Ph ; bh ) ¢ rk Y i NS hel “i id \ y PAGE 8IX | Fe THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. a ’ THE PRINTER'S DEVIL By, Carls Sugheoe Ask Any Automobil T [ AMBOOM KNOWS “THEM WEU, \F YA DIONY | JUST ADDED MM IMCOME S 22 “EISWAGONS" 18. NO GOOD WHAT'D COST NA FER UPKEEP % KEEP TRACK, HOW KIM NA YEW \F YA KIN AFFORD \Y MO WHAT A New Way to Balloon Comfort It will interest you to know that all AJAX Cord Tires are now buiit on the balloon principle. That is, they are ultra-flexible and \ deliver maximum mileage at reduced air pressure. IA addition, of course, we carry a ful line of AJAX Balloons for standard and special-size rims. x THe \2ES BORE 1): MOUNT JOY AUTO ‘SUPPLY H. E. GARBER, 208 East Main Street MOUNT JOY, PA. 1 LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR HEN Ae | i HE HAG Ah Aik HHA i Nth FH ; MEAL MAKER Son) 8 2 Eh Reduces the costiof feed 25 to 50% Increases production 15 to 307, Stop that monthly feed bill. The Léz Dixie will Home-Made Feed cut, grind and mix anything grown— es a per- from fectly balanced ration from home-grown &ops. Home-Grown Crops CAPACITY with FORDSON Corn fodder with corn Ear corn with shuck , Alfalfa or clover hay ., Soy bean with vines ,, 244 Dixie ACTOR . 2500 to 5000 Ibs. PER HOUR 3000 to 8000 * " Green, wet, or oily material will not clog the LETZ Dix Built in three sizes for 4 to 25 h. p. engines. Has twoto threetimes thecapacity per h. p. of anyroughige mill made. Write or call immediately for further particulars, prices gd sampies H. S. NEWCOIER & 50 MOUNT JOY, PENNA. Best Heating Pound for pound, Baker’s Coal will give you more he? burned in furnace, stove or grate, than any other coal you can trial will prove the truth of our statement. F. H. BAKER, Mount Joy, Pa a wp A | Lancaster I A CS 'able to talk to about twice as SALUNGA ‘telephones on the system than tg operated by the Columbia Mrs. Hardy entertained two of her aunts from Lancaster on Tues. Phone Co. as he can at present. day | The subscribers will have acces Fannie | | in other words, scriber will be able Mrs. Lizzie Stauffer and Baer spent two days visiting the Abram and Omer Landis families. The Maple Grove school closed long distance on Friday. Mrs. Espenshade the Bell and Independent teacher, is suffering with a severe have this Service mn the cold {quired the maintenance The Women’s Foreign Missionary Separate telephones, one Bell and meeting will follow Sunday school one Independent. This will be ai his Sunday morning in the M. E. big saving as well as a great con- to get toll or service over both lines. To past re- of two! harch venience to the telephone using : blic. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ibach and | PU 3 3 { three children, Mr. and Mrs. Eph-| The unification of the telephone {service in the territory served by | the Columbia Telephone Co. is one of the first to be accomplished in the state. H. A. Oberdorf, General Manager aim Herr and son, of Lititz, spent day at Philadelphia. Dr. Brisbin, of MeVeytown, and Dr. Johnson, of Lewistown, chums of Dr. J. S. Kendig at Jefferson Medical College, spent several days with of the Columbia Telephone Co., lim - |stated recently that his company The Landisville and Salunga will do considerable work during the next few months in connection with the unification of the two sys- tems. The company contemplates making a number of improvements in the different exchange towns. The exchange service in Mount Joy and Elizabethtown will be given from the present Bell exchange and the present force of operators and employes will be maintained. rr Er Aree COSTLY WEED PEST FOUND IN GRASS SEED Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Samuel Eby this week. The next meeting will be November 4, at the home of Mrs. Harry Greiner. The immediate family consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Spahr, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. John Kinter and son, Clayton Spahr, Jr., and Russel Spahr, celebrated their mother’s birthday anniversary recently at the home of another son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spahr. The Epworth League of the M. E. church held their monthly business | meeting on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Fackler. Those present were: Mrs. | J. Minnich, Misses Mary and Edna | Wertz, Dorothy Minnich, Esther] Kendig, Mary Fackler, Elizabeth Fackler, Mary E. Peifer, Mrs. Q. O. Reitzel, Sue and Anna Fackler, Bet- ty Reitzel, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spahr, William Reitzel and William Fack- er. Recent tests of farm seed sam- | ples sent to the Department of Ag-| riculture for analysis indicate that] Canada thistle is being found quite | common in Canada blue-grass pur-| chased from outside the State. Dr.| E. M. Gress, who is in charge of| the seed analysis work, states that more Canada thistle seed has been found in Canada blue-grass than in| any other seed during the past few months. Ordinarily Canada thistle] seeds are found more prevalent i BR. ilioob FRUIT GROWERS SAVE MONEY THROUGH FROST FORECASTS seed. Warning is issued to farmers not to buy farm grass seed of any kind | where a record of analysis is not dis-| played on the package. When a | certificate showing the analysis is displayed, it should be studied to see if noxious weeds or other unde-/ sirable factors are present. It is| important that farmers be extreme-| ly careful about buying farm seed | through mail order houses and other] retail merchants qutside the State’ for under such cicumstances, it is! impossible to gain any protection from the Pennsylvania Seed Law. Seed retailers in Pennsylvania The accuracy of frost forecasts] made by the Weather Bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture is illustrated by results in a typical district, where 95 fore- casts of temperature near or be- low the danger point were made | and distributed. In 91 per cent of the cases the forecast was correct within 2 degrees F. or less, and in the other cases the variations were only slightly greater. Fruit growers appreciate this special frost warning service by pay- ing about half the expense of it in order to extend the operations per- mitted by the funds of the Weather Bureau. Information furnished not only saves fruit but prevents the unnecessary burning of many gal- lons of oil. The practice of orchard heating is growing rapidly. There are three general methods of frost protection: Conserving heat, stirring the air, and adding heat by means of fires. The last has proven thus far the most practical and economi- cal method. Several trained meteorologists |! should insist that wholesalers from! whom seed is purchased furnish al statement of the analysis of the) seed and then display the analysis] on the package in order to avoid | prosecution. - } rtb;k}>dddécPEIL | $4,670 IN FOOD FINES COLLECTED DURING MONTH A total of $4,670 was collected by the State Bureau of Foods and Chemistry during the month of {to both Bell and Independent lines,¥¢ a telephone sub- 3% alsike clover than in any other farm: 3.75 ew York JNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Speljal Through Train Direct P Station, 7th Ave. SUNDAY EXCURSION JOY .....642A. M oc at principal sta- tions between Harrisburg and Lancaster. Returning Penna. Sta. Central Park, Grant’s Tomb, Rifth Avenue, Brooklyn Bridge and get a glimpse of the ‘greatest city on the American bd Also Tires, Accessories, Etc. ELMER S. RANDLER 228 David St., Mount Joy Bicycle Repairing a Specialty sept. 3-tf hand anything in of AM, DRIED RD, ETC. I always have the SMOKED MEATS,™, BEEF, BOLOGNA, Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton hk | Krall’s Meat Market | st Main St., MOUNT JOY PAPER HANGING Iso Dealer In \ WALBL PAPER Work Done at easonable Prices on Short Notice D. F. WAUGNTEL MANHEIM, PA. Ind. Phone 702L are assigned to frost work during | September as fines resulting from sept. the danger period each year in im- | the violation of food laws. One portant fruit districts. This work | 0dd dealer in Allegheny county was | consists of temperature surveys, fined for selling milk containing ad- | the issuing of forecasts and warn- | ded water and two men in Dauphin | ings of frost, experimental work county for selling cakes colored {as to the most effective methods of | With coal tar dye. A Lehigh county | protection, and giving advice to |merchant aid a fine for selling | growers. Temperature surveys are cherries containing sulphur dioxide. | useful not only in regard to show-|4A P delphia confectionery owner |ing the susceptibility of a locality | misb anded cream malt chocolate to frost owing to its tobography, but | and was prosecuted for his act. Sev- also as an aid in selecting orchard | eral dealers were fined for selling ni DR. J. M. FERRELL In (PHYSICIAN) limited to diseases of \ OME | RUN-BOWN WEAK, NERVOUS enefited by First Bottle of dia E. Pinkham’s Vege- % table Compound ster, Pa.—‘ After I was mar- pcame terribly run-down and was weak and ner- My sister-in- {law told me to try Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- g | pound. My husband =|cot me a bottle at and it did me so much good that I on taking it. I {began to feel well andstrong again and flwas able to do my a == Rousework up to the time my baby was bdgn—anice fat little girl in the best of heéglth. I surely am recommending the Vegetable Compound to my friends when thy have troubles | like mine, and I am perigetly willing for | you touse these facts as testimonial. ~ Mrs. Fraxgk H. Grind, 533 Locust Street, Lancaster, Pa. Women should heed such symptoms {as pains, backache, nerv8usness, a ' run-down condition and irrggularity, | as they indicate some form Of female | trouble. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetablg Com- und is a dependable medicine or all For sale by druggists Lance! ried I FT HOW ABOUT ELEC- TRIC LIGHTS FOR YOUR HOME Think of the enjoy- ment that may be yours through the use kof electric lights in your home. Then would be no lighting, no moky lamps and no angerous lanterns. ]ei-Light transforms rkness into the and day. and easy | and you it NOW. FB | (oy O-LIGHT lopucts can GRIMES GOLDEN, and STAYMAN Grown by the Paragn Nut and Fruit Company. Pract ch, Liver, Bowels, the Sto Ss and Nerves, BI Skin Diseases. Modern method all forms treatment. ote uc 9 A. M. to 8:3 we. M. OFFICE: 118 N. PRINCE ST, LANCASTER, PA. * |sites. In issuing warnings there is|ground cloves containing an excess sept. 17-if a specially arranged system of | of ash and sand. A total of 71 pro- a | distribution. One grower may be | secutions were ordered _imvolving rs ihe same methods I | [told to prepare for firing the latter | merchants who were selling stale of by t leading shoe factories; || | part of the following night, and eggs for fresh ones. Three cases hence our ults are fully as good. | another near by that his orchard | sausage containing added water will be in no danger. { being sold. The total number of Experimental and advisory work | prosecutions during the month was comprises the testing, under actual 97. orchard conditions, of various de- vices for frost protection; determin- | : ing the relative effectiveness of estimated increase of $128,968 in different kinds of heaters. testing A annual returns from its livestock personally owned therometers for and poultry to the growing use of use of the growers; and giving ad- purebred sires. This figure is the vice as to the proper exposure of ‘result of calculations made by G. instruments in an orchard. |B. Nance, County Agent for Old- Smeets A muti ie ham County,. and reported to the TELEPHONE UNIFICATION | United States Department of Agri- WILL BE BIG ADVANTAGE culture. Mr. Nance based his reckon- BR lings on the difference between the The unification of the telephone percentage of purebred sires used systems of the Bell Telephone Co.!in his county and an average com- and the Columbia Telephone Co. puted from the percentages of pure- operating in the western section of bred sires used in two adjoining County comprising the counties. He then combined with A —— Oldham County, Ky., owes an, exchanges in Columbia, Elizabeth- this figure data on the superior town, Marietta and Mount Joy will utility value of purebred sires become effective about November from such sources as the United 1st. After the two systems are uni- States Department of Agriculture fied a telephone subscriber will be and State experiment stations. a est the average congressman takes] in agricultural matters except just prior to election day. AUCTIONEER n K. Wagner Elizabethtown) caster Residence, Be Call on Bell Phone, abethtown 88R-13. Prompt attentio d sat- isfaction guaranteed. had years of experience in the bus Reasonable charges. Give Me A Trial It is remarkable how little inter- Read the Bulletin. USE THE MARTIN SANITARY DAIRY « PASTEURIZED MILK 3 and child his spot in their ha | | | = = YS Used Cars i | ‘Special Podge Touring | 1922 Ford Touring. 1 1922 Ford : Ford Coupe, i Essex Coupe. i P. Franck Schock MOUNT JOY, PA. a M Joy Theatre Thulsday, 23-The Seo cial Code From a VIOLA DANA Story, “Whom It Comic: & : J J May Concern” yde Cook in The Cyclist Friday} 24 — Spanish i ancer PQLA NEGRI Antonio Moreno Wallace Beery Kathryn Willia Gareth Hughes Adolph Menjou Robert Agneu 2 Saturday, 2§ — Under the Red Robe Robert B. Mantell Alma Rubens John Charles Thomas Pathe Comic: The Tuesday, 28 Grail BY DUSTIN FARNU A Western Story Children Wanted | Comic: THE ingert & Haas Hat Store | | | | ONO | | | | { { | i i Line of Fall ayd Winter Caps and In the City Plain Hats A Speci JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. 144 N. Queen Lancaster, P NSTONE | Before J. N. STAUFFER MOUNT JOY, PA. i STEADY WORK, PAY Company Factory sept. 26-tf