PAGE EIGHT » MOUNT JOY MARKETS \ The following prices are paid to- day by our local merchants. | Wheat vo sina ay $1.30 Corn ‘ dene ei OB Eggs . i ... 40-50¢ Butter Lard ' : vi 200 Classified Col assified Column | RATES: Five cents per line each insertion N Is inserted under ANTED = male Ww hit e a 1ousework. Ap- . so : i EL REN [wo Rooms on sec- | ond r at Chandler’s | Drug S sept. 22-tf LOS I Shaped Fratern- ity P )5 W. Main street and P. 1 tion. Reward if re- tu W. Main street, Mt. Joy 1t-pd -A port, in Call 3 East Main oct. T-tf I Antique furniture re- paired a inished. A. H. Shickley, 120 East Main St., Mt. Joy, Pa. oct. 7-4t-pd FOR RENT—96-acre farm in East Donegal. Apply M. K. Brubaker, | North Barbara St., Mount Joy, Pa. | a, oct. 7-1t-pd FOR Shh Heo r. in good c on- dition. Apply Ebersole, 16: New Haven St, “Mount Joy, Pa. oct. 2-tf good farm of 147 acres, best limes? " and, nn East Denegal. ery good Daw . Apply to R. First pk, Mt. Joy. oct. 7-3t WANTED—G wel or middle- aged lady to assist in g al house- work. Apply Mrs. J. B. Mt. Joy, Pa. ~ WANTED—500 Tons of good baled. C. T. Lewis, 126 Delta It. Joy, Pa. Phone 155R2 and Tr "Mr. Lewis. oct. 7-1t-pd Rr good tenant farmer fo } acre tract, best limestone land river, excellent build- ings with J. E. Baker Company, 114 North*=Geerge St., York, Pa. oct. T-3t buver for an Easy ashers. Apply Roy 7-tf Demonstrator FOR SALE— aine attachment, neve will be_sold at a bargain. . Sheetz. oct. T-tf FOR SALE—Dockash Heater, go yod as new; also Oak finished Side- 4 uh bia I. Pasa Mount oct. T-tf i cp Joy, Pa. a TED—A Buyer for a sec- ond-ha Golden Oak Din- ing Room Suite. Roy B. Sheetz, Mt. Joy, Pa. -tf FOUND—A Bill-fold. Owner may have same by calling Bell Phone 103R13, Elizabethtown and describ- ing same. oct. 7-1t-pd WANTED—Everybody in this sec- tion to use our “wanted, for sale, ete.” column more frequently. It is bound to pay. Just try it. tf FQR SALE—A Delco Plant and 1-4 H. P. Motor. Also Electric sweeper, electric Iron, and some potatoes. Apply A. H. ZERCHER, Mount Joy. sept. 3-tf A. ROY PATTON ova Taxidermist “interme... Penna. Birds, animals heads mounted true to life. Price list-free. Win. oct, 7-1t-pd FOR SALE D REBUILT REO SP WAGONS LET SALES AND SE 4 STRICKLER’S GARAG A MAYTOWN, PA. FOR SALE—An 89-acre farm, imestone soil, one mile West . best of water, good brick house with buildings in¢ electric lights. FE remain in the place. = per acre. Apply to Henr \ ser, Route 2, Mount Joy, Pa. sept. 23- are interested in securing a tative in the Mount Joy ter- proposition which holds ership in the field of ilities. Minimum repre ritory undisputec unlimited sale is $800.00. and com- mission to right m vy or write to The Elsar ovement Company, s . arris- burg, Pa. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Louisa Frank, late of Mount Joy Borough, deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted there- to are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will pre- sent them without delay for settle- ment to the underisgned, % Union National Mount Joy Bank, Mount Joy, Penna. HARRY N. NISSLY Executor. John A. Coyle, Atty. sept. 2-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Walter S. Ebersole, late of Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make im- mediate nayment, and those hav- ing claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the under signed, ELI D. EBERSOLE Mt. Joy, Lane. Co., Pa. Administrator Frank S. Groff, Attorney. sept. 30-6t DE oh co oT Toe TE be OO COOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOO0O0 penny. offer establishes a new record for big values. your dollar buys! Take advantage of this special offer— All standard size packages THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. wile A wonderful 0 = ig IT Du ‘J; 4 ; bargain coffer on Sellers Kitchen Cabinets Just look over this mighty bargain offer. All these grocer- ies and dishes are yours if you buy your Sellers Kitchen Cabinet now. Check over all the items included. Every 11b. Can SITES (COCONUT 1 Package 1 Bo: Baker's Coconut : = With Sellers Kitchen Cabinet ackage 1 3 me | Cpe a Packed Where It Grows v. § If you buy your Sellers now, you get this 32-piece set of Dinner China Salt ig 10-Piece CUTLERY SET is Regular Equipment with Sellers Klear-Front, Mastercraft and Special Cabinets. Tested and approved by Good House- Keeping Institute. Every piece un- conditionally guaranteed. Any piece found defective will be replaced. 1 Borde Johnson's Liquid Wax For Beautiful Floors Preserves Linoleum grocery package is guaranteed full standard size. quisite 32-piece set of dinner china—all firsts—sets table for six. These groceries and dishes do not cost you a single You pay for the cabinet only. This remarkable of the special terms now while you can. Come in tomorrow. Given With Sellers Cabinet 11 These Groceries and Dishes 1 Package 4 Angelus 7 Marshmallows Always Light and 1 Cen 1 Package 1 Tin Di, . Drano Linit Hershey's Cocoa 4 shoe Polish and Cleans and Opeas For Searching The ealthful “Color Restorer 32-Piece Set of Dinner China Given without cost. Glenwood China. This set consists of Cups, Saucers, Plates, Bread and Butters, Fruit Dishes, Vegetable Dish and Platter — enough © to set the table for six persons. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1925 COOOOO0O0 7 day offer A Sellers Cabinet will make your kitchen work so easy What a oy a Sellers Kitchen Cabinet will be in that kitchen of yours! Can’t you just see it there near the range! And how easily and with what speed you'll be able to do your work or its big expanse of snow-white, sanitary, porcel- iron work table with everything compactly arranged at your finger tips. A Sellers Cabinet is essential to a modern kitchen. Et assures you more rest—more recreation. You'll never have a better opportunity to get a Sellers Cabinet than right now. Look at all the extras without extra cost. And our specidl sale terms make it so simple and easy. Come in and sed A SA TE The ex- Think what X/ ye i : : Fleischmann’s Fn Bat 2 3 Murphy’ or A urphy’s Washing Soda or Health > 7 Oil Soap Te he LI pe nr sna, £ ® You pay for the cabinet only FREE SOUVENIR Accurate Measuring Z Spoon a ed b 9 APProv Good Housekeeping, given to ol woman who visits our kitchen cabinet department. No obli- gations. It’s free. GLASSWARE SET is Regular Equipment with SELL. RS KITCHEN CABINET -Metal Racks to hold set also includ- ed. #ne set furnished with each — Kitchen Cabinet. GEO. R. BRENEMAN & SI Furniture and Rugs Me. ELIZABETH’ OWN, PENNA. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOO QOOOOK Qo DOOOOOOOOO0O0 NE i Ae ~ Lr Shas 2 pi a TE be 19¢ ed Joy Ha She Va Jur Ga Kr: run The Ein er Lis sen Nac tior Var at gin SOIY