(Canadian Farmer TIVE OF THIS SECTION, IS THE GUEST OF HIS PAR- ENTS ON NORTH MAR- KET STREET Mr. Jacob Stehman, of St. sabeth, Manitoba, Canada, of “Mr. Jacob Stehman Market street, to his parents. Mr. Stehman a native of this section, having re- sided for many years with his par- ents on a farm in Rapho township and just a short distance east of the boro. Mr. Stehmann owns a 280 acre farm in Canada which he is farm- ing. The principle crops raised in his section are oats, barley, rye, wheat and flax, the farmers there being mostly engaged in mixed farming. This year Mr. Stehman’s yield was as follows: 3,308 bushels of barley from 80 acres. This crop was sold at 90 cents per bushel. He also raised 1,900 bushels of oats frém 30 acres and 1,600 bushels of rye from 72 acres. In addition he harvested two crops of sweet clov- er off the same field. Mr. Stehman says when he left home last week the thermometer registered 30 degrees below zero and with our present temperature here at 15 above, he says it seems 3 cold as up in Canada. Mr. Stehman noticed the large white owl in the Bulletin window, very rare around here and claims they are quite common thruout the section in which he resides. He will spend a week or ten days here before returning home. —— 0 Cen Change Their Residences John Emerick moved from the yer property on New Haven o Florin, in the John Easton rty, on Friday. WW, D. Chandler will mov el I W e Mai q into “the 4 4 Pees rv i x x Cy vl market | street, which he recently purchased. | Xe hi arvey Greenawalt will oc- | cupy the property next to his store | on West Main street, vacated by Dr. W. D. Chandler. BE {en eral Ne Of : or BD * di wick heading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Miss Sara Engle is seriously ill at this writing. Mrs. George Sillers is confined to her home with sickr-gs. oN Two more cases of mumps de- veloped in Mount Joy yesterday. Mount Joy has a case of mumps, the first quarantine since the first week in August. Our public schools resumed daily sessions this morning after the Christmas holidays. Joseph Brandt returned home from the St. Josephs Hospital, where he was ill with pneumonia. George C. K. Sample. 9f.Colum- bia, received a large box of violets from Georgia Christmas day. Rev. B. M. Meyer, who for the past thirty years has been pastor of Christ Reformed church at Elizabethtown, will move to Lan- caster. Howard Johnson, colored, of Lan- caster, during a fit of jealousy, slashed his wife’s throat with a razor. It required seventeen stitches to close the wound. Rev. R. L. Markley, pastor of the Lutheran church at Highspire the past five years, has resigned, having accepted a call to Everett, Pa ¥ Rev. and Mrs, Harry A. Swartz wish to thank all their friends for the kindness and sympathy shown them during the days of their sadness and sorrows Mr. HA M. Stauffer and his family also express their appreciation offjthe kindness of their friends in gt Joy, shown them in this hour sadness. Man Sho! fmself William VS ager. for the Pennsy . i Com- pany at Law, Ls Gp 2 danger- ous wound in side while handling a ry The bullet was deflected and unless blood po Williamson is expect VOLUME XXIV NO. 31 THE BULLETIN \ WISHES ALL ITS PATRONS AND FRIENDS Here on a Visit MR. JACOB STEHMAN, A NA. Ve Eli- a son on North is here on a visit is [ue RAPHO TEACHERS ' MEET NEXT SATURDAY The teachers of Rapho town- ship will hold their regular month- ly meeting at Sporting Hill on Saturday, Jan. 3, 1925 at 9:30 when the following program will be rendered: Devotional Exercises, Miss Hos- tetter. Song, Teachers; Sentimen- tal Roll Call; Reading, Miss Mabel Minnich; Discussion, “How Teach History with Textbooks provided,” John Miller; Duet, Misses Zug and Zigler; Discussion, “How Teach English with Textbooks provided,” Frank Moss; Music, Teachers. Ad- journment. ene rissa) OR Remembered Their Boss Superintendent J. Harry Miller, at the Grey Iron Works, was kind- ly remembered by his employes on Christmas. The day previous they presented him with presents which were greatly appreciated. Kraybill Again Heads Growers COUNTY FRUIT PRODUCERS ELECT OSFICERS AT THEIR ANNUAL MEETING AT LANCASTER P. R. Kraybill, of Rheems, was reelected president of the Lancas- ter County Fruit Growers’ Associa- tion at the annual meeting in the Farm Bureau rooms in the Wool- worth building at Lancaster. Six of the seven officers served | year. L. B. Huber, of Landisville, was re-elected first vice president. Other balloting resulted as follows: R. N. Peris, of Florin, second vice presi- Ident; M. A. Moore, of Lititz, third vice president, the only new officer elected. M. P. Wenger, of Denver, fourth vice president; S. E. Forry, of Clay, treasurer, and L. F. Halli- | an, of the Varn Bureau, secretary. dant Kraybill was tha only de- a | ihe ny his roc ~ ol st ie sia other nomination M. P exhibition < {ca: Gl be made. | Wenger, chairman of the! committee which is ar- {ranging the details for the exhibit © | at the annual Farm Products Show in Harrisburg from January 19 to] 24 inclusive, reported that quanitty of apples for the iD tion were in storage at Engleside, ! and that other specimens from | county orchards are being collect- | ed. The plan this year is to have | a representative county exhibit as | well as individual growers’ selee- | tions. A report was read of the aec- tivities at - Horticultural Week as recently observed at State College. R. S. Snyder, of the State College Extension Service, was the sche- duled speaker, but he failed to put in his appearance and the time which was to have been allotted to him was turned over for a round table discusion between the growers. etree A Wild Cat Escapes Last Fall while Mr. William Dar- rencamp, of this place, was on a hunting trip, he captured a pair of wild cat kittens. He brought them home and kept them ever since, both being quite tame. A few days ago while one of Mr. Darren- kamp’s sons was feeding them, one got away and nothing has been seen or heard of it since. eens A New Meat Market Mr. C. V, Fite has opened a new meat market in the Mumma property on West Main street, formerly oc- cupied by Mr. C. N. Mumma. He calls his place the Economy Cut Rate Meat Market and will sell meats at greatly reduced prices, ————— ’ WwW Cantata at the Homes On Sunday afternoon, the George A. Kercher, pastor of the Lutheran church, accompanied by his choir and members of his con- gregation, rendered a Christmas cantata at the Masonic Homes. et Qe A B'rthday Surprise Mrs. Jacob Kolp was given a package surprise in honor of her Rev. will hold its next sale at Florin on Saturday, Jan. 10th, General lina of merchandise, real estate and household goods, also chickens, ete. We are! tor « a lino’ y ops’ ah celled at this office to- i said he saw a robin in his This is certainly “No tigre of the year. 2 5 RA last | specie of owl only inhabits the Are- | tic regions and this one must have Poplar street. stopped after jumping the gutter and curb and going across the pavement against the Washington (House ™-re was. no damage. 5 = Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, December 31, Should Have New School Building THE OLD BRICK LAND MARK AT MAYTOWN SHOULD BE RE. PLACED BY A MODERN STRUCTURE NOTICE! 19 Beginning January 1, 25, the Bulletin willl publish the names of all of its correspond- ents at various points. We are making the correspondent our representative to receive all news items, subscribers, renew- als, advertising, ete. in order to make it more convenient to our patrons. If you have visitors or news of any kind, please see that the correspondent knows about it. We want the news and you can greatly assist us. Auto Mishaps Again the Bulletin calls attention to the fact that Maytotn, in East Donegal township, is badly in need of a new public school building. The present brick structure was erected five years before the Civil War and as a comparison we would state that it is just as difficult to success- fully educate pupils today with an- cient methods and equipment as it would have been for the United States to win the World War with the same equipment we used at Gettysburg and other Civil War battle scenes. The Bulletin has repeatedly called attention to the fact that something should be done but to date we have heard nothing relative to a move toward bettering conditions. Appended is an article from the paper printed by the pupils who are being educated in this building. It gives a good idea of the students’ opinion: ‘““Maytown, a beautiful little town situated in the heart of a very r agricultural section, has (Turn to page Four.) EE aE A FORD TURNED TURTLE—AU. TO STRUCK TROLLEY—CAR HITS FIRE PLUG—SEVER. AL OTHER ACCI- DENTS Saturday afternoon in Mr. | Garber’s Buick touring car, tha ma- | chine skidded on the icy road while rich | | he was making a turn. Mashed a High | | fenders was the only damage, Avoided a Collision . D. C., after an attack of pneumon- ! i asl I | Frank E. Brehm, of Manheim, |. 'SCHOENECK YOUNG MAN Witils Posy ity Srseion Son Pheu Be Caw of and Miss Luella Yoder, of Sinking iB The. following sisters survives MEETS HORRIBLE DEATH | day afternoon Mr. Paul E. Getz, of | Ly : > So Se | Springs, were married Saturday. Mrs. Christine Leonard, of North oa { this place, in avoiding a collision basket ball in the High School gym Bend; Mrs. Newton Jackson, of With one leg severed at the knee | With another car, badly damaged ON Year > Sa an As Lloyd E. Witmyer and Miss Mary | Columbia and Mrs. Ida M. Pomers . 3 1 CO ar oc: elf m a I 1g CNC y ‘and the other frightfully torn by his Hup coupe. Another car came | oys pia} he Liga Young, both of Manheim, were oy. . > out a side street and Mr. Getz, in| five and the Alumni Girls will play ’ = | < ‘the teeth of a circular saw, ‘the : a Sr ’ } oar Gils. The te: are very Married on Monday. s oF mangled body of Nathan Sensenig, ung bs 0% Nays Ian i Ra end both tics - ca elles ’ | aged 19 years, of near Schoeneck, [ore Re oe P: ue Be 3 ae os oul gi luigi Harrison Martin and Miss Bessie H q Sta yr died i was hurled through the air by the | Mr vs. PE I rw Wittick Rinehart, both of this place, | a ot Locis belting of the machine which he | 4. 3 t rere married at Elkto Md es | a he at Leola, hod been aie the Hy man RY cked by a Our | Charged Wit h Mans laughter . Sie = uried at Elkton, Md., yes f plication of diseases, \ b perating, the young man | 1 af di §11 Menroc terday. | pi rn to page 4) landing on the frozen earth with | i { sais Emre sufficient force to crush his skull | { ] i : Tole Greiner | Xin Ee ang : : f 0) u k Will Erect “Blinkers” a dozen feet away. He died in | W eekly ly C ard dB Basket i : : 3 Irvin G. I, son of Mr. and | te lec 4 a place his father’s arms only a few sec- | i My Bev Ruhl, of Masterson- | «pg, spa on Ho Od Mie being raised from the PERSONAL MEN (ION ABOU) : ana : A nev 3 2s ab ground, | THE MANY MERS AND i i fe: = Siam _— | GOERS IN THiS LOCALIiY | Milt G tiv. Swe The Final Rehearsal i | RM marriage 1 n 1 d over The Choral Society will hold its| Mr. Frank Sprout nt Friday Clarche D 7, pastor ic it Swa final rehearsal in the school build- | at Elizabethtown wi nds. ay United Brethren church, |. rE I lines were ing Thursday evening, Jan. 1, at| Mr. and M Ww > evening. fw vrecked, but n was injured. 8 o'clock. | spent lhursday a bur ? Ce rm eet err ee Ree eee { friends. yrs 3 Dra nl | Mr. and Mrs. Carson Enz 2A.) 1-1 Yay Daniel B a Ti AY EAT 2 The Ushers League | Saginaw, Mich., are spending vail R20 G both of W nel En ter (IETS ! few days in town. | Lr. 10 married Satur d Ti. AT G aba M I [ 3 Ni ht Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Baer, »f Lan- | Larol (Turn to page 5) ali | heir ests vif ast | 1g | caster, spent Sunday with Mr. ar eet ee | Mrs. Jno. McGinnis. "HE > NOMEN! | _— 00 Me Bricker. of MOUNT JOY CH 19841 SOCIETY, IE FARM WOMEN 3 boy joy | NUMBER OF LOCAL RESIDENTS Py Mrs, a ricer, ui Mies —~ = INTERESTING PROGRAM REN. | Jersey, stent = few days in) WiLL RENDER SPLENDID hen? ENTERTAIN OVER THE DERED AT MONTHLY MEET. |, Gh He 3 . ; WEEK-END ING AT HOME OF MR T | town with friends. ! PROGRAM SUNDAY UN Farm Women’s Society No. 4 ER-E . Mr d Mrs. Llovd Miller are | DER DIRECTION OF % EARL MYERS, NEAR I. and Mrs. loyd Miller are met at the home of Mrs. Anna Bard Mr. andMrs. R. D. Raffensperger TOWN spending some time with Mr. and | PROF. McHOSE on Saturday afternoon with a I. ancy i . e sperge eesti : of Salunga, entertained at their Yrs Jno. M. Deity, | i ft n, January splendid attendance. After the home over the week-end: Mr. and : Mrs. hildve £1 xt Sunday afternoon, ary : ordi wi \ k-end: Mr. a The local St. Mark’s United ps Joke » a ona : Ta | 1 three o'clock, the Mount Joy pone pa oi He ne Mrs. J. Roy Greider and son, Junior, i delphia, spe a lew Gays with 2 Christmas progra rendered: |. o. Ha Brethren Church Usher's League Mr Hi, Mos Cini ori [Se al Society will render an ancient So Ss gee “SHogt IL Silver Springs; Mr. Ira Frank, held their monthly business and a > Enele and | Christmas Carol service in the Unit- Night k the Herald Angels|0f Ephrata; Miss Gertrude Risser, social meeting at the home of Mr. a tir i ey 8 ¥ ar ed Ere thren church here under the oy hid i ain S Pr of Elizabethtown; Miss Dora Sau- Earl Myers, east of town, last] Egan 0 Prey o XY. ld direc yon of Prof. C. N. McHose, ac- eng 2 Irie mas PIL ders and Miss Anna Nissley, this : b £ spending several days in town. | : reading by Mrs. Eva Swords. recita- 1 a St BE ue Miss Dorothy Schroll spent sever- | ¢ BY Miss Si Pia tion, “The Night before Christmas”, bce ers end g an b Ss offering will be taken. - . “ : 1 as the guest i ring Mrs. S ally: ings: ¢ were agreeably entertained by the i Joys 40 Ma ae R Lacer. [A The following program has been Bini x Avs readings: “The Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Browm, . : y . . . SS, Dy Airs. Edna Shel- f thi isp + : h fol host. The business session was pre- ay hy of this place, entertained the fol- : Mr. and Mrs. Harmon, | arrangea ei lenberger”’; “Bethlehem Today”, by |; . hild t bi le sided over by President Albert | Atlantic City, spent several days Hymn, “Ct Hither, Ye Faithful, pr. Frances Brooks: “Holly” by lowing children at a big turkey Campbell. One ‘new setive member, Lith Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Glatfelter. | Triumphartl eg”, Congregation. apg Amelia Nolt; solo “Away in a Sime Xmas doy! x: #70 Ms. Warren Givens, and one new asso-| J Si t of Carnegie Tech, Dovotic vice, Scripture, M: rR bo M 2 B kar Y «Th Geo. Schneider and children, Geo, ciate member, Mr. William Strickler, ! Ames legris i g: el anger” Dy Brooks; € | Mavis and Harold; Mr. and Mrs \ ’ ’ Pittsburgh, visited his grandparents, | Prayer ¥ History of Santa Claus” by Mrs. fur. : 5 \ were admitted to the league. The oy “asus? Th ar Babe : Wm. Hendrix and daughters, Doris \ Mr. and Mrs. Cling over the holi-| (+) “Jesus! Thou Dear Babe ¢giparine Weller. “The Brightest 1 \ treasurer, Frank Musser, reported hic, faytian Cradle Song; (0) Stay” by M C ST and Maud Arline; Mr. and Mrs \ $61.93 in the treasury. Upon mo-| : in The, Mad Kiros”. Adar y + ora Xrantz; | Elwood Gillums; Mr. and Mrs. : | Miss Alta Gingrich, of Laneas- | The Mag Kings”, French + + Birds Christmas Tree”, by Miss tion of the members the president : 3 2 “0° | Harold Brown, Esther, Ben, Arthur : : ter spent the week-end here as |Gevaert. Maud Nolt. After singing “O Lit- . ES — was given the power to appoint an { «le rs Tai? 3 Dae and Joe Brown, all of this place giv : the guest of her parents, Mr. and | Iymn, ‘Silent Night”, Congrega- tle Town of Bethlehem”. adjourn- : 1 et Entertainmeny; ommitics to arrange Mrs. C. S. Gingrich [ tion ment followed, to meet at the ani Yr 2nd Mrs. Pay] Strickler the programs. It was decided to is ania LY Phe. of the 3 . ._ ‘land children, Helena, Beatrice, C tinced on page 4) Aeron Siegrist and of Chorus: @) “The Sleep of the home of Mis. L. L. Charles Satur- Verna and Paul, of Elizabsthtown. Contin 66 on page 4. York, spent Xmas at the home of 'Child Jesus’, Gevaert; (b) “A Joy- day afternoon January 31. = : [Mrs. Siegrist’s parents, Mr. and ful Christmas Song”, Gevaert. yr M : ? a AYE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Can - HAS SEVERAL VERY | Mrs. A. B. Cling. Hymn, “J to the World”, Con- Are Picking Oranges fore Ni Ses Carson en FINE AND RARE MOUNTS | = . Si : tertained the following guests to & | Miss Helena Haines, of Harris- | gregation. Some time ago Mr. Christian dinner in honor of Mr. and = Mrs. er ow {burg spent last week here visiting { Chorus: Three Bohemian Carols, Leese, south of town and Mr, Wil- Carson Engle, of Saginaw Mich . { Mr. Abner Weaver, of Newtown, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank | (a) “Hail, Al, Hail the Glorious liam College, north of town went I» OL RE : Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Engle, Mr who is quite a hunter, has added Schroll on Mt. Joy Street. Morn”; (b) “Lye els and the to Florida. They are now in the|, ng i 5 = : 2 3 Ea and Mrs. Carson Engle, Mich., three fine specimen to his collection| Misses Gladys Rote, Elsie Domel, Shepherds”; ‘Let All Men Sing sunny south and both have secured Charles Engle, Leroy Engle, Hap of mounts. While on a hunting trip | Miriam Pfenninger, Elvern Rote, of | God’s Praises”. employment. picking oranges is = Martha Engle Hilda to Potter county last Fall he shot a Lancaster, spent the Christmas holi- Hymn, “Hark, the Herald Angels former young man’s father, Ae ne Engle Hester Engle 5 Harsh hawk. Recently while gun- days with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sing”, Congregation Christian Sr., received a box| wed on he five.) > # ning for rabbits on the Enos Gibble | Fenstermacher. Chorus: (a) “Lo, How Rose”, of fine oranges from his son this | ee farm in East Donegal, he shot a Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stoll -and | Michael Practorius: :b) “A Child is week. i Shearer Quite Hi Snow Owl, one of the rarest birds! Mary E. Coox, of Bethlehem; Mrs. | Born—‘Noel’ » GW. Chadwick}} a boat who resides ever heard of in this section. This J. A. MacNicholl and children, of (¢) “While By My Sheep”, Jungst. | Fircmen's Annual Event Mill, about four miles spent Christ- and Mrs. J. Merchantville, N. J., mas week-end with Mr. H. Stoll. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gin strayed from home. The owl meas- ared five feet from tip to tip of its grich and birthday on Friday, by her friends, { wings. In addition Mr. Weaver had |daughters, Alta and Emily, Cleon who sent her many useful gifts. |a fine pheasant or ruffed grouse |Shaeffer and Jeanne Brandt spent She takes this means of kindly | mounted. The birds were on exhi-|Thursday at Lancaster as the thanking all the participants. bition in the window of the Bulletin {guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meyre Bil GR office for several days. They were Miss Alta Gingrich. Next Community Sale mounted by our extensive local taxi- Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Sprout of The Community Sales Company |dermist, Mr. N. J. Harmon, on |Maytown, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Sprout and Elam Groff, of Florin, Mr. Elmer Groff, of Manheim, Miss Nora Eby, of Sharps Corner, and Miss Elizabeth Seiders spent Xmas ee A A Arn His Car Skidded Mr. William Weidman, of Florin, Sale starts at 12:30 P. M. was driving east on Main street {day at the home of Mr." Frank Ss vest anes Sli Saturday. At New Haven street | Sprout. % Saw a Robin, Today he turned south but his car skid-| Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gingrich, oe John Wharvell, on West Don- {ded on the icy street and only {Mr. and Mss. Nelson Gin'ich and son, Sherw—d, of East Foe “burg Mr. Abner Mi- FL, Little and Mar. ee ™ * = JU Over the Week End While Leroy Ellis was on his way | to the Mount Joy Boro water works | H EB. | ount Joy Bulletin 1924 A PROSPEROUS Premiving Lied for Mt. Joy Show IT WILL BE HELD IN THE MAR- KET HOUSE HERE JANU!ARY 16 AND 17—COMPETENT JUDGES WILL BE MRS. JACOB GELTMACHER FRACTURED HER LIMB Mrs. Jacob R. Geltmacher, on Fast Donegal street, broke her left leg about four inches above the ankle, on Thursday evening while returning from a community Christmas cele- bration. She slipped on the ice, and in addition to the broken bone, se- HERE verely strained a ligament in the — same leg. The premium list for the Lancas-| The accident occurred about 9:80 ter County Corn and Tobacco o'clock. Mrs. Geltmacher was ac- to be held in the Market House here January 16 and 17, has just been issued. The show will be given un- der the directions of the Lancaster County Farm Bureau and the aus- companied by her husband and their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Way, to whose home they were going. She was given treatment by Dr. dices of the First National Bank of | William Workman. An X-ray pic- this place. ture of the leg was taken by Dr. The News Jounral offers a silver! Robert Swab, Lancaster. She will loving cup for the best exhibit of be confined to bed for some time filler tobacco; the Union National|owing to the mishap. Mt. Joy Bank a similar cup for the! best 10 ears of corn; the cup for | of Golden] Queen corn in the Lancaster-York| . . inter-county competition is offered] J d Ww dl k by the New Era. ome mn € oC There are seven classes in the | corn exhibit, consisting of 10-ear "NUMBER OF VERY WELL KNOWN exhibit in Yellow Dent, White Cap] YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED the best 10-ear exhibit | Young Folks Are ! Yellow Dent and Lancaster County | IN THE HOLY BONDS OF Sure Crop; similar classes for 30-| MATRIMONY ear exhibits of the above varieties; {and a class for the best single ear| Miss Alice Hess of Manor and of corn, the White Dent variety be-! | ing included in this latter class with (Turn to page four) Edwin Henry Myers, of Marietta, were married Christmas day. a or hr 50 a Year in Advance N EW YEAR Road We Must All | Travel Sometime MANY WELL KONWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Cecelia, widow of John D. died at Columbia, Christmas morm= ing, aged 67 years. » Miss Anna Beates Miss Anna Beates died at hex home, Elizabethtown, on Thursday, aged 72 years. She is survived by one brother, Edward, with whom she resided. Funeral services were held from her late home Sunday with burial, privately, in Woodward Hill cemetery, Lancaster. Miss Sara Blough Miss Sarah Blough died in the County Hospital, Wednesday after noon, aged 74 years. She is sur-- vived by one brother, David Blough, of Elizabethtown, Funeral services: were held on Satoprday from the home of her brother at Elizabeth- 2 town, and burial was in Hecrucise = town cemetery. Elizabeth H. Albright Miss Elizabeth H. Albright, aged 85 years, former resident of West Hempfield township, died at the Methodist Home, Washingtom, a Hymn, “O Little Town of Beth-{ Ths local Friendshi wn ally ill at this lehem’, Congregatin. vy a1 s frier She ring from the Benediction. u 1 3 = luncheon : Ir ic stroke which = en 7 ail, rriday evening January |,,.rcame her recently. Resigned Her Position An orchestra will furnish the a Topo Miss Hattie Stauifer, one of the music. Won a Canasy linotype operators at the Bulletin = Webster Gibble won ile cang office, today. She has en- Good Play at Milton Grove bird Fives . I. ry . 3 bird given away at Dr. E. W. Gan rolled as a student at the Lancaster Don’t forget the Miiton Grove ber’s Drug. Store, as a Christmas biped i + Hio 3 av “Th ag ve, ATi > * A Susines College, starting next Mon- g Bis Bag Mn J gift because he was the best guess ay. n. na S——— | fun and a bit of Ar His Pet Cat Died ir y L 10t sentimental. 3 < Molly, the pet cat belonging tol i A Destructive Fine Wm. Hollowbush, Esqn, died of | Operated on Yesterday had a $200,000 firg heart trouble, Tuesday morning,| Mr. John Dietz, one of our local {Monday when the Aldine theatre aged about 10 years and was buried |electr 5, was operated on at|3nd several adjoining buildings Tuesday evening at sunset under |” Hospital, Lancaster | burned. . 3 the old pear tree. Mr. Followbush gall stones. 3 2 ore has the svmpathy of the cémmunity. — al - Se Yisipd tw the oy 5 meee iy a About the Afi\cted a > A > "was an = Se x B. W. Brown, cf _ Any Soy is quite..ill + =