VOLUME XXIV NO. 27 ‘T'he Mount Joy Bulletin Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, December 5, 1924 $1.50 a Year in Advance If You Want a Big Business Over Christmas, Use These Advertising Columns-=Just Try It Auto Accidents During Past Week FORD SEDAN DAMAGED PAST REPAIR WHEN JAMMED A. GAINST TELEPHONE POLE BY ANOTHER CAR There were the usual number of automobile mishaps thruout this com- munity and fortune again smiled on as no one was ser- ioysl$ injured. - Trolley Mashes Car An" automobile driven by Miss Irene Lupold, of East Petersburg, stalled on the trolley , tracks about one mile west of Hellam Saturday night and was wrecked when the #& motorman of the approaching trolley failed to see the machine. The machine skidded on the slip- pery roadbed, spun around several times and landed on the track. Miss Lupold and Albert Einolf, of Lan- caster, returning with her from the Army and Navy football game at Baltimore, went to the top of a hill to signal the trolley but too late to avoid the collision. No one was injured. The machine was without passengers when the smash-up occurred. Car Badly Wrecked Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sprout, of Maytown, were driving east on Main street in a Ford sedan Sunday even- ing. Mr. Sprout signaled and then turned north on Jacob street. Miss Pauline Aston and her father were also traveling east in a Maxwell coupe and attempted to pass Mr. Sprout’s Ford at the street crossing. Miss Aston’s car struck the Ford on the side, carried it across the street and mashed it against a telephone pole in front of the residence of Mr. B. W. Brown. Mrs. Sprout was cut about the head and arms. Miss Aston was cut in the face. The other occupants escaped uninjured. The Ford was "damaged beyond re- amr | but Ghose Maxwell was oniy slightly damaged. ‘the Maxwell was taken to Rohrer’s and the Ford to Ream’s garage. nee tl CUI MRS. PAUL QUICKLE i ENTERTAINED HER CLASS garage The Good Samaritan Sunday School Class of the local United Brethren church was entertained at x party Friday evening by the teach- er, Mrs. Paul Quickle, at her home Florin. Games were played, refresh- nrenits were served and story telling and music were the entertainment provided for the class. Every one present had an enjoyable time. Those present were: Anna Biemes- derfer, Rhoda Shank, Myrtle Kuhns, Mary Peoples, Mary Strickler, Wit- mer Shank, Warren Givens, Walter Kuhns, Clayton Sprecher, Clarence Bleyer, Merl Hoffer, Witmer Eberle, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Quickle. eee enti Gere Presbyterian Church Election The annual congregational meet- ing of the Presbyterian Church was held Monday evening for the election of trustees and one elder, which resulted as follows: Mr. Norman E. Garber and Dr. James Ziegler, trustees, for three years, and Mr. H. S. Newcomer was re-elected eld- er for three years. etl Not Many Were Present Only a small audience greeted Miss Mayo in Mount Joy Hall Mon- day evening, to witness her produc- tion, “The Fool.” In addition the High School orchestra rendered sev- eral excellent numbers. The pro- ceeds were for the benefit of the Aloka, our High School annual — > Shot an 8-Point Buck Word was received here Monday that Henry Meckley, of near town, who accompanied three others to Perry county on a hunting trip, sh¢f an 8-point buck that weighed 178% pouiids. Mr. Meckley shot the deft after being in the woods but a few nours. OE His Ford Kicked John L. Schroll, resides on Mount Joy street, ‘Broke his right arm on morning while trying to crank of machine. He was attended by Of. A. F. Snyder. An x-ray was t Be n and the bones are fractured "fe the wrist. J MANY OF OUR HUNTERS ARE NOW IN THE MOUNTAINS Monday was the opening of the deer season and it was the first season’s opening with ideal condi- tions in years. We had a good snow The season rabbits just fine for tracking. for all small game but closed Saturday. Messrs. Henry Meckley, Daniel Schroll, Levi G. Dillinger and Geo. Groff left Sunday for New German- town, Perry county., where they are hunting deer this week. Messrs, Ed. Ream, C. N. Mumma and George Mumper left last Friday for Camp Ream, Perry Co., where they are spending some time hunt- ing. Other members of the camp will join them this week. Mr. Harry Williams Jr., of this place, succeeded in bagging a wild turkey while hunting in the moun- tains last week. RURAL RESIDENTS WANT BETTER TELEPHONE SERVICE | A meeting of residents of the rural districts around Elizabethtown and Mount Joy was held on Tues- day evening at the home of Leah- man Zeager, of Conewago, to make a petition for better telephone ser- vice in that part of the county. | Leahman Zeager was elected presi-| dent of the association that was formed at the meeting and B. Frank Shank, of Rheems, was elected sec- retary. A merger of the Bell and Penn fall Sunday night and next day was| State system in the Elizabethtown- Mount Joy section was affected on; November 1, with single exchanges | in the two towns. The association will try to secure better service by | making a study of the conditions in | the homes of the subscribers and in! telephone exchanges. Another meeting will be held in several | weeks and it is planned to have! more definite data by January. the Dec. Meeting of Borough Council CONSIDERING THE PURCHASE | OF A TRUCK—PRESENTED | PLANS FOR THE OPEN- ING OF NEW STREET —OTHER MATTERS sit a | Mount Joy Boro Council met in| regular session Monday evening with | all the members and Burgess Bach-| man present. In the absence of Clerk Zeller, Councilman Geo. B. Zeller served. The report of the external in- spection of the boiler at the pump- ing station was received. It showed that the boiler was in good condi- tion. Friendship Fire Company invited Boro Council to attend the annual buffet luncheon in Mount Joy Hall on the evening of January 2. The invitation was accepted. Mr. Samucl Eshleman, of the Street Committee, reported a leak in the waler main on East Main street repaired and ashes hauled half a day during the month. Burgess Bachman reported col- lections to the amount of $27.00 during November, same being fines for violating the speed laws in the boro. Mr. S. H. Miller reported a nuisance in the alley in the rear of the property of Mrs. Elsie Stark on Mount Joy street. She will be giv- en a notice to remove same within twenty-four hours. Mr. E. W. Garber reported that property owners along Main street are indebted to the Boro to the amount of about $3,000.00 for con- crete work done and that same should be collected between now and January 1. Mr. Geo. Zeller reported that the pumping engineer is in need of coal and a few minor repairs made a- bout the water works. Mr. Ross Eshleman reported the approval of all the bills. Mr. S. H. Miller reported a new light placed on New Haven street. In reference to the short arms on light poles he said that the Edison Company’s supervisor claims that the only way in which the lights could be put over the center of the streets was to place an addition- al pole opposite each present pole CS: and suspend the light from wires. Mr. Barto stated that the ordin- | She was Annual Teachers’ Institute Dec. 6 AN ALL DAY SESSION WILL BE HELD IN THE MOUNT JOY HIGH SCHOOL NEXT SATURDAY The annual session of the teach- ers’ local institute will be held in the High school here on Saturday, Dec. 6 with morning and afternoon sessions. The following excellent program has been arranged: At 9:30 A. M. Musie, Institute. Devotional Exer- cises, Rev. Martin; Discussion, Opened by Miss Anna Schwenk, Mount Joy Township; Education for Complete Living Includes: The Edu- cation of the Head; The Education of the Heart; and the Education of the Hand; Open Discussion. Music; Recitation, Caroline Shatz, Mount Joy High School; Round Table: For Discussion of Questions Pro- posed by Memberg of the Institute; Business Session. At 1:30 P. M. Music: Girls’ Chorus, Elizabeth- town H. S,; Primary Reading, Miss May Gross, Demonstration Class, E’town Pupils; Solo, Prof. 'T. H. Ebersole. Address, Dr. H. K. Ober, President Elizabethtown College; A PURE WHITE SQUIRREL SHOT IN PERRY COUNTY The albino squirrel that was on exhibition in the window of a hard- ware store at Lancaster, is about to join an unusual group of pure white animals and birds that adorn the State Museum at Harrisburg. The squirrel is a perfect type ‘of albino, being pure white with pink eyes and greatly resembles an er- mine, although it has coarser fur. The animal was killed near Landis- burg, Perry county. It belongs to the grey squirrel family and its color is the result of lack of pig- ment. The advent of the white squirrel at the State Museum will complete an albino quartette, the other mem- bers being a white crow, a white robin and a white racoon, which have been secured by Dr. Boyd P. Rothrock, State curator. A golden eagle, also taken in Perry county, is another unusual specimen has has recently been add- ed to the State collection. Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND Adjournment. The Officers The officers of the institute irs) as follows: Prof. Grover C. Bair, | President; Mr. Simon B. Landis, | Vice President; Miss Clara Bolster, | Secretary; Miss Edna Martin, Trea- surer. Program €Committee | The committee in charge of the | program for this institute is ap- | pended: Mp. Irvin Reist, Elizabeth- | town; Miss Katharine McCulloch, | of this place. Miss Mary Strickler, | Mt. Joy township; Miss Grace Ober, | West Donegal township; Prof. | Grover C. Bair, of this boro. All teachers, directors and friends of education are urged to attend. Each teacher is asked to bring one question for the Round Table dis- | cussion, Open discussion will fol- | low each topic. eB MRS. WALTER SMITH WAS { DRAGGED BY RUNAWAY | Mrs. Walter Smith, living on a i form in Conoy township, met with! | a serious accident when a pair of | horses she was driving, ran away, | dragging her a considerable distance. |_ taken to the Harrisburg$ hospital for treatment after receiv-| ing aid from Dr. Stiever. She has! a broken leg and arm and body | bruises. She may be hurt internally. | Erecting New Building Mr. Jacob G. Brown has the car-| penters busy on his spacious new | building. The frame work is now | completed te the first square and! the men are rushing the work as! much as possible. The first floor has a drive way on the west side the entire length of the building while | the remaining room will be occupied | by a store room, restaurant and | pool room. The second will be al basket ball floor and a stage. The building will be very modern when | completed. AQ Arr Season Opens Friday The High School will pry the lid off the basket ball season here F'ri- day evening, December 5. Marietta High will oppose the local varsity team. There will be a preliminary game at 7:30 between the Marietta High Reserves and the Mount Joy High Reserves. The admission will be 15 and 25 cents. A Ar A Hunter's Luck Dr. W. 8S. Ridgway, of Coates- ville, bought a hunder’s license for $1.15, a gun for $60 and a dog for $10. He went hunting Thursday, was arrested and fined $10 for trespassing, lost his wallet contain- ing nearly $60 and the only game he saw all day was a ringneck pheasant, and these are protected. rt A A Real Good Buy I have a frame double house on Main street, one side has all con- veniences, that I will sell reasonable for a snappy sale. A big lot and good stable. If you are interested phone me at once. Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. dec. 3-tf Bh — A Special Program The Elm Tree school, Rapho town- ip, is preparing a program which will be rendered during the Christ- mas Seasoi. Carload of Oranges C. S. Frank & Bro. will receive next week carload of Flor Oranges which they will sel} i SS and\ ret ga Watch I] daughter, | Haire { Fenstermacher spent GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mr. John Shelly of Wilmington, Del., was the guest of his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schock and daughter, of Beaver, spent a few days in town. Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell, of Eli- zabethtown, visited relatives in town one day last week. Miss Ethel Shank, a nurse at the | | { | i | i { ‘General Hospital, spent Sunday in| town with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lloyd Jones and children, of Washington, D. are spending some time here. Mr. and Mrs. Gainor and of Elizabethtown, spent Thanksgiving Day with Mrs. Emma Ellis. Mrs. Landis Adaline Hamalker ZT. Hamaler, oT Wilmingten, Delaware, are guests of Aaron H. Engle. Miss Dorothy Lauer and Robert Lauer, of Harrisburg, from Thursday to Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Zerphy and son, Lloyd, of Carlisle, visited their parents and friends in town on Thanksgiving. Mr. Harry E. Getz, the well known clothier of Kutztown, spent Thanks- giving Day here as the guest of his brother, Mr. Paul E. Getz. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fenstermacher and son, Clyde Jr., and Elizabeth Thanksgiving Rote, at spent Day with Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster. Mrs. Samuel Mrs. Cyrus Geib, Joy, and Mrs. A. Perry County, visited in the of Mr. and Mrs. John Geib. Mr. and Mrs. Nissly Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nissly attended the Charity Ball at the Steven's House, Lancaster, on Thanksgiving Brandt, Mr. and from near Mt. S. George, of home | eve. The following students were home for Thanksgiving vacation: Misses Virginia Newcomer, of Goucher Col- lege; Dorothy Schock and Ruth Kraybill, of Millersville Normal School; Jean Thome and Margaret Krall, of Temple University; Bar- bara Rollman, of Columbia Univer- sity; Esther Brubaker, Dickinson College; Mary Moyer, Hood College; Dorothy Longenecker, Lebanon Val- ley College; Martha Lindemuth, of State College; Lillian Olweiler, of West Chester Normal School, and Messrs. John Rollman, of George Prep. School; Leroy Herman, of West Chester Normal School; Char- les Eby and Howard Lindemuth, of State College. unset ff cement OBSERVED FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ON THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Musser ob- served their fifth wedding anniver- sary by entertaining some guests at dinner on Thanksgiving, at their home on Poplar street in this place. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Meisenberger and son, John Jr, and daughter, Mary; Misses Myrtle and Frances Grissing- er; Ralph Clopper, Mrs. Young and daughter, Thelma, and son, Vernon Eugene, all from this place; Anna Long, of Landisville; Clara Bender, of Lancaster; Norman Hutchinson, Elizabethtown College and Mrs. Martha Musser, of Florin. Music and games were played in the even- ing. ii coma A ins A lavg heatre at Hagerstow ling a loss ¢ and son, | | Mrs. School Board in Monthly Session OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE ENSUING YEAR—PRESIDENT CHANDLER APPOINTS THE STANDING COMMIT- TEES The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was held on Mon- day evening, with all members pre- sent, when the regular routine of business was transacted. The Chritmas vacation was dis- cussed and finally decided. The schools will close on Tuesday, Dec. 23rd and open on Wednesday, Dec. 31. This being the night of the ori- ginal board’s new year, they orga- nized by electing these officers: W. D. Chandler, president; Jos. T. M. Breneman, vice president; Thos. J. Brown, treasurer; Dr. E. W. New- comer, secretary. The President appointed the fol- lowing committees: Emergency com- mittee: Jos. T. M. Breneman, Thos. J. Brown and Clyde Gerberich; Re- pair committee: Clyde Gerberich, Thos. J. Brown and Jos. T. M. Breneman; Supply committee: Dr. E. W. Newcomer, Dr. W. D. Chand- ler and Jos. T. M. Breneman. Fi- nance committee: Thos. J. Brown, Dr. E. W. Newcomer, and Dr. W. D. Chandler. The first named on each committee is chairman of that committee. Bills were adjourned. paid and the Board etl Beem MR. AND MRS. G. GERBEICH GAVE SUCCESSFUL PARTY A very attractive “Bridge” party | was given Saturday afternoon by Grant Gerberich at her home on West Main street in this place. The guest list included: Mrs. Jos. Clyde Gerberich, Mrs. Henry Carpenter and Mrs. Raymond Gilbert, of this boro; Mrs. Norman Bair, of Salunga; Miss Lina Hart- fell, of Carlisle; Mrs. J. Nissley,| Mrs. Roy Nissley, of Florin; Mrs. Harold Landis, of Palmyra; Mrs.' John Swanger, of Florin; Mrs. Leo-' Charles, Mrs. | nard Scheutz, Mrs. A_ R. Hoffman, Master | | Mrs. D. M. Wallace, Mrs. John Croll, | Jr., Mrs. Leroy Baumbach, Mrs. C.!| B. Whitman, Mrs. R. W. Stickell,! Mrs. A. B. Cressler, Mrs. 0. H.! Swartz, Mrs. B. F. Aumiller, Misses Ruth McNair, Ethel Metzger, Lu-| ella, Anna and Evelyn Berry, Ver- ona Keiper, Mary Foltz and Mary Peters and Mrs. Edw. Marx, of Mid- dletown. enn eee NEW FIRE APPARATUS FOR BAINBRIDGE READY SOON The new chemical engine and apparatus is expected to arrive next week and a public demonsra- tion will be held. The ladies aux- iliary to the fire company are ar- ranging for a number of events which will add to the receipts of the treasury. The membership in both organizations is increasing weekly. At the last meeting, the Old Maids’ Club presented the Fire company with a check for $1102.71. “Let's Go,” is the mame of the play to be given by home talent on Thursday evening, December 4, in the band hall, under the supervis- ion of H. M. Birch. There will be twenty-five in the cast and an or- chestra of twelve pieces. For months, the rehearsals have been going on and the proceeds are for the new fire engine. rere QQ THE USHER’S LEAGUE MET AT FRANK MUSSER’S HOME The usher’s league of the Uni- ted Brethren church held their monthly business meeting at the home of Mr. Frank Musser, Tues- day evening. A fine program was rendered, of which A. Campbell had charge. Those having part were: Jno. Booth, Morris Gainer, Rev. Kiefer and the male quartet. Two new members were received. After the regular business, a very plea- sant social feature was had. The meeting for January will be held at the home of Mr. Earl Myers. Those present were: A. Campbell chief usher, Rev. Kiefer, Jno. Booth, Wm. Weldon, Morris Gainer, Christ Young, Arthur Braun, Philip Grein- er, H. E. Hauer, Clayton Sprecher, Norman Sprecher, Witmer Eberle, Chas. Carson, Harry Biemesderfer, Ellis Fellenbaum, Raymond Nissly, L. L. Charles, E. W. Bentzel, A N. Stauffer, Walter Greiner, Al Mumma, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Myers and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Musser. EE —————————r Miss Anna Biffart was run down by a motorist on the Lincoln High- way near Mountville. Her skull was fractured and a leg bmoken. ~The MR. AND MRS. HERMAN GEIB ENTERTAIN THANKSGIVING DAY Mr. and Mrs. Herman Geib, of near Union Square, served a Thanks- giving dinner in honor of their daughter, Elsie, who was recently married to Omar Hostetter. The following were the guests: Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Geib, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Geib, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greiner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. David Heisey, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Souders, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hackman, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Greiner, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Shaef- fer, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moyer, Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Brubaker, Mrs. Fannie Souders, Mr. and Mrs. Elam Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Garman, Jennie Hostetter, Ruth Heisey, Anna Spickler, Martha Hostetter, Kathryn Rettew, Dora Smith, Sadie Greiner, Helen Miller, Margaret Stauffer, Mildred Souders, Anna Kathryn, Barbara and Ruth Geib; Anna Ruth and Sara Jane Hostetter, Violet and Ellen Hackman, Emma Ruth and El- len May Geib, Isaae Clinton, Jacob and Elam Geib, Earl, Rufus and Francis Ray Hostetter, Ralph and Jacob Souders, Lester, Robert and Jennie Greiner, Hershey and Willis Geib. GENERAL NIGHT NURSES HIKE TO THIS PLACE The night nurses of the Lancaster General hospital hiked to this boro Monday. They started early in the imorning and reached their destina- tion around noon. They visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carson and Mr. and Mrs. D. PF. Gable. The following comprised the par- ty: Helen Miller, Clara Greenawalt, Ruth Engle, Eleanor Gable, Ethel Shank, Margaret Reese, Mary Suter, Evelyn Reingier and Orpha Hostet- ter. V Young Are Jomed in Wedlock NUMBER OF VERY WELL YOUNG FOLKS ARE IN THE HOLY BONDS OF Karl A. Simmons, of Marietta, and Miss Miriam E. Degler, of Lan- caster, were married last Tuesday | evening. Siller—Mateer George B. Siller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Siller, and Miss Frances E. Mateer, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Garber, of this place, were married at the parsonage of the Trinity United Evangelical church by the pastor, Rev. Ralph Bornman. The ring ceremony was used and the couple were unattend- ed. They will reside at the home of the bride for the present. Kolp—Shelly A. M. Kolp, of Salunga, and Miss Bertha D. Shelly, of Petersburg, were married at York last week. The ceremony was performed at the manse of the First Presbyterian church, by Rev. Dr. Walter J. Hogue. There were no attendants. After the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Kolp left for Salunga, where they will reside. Hendrix—Breneman Miss Gertrude Hendrix, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Hendrix, on Henry street, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Oscar Breneman, of Florin. The ceremony took place in the United Brethren church here Saturday at 4 P. M., by the pastor, Rev. Kiefer. They were attended (Continued on page five.) AG Anne Had Unusual! Success Many of our local men went hunt- ing on Thanksgiving day but none can boast of a “bag” as fine as these four men shot at Three Point Gap, Dauphin county: Charles Thom- as, Charles Z. Derr, Melvin Weaver and Philip Gibbons each shot a fine wild turkey, weighing from 5 pounds {o 9 pounds. All four of the men were in the same party. en QQ mr Visited Here Yesterday Dr. Howard G. tor of the Five Points and one of the leading druggists Columbia, circulated vn yes- terday. “Doe” was a former drug- gist here being at Dr. E. W. Gar- present location. ———— I —— Smoker, proprie- Pharmacy, at in t ver'’s Lady Fractures Arm Miss Mary Patterson, residing on South Market street, met with an accident while descending a flight of teps at her home. While on the {Ow step she fell, sustaining a fra®Qured arm. autoist not know ee Road We Must All Travel Sometime MANY WELL KONWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Mrs. Albert Doerrer died at Co- lumbia, aged 77 years. Elizabeth L. Burtner Miss Elizabeth L. Burtner, a for- mer resident of East Donegal, died at Muscatine, Iowa. She was aged 70 years and death was due to heart trouble. Mrs. Sarah A. Grove Mrs. Sarah A. Grove, widow of Amos Grove, died at her home in Marietta, on Saturday evening from the effects of a stroke. She had at- tended Chautauqua in the afternoon and did not complain until after her return. She is survived by the fol- lowing children: Miss Alfie V., of Marietta; Belle, wife of Monroe Engle, of Philadelphia; Harvey B., of Wilkinsburg; Annie, wife of Thomas Lynch, of New York, and Fannie, wife of Henry 8S. Rich, of Marietta. The funeral was held from her late home on Tuesday af- ternoon. Interment was made in the family plot in Marietta ceme- tery. Mrs. G. W. Goodling Word was received here of the death of Mrs. G. W. Goodling, of Landisburg, Perry county. She died at her home after a brief illness at the age of sixty-five, on Sunday. She lived the greater part of her life in Perry county, although she spent part of the past year at the home { her son, John C. Goodling, of Marietta. She is survived by nine children: John C., of Marietta; Har- vey T., of Altoona; of Schuylkill Haven; David, Lester and Walter, of Landisburg; Carrie, of Teresa, of Carlisle and Susan, of New Ger- mantown. The funeral services were held at her late home in LarmSourg last Wednesday morning. onburg; inuer Spri Mrs. Mary A. Miller lary Ann Henry H. Miller Miller, widow of Vest Marietta, died at her home on Thursday. She was 3 age and death was due to a complication of diseases. She is survived by these children: Mina, wife of Clayton Mumma, of York; Sarah, wife of Adam Sperla, Harrisburg; and Raymond E., at home. One granddaughter, Marian 3isking, who resided with her grand- mother, survives, as well as sixteen other grandchildren, 22 great-grand- children and one great great grand- child. Funeral services were held from her late home Sunday with Rev. Victor Steinberg, of the Re- formed church officiating, and burial was made in the Marietta cemetery. yf i Mrs. John E. Hershey Mrs. John E. Hershey died at her home in Rheems on Monday from pleura pneumonia, aged 55 vears. She was a member of the Brethren in Christ Church. De- ceased is survived by her husband and one daughter, Ruth, at home. Also the following brothers and sis- ters: Martin Musser, of Salunga; Jacob Musser, of this place; Mrs. Katharine Sechrist, of Millersville; Mrs. Susan Newcomer, of Silver Springs; Mrs. Samuel Bender, of Landisville; Mrs. Martha Musser, of Florin; and Mrs. David Peifer, of New Providence. Funeral services will be held from her late home on Thursday at 1 o'clock and 1:30 in the Cross Roads Church. Mrs. John F. Rudisill Mrs. Ora Elizabeth Rudisill, wife of John F. Rudisill, died at the home of her brother-in-law, Charles W. Coller, near Marietta. She was 38 vears of age and death was due to pneumonia, after an illness of four weeks. Mrs. Rudisill was a resident of Harrisburg for 12 years. Be- sides her husband she is survived by these brothers and sisters: James L. Stum, of Harrisburg; Jackson B., »f Towa; Roy, of Colorado, and Mrs. Ellen R. Coller, of Marietta. Funeral services were held from the Coller this afternoon with further Church of God at Burial was made in ceme- home services in the Rohrerstown. Lutheran and Reformed Rohrerstown. eel AI —. the tery, Meetings Begin. Monday A series of continued meetings will begin in the Mennonite church on West 1 .negal street in this place on evening, December will be held each- evening at 6:45 and services at 7 The meelings will be con- Sundag Song serv.ce 0 CIOCK. i by Rew. Noah Mack of New “Tt Rr Heligpd. fe, 3