The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, November 26, 1924, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26th, 1924

ny | \ © illersville, ached, |
MT. JOY BULLETIN] RHEEMS | Matburger, of Millersville, pre ROWENNA
During all the services, the Sunday | ) |
MOUNT JOY, PA. | —— J hool played. The build- : di _—— J
di & Pro’ Grace Garber spent Thurs- | school orche played. ,| Levi Deitrich has leased the build-
J. E. SCHROLL, Editor ro'r, Mrs. Grace ing d repairing was in charge of ', : rail
Ra : Ph at the home of Mr. and Mrs, | Ing an rej © Jone B ing in this place, formerly obcupied
Subscription Price $1.50 Year| Kurtz Stokes at Highspire. the following Somes John E | by Oscar V. Rannels, and will move
Sample Caples hes +o FRE = | Mrs. Banks Detra, of Elizabeth | Kauffman, John A. . on a | his family from Marietta, and en-
Single Copies. .,.. 3 Contr | town, is spending one week at the Bard and Ephraim G. Bard, | gage in the grocery business. He
Three Months. . . .40 Cents home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | re | is married to Miss Maud Wisman. |
a Six Months. ..... 75 Cents Abe Butzer, FALMOUTH The people of that section have been |
“Butered ut the post office at Mount Joy a8| My and Mrs, John W. Wolgemuth without a store for some time. Mr. |
end Cus all a u of your subserip-| and Susan Wolgemuth spent last Miss Ada’ Thoms visited with Deitrich’s brother-in-law, George |
dou follows your mame on the label. We dof yr qo at Lancaster, shopping » ro ot Tron Mine Run | Wisman, recently engaged in the
end eceipt or money re- | aga : . 3 3
aot mead BE er you| and visiting rélatives. pA and Mrs. H. M. Kaylor and | same business at Marietta, and a
we given proper credit, we credit all wos} Mr, and Mrs. Roy Heisey, of near | ed oy and Mrs. George third member of the family, John |
ons i he t of each month, . A site
NO rion in or thr Laudisville Rheems. in Mt. Joy township, spent fant y at Progress. (1. Smith, had conducted a grocery
Tail, tie Florin News ava wiv: thar of Jor last Saturday at Lancaster, shopping a ad Mrs. Phares Grove, of | at Gay and Walnut streets for some
nt Joy Bulletin, which makes this paper's| Noh Duke and King streets. Ts NE Cou avs | time.
Mount J Bulietin, yon No : Mrs. John B. Henry, No- | near Maylown, spent sevens See
| Mr. and Mrs. . Ys ai ‘ rerich — IR Yams
EDITOR 1AL | tary Public,” Rheems, and daughter, yarns Bion | REPORT ON ANALYSES OF
| Dorothy, spent last Sunday at the |v aire 4 Mi Eat) Bider and 1810 ® 1136 FEEDS IS ISSUED |
TOWN’ s REPRE SENTATIVE ' home of her sister at Steelton, and fa visited Mr i
THE TOWI gin i ae Rize y
PEE Ie iy Ee some business | parents at Pennbrook, Pa. ’ ur Sire Eli Kinsey, at Geyer's| A report covering the work of |
Lots oo! I, ro al : thelr local Ben Reinhold, a Mount Joy town- he I > : | the State Department of Agriculture]
3 0 apprec.aice i ca 1 ch. 4 .
RO as h oy of value except to p butcher, has establis hed Jouie Agee Sara Ensminger, of York, in the analysis of feeds for 1923 has
Paper AS a nw through Rheems, serving the MIS. Dare : just been issued. Dr. James W.
the owner of the paper, and that
is where their vision nceds doctoring.
is the
that 1s}
with country made pudding, sausage
I i and choice frech meats at reasonable
The newspaper travels, and
town's only [represeniailve Sewing
always working at the job.
Se |
good time to make |
advertis- |

Mrs. John Stauffer and Clay Stauffer :
yi visited Mr. and Mrs. | Kellogg, Chief Chemist, states that
0 . 4 i
J. B. Kauffman {during the period covered by the re-
Mr. and Mrs. William Shuey and | port, registrations were received]
: [ fr 2 n factuy: we.
Harry Snell, Jr., of Newcumberland, | from 972 manufacturing and im
spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and | porting firms for 3,233 : different |
Mrs G. W. Walton brands and kinds of ‘feeding stuffs|
Prof. and Mrs. J. F. Kob, of Har-|for which 1,204 licenses were issued
risburg, and Mr. and Mrs. William B. for sale. The special agents of fhe
Lewis and son, William, of Peoria, Bureau of Chemistry visited 326
cities and towns and 57 counties
Ill, visited A. S. Brinser and friends
at Stevens Hill, on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Abram Winters,
Ruth and Paul Winters, of Cone-
wago, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Niss-
ley, of Middletown, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. R. E, Myers, at
Stevens Hill.
Miss Adeline Dennison, of Eliza-
bethtown; Mr. and Mrs. John Wal-
ters and son, Paul, Mrs, Mary Eshe-
nour and Walter Eshenour, of Har-
risburg, visited the Misses Sara and I p!
Anna Metzler, at Stevens Hill. ordered against selling agents, the
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Fink, Clyde report states, because deficiencies
and Anna Fink, accompanied by Mr.. and false statements of composition
and Mrs. A. E. Rutt, of Swatara | Were found and because some fail-
Hill. Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Krebs, Mr. ed to register brands of feeds.
and Mrs. R. E. Aurant and son, This report gives the name and
Kenneth, of Middletown, motored to |2ddress of manufacturer or import-
Mt. Wolf and visited Mr. and Mrs. | eT of each feed and brand name, al-
Levi Malehorn and John Rhoads. so the actual results of the State
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sherrick, analysis. Since Pennsylvania farm-
Mrs, Emma Goss, Miss Mary Goss, |©rS buy approximately 1,000,000
Miss Adeline Snavely of Middletown; |tons of feeding stuffs valued at
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Danner, Al- $50,000,000, the importance of hav-
meda, Harvey and Vincent Danner, | ng a check-up system which will
of York Haven; Marguerite, Ruth |keep manufacturers on the alert as
and Glen Sweigart, of Elizabethtown |to the proper mixing and branding
visited Mrs. Adeline Brubaker, at|of their products is evident. This
Stevens Hill, complete report is sent to all man-
ufacturers and dealers in feeding
stuffs in Pennsylvania and to all
farmers upon request.
me A on
Mrs. Roscoe Flowers and son, | UNSANITARY EQUIPMENT
Vernon, visited relatives in Lan- COSTS BUTCHER $175
Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Damey and A butcher in Pennsylvania was re-
daughter, Thelma, motored to Cham. | cently prosecuted and fined $175 for
bersburg, recently. maintaining and
Mrs. Ella Richwine and grandson, [sanitary slaughter house.
Earl Moore, are spending a few days agent of the State Bureau of Ani-
with relatives in Hummelstown. mal Industry found this man slaugh-
Miss Mazie Keenard, of Elizabeth- |tering animals in an old dilapidated
town, spent a few days as the guest |parn having no facilities for keep-
of her cousin, Miss Anna Keenard. ing it clean. About 30 head of
during the year and obtained from
selling agents, 1,648 official samples
which were forwarded to the Bu-
reau. These samples which repre-
sented 1,336 different kinds and
brands of feeding stuffs manufac-
tured and placed on sale by 467
firms, were carefully analyzed. It
was found that 12.3 per cent of
these samples were deficient in
either protein or fat.
A total of 110 prosecutions were

ter, Grace, of Elizabethtown, spent hauled to retail stores from the
a few days as the guests of Mr. country by night.
and Mrs, Emanuel Stump. Dr. W. S. Gimper, who
John, of Havana, Cuba, are spend-' Work, ordered this slaughter house
ing some time as the guests of the closed. Upon receiving the
former’s mother, Mrs. B. F. Myers. | the guilty party apparently took it
The J. E. Baker Company have|gzs 4 joke and moved to another
started the Kennedy plant during premise, using an unsanitary base-
the past week. The stone
used is quarried at Billmyer.

The {Upon discovering this move, Dr.
for the past four years:
The Bainbridge Community Club! ost and expected compliance with
Thursday evening, at which time a | slaughter house and equipped it inlh
demonstration was given cn cutting a sanitary way so that it passed the|°
end fitting dresses by Miss Forbes. State inspection.
Preceding the demonstration, a busi- | During the past three months Dr.
ness session was held and plans laid Gimper states that a total
for the coming year. ‘slaughter houses in different
Mrs. Jacob Crum, one of the old- of the State were found defective,
est residents of Conoy township, re-
siding several miles

{unclean and

Church of he Brethren
Circle met in thair sewing room at
Rheems, last Wednesday morning,
Un : with a large number of the mem-
ios asa . . bers present. They were anxious
your plans 10% to make various garments to be
ing. It is better to have your cam- | placed on sale for Missionary funds.
paign mapped out in plenty of time. | Ferenan Produce Company Te
Advertising prepared ahead, with | aie d oe ther car load of empty
more thought and care as to layout, | se .”. NR wives. them a total
eopy and Will prove i oo or on thousand states on hand
more satisfactory and resuiiful AM iy] are f their many patrons
the advertiser, Christmas displays | 7 2 oh Se rt and Voor Donel,
of merchandise and advertising have | throng pin yg Jo townshi s
an important place with December gre . B ann a the
business and the more time given Rios who ‘has toured
ahead for preparation the more ae 3 oh po and go.
terest and attention will be directed | ao tourists from Lan-
to- your | caster county to California, stopping
'T FORG | at all points of interest, will deliver
LET'S FORGET. 17 a fon dh tration of his various
The election of 1924 has passed | trips -
into Mistry, A lot of People are | Farmers, who have been fortunate
pleased, Some of them navtrally are in having plenty of laborers to rush
disappointed. The = seriogs disp: their work during the favorable
may be fewer Sean nema, | weather during the autumn months,
because this year more than usually late now sawing and exiting wool
me Siw | shredding fodder and directing their
and even a ho 2 Doe interests towards feeding steers,
ticians who were valiantly proclaim- Land cows
ing their coming victory were not | The followlis of the
so sure down in their own hearts. Bheems Fire served ss
But now shat ths Votes re i pall bearers at the funeral of their
and counted there is nothing the |) president, Arthur B. Heisey
country needs quite so much as for | mv esday Masses Harry
$e people fo forget about 3 B. F. Shank, Himer F.
and ei back oa the job. Election | Groff, Phares E. Groff, Enos L
campaigns constitute a very con | and Isaac Hollinger
siderable disturbance to the orderly | David K. Esbenshade, "foreman
Drograss of the country, Money me {of the Rheems section of railroad,
vested in business is a cautious sort |} oo wdapted plan to overcome the
of a thing. Its owners want t0/ sre hazard along the tracks, by
know what they may expect in the setting fire to grass and rubbish on
way of laws and working conditions, | the company’s right away, where
Most of us are glad that election many fires start trom svatha from
day is over, and when we accumu- the engines and enters the fields
late a little of that lost sleep we adjoining
are going to get busy on our nor- Rev. Wilson Moyer, from near
mal affairs and forget all about Souderton, Par is conducting
ponies, Then business will start series of evening meetings the past
prove. ten days in the Mennonite church
at Rissers, near Elizabethtown, that
COMMUNITY INTEREST are attracting large congregations.
Figure as you will, you can’t get Sunday morning he delivered an
away from the idea of community impressive sermon in the Elizabeth-
interest. We who constitute the town Mennonite church.
local community are intensely de-, The Rheems Fire Company adopt-
pendent on one another, When We of the following resolution of re.
buy our merchandise from out-of-'gret ang sympathy same to be
town concerns, we take that much spread upon their minutes and a
business away from local business | copy sent to the bereaved mother.
firms. If enough business is with- | As it pleased our Heavenly Father
drawn from them, they’ll eventually | to call Arthur B. Heisey, president,
have to quit. Then Mt. Joy would | from our midst to his home beyond,
shrivel up. Clerks and laborers and | may the God of all comfort strength-
tradesman would have to move away. | on those who mourn, for he know-
That would directly affect the value | oty an things best.
of our homes and farms. Then, |
who would pay the taxes that sup-
port our public institutions, build | IRONVILLE
and maintain our streets and roads ! ree
and pay the interest on public in- Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Bard and fam-
debtedness already incurred? Our |jly visited relatives at Mt. Joy.
self-interest, the safety of our | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Singer, of
property investments demand that | york, were the guests of Mr. and
we trade at home and support our | pps EI Singer.
local business men. If anyone | ppg LeRoy Mellinger is able to be
thinks he can repute this argument, ! about again, after being sick for
I will give a year’s subscription to | for several weeks,
the Bulletin for a logical argument; wy ang Mrs, Paul Metzger and
in favor of trading with the mail| gop Phil, attended a dinner at Mil-
order house. lersville, in honor of Mr. Metzger’s

mother. Tse eo or $e is badly September because of the
ise ce a :
LOCAL ROAD QUESTION Mr. and Mrs. Howard Habecker, An oy on “Pal condition found existing in them.
The County Commissioners have | and Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Kauffman tine ib 175 views PREC NS SE
turned over to the Supervisors of |and children, Lorain and Janet, large congregation i Thess. APPLE WEEK WIDELY 6
East Donegal township, the Mount! visited at Enola.
Joy & Marietta turnpike. They
have also promised to build a new | and children, John and Ida May,
bridge over the Donegal creek at| were the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
Wolgemuth’s Mill. The Supervisors | Penrose Bard, at Rohrerstown.
elaim it will cost $25,000 to put On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
this road in proper shape and that|liam Kelley entertained a number
by doing so it will most likely in-|of young people, at their home.
erease that township’s road tax. Games were played and refresh-
The Bulletin has always been an | ments served.
advocate of good roads and if that John A. Fox is touring Chester
amount or more is required to put|county this week, as a representa-

tax is slightly increased, as every|ing new farm bureaus.
resident of the township and the Sunday, November 23 an all day
traveling public would be greatly |service was held in the Ironville
. benefited,
There are however, many who are | Dambach, pastor.
of the” opinion that
this thorofare has an exec:zllent stone | bule built.
The church was
It was also rzpainted,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kauffman church, of which Rev. I.
x 3 corn and in about a week all will
this particular road in good shape, | tive of the Lancaster County Farm be stored away. EE
it should be spent, even if the road | Bureau, in the interest of organiz- able fodder standing in the
and the dry weather has helped con.
siderably in having it stand so long
an church on Thursday evening, at
inasmuch as | recently enlarged and a new vesti- 7:30 o'clock. ¥ 5
0 preached by Rev. C, N. Faust, =
road bed, that by scarifying it, then |and new carpet and new chairs pur- |, the Re
fractured her hip in a fall
homestead. She was
the cellar steps
all at the | of city or town limits.
going down | houses were ordered clos-
when she
evening in the St. Luke's Lutheran
P. Zim- From October 31 to November 6,
merman is pastor.
heim, and highly enjoyed.
ffering was taken.
The farmers
A silver ore set aside as Apple Week and
attention .was
daily menu .
While Apple Week

are busy husking en in it by Pennsylvania
growers, consumers, fruit distribu-
tors and other
than ever before.
ciations in Chester, Lycoming, Lu-
zerne and Cumberland
There is consider-
The union Thanksgiving service
United Brethren church, Rev. Albert will be held in the Maytown Luther. planned apple shows and other fea-'in.
tures of public interest. A
Mark -
The sermon will be The State Bureau of Markets co
sociation of Pennsylvania in getting

Reformed church; Rev

No. 83; fine shape, all improvements,
prefer to sell both.
: : room brick house, good repair, steam
Mrs. Hallie Eckinger and daugh-|stock were butchered each week and heat; at railroad. Near Marietta.
order| frame house, frame stable, etc.
house with electric lights, heat, bath,
hin green house, stable, ete., in| jotta ‘and Lancaster pike, good crop-
: : 200
being | pent of a barn for his butchering.
held a very successful meeting On [the orders, the butcher then built a rooms with heat, light, ete. Also bake | fruit.
unsanitary, many of |W. Main street, Mount Joy, 13-room
west of here, [these being in rural districts outside | frame house, all conveniences, gar-
At least 60!2ge, ete.
made a | duri August and | ground,
ed by ihe Seats during 2us filthy highway at Bamford.
at right price.
Main street, Mount Joy, brick house, |
OBSERVED IN PENNA. | lights, bath, etc. Possession |
in the fall. y
The lecture was apples were the most-talked-of fruit|, . om’ frame
given by Rev. J. F. Knittle, of Man- in the United States. These days! highway in Florin.
centered upon thel,, Marietta St., Mt. Joy, excellent ing.
value of this fruit in the] condition, garage, ete. Price $6,500. N
y sian annual North Barbara
national event, more interest is tak-| phyilt two years ago.
fruit | iences and extra good location.
agencies this year house along
Local fruit asso-|to-date, with all conveniences.
Counties| jouble houses along trolley in Flor-
operated with the Horticultural As-|in Florin, corner property.
. e
Realty New

Large or Small Farms, Mansions,
Places, Building
No. 107—An 8% acre tract of
land in East Donegal, near Reich’s
church, frame house, tobacco shed,
barn, ete. $4,000.00.
No. 183—2 acres and, rather
rough, large double house, fine for
poultry. $650.
No. 184—13 acres of sand and
limestone in Rapho, frame house,
good bank barn, fruit, running water.
Only $2,000.
No. 196—A 2-acre tract in East
Donegal near Maytown, 8-room
house; stable, chicken house, pig sty,
DWELLING HOUSES house newly painted.
No. 229—10 acres limestone land
No. 83—Frame house on E. Main|in East Donegal, large frame house,
unclean and un-|street, Mt. Joy, in business center. | frame stable, 3 poultry houses, ete.
A field| All improvements and very modern.
Mt. Joy. Very modern in every way.
No. 185—A 42-acre poultry and
duck farm known as the Spring Lake
: Duck farm, in Cumberland county,
No. 147—Acre of ground with 10-| bungalow, electric lights, ete.
No. 200—A 14-acre ideal truck
farm along state highway, east of
No. 149—A beautiful 7-room and | Elizabethtown. Brick house with
No. 84—A frame house adjoining
bath brick bungalo in Marietta boro. | light and heat, stable, ete.
is in; Very modern, beautiful location and
Mrs. Edward Toppin and son, charge of the State’s Meat Hygiene] price right.
No. 207—52 acres of gravel land
: : 4 miles north of Mt. Joy, 7 or 8
No. 168—Lot 40x200 in Florin, | 0.00 meadow, frame house, bank
barn, running water, cheap at the
frame | price, $6,200.00.
No. 210—31 acre-farm near Mar-
No. 195—An 11l-room
condition. This house
is in per, lots of fruit, excellent tobacco
and truck farm. Only $4,000.
No. 205—An 8-room frame house| No 222 A farm of 20 acres in
Kennedy plant had been closed down Gimper ordered the man prosecuted. | ith all conveniences in Florin. Also West Hempfield, frame house, frame
Realizing that the State was in ear-|stable, ete. 2 ’
Splendid location. barn, tobacco shed, hog sty, silo,
No. 212—A fine brick house of 11| wood shed, chicken house, lot of
A good place cheap.
ouse 20x80, garage, etc. Located| No 932 A 24.acre farm in East
n square in good town. Price $6,500 | Donegal, good house, barn, brick
No. 215—A beautiful property on| mill, cider press, 8 acres meadow,

Main street, Mt. Joy, 13-room house, | Wonderful poultry and tobacco farm,
11 conveniences, frame stable and running water.
of 250 for three cars, one of the fin- |
parts | est homes and locations in this town. |
No. 94—A 149-acre farm, iron-
stone soil, on Scravel pike,
barn, 8-room house, shedding for 20
acres tobacco. $90 per acre.
=A 17. f
No. Rise oats No. 95—A 65-acre farm near Con-
ewago Station, all farm land, run-
A good house ning water, bank barn, brick house,
etc.,, $6,000. Immediate possession.
West |
No. 215—Lot fronting 57 ft. on’
No. 224—Lot 27x203 on
rooms and bath, hot water, heat, | glone house; bare.
shed, 5 acres meadow, 3-4 of money
can remain.
bank |
No. 138—An 81-acre farm of all|
| limestone soil, in East Donegal,

No. 63—The entire concrete block
at Florfh, together with all stock,
machinery, buildings, contracts, ete.
Price very low.
No. 211-—A Garage doing a splem-
did business. Wonderful opportunity
as this is a money maker. Owner has
good reasons for selling. Better in-
No. 221—A large 8-story brick
building in Mt. Joy, now used as &
tobacco factory, corner property, ex-
ceptionally well built. Has elevator.
Also frame addition.
No. 227—A cigar, tobacco, con-
fectionery and green grocery busi-
ness in Mount Joy. Will sell busi-
ness, purchaser can lease property.
No. 233—A 65-acre farm in the
heart of East Donegal, good build-
ings and land. Price right.
No. 2—Several lots, each 50x200
ft., on North Barbara St., Mt. Joy.
No. 45—Four Lots in Florin, 40x
200 feet. They front on Church St.
No. 77—Very desirable building
lot fronting on the south side of Mar-
letta street. Will sell any number
of feet you want at $6 per foot.
No. 57—A b-acre tract in the bore
of Mount Joy, fine large lot and
would be a money-maker for truck-
ing or speculating on building lots.
No. 163—A fine building lot om
East Main street. Price right.
. No. 171—Large number of build-
ing lots between Mt. Joy and Florin.
I can give you any number of lots
at any location, at almost any price.
No. 218—A wide lot fronting om
the East side of Poplar St., Mt. Joy.
A corner lot. Big garage in rear.
. No. 223—Two lots 40x200 in Flor-
in, one has chicken house 14x60 ft.
Both, including buildir z, for $900; er
will sell separate.

and modern 9-
No. 226—A fine
house along No. 148—A 114 acre farm near!
| Sunnyside, 10 acres meadow, sand
{1and, 2 frame houses, big barn, tobac-
No. 230—A fine frame dwelling co shed, etc., good reason for sell-|
Price right. |
0. 151—A 170-acre farm, 80
No. 234—A 6-room bungalow on|acres farm land, balance pasture,
St., Mt. Joy, only some timber; good buildings, 2 silos,
All conven-| shedding for 7 acres tobacco, a real
| farm.
No. 235—A fine 2% story frame No. 154—183 acres, 120 farm land
trolley in Florin, up- 31 acres timber, good buildings in-|
| cluding silo, possession any time; a
!large portion of money can remain. |
frame No. 161—A 235-acre farm in In-|
Will sell one, two or the four.. diana Co., 75 acres farm land, bal-
ance timber, good buildings, young |
{ orchard, fine water and close to mar-|
No. 238—A 232 story frame house | kets, schools and churches.
No. 236-T—Two new
11 conveniences.
No. 198—A 102-acre farm, gravel |
No. 240—2% story frame proper-! soil, brick house, new barn, and to- |

apply fine stone and oil, it would chased for the choir and the Ww. Baker of the Lutheran |nformation before the public onlty on corner, in Florin, frame bacco shed. A wonderful tobacco
put the road in excellent shape and | mary department. Services were church will sm as well as the pas. Pennsylvania’s leading fruit. They | stable, Immediate possession. | farm. Possession any time. |
at a very nominal cost This could | held in the school-house while tha tor of the Chureh of God. There tell which varieties of apples are No. 241—Lot 40x190, 6 room! No. 201—104 acres in the heart of |
without any in-|repairs were being made. Sunday
crease in the tax rate. school was held at 9330 A. M. H.
The Bulletin’s suggestion is: Make | C. Reedy, of Lititz, was present
and maintain good roads and the | morning and afternoon. In the after-
people will cheerfully defray the! noon at 1:45, the services were in
expense. charge of Rev. S. C. Enck, district
etl eee superintendent of the East Pennsyl-
ani istri f Ini >th-
Light Warns Motorists vania District of the United Breth
ren churches. The Wrightsville male
An inland lighthouse has been erect Wo i
Sed on a danzerous bill between Bir chorus of the Grade
Manchester, Jongland | church was present, to sing at this
possibly be done

will be special music by the choir.
cooking and baking, and in

Fat bends 4 y 3.
Hall § Latarrd on the market. It is also explained
that apples are cheapest when pur-|
chased in quantity.

One Advaniage
of going out to din


e apt to be able te

nce of service. In_the evening, Rev, W. D.

best for the many different uses in| bungalow with heat, light, bath, gar-! East
what | age, chicken house 20x20, all build-; buildings, shedding for 12 acres of |
months these varieties can be found | Ings new.

Donegal tobacco district, fine
tobacco. This is a real farm.
Price $5,500.
No. 225—Lot 45x150 feet on New
Haven street, Mount Joy, Excellent
location for a dwelling. 2
_ No. 42—An 85-acre tract of farm,
timber and pasture land in West
Donegal township, tract adjoins Ma-
sonic Homes ground on two sides.
Price very low.
No. 169—A 15-acre tract betweea
Mt. Joy and Florin. A real invest-
ment to some speculator.
No. 10—A tract fronting 107 ft.
on the P. R. R. siding in Mount Joy
has many advantages and centrally
located. One of the best in the town.
I also have a number of properties
that owners do not care to have ad-
vertised. If you don’t find what you
want in this list, call and see me. I
have it.
No. 140—3 acres and 49 perches
of land in East Donegal with large
stone mill converted into flats for
residences. $2,000.

=, E Sool, At Joy
ing plant of JY. ~~ _


