The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 08, 1925, Image 4

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    - > y y i
” a om vn 4 SR
: VEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1925

————— — ————————————
smo gr,
Home Deserves a Fine Roof!
ou can have a colorful, artistic roof at surprise
¢ Cost. ih
Barrett Giant“Shingles are extra large (12 by 14 inches).
They are durable, utiful and economical — can be laid
WIT. Joy - min
Lancadt® County | Boro Tax Rate Is |Claim This Was
Farm Bureau Notes Fixed at Ten Mills A Love Affair.
+ ————

(From page one.) 1 | (From page One.) (From Page One.)
the Committee on Dairy and Jive chlorine and some packing are and then fled, leaving
stock Improvement of the un | quired. The committee Was lying helpless on the ground.
Bureau a special campaign has | structed to purchase same. He Baker was reported improving at All styles, Oil, Ne

been inaugurated to bring out sen- | also reported fire plugs flushed the hospital today. An X-ray show pairing and parts f
timent for area testing for eradica- | and that fence at the Schatz resi-|{ od that the bullet had passed chines at right over the old r i They're surfaced with natural
dence needs repairing. Referred [through the body near the heart. colored slate in soft red ss green or blue-black. More-
Dr. E. S. Bruner, in charge of
PT. B. eradication work in the
to the committee with power to act. Three Anonymous: Letters
: Mr. Eshleman of the Finance Three anonymous letters warn-
Bureau of Animal Industry at Har- committee reported the approval of | ing Baker to stay away from the
risburg, was in this section recent- all bills received. Wentz girl’s home and footprints
over they're fire-safe— won’tgot or’ rust—and never ne
3 nl 3 :
ly. He left the impression that Mr. Miller of the Light commit-{jaading from the point of attack to
painting or staining. AN

authorities would do all in their tee, reported all O. K. a small stream on the Wentz farm
one power to assist Southeastern Penn- The report of pumping engineer, | are the only clues upon which th
sylvania farmers in cleaning UP | qo. yy, Shatz showed that he | investigators could base their pre
their herds. . pumped 3,550,000 gallons in 336 liminiary probe today.
Four-fifths of the money avail- hours by water power during the The attack was made, the police
able for T. B. eradication will be | oop of March. believe, by the unknown person who
used for area testing, it is reported. Secretary M. M. Leib, of the | wrote the crudely-lettered warn-
So far Colerain Twp. is the only | Board of Health, reported 14 cases | ings,
Lancaster County area endeavoring | of mumps during March, 59 cases Miss Wentz, who attends the
to clean up. Applications for | reported to April 1st and 65 cases | Blain Vocational High School, said
area Testing are coming into Har- | ince the epidemic started. she knows of no one who might
yisburg at the rate of 3 a day. It Mr. Zeller, treasurer, reported | have resented Baker’s attentions to
as if Lancaster and adjoining | yajances in the three accounts as her. She is the daughter of Mrs.
counties should be getting busy. follows: Boro, $204.12; Water, | Dolly Wentz, a widow. > \
EE on, nt oath, hyn WR Mis | CTARENCE SCHOCK Mt. Joy, Pa.
for the T JOY, PA. LUMBER — COAL
Before the end of the week Bids were then opened a According to Baker, he and the
t¢here will be a meeting of the furnish ne of i the coming | girl have been friendly since oe, pas =
: : rear and were as follows: : eb. 25-tf ar — a
committee appointed to name an | year a ; early last fall. Two weeks ago he re)
organization committee the Mr. Ezra rhe >a on Ope haf found a letter tacked on the door ET a rT Toss Ln
formation of a co-operative tobacco | inch and dust § I PO tox of his home. It threatened his life
ed; chips for oiling, 21.50; “*1if he did not stop seeing Miss
coli ssoeiati com-
marketing association. The cor Ohi h
: sing | INC stone, $1.45 and 2 inch at|__ Rv
mittee is composed of the following | heh. stone, 2 Wentz within two weeks.
181.38. Wh : Q
outstanding business men of Lan fa ra . Two other similar messages were | € 2 °
easter City: John J. Bair, Bair & Ream % No enter 0 i mailed to him at the Wentz home. | : O ’
bid Put as On 8 He received the last Wednesday O 3 as er oppIing a as eWwWl Z S
Q )
We stand squarely back of Barrett Giant Shingles.
They're matchless in rugged strength—will far oute
last ordinary shingles. N
You can get Barrett quality in your roof no matter
what kind of building you are planning to cover.



tional Bank; Jo 3 Am divided between the two firms. night.
strong Cork Co.; Wolf. The Atlantic Refining Company written and unsigned. Hop of it}
Farmers Trust Co; B. Ty st Co. was the only bidder on ten barrels Fearing that the Wier 0 ie
John Gertzler, Lancaster Hh ‘ Ie of asphalt oil for patching and letters would carry out his threat,
The OL. very ge were giver the order. The price Baker had a friend drive him to |
that the moveme v > Ws
with success and will be in was 19.9 cents per gallon.
time to handle the

Witmer. Ira H. Bare, Fulton Na- actly the same, the contract was 2
div : : The letters were crudely
8 $2.50 to $3.00
Men’s Fancy
the Wentz home Saturday night.
Bids on a ecarload of cement The friend then he dark
192 It all depends how- were then opened. Mr. G. Moyer Bah fp Sy a
925 crop. 3 Ee Ives bid $2.78 per barrel with a credit | SS 30 C106 Ti remam
ever, on the growers i ging of 40 cents per barrel for the re the Wentz home until daybreak.
eyen the Spanization 5 je ge - | turn of bags. Sprang From Behind Garage
pany itself. When the er Messrs. H. S. Newcomer & Son It was when he was departing
tiop is named 1 x 2 bid $2.74 per barrel with a similar | from the Wentz farm that the |
found that it is the la em: | redit for the return of the bags. [masked man sprang from behind |
selves that wh have is the or The contract was awarded to the|a garage
ganizing with the assistance = latter firm. Both prices quoted shot went over his head.
support of the business and banking vere F. O. B. Mt. Joy. The assailant then sprang on
interests. Chairman Garber reported a com- Baker's shoulders, pulled his coat
Marketing Eggs plaint from Mr. Stark relative to down over his arms, whirled him
A number of interested Lancas- |, neighbor pouring wash water on around and fired the second shot.
$1.75 Men's Boys Collegian Suits
Including Vest and 2 pair Pants and Belt to match in
Khaki *
Fancy Worsteds, Scotch Flannels. Well tailored, snappy
Q Y °
88 Dress Shirts
Work Pants 8 styles to choose from. Sizes 9 to 18.
: Percales and Madras to
operation in
clean out at

80: Children’s id Women's $1.29 to $1.49 48¢ Turkish
and fired at him. The |



ter County- poultrymen are about | the street. The Street committee The bullet penetrated Baker’s left >
: : i | 3
to join forces with the Atlantic | was instructed fo investigate and | side. : Bloomers Over Blouses Women’s Silk Towels
Coast Poultry Producers Associa- | report the matter at the next meet- The shots were heard in the . a :
tion (Co-operative), which handles | ing, Wentz home. Bryan Wentz, Mary’s In Canton Crepe, Pink White, Flesh, Tan, Hose White with fancy
eggs in the new York Market. As there are no water plugs on | brother, rushed to Baker's assist- and White. All sizes. Black. Rancy work and colored trimming.
This is the great eastern egg co- | hand, the purchase of one was or-| ance He saw the masked man ead AU Alife lutte
operative that is fast developing | dered. run around the barn and disappear. 3 i : : . 31 Each
to protect the interests of the poul- | President Garber reported that a He then helped Baker into the or Si Per Pair c
trymen of the Eastern States. 40 foot street was surveyed from house and summoned a physician. 0
The wounded youth was later re- 3

T. W. Kemp, recently elected | Market street, west to Pinkerton
secretary™and director of publicity | Road and along the North side of
of the Lancaster County Farm | the rewly purchased school tract. The Latest Report
Bureau, is intimately acquainted | That Mrs. Irwin Eaches and Mrs. The State Police and District At-
with the Atlantic Coast Poultry | Estella Brandt are opposed to the torney made a very close investi-
Producers organization, having in- | opening of this new street and gation and found that the warning
groduced the movement to Mary- | that the latter is circulating a pe-| letters were written by Baker him-
jand which now has a large repre- | tition opposing it. He also stated self. They also found that Baker
sentation in the co-operative. that it will require a plot
Important Conference from Mr. Zercher and he wants a He was discharged from the hos-
At “the invitation of the Lancas- sidewalk laid and $50 in cash for | pital and has disappeared. The
ter County Farm Bureau there said on) Me Thos J. Brom ex- 20 are unable to locate |
. : : pressed a willingness to donate |him.
will be a gathering of officials of het Ione was roqdived aloig is
the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau Tote To will dae 5 plot 21500
Federation and representatives of qu Dh Ch he i Ob
the different county units of the i from yx Hosier ae 24x145 urcines Serve
State, in Lancaster, Friday, April 3. | tom, Mr. e former |
has not as yet put a price on his
It is understood that a State y > us Palm Sunday $
moved to the hospital. OO0OGO0O0CO00000 O00
One lot of Women’s
Men's 08¢ Men's OXords $2.98 MEN'S $2.65
Work “Qenict” &- : $2.45 Flannel “fr” od
Hose SHIRTS All Sizes in the Lot Shirts 0 I
Asst. Colors Army Style & vera S
8c Pair 10cH(l oy Shen Yer
15¢ doz. Clean E'm Up is, 99 $ I 99 $ i 99
SO00000000000000 c
$6.00 to $7.00
Oxfords and Pumps MEN'S SHOES and OXFORDS
Tan Calf Black Patent Colt Skin, Tan and Patent Black and Tan Calf Skin Pate olt Skin, B k ok
: : ’ ’ ¢ ’ atent Col { ack
Combination Cut-outs, Strap Oxfords and Opera effects. Q and Brow n Kid Skin. Goodyear ity 1 al , > £
3 v e € oles,

21x26 | shot himself instead of being shot.

wide program of organization is land, but the latter wants a
about to be mude public of which laid along his property and $500
a i sh. Mr. Garber stated that
the preliminary steps for the form- oa
€ brefimmnary step 5 Mr. Musser had been offering the (From page One)
members at the morning service
ation of a tobacco marketing asso-
Sunday; They are: Lloyd Garber,
ciation was the initial manifesta-
tion. Secretary Frank Evans, of |. | Carl Hartman, Helen Sh
3 ’ i Tre 16 ey 2 an, 2 Shaeffer,
the American Farm Bureau Federa- ing of this street was ordered pre- | Mrs. George Oberly, Arthur R. Tien,
tion who was in Lancaster last week pared oF Yor gh a an | drix, David E, Lutz, Mr. and Mrs.
said he expected that within a the! North side oo a * ald °% | Ephraim Heiner, of Florin; Mrs.
year the co-operative marketing of The of aga] {John Garland, Mrs. Howard Bortz-
a . I r . 3 a 2 aking 223 Be NT eer
agriey are] products in Pennsyl Springs Road a uniform width from field, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Forrey,
vania would be upon a footing |, ,. dence of Henry Shell Li
hitherto und ; The She, West] james Neal, Mrs
o undreamed of Was then discussed. An ordinance | James Neal, Mrs. Jacob Boyer, and
Now Under Central Control was also ordered preparefi a Lin Hassinger. Thirteen of
The Pennsylvania Farm Bureau this a 32-foot street from the | 20 Were confirmed through adult
Federation, in session here Friday | point in question west to the boro | while four were confirmed
decided upon a change in policy, | limits. :
to bring all the various county The matted of opening the new |
Farm Bureaus under the direction | street from Longenecker road, west | this week except Saturday. Rev.
of a central control, J. C. Brubak- |to South Market street was then | A. Kercher will preach on |
er, of Lititz, was named managing | discussed and upon motion it was | the following subjects: Monday,
director. decided to prepare an ine Christ in the Guest Chamber;”
covering same. It was decided that | “Christ in Gethsamene;”
ee 0 Oe
A MARIETTA MAN the street shall be 40 feet wide. | Wednesday, “Christ at Gabatha;”
RECOVERS HIS MONEY| Mention was made that several | “Christ on Golgotha.”
parties in town refused to pay | Friday, “Christ in The Garden of
$1.00 water tax per year for their | J05€Ph.” At the Friday evening ser |
automobiles. The Clerk was in- | "ices the confessions preparatory to
structed to collect same as per or. | the Holy Communion will be given.
dinance. . United Brethren
Mr. Garber mentioned that Mr | At the Christian Endeavor ser-
late Friday night by Constable W. S. B. Bernhart paid all of his bill | Y1¢¢S in the evening Rev. Henry
W. Fickes, The wallet fell from | °F laying sidewalk but $6.00 and | Tshimuri, a Japanese student at
the Lancaster county man’s pocket that Mr. Samuel Baker paid all of | Valley College, spoke to
as he alighted from an automobile. his bill
A name card revealed the owner of
the purse and the money was re-
turned to him.
entire lot for $500.
An ordinance regulating the open

Sewed leather soles, all style heels; sizes 2% to 8. rubber heels. Sizes 6 to 11.
$2.95 * $4.95 $2.95 * $4.95
$2.25 to $2.48 Men's 10c¢ Men’s Work 3 $2.50 t i
Blue Denim and Kha- Handkerchiefs. Red Boys’ 12 3500 Little
ki Unionalls. and Blue. fords. Slight imper-
$1.88 4 for 25¢ fects. $1.92
$1.39 Women’s Mus- Just a few more left. Nop’
lin Night Gowns. $4.98 Eskimo Check- So Hem : Me ie
Short & long sleeves. ed Blankets. strong. ALi
88c $3.48 ~ Seecal $1.95
> *
You Will Be
At the stylish models arriving daily in our Women’s
Apparel. You will not be disappointed in your
Spring selection of
Mary Forrey, Mr. and Mrs.

through infant baptism.
Services will be held every night

A pocketbook containing upward
of $100 in bills, the property of
Joseph A. Carroll, Jr., of Marietta,
which was lost by him, at York,
was picked up on the street there
Men's Suits
but 86 cents. The Clerk | the audience about the heathen in
was instructed to collect both these | iS country. He had as his text St
balances. : Mark, 13:13, and he presented his
There are still a number of pro iaddress in a very fascinating man- |
The talk of the town, wih 2 pair Pants.
Serges, Cassimeres and W Wht
35 to 42.
perty owners who have not paid
for conerete work d y Hi Mp Ishi :
: conerete work done last Sum- . Ishimuri has been in this
Tobacco Growers Meeting mer. Upon motion a 6 + | country only a few vears i
The regular monthly meeting of | will be add. Dorcen a
the Lancaster County Tobacco | pig except fw.
Growers Association will be held : 4

William Beach, a retred |
of East "Pennsylvania Con-

foror 1 1:



in the Farm Bureau Rcoms, Wool- | oe 0 be made, 6 ; ; pi oy x a Dre or
worth Building, Lancaster, Pa., on: ¢ 5 mills 2 = ye 4 ) ae ix ery H Seon a : ise evening Bs HATS MA
Monday, April 13. at 2 P. M. A | the clerk ay ya aS. Year an Ea risined Q ost particular d t far bel h 3 \
general d'scussion about Coopera- | the durl; 5 Instrucied to prepare, ow Aion ha a Wr ros TL hy pid te A ay = 2 tl
be. will pe held by Mr | Er then made that an | Se oie 8 a held & So opi 1s vv? hating she : EB
Bn Porat tra: | alex, was asked for fn the ras or wiht. this % SO00000000000000 Q
arn 3 331. 6 Bucher | € erected } +} M = t turd ever no ey wu ! 5 i) oN
om mn | Develorme nt a nv Ar ws evening, R a Jame Fich T { Sy’ ” : > $e
vertising . produets 1 > Dona | A
showing pictures of the fish in- A n = mre Yo than sale £5 “ oes 1 Pre | J i
dustry. | which amounted “to $973 15 and ———— | &
oh Council adjourned. | Baby in England is so small that ¢) 3 O
tet or dreamy eves is apt to | they have 40 sud dec itl cor § 52
= its burn. I x ’ European nations y ain GOR All = Tr Pi a fount | Fat
: a { A tion alwavs pen iler, ha 1izht to ake ny { — ©
in as avd Sor a rich man to { De eager to fight if they can do go | er the world’s roe of Te O OPEN EVENING
ito jal as into heaven. | on 3 chargo account future |
Ni ’
x ’ :
A PY { ’ /
Co 1