—_ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 1924 THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. DOOOO Why Farmers are Turning to i Jor Eoonomical Transportation ¥ In 1922 Chevrolet jumped from seventh to second place in sales of all cars, and to first place in sales of fully equipped modern cars. Purchases by farmers were the chief factor in this remarkabie development. Farmers want automobiles not only of low first price, but also of low later cost for operation and maintenance. They want room, comfort, and the ability to stand up under hard conditions. They find that Chevrolet, fully equipped as sold, is the best value per dollar in the low-priced field, and neighbors tell them it costs less per mile to operate. X % 4 % 5 * 4 5 Prices F. O. B. Flint, Michigan 5 * AJ % % 5 5 % ¥ E. B. Rohrer Chevrolet Sales and Service Station MOUNT JOY, PA. 3] Special for Saturday Only Saturday, October 4th, 1924 (ANCASTER FAIR SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER |,2, 3. The Biggest and Best Fair ever attempted in Lancaster. Many old favorites are back again—many new and startling features have been added to the biggest list ‘of attractions ever presented. Wallace's Vocal Orches the Finest aE wd Just received a largs consignment of SCHRAFFT’S CHOCOLATES ABOUT TWENTY VARIETIES which will be sold for one day only at ~ 40¢ PER LB. You can have all of one kind or assorted—as you prefer. No limit as to quantity. 10-cent sizes Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, 3 Packs 25c. Red Man, 2 Packs for 25c. 15-cent Packs of Cigaretts, 2 Packs for 23c. All 15¢ All All 8-cent Sa, Standard Brands, 4 for 25c. All 5-cent Ci , Standard Brands, 6 for 25c. All Penny Goo ig 10c a Dozen, or 5¢ per hag f Dozen. BACHMAN’S CHOCOLATE. We 5-1b. Plain Bars that we are selling We make of have 5-ib. Almend Bars and t $1.50 Per Bar. We also have a special price on Bachman 10-1b bars of coating. H. A. DARRENKAMP, 3 Doors East of Post Office MOUNT JOY, PA. «55 Vaudeville Acts, Po Bud Snyder | Exhibits Hla Co. She Nx owt of Ts oa give ie Stans Poi sonss on, ¢ & and complete owing of lates arm Bwise Ex its, glories implements, tractors, 1025 wl odels. DONT MISS THE MIDWAY 20 high class shows, Sie oe 2) Bland. Sharper, Butlarly, obo. Bia Misetow ns Ferris Wheel, Merry w and Buckskin Ben's and in purses Jou 2 ‘tis oars Juoing pro will far surpass previous years. Rain or shine, @ races y on the best track in the State. ’ wes GEE Te | lH lp A LL Gamma Ser kA bl a RC iY ssn yo Pay Your Garfare on Purchases of $ | 5S DONOVANS Store Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 O'Clock EC New Fall Suits $15 For Men and Young Men All wool materials, in soft finished worsteds that will not gloss or shine. All sizes 35 to 46. Donovans 2nd floor. tse Our Mall Order Serviee The Produce and Live Stock Market CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN Daily livestock and weekly review, conditions at the Stock Yards: during the past week showed little or no improvement. All classes killing stock showed slow movement beef steers compared with week ago best grades about steady common killers weak bidding unevenly lower top $3.00 weight 1,425 lbs. Few held higher bulk of sales $7.00 and $7.75. Compared with same week last year top $9.00 bulk $7.25 and $8.50 Bulls she stock and canners slowa- bout steady. Stockers and feeders receipts liberal quality mostly medi- um attractive prices on most grades causing a broader inquiry, best grades holding about steady with week ago commoner kinds weak. Mondays run will include a liberal share of this class. Representatives Sales 22 good quality Southern Angus steers $7.50, weight 1050, 17 good quality Canadian Short Horns $7.50, weight 900. 28 good quality Southern Angus steers $7.40, weight 900, 27 fair quality St. Paul Durhams $6.90, weight 800. 16 good quality Canadian Short Horns $7.00, weight 700. 44 plain quality St. Paul Durhams $6.40, weight 900. Calves closed steady top vealers $13. Hogs: unchanged top Westerns $11.50. Receipts for todays market- cattle 36 cars, 11 Va., 9 Kenty, 7 Canada, 3 St. Paul, 2 Ny, 2 Tenn., 1 West Va.,, 1 Chicago, containing 1015 head, 29 head driven in. To- tal cattle 1,044 head 133 hogs, 30 calves. Receipts for week ending Spt. 27 1924: cattle 308 cars con- taining 8,999 head driven in total i cattle 9033 head. 32 calves 1140 hogs. Receipts for same week last vear cattle 243 cars containing 6880 head 24 head driven in total cattle 6904 head 227 calves 1071 hogs. STEERS: Good to choice $8.00-9.00 Fair to good (1924) $7.25-88.00 Medium to fair $6.00-7.25 Common to medium $5.00-6.00 BULLS: Good to choice $6.00-6.75 Fair to good $5.50-6.00 Medium to fair $5.00-5.50 Common to medium $3.50-5.00 HEIFERS: Choice to prime 7.25-38.00 Good to choice $6.50-87.25 Medium to good $4.50-$6.50 Common to medium 53.50-54.50 COWS: Good to choice $5.25-6.50 Medium to good $4.00-5.25 Common to medium $38.00-4.00 Canners & Cutters $2.00-2.50 FEEDING STEERS Good to choice $7.00-87.75 Fair to good $6.00-$7.00 Common to fair $4.50-36.00 STOCK STEERS Good to choice $6.75-37.50 Fair to good $5.75-36.75 Medium to fair $4.50-$5.75 Common to Medium $3.25-84.50 STOCK BULLS Good to choice $5.50-$6.50 Fair to good $4.75-35.50 Common to fair $3.50-34.75 CALVES: Good to choice $11.00-$13.00 Medium $7.00-$11.00 Common $4.00-$7.00 HOGS: Heavyweight 200-250 $11.00-11.50 Mediumweight 150-200 $11.00-11.50 Lightweight 100-150 $10.00-11.00 Rough Stock, $8.00-10.00 Lancaster Grain and Feed Market Wheat $1.20-$1.2Y bu. { Corn $1.15 bu. | Hay (baled) Timothy $16.00-318.00 Straw $11.00-813.00 Selling Price of Feeds { Bran $37.00-38.00 ton Shorts $38.00-39.00 ton Hominy $55.00-56.00 ton $44.50-45.50 ton i Linseed $58.00-59.00 ton Gluten $52.00-53.00 Ground Oats $44.00-45.00 Cottonseed 43 pe. $59.00-60.00 Dairy Feed 16 pec. $39.50-40.50 Dairy Feed 18 pec. $42.00-43.00 ton Dairy Feed 20 pc. $44.50-45.50 ton Dairy Feed 24 pe. $53.00-54.00 Dairy Feed 25 pe. $54.00-55.00 Horse Feed 85 ye. $50.50-51.50 0) Cre: Hall’s Catarrh Medicine Those who are in a “run down” condl- don will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in 300d health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly irfluenced by constitutional conditions, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is a Tonic and Blood Purifier, and acts through the blood wpon the mucous surfaces of the body, thus reducing the inflammation ind restoring normal conditions. All druggists. Circulars free. ¥. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohle. Eee You may as well try to eonduct your business without capital as to try and get slong without advertis- ing. There’s no use, it won't go. All the leading and most successful mer- chants use the columns of the Mount Joy Bulletin. wo RE Extenuation “Look here, pater! Yom musn’t| believe all the les you hear about a chap. Half of 'em are net true, yon know.”—Sydrey (Aust.) Bulletin. STATES VIEW FOR LEADERSHIP IN IMPROVING LIVESTOCK Three States—Ohio, Kentucky and Virginia—are close contenders for first place in improving their live- stock under the butter-sires -plan, according to a report just issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, The statement shows the status of the work up to July 1, 1924. During the three-months’ preceding this date 865 owners placed their farms on a strictly purebred-sire basis, having signed pledges to breed their female animals of all kinds and classes only to purebred sires of good quality. This number compares favorably with 806 for the preceding quarter. The pledges are filed with the De- partment of Agriculture, which as- sists the signers by supplying help- ful information on breeding, feeding, and management. Since this method for hastening the improvement of livestock began, October 1, 1919, the number of farmer participants has reached a total of 14,369, owning well over a million and a half animals and fowls. Ohio holds first place in the list of States, with 2,874 participants. Ken- tucky and Virginia follow closely, with 2,689 and 2, 258 members. Kentucky, which was in third place three months ago, made a gain of 471 members, displacing Virginia for second place and becoming a close contender for leadership. While the friendly rivalry adds in- terest to the progress in livestock improvement, the chief result is the benefit which livestock owners and their communities receive. From an economic viewpoint the decision of farmers to use purebred sires means a rapid improvement of herds and flocks. Experience has demonstrat- ed that well-bred animals obtained by the use of purebred sires have a utility value about 40 per cent greater than that of common stock. Department records show that 35 counties now enjoy the distinction | of having more than 100 persons | who are breeding all classes of their| period livestock stock—horses, cattle, swine, sheep, | goats, and poultry—to purebred sires. mmr eal Grr mans | WEATHER BUREAU BELIEVES IN LIGHTNING RODS ON FARMS | _ For more than 30 years the W ea- |z ther Bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture has ort an earnest advocate of the protection | of buildings and other property | against lightning by suitable rod- | ding. The bureau is frequently | called upon to advise inquirers con- cerning the proper methods and | materials to be employed. Occasion- | ally plans are drawn up in detail for the protection of Government structures. In 1910 the White House was rodded after plans and specifications prepared by Professor Marvin. To determine the relative liabil- ity of farm buildings to fire damage by lightning, a study of lightning fire losses was made recently by the Weather Bureau of the United States Department of Agriculture. The average annual loss for the whole United States is a little over $12,000,000 which is probably a conservative figure. Illinois has the unenviable first place, with an aver- age annual loss of over a million dollars, part of which may be attributed to industrial sections. Texas is next in order because of its large area and the presence of highly inflammable oil-storage tanks. New York is third, for reasons similar to those affecting Illinois. In the highly developed agricultural States of the North heavy losses are suffered. especially through des- tructive cylonic thunder-storms. If the inner number showing relative | liability of farm buildings to damage | is small in one State when compared [€ with another having equally structive and frequent thunder- | storms, it is quite probable that pro- tection against lightning is more general in the former State. Michi- de- gan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa are States where it is estimated that somewhat more than half of the farm buildings are protected by | rodding. | The advertising cof Bulletin are the mouthpieces thru Pigs, poultry, whieh all wide-awake speak to their customers. | thinking it tastes good we put into {order to get back |delicious taste that was in it origin- | ally. Many vegetables that are whole- some and nourishing as well as appetizing are valueless for food being cooked. They must be Highly seasoned in order to be eaten {at all. The seasoning stimulates an unnatural appetite and we over-eat of the valueless, denatured food and are distressed with indigestion, yes, | constipation, ulcers, and piles. Again we go to the doctor and {I tell them to lof five i to rent fwas accomplished by growing more ns of the home garden preducts and keeping merchants {for which sufficient feed Crops were tf. | produced on the farm. Home Health Club WEEKLY LETTER WRITTEN EX. PRESSLY FOR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER FOOLISHNESS: Once in a while one is apparently justified in tell- ing another how many kinds of a fool he is, but if one considers his own actions he is inclined to be cautious about what he says of the other fellow, Dr. Lee says that we pay the miller to take the bran out of our wheat and give us lifeless starch out of which to make our bread. We then pay the doctor for tell- ing us to eat bran and then we buy the bran from the miller at a high price. Now I call that foolishness, Now look at our actions from another angle. We buy an endless quanity of clothing and wear it on our bodies. This shuts out the most powerful therapeutic agent in the world, sun- shine. We also build costly houses of brick, stone and wood. We keep ourselves shut up in these, not only away from sunshine, but from good, pure, fresh air. Again we go to the doctor and pay him for telling us to get out into the air and sunshine, to live in the open, take sunbaths, and use more water, externally, and in- HOUSES FOR SALE In Florin Immediate Possession A 2%-Story Frame House, all conveniences, hardwood floors, large lawn, liberal mortgage. Price $5,500, Two New Frame Double Houses, all conveniences, cement walks, large lot, finished attics, wide porch- es, $7,600 each or $3,750 a side. Liberal mortgage. A 2%.Story Frame House, § rooms, newly painted and papered, price $1,800. S. NISSLEY GINGRICH A. G. WALTERS Florin, Pa. or any Real Estate Agent. ternally. Now all doctors will not |} be so honest as to tell us to get out into the air and sunshine and eat our foods as nature produced them, but the number who will is rapidly increasing. We grow delicious fruits that con- tain all of the natural elements re- quired by our bodies to keep us in health and instead of eating it as nature provides it, we pay some one to denature and distroy the best of it and serve the rest cooked up to jam, jelly, preserves, stew or sauce and in order to cheat ourselves into this cooked product another dena- tured food which we call sugar. And sometimes we add cream in a portion of the pay him to operate and try to cut out the pains, but it can’t be done. They are there just the same and perhaps worse after the operation. Many times people have come or been brought to me after they had been told that their days were num- bered, nothing more could be done, no medicine would cure them, A month, possibly six months, or a year at the longest, but the end was in sight. Of course, I instantly agree about the medicine although now some physicians agree that the right food is the best medicine that can be prescribed. Sometimes these patients tell me they can’t eat a thing, everything causes such terrible distress but the dootor said that they must eat certain things to keep up their strength. When I tell them to not eat any- thing for a week but fruit juices, they are ready to drop with horror. They are quite sure they will starve to death in much less than a week. Some of them cheat and then they must pay for more service. When I get them to eat just what and nothing else, I can usually work them back into normal health before the time set * Ad . * J et J + Rd +x J tJ J J x J LS J x J 3 J 5 JS xX J 5 J J J 3 & J) & J &S J i ri : * \ 1 \ SO0000000000000000008 INI The Florin Garage BAILEY & LAWRENCE, Proprietors 3 We Sell the: OAKLAND CARS In All Models Anything You Want in Accessories 4 Bell Phone 153R13 Mount Joy Exchange Give Us a Trial and We'll Do Your Work Thereafter. OOOO OC COC Read About the New Place in Elizabethtown At 19 South Market St. We have installed a Hoffman Steam Pressing of the best pressing machines made in lig state. is the best and only way t6 properly take care of youl We Do Dry Cleaning of All Kind Well as Pressing Our Prices: Suits, 50c; Overcoats, 5 Once you have your suit steam pressed you will want it that way. Try it. JOHN MONAHAS, Proprieto ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. sept. I ™ {for the final act. Three years consultation physicians at a hospital agreed that a certain patient was through and gave three months as the limit, He was at work in two months and at the end of a year in better health than for twenty years. Yesterday I learned that he wanted a farm. He was nothing but skin and bones but I started his treatment with a fast of two days, nothing but water; but lets of that. Fruit juices, a little milk and plenty of water for six weeks and he ained 25 pounds in she following six months. Are you wise or foolish? Come ver and take dinner sometimes, ou won't go away hungry, but you may find it different. All readers of this paper are at|Q iberty to write for information on ny subject pertaining to health. ddress all such communications to r. David H. Reeder, Home Health club, with six cents, for reply, iving full name and address. La- orte, Indiana, 0 Ce. Use Bester Food Over 31,000 negro farm hemes sed better selected food during 923 as a result of cooperative ex- ension work, according to reports o the United States Department of griculture. In many cases this ago a 00 and dairy animals ® t 3 EF uriicture : ARE YOU BUYING SATISFACTION WITH YOUR FURNI- & TURE AND CARPETS? QUALITY AND SERVICE MAKE FOR SATISFACTION. WE ASSURE YOU OF ALL THREE WE ARE DEPENDABLE Westenberger, Maley & Myers ” 125.131 E. King St. 6 O’Clack Closing Saturdays Lancaster, P. rs CLARENCE SCHOCK MOUNT JOY. PA. | Bs Pak R24: SYN