PAGE EIGHT THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. “Classified Column FOR SALE—Quanity of air slaked lime. Apply P. Franck Oct. 8-tf Schock. SOR SALE—Indian Runner Ducks Apply Chas. Beaston, Route 2, Mt. Joy. Nov. 19-2t. FOR RENT-—A brick house on West Main St, Inquire at 214 W. Main St. Nov. 19-1t. FOR SALE-—-Two good heaters. Will sell cheap. Mrs. Elizabeth 8S. Farmer. Mount Joy, Pa. Nov. 19-tf. — RIFLES—To rent out for Bear and Deer season. N. J. Harman, Taxidermist. Mt. Joy, Pa, Nov. 12-tf. FOR SALE-——Frame house South Market St., Florin, Pa., with heat and electric lights. Box 26. Oct. 29-4t-pd. WANTED—Everybody in this sec- tion to use our “wanted, for sale ets.” column more frequently. It is Lound to pay. Just try it tf FOR SALE CHEAP—25,000 Cal- {fornia Privit Hedging, by the 100 or 1,000. Drop me a prices. W. S. Krady, Pal card for nyra, Pa. nov. 5-4t FIRE WOOD FOR SA LE —Q0ak and Hickory wood cut to s ( length, $6.50 per truck load ling wood baskets f Also Oal Harry Swint Kind NOTICE—There will be a Tele- phone meeting in the Rheems ‘hool house on Tuesday evening, Nov. 25 at 7:30 P. M. This will interest all patrons of Elizabethtown-Mt. Joy rural lines. Nov. .9-tf, — tv NOTICE: —Devine Healer Calle- viator to the sick and the troubled. Also reveals to you the future and answers all questions. Is situated at 24 W. Don 1 street, on Friday from 6 o’clock to 9 P. M. Come and pay me a visit and I will help you. Nov. 12-3t. WANTED—A boy who wants to earn some money for Christmas. Here is your chance to fill your pockets with money to do your Christmas shopping. If in- terested write for particulars, The N-.tional Distributing Co., 427 8S. Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. meee . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In the e of Margaret Sump- man, late of West I ship, Lancaster ceased. Letters of adminis estate having be undersigned, all p for resid 5 Penn’a. Wm. M. Hollowbush, Attorney. { ANDREW B. SUMPMAN, | made Administrator. bright, ambitious. DU He ield Town- €recle County, Pa., de-; tration on said —] IN THE ORPHANS COURT OF LANCASTER COUNTY ESTATE OF JOHN G. REIST, DECEASED. August Term, 1923. | No. 113. | Notice is hereby given that Katharine H. Reist and Eli G. Reist, admunistrators ol the estate of John G. Reist, deceased, late of Mount Joy Borough, Lancaster County, Pa., on Thursday, November 13, 1924, presented a petition to the Orphans Court of Lancaster County Pa., asking the Court to order a private sale for the payment of debts of the said John G. Reist, deceased, to Norman E Garber and Simon E. Garber, of Mount Joy, Pa., of certain real estate belonging to the estate of John G. Reist, de- ceased, and being situated in the Township of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, adjoining land of J. Stauffer, J. Risser, the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Aaron Kuhns, J. W. Nissly and J. H. Nissly. containing one hundred and | fifteen (115) acres, more or less, on which is erected a two-story frame dwelling house, stone bank barn and other outbuildings, at and for the sum on One Hundred and Fort; five Dollars ($145) per acre, sa d acreage to be ascerlained by a sur vey of the premises. The said Orphans Court has fixed Thursday, December 18, 1024, af 10 o'clock A. M., for a hearing in the above matter, when and where exceptions or objections may be John N. Hetrick, Attorney. Nov. 19-3t. PUBLIC SALE | iC fa REAL ESTATE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1924 | At the Florin C nunity sale] the undersigr will offer at public sale: i NO. 1—ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT] OF GRCUND » in said village of Florin on st cide of Chocolate Avenue,| ds North of Donegal Springs ad or 400 yards South of n’s Chocolate Factory, con- g in front said Chocolate Avenue 40 fe in depth 190] teet to an al 3ounded on the North by the erty of Mrs. Kray-| bill, on the y an alley, on the | South by a LOT, NO. 2, also 40 foot| | front and 190 feet in depth which | iso will be offered at the same time | Lot No. 1 on which is| FRAME py TWO-STORY -~ BUNGALOW OF DOU-| % ELE CONSTRUCTION. | Spilled (Consisting of 6 Rooms, A Pantry ath. Also a large GARAGE for two cars; A arge enough to a few nice} Cistern, at the Florin Com- 1foresaid on Satur , 1924 at one o'clock, and conditi vill be {made known by the undersigned | NORMAN M. NISSLEY | Vogle, Auct. nov 19-2t | MOTOR | ton, this fifth | The ” Vs | meet er EXOLINE ss The Thanksgiving Proclamation (From Page One.) from disorder and remarkably suc- cessful in all those pursuits which | flourish during a state of domestic peace, An abundant prosperity has overspread the land. We shall do well to accept all these favors and bounties with a becoming humilia- tion and dedicate them to the ser- vice of the righteous cause of the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. As a nation has prospered let all the people show that they are worthy to prosper, by rededicating Am- erica to the service of God and man, “Therefore, I, Calvin Coolidge, President of the United States of America, hereby proclaim and fix Thursday, the twenty seventh day of November as a day for Nation- al thankeeiving. I recommend that the people gather in their places of worship and at the family altars and offer up their thanks for the which has been shown to them in such a multitude of ways I urge them to cate the Throne of Grace that they suppli- y gather strength from their ribulations, that they may gain humility from their vi es; that complain burdens that shall be and that they y worthy in all that shall they may bear without o the placed upon them, 1y be increasir wavs of the blessings come to them. “In witness whereof, I have here- hand and caused t« great seal of the unto set my be affixed the United States. “Done at Washing- day of November, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, nine hundred and twenty- four, and of the independence of the United States, the one hundred and forty-ninth. “CALVIN COOLIDGE. (Seal) By the President. CHARLES E. HUGHES, “Secretary of State.” the city of Maing Progress Weiter—*“Do vou think McRlongh's hit The Sport golf has any effect on ting?" The Mana Rome cot so he yells goes to hat! ——— © Eee when we like to ien—and there are other times when we are just as anx- them, —Ex- | ious to get away from i change. | THESE THREE MEN PRE. | DICT VERY MILD WINTER If the prediction of these two men can be depended upon, we won't be compelled to buy so many of those high priced nuggets for the furnace. Mt. Carmel Man says: W..H. McWilliams, weather prog- | nosticator, of Mt. Carmel, predicts mild weather for the beginning and ; end of winter, but says that the | middle of the season will be severe. { He bases his theory on caterpillars he finds. The ones he finds are black with a spot in the middle of the back, | If the spot was at the end of the | tail, it would indicate severe weather at the close of the season, and if {at the head, severe winter at the beginning, ! Marietta Man Says: A mild, short winter is predict- ed by Robert Davis, of Marietta, the veteran gunner and traveler, | who is past 80 yeras of age. While | hunting for ground-hogs he notices’ berries of the wild type and nuts are scarce, and birds are not leav- | ing in large flocks. The fur on | the rabbit is not heavy as other] veras, and tomatoes are still ripen- . . | {ing on the vines. Squirrels es-| 1 | pecially are not making rapid pre. | parations, for the cold weather. If| a long hard winter is to be expeet- | ed, leaves will fall off the early. In many sections leaves are still clinging to the trees. He doe | not say that there will be no deep | SNOWS. trees Blair County Man Says: A mild, short winter is predicted by W. H. Laird, of Blair county, locally known as the sassafras man, who spends most of his time in the open, winter and summer. He bases his prophecy on nature and wild life, The fur on animals is rather light this fall, and the feathers on birds that spend a por- tion of the winter in this section are not heavy. Nuts and berries are not making an unusual provision for the coming winter. Proceeding a long, hard winter leaves remain on the trees late in the fall. Already these trees are virtually bare. Mr. Laird does not say that there first successful contestant to attract {a pair of birds (other than English | sparrows) to make their home in a | (his office or said sale is advertised ‘BOY WINS HOMING PIGEONS IN BIRD-HOUSE CONTEST | | Interest in the conservation of wild life is being stimulated in ver- | jous ways by appeals to school child-| ren. One very popular method of engaging and holding attention is by of some sort, | means of a contest [usually for a prize, as both the con- test and the awarding of the prize | offer an opportunity to bring the desired message to the public. One of the most satisfactory of these competitions was a bird-house con- test recently conducted in the pub- lic schools of Baker, Oregon. Camp- bell Vermillion, 10 years of age, who| came out winner, was awarded a pair of homing pigeons by Federal Game Warden Tonkin for being the bird house of the participan’t own construction. Mr. Tonkin is em- ployed by the Biological Survey of the United States Department of Agriclture. ee et Ge eee OUR SALE REGISTER Following is a list of public sales for which posters were printed at n the Bulletin. Wednesday, 19—At thei tock yards in Mt. Joy, cows, heifers: bulls and steers by J. B. Keller & Nov. Bro. Aldinger, auct. See adver tisement. Friday, Nov. ises on the road Joy to Mt. Joy cemetery, a lot of fresh springers and backward cows, by Frank & Bro. Saturday, Nov. 29—At the Flor in Hall, home cured meats, general line of merchandise, household goods and real estate, ete. by Community Company. Sale starts at G. S. Vogle, Auct. ORDERS BIG STOCK OF MEXICAN QUAIL 21st-—At our prem- leading from Mt. Sales 12:30 P. M. Approximately 10,000 Mexican quail have been ardered by the game commission for stocking pur- poses next spring, Seth E. Gordon, secretary, announced today. a WEDNESDAY, NOV. \ (19th, 1924 ——— 1 —————————————— } Mt. Joy Theatre Thursday, 20 — Eagle’s PAPER HANGING Also Dealer In WALL PAPER | Work Done at Reasonable Prices Feather on Short Notice A Metro-Goldwin Western | Se———y Pathe Comic—Nip and Tuck D. F. WAUGHTEL MANHEIM, PA. Ind. Ph 702L Saturday, 22-Mae fe oe sept: 1748 Murry I. © H. H. KRALL aS Sen The French Doll Pathe Comic: Our Gang in Derby Day Tuesday, 25 Bring Your Handkerchiefs to See If Winter Comes | SMOK | | | | | | | | I always have on hand anything im the line of ED MEATS, HAM, DRIED | BEEF, BOLOGNA, LARD, ETC. {Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton Krall’s Meat Market AUCTIONEER id K Ww West Main St. MOUNT JOY Gideon K. Wagner ripen Elizabethtown, Route No. 2, Lan - Ta il caster Pa DR Residence, Beverly Station Call on Bell Phone, Eliz ow Practice ed to diseases of 38R-13. P ittention sat 3 i pr Bowels, 2 : A ™ ir 3 } N s, Dl sR ism. and in the business all forms of Skin Diseases, 2S. Modern methods of treatment. Give Ms A Trial Office Hours: mm erm 9A. M to 8:30 P. M. 6g Grocers ord OFFICE: . J. M. FERRELIM ) (PHYSICIAN 118 N. PRINCE ST. LANCASTER, PA. sept. mous. GRinceiceue BRANDT BROS. Mount Joy Street, Mount Joy, Pa. rr enone | Hours: 7:40 to 9:00 P. M. | tw luesday, Thursday and Saturday | 2nd Floor Hertzler Building Elizabethtown, Penna. J. 8. THE CHIROPRACTOR {2:30 to 1:30 P. M. and Monday, WANTED BEEF HIDES ill pay highest cash prices de- livered or will call for same. CLEON F. GRFIDER MILTON GROVE, PA. Bell Phone 129R31 nov. 19-4t-pd OIL Distributors: Mt. For sale by: J. rE TET ry FRETS a : also is planned stock abo A 7 will be no deep snows or cold snaps Wi £/50 13.0 Tne stock oa Wednesday and Friday 7 to 9 P. M.| ious i There will b= no prolonged cold va 00 ring-nec te pheasanis, ach 92 Mt. Joy St., Mount Joy, Pa. | 2k ok weather. and deop Snot ili pos bird released is banded and the | { & 2 za qeop snows will not commission has requested all sports- 3 — J lie on the ground. mission five requested © Sports Ih § }.. | ks ” = 1 forward to the department {git} ai the : taken from killed bird JU 3 iit | tino: na a spr Eh ils nw 11 | Before placing your order i together with the location where the Ere cre na En *” slsewhere see ui 1. bird was taken. 37 WEST MAIN STREET i eg AAS — ' We have cut prices tc pre i Fe v J s war prices. i | 1H I Mao : acus i ! 1 a: | Tt he nderial « rica 1 r Bi ! i nt 1.7 x 1d of th —— © i hy Y 1.4 i v WW nearly iif is generated for use Zine! ! 8% ! 3 lin the gold mimes : 9 - — RT — pm BE po et — — CREST TR es ee a er TS EE EP wove SE ~dependable on frosty days a quick start-and away you go: SHERYOOD BROS TY RR prea —- Joy Pure Oil Co. W. ESHELTIAN i fe G.M Baker District i Sales Adent ~281ind er INC. ~ BO and Amd A aA iis Cg aki Pid IO Mime rN