try it. HOUSES FOR SALE IN FLORIN AND GARAGE, BEST LOCATION $8,000.00) TWO FAMILY BRICK HOUSE, LARGE GARAGE (PRICE $8,000.00) NEW SINQ E FRAME HOUSE, POSSESSION NO¥EMBER 15, 7 ROOMS (PRICE $4,250.00) NEW FRAME DOUBLE HOUSE, ALL CONVEN- IENCES. CANNON AT PRICE C YOU CAN BUY ONE OR FRAME SINGLE HOUSE ALL OF THE ABOVE PROPERTIE BE DUPLICATED $7,200.00 BOTH SIDES (PR $2,000.00) CAN BE PARTIALLY FINANCED S. NISSLEY GINGRICH Bell Phone - FLORIN. PENNA. Anna | . me Making Improvements L pro- garage, is large be used as a Mr. number of near farm good highway, only 3 miles from Mt. Joy and Price is on- around and let J. E. tf . WANTED—Everybody in this see- guilty to pbion to use our “wanted, for sale, It is tf @ OOOO @EE @E@ 2) (( NG) (C )) { i