WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1925 .THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCA STER Co, PA. Oe . — - ~~ IE LQ 1 mn 3 £3 ge Biv Pring Cal : Ae : : 7 Ano ne | DIP fui odlf ! ( Quality being the terling” mark by which all ow 4 ©) er wown—these Prunes are of* the Highest © ~~ Grown in the Rich Santa Clara Valley in Canifornia, all 5) the delight of Flavor and Meaty Goodness is here in abundance, S It Always Pays to Trade Where Quality Counts! Our Regular 10c Our Regular 15¢ © SANTA CLARA SANTA CLARA PRUNES PRUNES ® 3 ls” 25¢ 2 lbs 25¢ Medium size: Big value. Large size. The finest grown. Our Regular 15¢ Asco Tomato CATSUP 2 big bots 25¢ @ Made from an old-time recipe. Just like home-made. @ ; Best Fine Granulated SUGAR 4 lbs 25c¢ 16 lbs for $1.00 S New Texas ONIONS 2 Ibs 15¢ ® Serve them creamed for a change. @ One pkg California One pkg ASCO @ RAISINS CORN STARCH @ and One pkg| 11c and One bot 16¢ RICE Vanilla Extract 9 Both for 19c¢ Both for 20c¢ 5 Rich Creamy CHEESE 1b 3lc © SUNSHINE DANDY SUGAR COOKIES 27¢ 2 Bread SUPREME big wrapped loaf 10c A pure\ rich milk loaf. @ ; ® VICTOR BREAD loaf 7c A pan loaf of’ exceptional quality. p— ——— Buy in Quantities and Save the Difference! © Cracked Cor ib ie 100 lbs $3.19 @® Scratch Feed .1b dc : 100 lbs $3.59 ® Laying Mash Ih 4c 100 lbs $3.75 © Chick I 4c : 100 lbs $4.15 © Rolled Qats ....... ib 4e¢ 90 lbs $3.45 © © of Highest Coffee Quality—the standby © of Blend with a million friends. It’s con- @ vincingly good! 2 ASCO COFFEE Ib 45c 5 The Coffee Lover's Delight. ASCO EVAPORATED MILK .\..... tall can 1lc D = © Buy this Combination and Save 11 Cents! © ® — I bot 9c ASCO AMMONIA, All for One 19¢ Utility Brush Dutch Clever 2 30 Goes Furthest! { 1 can 8c Old Trade 1 Where Your Money Springtime Means Cleaning Time! Asco Wash hg Soda nn... big pkg 10c P.&G. Nori Soap 4 cakes 19c Fels Naptha Seapy 4 cakes 21c Si Meio Polish... can 5¢, 10c Scrub Brushes... each 10c, 14c¢c, 17c One Bot Black Flag Powder and ) Both for One Black Flag Powder Gun | 9c MOUNT JOY, PENNA. 00000000 = Ti Pound for pound, Baker's Coal will give you™ burned in furnace, stove or grate, than any other co trial will prove the truth of our statement. F. H. BAKER, Mount joy. Pa. DO © © © © © SUN © \ ® Busco Best Heating COAL ore heat, whether vag can buy. A Mount Joy, Pa. I have opened a first-class Garage a Repair Shop and I am prepared to do all kinds of Repairing, OPeghalding, Etc. in a satisfactory manner at reasonable prices. = cars a speciale. Cars Washed, Polished and Greased any time. trial. eng OWL-LAFFS BY | a> sO We Le (On With Laughter) Landisville bought A young chap from went to a Lancaster wanted jeweler, inscription dearest this wr to jeweler vd ta ring and jput on it: “E | Alice.” Th | foolish and “Edgar, to n. The jeweler you can use it on a half and believe me 1 here | nis said he was should and only inst have love” “That dozen hi > put © said: way erirls know.”’ stayed Next A stranger came and all night at a certain place. morning he said to the proprietor of the place:- “Now I know where the straw came from that broke the camel’s back. One of the rural school teachers asked a pupil how matches are made. The boy replied: “I really don’t know ma'am and I don’t blame you for wantin’ to know. Ma says you've been trying to make one for several years.” areas One of the foreigners who works on the railroad here sent away for a bottle of fat reducer and used it. One month later he wrote the manu- facturers as follows: “i taka 1 bott- : : " el, now my hatts no fit me. I had an argument with Re | Kercher the other day and when we departed he agreed me | . i th the most stirring v- [er t ire ind in tl Cool Bool I r th p i fav Call India 1 T 2? I'd t 1 | h 1 1 nie T el H I 1 1 to : W Gi kid ( } 1 € i — One of th fe 1 yf town has given up th du Y plan just® be on t floor makes her { PN ox | One of our corner lizards {he can’t see how Attorney General | {Stone was raised to the = Supreme | { Bench with hard as | a name as A certain woman here in thi town just positively refused to play | {the pipe organ in her church. She | | says she feels too blamed childish {playing with her feet { { That Marietta chap three trips a week to M r asked his girl difference n an old fas and a kiss. She “0, about ive minutes.” ter on a zero day ked from Mt. Joy to | Lancaster and neither said a word the entire distance.. They didn’t want to get their hands cold. A fellow from town who has a sweetie at Columbia, was being kidded that his girl was married be- fore. He replied “She swears she | wasn't.” Another guy chimed in and said: “Maybe that’s why she swears.” Finnegan Kramer declares there is a bright side to everything. He said there’s even a bright side to a fellows last year’s suit of clothes. Of all the tight wads I ever heard tell, here’s the turtle’s galoshes. There’s a man living at Florin who goes to the post office early each morning just to fill his fountain pen. A fellow from the country came here and had a young lady make a date for him. The girl said: “I'll have you meet a dandy girl friend of mine, she’s as straight as a string.” He said: “Aw, I don’t like that kind. I like ’em knotty.” a fellow at the post office yesterday morning. He is one of the most Pergetful men I ever saw. He still had on his bed-room slip- pers. I told him about it and he limped all the way home. “You be hanged.” The bishop says, “You be damned,” but I wish you could have heard what I said when my lip caught in the clothes wringer. The judges say, A lot of the post were loitering around evening when one said: “What was that noise? It sounded like a dog.” Red Metzler said his shins barked. office lizards the other Two fellows, standing in front of my office when one said: “I certain- ly owe a lot to that lady.” The other replied: “Your mother.” his. | who till | Re two | 01 First fellow said: “No, my land- TV] Yo Th e Q | eadaers lady. L11C 2.404 iol) | SY ™ m | . 1 )] Nn n n | or of ou a 1 AN Ie told I liked 1 CAR 5 i pl of | Y I; i A J NTE A'l ( N k INIATA ( 11 F( w R £ } 1 A 1d | ( 1L00¢ |W er or nd d. viata ( lo Huntin n, Pa., April 30 May 1 and 2, with I row a vo an re to ' many State, National - and Denom who dresses real neat and la real rons a to neat but I'll bet a pair of my last national leaders in charge en a 4 | ~ 3 I'he nature of the conference will We aiama can’t ' y mm 1 1 winlers th si be three-fold. On Thursday, Apr lace as ig] 1 er husband {00 (ho gay will be devoted to can drink himself . WIE GW leadership training, Leaders of Na- > A Wisk Ow] toinal and state experience will | direct the discussion. Dr. H. Shel A MAYTOWN MAN ATTENDS Smith, of Chicago, and several CONVENTION AT DAYTON, tr loaders of tie U6 . | te r 4 aders Ewe - I { nominations will be present. 2 "| Friday, May 1, will devoted ; | entirely y to Church Vocation Schools Warned | with international leaders in charg A Anns Light | and it is their desire to cover th ] at the f wat gonvant oa 2 1 i x ny : | whole field and map out a program Dayion, 1 hic, > oe : of pro otion that can be carried ig alers, dist tox and | . . Haw Josie : : ry Neclavas | into the local community. ieramen ne n 18 ecliare Po ARF 0 ni be vive Saturde May 2, will be iven was by far the most enthusiastic Burd yn . ve oy bl hich tl entirely to the problems of week- < 34 rable convention whicn ne . ow . . + wi un a C ) I held day religious instruction. It is elco-11ghn ompany has ever neia. | . Y = : ; expected that Dr. James N. The outstanding, and the most fully expect ha A : tant Toatire f th whole Rule, deputy superintendent of Pub- porta ecature 0 he [Re : 8 omy ti h tat tl lic Instruction, will be present with eonvention, he states, was the an- : 3 several other outstanding leaders. nounecment of a new, low-priced everal ro 5 : : . Among the speakers of the even- Delco-Light plant which sells for]. = : a » : ng sessions will be Dr. Shelton $195.00, F. 0. B. Dayton, Ohio. Bs : m : . . Smith and former Governor Martin | The importance of this, Mr. Hollen : : . G. Brumbaugh. baugh pointed out, lies in the fact Th a : . vse gatherings are planned as that practically every farm home ese © : Tere real conferences where county lead- can now enjoy the advantages of i t fArst.iand #1 ; : x ; srs may come and get first-hand in- electric lights. Even if farmers] nay co E have felt, heretofore, that lighting plants were high in price, now they have that objection removed, for now they can buy this electric plant on easy terms, at a price that any- one afford to pay. “1 firmly believe,” aid he, that millions of farm ymes that he fore hav it u h sm erosene lights 1 k the )I CLC< ’ ’ d I kn } | | 1 ( { | 11 | 1 | | . tC eo i I. 4 ! |! ode ries 2 2 1 11 1 1 k 1 yd of conve | as K { \ ¢ e mq ( the ) ion day it, V Imost 1500 mem- | bers and factory representative enjoyed a banquet program which was filled with enjoyment. from start to finish. “I have come back from this con- vention, a better Delco-Light man, better prepared than ever before to serve the people of my home county with the electrical advantages that Deleo-Light products render, and I come also.” he concluded, “with a bigger and broader vision of the new advantages and the new en- joyments that are in store for ev- ery American Home that will fall into line in the march of progress and put electricity and modern im- provements to work for them.” rt fp en MAY BUILD A CONCRETE STREET THRU E-TOWN Last Thursday evening several representatifes from the State High- way Department met Borough Council and presented a proposi- tion whereby Elizabethtown can se- cure a permanent concrete highway through the borough, which includes North and South Market streets. The proposition made by the State Highway Department is to construct eighteen feet of the street at no expense to the borough what- ever. This with the seven and one- half feet that must be constructed by the traction companies, would leave about fifteen feet to be paid for by the citizens. The representatives of the State Department were of the opinion that since our streets are in bad condition due to the installation of the sewer system, now would be the proper time to have a permanent street constructed. Council in that boro is sidering the now con proposition and project. — PAGE THREE formation ort these three present day subjects direct from the larger experience of national and interna- tional leaders. Last year a similar gathering was held at Tyrone and the first of it . 4 lal kind to be put on by tate 1b rth School Ass nd I I ) | ( Ol i 1 LY I 1 a 1) _— ren se bE I LD 3 EETI Ot 3 L DL ( 1 | Aprii m or 2 ( He Po \ It a lo > ’ I ( i St Cle i nice H i I 1 I 0 I 1i P ( Rael n - : Vi s i = A i 1 | Cl on E r€ 1 T 1 | DO i Herr W and KEENER GETS TWO YEARS PAUL BOSTIC 18 MONTHS It will C among its ariety 0 colors of ise y¢ n igl pain - ich of the Its except eauty this beauty both due to skill in manufacture. IT COVERS more square fect per gal to finer grinding of materials, a and LUCAS superior yds perfectly finished product. IT BEAUTIFIES and its beauty made with § maximum perm IT LASTS / longer be cau 19e it is scientifical IT PROT 1 Jasts beca nency. ICTS A It A 2 2 Its ! RI 5 Fee / its i I Pp Yo / HOSE RE vr amd Hw: ¥ AE] 2 [ET lon and m we of ig high gloss tinting colors ¢f Lucas’ own the continuance of ity of materials and e causes—quai thoroughly hides the surface, due of pure linseed oil, all ingredients into one gfe bigher of combining § d clear, perfect shades, manufacture, possessing materials, carefully selected, rkers of long experience. is resistant to weather. Its ng temperature changes, f decay, from getting to ost of application. per year of i e cost of your property, reflects this vnusual nt time . ho Wa i you Sentences were imposed by Judg-1 pea : : t es Landis and Hassler in the local courts on Saturday as follows: Jno. R. Keener’s Sentence John R. Keener, of East Donegal township, pleaded guilty to ously and maliciously setting fire to the home of Howard Yost, of near Marietta, and was ordered to pay a fine of $100, costs and sent to pris- on for two years. Bostick Pleads Guilty Paul Bostick, a soldier, whose home is in Marietta, pleaded guilty to two charges of forgery. The checks were passed on the First National Bank of Marietta, for $18 | and $32. He was ordered to pay a fine of $25 and sent to prison for | 9 months on each count, a total fine of $50 and 18 months impris- | onment, rl A Made a Fine Catch Aaron A. Zeamer, of Kinderhook; Harry McMillen, John Liphart and Walter Reisinger, of Marietta, land- ed 31 fine trout from Donegal creek | on Wednesday. The fish in length from 8 to 21 inches. was the finest catch of trout in this vicinity this season. eet eee ranged seer Finds Money in Box While excavating at his plot of ground on Friday for the erection dwelling at Middletown, unearthed a small tin $20 gold pieces buried many of a single John Whye box containing ten said to have been years. rt AAR pre- | sent sentiment seems to favor the | | tection from fire and grazing stock application of good las well as the If you want to succeed—Advertise } cotumon sense in Protect the Forest Care of the woodland means pro- cuttings. feloni- i BE EL NET This™ = a 5 a a i - BEE. 5 = CIE mi = J OL EVERYTHING FOR POULTRYMEN INCUBATORS Hot Water—Hot Air BROODERS Coal Stove or Oil OATS SPROUTERS Cabinet and Open Pan Galvan- ized Brood Coops SAN NON-FREEZE FOUNTS 1-2-8-6 Gallon Sizes MASH FEEDERS 1% and 1 Bushel Sizes Wall and Jar Founts Grit and Shell Boxes Baby Chick Feeders Parcel Post Egg Boxes | { | | Crushed $ * \ x LJ * * Ee * og Write, Phone (3866 Bell), or Bring your order to 31 South Queen Street SPRECHER & GANSS, Inc. THE BIG POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE WRITE TO-DAY FOR COMPLEETE LIST NII Delivered to Mount Joy P. P. LIVE CHICK BOXES Wood Shipping Coops ° EGG CRATES Celluloid Leg Bands EGG TESTERS Thermometers Hydrometers Green Bone Cutters Root and Vegetable Cutters Lice Powder Liquid Disinfectant Feeds and Remedies for Birds and Chickens Ground Shell'and Grit Poultry Netting BREE aa. — tone $1.90