a , THE PRINTE AV THE MOUN ' JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY. LAN By Charles Sughroe LO Waster ME WF VA AY DOI SPECIAL YONGHT FOWER MEN MUSICA Vail At Bh i 2000000080000 WN I ae COMPLETE El EVERYTHING FOR POULTRYMEN Radio For Equipped With ling Tubes, Batteries. SUPER.HETRODYNE | RADIOLA 6 Tube Set Complete Music Master Horn Garod N eutrodyne 5 Tube Installed $250 WOOD ATWATER K 5 Tube — Model 20 Music Master oud Speaker, 5 R. C. Alor Shishey Willard Storage Battery, Brersesdy 8 Installed $250 Stper Zenith { 6 Tube : In-tal’ed $265 COMPL 3 Tube Installed $80 We have arranged to give public radi Stumpf’s Restaurant, West Main Vii M 1 ms afternoon and evening. Name t and we will demonstrate it. Parts and Radio Equipments of All Kinds at Reduced Prices ROYAL RADIO LANCASTER, PA. 152 East King St., OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS Write, Phone (3866 Bell) INCUBATORS Hot Water—Hot Air BROODERS Coal Stove or Oil OATS SPROUTERS Cabinet and Open Pan Galvan- ized Brood Coops SAN NON-FREEZE FOUNTS 1-2-3-5 Gallon Sizes MASH FEEDERS 3% and 1 Bushel Sizes Wall and Jar Founts Grit and Shell Boxes Baby Chick Feeders Parcel Post Egg Boxes For all a big saving in price. PLAIN CLO We also handle a full lin: Y 31 South Que SPRECHER & GANSS, Inc. THE BIG POULTRY SUPPLY HOUSE WRITE TO-DAY FOR COMPLEETE LIST EERE RE EEE EEN eR TAILOR-MADE OTHING direct from the manufacturer to you at G A SPECIALTY S. HESS H Feeds and Remedies COMPLETE ¢ i & 5 ; Fre Sn an : 1... vezi 5 » § - lle ii 3 Masterpiece | Ne re x fi > LUDO 2 5 Tube : Installed & Installed i 3 Cit & iy i COMPLETE BL IJ © covrere $20 | JI11VU ¢ ot ! Silverset | S@merset > = 3 i 5 T 1iha © <0 i E 2 UDO a Installed 1 i Installed 3 i (a> i = x iBT ver) & COMPLETE ob i 93 { COMPLETE JD § 35 3 ; insane a 3 3 i I) 3 > w © Ramstone arod R. A. F. & V6 WIN 4 Tube Installed $140 demonStrations at Joy, every Saturday hine you have in mind COMPLETE i, 0. BELL 328R It r Bring your order to Street Root and Veget Lice Pow and Chickens Ground Shell and Grit Poultry Netting TY TT 111 11 I. J! ml = fit any woman who tak 3 it.”’ — Mrs, hn 000000000 AGRICULTURAL INSTRUCTION IN SCHOCLS RECEIVES AID SUFFERED AFTER \ BIRTH OF BABY Much of the vast amount of in- formas on accumulated by the United of Agriculture tates Department : nl the agricultural colleges and Caused by by Gettin ng experiment stations is being made Up Too Soon. Relieved by available to teachers of agriculture, Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s nature study, and allied subjects in : elementary and secondary schools Vegetable Compound through the Division of Agricultural .. Instruction of the department. New Yori; thonght is of the.deparimens nth would interest you to know what bene- This division cooperates wit e fit I have derived several bureaus and offices of the from, faking YOUr (epartment in the preparation of medicine. e days after the birth subject-matter material in form for immediate use by teachers. Illus tra- | of my third child I got up too quick. tive material in the form of lantern Then just before my fifth child was born had inflammation of tural te: the bladder and dis- placement. Seeing 0, are widely distributed. your advertisement in a Liverpool (Eng- | fie land) paper I began { partment and sources of other ma-| was Vegetable | torial] are distributed in large quan- | wchers, prepared taking Lydia E. Compound and th finement I had. V down I always t Compound as a ton was the best cone henever I feel rune ce the Vegetable related subjects. We have just The division cooperates with state CASTFR CO., PA. We use the same methods employ d Add va ' Repairing Go 50-62 8S. Queen St. Lancaster, “¥s Mail Orders Promp JALE—Located on ind iprings street, by the leading shoe rah so our results are fully as good ny Donega Splenaio fronting 50 feet or Mount Joy. sestion and beauuful dweliings or ther side. Mount Joy. E Sehroll 23-t Jno. | | “the north side Call | may Soaps, Subscribe for the Mt. WEDNESDAY, JANUA Lancaster, Pa, RY 28, A Largest Line of and Winter ATS Caps and Gloves In the City Plain Hats A 1025 KRALL A I 4 -—i me / Yi 21] JOHN-A. HAAS, Propr. TR = {{ 144 N. Queen Cases | " PRODUCTS | \ soe | \H- H. Than 50 Years 3 tandard for More ck and Poultry Tonics ehold Specialties Spice +S. STOLTZ M5 eto] n, lides designed especially for agricul- in coopera- tion with other offices of the depart- | Classi- | | lists of publications of the de- | tities to teachers of agriculture and i IS ) removed from (Canada) so 1 departments of education and state was pleased when thestore ordere 2d the : Yr ae medicine for me and Bgot it today. I agricultural colleges In preparing would not be without ¥ for any price courses oi study in elementary agri- and I recommend it to\ladies around ..iture for teachers in rural schools. here because I feel so surg it'will bene- Outline ‘courses of this character have been prepared for Virg 8 Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Ar! and Oklahoma. In hers in service and AGNES WIGNALL, Talevilléy New York. Women can depend vipork Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Co to re- lieve ther n from ills to their sex. For sale by druggists everywhere. ansas with t cooperaticn with teacher-tra r di- trative ius emt Gane OGICAL SURVEY RIDS ( “oy Anna NN ri i ) and. anna MARINE BAK RATS ACKS OF n. in 1799 and ' ths old sa 7% On the old records The Biological y of the : United States 2 ri a culture rec arcn, in rat extern S, Qua ssary building with rats. All ef- ntico, Va. 0 fol- Re- ive 1an and, post col " come ed ster county to folks; Caleb Way > to Maytown from that 1e was later married t0 ant was or and one of their child- , ren was Bayard Taylor, who became the famous poet and traveler. Bay- forts to get rid of them with com- mercial baits were of no avail. An finally made to the depart- met diate re- appeal with imme Joseph ponse. Under the direction of the Biolog- : A ical Survey, about 500 baits of var- ard S motaer was always a great 1n- ious sorts, peinsoned with barium spiration to him for she Was a Tre- ..rhonate, were set out on Septem- markable woman, She lived to the yo. 4 The first night about 250 of ripe old age of 91 and is buried in (ye pajts were taken and the second Longwood cemetery, near Kennett nicht about 50 more. After the Square. { "second night no more baits were dis- Caleb and Anna Maria Way, the |; eq and they were gathered up. grandparents of Bayard Taylor, are The commisary officer has written or in the old cemetery adjoining i, the Biological survey that the | Maytown Reformed church. In were most gratifying and | en at the suggestion of Rev. Wil- {ho campaign considered a complete ' liam J. Lowe, who was then the pas- 'gyccess. As a rule, only a very! tor of the congregation, Mrs. Anne gna) proportion of the rats killed B. Lamborn Polk, of Kennett Square, by poisoning with batium carbonate a great granddaughter of Caleb and | (je outside of their holes where they Anna Maria Way, had the graves may be found. In this case, about. marked with a large granite marker, 35 dead and dying rats were found, | on the face of which appears the ang since putting out the poison following inscription: not a live rat has been seen. “UNDER THIS STONE ARE ME eee LI LL MLR BURIED THE GRAND- MIGRATORY WATERFOWL PARENTS “OF BAYARD ABUNDANT THIS YEAR TAYLOR, POET, TRAV- Thousands of ducks are to be ELER, AUTHOR, DIPLO- found this year on the Potomac be- MAT.” | low Washington, and excellent shoot- In the main auditorium of the ing is reported to the Biological Maytown Reformed chuvch, a beau- Survey of the United States Depart- tiful especially designed memorial | ment of Agriculture. At least 50,- window was placed by Mrs. Polk in| 000 ducks have been seen recently honor of the mother of Bayard Tay-| within 25 miles of the Capital. lor, Rebecca Way Taylor, who as a Three-fourths to four-fifths of them girl - was confirmed in the same are canvasbacks, the others includ- church building. The main design |ing black ducks, scaups, ruddies and of the window consists of a bas- rcdheads. Two hundred to three relief of the poet, Bayard Taylor, | hundred Canada geese also were by Launt Thompson. The orignal of |seen and thousands of coots. There this bas-relief in bronze is imbedded appears to be a great increase in in the Taylor monument in Long-| migratory waterfowl on the Potomac | Men’s Furnishings. RSHEY wood cemetery. Surrounding the | this season over last. head, is a wreath of oak leaves and | Reports from other districts are bay, emblematic of civic and poetic equally encouraging. More ducks! honors, and directly” under, a scroll | and geese have been seen in eastern Illinois River These memorials were placed in| region of the Maytown by Mrs. Anne B. Lamborn cated as part of an anniversary cel-| ent as at the beginning of December. | ebration of the Maytown Reformed | church, which was organized in 1765 | Florida says he has not seen as many | RISVILLE, PA. Sy and the present building erected in | coots in 25 years, and that waters | 1808. everywhere are black with Hed. J upon which is inscribed a verse | and western Missouri this year than from a poem by Taylor to hic for several seasons. Some of the mother. old residents in the Havanna, Ill, | state | that they do not remember any sea- | Polk in August 1917, and were dedi- | son when as many ducks were pres- | The United States game warden for | i “YVe’ve been selling roofings for years. And our experience i ! is that Barrett Roofings, Shingles or Roll, are the most ser= gl viceable—the best value for your money. "They won't rot or 5 painting or staining. And they’re fire-safe— i make your buildings secure against sparks and flying embers, Fd Bring your roofing sth Ne us. We are always glad to put our roofing expericnieg at your disposal 2 without any obligation on your ps 11, i Pr There’s a Barrett Roofing to suit type of i building. Come in and see them. SOHOCK i < hr Sv ss EN Sr Zt a3 — = m— ial 2d yy EF Qe iB a” ia a rset pm Bates int £ I hy 7% Ny (FN (7 JN FN J OY, "NN Ny FN FY LP PY My FY yy 2 a” at! OQ OA Ee CK PLE PLY Arh HC 25 TH J ALAC AA QO OOOO OQ & hE »” " J \ -¥ vf ne \ 4 Yd Q \ i OOO Ny “ Extracts and Home | ; Attended To Pa, Jor Bulletin] V1 Main St, | BEEF, BOLOGNA, Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttom dec. Krall’s Meat Market MOUNT JOY We have the Right Roof House, barn, or out-buildings— there’s a Barrett Roofing \that’ s right for any or all of these structures. I have new and very beautiful homes on West Donegal Str offering at att¥active prices as they of before Sprin property, very wé t, Mount Joy, along trolley, that I am are to be disposed They are all new, one is a corner ]1 built by the Mount Joy Construe- tion Company, whi¢gh is a local corporation formed to relieve the house ‘shortage situation in Mou Joy and not to make a buch of money. All the houses € are built right from the ground up, thoroughly equip- ped, all modern conveniences and willbe sold worth the money. Four of them are now vacant; having just recently been completed and the other isthe prop- erty of the late Mrs. Mary Brunner. Any one interested in a home should at least in- vestigate. Call, let me take you thru these houses and then be your own judge. This is about the finest res idential section in Mount Joy. Will finance half if" desired. Jno. E. Schroll MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Phone 41R2 AM, D i‘ always have anything is the ling, of SMOKED MEATS, RIED RD, ETC, COOCOOOOOOCOOCOO0 | / 5 = x ig 3 RR