The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 15, 1925, Image 5

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: | some time at the home of her par- yn
Picked From Our Joris Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich. Religious News
[ rp Mis Dorothy Lonzenecker. of | »
. A MID-MONTH SALE OF HOSIERY ' Weekly Card Basket tn vaies men in Our chuces | [] e [

| Easter Vacation with her parents,

Offering a fine line of Quality Hosiery at Attractive Prices! | [Mir and Mire Toward 3 aE |
| z 3 S 4 i 1 d | PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT | John Greiner, a student at the | NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE
- 1 : - - All-Silk Hose, a fine weave, an | THE MANY COMERS AND | University of Pennsylvania, Phila CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY . :
Children’s 3-4 Length Cu . . $1.00 Men's | GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY | delphia, spent Easter here with his BORO AND THE ENTIRE Of wvario kinds for
| Top Hose, full mercerized derby a full SiZe make our 4d 1. 0 en s rR Fr hild | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greiner. SURROUNDING COM- | building Aan mill work
. —— . . Mrs. R. R. Lauer anc children, .
| ar VV . e- Sock a very desirable one. Be nti bs va Sih: ase Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greenawalt, MUNITY
ii ions are Grey ’ I'an Air ) |of Jarvis, spent several days | punk Greenawalt and daughters, ———— will be sold i greatly re-
| ale. ancy tops in contrasting : In hi Ce | of Harrisburg, spent Easter here Trinity Lutheran Church ,
i : Priced oc i 50 The Men's Silk and Cotton Hose Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Me( lellan of | visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Strick- Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor duced prices. Also shing-
colors. riced per patr Cc. : : : Philadelphia, spent the week-end ler, Bible School at 9:30 A. M. les. roofin sash doors,
in new Heather Mixtures is taking J} in town. Mr. and Mrs. Stine. of R. D. Mil.| There will be no preaching ser-|'€S: g ’
1 . 1 * Mr, ober Jrubaker, of Mary- ny a ’ if in ice xt S day. -
Misses’ Silk Socks in Brown, well. These Hose are sure to give ast rr OE ry er Sars M ve LE blinds, pls fr and ge
| 3 . 3 Fy a fy itd : $2 ki as guests in the family of Mr. and
Yellow, Light Blue, Tan, Black | much wear and are good lookers”’. in Ba, or Mev. ‘Pred Loliorher, on Mavic Church _ef Bretiros ment.
. : : . | Charles Nobs, of Middletown orin, Fa.
y . > As ’ » | street. >
with contrasting Tops and Stripes. | Priced 50c. | spent Sunday here visiting his broth. | + ar. and Mrs. Willian Ganty ang | Sunday School at 8:30 A. M. It is the §losing out of
39¢ Pair. | er, Clarence Nobs. t1 ae ol dre La Lan is Church Services at 9:30 A. M. > ze
The Best 29¢ Mercerized Hose |] Misses Myrtle and Cora Gainor, | sunday here. with the formers | SNEINE every Thursday evening the entire hock of che
| | of oy May 1€ TIer’s at 7:30 P. M.
Misses’ Cotton Socks in large in town-thats what we think of 12 a at nt Sunday father, Frank Gantz, on Manheim at 7:30 P. M late firm Brandt ©
. eq: ay De : street. orl Smith on West High St,
assortment of colors, 29¢ Pair. our 29¢ line of Men's Hosiery. A |]! Pag Dy 3 aes Messrs. Harry Laskewitz and son, | Denegsl Prodbylovisn ye g :
ood weicht lo ng wearin hose : Sig 3 $00), spent .the week Albert, Lee Ellis and Bob Eshleman The rernlar Sth Cr Elizabethto n, by
LADIES’ MILLER HOSE g800C CBIR, ng e g jend: Aer Parents. . saw the Athletics down Boston in Ee = x
for “knock-ab t"’ wear but d | Mr, and Mrs. John Bear, of Lan- the opening same at Philadelphis vice at 9:30 A. M.
1 or 2004 Weal goo | caster, visited Mr. and Mrs. John ort oe ae 2 radelpnin Divine Worship at 7:30 P. M.
A good Hose for every purpose. enough for dress! McGinnis recently. omnia Newiomor.. of ‘Bale You are cordially invited to wor- Nl
Derby Ribbed Hose, full mexcer- a Chote Shae of rr and Virginia Newcomer, of | =P wih us, 2 B®
. phia, spent Easter here visiting | Goucher College. she char Are ese
1zed. Colors are Nude, Grey, Cor- A Full Fashioned Hose at $1.50 | friends and relstives. Wag Sess, Spent Bester Florin U. B. Church
¢ * ; : - | > - | Mr. Arthur Moyer, of Wenonah My > ner Daren.s, Mr and Mrs, H, Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor
{ 7 r a reason yer, o na he :
'dovan, Airdale, Buck and Black. | is an agreeable number at Military College, spent. Master veel Sunday School at 9:30 A. M.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harmon, of Sermon and Reception of mem-

able price. A dandy hose for {cation at his parental home

Atlantic City, spent several days bers and Baptism at 10:30 A. M
Priced 50c¢ Pair.

‘ ’ ’ ’ | Tiss ‘ » Bert? anes .
‘dress’’ in Grey, W hite, Black and | a ei a here with their parents, Mr. and Junior at 5:30 P. M i x
: | spe Laster here as the guest o { Mrs. Jomes Glatfolter Mr. and yyy Cie A) MD yl .
Airdale ns a oh) rir yen nw Cre Enki
| Sve; Harry Groenawnlt of Harb” Sn 0 or : Sermon at 7:15 P. M. ea UU
‘ [vi a : He) > wg { 0 Be Clarence Greenawalt, Mr. and av Fh —
| risburg, spe aster here wi or a ‘
This Week, STARTING FRI- jo in per oie ; eT | Mrs. Fred Straum and daughter, T. U. Evangelical Church tT G 1
| aaugnter, Mrs. Mart: Kier, vy . . x xr 2
DAY, in our Grocery Department! [}| Mrs. Mary Goodman and friend, | of Chester, spent * Sunday Rev. Ralph Bornman, Pastor 18 L004 |
: | ot Laer ter i Ene lav h | here visiting the former’s parents, Prayer Service Wednesday at { P inting | Ack 105s
Ivory Soap en 3 for 20c¢ | Do Ys 10% Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Greenawalt. 7:30 P. M. rinting samples of
S ] isi 2 k 25 ay y # po] oa Stat Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wealand Bible School Sunday 9:30 A. M. our busi.
Cal. Seed ess Raisins ce P gs C > kL. Lo Mrs, An DN Abd an and son, John, spent Saturday at Preaching Sundav at 10:30 A. M.| 2 nesscards,
\ = son, oi Lancaster, spent Easter here | yy, 0° = Sunday © are , er 5 ev wy 1A mm— |
Argo Gloss Starch say 3 pkgs 25¢ visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Childs. | © og Fun 29 they on: | X L. C. E. Sunday at 6:45 P. M. { raat] cards
Lo Z i Mary M * Hood Col. [1% ed an automobile trip to Potts- Topic: “My Denomination”. Leader,| § r— wren d di 7g
Ex Conestoga Coffee Ib 45¢ i I oy Oyen, oF Rr re _| ville, where they visited friends. Mrs. Charles Shaeffer. VE) ari thar wit iy sug 1
Py J ol 2 Shem i A ay hs Seer | Mr. and Mrs. Leroy C. Bates and Preaching Sunday at 7:30 P. M. | 2 | an po oa
ed wad) JAt 1 th S cials ever week HL. ANG rs = Moyer, | children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Haw- | Choir rehearsal Friday at 8 P M.| # | Pets, Olgen : ier
SE GS atch these pe S ery | Misses Margaret Karll and Jean {thorne and chldren, and Mr nd C } ho | Sateen I CE f
. ’ ' - Thome of T le University. spent ar -nlaren, anda Mr. an ome and worship with us. 4 s ete. constant
r 98¢ Silk Hose is a Winner! and Seg that your home town gro- |} "ho Temple University, spent | oy MeClolion spent Sunday | { | ete, cc V1
u 1 1 {the week-end at their parental ith M 1M H Q hr St. M Uni b | 8 carried in stock for your
> - r 1e v 2S th really | homes. with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler. | St. Mark’s United Brethren Church| § | , -commodation.
A fine texture Hose, full length, | cers areN\(he only ones that Ye iv [| Mrs. Jacob M. Schroll accompan- Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor | a
Mr. and Mus. arles Derr and | . :
1 r 3 = ied her sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday School at 9 A. M {| Get our figures on that
> , od wearing | save you Ln or Wie hs he er, y ; |
plenty of room goc g i of ky nh mr D by spent McCurdy, of Maytown, on an auto- Morning Worship and sermon at i | printing you have been
qualities, excellent shades—all a Buy ther Tage ore in| the nobiles trip to Millersburg Sunday, | 10:15 A. M. ; thinking of
. . hol La : where they visited their sister, Mrs. Junior, Intermediate and Senior |
good stocking should be. liber ally. ss chee un nan, of oR Lewis Yeager. C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Leader, Walter i | New Type, Latest
nbia, sSpen osunaay ere as the Q 1 :
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shenk, of | Greiner.
ouest p » brothe Prank 2110 on :
oe f Bf De rother, Frank Haug, Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Worship and sermon at 7:30 P. M. L Style Faces
anf a roo» .
> his ak A. Meyre, of Lancaster; Mr. and | The Knights of Malta will attend
ron i Ww a en Mrs. Russell Sumpman, son, Russell, | this service in a body.
were recent vistiors of Mr. and daughter, Madalyn, of this A kindly welcome is awaiting you

and Mrs. Adam Walker on Mount place, spent Sunday as the guests | at all these services.
Joy street. of C. S. Gingrich and family. re &
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meckley, of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Sherbone and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Lancaster, spent the week-end here | Elizabeth Sherbone, of Eliza- | Rev. C. E. Knickle, M. A., Rector pg
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry bethtown, and Mrs. Mary Gibbons The Easter music will be re- :
Weadman. and son, Joseph, and granddaughter, | peated for the benefit of those who
Mr. and Mrs. Landis Gainor and Anna, of Lancaster, spent Easter | were unable to be present at Easter.
daughter, of Elizabethtown, spent here as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 9:15 A. M. Sunday School.
Sunday with her mother, Mrs. | Clarence Gibbons, on West Donegal | 10:30 A. M. Holy Communion| Flower Seeds, Garden Seeds by
Emma Ellis. street, and special sermon on The 1625th | Package “and loose, to suit your
: William Roberts, of Philadelphia, of the orec leas ; ;
GET IT ) E. MAIN ST. Stent. the w ee > Be A Anniversary of the Creed, ; pleasure alg, pocket book
p ru : wee ss ne a x e 7:30 P. M. Evening Service. May we have a share of your
Suess o 13 parents, Mr. an TS. INFORMATION BUREAU All are cordially invited to |patronage. A
AT MT. JOY, PA. Elwood Roberts. i attend. 5 %
)) Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sheaffer ALSO BABY
and children, of Manheim, spent LENDS HELPING HAND,
Easter here as the guests of Mr. and Church of God { h dl Drug
Ty Bye Ta Enemy : SAYS CHIEF OPERATOR Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor an er “Store
Donald Arntz returned to his Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. J. West Main Street
S. Hamaker, Supt.
home in Lansdowns Monday after enn eisai MOUNT JOY, PENNA.
Sermon at 10:30 A. M.

hte Rose
Sino 5 numon
¢ Senay Zod


spending several days with Mr. and ; 2 : :
Mrs. OB. Awniz Supplies Information For Tele- b C. E at i P. M. Leader, Sunday Hours: 5 to 7 P. M.
: . MacDannald.
Mrs. M: Sensenderfer, of
Philadelphia, i Rr phones Thai Have fot 2s Yel Sermon at 7:30 P. M. }
here as the guest of her niece, Mrs. Appearad in the Directory. x Mim Service Wednesday
EEL 7:45 P.M,
Darwin Pennell. Teac] Traini Woilicsdas ‘at
es : eacher Training ednesday a
Mrs. Arthur Brown and son, Joe, “The job of the information opers- | » p M
spent Sunday at Elizabethtown as | (,. is to supplement the information Rul a
sp > 3 ir ; All welcome to the services.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul R.| in the telephone directories,” says














Strickler and family. Miss M. E. Brown, the Chief Operator .
Mr. Leroy Herman, of West | who has charge of the 220 young wo First Presbyterian Church
Chester Normal School, spent sev- | man operators who constitute a Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor
: i ation” i and who
eral days with his parents, Mr. and Task J Hs a : Wednesday All styles
Mrs. A. N. Herms orm oi Lo ard) 3 Prayer Service at 7:30 P. M. oh 5 eo
Mrs. A. N. Herman. ilar n The Thursd pairing and ps: for all ma-
Mrs. J. Harry Miller was called | pay Telephone Co ennsyl Mission S TY jill be held chines at
to Harrisburg Monday on account | vania and its A inate Companies L lass wi Ds eld
| of the sudden serious illness of her | wherever they operate. at the home of Mrs. H. S. Newcom- A H BAK 'S
Le Qi i “Althoug er joh is to pply in- jer at 7:30 P. M. . >.
| father, Simon Heilig. Altl rd is to si y in -
: 3 1 ii oth 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scevears, 0 garg ; 9. Joion me. Ce Friday a 133 E. King St.,
af ti ry Fania 1 1 y — new | he cots requests for he choir will meet at 8 CM ee. :
3 cars, there is one that stands out cbove all others — th new | Lancaster, spent Easter here as the | she gets requ a] The choir 3 mon P. } LANCASTER. PENNA
Studebaker Big Six 7-Passenger Duplex-Phaeton, witn its ex- of Mr. and Mrs. Jame hr pr Ins. Phone 116%
clusive roller side enclosures which provide instant protection. | ¢ Me on oe 130 Fo
4 Young, a student at the
3 ‘ Ce aud tnt i. g a ®
It can be compared only with cars much higher in price. Ura of want h
; . %, 3 | Easter here with his parents, Mi ;
Studebaker builds seven times as many cars as any manu- | Eas Pus Metlodict Eetccozsl Church | 4 |
. ° . . wr} ~ ina Mrs, samuel iroung. Ft. oo A Sis Peis \
facturer having a car in the Big Six class. The small overhead and Mes: Jatnes conlierss Rev. Harry A. Swartz, Pastor | | Ve
A . . ie : : eo Shapy snent | qQ-1 A. N ;
¥ per car, plus the savings of complete manufacture, explain its children, of Rheems, spe 1 Bi
Q ter here as of Mr.) estheoribore.. v= =. nl T0100 Morn J
3 ™ vy » TY — >» this ne Stic hal 23 e vou ster here a 1 : ; ;
low price. Come in—see this new Studebaker before you buy. a a ; 37 WEST MAIN STREET
3 ) 10 § 1 leag i Ader
Mr. and Mrs. J ld A | ir
The price of the new Studebaker Big Six Duplex-Phaeton 1 Mrs. H ee = is AED whic oni GS Y ier ol
includes an extra balloon tire, tube and tire cover. Bumpers, istiana, spent E 7:3 ivening Worship and Sere : sewele
front and rear. Motometer. Safety lighting control. Auto- Ties iat non. 3a be bal 8
A tic spark control. ‘One-piece windshield, sun visor, auto- Be Alic e Hof | QV atchmaker—Engra
: matic windshield cleaner, rear-view mirror. Cowl and dome Ne
lights, extension lamp and_stop-and- tail light. Clock and caster s] ; | Ne
gasoline gauge grouped under glass with other instruments. | week-end here visiting her parents, Leag | We use methods employ-
“2 0.B.Faclory Biggest balloon tires used on any automobile. Naa - led oy The ue oo fay:
: Do Aa or Leban Frid hence our results™age fully as goed.
» Mr. Garriet Arntz, of Le anon, ATT months of Wealike Yous at
{and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Morrison, have them repaired
| of Lancaster, were Sunday guests i : 3
ae itz fatally. | church. 0 Mir S
fe . 2 Apne mis Hy Donald “Information” is on hand twenty- | ty noe
[ Vrs. Bal A DMI, Oy "71 four hours of the day to supply tele- | i : 0. y
| 1 i+
[ and daughter, Janet, spent Saturday | jp ne numbers of new subscribars. Dry and Rather Hot Rei ali ng Compa
{ at Lancaster as the guests of Mr. “The need for this lementar Parkins never was tired of proph- | Meo o Queen St. Lancaster
tand Mrs. Harry E .Brenner. Je Alan sia rE +. o | esying calamities, and hi iends were 52 =e »
M directory service is api to any getih bit Ted r
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Maurer, of | .. whi has had » telephone installed tting a bit fed up. -
| Hershey, spent Easter here as the immediately following an issue of the | fends Predicted famine Ice ’ Groceries
| cuests of the latter's parents, Mr. | directory.” i eed Sole
! and Mrs. John Pennypacker. Calls for these new telephones tha Rete to bpd ¥ . 5 :
: 1 > t listed e ctory must hi Teg ta Sa |
| Miss Ethel Sheaffer, of the Lan- an yt. co ah Tool of time mew v
| caster General Hospital spent Sat- | operator Giving out | Would all dry up?’ “H'm. I should
turday evening with her parents, { which are : Iv in the di- |] 88¥ replied the friend. “go thou and
| 2 » ik +1 Ye 1 1 on ec PP >.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sheaffer. rectory is not prop her | 90 likewlse”—St. Paul 1eer-Press,
= 3 : 3 : 1 n. Thus she 1 ime to
CX Mary Engle Lindemuth, a teacher | function. Thus
: 5 5 iv mpt and ent ¢ ‘ntion . >; Q
[in the Neffsville schools, spent a ® SD i NT cs Title ount Joy Street, Mount Joy,
= | YS Ole JANES Cats i il rie hus h r
{| Easter here visiting her parents, tion * Title to property Shida e guarsn
Fate. rs. Jac i : teed and protected. A buyer wio
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lindemuth. a Do he. Sel 75 ais
cal ® 9 ® Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Barnes and : . himself to blame if he runs into trou-
Ad ? | daughter, Gloria, of Lancaster, were Foolish Question ble. At the time of signing the pre-
| Sunday guests of the latter's par- When Demetrius was asked wheth liminary agreement have It incorpo-
| ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Shoop. er he held his tongue because he was | rated into fe cata Short » geareg
Sen . : : . a fool or for want of words, he re teed title shall be delivered and ti
Miss Alta Gingrich returned we plied: “A foel cannot hold his tongue.’ insurance backed by a responsible
T H 1 S I S A S T U D E B A K E R Y E A R } Lancaster today after bemg ill for, —Boston Transcript. company furnished
> 2
J A Tay
1 1 fl a
. . ¢ a
< » —