The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, September 17, 1924, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17th, 1924
. model of an airplane that was)came into the hills here following P; k dF 0 R I . N
A German Hermut stolen because he had permitted [the war he asserts, his hair was ICKe rom uur e 1Z10US ews
others to see it. Then came the |pure white. Now it is a rusty red. J
. . . ' ms : :
trip to America where in the west- | This is not at all unlikely, for the Ww kl C d B k 0 Ch h
Finds Odd Spring ern United States he turned rancher [hills about here abound in iron ore. ec Y ar as et m ur urc es
LAER nearly two decades ago. The boom- |Certainly his hair and beard bear Me
(From page one.) ing of guns on the western front|a marked resemblance to the red (From Page One) Donegal Presbyterian Church on Trane
erings. His frugal meals are cooked |and the entry of the United Statec |rocks here. oh» Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor a or
over an open fire in a blackened |into the war, and again he was| Seltman is known to a number (Continued from Page 1) Sabbath School service at 9:30 coal. m
kettle. His few belongings are [tricked of the fruits of his labor, |6f our residents, who on numerous [Thursday at the Newport Fair. AM.
packed in a gunny sack and slung |he says, decasions have visited his abode, My and Now A Divine Worship at 7:30 P. M.
: ARO spe \g Ly :
over his back whenever he wishes| Seltman is obviously a man of ny Ge vin Wop 2 ih with sermon by the pastor.
to go to the nearest store to buy |culture and speaks and writes half You may as well try to conduct x LB We 1 Bm Hog: ——
food. He had a new pair of|a dozen languages. your business without capital as to tor TS. on ; a ¥: iy ey Florin U. B. Church
blankets stolen while away from his| During his wanderings about the | try and get along without advertis- son ag Sues OX WIS, My We Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor
lean-to, and this has instilled in him |woods of the foothills, Seltman |ing. There’s no use, it won't go. All ey hn uesd my. > En Defeats: Mavic Sunday School at 9.30 A. M.
a sense of distrust of others, claims to have found a spring with | the leading and most successful mer- 138 Ma Orne 0 Manchester, is Hit? a oa s ayh ve Bi; Communion at 10:30 A. M. i
Once an engineer of high stand-|something of qualities of the | chants use the columns of the Mount spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Hing with a vengance he i Junior at 5:30 P.M :
; G yi he riccted “f tain of outh.” When he! Joy Bulletin tf (James Gladfelter, zabethtown Yanks easily defeated C. E. at 6.30 P. M.
gn many: Je sq you. Mr. and Mrs, N. M. Eberly, of [the Maytown tossers in a game at Special offer
Mast, visited M Mee: Rive ithe i Satara f Sermon at 7.15 P. M. be
ssi a pra ea | Mascot, visite r. an rs. vin e former place, Saturday after- expires
A A TR a EE eR UTR TET IN RRR TR | Reist, of near town, over the week- [noon by a score of 14 to 4. Two Trinity Lutheran Church Sr 27th
2 fend. visiting pitchers were knocked from o Kercher, stor *
° Rev. Geo. A. » Pa
WW y ; ) 8! Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bundle and the box as the locals poled out| Bible School 9.30 A. M. aid
h en A e Son Is Sick #|two daughters, Mr. George Shickley | fifteen solid blows. Score: Morning service 10.45 A. M.
# land lady friend spent Sunday at i Servi ou;
> E. Yanks Evening service 7 P. M.
The first thing he wants to know is: “WHER LTO FIND A GOOD DOCTOR.” If you will : Gettysburg, rh oaae The annual Harvest Home ser- Some, nd etn en,
direct your steps to the Woolworth Balding, you ill find the RELIABLE SPECIALIST you are 8 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Musser, of Painter, 25 ...... 3 2 3 7 ofvices will be held at both services. Sl pon on or before Se 7
looking for Without wasting time and money. hile ap i 8 pt this place, were entertained by Mr. McLldin, Ib ...... 1 116 0 0 Special decorations and special
When you visit me you will find that I am ve fv | careful a out getting a corect diagnosis o {land Mrs. Elmer Garber at their Alwine. 3b ...... 2 2.0 0 ofmuse. !
your sickness; that is, to find out where you are ick. ; ; near Marietta. | HefPger, Pi, 3 23 8 8
I will then tell you what my reasonable y res will be for No man 8 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wealand | spi, of 113260 Church of God
need stay away on account of money matters. ng workman can obtain my help and pay by the ana ine Greve Jools Sf sieves.
week or gn as he can afford it, and my FEES} are so low, on account of my large practice, X Sohal ne Ho iif Pine Grove, | Shacffer, Co 2-1.0.0 0 Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor “Wear-E
that no sick man need hesitate to come to me. Reading Sunda e, Poitsvile and | gic ger. sy. 0. 1 4 4 3 0| Sunday School at 9.30 A. M. J. Pr
g| on sunday. | Barnhart, 1f ..... 1 2 0 0 0|S Hamaker, Supt. i
i Walter and Master James Lope Ly 0 0 0 0 o|Joseph Flacks, of Chicago, Ill, a
This rather common disease, also known as “Qatarrh of the Stomach,” 3 i Schneider spent Sunday at f= a co it: tes converted Hebrew, will preach. Hear
srrors in diet, including the use of defective rapid eating and over-loading the stomach. ® 'bethville with relatives. a : Jee
It ond be caused, ‘indirectly, by extension of catailh from the nose or throat, ulcers or nervous §| Rey. Ralph Borneman was cilia} Te Saver vee, 14 15 27 12 © He he has : Nolen) message.
disturbances of the stomach, and other general cond®ions. 8 ? . E. at 6.30 P. M.
5 to Allentown Monday to take charge Maytown Preaching at 7.30 P. M
The initial symptoms of indigestion are not wgll marked, and the condition is often ignored Rlor o fiteral service of onc. of Ws r hoo a of Af 7.3 eM,
at first. Later there is a sensation of pressure in $he region of the stomach after meals, dizziness, 41 3 ber I Bowers, 2b ...... 0/0 4 2 1 Mid-week service at 7:45 >. M.
heart flutter, shortness of breath, which may be rcligved by belching. The tongue is coated, a bad 2 ormer members there. | House 1 15 3 1 5-00 You are invited to worship with
taste in the mouth, especially in the morning; foul §reath, poor appetite, and even vomiting, are ¥ Mrs. Clara Brubaker spent Tousen, ed vee ues
some of the symptoms when the disease has become §well established. The early cases are well #| eral days at Reading, being called | Fletcher, C rire, 0 Come i in ang get your
} nourished, but if there is much vomiting, or if the ®ppetite is poor or the food distresses too much § there on account of the sudden and | Houseal, p ....... }] 2 2.9 0 Methodist Episcopal Church Pans 4 day
2 there is loss of weight and debility. § | serious jliness of Miss Helen Buohl | Houseal, ss ...... Gg 0 2 3 1 Rev. Harry A. Swartz, Pastor.
£ The outlook for Te jase is hopeful if nd too far advanced, and even then the dis- 5 | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kuhns, of : Grate ot SET 3 2 : g 9:15 A. M. Sunday School. BROWN BROTHERS
zi tressing symptoms may be relieved. 3 3 St Louis, Mo., are visiting his sis- | “ease, sb ........ 10:30 A. M. Morning Worship and | Mount Jdy, Pa.
fo (ters, Miss Mary Kuhns and Mrs. Rupp, rf ........ 1:0 2 0 3{dermon
Rheumatism Anna Schwenker, on West Main |Hen’son, 1b ...... 0 0 3 0 6.30 P, M. Epworth League.
Chronic rheumatism may muscles of the chest are in- §| Street, Housel, 1b ....... 0 0 2 0 2! 7.30 p M. Evening Worship and
follow an attack of acute volved, and this form is par- x Messrs Henry Meckley, Levi Dill- | Benner, p ....... 9 0 0 0 0 Sermon
rheumatism, or it may follow ticularly distressing as breath- 2 fiver { Go ro Hd ay Ea Serr .
exposure to cold and damp- ing, coughing or sighing ag- i pes oo : oe Re Shona BY 521 7 3 Wednesday
ness. There is little pain or grevate it. auto trip to ITY Ca. rs. a Hg 3.30 P. M. Junior League.
stiffness in the joints as a rule, I am equipped with modern i bersburg and Gettysburg, on Sun- Maytown 10 0 2 000301 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting.
although there may ba red- apparatus and adjuncts neces- k | day. Etown .... 0033121 0x—14 Cordial welcome to all services.
ness, tenderness and swelling. sary for the treatment of dis- 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Musser of Two-base hits, Alwine, MecLaugh-
au A eh A Hal 2 town, and Miss Mary Shank, a lin, Heffelfinger, Shirk. Stolen bases, St. Mark’s United Brethren Church
the morning, gra ) 2 . ou can_be sure a ” aE es Qt 1 auehli 92. 3c ar .
ing more bearable and disap- est opinion on your case, and | nurse at Lancaster, spent Sunday Mola Ronn, 3 A Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor ED. S00out
] pearing during the day. One if, in my opinion, I cannot visiting Jacob Nagel apd family | arn art, “3 Sunday School 9 A. M. Taige chicks
or many joints may be attack- get results for you, I will re- b near Elizabethtown. | Glass. Hit by pitcher, Heffelfinger, Holy Communion at 10:15 A. M.! — by feeding
24, he rain Pg Rid one fuse to accept your case for Mr, and Mrs. Morris Schraerer | Shirk, Evans, Shaeffer. Sr. Intermediate and Junior | § Pemi-Solid” says
es fred Irom Bement 2 Cheanic Li # (and daughter, Miss Elsie, of Or- Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. | rn, O. Diarrhoea
pain which seem to be depend- ine i) Novo Dr agar [wigdarg and Mrs. Bertha Lantz of General News for Sermon and Communion at 7:30) B attack the hatch
ent on weather changes. In faded in the diseases which | Philadelphia were quests of Mrs. 3S P.M | § Seoiid Butterm
SR nore ney y practice coveres are: {ary Kramer on Monday. . . You are most cordially invited to] I a
shrinking of the Y ons rte Skin Diseases £| Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yellets, Quick Reading all these services. This will be th
with overgrowth of the bone. Liver Troubles 2 Mrs. Sarah Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. last service for the Conference Year
In muscular rheumatism Stojach Troubles E 30h Taylor, Miss Bessie Cowell, eres es
pain is present in the muscles Rheulpaiism £ and Mr. Theodore Jackson, visited (Continued from page one.) First Presbyterian Church
and ii attachments, and Lg Pimple g Thursday at York with friends, Chester Normal School. Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor
Snow by Manes aoe Blood i| Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Stoner, of | John J. Pershing, General of the Wednesday process to
cd: Lumbago, Torticollis, Catarrh |Findlay, Ohio, visited his parents, { Armies of the United States, re-| Prayer service at 7.30 P. M. sre obisined by feeding just
Pleurodynia, ete. As a rule Neurasthe}ia § Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Stoner on [tired from active service on Satur-| Sabbath School Association will| § gallon cans to500-pound barre
re er pe PE Dr. McWhecrter Kidney Traubles i |Marietta street.” They made the |day. He is 64 years old. : meet at 8:30 P. M. Every officer| fl Took for the Semi-Solid lab
a 2 ACEO, Something BE ‘eut- Bladder TroWbles 2 [trip by auto. They returned home The Dorcas Society of the United [and teacher is urged to be present. ghd wd Ts
ting or cramping, and may be SPECIALIST Back Pains a on Sunday. Brethren church met at the home Friday which have made Semi-Solid famdy
constant or present only when Neuritis Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Eberle, Mis. |of Ida Greenawalt, on Marietta Choir will meet at 7.30 P. M.
the effected 220 pod: 355-357 Woolworth Bldg. Special Diseasedyof Men ‘and Annie G. Witmer, of this place, | Street, Monday evening. Sabbath
ays Lumbagn. I a Soy ne Lancaster. Pa, Women and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Gocha-| The Ladies Bible Class of the| Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
morticollis it affects neck: as Come to me andget well f (nauer, of Lancaster, visited friends | Trinity Lutheran Church, will hold| Divine worship at 10.30 A. M.
a 2 . .
Pleurodynia, the intercostal Consultation and Adyice Free. i near Mastersonville and Chickies |2 Food Sale on Saturday, October with sermon by the pastor.
church, on Sunday. 18th in the Ricksecker building. No evening service.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaylor and Mrs, Anna Fetter celebrated her

Over 100,00

Motorists Are
Now Enjoying the Comfort,
Safety and |[Ecomomy of

Read What aFew
of Them Say—
id, be utifully over any
fF going.”—d. F. Bicknell, Wor-
En iam are giving hin
i ith t
dre ing a dee Ee PT :
Faizfield, bh tires. His CO!
“ ibl ing and
{ \ Jolt to the car or to po ie Run almost word for
A Binley, Rockford, Ill.
“Feel sure deprecigtion will be cut There are hundreds
09%." i ms, .
i Neville, enn. : Gum-Dipped Balloons of,
¢“Absence of skid or slip even ,on
snow and ice is really wonderful.
Alvan T. Simonds, F3 i
ever you drive you see
.“ d 1 as for sa ile- . .
«ich ore’ power." re : are getting from their ca
ey: Colo.
“1 h more power
easier mid rides RS es Khun iy wl
son, Northfield, Minn.

“The gas mileage is
20 mi r gallon as
eo ling Green,

Shout Seeding 4 say ob dc
. Bu fe er > Bad oo peed: —

Ds go ue need this fall and winter.
rs mileage left ts ian. Call on the nearest Firestone Dealer—for ii
> formation—for your price—and for a ¢
Digped Balloons,
So he 228

This immensely increas
brought about many manufa
which you can take advantage o!
ping your car with Balloon Gum-Ripped Cords.
C gress shames tu. ul Sp
A owner of full-size Balloon
Gum-Dipped Cords about the com-
fort, safety apd operating economy they
Let his experiences give
you the these wonderful
gents will match these

thousands of Firestone
the road today. Wher-
them—and you cannot
help but notice the new enfpyment these owners
dy production has
g economies,
oday by equip-
your old
L291 miles through sey, = Firestone Dealers are quoting %special net
3 hod Pa oT nomen, prices on the complete job. Trade
Ee gt wheels on a new set built for full-
Qotor, in putting on Fire Ti. In addition get our liberal rebate
ne miles an ne ava rough road old tires.
Equip now for comfort and economy well
as for the safety and better car control yowill

~ | family entertained at their home on
Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wea-
ver, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Newcomer, Mrs. Alice Kline,
Mr. Jay Melvin Newcomer, Miss
Elizabeth Hacker, Mr. Earl New-
comer, of Salunga; Miss Mildred

re sr ert ER

Slaughter of nearly 80,000,000
animals in establishments operating
under Federal meat inspection dur-
ing the year ended June 30, 1924,
Way, Mrs. Ella Herr and daughter, [Ing With a few bruises about the
Beryl Amanda, Mrs. Mary Ann body.
Wittle, of town, and Mrs. Arthur William Workman, son of Dr.
Bushong. ;and Mrs. W. M. Workman, under-
birthday this week and was very
kindly remembered with useful and
! beautiful gifts by her many friends.
Mr. Ezra Ney, of near town,
met with an accident while working
in tobacco shed, when he lost his
balance, falling to the floor, escap-

went an operation this week at the
General Hospital, having had his
adenoids and tonsils removed. His
condition is good.
The Degree Team of Gen-Camer-
on Council No. 851 F. P. A. will
confer degrees at Marietta at the
instruction of Marietta Council on
Thursday, Sept 18. C. Z. Derr’s

is shown by figures recently com-
piled by the Bureau of Animal In-
dustry, United States Department of
Agriculture. The exact total is 79,-
814,060, which is more than 6,000,-
000 more animals than were slaugh-
tered during any previous fiscal
Hogs were the most numerous of
all classes of stock, there being 54,-
416.481 of these animals slaughter-
ed. This number, nearly three-fifths
of the total, is also a new high mark.
Calves slaughtered during this re-
cord-breaking year numbered 4,-
667,948, which is also the largest
number on the records of the Unit-
ed States meat-inspection service for
any year. Cattle and sheep killed
under the supervision of Govern-
ment inspectors numbered 9,188,652
and 11,505,001, respectively.
This record slaughter of animals
indicates an increased total meat
township, fell at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Demmy, near
Geyer's church, and fractured her
collarbone. The attending physician
and was near the bottom when she
tripped and fell. \
Subscribe for the Mt. Jo {Bulletin
If you want to 3

were fifty people from Middletown,
Mount Joy and
Songs and dancing were the features
of the evening.
to eat were served to the party of
Bender family
recent reunion held at the home of
Frank Bender, near
and Mrs. Frank Bender and child-
Mary, Frank Jr.,, and Henry;
penter; Mr. and Mrs. Percival Reif-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spayd; Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Shriner
Evelyn, Miriam, Lillie and Mae.
fears she will not recover on ac- Improving His Warehouse /
count of her advanced age. She A. Risser, the veteran tobggeo-
was coming down =a flight of stairs|nist and cigar manufacturer, is
beautifying the interior of his ware-
houses at Maytown. The

dvertise *
truck will leave the Hall at 7 P. M.
The Butcher, the Baker and the
Fire-maker, all attended a corn and
doggie roast, given by Mr. and Mrs.
T. U. Evangelical Church
Rev. Ralph Borneman, Pastor
Prayer service Wednesday at 7:30
Sunday School at 9:30 A. M.
Preaching at 10.30 A. M.
K. L. C. E. Sunday 6:45 P. M.
Topic, “The Beautitudes”. Mildred
Way, leader.
Knights of Maltas will be in at-
tendance at the evening service
7:30 P. M. Subject: “The Christ-
ians Challenge.”
Choir practice Friday 8 P. M.
September 28 will be set apart as
Harvest Home services all day.
A Teacher Training Class has
been organized by the pastor and
any person is urged to join.
Come and worship with us.

St. Luke’s Church
Rev. P. H. Asheton-Martin, Rector

Willis Smith, of Middletown, at 7 A. M. Holy Communion.
the S. H. Tressler farm at Rock 9:15 A. M. Church School and Bi-
Point, on Tuesday evening. There [ble Class.

Marietta, present.
Many good things
| DA nnn
The members of the
were present at a
Neffsville: Mr.
Lottie, Elizabeth, Anna
Aged Lady Has Accident snyder and Billy Wood; Mr. and| John Engle, of Maytown, 81 0
Mrs. Joseph Felker, 82 years old, | Mrs. Lemon Usner and children, {years old, spends the greater part
one of the oldest residents of Conoy | Lutta, Lavern, Harry and Charles. of his time in farming and garden-
and children,

“picking up” a little and
t) the month all thd
given employment.

Sermon subject:
Emma Ellis.
whom he lives.
years engaged in the trucking and
fruit business<in East Donegal town-
ship, and by still working at it oe-
casionally, he claims he “is staying
Bulletin are the mouthpieces thru
which all wide-awake
=peak to their custom 3
228 David St.,

Modnt Joy
Bicycle Repairing a Special




10:30 A. M. Holy Communion and
7:30 P. M. Evensong and sermon.
“Hymn 295.”
7:30 P. M. Choir practice.
Wednesday and Saturday {
9 A. M. Morning Prayer and]
St. Mary's Guild with Mrs. A. H.|
7:30 P. M. St. Agnes’ Guild with
7 A. M. Holy Communion.
For the next few Sunday even-
consumption in the United States, as| ;,,4 Mrs. Clayton G. Bradley; Mr. [ings the Rector will continue his| Wise the same methods e
would be expected with the growing | william Bender and sons, Richard | course of sermons on some of the|cd leading shoe facte
population. It also shows what af, 4 Mahlon; Mr. and Mrs. Claude | best known Church hymns. Pere ot results are fully as
comprehensive service the United | gender and son, Ray. Mr. and Mrs.! The Faculty of the Church School have mam RE Near io your
States Department of Agriculture|payid Bender; Mr. and Mrs. Roy | will meet at St. John’s Parish House, . ore.
renders in the inspection of the|pender; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence | Lancaster, on Tuesday next. Cit hog
Nation’s meat supply. Witmer; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Car- a >
Believes in Staying Young

assisting C. C. Keiser with
Mr. Engle was for

The advertising columns of the


hove on
Aso Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork!
Krall’s Meat Ma
Vest Main St,
3.52 S. Queen St. Lem

the line







