The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, July 29, 1925, Image 3

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es |
Noe D A GOOD | Farmer banker cooperat.on in
O0OTT ? | Pennsylvania is mantesting itself
O1 H PASTE! in numerous projects. One inter-
N K OF l sembled from the farmers of the
ini, “i | community. The bank then makes
¥ ~~ “ | .
M AGN arrangements to buy these trees at
eS NESIA | wholesale rates from a reliable
1 O (TI F nursery and have them delivered
I'H PASTE to Freeport. The trees are hand-
It Removes the Film
It Contains Neo Grit—%
JULY 20th,


| esting line of activity is that con-
ducted by the Freeport Bank and
Trust Company, of Freeport, Pa.,
where fruit tree orders are as-



led by the bank at cost, with no
commission or charge of any kind.
Last spring orders for over 1500
trees were filled by the bank for
(its customers ond friends. So suc-
cessful was ‘this first attempt that
the effort will be . neated this fall
and next spring, according to A.
M. Johnston, treasurer of the bank.
An annual fruit and farm pro-


tn me.
ae A
J ee —]
a pg
RE memati
0. WwW. L.
(On With Laughter)


described this exhibit as follows:
“For the past eight years, we ' ¥ e
held an annual fruit and farm pro-
ducts exhibit in the lobby of the
bank. This exhibit is a continuous



nrizes are g'ven but a neat souven-
ir is cent tn each exhibitor as a
memento of the oceas’on and as an
inducement for a better effort the
next season. This exhibit has prov-
en exceptionally helpful in making
Tt pavs to advertise In the Bulletir

Always Dependable!
EA tr
What real satisfaction it is to the busy house- ap
clothes and he’s
I tock her
When they're that far gone there's
no hope.
neighbor, one of the rats
ducts exh’bit is another valuable
feature of this bank's cooperation They're telling this one on
with its farm community, In a George Mumper, out at Milton
recent letter to the State Derart- Grove Every time he feeds his
ment of Agriculture, Mr. Johnston hogs "he puts about a half a
pound of sugar in with their food.
George says
told him
sugar-cured hams,
that Jack Shephard
that’s the way you get
It C i affair, running from October 1 to ;
Pre orrests A ous December 1, and during which We've an Irishman here who
vents Decay period the lobby is = always full of,| asked off to celebrate his tin
Its Daily Use Prevents evervthing from peanuts to corn | Wedding. He went to Lancaster,
Pyorrhea stalks fourteen feet high. + No | got soused, was locked up and got
tin days.
A few days ago I took a certain
from town along to Lancas-
Down at F. & M. College we
met a fellow who was running, in
and holding the contact of farm- |train'ng for a marathon race. The
ers.” lady with me said: “Look at that
poor fellow. Some one has stolen
chasing him!”
on the
letting her run at
streets of Lancaster
out to that big. brick
on East King street.
Joe Hershey declares that Harry
Darrenkamp is
dancers he
full of rats.
one of the best
ever saw. The other
caught another trap
While he held up the
showed them to his
wife to know that she can step into an ASCO Store out of the trap and the dance that
and\buy dependable groceries at very Fair Prices. Harry did in trying to kill that
i ‘ll = . rat would have made the Statue of
{This is not the exception to the rule, but a Liberty in ‘New Vork Harbor
daily occurrence, and careful homekeepers every- laugh.
where appreciate the time and money saved by —_—
trading with us. You can always be sure of the A certain little fellow from the
Qualit Price and Service you receive in any oun comes to one of our Sun-
American Store. “ASCO” stands for Dependability fay dur me bad
Tp — Where Qualit boy. On unday he wasn’t be-
—Shop} regularly in the Stores er y haveing very well when his gentle-
Counts d Your Money Goes Furthest! man teacher said: “I wish I was
your mother for about a day.”

BEST \PINK SALMON tall can 12¢c
Makes ia very tasty and economical Meat Service.

One Pkg ASCO |
One 12 1b Bag
Gold Seal Flour
and. One
Flour Sifter
has a

Both for%9¢ Both for 75¢ busin
BABBITT'S CLEANSER 4 cans 19c *Heav
A high grade at a very special price.

With thatt “fresh picked’ flavor.
Mason’ White or Black
SHOE DRESSING 3 bots 25¢
Cleans, Polishes and Preserves the leather as well.

The soothing, refreshing Satisfaction you receive from Tea
will prove delightful and hed]thful as well if you use Quality
Teas like Pride of Killarney @& ASCO Teas.—There is a blend
hat you will like.
ASCO TEAS 1 Ibt pkg 14c : 1b 55¢
Plain Blagk, Mixed
ASCO 3 Ib pkg I7c : Ib pkg 33c
Orange Pekce, India Ceylon, Java, Old Country Style
tet A ia
but I

Pride of Killarney Tea 4% sealed Ib tin 75¢
For Health and Economy Eat Vietor or Bread Supreme!
BREAD SUPREME big wrapped loaf 10c¢
Big, Brown-crusted Loaves of cake-like richness.
VICTOR BREAD pan loaf 7c
A pan loaf of excellent quality.



ASCO Evaporated
MILK tall can 10c
Whole Grain
RICE Ib pkg 10c
til its

The kid replied:
to my daddy, maybe I can fix it.”
A young lady
Marietta fellow for a beau, said to
her husband.
the day I married you.”
Just at
vice to some of our
Hoffer, George Halbleib and
_ Remember boys, love is
like eating mushrooms,
“Well, I'll speak
Jake Zeller and John Newcomer
were out fishing one day last week.
I asked John if
_ they got a nice
and he said: ‘No, but Jake
good yarn.”
One of the park hounds says he
was at
Lancaster yesterday and
went around several corners in the
ss district on two wheels.
fellow inquired: “Didn’t
get arrested.” He replied:
ens no, I was on my bicycle.”

Met a fellow this morning and I
you are
“Yes, 1
Bill, are you sick?”
losing flesh.” He
know but I've
new safely razor
I heard a fellow ask Phil Schock
he would rather be, Shakes-
or Edison. Frank immed-
replied: “Why, Edison, of
He ain’t dead.”

here who has a
“Have you ever
of love?’ He
needed a shave
disqualified for
played the
said: “Yes,
and I was
from Florin came
Lancaster and said to
“0, George, I bless
He said:
cut the comedy. What kind
of a dress did you buy ”
this time I think it
be well if I gave a little ad-
young fellows,
Meisenberger, Myrl
7 You can
tell if its the real thing un-
too darn late.

Comm fellow attended the
nmunity s t Florin,
ASCO COFFEE Ib 42c oe are a, He

Try a cup—you simply can’t help but taste the differ-

long and showed it
to his girl that
He said to her:

ence! Coffee of the same quality as ASCO Blend would cost gg Hovis
gacel Gs sans duslly I e dis robe.” At first she thought
ne as Jreak, but finally she said:
One Black Flag Sprayer Y eavens, not here,
And One Can Black Flag Insect Killer sort tad aT le
i : business man wanted t send
Both for 59c¢ A sg and thought the ae
- : here s ivi i i
Creamy Whole-Milk CHEESE Ib 29¢ hig rE me
Fred Snyder y t is-
ASCO CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs 20c¢ burg recently A in he Hae
home he told his wife that it's a
Household Needs at Economy Prices!
pity a fellow ean’t get
drunk any

more. She wanted to know why
,. 2 and he said: “Why them a fellow
New Pack Cooked Spinach .......... big ¢an 17¢ could see twice as much.”
New Pack Tender Beets ............ ig can.20c
ASCO California Asparagus ............ can 21c gone i] the fellows down at
Del Monte Asparagus Tips ............. cap 35¢ Dole. sor Ne shows the
Small White Beans... ............... 3 1b§ 25c certain dumb bell asked n TR
California Sardines ................. big cant 15¢ building they have it and what
ASCO Sliced Pineapple ............. big can\25c¢ they use a vault for at College.
Wesson’s Cooking Oil .................. can 29c
Pure Salad Oil ......... ait can 17c, ont torn Wealsnd
P.&G. Naptha Soap .............. 4 cakes 18 She: ied w wir Ney when
Fels Naptha Soap ..... cde se 4 cakes 2 running to beat the op She
ASCO Hard Water Soap ............ 3 cakes 20 asked me what it was and I told
Palmolive Soap ....... Tein ....3 cakes 20 her that it was sn electric fan
hich the farmers uce to keep

These Prices Effective in Our Stores

® ad a ad nd ® A
Ee 2. 4


‘heir cows cool.

must have holioved it as she
home and told her neighbors.

x One of the homolact od maids
{In town told me that she said ‘No’ |

LANDIDVILLE CAMPY 1 hk e Deputies For
Miss Madaline Greenblatt spent y . I
Tonursday visiting 1iriends, V: t A W
is, viola Everhart is spending 1011 or
some time with Cpnaries aAnkoms
Coble are spending a ten day va-
cation at Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kloser, of |
Kinderhook, spent the day as
guests of the Rohrer family,
Samuel Gall, of Lancaster, who
Hershey, Manheim, Dr. Asher Snyd-
er, Mt. Joy; Dr. C. E. Helm, Quar-
ryville; Dr. J. E. Hostetter, Gap,
BR. D. No. 1. i
School children living in the rur- |
al districts who have been twice un-

has attended every camp in 55 successfuily . vaccinated, or those
years, was present Sunday. {who had been admitted to school
Theda and Martha Kellenberger, | ast term on an official temporary
of Lancaster, visited over the week | certificate must be re-vaccinated
end with friends in town. | by the County Medical Director
Mrs. Rebecca Prutzman and | or one of the official Deputies, who
grandson, Walter Spencer, are will orant a temporary certificate
spending some time in Philadel | which will admit them to school
phia. [for the current school year. In
Mrs. Sarah Herr and Mr. and | Cities, Boroughs, or Townships of
Mrs. Dietrich, of Lancaster, Spent | the first class having organized
the day with Mr. and Mrs. Edward | Boards of Health, this official re-
P. Copeland. | =f
Mrs. John L. Morrison, of Read. | {re maton mus
ing, spent some time with Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Levan,
Miss Marion Edwards and Miss
Mary Clark, of Lancaster, visited
be performed by
the Board of Health Physician,
Teachers or ‘school Principals
imay not admit children the first
day of school unless they present,
or have already filed a certificate

is of imnortance
should be
verv school child
Master Lutl D tter and | that

neck. i
ng, of Lancaster, |
Mrs. :
Mr, and Mrs. Harry |


Miss Irene Bartch. ; 1 of successful vaccination, or in
Miss Ida _ Catherine Baird, of {the case of unsuccessful results,
Leola, and R. R. Rodger spent| present the official temporary cer- |
some time at Edgewood. | tificate, which must have been is-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ebersole, of | syed since July 1st of the present
this place, announce the arrival of | year. Temporary certificates ig. |
a daughter, on Saturday, July 25.|gsyad tha i school
Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Greiner{tcrm ave void. The State Socres
spent Sunday at Colebrook, visit-| tary of Health states that teach: rs
ing at the Old in homestead. absolutely observe this Torr
The Bennett ntertained | of school or be sub. |
Mr. and Mrs. Leisey and | ject roseeut’ v b? Cont
sy Jes. Namen is Li secution by Department |
pro- |
ected against smallpox by vaceina- |
were guests of | tion. The Pennsylvania law re- MiLik 2
MacCaulley. | quiriy 2 successful vaccination for LL
Mrs. John Humphreyville and [school attendance was enacted in —
daughter, Helen, of Leola, spent | 1895 and consequently the younger , -3
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- | generation of native inhabitants is |
ward Humphreyville. | more universally vaccinated than in
Mr. and M Simon Miller and [any other State of the Union, and
family, of Harrisburg, are stopping |the State has had the lowest small-
wth Mrs. Miller's mother, Mrs. |pox record in the Union for i
Elizabeth M. Bender. | number of vears. Of the 238 old and ehily
Mrs. Abbie Zinn is entertaining | es of smallpox in Pennsvivania Por 2 spot in their $pod mem
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fields and | 1925, all but three of them ory for good $d fash-
Mr. and Mrs Walter Hight and | heen on the western border of the ioned bread milk
son, all of Homestead. | State and in Philadelphia. The and Martin's
Mr. and Mrs. Reifsnvder and |horder cases have heen Traced io tn) 5 re REN =
daughter, of Reading, and Robert |fections from the State of Ohio | iH especially. pikes
Foose, of Lancas ent Sunday | principally, where vaccination ie | them.
Mr. ne Mars 1k Bachman. | not compulsorv. Three AO or)
Mr. and Mrs. John Keplinger. of {ror‘ed from tha Northeastern se |
Harrisburg, are i Mr. Kep-|tion of the sh b Wear 2 he THE MARTI
linger retu rg but | brought in from a neichborine | = ANITARYDAI
Keplinger wi several | state. Not a s'ngle eas of small} = A RN

osonn Spera, of Lancaster, stent 4
the week-end with Andrew Shen BORO, NAMED BY STATE RIF. Lee Suffered From All
berger. SECRETARY FOR THIS | Rhese Troubles, but Lydia E.
vo ag alvi Ierr. of ’
mr. and Mrs, Calvin H rr, of PLACE { kham’s Vegetable Com-
I" Lampeter, spent Sunday with Mrs | : nd Made H Well
| ArT . | D :
helen Herr. Dr. C. H. Witmer, of Lancaster, ou ade Her e
The Misses Martha and Anna! ounty Medical D.rector has been | 3 —
Nies, he .ancascer, d at | by tne State Secretary of | Tare Haute, Indiana. —*‘I was weak
Waldheim. yi . Health, Dr. Cnaries H, Miner, that and in such a nervous con-
Miss Betty Foehl and Mrs. Sam- |} following County Physicians dition that I could
| uel .Skeen were with Frank Skeen v0 peen appointed as official de- | hardly do my work.
on Sunday. ; puties to revaccinate free of charge | I was tired all the
Mr. and Mrs. Rogers had as children who have undergone | time and dizzy, had
guests, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Mac (yo or more unsuccesstul attempts noappetite and could
Dougal, of Jaheaster. | M. I at vaccination against smallpox. not Sleep, 1, tried
The Misses Emma and M. Louisa mp. . kar. Yee differen medicines
I'he - appointees are: Dr. J. D. for a year but they
did not help me.
Then my husband
saw the ad. for Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vege-
table Compound in
RR the newspapers and
had me takeif 1 regained my strength
and never feltbetter in my life. "It com-
pletely restordd me to health. I had
Praciieaily no suffering when my baby
oy was born arid he is very strong and
healthy. 1 know that the Vegetable
Compound is the best medicine a woman
can take before and after childbirth for
health and strength. would be willing
to answer letters from women asking
about the Vegetable Compound.” -—
Mrs. WM. J. LEE, Route E, Box 648,
Terre Haute, Indiana.
Lydia E. Pinkham’ Vegetable Com-
pound is a dependable medicine for all
these troubles.
For sale by druggists everywhere.

(=r 3
~ Wi
2, uae”


Dorr, oman Ng
be Ke


{nox has oe ed in the roentral or}
and Mrs Maxton | interior <ections of the State dup.)
enterained Mr. a John Reed, ine 1925. eo
Mr. and Mrs. Cl Maxton, and | School insneectors ar directed bv |
Mr. and Horace Menchy, all|+the Soecretarv of Health #1 cop thet
of Co (the low hos been fully!
A nd Ruth ore. ater and to)
Wilson. spent Sun- | nln af oral {
day wi ts MT. | tinn poriifent lad TT
and South |

vi {tha |
ik Aungst, pastor |
of the Penbrook United Brethren 2 =
church accompanied by his choir, |
conducted servi Masonic |
Homes on Su: oon.
Mr. and Mrs. Oram “Brubaker A World Record
and family, of Bird-in-Hand; Mrs. American Telephone and Tele-
Bessie Smith, of ter, and graph Company, in the past two

placing your orde
ut prices to pre

James Nowlen, xr, were |and a half ye
visiting Mrs. Eve { employes, has added 133,000 to
Mr. and Mrs. £. Wisner | largest list of corporate stockhold-
had as guests G. O. Smith, Mr. and | ers in the world,
Mrs. L. D. Anderson, Ball,} Subscribers have taken nearly
Miss Isabel And 1 rs, D.|1,000,000 shares, an average of

L. Smith, all of ster. [seven shares each, and average

ite . oh
through efforts of |
Mr. and Mrs. Reed and |price paid has been about $125 a
children, of Col Mrs. H. S.|share. |
Nolt and hildren of Sinking Total number of stockholders of |

were the ouests of Mr. | American Telephone and Telegraph |

and Mrs. William Pi Con 7, exclusive of those hold- |
Rev. E. F. Yoder | ing associated company preferred
Church of God, pr jand common stocks, and of em-
catory sermon at ployes’ purchases not vet paid up,
the remodeled is 358,000. Of this number, 60,-
Rowenna, on Sunday (00 are Bell System employes. |
Mrs. G. M well | About $65,000,000 in stocks of five

iated operating companies have’
sold on a similar basis.
nd total of Telephone security
1lders is 650.000. >
k : h
known h
spent Sunday
was accompanied
ses Mary and


Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pokk
Krall’s Meat
West Main St.,

church on Sunday, during the ab- |
cence of the pastor, Rev. Frank]
Croman. [Sal R. R., this week had his
Mrs. John Keemer and daugh-| arm badly lacerated while saving
ter, Miss Francis, of Chicago, and | himself from a nasty fall, when
Mrs. Hornberger, of Reading, Mrs. |his climbers failed to take hold
John W. Fern and Mr. and Mrs. S. {while he was descending a tele-
H. Boyd spent Sunday with Mr. | graph pole. The injury was dress-
and Mrs. B. Y. Boyd. {ed by a local physician.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hilton and| Amos Haldeman, Cyrus Steiner,
children, and Mrs. Anna Martin, | Ross Keller, Robert Keller, of this
of Lancaster, and Mrs. Lizzie Mil- | place, spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna
N. N. Greiner, an employe in the
signal department of the Pennsyl-
ler, of Neffsville, and Ross Weaver {and were guests of Lieut. Carl
of Strasburg. stopped with Mr. and | Vogt, of Scranton, a member of
Mrs. A. H. Snyder. Company A. 109th Infantry and
town. an | Lieut. John P. Easby, of Philadel-
: {phia. of the 103rd Engineers
Headquarters Company, in camp at
that place. These men are veter-
ans of the World War and greatly
enjoved the reunion with their
{ former comrades. {
Ralph Herr, of near
employe of a local chocolate com- |
pany, was held up by two masked |
men. near Keener's Park, north of |
Elizabethtown on Friday night and |
relieved of $120. .


Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dillinger, | In spite of the threztening
Mrs. B. Y. Bovd and Mrs. Horn- | ther, crowds thronged to camp- |
berger went to Mt. Gretna on Sat- | here Sunday. Police were |
{in charge of the grounds from |
that its getting | earlv morning #ill late when the
said: “What were [last automobile left. The
| service of praver and praise 3
{ charge of the spiritual director,
{ Rev. Engene HWarshberger, of Lan-|
One of our town girls went to {easter Rnss Sireet M. E. church, |
the b ng pool at E-town. When | was well attended and full of the
she arrived home her mother said: |old time enthusiasm that is seldom |
“I do wish you wouldn't wear seen in this day. Rev. Harshber- |
that one p'ece bathing suit.” ger ably delivered a short messag- |
She renlied: “Well, mother, one | of hope and encouragement and]
must wear something or they won't | called for testimony which was]
responded to eagerlv. At 10:30 » |
song service was held in charge of
the music leader. Prof E. A.
I took mv car up to Enos Rohr- |'selherrv. of Philadelnhia. He was!
er’s to have it washed the other |assisted bv the Columh'a orches- |
day and told him not to wash the | tra under the leadershin of Prof.
windows. He asked why and I|Herrv T Heineman This was |
said that everv time I take Dad out | followed b+ a sermon by Rev. Wil-|
let you bathe up there.”

~nd thev’re up he tries to spit to-|{ mer L Amthar. of Contenerv
inice thru ‘em. I leave |~hurch. Philadelphia. All ‘he oth-|
them dirty so he can see them. er services thmont the dav were
Haas and | i
| urday and were compelled to stay!
Herman Gohn, a student at Mt. | al] night on account of the storm. °
Airy Seminary. Philadelphia. con-| My, Dillinger had charge of the R emin de r
ducted services at the Lutheran bringing in the guards. i

well rendered and largely attended. |

You are due at
Hershevg Barber Shop

Agent for Manhattan Laundr

1e methods employ-
+ shoe factor
results are fully as gc
of wear to your shoes;

Repairing Usqpany
50-52 S. Queen St., Lan

Sh, Ri
A Ruined
Tobazco Crop


If the Crop was
Covered by a
afford to tak , the risk.
d Fire Insurdnce Com-
et us explain this hail
pany can.
e record and iresources
policy and t



Ideal, particularly
ter shaving and the bath.
The Rexall Drug Store
rrr Er I rr rT rT

il, Needles, Re-
ts for all ma-
Ind. Phone 116

Do vou contemplate doing any
Painting next Spring? If so, the
first thing to consider is GOOD
PAINT. Don’t use a paint just be-
cause its cheap, but apply a good
paint as it is cheapest in the end.
handle the well known
PRINT pee © Ready Mixed
made by Co.
Pure Linseed Oil
the Allentown Mig. C
The fact that I have been using this
particular paint during the past 34
years should be evidence enough
that it is real paint. I also handle
Oils, White Lead, Varnishes, Etec.
Also Wall Paper
I will be pleased to quote prices
when you are in the market.
Painter and Paper Hanger
229 N. Barbara St., Mount Joy
Phone 70R3
feb. 25-6 mo.-pd

White Leghorn Cockerels
1 1-4 Pounds Up.
Rell Phone 1643R



