Pee 3 © ° It Always Pays to Trade Where © : Quality Counts! © I'he ability to stretch a dollar is especially valuable now- wlays. But housewives who trade with us have learned that their Money Goes Further than els@where when they buy all groceries in our Stores. @ © oir But even more important than ‘the money saved is the ruarantee of quality and the assurance of absolute square- dealing that is yours with every article purchased at an American Store. Always the Most of the Best for the Least! Three Big Canned Fruit Specials! Our Reg. 23c Fancy California Our Reg. 29¢ Asco or Del Monte PEACHES PEACHES big can 25c big can 20c Buy by the dozen for convenience and save the difference. uy by 6 Our Regular 30c¢ Hawaiian Crushed Qe ’ . ® PINEAPPLE big can 25c =) Have you served Pineapple Pie recently? Our Regular 15¢ ASCO © © © © © @ © © ) © TOMATO CATSUP 2 big bots 25¢ @ G Purest ingredients With that real home-} flavor ® Every Pound of Louella B eter contains the Pure Pas- teurized Cream from Ten quarts of rich, sweet milk. LOUELLA BUTTER Ib The Finest Butter ir merical 1 1 “ake SCE~LL N. B. C 5 | Tae =) to pay fifty or fifty-five cents a pound for it where. > ASCO COFFEE 1b 45¢ @ Try a pound today and you, too, will taste the difference. ® Se 5 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. sp ee ee in a BIG SALE EVENT built, of artistic appearance, any one f the ing this special price re- Strongly vet many sets offered ion sale will add beauty mfort to your dining All 10-Piece Sets. H. C. BRUNNER West Main Street, MOUNT JOY, PENNA. i EERE EE ERNE REE e Me Before Buying Your Ra Trade In Your Old ¥ JS 01 T. F. McELRQCY, Florin, Pa. jan, 21 21-4¢ a i HE EEE ERSTE 3 FEET NE | 8 of the truck turned in the alley at | 2 of | g 5 SALUNGA Miss Dorothy Minnich week-end at Harrisburg. Mrs. Enima Young and Mrs. Lizzie Way, spent Sunday at Lancaster, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bender an- nounce the birth of a son on Fri day. Mrs. Owen Hardy, of Chiques, visited her grandmother, at Atglen on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bender an- nounce the birth of a daughter on Saturday. Mrs. W. G. Kendig, of Lancaster, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. B. { E. Kendig. { Mr. and Mrs John Kitner and son {were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spahr, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Longenecker ! spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Way. sses Annie and Tillie Erisman entertained Rev. and Mrs. Know- les at dinner on Sunday. Mrs. P. Dallas Weadman, of Chig- ues, spent a few hours Sunday with at Mount Joy. 's, Oscar Newcomer and Mrs Baer were Sunday . and Mrs. Henry Eby. Mrs. Clarence Bard week- Strasburg, 1 her parents, Mr. s. William Fackler and Miss E ck the week- r son Claude, John I . Levi Peifer nt Sun- | 1 S = la Herr, Misses Herr, John H. s 1 Martin, in ega I I S of Donegal; Mr. and M John | isperger, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. roger, My. and Mrs, D. P. i »f Elizabethtown; s. Samuel Crowl Sunday guests at the home of and Mrs. R. D. Raffensperger. sedan going to Lancaster sideswiped a truck belonging to S. A large H. Heistand on Tuesday morning, and then upset. In order to avoid more serious collision the driver Peifer’s store. The occupants the sedan were compelled to crawl out the side windows. The Landisville and Salunga Aux- iliary of the General Hospital, Lan- cas officers were elected: President, Mrs. A. B. Hershey; vice president, Mrs. H. W. Minnich; recording sec- retary, Mrs. Samuel Eby; treasurer, Mrs. E. P. Kendig. corresponding Mrs. N. N. Baer. The next meeting will be held March 3, when all unpaid dues are requested be paid. rr — A eee C. S. FRANK'S SALE LIST FOR 1925. Sat., Feb. 14, in Mt. Joy Hall, Mt. Joy, at 2 p. m., entire lot of real es- tate for the estate of Ephraim Baker _ Fri., Feb. 20, near Hosslers church live stock and implements by Phares Peters. Thurs, Feb. 26, at Nissley’s Mill, stock, implements, by John Gainor. Tues., Mar. 3, at Donegal Springs stock and implements by Jno. Smith. Wed., Mar. 4, near Maytown, live stock & implements by D. Brubaker. Thurs., Mar 5, near Mt Joy, stock and implements by Abram Felker. Fri, Mar. 6, near Milton Grove, stock & imp. by Allen Gibble. _ Sat., Mar 7, near Lancaster Junc- tion, stock and imp by Andrew Niss'v Mon., Mar. 9, near Milton Grove, stock & imp. by Abram Eshleman. Tues., Mar. 10 near Rheems, lot & imp. by Jno. Newcomer. 192 ig, secretary, to , Mar. near Newtown, lot 0. by Abram Gamber. ter, met last Tuesday at the home | of Mrs. Amos Cooper. The following 13, near Manheim, stock | « cribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | Religious News in Qur Churches NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- MUNITY Florin U. B. Church Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Sermon at 10:30 A. M. Junior at 5:15 P. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. Sermon at 7:15 P, M. Donegal Presbyterian Church Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor Regular Sabbath School service at 2. P. M. Divine Worship at 7:30 P. M. with sermon by the pastor. You are cordially invited to these services. Trinity Lutheran Church Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor Sunday Bible School 9.30 A. M. Morning service 10:45 A. M. Junior Catechetical Class 2:30, Evening service at 7:00 P. M. Adult Catechetical Class Monday 7:45 P. M. Mark’s United Brethren Church Rev. H. 5. Kiefer, Pastor at 0 A.M. St. Sunday School Morning Worship and Sermon at A. | | | | | M. 10:15 1019 Int diate nd Senior Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. ader,. Mi Barnhai ¢ t 7:30 P : ) i mn a 7 the at 37 >ath ; 30. A M Divi t 10:30 A. M. ith sermon 1 the pastor. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Sur 7 School at 9:30 A. M. J S. Ha Supt. Preac at 10:30 A. M, | C. E6 :30 P. M. Leader, H. S. MacDannald. Preaching at 7:30 P. M. Mid Week Service, Wednesday 7.45 P. M. Come and worship with us. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Harry A, Swartz, Pastor 9:15 A. M. Church School. 10:30 A. M. Morning Worship and Sermon. 6:30 P. M. Epworth League. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship and Sermon. Wednesday 3:30 P. M. Junjor Epworth League at home of Mrs. Wm. Diffenderfer. 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting. A cordial welcome to all services. RHEEMS Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Shearer announce the birth of a pleasant- faced daughter Thursday morning, February 5. Church of the Brethren will hold their mid-week Prayer meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Enterline this evening. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Smith, of Rheems, celebrated their silver wed- ding day last Wednesday, February 4, with a number of their immedi- ate friends. Amos C. Fridy, an ex-school di- rector of West Donegal Township, now a resident of Elizabethtown, spent last Tuesday noon at the Rheems school house. Friends of Miss Martha B. Shank, assistant post-mistress, Rheems, will be glad to know that she has re- sumed her duties in the post office, where she was absent for several months. Morris K. Enterline, of the Rheems Garage, spent last Monday at Philadelphia, d the entire li touring car with some e in a the | ises at Silver {and farming impler Circle will Gibble. 0) Mss. Mattie W eaver 5 xperience caused by the New Houses for Sale hraim Longeneck- | I have e new houses, on West ! ! D ai street, Mt. Joy, which I am | ay¢ Any ‘one d hould fail to see new nomes belore purch- | sz. They have all conveniences, | jare along trolley and will be sold 1a1 {Will a finance. ‘John E.! jous other means of transportation { Sehroll, 2 41R2, Mt. Joy tf throughout | TT i where : | Read the Bulletin. i evening in their sewing room at the Church of the Brethren here, for| the purpose of making garments for missionary distribution. \ Andrew Heisey, farmer on the | Green Tree farm near here, while working on the north side of the barn, slipped and fell on the ice. | He dislocated his left shoulder and | is managing his affairs with one arm | in a sling. Phares E, Grove, who has leased | the Rheems Machine Shop, is install- | ing a steam heating plant through- | out the large building, which is | equipped with machinery equal to! any shop in the county. He ex- pects to abandon the old stoves in the near future on account of fire hazard conditions. J. E. Hockenberry, of | Perry county, comes to the front as a champion tobacco farmer of Lan-) caster county, on the Christian L. Nissly farm, near here, tenanted by | Norman E. Garber, an ex-county | farm agent. Hockenberry has placed the Lancaster County Cup in the Elmer R. Kraybill general store show window, which he was award- for having the best seed leaf tobacco on exhibit at the Harris- burg Farm Products Show, with an a native ed additional purse of money. The o following awards are beautifully en- 8 i wot. |b? graved on the cup: John Benzof, & 1922; Homer Graybill, 1923; Harry 8 K. Reifsnyder, 1924; J. E. Hocken- 8 berry, 1925. Hockenberry claims | an average of Zo 0zZ. 01 Wi ] 1 Lua ~~ per lathe on a number of accurate | 2 tests. 0 me QI mplements by J. M. Smith Wednesday, M: 4—On the S. N. Meckley farm 8 miles north of Mount Joy, live stock, farm im plements and household goods by | Abraham A. Koser. Aldinger, auct. | Thursday, March 5—On the prem- ises, along the concrete highway one | mile east of Mount Joy, entire lot! of live stock and farming imple- | ments and some household goods yi | irch 4 Abram Felker. Frank, auct. Thursday, March 5—On the prem- ises one mile east of Mount Joy, along the concrete highway, live stock, farm implements and house- hold goods by Abram Felker . Frank | auct. Friday, March 6—On the. premi- | ses one-half mile southeast of Mil-| ton Grove, along the road leading | from the Mt. Joy and Milton Grove | road to Sunnyside School House, | live stock, farming implements and | some household goods by Allen R. Gibble. Frank, auct. Tuesday, March 10—On the prem- ises on the road leading from Brene- man’s School House to Rheems;, live stock, . implements and some ‘houg&H hold goods by John W. Newcomer. C. S. Frank, auct. Wednesday, ‘March 11—On the premises in Rapho township, on the road leading from Mount Joy to Mastersonville, 1 1-2 miles north of the former, live stock, farm imple- ments, some household goods by Milton N. Miller. Aldinger, auct. Thursday, Mar. 12—On the premi- ses on the road leading from Rheems to Milton Grove on the Ru- ben -Emenheiser farm, near Green Tree Church oné and one-half miles northeast of Rheems, stock apd im- plements by Phares Heisey, AMipg- er, auct. Ty Thursday, March 12—On the premises, the Phares Nissley farm, along the creek road leading from Mount Joy to Columbia about 2 miles south of the former place, live stock, farm implements, etc., by Abram W. Gamber. Frank. auct. onday, March 16th—On" the | the road leading | to Union Square, > two places, th lly farm, live st EWES Ne t} i | { | | Tuesday, Marct AL #3 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11th, 1905 PAGE FOUR THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. A © : i D000 hold their monthly meeting this | D000 WOO A FINAL CLEAR-AWAY FINE BLANKETS —A Tee BOOTH'S 4 uts in our blanket prices have moved them out, 3ig ¢ The prices— A few are yet to be sold. FORMERLY NOW $1.95 ..-... reer taie eran a $1.69 $980. oo... an, eh, 8215 oT... $245 $350 $2.95 saos.. 8 $378 | We have BALL BAND RUBBERS for all the family. 1% 3 OO HS Every one a good one These ate arctics you can depend or== “Ball-Band” Arctics with the Red Ball IC QOOCO00 le Mark. Well-made, casy=- 2 or, long-wearing and come 2% & able. Every man needs a pair of good arctics. = { ’ * 4 2 % i tan % i ant LE % $3000 $3940 NX v % 1 will for you a Two and Ong tory Frame Single SHouse, phalt Roof, Six Rooms, Rwy Porches Good materials will b& used thru-out house and you can have your choice of forty different lets "of ground on which you wish Louse be built; with five. different lecation§, Lots are situated in Mt. Joy and Florin. Price with lot and house, Hundred Dollars. Call to s&¢ me and I will show vou the lots% and give you plan, specifications dad financial arrange- ments. % The above advertisement will be good only to pa who signs up during month of Féruary, 1925. S. Nissley grich FLORIN, PEN! Bell Phone feb. 11.2t CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. A142 WE lL TS PRT ak LUMBER EE Valentines Valentines t selection of valentines in town and am I can please yoWeig quality and price. Will appreciate patronage. our E.:W. Garber MOUNT JOY, PENNA. plements, ete. by John = B. : I uct. EERIE REESE REE SRE EE —On the prem. | mee BI I EEE, Rn Hossler’s Church and | o BA 33 = CE | Po A r’s Mill, about 3 nor ¥ s alr re | Bd 8 nt Joy, stock and implements | § 3U € 1 by. Hiram P. Herr. A os ldinger, auet n the e prem Bring Result