WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24th, 1024 PAGE SIX ing THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. MICKIE, THE PRINTER'S DEVIL i Suge Such Is Life | = =) THE AND WHEW \ GROW STAM HERE! WHEN | LIED HERE, NOW \ AM | ; OP, WiLL MA GWE | || LIVING CONOMONS | WORKED WARD YO GEY WORKANG HARDER I= \ i Win gert & Haas { TA Hat Store | ME A JOB IW VER | [| ARE BETTER AWD ENOLGH MONEM “TO YO ACCUMULATE THERE (S Psu MOVE YO NEW MORK ENOUGH YO OF MOVE BACK FOR “WHE FEWOW WHO LOOKS ABOLY \ (A11V Largest Line of Fall and Winter J HATS Caps and Gloves In the City Plain Hats A Specialty JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. 144 N. Queen Lancaster, Pa, {BRUSH CLOTHES AND FUR The Constitution | WELL WHEN TAKING OUT OF STORAGE ATwaA’ R In Our D aily Life Clothes that are to be placed in Kg ‘cold storage should first be thor- ARTICLE WRITTEN EXPRESSLY oughly brushed, sunned, and beat- FOR THE MOUNT JOY BULLE. | en to dislodge any possible moth TIN BY MR. H. FRANK eggs or larvae that may have R A D O ESHLEMAN | found a resting place in them, and clothes that are taken out of stor- A bran new question was argued age in the fall should receive simi- xan, pethap Sure fa before the Supreme Court a few lar care in case any larvae have yp Ye - . . iy; s : . creases as complication ace olimi. days ago. Grossman, a Chicago survived their enforced hibernation nated. That is why ATwarer Kent Radio is winning more and more saloon keeper was found guilty of under refrigeration, The Bureau bootlegging and as part of his of Entomology has carried on in- friends each day. Itis beautifully punishment his saloon was closed vestigations in the value of cold simple. and the Court ordered that he storage as a control for various With this simplicity ne Wore should not engage in selling bever- stored product pests, to obtain da- derful volume, tone ality, dis- ages for one year. ta regarding the time and tempera- tance, selectivity and eade of opera- But he went right buck inte bush, ture ‘combinations necessary for tion—results that will givg you a new | ness and sold unlawful liquors the destruction of insects. Data | conception of radio ormance. jagain. So the Court brought him have been secured on the effect of I before it and held him in contempt, various temperatures upon common and fined him $1000 and seritenced | pests of grain, cereal foods, flour, him to a vear in jail. Now in go-| beans, peas, tobacco and fabric ing right back into his palce after | pests such as clothes moths and | it was decreed he should not sell | carpet beetles. Important varia- Our CHRISTMAS \. CLUB Soden cs ado any beverage for a year, he tions have been found in the re- A . THINK OF lated the Volstead Act because he | sistance of these pests to cold. 18 now open for membership WHAT ve sold prohibited liquors, while in; In the case of the common | % BACK OF selling a beverage at all when or-| clothes moth, a temperature range | 1 1 ore dered not to do so he defied the | of from 40 degrees to 45 degrees | Deposit a little money every week Court. { F. maintained for a storage period | for a Merry Christmas next year He was sent to jail and was of over six weeks is generally suf-! 3 Pe So i” serving his sentence, but finally | ficient to kill the eggs which may | B got the matter before the president |be on the fabrics or furs when | who pardoned him from serving the | stored. At 20 degrees to 25 de- | year; so he paid the $1000 fine and | grees F. and at 25 degrees to 30! was let out. The Court then hear- | degrees F. clothes moths eggs are | ing that he was out declared | all killed in about three week In- | president had no power to pardon | crease in temperature up to 40 de- | a sentence given for contempt of grees F. inereasss the time for | Court, and had him put back into !killing the eggs. The older, well- | jail again. Then he got a writ of | grown larvae, however, are very { habeas corpus on the ground resistant. When subjected to an | { that he was illegally in jail and the | even temperature of 20 degrees to | We invite you. to join The First National Bank Mount Joy, Pa. Atwater Kent Receiving Sets and Loud Speakers. You will} be im- mediately impressed by thei and fine workmanship — A those already acquainted with the line, we have something ni Atwater KENT Receiving Ww you. E. B. ROHRER'S GAR Mount Joy, Pa. Come in and see our $tock of | | matter was argued in the Supreme | 25 degrees F. these well-grown | EA Nar Loy 1 Court. | larvae were killed in 67 days, but | 3 fe ED AS Shey | The Constitution provides that those held at temperatures ranging | SEIS | the president “shall have power to from 30 degrees to 40 degrees F. | grant pardons for cffenses against were still alive after over fetes \ no ATA TX ET EAT ETI TI ATIT EET ETE RE the United States.” On his sile months. When the temperature) RSE OER REESE RRA EV it was argued that the Constitution flunctuated from 24 degrees to 48 bY 3 ; 3 gave the president power to pardon; | degrees F. but was mostly about | 4 ~ i . but on the other side it was ar-{40 degrees F. well-grown larvae d g S fl l OMotve Mas, guad that the president cannot par-| withstood refrigeration for from 6 Helpful suggégtions for the Autoist Chrismas. We have quite a display of%novelties for the automobile and until Christmas we are a good many articles to reach the don from a sentence for contempt to 14 months. Afterwards when buyer’s purse + RAR ed i - & of Court, but only for offenses! placed in a sufficiently high tem- against the United States, as the | perature for feeding, these larvae Constitution says, while here he was became normal and resumed activ-! pardoning for an offense against the | ity just as if their life had mot | Court, and that if the Courts did been interrupted by a long period | | not have power to enforce their | in cold storage, \NEWCOMER’S AS > Below are a few: 30x3% U. S. Royal Cordsy ei URE ED NE $12.85 ; decrees without the power of the|{ It is not surprising, therefore, | S 31x4 U. S. Royal Cords . $17.95 president interfering, the president that living robust insects are oc-| 32x4 U. S. Royal Cords .. x ala tele tw Win ata ne wine Ye $19.75 could destroy the Courts, by des- | casionally found in articles several % 88x4 3. 'S. Roval Cords... $20.25 3 troying their degrees. | days after removal from a long | 84x41). S Royal Cords ....%. + $21.00 | It was replied in favor of the period in cold storage. This dis. ! 32%4%% 11. 8. Royal Cords ... NN... ccs $24.95 > | president’s pardon that the man |covery is in no way a reflection on | 38x43 B.S Royal Cords .... $25.45 back into the business of sell- | the storage firm, which has dona! 30x31 Royal Tubes, $3.00 value X............ 2 for $4.76 0 ing liquors and selling illegal stuff, [its part. If the patrons take the! 30x3% Grey Tubes, $2.00 value 2 for $3.46 he was breaking the law and com- | precautions suggested above, of 1 All other sizes in Royal and G Tubes reduced. mitting an offense against the Uni-|brushing and sunning garments 30x3% Nomad Cords, oversize $ 9.90 Y | ted States as well as defying the! both before they go into storage 82x4 « Nomad Cords, oversize ....... $15.70 | Judge of the Court; and in such | and immediately after they are] Parking Lights from . 95¢ to $3.00 a case the president had power. removed, this trouble will be large- $1.25 4X | The point now put up to the Su-|ly eliminated. VEX Mirrors, $2.00 value Others up to $2.50. Klazon Horns, list .............. $4.95, $1000 and $15.00 109% Reduction Until Christmas Batteries, a good suggestion for cold weather. X | preme Court to decide is, whether | % in the case of a criminal contempt, TRUMPETER SWANS NOW | which is at the same time the com- | CIVEN PROTECTION IN U. S. | mitting of a crime as well as al Trumpeter swans and whooping | 1923 ROADSTER WITH SLIP ON BODY, GOOD FRAT Agents for Philco, Diamond Grid and Exid tteries { contempt, a court can sentence for | cranes have been completely expect- | % el ale god at For Winter ot) its. | contempt or. is the person entitled ed from the migratory birds which | $2 CONDITION $10 Fyrac Spot Light for windshield $3.75; Ne | to a before Court and | may be taken under Federal ver % Be prepared for ice and snow. McKay Chains at Moder- | Jury. e decision we shall learn| mits for scientific purposes. By! Gy ate prices to fit all tires. \ later. | 2etion of the Acting Secretary of | 1921 SEDAN, OCD CONDITION i H. Frank Eshleman. | Agriculture on November 12, 1924, 1 A RE 'S R og 2 SE hd |S a recommendation of the O AM CARAGE A A DE Cont yes) Soh nmi sisi i) AL CONDITION, SLIP ON BODY | 5 OF FEEDING MOLDY CORN | were included with whooping cran 8, | i JOHN B. TRYON, Prcprietor. —— | which were similarly protected a IC : Warning against the danger of | the department in 1922. Neither | . 3 feeding moldy corn to livestock is | of these two species may be taken 4 TOURINGS WITH STAR RS, AT A VERY ‘given by the Pennsylvania Bureau | if the United States for any pur- of Animal Industry. One feeding POSe. Complete protection is also of moldy corn may be sufficient to | afforded both species in Canada. 2 2 ~ a a ry ; 5 : ; poison an entire stable of animals Under the provisions of the CLA RENCE SC (016). @ [fais a to. ‘the Siate animals | Un with Great Britain for the : 5 ~ “MOUNT JOY. PA: ant 7 They say further that forage poison. Protection of migratory birds, cer- at Be ing and intestinal disorders will tain birds, including swans, are giv- likely occur following the feeding! continuous protection through a 2 R & LOW PRICE \ Q Q Q Q of moldy food. Although horses Closed season for a period of “8 Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 4—1923 TOURINGS ALL IN GOOD CONDITION, PRICED TO MOVE QUIEK : 1923 TON TRUCK, GOGD CONDITION, HAS BEEN RECONDITIONED 1923 CHEVROLET ROADSTER, BEST\OF CONDITION \ 1920 SEDAN, CORD TIRES LIKE NEW and mules seem most susceptible, | least 10 years following the going all farm animals are subject to | into effect of tha treaty. Provision these diseases. Affected animals| Was also made in the treaty where- show symptoms of poisoning, will | PY all protected species should be gVICE, rtagger about, and may finally die, | taken under proper permit for ) oy I In case such symptoms develop, | Strictly scientific purposes. Ee UMBER -COAL state officials advise getting in touch So far as known there are but with the local veterinarian as soon |VeTY few trumpeter swans in exis- as possible. fre and it was deemed advisable, h in. order to prevent the complete Cheese Factories | extermination of the species, to af- A recent survey by the United | them absolute protection by | States Department of Agriculture | th sm from the list of | shows that 70 per cent of all co. | Migratory birds that may be taken J operative chesse factories in tins | under scientific permits, as was pre- i viously done with the whooping H. S. NEWCOMER & SC wg i United States are in Wisconsin, CLOTHING i {that 60 per cent of farmers be. | For all occasions, direct from the manufacturer to you at {longing to such enterprises are lo. —_—— : a big saving in price. cated in that State, and that 70 Horses Need Exercises i PLAIN CLOTHING A SPECIAL TY per cent of the business handled Horses need air and action. With 10 UN 3 Y, PA, We also handle a full line of Men’s Furnishings. in 1923 by cooperative assoeiations the approach of cold weather they : ill k healthi i S. HESS HERSHEY by Wisconsin. "| xercised every day by driving or Bell Phone 92W LANDISVILLE, PA. Ee by being allowed to run in the | : & 1922 ROADSTER, GOOD RUBBER AND MECHAN- QS J + + 4 NS nS AS a ND nS + + Subseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin | Y2Td © Pasture. } MRR OO