+ FOUR LORIN, PENNA. 3C Year St be nt. First Mortgage Bonds Dated October 15, 1924 Due October} 15, 1954 Interest pavable April 15 and October} 15. Redeemable at the option of the Company at $102 and Accrued Interest Coupon Bonds in denominations of 000, $500 and $100 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE WAT FLORIN TRUST CO., FLORIN, PA. The Bonds are Cifered for Subscription at Par Accruers Interest. For Detailed Information ang Literature Address All Correspondence to (Fiscal Agent) Florin, Penna. S. NISSLEY CINGRICH, 145-R.6 B. hd Mysne Counsel r, Penna. 0006000000000: ©) et i ¢ H 0 » tn - 0 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO, PA. | FACTS CONCERNING F NEW SCHOOL LOAN Is (From Page One.) | School and hence would not affé | any department to any appreciab | extent and from an economic stand- point non-resident pupils are an asset to the district. Question—What effect, if any, would baring non-resident pupils have on tax rate? Answer—It would additional 3 to 3 1-2 in present tax rate, on sessed valuation to make up for loss, derived from non-resident pu- pil’s tuition last year. Question—How much does the “district derive from non-resident pupils? Answer—Non-resident pupils tui- tion for 1923-24 term amounted to $4588.75. Question—What was the addition- al expense to the district last year account of the non-resident pu- require: an mills increase present as- revenue annually —Dbecause water, in ffreezing, ex- pands more than the pipe which con- tains it, Therefore ft bursts the on pipe to get more roo A painful pils? Nt. Pos ils? si ! a tution! Bus Answer—For text books and sup- Puieiedl” them approximately quickly stop pain bg ASPRIRIN TABLETS ause they break plies used by $525.00. Question—Would same number of Trt up easiily and sthrt their relief teachers be required? work instantly. tui Answer—Yes all other expense of | rue [sere so the district would remain the same. i skillfully made thfit their beneficial : ‘ : action begins in 1H seconds. Highest Question—Why not build an ad- 18 | purity, never irrifate or burn. dition to present building? | One of 200 Pgretest preparations Answer—This plan has been cone | for he: th and Fiore. B ny. fem sidered by board, and upon advice | Ld i lenses from Dept. of Public Instruction, | as well as | architects of Board, the plan has | and several the opinion E. WW. { GARBER Roatan Sassssece de of each issue and we NNO deserve our Ff v 3 Nirmal REPUBLICA AN Win : SW 7 sday afternoon @ been discarded since an addition | & i 1 : o 3 YARRA DARD me Drug Store would cost approximately $40000.00 8 N\A INN os = i 1ditic four room | & 2 — ; 8 tion € S S i s 1 d be t 1 h Sc 1 1 ( # — ~ ' sivas Wg? £ EHS S17 enamel hele SL Tee Re rene G: J pd DC (ou ~ ) = i a on . setz AC th 1 @ oo Ade ert ee? 6 Vian? & iJ RE] po % ¥ DENA ( MOUNT JOY, PENNA. s your pan N vis Rohrer’s Garage @ ize i NN SN AN NN EN EN EN EN RN RN AR . NN DEN u have to = { | NL {CNS J La NT I NE NOON NY IS DEN tf, La I 4 oF I Dr. } I lex AB om a B G J. | a & 4 | \ AL -3 i Cg. { I -r 4 B N. ( ) | v #1 v : W. S} A A Bi: G. € NS SE A TT IR RA) Inesday, as previously i \ : : 1 8 T ~~ mm g . 3 = | The Republican Party is on the a 5 each great iss N in the intere s not merely t possi Economy mea: Economy becomes to the wiil. * . as careful in spanding other people's dollars Presider nt £ Coolidge is 2 ver uses Protection to the manufacturer. the United States. VOTE STRAIS ITE 2 = A t of all the pecple was a Republican proposal. It was made possi ‘ble by Republican economy. gS EF iD It ag made difficult by Democratic and Insurgent obstruction. it there is no unnecessary spending but no unnecessary collecting. ble only where there is both a will to economize and a system for giving effect as he wo words to expréss what can be expressed in one. the e system throughhwhich this habit of eccnomy is made effective. and the jarmer as\zvell as to the Preservation of the Constitution of International co-operation bt not international partnership. on WeCate Republican County Committee ee ee mei nounced. jolt side of m | Tigoint SIUC O ed as | = tobace | jellie £00 1s | All Hous € | 3 1g, Knit goods, fruits, tables, oh It was made popular by at it Boll Io, off fron att 0 au ] 3 \ 11 either si de of the at Main street, The committee has a number of special features dur. | ing the fair. f i o_o KINDERHOOK GIRL { KILLED IN MISHAP | arranged for | is in the use of his own Economy is with him BONER je BEE EEE EE th RICKER\S Saturday, Oct. Try a Free Sample ll I LI \ THIS IS Golden Flake ARMSTRONG'S LINOLEUM WEEK Featurihg the Season’s New Designs and Calor You are to linoleum in ings for Every Room your kitchen and bath. ep linoleum floors clean, Y« it is to l s of rooms. But do vou knowsthat there are patterns made especially 1 bY bedrooms halls? Do you r& in these rooms will save you much anfinitely 1 attractive? This SPECIA ALE superior to oderate cost. in a 10x12 A a d= \rn nlaid “$16.75 \ s 3; 3 op Armstron Printed $11.75 te Ls ad ii 3 8 8 EQ “8 ta oct. 2Z%lt : 2000 0000000000000 31 ORE REELS CORRECT TIME 1 we, although we've been in business since 18786. We admit t Apple watches cup once in a while. We've seen a v that have 1 a lot of trouble. But we know of no watches that give as little izophle, and as much dollar, as Apple line, We stand for Watch § for your Service. LW. W. Apple & Son 131 Queen St., North LANCASTER, PA. General Dawes was the first Director of the Budget. With him economy is not merely an interest but Ns age One.) a specialty. When it comes to old-fashioned thriMand the spirit of f trusteeship i in public affairs these two Cy. NJ, rivals. Under their administratidg not a dollar will be spent which can by any rea- and cuts aboufl the - ty be left in the pocket of the taxpaye br to the Col . 0 : . East 1 I REPUBLICAN TICKET Th R i Pai it co free Y . : fork, im a REPUBLICAN TICKE The Republicda Party stands for: Yok : President of the United States i bis 3 Ee i > | = —— : A - 4 g : ° ally injured. : hi Wioe Freer Tax 1 a in the interest of all Fo hort it thar) DS — 1 cuts were Frank Doherty, 24 W presser ects the people. h street, T N. J} and N Er dustrial worker iii a Lm da raused d n 1 14 we eo ] McCabe ria’ about nine o’cloek Blain county, route to to olcit x : 0 visi Mr. Me( rrr rr rT rr rr rr rT rw gen 2 Wm 1 ! Ki Per Box of 50 these cigars don’t and and get your HE um “- I) Pun Ha Ww oa. 11M 010 a i