PAGE SIX THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. LANCASTER CO., PA. \ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th, 1925 - By Charles” Sughroe © Western Newspaper Union 75 MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL p eaten 00 ~) [2s Yo GY OFF © GO TO NTIST'S 4 YHE DE ] - - og - rn — ry —— Sa were REMEMBER \ ™ — r= \ £4] [Mew “HE “TRUTH AY TA DEFECT | ONES = AND A BEAVTIFUL CHARACTER SF — or ge AA WHERE WERE NOU MESTERDAN §] (\ MoU THIS YYIME | MOU SAID MOLR LL 5 = = WE WERE BUSIER 1 | MAW WAS SICK AND NOU HAD YO MIND THE Bag! ——r Xe or) SHAN A GAT ON A “TH Rook J 7 NM BOM, HONEST™ YHE BEST Poucu\ St ues, — : AL TIMES = LNG [= -(| ar OULD BE OUR — CONSTANY AINA | REMEMBER, “HE LORD) [| D A VAR! | ESPIGES TALK WAS IMPRESSED “ove WHAT MORAL DO Nov GATHER FROM NM WORDS A Ye! Wings = Sy \ GEE MM LYTLE 7 Vi zz Young George Washington Tea of I GRERY MEAD R ROW WAR ON | ART IT PANG To Sew ‘THE TRU, BECLZ you OONTY WAVE 0 WHAT “00 SAD | | | n 7] ANNUAL REPORT —of the— 4 T 9 BORO ACCOUNT of MOUNT JOY BOROUGH For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1924 | Atlantic Refining Co., oil . 1,290.11 | RECEIPTS Feb. 4, Conestoga Traction Co., pole tax 1922.1923.8 136.00 | Bell Telephone Co. rent Feb. 4, Edison Electric Co., pole tax 1922-1923 Mar. 4, Western Union, Mar. 4, Burgess Bachman, license money ........ Mar. 22, Breneman, T. M,, JOKES . ssn vans Apr. 7, Breneman, T. M., AXES ovaries Apr. 8 Cash ........... Apr. 8, Eshleman, J. 'W., B.O. rent ........... Apr. 10, Transfer from Water Account ....... May 5, Transfer {rom Water Account ....... Burgess Bachman, STONEY 4 visi ae vs Breneman, T. M., June 16, : Breneman, T. M., taxes CA er a ie ie 7. Breneman,-T. M., Sept. 18, Shookers concrete Sept. 24, Baker, E. eonerete vie Oct. 2, Mrs. Dierolf, con- grefe 0. 00 Oct. 2, Beamesderfer, Jno., concrete Oct. 6, Eberle, Mary A, econerete ic. Oct. 7, sale of old fire eng. Oct. .7, Burgess Bachman, Heense: 000 Oct. 14, E. Donegal Twp., road roller ........... Oct. 14, Newpher, Mrs. J. J., concrete .......... Oct. 14, Schock, Clarence, concrete .........:.... Oct. 6, Bennett, Chas. J., concrete Oct. 6, Hiestand, M. B., concrete ct. 6, Garber, E. W., con- Crete... vs Oct. 6, Burgess Bachman, license mMoONey ........ Get 23, T sfer from Water Account ....... Oct. 28, Note, Union Na- tional Bank .......... Oct. 28, Klugh, H. E., con- tL be MI SM Oct. 30, Leonard, Aaron, cutting tree .......... Oct. 30, Brubaker, M. K,, eonerete ......... 00 Nov. 1, Bowman, M. C, concrete)... i. Nov. 1, Eshleman, R. F. Nov. 1, Hall Asso. concr Nov. 1, Cash ........... Nov. 1, Carmany, J. 8S, coficrete. ....... 0000 “Dec. 1, Breneman, T. M, collected ............. Dec. 5, Rohrer, E. B, concrete .....-......:. Dec. 5, Stauffer, J. K, concrete Pec. 5, Detwiler, W. B, concrete Dec. 5, E. Donegal Twp, road roller ........... Dec. 5, McGarvey, P., brick Dec. 5, Mrs. Bowman Nov. 6, Glatfelter, James, concrete Nov. 6, Cash ........... Nov. 10, Moyer, G., bags returned ............, Nov. 10, Bennett, C. J, ground J Nov. 10, Loraw, J, ground Nov. 13, Bachman, Mrs. J., CONCTete Nov. 15, Church of God, concrete ............. Nov. 15, Hostetter, H., con- erete block .......... Nov. 25, Bundle, J. B, ground .............. Dec. 2, Zeller, Jacob H,, conerete ......-...... Dec. 2, Heilig, C. M, ground Pec. 2, Cash ........... Dee. 19, Reed, Eva., concer. Dec. 19, Atlantic Refining Co., cement block ..... Dec. 19, Brubaker, M. K, concrete ...... us Dec. 20, Brunner, H GC, CONErete aus. ss . Dec. 20, Bachman, J. A, concrete Pec. 20, Cash .......... Jan. 2, Miss Shookers, con- 500.00 Dept. of Labor & Industry, 3.00 | { 500.00 | 5 1,492.50 |S 150.00: Yours very | Althouse, Geo., agt freight 15.20 | | Ausin Road Machine Co., steel pipe and road oil. . 1,617.61 | Bortzfield, Amos, labor ... 202.95 | i and tool Wandin 27.80 | 316.00 | Brown Bros., hardware .. 68.42 | Breneman, T. M., commis. 210.90 | 18.00 | Blang, Lewis, labor ..... 38.50 | Beamesderfer, Wm., labor. 30.00 1.00 | Bombach, John, labor .... 14.75 { Brandt, J. I, saw ....... 1.50 180.00 | Berrier, John, labor ..... 15.75 {Baker, F. H., coal ...... 8.56 Columbia Boiler Works, re- Columbia Tele. Co., rent . 9.1f Carson, Harvey, labor ... 387.3! Coyle, J. A., Atty, fee .. 50.00 pairing boiler ........ 4.88 5 5 1,000.00 Darrenkamp, H., rebate .. 39.10 De ways, repairs 27.61 pt. of Hi certificate 4.50 Derr, Charles, drayage ... 601.50 Derr, D. H. S., labor and POPE aii 301.30 Eby, C.,labor .......... 7.50 le, H. J., , police duty | La 00 | Mar M., labor ..... 42: | Mt Jor , insurance 1 ( 50 | Mooney, A., labor ....... 15.75 | Moyer, G., supplies ...... 1,023.71 9¢ | Manor Twp. Fire Ins, as- o| ses Hae 4.65 | I 692.20 95 | Nobs, abc 372.05 { Peffer, PF. H., labor ..... 8.75 00 | Pennell, J., salary ....... 125.00 lam C., labor «...... 9.00 126.75 | Ri ry labor and supplies ............. 30.19 141.30 | Spickler, O., labor ....... 94.90 Schock Ind. Co, ofl -..... .80 135.99 | Star Ind. Oil Co., supplies. 1.56 {| Smeltzer, Frank, labor ... 236.60 103.44 } Swords, W S..Iabor ..... 271.60 | She 1 60.00 5 ler & Hinkle, supplies 125.73 er, Henry, salary .. 1,204.50 10.00 | Stat 63.00 or 00 | 14 and 3. Peter Witmer, 8 acres, or 75 16 1-4 and 3: C. HH. Eby, 3 acres, 4D a 2. Claren we I omy S75 16 and 2; Clarence : Barnhart, 10 Cr Tier. Treas 16.45 |acres, 15 and 3; J. S. Carmany, 14 Mount Joy ie » shall not be | 43.36 acres, 15 1-4 and 3; C. H. Herr, 8 r, and find the Be FTC NE yea ie Platt 1 , rep, mat. 172.06 acres, 16% and 3. John Rohrer, 5 e y correct. ECTION 5—In all cases where |Rjcksecker, Chas., rep., lab. 9.35 res. 15 and lv. SF | | F. E. HERSHEY hall be informed Roab Supply Co., material 53.89 Jf and 3; A. M. Shelly, 35 JAMES GLATFELTER r license Swords, W. 8., labor 09 15 acres; 14 and 3; Curvin Martin, 6 i CHRIST H. HERR, JR. Smith, H. Sr. labor ..... 15.75 ‘acres, 16 and 8; Harry Hershey, 20 Auditors. U y ¥ Smeltzer, Frank, labor 28.00 |acres, 14 and 3: Levi Br oF ! mar. 11-3t to immediately w 1 annul | Schock, C., lumber ...... 28.30 ! : ang 2 Levi Britbakey, 0 such license previously granted, pro- | Schatz, Geo., salary ..... 900 acres, 15 and 3. John Thome, one viding that he shall refund a pro-| Schroll, J. E., printing ... 3.50 | acre, 16 and 3; D. F. Gibble, 14 ac-| HOW IS YOUR ~ COLD? We ceived the following letter which for itself. Dr. W. D.\Chandler & Co., one dollar, for some of your “Cold Tablets” . I al- ways like to have ® supply at hand. I am entirely out of tablets at pres- ent and hope you send them at your earliest conveni Be wise, always keep o Tablets on hand and take th at the first warning of a cold. £2 a box or five boxes for $1.00 at West Main St., Mount Joy, Pa. Sunday Hours: 5 to 7 P. M. I” Jacob H. Zeller, Sect Chandler’s 25:2 ING PENALTIES FOR THE VIO- | LATION OF THE PROVISIONS | OF THIS ORDINANCE SECTION 1—The Council of the Borough of Mount Joy does hereby enact that from and after the pass- | — age and approval of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, natural or artificial, to conduct any performance, exhibi- tion, circus, show, entertainment, festival, carnival or amusement, of any kind whatsoever, where is demanded for admission, or is ob- tained directly or indirectly as the result of such amusement, or in the conducting of such amusement, | within the Borough of | without having first obtained, from | the Burgess of the said Borough, a mit to conduct the same, and] having paid tl provided for; provided that no li- mit shall be granted for mance or en- amusement s the same conse Of perfor t tendency. hel ta n a building, money | Mount Joy, | he license fee herein | in the open air, a li- 5 ome HES AND PAINS PROVIDING FOR THE Serene] ALL OVER BODY | Treasury overdrawn ..... 435.917 | | | —e | | Total THE BOROUGH OF MOUNT JOY | EXPENDITURES Dec. 31, 1923, Treasury ] overdrawn ...........3 88.29 OF AMUSEMENTS, ESTABLISH- | = inkham’s Vegetable Compound | Lydia E. | ‘Dog Owners Mrs. Proctor Reports Great | BeAefit by Taking Lydia E. This Carefully { wearing a collar, inscribed and tag--| 'ged as before mentioned pursuing | {small game or protected birds dur- ling what is known as the closed Ser) inkham’s Vegetable Com- |jassce of any land upon which such | re Pa.—“I recommend |ason, may be killed by the owner or | g all the time. | | in the ‘Pittsburgh Pres pound to all suffering | women. I have taken | { four bottles of it and | i oe) 10 por Lent | tect the game of the State, when | Sk real wilh by such dog is scen upon the track of | appetite,no ambition | and with a tired feel- i and thoughtit | might help me. I have been greatly dog may be found, or by any officer | | of the State whose duty it is to pro- | such game, after notice, in writing, | | from that particular person or from . 1 the secretary of the board, has been | ad aches and pains | all over my body and gd the headache a d deal. Isaw |cffeet that the dog in question is in g out advertisement | : . y % the habit of destroying or pursuing to the owner or reputed owner or | | person in contol of such dog, to the | or following upon the track of game | | benefited by its use and ighly recom- | or protected birds contrary to law. | | mend it for all ailments of women.” — Mrs. J. H. PROCTER, Box East Lib- erty Station, Pittsburg, Pa. Such letters prove the merit of the Vegetable Compound. These women .xperience the ben have received. Their letters sh cere desire to help other wome ing from like ailments. Let these @x ences help you—now. 3 know by In a recent canvass of womengpur- sers, 98 out of every 100 reportgen- results by taking Lydia E. Pik- ’s Vegetable Compound, Sold by nas ts everywhere. Four New Houses Who wants a fine, newly bu ( 1 ern hom ith all convenience m 1 in Mount Joy at a I have four of erected by the Moun opment Company for sale. corner property. Ca liate possession and will ance half. These houses are day of August to the last day of d to sell quickly. Don’t delay i Any person who shall knowingly | or negligently permit his dog or-a doe under his control to pursue small game during the close season, on land other than his own, or which he may control, shall be liable, with- out notice of an kind, to a penalty | of ten dollars for each day small or protected birds may be yursued in violation of this section, and to an additioinal penalty of fiv jar: for each such animal or bird killed 41 vithou 1 maste i D period be en 1 unrise and 10 o'clock D .. dogs, when accompanied by and under control of their owner or handler, may be trained upon any came in this State, excepting ciK Or deer or wild turkey, from the 20th February next following, Sundays you want a beautiful home. excepted, so long as no firemans| Schroll, Mt, Joy. tf | raised at arm’s length and fired from the shoulder are carried jesued fees as folloy : For fir st day ~~ ANNUAL REPORT » ($1.00); each subsequent J Cg —of the— day fifty cents (.50) if I / WATER ACCOUNT one week. The weekly fce of two dollars and fifty cents monthly fee three dollars (3.00; three months four dollars ($4.00); six months six dollars (6.00); one — vear ten dollars ($10.00). SECTION 8—If any person or Bal. on hand Dee. 31, 1923% persons, natural or artificial, in| their individual capacity, or as firm or corporation, shall perform yr exhibit any play, show, spe exhibition, circus, festival, ce performance, or any ente kind whatsoeve emanded for realize 1 * Burees rued to | portionate amount of any such li-| Snyder, S. R., hauling ... pealed. Attest: D. 1925. J. A BACHMAN, C. S. FRANK'S SALE LIST FOR 1925. ~ by reason of | Zell ntertainment, V ut ob- quired by they, on ther vproviding f this Ordin re- 1 establishing atural or ar- MOUNT JOY BOROUGH RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES Geo. «ova. $ Wood, R. D. & Co., mat. . 166.62 led. GARBER, Pres. of Council | Wallace & Tieman, mater- — jal and apparatus ..... For the Year Ending Dec. 31, 1924 Total $7,095.59 pt GOR O00 a = and no injury is inflicted upon said animals or birds. This section does not prohibit the training of dog on| raccoons during the nighttime. «Under Control” is hereby defined | to mean within call except when ac- | tually on a trail or track of legal] game. 68.64 Zeller collected Jan. 17 355 | Any person who shall train a dog | a | Zeller collected Feb. 4 ... 912.89 or dogs, or permit a dog or dogs un- | Zeller collected Mar. 3_ 5,247.03 der his control, to pursue or follow | Zeller go 7% 2 upon the track of any small game | ainment, | Zeller collected June 2 ... 125.83 ‘contrary to the foregoing provisions where | Zeller collected Aug. 4 ... 75.60 |ghall be liable to fine of ten dollars Imission, | Zeller collected Sept. 2 31.10 | for each offense. | r collected Oct 6 30.00 // r collected Nov. 7 ... 5.00 Zeller collected Dee. 1 ... 10.50 Mar T collected Dec. 22 .. 100.00 lV ally 00acCCo ) a .3 (From Page 1 Ei pound. L , quantities are being 39.77 delivered daily to the local ware- 41.65 | houses. 24.75 Among the recent sales were the | 75 | following: Norman Miller, 9 acres, |{ 1 a 15 and 8; Hiram Nissley, 8 acres, 00 [14% and 3; H. C. Engle, 12 acres, 29 58 15% and 3: Abram Risser, 9 acres, 11.25 [151% and 3; Carl Garber, 5 acres, 0g 161, and 4; Jonas Brubaker, 12 00 acres, 16 3-4 and 6; Paris Garber, 10 00 acres, 16 and 3; H. A. Derr, 6 acres 6.00 |res, 15 3-4 and 3; John Brubaker, 17 | ! cense fee collected. Siller, Lewis, labor 8.75 |acres, 16% and 3; Ch i T : . Siller, Lewis, labor ...... 3.75 | acres, lb & 3 arles Weidman SECTION 6—All ordinances in- | Wealand, C., paper hanging 82.96 | Jo sores. 16% and 3: Paris L | consistent herewith are hereby re-| Wagner, S., labor ....... 450. 2 an janis Jonge | : ys necker, 7 acres, 16 and 3. Levi New | Milton Snyder, 7 acres, 15% and 3; | Zeller, Jac., com. & postage 86.23 i p £ {C. H. Martin, 6 acres, 16 and 3. Zeller, Geo., Transfer from | Zeller, Geo., Transfer from Water Acct. to Sinking Fan ..... i ravens 2,000.00 Chief Burgess.| Water Acc. to Boro Ace. 2,000.00 {Jonn Gibner, 13 acres, 15% and 3; | |Elam Longenecker, 17 acres, 15 3-4 and 3; Norman Bear, 23 acres, 16 {and 3; Hiram Herr, 7 acres, 16 and Wed., Mar. 4, M oH [Interest 20222 .50 a er ee is "i Dec. 91,1924 12.71 3. John Heilman, 5 acres, 16 and 3; stock & implements by D. Brubak and implements by Abram Felker. Fri., Mar. 6, near Milton Grove, | stock & imp. by Allen Gibble. Sat., Mar 7, near Lancaster Junc- y | acc Mon., Mar. 9, near Milton Grove, Wa tion, stock and imp by Andrew Nissl stock & imp. by Abram Eshleman. Tues., Mar. 10 near Rheems, lot | true and correct. stock & imp. by Jno. Newcomer. er. | Cash to b Thurs., Mar 5, near Mt Joy, stock | ———— 1D. G. Mumma, 5 acres, 16 d 3; = | ’ an orm] +o: $7,095.59 | Christian Hershey, 9 : : : i shey acres, 16% We, the undersigned Auditors of land 3; hr ogre. 2 acres. 16% | Mount Joy Borough, hereby certify | that we have carefully examined the jand 3; Samuel Shenk, 8 acres, 16% ount of the Mount Joy Borough and 3. Samuel Shenk, 8 acres, 16 ter Account at the Union Nation- land 3; H. H. Eby, 18 acres, .16 end { al Bank and find the same to be | 5. John Hays, 3 acres, 11% and 94 We have also destroyed Thurs, Mar. 12, near Newtown, lot | to the amount of $1,020.00. stock & imp. by Abram Gamber. Fri., Mar. 13, near Manheim, stock and imple. by Mrs. Mattie Weaver Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | F. E. HERSHEY JAMES GLATFELTER CHRIST H. HERR, JR. Auditors. mar. 11-3t [Packers coupons | John Childs, 3 acres, 17% and 3. {Martin Stoll, 13 acres, 17 nd 3. i The purchsers were Long and Taylor, M. R. Hoffman, the Gener- al Cigar Company and independent A | THE MARTIN SANITARY DAIRY + PASTEURIZED MILK i | | (Continued from page one.) [ Every man, and child has a fond spot in their food mem ory for good old fash- joned bread and milk | | | milk especially pleases | % THEMARTIN ¥ € ANITARY DAIRY A. R.MARTIN,PROP Know the Fuller Man You will know me by it. ve, free, a Fuller Product at every home. Itprovesthe qual- ity and usefulness of my line. Fuller Brushes are now used in over 10,600,000 homes, When you see them you’ ll know why. W. S. WALTERS |_ 332 Marietta St., Mt. Joy A | 300000000 iC EF 8 vy HARRISBURG THE STATE CAPITAL AND RETURN SUNDAY, MARCH 22 Sales Reported | Building will be open on this Elizabethtown will be given to visit the com- modious and beautiful Masonic SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES ssa 9:50 A. M. Stopping at principal stations between Paoli and Mount Joy Returning leaves Harrisburg 7:15 P. M., Elizabethtown P. M. and Lancaster 8.05 P Tickets on sale two days pre- ceding excursion. Pennsylvania R.R. The Standard Railroad of the Ww. “3 10 is Right. all 3 Hershey’s Barber Sho erson residing comer, 14 acres, 16 and 3; Harry | ,132.00 |Brubaker, 2% acres, 14 and 8; | 'y. of Council. | Warley, T. C. & Co., mat. 33.75 | | Approved this 2nd day of March A. | Ee us Sal : 18.78 M. R. Hoffman, 20 acres, 16 and 3; ncaster news- Write or Apple to - . % Witmer Ebexle 102 East Donegal St, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. G. R. Bigler’s Stock and Poultry Remedies These remedies are positively guaranteed to do all the manufac- turer cldims for them or money will | be refunded cheerfully. Poullyy Compound Lice Mite Powder Tarcol Dip The reputatiol of these remedies was procured thri, the experience of over a million satisfied customers. Ask for our circula® of testimonials. For further details phone 24R6 or call on 3 C. A. KIPRLE Mount Joy, Pa. fab. 18-tf Pilgrim Special Bicycles Also Tires, Accessoriel, Etc. ELMER S. RANDLER 228 David St, Mount Joy { Bicycle Repairing a Specialty i septs tf & | wh | Mm 1 ! In the City Plain Hats A Specially JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. § 144 N. Queen Lancaster, Pa, non ‘STONE Before pacing your ordes war prices. LN. STAUFFER & BRO. MOUNT JOY, PA. RAPER HANGING 3 Also Dealer In Work Done at easonable Prices : = > c — 2! 8 & &| MANHEIM, PA. & | Phone | 17-tf 8 — i iv © | $l a a | 211 y | | g is it? 1 days [1 since it wag cut? aircut every 10 days. Go now, to ~Ji. H. KRALL |1 always have on k | the line © SMOKED MEATS, HA} | BEEF, BOLOGNA, I | Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Krall’s Meat Market, West Main St., MOUNT JOY LARGE DAHLIA BULBS FOR $1.00 Don. Gorrecht 37 WEST, MAIN STREET Jeweler Watchmaker—| . This collect includ T- ieties such nes. Doory These roots would s from 75 cents to $2.50. not able to sell this collection parate colors. Order early and best. All postage paid. CHAS. HAMILTON i Salunga, Pa. 1 | mar. '11-48 yr aE a i ¥