The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 18, 1925, Image 2

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all these disabilities exist. And,
it were a matter of engineers
motormen, they would be applie
For a few hundreds or thousands
is easy.
But with

automobiles, it
millions. Where are the competer
experts or equipment to do it
such a scale?

tainly as it has jammed our hig}

speaks words of great
“The preacher h:
“If his

it says.
husband’s work. If a preacher read
from notes he is a bore. If
speaks extemporaneously, he
deep enough.
in his study, he
with the people.

getting up a good sermon.

ing to the grandstand.
at the home of the wealthy,
an aristocrat. Whatever he does,
some one could have told him to do
And there is more than a grain
of truth in that little plaint, prob-
ably written by “the man who
knows.” :
A Aes

Conquered Many Tongues
The epithet, the “learned black-
smith,” was bestowed upon Elihu Bur-
ritt, the American reforwer, author
and linguist. He began life as a black-
smith about 1827, and worked at that
trade for many years, during which
thine he made himself proficient in an-
clent and modern languages. It is
said that he acquired a’ mastery of 18

languages and 22 dialects.—Kansas
City Star.
. —_——— Ee
“Quite a Few” *
“Quite a few” is an idiomatle ex
pression mer ning a considerable num-
ber. Botl: Webster's International and
the Standard dictionary recosnize the
Idiom. It is classed as colioqnial,
‘Which means that it shon'd be
only in informal speech or writing.
Pathfinder Magazine.

They simply do not
The automobile has swamped
our scientific faculties quite as cer-
The “Churchman” philosophizes
on the lot of the minister—an
If he stays at home
doesn’t mix enough
If he’s seen around
the streets, he ought to be at home
If he
calls on some poor family, he is play-
If he calls
he is

Myr a 1
ir. 1
ed the home of

if of officers was held and resulted as
follows: President, Alice Hershey;
or . a
4. Vice president, Edith Herr; secre-
it tary, Sara Daugherty. treasurer,
Margaret Lehn; secretary of litera-
ture, Esther Ruhl; thank offering
Secretary, Enola Angstadt; pianist,
Grace Shoop; patroness, Mrs. Jos.
A group of boys from 8 to 10
have been organized into a “Busy
h- Beavers” club, Gish Hoffman is
president and Andy Meade the sec-
retary. This club was organized by
several 14 year old lads and not by
the elder, showing that the younger
Square are
passing tests of their first de-
when completed they will
1 lads are learning to be leaders.
d 5 :
members of the Mystic

e and

sistant superintendent, J, A.
2nd assistant, E. L.
treasurer, S. E. Shafer; secretary,
R. A. Coble. assistants, Walter Hein
and William Dietrich; pianist, Dor-
othy Greiner; assistants, Esther
Breneman, Anna Miles and Eliza-
beth Garber; chorister, J. N. Good;
assistants, Mrs. J. C. Sheaffer, N. G.
Good. bookkeepers, Anna Miles,
Irene Wise; nominating committee
N. G. Good, H. B. Hamilton, G. R.
A birthday party was tendered
Miss Mabel Hornafius, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hornafius, 134
South Poplar street, on Thursday
evening, in celebration of her thir- |
teenth birthday. An ejoyable even
ing was spent in playing games.
Luncheon was served. The hostess
was the recipient of many presents
and other tokens of esteem. Those

price of his satety.
attending were: Marie Fisher, Al- [ tournaments on each Saturday. Tre
meda Shissler, Evelyn Zook, Ruth [The last of these was the foul- Material of Dreams
Diffent Mary Bretz, Kather- | shooting tournament, which brought Men speak of dreaming as If Hh
ine Krodel, Helen Milbe, Bella | out a number of the boy “stars” of were a phenomenon of night and
Kapp, Mary Rutherford, Kath: rine {the past basketball season and fu- sleep.. They should know better. All
Shearer, Ruth Marchio. Elva Coble, | ture material
Dorothy Hassler,
Bernice McFarland,
Anna Hilmond,
Mary Shearer,
Martha Groff,
Elizabeth Brandt,
Mildred Hess, El-
Miller, Sr
their daughter,



“yr ~ “LL “
ES i L » tit r & Pro'r n Ebersole delivered a few D. K. Espenshade, of Rheems,
: sii : : ( this week. pent Friday at Harrisburg, trans-
Sul n I t Har mer 1d busine
: of Fred Brand I rs a quite busy attend
their sj y
I Gibbl, 1 road
\ 1 twp 1 he ek
1 ( d from th
iv o rie
Anna M Sumpman, of
Lan- J pent last turday at
me H. H Bard and hi
H.-G. ter, Amanda, a Rheems
Mrs. Gi Garber, daughter, Ha- |
! I and sons, Lee, Lester and Roy |
1 M Clarer [shel nt last Sunday at the home of
ts « I r. 1 M Hassinger, of Florin.
YITORI ] 1 d ) inda Edward Blank, relief operator
EDITORIAL y I : h Wi: 1d Mrs. Isaac Bru r from Lancaster, worked his sched-
Vi 1 Mi J1 Re 1d Mrs. Martin Metzler ule at KU tower, 8 to 11 o'clock
r pare ( ned by Henry Stauffer Wednesday and Thursday, relieving
1 n 1 on Sund A. S. Bard.
1 { The Lincoln School chi Mrs. Susan Wolgemuth, who
1 Mrs. Enos Weidm: preparing a program whicl hey holds the record for early fall gar-
Sunday in Mount Joy as the | will give in the near future. It will dening at Rheems for many seas-
: s of Mr 1d Mr John New | be the 16th anniversary program. ons, surprised her competitors on
: | The Erisman’s Sunday School March 10, by sowing peas and salad.
i Gladys Ruth and Miss Anna forgan zed and elected the officers Monroe Zeager, a carpenter from
Stave Ny } : 1] i 2 Lancest Wet's week- | for the coming year. The officers Rheems has been transferred from
nel ! : q Si ot oan and Mary are as follows; Supt. Elam Stauffer, Hershey, Pa., to Lancaster, where
er ‘acl for Asst. Supt. Harvey Metzler, Secre- the erection of new houses started
BEAUTIFUL LAWN CONTESTS Fark St 1 Mr Lloyd Wertz and |tary, Daniel Eshleman, and Treas. in full, earlier than previous years
Neighboring tov Are start he Po. ar Latta. visited Hs John Brubaker. owing to the pleasant March weath-
to Mos : ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wertz | Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Metzler, Mr. er.
! el om : Now on Sunday and Mrs. Mowery Frey, Mr. and The Cameron estate which had
vould not i 1 n BOE erry 5
Mrs. and Mrs, Jer- over two hundred acres of good to-
daughter, Mr. bacco raised on their Donegal farms
Jacob Reist, Mr.
Landis and

wea ep :

he New Standard Six Duplex-Phacton—price f. o. b. factory
MERE is only one car in the world
that, combines the advantages of an
open car ‘ith the protection of an en-
closed car—yet sells at open-car price. It’s
the Duplex—and only Studebaker builds it.
Duplex models are also available on the Studebaker Special Six and Big Six chassis
1 D..
ad. Rea




Clarence Arnold, of Lancas- [and Mrs. Christ Brubaker and sons, in 1924, report that the merchants
n Sundav and C. E. Rohrer took dinner with have failed to appear to inspect
y © hy Safe y 1 ir pe ship 0 nr
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fackler, of | Isaac Brubaker on Saturday even- their crops, which are ready for
. 10cks, and Mary Albright and Sal- | ing mare. ' a ” :
Et Fale] nday with Mr he Lincoln School was visited Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kraybill and
Fackler spent Sunday with Mr. ! A : >
Er can be pped in his eager 1 M William Fackler and fam- {the past few weeks by Mr. and Mrs. family, Mrs. Anna Eby and daugh-
and Mrs, Willia ackler and fam- | } y 2
x ite, a ix Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. ter, Rhoda, of Mount Joy,"Mr. and
2 !] lawns and the : ; ‘od 4 Daniel Metzl Harvey Metz- Mrs. William H. Morning, of Hano
J = > d M Chas. Weidman ver, Pa., spent last Sunday at the
> 1 1 Sunda 1C- | 1 : 1aY ’
) 1 fice 1 Wher v. My d Mrs r home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer RB.
I , ] I | :
ret emer : “33 ar Kraybill, at Rheems.
OSTAT PA Q D rch of the Brethren Sewing
; . { 1 M C held their monthly meeting
V n- 4 Fal) | y Wit G Ch i sewing roo he Rheem
. 1 Ammon Bucher ¢ ¢ Wi d: wit mat
As dd
) Da memboy DY¢ t. who
n TART, t 1 nto
N 11
. 3 1't yy takin age |
1 .
{ ¢ 1 hex past |
1 |
nr. | a. ror be |
2 d Gul > Gap. wo teams at the Rheem
h ( yr Bo 2 l ind, enabling them to |
1 | 1 rett Albert o1 in } N¢ inte sting contests |
, Tyo Mrs. Joe Bard Vedne
0 in a Alma and G 3
off I 2d Molein B Lancaster doir pir 'rshey, a prominent
> 1N( vielvin po 7 ‘ : :
for pent Sund : Ga 4 1cems, while erank-
he hill SA ls 11 ‘ter transacting busi |
! { E. C. Bowman. . ’ > |
een lowing were tl id : Y S. Gibble i spend- pngg at th Rheems General Store, had
lowing e the guests of 1 ya .
TESTING DRIVERS M. M. Bow of | wd: her son at Bain his arm broken near the elbow
TESTING DRIVERS «M.- M. Jowser, f | .
Mental and physieal tests for cer- Mr. and Mrs. Ira M Several years past he had the same
Sad TH A a ny et Annie McCune, of Loneas-'irm fener: bed: if he wrist i o
tificates to drive automobiles are in Herr, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Raffens- = Sor 2711 Irgotured at the wrist in the
: Seo Es Syn " : r, spent Monday visiting a few of same manner.
their annual agitation. Dec dedly, perger, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Risser, rs
3 3 hy a on . her friends. Allen Ober, retired farmer of
they are needed. There are persons Misses Elizabeth and Marie Herr 1 3 ys : :
i Ee Mrs, Samuel Witmer returned Rheems, has disposed of his live
driving cars now who are half blind, and J. Cletus Raffensperger. 2 : EA ? > .
or deaf or crippled. Th be tho home after spending a few weeks stock and farming implements at
leat or crippled. These are the .
: om a Die oo he at Philadelphia. brivate sale, used on the farm
cases. lere are those v Sid : 7 ; .
will not kee ber Anc that ELIZABETHTOWN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witmer an- known as the Rev. Hiram Kaylor
Will ot keep sobe £ that Tk Joe .
means, for agtom bile safety. dead ——— nounce the birth of a daughter, farm near Rheems, which has been
1€ S, altoinoblie sarety, dead ry ' yu on > NM
sober, and not mere “not drunk” The Otterbein Guild of St. Paul’s |Mary Arleane. purchased from Allen Ober by Jacob
sober, ot mere ot unk”, es . te
And th Y re th whose mental], CRited Brethren church held their Mr. John 8. Gibble received a Mumma, who takes possession about
a jere ar tnose ‘nose nental, 3 . . .
= ; : rr monthly meeting at the parsonage | coal loader and is ready to do busi- April 1.
emotional or physical reactions are = :
; n on Tuesday, evening. The election | ness in the near future.
too slow or uncertain. Tests for
Th Rheems fire and improvement
Saucr association held their second meet-
evening ing for 1925, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. A. S. Bard, of Rheems,
The Merry Juniors held a
kraut supper on Saturday
and had a good success.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fogie,
daughter, Dorothy May,
day evening
S. Gibble.
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
and master B. F. Shank, who
spent Sun- position successfully the past 13
with Mr. and Mrs. John years to take effect about May 1.
Farmers throughout the Donegal
Waser and townships are making a careful
filled the

| spent Sunday
The | spent Monday
Su- [and Mrs. Phares Metzler.
. eive a badge and the right to |
old. If he is a young an, he | ear the fret degree |
hasn’t had experience. If he has T election of officers pd
10 children, he has too many. If he th oh of God Sdoday schoo |
has none, he isn’t Setting a good was held on Tuesday evening. {
example, If his wife sings in the following officers were elected,
choir, she is presuming. If she perintendent, A. G. Helsey: 1st os
doesn’t, she isn’t interested in her :
Hartman; iand Grandma Gibble spent Sunday oldest farmers in the vicinity of Lan-
ham Kolp, of Salunga.
needle into silhouette wi en the light
Mrs. Walter Henne and children, study of the high grade lime ready
at Penryn with Mr. for delivery at the Harry L. Heisey
and Mrs. Abraham Kile, Lime Kilns, one mile west of
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gibble and Rheems, where Herman Snyder, in
The Plant with a
give satisfactory re
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hackbecker last Wednesday evening. After the | Let us explain our sples advertising
returned home after spending a routine of business, the subject of | Plan to you, whereb A you get one-
few months at California. installing a siren for a fire alarm, [ half of your money paid back.
Mumma and Seachrist have sold was taken up. The committee will
there 1924 tobacco crop and are report at the next meeting.
going to start buying in the near | Applicants for the examination | PRESTO LIGHT OR G CO LIGHT
future, [for post master at Rheems, have
Mr. Harry Witmer and sons, been notified to appear at Elizabeth Batter S
George and Paul, spent Friday town Saturday, March 21, at 9 A.
evening with Mr. and Mrs. John S. M. to fill the vacancy caused by the All kinds of Electric Stprlics and
Gibble. resignation of the present post Rerairs for 32 or 110 volt
Oppo. L. W. Mumma’s Hdw. Store
gL Plant
ou back of |
We guarantee every plant to |
Its or no sale.

H. G. Lehman


children, Ray, Junior, and Mildred, charge is equipped to furnish lump
with My. lime and hydrated lime for build
ing and fertilizing purposes of the
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Gibble and highest grade, :
hildren, Mildred, Junior, and Ray, Mr. Jacob = Greider,
one of the
with Mr. and Mrs. Enos Gibble. disville, who has passed his 90th
My. : : mile stone spent last Sunday at the
. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Diffender- home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
fer and sens, Warren and Alvin and Daniel Erb, near Rhdems, often
Mrs. Alide > 5 y A ’ kd
aide Henne and two A attending the, Mennonite church at
John and Kenneth, spent Friday Elizabethtown, where he read the |
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Abra- 18th chapter SE Matthew to the
large congregation he also spoke to
ithe Sunday school in a very en-
Flashlirht Aids Seamstress \couraging manner
After wearing out her patience In | ————
threading the needle of her sewing |
machine, un ingenious housekeeper In | Carte Blanchs
The carte blanche was a “blank
Portsmouth, Ohto, attached a flash- |
light to the arm of the machine, and | PAPer” authenticated with an authori
thus ended her tr ubles, says Popuiar | tative signature and entrusted to fome-
Science Monthly The Tight was One to be filled up as he may think
clamped to the machine with a strap | best. Thus in 1649 Charles II tried to
of brass and a pair of holte and wing- | 8ave his father’s life hy gending from
In a position that throws the | The Hague to the parliament a signed
carte blanche to be filled up with any |
terms which they would as the |

is turned on

{ team.
[nament and went
{gain in individual
vin Baker, Grace Horning. Otis and Russel Zerphy were in the .
The last of the indoor Boy’s Club | finals, but neither ‘could score a Are Not for the Wicked
activities were . held this week. [ “tall”, and the match was declared They me fie sane penis that Shine
There has been some activity for the {a draw. John Bretz and Glen Shaf- ot piss om Te ho,
boys on each Saturday afternoon i r, Lwo seven year old lads staged alg ed. in any wicked way. to hive
since October. A varied program {junior match in the intermission. | clear understanding of it, and a quie
has been carried out with varjous | This was also a draw. i mind in it altogether—South 3
i ~
for the High school results achieved by us are self-prom
Lehman Otis won this tour- Ised, and all self-promises are made
. ams awake. reaming Is the
into the lead a- In dreams awake Dream!
scoring points. act Law
Lehman ——e—
the wrestling matches,

rte on, he, wi a a 2 Crenn. Gres ond Cone
Famous GhincoleagiSgil Oysters
| Mount Joy Street,


With Codpon
(Regular pricds 1.75)

Ne ee

0 7
Get a “Wear-Ever”’
Baking Pan for 98¢ andl


Mount Joy,\Pa.






Our selected Seed has
tified« plantings.
virgin soil in which the potatoes are
staple and vigorous qualities which ma
and most valuable Seed known.

| B
a io

Own Your Own Garage
When you come home in the car
late on a cold winter night you
appreciate the convenience of
"your own garage. Your car is
“safer in a private garage, provid.

can furnish you
ideas for garages
crete made with Atlas Port

“The Standard by which all other makes are measured?

New Semi-Colonial House, Six
Rooms, all conveniences; two double
%, French Doors to large porch, two
%, other porches, large closets. House
on corner of two wide streets,
cement walks. Possession can be
April 1, 1925. (Get my terms.)
Frame Two-family House,
ms, all conveniences; wide

ement walks. Possession
can be ha®, April 1, 1925. You ean
buy one o oth sides. Terms at-

Bell Phone
Or any real estate a
Horin, Pp.


Wr for Price List
grown in the North from cer-
orthern latitude, and the
gown, they inherit those
keshem at once the best
U. 8.


By reason of


Largest Distributors of Seed Potatoes in
John Kienzle


. outs
2000000 A