The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, August 27, 1924, Image 2

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J. E. SUCAROLL, Editor & Pro'r.
$1.5¢C Yoar
3 Cents
40 Contes
75 Cents
Sample Copies
Single Copies.
Three Months...

red Whenever yon re t, see that you are
redit redit all subscription

ordinary kly.
Ee cee A
Happiness I have discover
wavs a rebound from }
8s lov
She loves self-sacrific
work. s s to
will be
lurking in corn
found nc

fields and
over li
desks. She
head of the busy child.
crowns cons

up suddenly from hard work you!
will see her, but if you look too
long she fades sorrowfuly away.
If you look |!

27th, 1924


[ .
wa V and pa 1 RHEEMS was a week-end guest of her par- hurg church of the Brethren, fensberger and son, Cletus, spent | \
ver the will of the Pi lent. Now ents on College avenue. | Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kendig, of Monday afternoon at Columbia, L0 K oul FOR
wing table W Mi Martha B. Shan Migs Irene Coverdale of Phila- Lancaster, visited his parents, Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dattisman
a ot I burd vill the poscmaster, returned froma delphia, is the guest of Miss Han- and Mrs. B. E. Kendig on Sunday. and son, Allan and daughters, Liz- SELF POISONING
ca without a extra aX: oe stay at Mount Gretna nah Lawry for several days, | Miss Catharine Myers spent a zie May and Ellie Naomi spent Sun |
week's stay ¢ Mount Gretna. Al oe ‘es aes Na : : : ahaa a : : |
won the people, that tl ill Mrs. Elmer R. Kraybill and daugh Mrs. Frank Croman was a guest day in Reading last week visiting day at Manheim with her parents, |
Mrs, Iu ar R. avbill a daugh- : : Neelee vo in self
by taking up furthe Eva Eo 1 t Lan.” Miss Bertha Landis, at her Carsonia Park and other places of Mr. and Mrs. Henry G, Greiner. | Neglect of liver resulls In self
ry, Kvelyn, spen one day a an ‘ ’ y ¥ poisoning! Not 8 +] 'n 8,
r 1 eful I i ; i home, near Good's church, on Thurs- interest. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby with bot ye C " Iv or : 2 Mow,
bias n x wit caster purcna ng upp 3 0 com 1 . Ves | ) JUS as surcly as 1 : IL are 8
vd Al w uti locorating the Rheems Gen aay. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hamilton Mr, and Mus. I N. Mumma visited | poison out of a bottle, If your liver
: lete dec atin thi of . AK wa r. a. > ‘ 1 ‘ i i A i i
( Lord, director V Store. show doy Mrs. Walter Shank and daugh-| nd family spent Sunday in Lancas- their aunt, Mrs. Annie Good and |18 not doing its work of helping di
al Store window . 1 £ Ana . hr, . . rostio imine » We » fr
n two yea Yl Thor tt] ‘a ters are visiting the former's par ter with her sister, Mr William on, Reuben and family near Good's | © hy eliminating ~ Se oa the
J ( I me, 1 nag 01 n { . 1 rey r . nowel and uriftvine 16 hloof yo
iow much vo accomplished a ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood- Wiker hure Q 3 Mop wn} ) I 3
n ‘iv mous Hoffman farms in Donegal and , H ral y a oS rch on; unday afternoon, call-| will always be ‘troubled with sick
4 tly ad ress ~ nov townships, transacted busi- urn, on lummelstown street. | A ch cken corn soup supper will ing on the Elmer Roland family | headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad
: ody nen: he \ al +1 1. LH \ 1 Son Rev. B. I. Diehm and family of be held on A. B. Kreider's lawn on near Rheems on their way home. breath, gas, sour, stomach, or con-
. 2 0 | Y 3 ne . elsey and Sons vy. . v We a : 3.0 3 . | nti
\ W 1d this year $2,000, ef Youngstown, Ohio, are spending Thursday evening, Aug. 28th from Mr. and Mrs. John Brubaker and pation, |
nt 5} rehouse Monday afternoon. the weel til Yeune Fier ands yin . at ‘ : weeks | Cleanse and tone your liver! Put
00( ) \ out « 3 : . he week with Isaac erizler and 5 to 10 P. M. for the benefit of the son, John Franklin of Lititz, Mr. | your at i 134 foel
‘ . r. and Mrs. Clinton Kaylor, the family Ea TT: Y . Via . ‘ ’ your system in condition fo you 1¢€t
le last year free a ntalout rowers of Mt amily on East High street. ladies Aid Society of the M, E. and Mrs. Harrison Nolt and son, | vour very best again! Try just a
af Sixty-one dents of this boro, church. Charles Silver Spring sit » | spoonful of Dr. H. S. hacher’s eX-
ia hiv. spent last Sunday at 1 0 ilver Spring, with Mr. | SPO ;
rdinary exper ream ay © members of Witmer. clan, at-| Mr. and Mrs. I. M, Herr and Mr. and Mrs. A, A. Baer spent the week | 4 llent Liver and Blood Syrup alist
if.” of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. ended the reunion of that family and Mrs. R. D, Raffensberg | end at thei the nest few meals ond wotice tid
J. G. Enterline at this place. Rod at Litits on “Thursday S. XR . Raffensb r and end at their camp near Mount Alto; | quick improvement in the way you
I 1 Mr. and Mz Abe Butzer, Mr. and ied 4 . on lhursday. Cletus, spent Thursday at Mr. and Mrs. Abner Risser and sons | eat, sleep, look and feel—th return
M and Mrs, butzer, MY. & py Mr 1 tar Wi ny Taw ‘ lf ot : 7
he 55 Bar Det © th Mr. and Mrs. Chester Witmer, Hershey. gpent Sunday at the same place of strength, vigor and energy. You
Vinh } at Bee ast Mrs. Selma Boltz and Russel Wit Some miscreants entered the Ken- Mr ‘4 Mrs. R. D. Raffenst will be completely satisfied ; other.
ne r reunion hel ititz las . vig} y - Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Raffensberger | wise there will be vost r
. Silk, mer visited the Boy Scouts camp at dig Te: USE Thurad: te : ere wi e.. no. cost. 44
A 1d co wd bullion 1 urday , were nearly tWo pine Grove Furnaec Sunda Bs Wid I ¢ House on Thursday night entertained the following guests on | Thacher’s Liver and Blood Syrup Is
J ha . 3 Lr) 2» on osunaay. an st » § e oars | ‘ BOO hv W
he Unit tate It embraces the pundred Bulzers in attendance. he Gleaner cla EA anc =o e som cigars, cigarettes, Sunday: Mrs, Bowser and son, Her ; 4 i YEON nded by Ww .D.
19 500.0 1 : . Lhe leant ciass © wrist Re- candies ete 7s . | Chandler and Co and a other
s of 12,500,000 deposi-| Church of the Brethren held their : ert, Mr. and Mrs. Will Royer, of |," ang ana &
rr Raa hurch of the Brethren held their Sunday school, taught by C.| wp. and Mrs > 1 [leading druggists.
n Vs savings banks morning service at Rheems J, Balmer, held their annual out fr. and Mrs. A. H. Keller and Manheim, Mr. and Mrs. Lester |
. period of twenty months. It Sunday after Sunday School, jng at Keener's Park, north of town family, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Hies- Hammond, of Lancaster, Mr. Ira |
OV OY ha value of all a antome . 1g al Lhechel's own, i. Mr. Mrs No Frank N . i Ic C G d
vers the value of all the automo-| ith a fair attendance. Revs. Shear- on Wednesday afternoon Forte tand, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Newcomer Frank, of Ephrata, Mr. Ira Risser] ce ream, roceries an
J Th Y and son, Ross, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. and sister, Miss Gertrude Risser, of

trucks and


. Cav 1 3 halker were
er, Kaylor and Brubaker were upon pembers of the class were present.
John W. Davis has accepted thejand one-half times the value of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Groff, posed building will be 74x63 feet
the presidency on|
Mr. Davis is
nomination for
the Democratic ticket.
an upstanding, clear headed, pa-
triotic American citizen. His ac-
ceptance speech breathes an atmos-|
phere of real nobility.
be elected president of the United
States, we should have in the White
House and at the head of the gov-|
ernment a man of fine personal]
character, untainted patriotism and |
high political ideals. His acceptance
speech is a fine example of forensic |
oratory. He evidently endeavored
in it to give expression to his con-
victions honestly and fearlessly. A
note of sincerity runs through the
entire address. We are sure it will}
make a very favorable impression
upon the American people.

Calvin Coolidge has accepted the]
nomination for the presidency given
him by the republican party. His |
acceptance speech presents to the
public his views on public questions,
He does not equivocate on any im-!
portant matter now before the peo-
during the next four years. He
calls attention to the conditions]
which the government confronted
hen the present administration in
921 came inte power. A stagger-
debt, enormous public expendi-
huge taxes, five million men
"oT. employment, railroads demor-
alized, a condition of wasteful ex-
travagance and administrative chaos
prevailing in every governmental de-
partment. All this, the president
sets out, has been set at rights. The
public debt has been greatly reduc-
ed, economy has been introduced in-
to governmental expenditures, the
railroads have been placed upon an
efficient operating basis, taxes have
been lowered, prosperity has been
ushered in, peaceful relations with
other nations established and the
affairs of the government placed
upon a sound and efficient basis.
The president stresses the fact that
the greatest asset of the nation is
common sense. This address of his
will impress the people with the
fact that the present head of the
government is well equipped with
this essential and good government.

The public has been much absorb-
ed in reading the proceedings in Chi-
eago pertaining to the Leopold-Loeb
As the case has proceeded the
guilt of the parties who confessed
the kidnapping and murder of the
Franks boy seems all the more
firmly establshed. There seems no
doubt that the accused are guilty
not alone of deliberate and willful
murder but of the heinous crime of
kidnapping as well.
There was no provocation to the
glaying of the child and the only
motive back of his seizure was to
obtain ransom funds. Either of-
fense is in and of itself sufficient
proof that the perpetrators thereof
are desperadoes of the first magni-
tude, yet there is a plea a-plenty for
leniency in punishment.
Seldom if ever has such a brazen
erime been committed and only oc-
easionally has there been the effort
to spare the offenders from the
prescribed penalty. Meanwhile the
public looks discouraged and sus-
Crimes such as Leopold and Loeb
admit cannot be dealt with too
quickly nor too severely. If hang-
ing by the neck was ever justified,
and most of believe such is the
ease, there is eertainly no other dis-'gquare rod
position to be made of these two ,.. und
human perverts. The dual turn of
sheir vicious ambitions make their . hon the plants are dry, for it
for ill injure any damp parts of the relatives.
ease an exceptional occasion
summary punishment.

edly warned that the
is many votes

| burg, was the Sunday guest of his’ Reliable apple
ple, or likely to become important | brother and family, LaRue
| Reading, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B.|lead.
| Fry. i
| daughters, Rosa, Ella and Helen,
the soldiers’ bonus Was one year are saved for fruiting the
~ saddle an impossible burden on the plowing the spaces between rows
people, and immediately and leaving the youngest plants in
in the Washing- the row. _
were sagitaie¢ into
wheat crop for 1922. {of this place.
people come to; Prof. Ira R. Kraybill, wife
they un-| family,
Perhaps if the
consider saving in terms
dom of keeping partisanship out of cation at the homes of his brothers
If he should| {he economic problem so effectively at this place, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer cil on Tuesday evening a request |
{R. Kraybill and Mr. and Mrs. Peter was received from property owners |
at the
The Rheems schools opened bright borough,
| and early Monday morning, August North Market street graded.
with Miss Elsie Landis, of near Public Works
met by the budget system.
Amos Enterline and Family Enter-
tained Many Guests on Sunday
—Other Notes
R. Kraybill.

charge of the grammar
There is a large enrollment.

Subscribe for the Mt. Jov Bulletin
Clayton Stormfeltz, of Camden, N.
J., visited Jacob Weaver and family. |
Miss Florence H. Gross returned ed
home from Atlantic City on Wed-
the Rheems Sunday School, announc-

nesday. Sunday afternoon,
On Friday Mr. and Mrs. E. G.|at 2
Fetter returned from a two weeks’ (ing a number of prominent spea
| ers.
stay at Mount Gretna.
Mrs. Jacob Seachrist, of Schaef-|
ferstown, is spending a week with! p
Mr. and Mrs. Phares Miller. | vield of apples for
Samuel Gockley, of East Peters-! livered to Lancaster
growers estimate
Gockley. | entire yield in Lancaster
On Monday, Mrs. A. E. Fry, of | counties to be six or
with York county in the,
| Vinemont, and daughter, Lillian, of | bushels
Joseph W. Kraybill celebrated his
R. Snavely and 86th birthday anniversary at the
| home of A. S. Bard last Sunday,
| motored to Mount Gretna where they | August 24, by receiving congratu-
were the guests of friends. lation, and smoking cigars presented
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hollinger, by John and Hilda Kraybill. Miriam
| and daughter, Vera, of Los Angeles, | K. Bard, a granddaughter, presented
| California, were the guests of Mr.|a large cake for which he has a
| and Mrs. E. B. Fry on Wednesday. | great appetite.
| Jacob Ditzler _and family spent] Franklin county farmers’ tourists,
|the week-end with friends near in 73 automobiles, passed through
| Coatesville. They were accompanied | this section on their way to Atlantic
| home by their son, Leon, who was City. A number of them paid a
| visit to Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kray-
visiting at Buck Run, Chester county.
The following were guests of Mr. | bill, ex-county farm agent at Rheems
and Mrs. Phares Miller: Mr. and who spent several years successfully
Mrs. Lester Buffenmoyer, of Rich- as farm agent of Franklin county,
land; Mr. and Mrs. Henhley, of Mt. where he helped to establish many
Airy, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sen dairy farms.
christ, of Schaefferstown. While returning from Cleona
Rev. A. A. Hughes and family en- camp, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Henry |
tertained the following on Sunday: | found the road blocked with an au-
Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Disbrow, and Mr. tomoile and two motorcycles which |
and Mrs. L. A. Lutz and children, of had collided. Both motor cyclists |
Philadelphia, and Mr. and Mrs. | were injured and were taken in the |
Frank Shaub, son, Milton, and Henry car to the office of Dr. Simons |
| daughters, Pauline and Florence, of for treatment. One of the men was
near Brunnerville. | later removed to St. Joseph’s hos-
The following were guests of Amos’ pital in an unconscious condition.
Enterline and family: Mrs. Susan The
| Gerfin, Miss Agnes Gerfin, Mrs. A. ing factory, which is fully
| F. Zerphy, Miss Mary Andes, Mrs. | to increase its capacity one
{I. W. Lupold and two sons, all of per cent over former years, will be
East Petersburg; Mrs. Samuel Fraim, ' put into operation about September
of Lancaster; and Mr. and Mrs. | 1st. The present outlook is encour-
| Russel Enterline, of near Kauffman’s aging for large yields from the two
church. ! hundred acres raised by the leading
| farmers in East and West Donegal,
CARE OF STRAWBERRY BED 'Conoy and Mt. Joy Twps. Four
| AFTER FRUIT IS GATHERED | tons per acre in 1923 was considered
| a fair yield at $11 to $14 per ton
i set new | delivered to the factory.
spring, but | Wallace Starter, aged 10 years,
{an adopted son of Rev. and Mrs. S.
| §. Shearer, of this place, met with
a peculiar accident last Saturday
On Thursday

It is advisable to
strawberry bed every
in the small home garden, at least,
it will often pay to continue the
bed for a second and possibly a
third season. The United States while working with a pair of horses.
Department of Agriculture advises | Shearer, who was working
{that if the bed is to be saved for | to him, noticed nothing un-
another year any mulch and other | usual with the horses but found the
refuse, such as weeds and strawy | i,q lying in an unconscious condi-
{manure that may have accumulated tion. He was removed to the home
through the summer, should be | the family physician claimed
raked off as soon as the crop is ip. Jad was struck upon the head,
gathered. Thea the older plants| go ting the skull, which may re-
should be pulled eut or removed quire an operation.

with a hoe, leaving enly enough of
the younger ones to send out to
make a new narrow er wide matted |
row, as desired. If the leaves on
the plants left are spotted with
disease, cut or mow them off and
burn them.
| A pound of nitrate of soda per msm
of ground scattered| B.S. Booth and wife of Florin,
the plamts will start a were boro visitors on Saturday.
vigorous growth. Put this fertilizer! J. D. Hafley and family spent
Wednesday at Philadelphia visiting
Council Opened Bid for Construct-
tion of Sewer System at a
Special Meeting

plant it touches. Handled in this| Miss Erma Coble is spending the
‘way a bed may be kept for several week with friends at Central Man-
years, because the new plants of or camp.
A. B. Drace and family spent
tened the country was repeat- next, Old beds may be cleaned up, Sunday im Philadelphia ‘visiting
bill would gs just mentioned, by hoeimg or relatives.
Miss Katherine Risser was a
week-end guest of James Miller
and family at Lancaster.
—— ee i Mrs. Harry Staufier and son, of
Congress isn’t such a bad in- York, are spending several days
stitution. That is, when it is not with Mrs. Amanda Binkley.
in session.
Lancaster, in charge of the graded structed to proceed
school, and Mrs. Robert Mason in ing of
schools. decided
plugs placed on North Market and
Harry Bechtel, superintendent of North Poplar streets.
last Sunday that the School will sion on Friday evening
| hold their annual Children’s Day on were opened for the construction of
September 21, the Sanitary Sewer system, disposal
o’clock, with a program includ- plant and trunk lines.
k- tives of a number
firms were
The Paragon Nut and Fruit Com- Borough Solicitor
any has contracted for their entire supervising engineer.
1924 to be de- Were received,
merchants. portions
the bids will be tabulated and contracts
and York awarded at a special meeting which
seven thousand Was held on Monday evening.
' caster in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kope Sweet Corn Evaporat- |
equipped |
hundred |
Miss Della Shank of Harrisburg, Grove,
in size and will be equipped with all |
and modern conveniences
from North Philadelphia, large enough to accommodate four |
they will also see the wis- spent one day of their summer va- schools.
and will be]
At the regular meeting of coun-
extreme north end of the |
to have that portion of |
committee was in-
with the grad- |
this section, It was also |
to have additional fire |
Boro Council met in special ses-
when bids
of contracting
in addition to
Appel and the
Eight bids
several bidding on
of the work only. The

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Degler Entertain
Many Guests—Other Happenings
Subseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin
Harold I'egler spent from Friday
to Sunday at Lancaster.
Miss Betty Nissley spent several
days at Manheim with her sister,
Miss Anna Nissley.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Felker, of]
Mount Joy, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Horst.
Miss Kathryn Jane Rohrer, of
Naumanstown, spent last Sunday
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Rohrer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Degler and
son, Robert, spent Sunday at Lan-
Ed. Schmidt and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Garman and
daughter, Margaret, spent Sunday
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Garman, near Mastersonville.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Derstler
and family spent last week-end in
the home of Isaiah Manning and
Clayton Derstler in Manor township.
Mrs. D. S. Miller returned to the
home of her daughter, Mrs. A. H.|
Degler, after spending several weeks |
at Lancaster visiting relatives and |
Mr. and Mrs. Phares Strickler and |
daughter, Mary, and son, Amos, |
spent last Sunday in the home of |
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Strickler and,

family, at Salunga. {
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lenk and
daughters, Virginia and Elizabeth, |
| of Philadelphia, spent last week in |
the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. |
and Mrs. Reinhard Hodecker.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sensenich,
| dadghter, Bertha, and Mr. and Mrs.
| Abraham Sensenich and family, of
! Kissel Hill, spent last Sunday in the
| home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohrer
and family.
Mr. Charles Zimmerman, Mr. and
| Mrs. Frank Zimmerman and daugh-
| ters, Margaret and Mary Jane, all
of Lancaster, and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Gantz, of Manheim, spent
last Sunday in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Zimmerman.
The following guests were enter-
tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. H. Degler and family last Satur-
day: Rev. and Mrs. Harry Mullen
and children, Mary Thelma and
Harry Jr., of Ohio; Mr. and Mrs.
Claire Ginger and children, Betty
and J. Clair, Jr, and Mr, and Mrs.
Lester Shank and daughter, Mary
Kathryn, and Miss Emma Degler, all
of Lancaster.
Ed. J. Myers and family spent
Sunday at Mount Gretna.
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wolf and
amily sr nt the week end with
friends at Northampton.
The Salunga gun club held their
picnic at Hostetters park along the
Chiques Creek on Saturday.

Staley and Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hess


Elizabethtown, Mr. and Mrs. John |

nrodueed in the United States in the {pe bench :
4 Ln he be Contractor Joseph Risser, received Z i i r 3
year 1922. It is in excess of all Mrs. Tillman Ebersole and daugh- the contract for the erection of the a oe to Atlantic Herr Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
| the Stvidends paid by all the yadl- ter, Mrs. Martin Ebersole and four temporary school building which ity las ednesday. | Terr, of Salunga.
ros 1s in the United an five] children, and Miss Lydia Sides, of will be completed and ready for Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Herr, Mr. BRANDT BROS.
years. It figures up more than two glizabethtown, spent one day at the occupancy by October. The pro- nd Mrs. John Herr and Mrs. Raf- It pays to advertise in the Bulletin Mount Joy Street, Mount Joy, Pa.
Mo Extra Cost sor Wheels
If You Buy a Set of
Full-Size Balloons
ITH every set of Firestone Balloon
Gum-Dipped Cord Tires, we give youa
complete set of Firestone Changeover Wheels.
A liberal allowance will be made for your
old tires.
This is a special inducement for immediately
equipping your car with Balloon Gum-Dipped
Cords and getting the ady, id comfort, safety
and economy these wonderi¥il tires give.
You will get the advantage 0.1.2 teased tire
mileage—decreased gasoline gconsii on—
and lower car upkeep, preved by 5,3M3000
miles of carefully checked service tests and’ Ng
actuzl experience of over 100,000 car owne
Balloon Cords allowd'you to
drive at higher speeds over the rough stretches
without danger or discomfort. They expand
the usefulness of your car day by day and add
many months to its life.
Motorists everywhere are getting Balloons
NOW-—as a short cut to lower car operation
and increased service. Bring in your car today )




\ Ne 3 + i J] nals henguover promptly at sur-


| SForect


EIS The Touring Car
i 295
| Runabout - - - $265
1 Demounteble Rims
EK and Starter $85 extra
Coupe - = = + $528
J Tudor Sedan - - 690
Fordor Sedan- - 685
: ‘All prices f. o. b. Detroit

7 . oo"
Utmost Driving Confidence |
Driving a Ford is so simple, and requires
so little effort that you are free to de
vote all your attention to the problems
| of traffic. There is a sense of condi
dence in driving a Ford, impossible
with any more complicated motor car.

Rev. Bucher, of Mechanic:
| having revival at Pet