WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, 1925 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. PAGE FIVE ‘Sweeping Price Reductions "HUDSON-ESSEX Effective August\ 19th ESSEX COACH Now HUDSON BROUGHAM Mov 5739 $1435 HUDJON COACH Now HUDSON (pass) SEDAN Now All Prices Freight and Tax Extra Now More Outstanding Than Ever 166,369 Hudson-Essex sales for the eight month period ending August 1st the largest six- cylinder output in the world’s history. at the lowest prices Hudson-Essex ever offered. Their outstanding sales success refl lic estimation in which Hudson-Essex are universally held, and proceeds entirely fr themselves say of these cars. Hudson-Essex World’s Largest Selling Six-C This enormous production makes possibl the finest quality ts the high pub- what owners Ask about our EASY Time Payment Plan—18 Months to Pay. Immediatd Deliveries i OOOO ~ E. B. Rohrer, WHEN YOU BUY AT THIS ST NOT ONLY RECEIVE THE BES VICE, BUT ALSO THE HIG QUALITY GOODS OBTAINABLE THE RIGHT PRICE; i. HAUER| THAT GIVES S. & H. \DISCOUNT STAMPS All Orders delivered promnt- i L ly without any extra charge. Call us by phone at your con- Mount Joy, Pa. venience. Phone No. 41R5. Elbow Macaroni, Per Pound A 1ic Jar Rings, Extra Thick, Dozen © oO Old Fashioned Ginger Snaps, Per Lb 1c Ball Jars ....Pts g5¢ : Qts 75¢ Moseman’s Peanut Butter, Per Glass .. 1 Atlantic Cakes, Per Pound C A Honey Cake with Marshmallow Top nN Ul Oo — Campbell's Pork © Beans, 3 Cans 25¢ Puffed Wheat, Package 12ic Pen Jel, Package 12c¢ : 45¢ \Paraine Wax, Pound Pack age 10c Royal Gelatine, Package 12¢ CAlifornia Sardines, Large Oval Can 15¢ Ideal Cocoa, Pound Size . 35¢ Farina, Package 15¢ < *% Hosiery A wonderful purchase of Ladies’ Silk Hosiery. Same quality as our $1.00 Ladies’ alk Hose, only in Seconds to at 59¢ per pair; 2 pair : $1.00 in many of the good shades. Stauffer’s Square Soda Crackers, A Splendid Cracker for the School Childr Best Butter Made Per Lb 53¢ YOU WILL TASTE THE DIFFERENCE. A Real Purchase of Good Quality Double ...Bed Blankets Size 66x84 These Blankets we expect to arrive by the time this advertise- ment reaches you. Price only $2.89 inches. Good Qglity Butter 49¢ Per Pound 12 1-2¢ ’s Lunch Bucket ool Challies Sunday with Geo. Shutter and family. The Florin Cemetery Association i hole meeting in the town on Tuesday evening > ool on a 32a evening, Sept. 8th Bishop Wm. M. Bell, of Harris- burg, spoke in the United Breth- World’s Greatest\ Values inder cars the Federal and Mt. Joy, Pa. STORE Lo) A ~~, I! WNL ? TN NN PY IA IIE IE yy 0) at © + Local D | SILVER SPRING Confi d Lot | OCal | a onfiscate or | A d Fl yl] The farmers in this vicinity are . : Rn | busy cutting tobacco. H h P B 4 roun : onn Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herman 12 ower eer Spl ls Spent Sanday with Mr. and Mus. John Gibble, ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN. Mrs. Freed Ford and sister, Mary (From Page One) INGS FROM THAT THRIVING |of Tyrone, is spending a few weeks [ der arrest. AND BUSY VILLAGE | with her sister, A search of the truck revealed THE PAST WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Little and | the beer, which, tested yesterday, - Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Hershey | proved to be four per cent stuff, Mr. Harry Grosh returned to Sunday at Harrisburg. police say. Raff was placed under Butler on Thursday. la Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Diffenderfer | arrest by state troopers from the Mr, ¢ Mrs. P. G. Shelly spent AN" two sons spent Sundav with | Harrisburg barracks. Mis. I Boy Shelly spent | Aaron Diffenderfer and family. He Surg compelled to spend the Mr. and Mis, Raymond Rider | Mr, John Horn, of York county, | night and yesterday in jail as it moved to Manheim on Monday jand Mr. and Mrs. John Helem spent | was not until late last night that Mr. and Mrs, Ges, an. | Sunday with Mrs. Frank Moore. friends in Reading learned where nounce the birth of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Musser and | he was “stopping”. They hastened Mr. Henry Rider, of Elizabeth. children, Edith and Norman, spent [to Harrisburg to give bail town, moved with his father in Sunday near Lititz, visiting friends. A detachment of troopers halted Floria. Mr. Salem Hershey, of Philadel- another truck on the « Harvisbuly i Messrs. John Stoll and Robert Phia, is spending a few weeks with |Pike near Mount Joy Sunday nigh Lawrence attended the Elks’ Con. DiS parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. L.|and were rewarded by finding in it vention at Bethlehem. Hershey. 16 barrels and several cases of ai- . Mrs. Ed. Steigerwald, of Paoli Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Was leged high-powered beer. x y ’ , . Mrs. | J ser and loli spent some time with her parents, | Son, Monroe Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Felty was placed under arrest i and after : 1 hearin Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geyer. | Allen Ginder spent Thursday at and after a preliminary e 2) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, of Baltimore. 9 Was committed w Jue Altoona, spe th Mr G3 nN jai rai earin e- 2 spent a few days with Mr. George Fisher met with an Jail to await at eo or, 2 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geyer. accident while helping his neighbor, | herhaps. Lebanon : > ” ue Bam Wittle and Martin an Aaron Shirely, to thresh, when 2PS, € Neniwig, o arrisburg, spent the he fell off the overden and broke his : wage end in their respective homes, arm. WS PENN STATE 10 Eo WORK 24 a and Mrs. Roy Forward and Mr. and Mrs. John Stively and ANNUAL F | children, of Elizabethtown, spent Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gibble and Penn State football warriors i children, Mildred, Junior and Ray, have been asked to report to jSent § andar with Samuel Gibble Coach Hugo Bezdek next.week. the | a y. ; : opening practice of the season be- J Hut Iss Roanna Stively, Miss Anna [ing called for the morning of Sep- lubely, Miss Mary Frey and Messrs. | tember first. Nearly fifty boys Nelson Stively and Charles Mumma | gye expected to respond to the Saried Columbia High School on [call for early grid work. The first 9 uesday morning. g A e wi A ren 3 TO 5 ame will be with Lebanon Valle A arch on; Sunday afternoon. | Mr. and Mrs. Norman Waser en- College on September 26. y several selections, urg gave tertained the followoing guests: Mr. A feature _game for central The lot holders of the C- Hi and Mrs. Hunsberger and children: Pennsylvania will be the Penn Cemetery Association AT Hl Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brandt and son, | State Notre Dame contest scheduled | meeting in the Flori w : hold a Guy; Mrs. John Waser, Mr. and Mrs, | for November 7, Alumni Home- | Tuesday evening at 0 al Bow Christian Brandt and son, Walter, | coming Day at the college. The requested to he py Sn Be ong Mr Am Mrs. John Brandt and |greatest crowd in Penn State his- i ) davis i e daugnier, winel tory is expected to witness this ! he ensuing vear, Officers for TD Ee clash with the famous ‘Horsemen —_——— COW.TESTING ASSOCIATION of Notre Dame.” .The other home i BIG MONTH IN TB | RECORDS MEASURE BULL games will be with Franklin and | . . ASSOCIATION WORK | 2 shall on October 3; Marietta on ERADICATION WORK { October 17. and Michigan State There seems to I pa 1 Jon October 24. T} 1ere seems to be 0 end to the | eee Cee: The nation-wide effort to sup- records available to Be he of he 0 lassi : Dress bovine tuberculosis resulted of a good d: tre a % re : * vou | ur classified ads bring resuits. ih the detection of 25,163 reactors the ie wig in increasing during April. accord: € production of a red. The re- § April, according to 3 report cords that have been accruing f i Just issued by the Bure: 0 $s that have been accruing for } ol Ldn % i Ureau of Ani- 3 number of years in the cow-test- i ustry, United States De- in associotior oT on : i pariment of Agricultur associations, when analyzed, show i tain tht Agriculture, To ob- some remarkable and conclusive in- i ain this number of diseascd cattle ToT ation iiss st } State 3 ii lon pertaining to ma iy ang- | : State €lerinary les of dairy ductio "here | | Inspectors tested 815,386 cattle. y F oe ne y Produ wal here: a | i At the end oe ‘ull association has been maintain- : ot no ond of the month 10,794, ed in connection with a cow G vet 1 In nection with & cOw-test- § | 910 cattle throughout the COUNLEY "Ing nusocintion the records ot est =4 | Ww re under supervision for the re are os i % 5 . me i | ap : > 21 . Cows are a means of measuring the § | eradication of the di ease. The re- {pup v: lie of the halls it port shows also the extent of ac- Ee HS In { tivity in the various Statcs Iowa : of Gide. cite i s the only State having mre than on i oy | million cattle under supervision = 3 i 1batii ther si The p.. 5 ito ee i group of [ ) 00,- ; | : He has just come o ? ( 1 000 ¢ uch 2 b ‘here angflicient barber g a 2 ting (nw na? —. ..C Garber's Certified Sh : 70 E. Main St, Mt. Joy S Ey 3 DE, Holga, ! T : eo 1 ) 1 gures jis p i A VERY GOOD HOME e work in Der Fem more miki! cypAP CHEAP CHEAP St on May 1 cent tter- me { S nv ch ns. rcent- I want to sell Mr. J. M. Back- oe a 1 Tt I ni bor of rath] ne nay seen Y 's Fine Dwelling on West 2 hamper of adie, are Street, Mount Joy and sell |'s active ough it is not so a 1D it quick. Has 2% Story Frame far from the statistical re- rE Sgamss. yery good | Touse with 6 rooms on one side Extensive testing and the luen Th figures fur- |} and 5 on other. Steam Heat, | > 5 er showed ha RM setrie ghts i | constant removal and slaughter of i Weg + iB ; d ughters | “¥ Sn Lghis: bn te on 3 . were bv s ar at i rame Sta 4 j reactors are gradually freeing the wes ii id thal In ho first floor, room for 6 cars. | country from the menace of bovine ©? qi Le 4d ters bring dis- 1} could easily be converted into { tuberculosis, which in the past has ou Yo thelr ye. ; ; 6 room house. Also Chicken V hoove pavavas. n . nds hat would have happened, says : : | eaused heavy ravages among herds the Baro i the i8 Scotian: Hag Who wants this bargain at and has been a source of danger "® °F If An An ONLY $7,000 |to people. Fifty-nine counties in ih ; ! Eo Pals or by in-1{ y gE. SCHROLL, Mount Joy, Pa. | 14 States are now officially recog- terior purshred bu Is, is not ro \ J | nized as practically free from ty- 0 ges, ae fact learned frog | berculous cat'le, and several hun- 2 ie ig asjociaing figures thai OST - ARAGE joes additional counties are rapidly the dau Be these bulls sur- { a4 qnalifyng for th: accredited county Pass th high-producing dams by ist to 11 -onclusively | eneral Auto gl that the ssociation is a great ~T 9 Suc SS. | J GIRLS a R IRING By Foster Tea ye Yes Girls are also La and Small, While some are Oh So Nice; But then there’s some who are in- [ deed, About as Cold as “Ice.” | [Now here's a Girl that k 10} S he can Count wav up to TEN, started off at “NINE.” T: 1.128 Je An other Girl is 1 such un-tidy H 1at if her Cooties all wer She’d be a Mill-ion aire. I saw Her stand up-on a Tack, And Painle there She stood; For ’tho Her ft Leg’s @enuine, Her Right is made of Wood. An other Girl that once I knew, Ran right Before a Train: Thev found her Glasses up at Mars, Her Falseteeth down in Spain. And some are Verv “Hingrv” Too, For there was Cora Nash: Who just on Sunday. tried so hard, To Chew off my Mou-stache. But Girls now Don’t Misunderstand For we Ap-nre ci-ate. j Your Warth indeed, tho we can’t | Half Your Valne Feti mate, —_——— You may as well try to conduct vour business without capital as to | try and get along wit out advertis- Ling. There's no use, it won’t go. | All the leading and most successful | merchants use the ecoclumns of th Mount Joy Bulletin. tf : A li | Mr. Gutherie, a British subject, | was the first to describe mustard gas in the year 1860. ! FERTILIZER BRANDS MUST BE REGISTERED Recent Der inspections by rtment of th State Agriculture indi CAR WASHING AND A SPECIALTY GCODRICH TIRES AND T Phone 119R3 EASING aug. 264. st be registered been taken in a ber of cases where the been violated because of register. It was found that a few coopera- ciations were selling non- The law is ex- brands of whether registered brands 1 2. 05 we plicit in requiring all fertilizer to be registered sold by a cooperative association or a private dealer, states James W. Kellogg, chief chemist. He advises cooperatives, and other dealers to be sure that all brands of fertilizer be properly registered before mak- contracts with manufacturers, The Bureau of Foods and Chem- istry at Harrisburg is ready and willing at all times to assist fertil- izer dealers and cooperative asso- ciations in ascert: exact character of fertil'zer being sold, and otherwise ass It iz su entered ing ining the in safegnavd- ggested that ing consumers, contracts are into, a when stipulation be included to the facturers brands alway t line | with any | doubt the Bureau will gladly fi deal- er the desired i + effeet OR CICA « NASTY. PIP 5C STRAIGHT $225 . NMFS RD BY N.W. FREY & SON, LITITZ.