PAGE TWO MT. JOY BULLETIN MOUNT JOY, PA. 4. E. SCHROLL, Editor & Pro'r. Subscription Price $1.50 Year Sample Copies ..... FREE Single Copies... ... 3 Cents Three Months... .40 Cents Six Months. ..... 75 Cents Entered at the post office at Mount Joy as eecond-cluss mail matter, The date of the expiration of your subscrip- gion follows your name on the label, We do sot send veceipts for subscription money re- eteived. Whenever you remit, see that you are given proper credit, We credit all sub- scriptions at the first of each month, The subscription lists of the Landisville Wigil, the Florin News and the Mount Joy #tar and News, were merged with that of the afount Joy Bulletin, which makes this paper's EDITORIAL A calf weighing 100 pounds was killed by buzzards near Oxford, Pa., one day last week. The law of worthy life is funda- mentally the law of strife. It is only through labor and painful effort, by grim energy and resolute courage that we move on to better things.—Theodore Roosevelt. ONE PER CENT FOR ADVERTIS- ING Two per cent of the gross sales of a mercantile business is the ac- cepted amount to be spent for ad- wertising, though many firms go as high as 3 and 4 per cent. If every firm in Mount Joy would set aside even 1 per cent for advertising, the Bulletin would be greatly enlarged, publish far more news and serve ¢he community better than is now possible. And every firm, if it paid proper attention to its advertising, | would greatly increase its business. EA SR, This is the week of our Commun- Mrs. E. D. Shank and daughter have returned home from a trip to | Niagara Falls and Canada. Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Stoll were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gish on South Market street. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kline, of Har- risburg, spent a few days in town as the guests of Holwager and Kline families. Frank Aldinger purchased the S. L. Geyer property on North Market street. The terms of the sale were private. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lehman, of near Smyrna, visited the former's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs, P. L. Lehman. Mr. and Mrs. George Brniser and family of Harrisburg, visited the lat- ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Morning. Miss Lois Suiter, of York, and Miss Grace Jones, of Tyrone, spent several days as the guests of Miss Mae Dulebohn. Samuel Geyer has broken ground for the erection of a single concrete block residence on the corner of Summit and North Poplar street. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Hickey and William 8S. Groff, of Cynwyd, were visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Martha Groff, | this week. Harry Henderson, of Harrisburg, ario operator on the U. S. 8S. Richmond, spent a few days in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Eppler and family. Mrs. Frank Croman has opened a | kindergarten in the primary room of | the Lutheran Sunday school chapel | with an enrollment of 16 for { the first week. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Madiera and | family and Mr. and Mrs. G. G. | Grubb, of Harrisburg, spent Tuesday as the guests of Mrs. B. N. Musser ¢ | : . | and daughter ity Exhibit and everybody in this and d wughte Py : : 1 hould be interested enough! Wesley Seiders is a patient at the v hould be interested ugh | 0 A pa ] Lancaster General Hospite ‘her to inspect the ‘many displays. . A} -Bhcasier enema il where large * of our merchants 8 recovering from injuries re- ee] 1 » of whicl 1 we | Ceived in a trolley accident at Florin ave Dootns many oi whic show | = op yw nicht > 1 ¢ vd on Sunaay nignt. The exhibit esting and in 5 ot 4 Mount J S I s week is ell 1t GOH ADVICE ( happy. Drop and al a picture on your desk and » you may be foolish 3 vorry about your affairs, .it and fill your minutes. mind with t for a few ark in your 1 crush you. best and t give the ills of life. telligent effort in 1 ing can not be used in place work and well directed e when added to them, makes a com- | bination irresistible. Some business | | houses lack many t are material to success i only turns th I shortcomings and hastens the Advertising should be used to turn| : i { attention to the modern, progressive, | 1 well-directed ith an X-ray beam that illuminates its smooth in- | side workings and displays its quali ties to advantage. ee i WINDOW SHOPPING | The windows of Mount Joy have | mever appeared to better advantage | than now. The individual who has| not walked around t town recent- | iy, ““window-s I 80 tonight. Show windows are an aducational device of rea should dol | i earefully written textbook. They] aid us in our daily work by keeping | us up-to-date, exhibiting the latest | efforts of the designer, the manu-|_ | I facturers, the inventor, the chemist | and all the tribe of men, who move the world’s cog-wheels. And Mount |” Joy's shop windows rank high in this pedagogical effort. They show that this town has the goods. No | | | | | | meed for local residents to go away | to larger towns to purchase needed | oe articles, wearable or otherwise. The suit, the hat, the book, the howl dining table, the bit of decoration, the gift—anything you want or need is on display in the show win- dows of your own town. Better take a look at them tonight. ELIZABETHTOWN Prof. E. H. Hertzler has enrolled at Columbia University. Miss Madeline Greenblat friends in Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Duleboh spent Wed 1 N Rev. and MN the former’ » and rest your | merit. | © They instruct as truly as the most] .° v. S. B. Landis will give an il- ted lecture on his recent trip he Pacific coast in the Rheems mar School room on Saturday evening, Oct » 18, at 7 o'clock. Irs. C nce Enterline and children, of Uniontown, who were visiting tl former’s parents, Mr nd Mrs. Imboden, returned to their itomobile and were ac r. and Mrs. S. H. sey Enterline. Bi a cadet on the S 1 i ‘““Annapolis’’ has re m a 10,000 mile cruise a 1g his mother, Mrs. S s place. Wise will r ssion as second tion exercises to he bart of this month schools taught by Mrs. Line Miss Shelley, Miss Cawley . Reist will be the four to upy th new building put up temporarily to _ accommodate the The building will be 1cy the week fol- y teachers’ insti- was held in the rs. M. G. Wolge- town, in honor of Mrs. Lester Hitz, who were 1arried The guests were and Mrs. Lester nry Hoerner, Mr. and . Hitz, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- onk, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. 1, Rev. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lehn, C. H. Moyer, Mr. and ry Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. 1d Mrs, Walter Dripes, "| Mr. and Mrs. Noah Kreider, Mr. and Mis. Jacob Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe 1avely, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herr, Misse Dorothy and Anna Bi Ethel Heisey, Margaret Le Esther Jrinser, Margaret Hoerner, Laura Nissley, Beaulah N , Martha Ancher, Phoebe Hess, Susan Engle, Ruth Wolge- muth, Esther Fray, Ruth Moyer, Grace Wolgemuth, Geraldine, Mary, Dorothy and Jean Horner, Martha Leppard, Mary Brinser, Naomi Gin- i Maud Jecker, Elda Lichten- r, Myr! Martin and Elva Mar- tin, Edna Ginder, Sara Myers, Lil- an Hottenstein and Mabel Lichty; srs. Norman Shank, John Miller, Myers, Harry G. Myers, Paul Jess, John Ginder, Abram Nissley, Ezra Hess, Fzra Albinger, Paul D Heisey, John Malhorn, Earl Eshle- nan, Paul Trassler, Clayton Hossler, Wolgemuth, Victor Hitz, Earl Wolgemuth, C. J. Kenton Esh- leman, Warren Bishop, Claude Moy- + and James Bishop. RHEEMS Ezra Souders served two days at ncaster as juryman at the Com- mon Pleas Court last week. Mrs. H. E. Thompson and Mrs. Souders spent one day at Lan- ister, shopping on Woast King reet last week. Miss Martha Moehler, of Eliza- 1t Sunday at the home AZ a KE Brahak + ir. and r Eli Brubaker a ra thtown, si i n, Sp R} Mrs. S Hawn and Mrs. Reu- | Nissley, of Mt. Joy, spent one | the home of Mrs. Susan! h. R 1S. 1 Mrs. Eno at r ANC Mrs Fvisitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shenk, and Mrs. John Rohrer on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Zeager spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Rheems. Miss Grace B., Heisey, a prominent pedagogue from Mifflin, Pa., spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Susan B. Heisey, at Rheems. Mrs. Susan Wolgemuth, Miss An- na Mae Miller and Mrs, Anna Eby and daughter, Rhoda, paid a visit at the Isaac Lefever home, near East Petersburg, as guest of Miss Lefever, who is an invalid. Leland Haldeman received his ready cut lumber in a car for his house to be erected on the corner of Martha and Main streets, Rheems. Phares E. Grove has contracted the carpenter work. Charles Ricedorf, farmer adjacent to Rheems, who made a feeding record on twenty steers in one hundred days last winter, purchased twenty steers, that average over twelve hundred pounds, at the Gingerich stock yards, at Lawn, last Saturday, hoping to exceed his 1923 record. The following school mates held a birthday surprise party in honor of Miss Mildred Souders, Saturday evening at her home at Rheems: Miss Evelyn Kraybill, Irene Bobich, Anna Mae Henry, Dorothy Holling- er, Mildred Grove, Dorothy Grove, Helen Shultz, Lillian Shultz, Mildred Mae Geib, Ruth Floyd and Ralph Souders. Games and refreshments were indulged in for a number of hours. Church of the Brethren held their regular morning services at Rheems last Sunday after Sunday School with a large attendance, with the Revs. Kaylor, Shearer, Nathan Esh- leman, Hiram Eshleman, Samuel Eshleman, Gingerich and Butter- baugh on the bench. A missionary sermon was delivered impressively by Rev. Gingerich as it was the 30th anniversary of the first missionary work done by the church of the Brethren in 1894, An illustrated lecture on the western part of the United States was given to a large audfence in the Rheems school hguse by Prof S. B. Landis last Saturday evening Mr. Landis has receny returned t and gave an Crator Lake Yosemite, from a tour of the we interesting talk on th Lake Tahoe, Park and various parts of California. A number of poems were read The proceeds will be wr th benefit of the Rheems amina school. UI ees SPORTING HILL Subscribe for the Mt, Joy Bullatir Miss Janet Ackerman spent Sun- day at Hood College, Md., as the guest of Miss Theresa Bishop. Misses Margaret and Louisa "outz spent Sunday with Miss Winona Huber, of Safe Harbor. Misses Anna, Kathryn and Edith Nissley, spent Sunday at Lancaster J ion visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. S. 111 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strickler and son of Salunga; Mrs. Strickler and aughter, Emma, spent Sunday in the home of Phares Strickler. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Witmer and family of Haifville, Mr. and Mrs. Ben £ N, Shenk and family, of Neffsville were on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kready and children of Central Rapho, Mr. and Mrs. John Nissley and daughters of Naumanstown, were guests of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Nissley, of Union Square; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nissly and family, of near Manheim, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Boyd -and child were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garman. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Foose enter- tained the following guests on Sun- day: Mr. and Mrs. Gast of Lancas- ter; Samuel Foose and son, of Co- lumbia; Mr. and Mrs. Chester Enck and children, of Lititz; and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ginder and family, of* Lancaster. LANC. JUNCTION Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Fetter visited Mrs.. Mary Spickler, at Mount Joy, on Sunday. Mrs. Miller, of Manheim, spen the week in the home of eX Rutt. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wise and children, of Lancaster, visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert on Sunday. John K. Cassel and family, of Airy Dale Farm, were Sunday guests of Rev. A. A. Hughes and family, Miss Florence H. Gross is ac- companying friends from Lancaster on a motor tour to points in Vir- ginia. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Becker and children, were Sunday guests of Isaac Brubaker and family, of near Lancaster Junction. Jacob Weaver, and daughter, Miss Stella, and Martha Weaver, visited Mr. and, K Mrs. Pzter Shelley, at Manheim, on Saturday. The community prayer meeting, held at the home of Isaac Walborn, on Saturday evening, was attended by more than a hundred people. The following were guests of H. ly and family on Sund erbert Leaman an n; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. 3 3 a ianghter f- adaaugnierx via Mary of Mount- i 2 , and THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO.. PA. Sry! Zeager, ' EE o \/ vr ry 0000000000® Explanation | \ Community Exhibit We feel as tho the Public and our Customers, who will look for us at the Community Exhibit WN are entitled to know why we are Not at the Community Exhibit On Tuesday evéping, October 7th, Messrs. Reuben Fellenbaum and John Booth called at the store me 10 ft. of space right inside the front door on New Haven street of Enos Rohrer’s Garage, adjoining the space of H. C. Brunner. This space was contracted for at $1.00 per ft. or $10.00 for the 10 ft. When I selected my space there was*l2 feet available and the above named gentlemen wanted me to take the 12 feet, which Was more than I needed saying 10 feet was plenty for me, but that I would look into the matter and if I decided to take the extra 2 feet I would let them know. This verbalhagreement apparently was satisfactory and I wrote my name across the said space, designating 10 feet sold. Later in the week these men sold the same space to Henry G. Carpenter. On F riday morning, October 17th, Mr. Roy Sheetz told me of this complicated ‘affair and while discussing the question Mr. Fellenbaum and Mr. Carpenter joined tha, party respectively, and on Mr. Carpen- ter’s arrival Mr. Fellenbaum said, “Bud, I am in a mixup. I sold you the same space that I sold to Getz thru an error and misundekstanding. We will have to get this fixed up.” \ This statement was made in the presence of,\and can be proven by Dan Derr, Eugene Rice, Roy Sheetz, G. Moyer and the partiesig¢oncerned. I immediately look- ed into the affair and saw that this committee added the extra 2 feet to H. C. Brun- A After weeks of preparation for my exhibit and the expenditure of several hun- ] lountJoy have a successful dred dollars for display and advertising to help make | exhibit and then to be turned down by two men is certainly not showing a community spirit. Another thing worthy of mention is the fact that several merchants had rilege of selecting two booths (one of which was a member\of this commit- tee), while others were allowed to take as much space or all of it to swjt their needs. Hoping this will explain to my friends and customers why I am not'xepresented at the Community Exhibit, and welcoming you all te visit the store during the Exhibit and we will try to treat you as we would were we represented. a - : ”~ ’ nN \ @ ® ( a Fy : — : Huh Ty TNE DG WO DG DOD WED 70 GNA! PIE PLLC ICCD I SEP $2 EP + ED 4 6 RCE, rr EGE SPECIAL EXCURSION LURAY, VA! iving an opportunity to visit the "UP 4,00 November Ist on MTD GHG GY e Of here is only one car whose owneX is free from all the worry, all the trouble, and all of the expense, connected with chassis lubrication. ; That canis the 192% Cieveland Six—the only car which has the passing thi#ough the Cumber- land and enandoah Valleys MNT OEIC 0G HIN 7 2)e YW 9 WALD C20 2K PANE DEY Special rate forjadmission to Caverns, 55 cent including tax. Ask Ticket Agents for Luray Caverns Bogklet PP FOR RW SM, FRO MO Bll FL NIE I PAD Ee Pennsylvania R. R. i ORNE-SHQO "LUBRICATION J The Stender Reflrond i | I SYSTEM. 1 | 173 See this ama $ 3 GIN DEIN DEIN CD ICG You “step cu the all 23 chassis paris Mileage Botor New L-head type. From 5 to 25 m. P. bh. in under 7 seconds in high gear. Balioon Tires Genuine supersize type are standard equipment on all models. Newcomer's sed Car List 1923 Khevrolet Coupe. | 1921 Ford Coupe. | ? DIN 5 ADI 5 ancy WO CPR PLT LRT I Ar WY Optional i cost. Six design. (The One-Shot Lubrication System is licensed under Bowen Pro Touring Car $1095 CONFIG cts Company patents) f.0.b.Cleveand New Bkougham $1545 P. Franck Schock MOUNT JOY, PA. pred © Do oe ro) oO ao or I) [a 2 ge 9 8 AA 15 eu ) Qo o = 0 AX ESR 2-1921 To with Bodies. 1918 Ton Tru Body, Curtain J = o ~ nn <= bo — Fed} pd G MW AN C3 GY CARA CLEVELAND AUTOMOBILE COMPANY . CLEVRLAND NTO No GHA CW 4 IQ Prom - 1925 MODEL Service Station Open Every Until © P. M. \ DUC EIN DOG DNF DG 0G SN SL SIDE IR 30d Sal BE 2X TERE £2) 2 GY NT MOUNT JOY, PENNA.