The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 23, 1925, Image 5

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Price Reductions
§795 FODSON §1195
$1 495 (pass) SEDAN Now
All Prices Freight and Tax Ex

Now More Outstanding Thar Ever
166,369 Hudson-Essex sales for the eight month period ending August 1st represen the largest six-
cylinder output in the world’s history. This enormous production makes possible the finest quality
at the lowest prices Hudson-Essex ever offered. Their outstanding sales success high pub-
lic estimation in which Hudson-Essex are universally held, and proceeds entirely from hat owners
themselves say of these cars.
Hudson-Essex World’s Largest Selling Six-CyliRder Cars
Ask about our EASY Time Payment Plan—18 Months to Pay. Immediate D
E. B. Rohrer, Mt. Joy, Pa.
The Store That Gives S. & H. Discount Stamps
\ You Cannot Afford to Miss this Opportunity
There never i,

time when the S. & H.
s delivered prompt-



| All Order
Green Discount Stamp would carry you O
further in furnishinggyour home. They 1 ly without anv extra charge. Oo
represent a sound discognt for cash. You 8 E | J ¢
not only get maximum'gvalue on every Call us by phone at your con- =
purchase but substantialg added value ™ 74 5 3. / Fe
when they are redeemed or standard vit. Jovy, ¥q venience. Phone No. 41R5. by
TE TI <p
Good Quality Shoe Peg Corn, Rey Can Shaan 10¢ Jar Rings, Extra Thick, Per Dozen .......... O
S = P. & G. Soap, Per Bar Sahl dp BB
Shredded Cocoanut, Per Pound . %.......... 25¢ 3. Soap, Pe CSA to el 1
Swiss Cheese, Per Pound ......... A Ws 39¢ Spredit Oleomargarine, Per’ Pound .......... 25¢
The Best Spread for the Money
Our Own Blend Coffee, Per Pound ...... 42¢
Delicious in Flavor 3 Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour, Per Package ...... 16¢
Bread (Each Loaf Wrapped in Wax Paper) Loaf S8¢ Blossoms, Per Pound ...... eee 28¢
A Delicious Little Cake for the Lunch Bucket
Parafine Wax, Per Package ................ 108,
Y Lux, Per Package: .................. ...... 10¢
Pillsbury’s Farina, Per Package ............. 15¢ N
Cocoa, Per Pound Package ........ 25¢
Square Soda Crackers, Per Pound ..........
Fresh from the Bakery

Best Butter Made Per Lb 54c | Good
You will be more than surprised to see the large assort- if |
ment of Floor Coverings that we carry, and at such ls : A
prices that we know that we are saving you money on any
ality Butter Sle

HE [= J iL]
purchases you may make in this department. We are also 2 ] o PAA :
in a position to handle your requirements of Window
Shades in any color or quality you desire.
: a
- os
J = os
Pratt's Poultry Regulator ic:
Makes Greater Profits, Tones the System, =
Increases Egg Production, Shortens time of :
Molt and Aids Health. 2

TER DT SS 0000000000000

World’s Greatest) Values
Picked From Our
Weekly Card Basket
(From Page One)
sons, of Lancaster,
here on Sunday.
Mr. Harry Leib spent
Lancaster with his parents, Mr.
Mrs. H. W. Leib.
| Mrs. Brill, of Marietta,
| day here with her daughter,
| George Sillers.
vigited relatives
Sunday at
spent Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. John Siller spent
Sunday at Manheim with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Ober,
Mr, Robert Brubaker left Mon-
day for University of Maryland,
College Park, Md.
Mrs, L. H. Johnston returned |
home after spending two weeks at |
her home in Carlisle,
Mrs. James Piersol and son, James |
Jr., spe nt Saturday as the guests of |
Mrs. Frank Lieberher. |
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Baker, of]
Lebanon, spent Tuesday, with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sload and |
children spent several days at |
Maytown with relatives.
Miss Nedra Diffenderfer spent
Sunday with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Cunningham.
Mr. John R. Gibble and family, |
of Mastersonville, spent Sunday here !,
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Webster |
Mr. and Mrs.
Hershey, spent
day with Mr.
Miss Caroline
Daniel Mowery, of
Saturday and Sun-!
and Mrs. John Penny |
Nissly, a teacher |
at Myerstown, spent Sunday with |
fio» parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N.|
Nissly. |
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Arntz and
two sons spent Sunday with Mr. |
and Mrs. Harvey Rettew, near Man |
Mrs. Catherine Barnhart, of Eliz- |
bethtown, spent the week-end in |
town with her son, John Barnhart |
and family.
Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Walters and |
Barbara Ann, and son,

Junior, were Sunday guests of rela-
tives at Lancaster. i
Myr. and Mrs Benn wit, and |
daughter, Eleanor, of Lancaster,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Pennypacker
Mr. and Mrs. Emil and |
Miss Alta Gingrich, of Lancaster, |
spent Tuesday evening at the home |
of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Ging
Mrs. Elmer Barnes and

spent ri
parents, Mr.
Gloria, of Lancaster,
and Tuesday with her
and Mrs. James Shoop, at this place.
Snvder, Jno. Greiner
and George Groff spent Sunday and
Monday on an auto trip to the for-
mer’s father, who resides on the
Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs.
ed to Philade
Baker, and |
Curgan auto
were the
Mrs. Fred
Iphia, and

guests of Mr, and

ind son,

1d Mrs

| ence

{ Agent in
E. Pa. Conference
Will Meet Here
(From page 4)
here next week as Publicity
Chairman and Historical Secretary
3 the Conference. ‘
Rev, W. R. Funk, D.D., of Day-
ton, Ohio, the energetic publishing
agent of the de nomination, who is
attending the sessions of the Rast
Pennsylvania United Brethren An-
nual Conference at Mount Joy
next week, is a native of this state
having been born at West Newton,
Penna., in 1861. He comes from
, Unite od’ Brethren stock on both
| sides of his parentage, his mother
| Waving been
baptized by William
founder and first Bishop
of the Church, He is a member
of the Allegheny Conference, hav-
ing been ‘admitte d*in 1883. He
was educated in Otterbein College,
{and Bonebrake Theological Semin-
ary. While in the active pastor-
ate he served charges at West-
moreland, » Scottdale and Greens-
burg. He was elected as Puplishing
1897 and has served the
entire denomination in this capac-
ity very acceptably ever since. He
is considered one of the most cap-
able business men in the church,
and it was principally through his
wise leadership that the large
twenty-one story publishing plant
| was completed, valued at nearly two
million dollars, He is big in body,
head and heart, an orator of m
power, and is in great demand for
dedications, He was re-elected to
this office last May for the eighth
The Publish'ng Agent
Rev. W. R. Funk, D.D.,
of Dayton, O.

The United Brethre

At Daytor
> of the de-
a twenty-one stor;
cated at Dayton
is constructed

n Publishing H ouse
1, Ohio.
cordance with the express purpose of
the leaders of the church in starting
the printing establishment in 1833.
tev. W. R. .Funk, DD., is the
efficient and untiring Publishing
Agent since 1897. He is considered
one of the most capable business
men in the entire denomination. In
he 1 ment of this large insti-
isted by the following
Trustees: Rev. A. W.
vton, Ohio; Hon.
" Annville, Penna.;
Dayton, Ohio;
, of Harrisburg,
r M. Cogan, of
A. A. Maysilles,
l. H. E. Myers,
V. H. Cassel,
G. A. Lam-
“Indi iana. The
“The Religious

1day School
re is printed
the thousand

| Mr. Samuel py
onder. wr

and two
of Lititz,
rich, of Lz: ster,
after spending
eva, N. Y., ut
Mrs. Alvin
Mr. and
returned fr
tady, N. Y,,
the former's
Reist, and
Henry N

The following prices are paid to-
day by our local mercha

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A,, Rector
9:15 A. M. Sunday School
10:30 A. M. Morning Service and
Sermon. . |
7:30 P. M. Evening Service and
Sermon. A
| Choir supper Monday evening at
| the rectory at 6 P. M. H
Home From Hospital
Mrs. John Gephart, who ¢
{ just outside the northern ho Tim-
its, was brought home from the
General Hospital at Lancaster on

Barber Resigns +
Mr. Charles Rank, a barber em

sled as a student at F. & M
Acad emy.


PS sold fi residence of
Mr. J. Miles Bac oe, on West
M S at priv sale ar d on

low of

and is
a gond
ent Local Real
Estate Matters
(From Page One)

Jecker, two tracts of land, with
rovements, in Mt, Joy Town-
p, between Mastersonville and
ebrook, to William L. Hicks, of
Gretna, at $100 per acre. |
Saturday Mr. Andrew M.
purchased the fine frame
v, corner of Donegal street
omfort alley, from Mrs.
formerly the Mrs. Simon
erty, at private sale


Frank of-
north of
at pub-

realtor Jno. E.

evening Auctioneer
sold at public sale
t office, a fine frame
of Elmer L. Heisey, on
street. in this place. Af-
»d bidding it was sold to
Schroll for Mrs. Hershey,

er-in-law of C. S. Frank, for
30.00. She will move there
in April. |
On Monday Realtor Jno. E.
Schroll sold the beautiful bunga |

Wolgemuth (former- |
Germer prop: rty) on!
street. to Mr. He
being 84, 800. 00.
move ther¢ some |
It will be
Eli B
remem- |
ago, Mr.

Evans property
Mr. Evans con
mplated moving to Lancaster
vot h mind
Jov is]
chanced his
satisfied that Mount
enonch place in
any one.
has sinee

ive for
i¥ es
| L.ocai

{ ute
| and
{ whooping
lin the United States.

Do; 10
Around Florin
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Easton spent
Thursday at Allentown Fair.
Mr. Page, of Steelton, is
extra man at the loeal
this week.
homas MeElroy is spending
Orange, N. J., visiting
Musselman, an
local station, is
ldeman Estate is remod-
property. opposite the
r urch, in this place.
Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch and
son, Frank, spent Sunday at Pe
“Md. with Mr. Schlegelmilch,
s confined to the Government

Steigerwald and daugh-.
th, returned to their
i, after spending sev-
with her parents,
A. Geyer,
home at
eral davs
Miss N iret Gelter, of Lan-
e hE ie Gelter, of. Chi-
cago, and Mrs. Wm. Bitt-

of Lancaster,
svent Sunday
Mr. and Mrs.
with William Dom-
Mr. John Martin. of this place, 7
claims to be the champion tobacco
spearer® of East Donegal townships
Recently, he speared 4 lath a min-
for five hours straight and is
ready to meet all comers.
Letters Granted
Ezra H. Zercher, Mount Joy,
Adam H. Zercher, East Don-
egal township , executors of Jacob
Zercher. late of Mount Joy.
X-ray is now being used sue-
cessfully in the treatment of
cough and for the in-
disease, rickets.
The world’s annual wool pro-
duction is two pounds per capita,
but five pounds per capita is used
