«Joy, PAGE EIGHT Classified Column | TOMATOES FOR SALE by the half bushel or bushel. M. B. Hossler, Donegal Springs street, Mount Joy. aug. 27-2t FOR SALE—Eight Room House 26x83, with Kitchen attached 12x12; electric lights, in good shape, good well and cistern, with Barn 80x33 and other outbuildings. Located a- long State Highway in Florin. Ma- linda G. Myers. aug. 20-3t FOR RENT—Two Rooms, with kitchen and bath. Also spacious side porch. Electric lights, steam heat, ete. Will rent furnished or unfur- sished. Apply to Jno. E. Schroll. E. Main St., Mt. Joy. apr. 30-tf GOOD HOUSE CHEAP-—If I can sell this modern home on Marietta St. Mount Joy, within the next two weeks I will give some one a bargain Al lconveniences and immediate pos- session. If interested call or phone Bell 41R2 or Ind 860, Mount Joy. feb. 20-tf STORE ROOM FOR RENT —1 have a very fine Store Room 16x20 feet in the center of the business dis« trict on Main street, Mount Joy, for rent. Will rent as is or put in an- mt. For particulars see JNO. E. SCHROLL, Bulletin Office, Mount Joy, Pa. Both Phones. tf. WANTED—Everybody in this sec- tion to use our “wanted, for sale, ets.” column more frequently. It is bound to pay. Just try it. tf FOR SALE—A 2% story 8-room frame house, log to the square, half of roof is corrugated iron, balance shingle. Building to be removed. Quite a lot of good flooring and heavy timber in building. J. E. SCHROLL, Mt. Joy, Pa. apr. 23-tf CHOICE BUILDING 1OT FOR SALE—Located on the north side and fronting 50 feet on Donegal Springs street, Mount Joy. Splendid location and beautiful dwellings on either side. Call Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. may 23-tf LOTS FOR SALE—I have several very desirable building lots at a good location in Florin. Will sell one or all. One has a good frame building thereon. The price is right. Call or hone J. E. SCHROLL, Realtor, Mt. oy, Pa. apr.15-tf. If there is anyone looking for a nice home in Florin, 8 rooms and bath with heat, electric lights, frame stable, 2 chicken houses, etc, at a splendid location, I can accomodate ou. Price is way below the cost of new houses. Call, phone of write gE. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf PRIVATE SALE ven Acres and 139 Perches of in West Hempfield township, ‘he road leading from Ironville Kahler’s Schoo! House, 10 Room se, Barn, Straw Shed, Tobacco ‘hed, Hog Pen, Chicken House, Coal and Wood Shed combined, good well, bwe cisterns, fruit such as apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, rasp- berries, ete. Inquire on the prem- ises\ of Mrs. Amanda M. Hartman. \ aug. 27-1% 1 SE, fy, late bh, de- id es- e un- i there- mediate claims ne, will for set- , residing ITMER, Executor. aug. 6-6t S NOTICE hm Nornhold, late { The and have electric light. RAPHO TOWNSHIP FARM AT PUBLIC SALE ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, "24 The undersigned will offer at pub- lic sale, on the premises, in Rapho township, Lancaster county, on the public road leading from Masterson- | ville to Becker's Blacksmith Shop, two miles from the former place, the following described real estate, ! to wit: { A farm consisting of 140 acres, | more or less, adjoining properties of Morris Ober and Jacob Kulp. | The improvements thereon con-| sist of a TWO-STORY FRAME con- DWELLING HOUSE taining 11 rooms, with a gin kh Frame Summer Kitchen at- tached. A Frame Bank Barn, Tobacco Shed, with cellar under- neath, attached, Pig Sty, Chicken Houses, one 60 feet by 16 feet and another 30 feet by 16 feet, Garage and other necessary outbuildings. One hundred acres of the above is farm land; 35 acres exceptionally good meadow land and 6 acres of woodland. The buildings and fences are in good condition. The soil is in a high state of cultivation. A running spring, with spring house, is located near the house. A well of never failing water, with pump therein, is located at the barn. cattle have access to running water from all the fields. All kinds of fruit and a young apple orchard are on the premises. This is a very desirable farm and a pleasant home located close to the Mount Hope church and public school. The house and barn are wired The house has hot air heat. Persons wishing to view the prop- erty before the day of sale will be shown same by calling on the prem- ises. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock on Tuesday, September 2, 1924, when the conditions will be made known by KATIE S. RUHL H. H. Snavely, Auct. aug. 20-2t PUBLIC SALE —0f— : New York State and Potter County COWS ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, '24| The undersigned will sell at pub- lic sale, on his farm in Rapho Town-| ship, Lancaster county, on the pub- lic road leading from Union Square to Mount Joy, near the Back Run School House, the following live stock, to wit: { A Carload of New York State and Potter County Cows and Heifers | Consisting of Fresh Cows and| Springers. This is a load of extra good Hol- steins, tered stock. They were purchased by myself; selected from among the farmers and are the kind that farmers are looking for at this of the year. Come to the sale and look them over. You will find what you are looking for among this lof Sale to commence at 1:30 o’clock on Friday, September 5, 1924, when the terms will be made known by HARVEY RETTEW F. B. Aldinger, Auct. aug 20-2t PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY, AUGUST 29th, 1924 lic sale on the premises Township, 3-4 mile west of Man- heim Borough, on the Sporting Hill Pike, the following described real estate, to wit: A TRACT OF LAND adjoining lands of A. F. Metzger, Harry Gibble and others. The im- provements thereon consist of a 2 1.2 Story Frame Dwelling House with 1 1-2 story frame summer bwnship, deceased. pentary on said es- en granted to the un- persons indebted there- sted to make immediate and those having claims ds against the same, will them without delay for set- ement to the undersigned, residing at Mount Joy, R. F. D. No. 3. SAM’L. S. NORNHOLD, Executor. B. Frank Kready, Att'y. aug 13-6t NOTICE OF ELECT(ON Notice, Lot-Holders of the Mount Joy Cemetery. An clection will be held at the office of the treasurer at the First National Bank, Mount on Tuesday evening, Septem- ber ©, between the hours of 6:30 and 8 o'clock P. M.; for secretary, treasurer and five managers to gerve for the coming year. Election officers: A. H. Metzler, Judge; J. J. 4 ell, Inspector; Jos. B. Weber, By order of the Board, S. Donovan, Sec’y. . aug. 27-2t ni ~~ 4 5.04 Round Trip Y EXCURSION UNT JOY To : Fa ENTIC CITY ood, Ocecn City, Cape May, Isle City, Anglesea, Avalon, Peermont, Stone Harbor THURSDAY September 4 Tickets good returning 16 days Valid in parlor or sleeping cars on payment of usual charges for ce occupied, including sur- Tickets good via Delaware River Bridge Route 36 cents extra, round trip. within ( Stop-overs allowed at Philadel- phia on return trip. . Flyers, Consult Ticket Agents > n fares from other SE ion August 21 R. SYSTEM ailroad of the house attached; frame bank barn with tobacco cellar and shedding for hanging six acres of tobacco; frame hog stable, two poultry houses, one 16x48 feet, the other 10x10 feet, and other outbuildings. A well of the pump house; a number of fruit trees and grape vines and an abund- ance of small fruit. The land is in a good state cultivation, the buildings in excel- lent repair and the home pleasantly located. | Persons wishing to view the prop- erty before the day of sale will be ¢ shown same by calling on the prem- ises. Sale to commence at 2:00 o’clock p. m., when the conditions will be made known by SAMUEL H. HOFFER H. H. Snavely, Auct. | Wien A. Ensminger, Clerk. aug. COWS COWS Crawford County Cows § — PRIVATE SALE COMMENCING Monday, September 1, 1924 sous CARLOAD OF GOOD Fresh Cows and Springers We use the sarae methods employ ed by the leading shoe hence our results are fully as good Add months of wear to your shoes; have them repaired here. i City Shoe | Repairing Company | 50-52 S. Queen St. Lancaster, Pa | a IED about one-half being regis- The undersigned will sell at pub- Fog in Rapho | Containing 28 acres, more or less, | § water with pump in of | B88 | 13-2t-pd | iH | Crawford County Cows 8 J. B. Keller & Bro. ories: | IT J \ o£ vy J i \ 1 1 \ 1) < » THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CO., PA. \ WE .. i DN - NESDAY, AUGUST 27th, 1926 — O0-DAYS-10 AUG. CLEARANCE S ONLY OW FOLKS IS YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY--GRAB IT Purchase After Purchase Is Going Into This Great LE and you will be astonished and amazed at th wonderful offerings in this great massive sal FOR TEN DAYS ONL You know me and | always make good what | say. profit forgotten and no goods sold to dealers-for | wan ost and y friends to reap a harvest as never before. Don’t forget ten ly. Your Opportunity to Buy Fall Goods at Remarkable Savings EERE Laer, uf TEES a Ie rp pe) Boy's Kreider Shoes . . $2.25 Collegian Sweaters $1 98 Women’s Oxfords . . 88¢c Children’s Shoes 88¢c Collars id Open Evenings Tye i0c | Wide Awake and Big Yank Shirts . . .. 89¢ King Overalls $1.75 pairs ad ion Silk Hose Women’s Bloomers . 930 WorkPants 98¢ hi Children’s Patent Pumps . S$ 1.88 $1.95 Men’s Dress School Dresses 98¢c Oe £2 RS TRS EIR Ri Shirts . . . 69¢ School Pants . . 88¢ a RE aR a SON alia Sob Babe Women’s and Growing Girls Oxfords and Pumps in the very latest styles and leathers--all styles heels. $1.8 $2.88 Sizes 2 1-2 to 8. $3.88 LASKEWI JPY, PENNA. $1.98 Full Fash- LF ices EE | : BE SF EPR PORE { Heavy Cotton Single | Blankets |. . . . 89c Men’s Work RET