os eyes 7 - YOLUME XXIV NO. 5 The Mount Joy Bull Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, July 2, 1924 $1.50 a Year in Advance Don’ t Forget Our Community Chautauqua | Here July 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Wonderful Attractions, Shower Given for | T. U. E. Minister REV. RALPH BORNEMAN AND FIANCE RECIEVE MANY GIFTS FROM THE CON- GREGATION On Friday evening a reception and miscellaneous shower was tendered Rev. Ralph Borneman, recently elect- ed pastor of the United Evangelical church here, and also his fiance, Miss Mildred Kuhns, in the church. At 8 o'clock a program was ren- dered as follows: orchestra selection; audience, “Blest Be the Tie That Binds,” prayer, Rev. H. A. Swartz; duet, Mrs. Russel Sumpman and Miss Alta Gingrich; violin solo, R. F. Esh- leman; recitation, Miss Blanche Esh- leman; selection by orchestra; solo, Miss Mildred Way; addresses by Revs. Swartz, Kiefer, MacDannald, Asheton-Martin and Borneman. The social committee served cake, ice cream and lemonade to the guests. The young couple received gifts of kitchenware, linens, cut glass, pic- tures and reed rocker, presented by Mr. H. C. Brunner. Among those who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Eshleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eshleman, Misses Mae, Lottie and Blanche Eshleman, Misses Nedra Kaylor, Mildred Way, Anna Weber, Naomi Cunningham, Helen and Kathryn Seaman, Mrs. Russel Sumpman and son, Russel, and daughter, Madeline, Nedra Dif- fenderfer, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Sea- man, Mrs. H. B. Arntz, Mrs. Jacob Garber and daughter, Blanche, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaeffer, Mr. and Mis. C. S. Gingrich, Alta Gingrich, Mrs. C. A. Swisher and daughter, Doris, Mr. H. H. Morton, Miss Min- nie Heiserman, Mrs. George Heiser- .. hn, Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mrs. Harry Walters, son, Junior and daughter, Barbara, Mrs. Paul Peifer and son, Donald, Miss Katie Eshle- man, Mrs. Lucy Stohler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morton, Mr. and Mrs. George Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Curgan, and Mrs. Harry Kaylor, Bernice Dorothy Kaylor, Mrs. Anna Fetter, Mrs. Alex Kramer, Mrs. D. W. Strayer and sons, Gwynn and Billie, Messrs. John Sillers, John Givens, Edwin Walters, Mrs. Fannie Welsh, Mrs. Andrew Kratz, Mrs. Fred Leiberher, sons, Freddie and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Divit, daughter, Margaruerite, sons, Robert and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kaylor, sons, Howard, Lester, Cletus, daughters, Hazel, Ruth, Mild- red and Almeda, Mrs. Irvin Geist- weit and daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eshleman, Mr. H. B. Arntz and son, Gerald, Norman and Howard Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Swartz, Rev. and Mrs. H. S. Kiefer, and Rev. P. H. Asheton- Martin. General News for Quick Reading INTERESTING HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER THE COUN- TRY FOR THE BENEFIT OF BUSY PEOPLE Mr. Wm. Conrad is now barber- ing at Weaver's Tonsorial shop. Mr. Wm. F. Brubaker, who lived at Boulder, Colo, has now taken up hi: residence in Mt. View, N. J. Uriah J. Stohler, of Myerstown, has made his residence in this place. Mr. Andrew M. Martin laid a con- crete pavement in front of his West Main street property last week. The Dorcas Society of the United Brethren Church met at the home of Miss Lillian Felker on Monday even- ing. The Ladies’ Aid Society of the United Brethren Church met at the home of Mrs. Philip Greiner, last evening. Mr. Harry Laskewitz purchased a aew 1924 sport model Dodge touring car from Mr. P. Franck Schock, the local dealer. A tornado swept over that section of Ohio in the vicinity of Sandusky leaving 94 dead, 118 injured and damaged property estimated at $25,000,000. etl Eee. Accepts School For Next Term At a meeting of the Conoy town- ship School Board, Miss Lydia Geb hard, was elected teacher of the Falmouth school. Last year the av- erage attendance did not warrant a teacher there. Miss Gebhard attended the Millersville State Normal School last term. She lives in Conoy town- ship. eA Will Start Oiling Weather permitting the Street ommittee contemplates to begin ing the streets of the boro to- The new machine recently pur- arrived and is ready for MR. AND MRS. SKIPPER CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Skipper cele- brated their sixth or wooden anni- versary on Friday evening and en tertained a number of their friends. Games were played and music and dancing were greatly enjoyed. Those who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Moulsen, Mrs. Grant Minor, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yellets, Misses Dorothy Mitchell, Mary and Ada Way, Olga Hyson, Messrs. Frank Gantz, Bethel Baily, Will Cowell, Levi Wilson, all of Mt. Joy, Mrs. Albert Walters of Marietta, and Messrs. Couch and Haywood of Rheems. A buffet lun- cheon was served and all had an enjoyable evening. I Deeds Recorded Annie H. Nissley to John Garber, lot in Mount Joy, $90. Eli L. Nissly and Lizzie R. Nissly to 8S. Nissly Gingrich, property in Florin, $1,750. E. John Masterson Awarded Contract WELL START LAYING CONCRETE SIDEWALKS; CURBS AND GUTTERS HERE NEXT WEEK A continued special meeting of | Boro Council was held in the Coun- cil Chamber last Wednesday evening for the purpose of taking action on the bids for local concrete work. Contractors were asked to furnish estimates for concreting sidewalks, curbs, gutters and copings. The 20th Convention Held at Reichs’ EXCELLENT PROGRAM WAS RENDERED—GOOD ATTEND- ANCE—NEW OFFICERS ELECTED The twentieth convention of the Fifth District Sunday School Asso- ciation comprising Marietta, May- town and East Donegal township, was held on Saturday afternoon in the Reich Memorial church, near Maytown, Rev. Barnhart, pastor, presiding at both sessions. The afternoon program was as follows: 1:30, registration; 2:00, de- votional exercises, Rev. E. D. Brown, Marietta, in charge; 2:15, report of treasurer, J. Frank Johnston, May- town; report of divisional superin- tendents, including children’s, young people’s, adult’s and home and ex- tension; report of department su- perintendents, teacher training, mis- sionary, temperance, and short talks by superintendents of Sunday Schools; 2:15, topic, “How to Get the Most Out of My Bible,” Rev. A. W. Kauffman, Marietta; topic, {, Why Should Every Sunday School Have a Cradle Roll and Home Department”, “What Have They Done for Your Sunday School?” David Witmer, Donegal; 3:10, “County Goal of Ef- fort and Sunday School Program,” Miss Mary Swope, Lancaster; 3.30, “Daily Vacation Bible School,” Rev. A. R. Porter, and Rev. Victor Stein- berg, Marietta; 4:00, “Adult Bible (Continued on page five.) Tent Meeting in Centre County The Brethren in Christ will open bore will do the grading and furnish the material while the contractor must do the work, furnish the ma- | chinery and cribbing. These bids were opened: Kurtz; Bros., Ephrata, bid 12% cents per square foot for pavements and, 45 cents a linear foot for curbs and copings. | Isaac Burkholder, Ephrata, bid 13% cents per square foot for pave- ments and 40 cents a foot for curb- ing and coping. John Masterson, of Florin, bid $1.25 per square yard for pavements, $1.30" per square yard\/for gutters, 25 cents a foot for curbing and 35 cents a foot for coping. Mr. Masterson, being the lowest bidder, was awarded the contract, after which Council adourned. BN CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE BY STORM THRUOUT CONOY The storm did considerable dam- age in Conoy township Saturday night. At the residence of Henry Lehman, the wind carried away the roof, leaving four inches of water on the main floor. A barn on the Peter Risser farm, tenanted by Abner Risser, was com- | pletely demolished, only the frame work remaining. Two large trees were blown over on Ephraim Brinser’s home, doing | slight damage. Telephone service! in the vicinity was badly crippled, while the highways were blocked with fallen trees and other wreckage. | EE. WORKING ON SCHICK TEST FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN | The nurses in charge of the county health centers are steadily working having children Schick-tested. Fif- teen Bainbridge children were given the test by Dr. J. C. Stener at the health center conducted there by Nurses Jane Herchelroth and L. Hovanec. Ten babies were also measured and weighed. With the hot weather,-the work relating to the babies is especially important, the nurses say. AEA A FOOT ALMOST SEVERED TREADING ON A SCYTHE A three-year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zerphey, who reside on a farm about one mile west of Eliza- bethtown, while playing about the barn Tuesday evening, tread on a grass scythe that had just been sharpened, almost severing the right foot. The child was hurriedly taken to the office of Dr. Vere Treichler, who rendered the necessary aid. A number of stitches were necessary to close the wound and place the foot in proper position. 7 —————— New Principal Arrives Prof. Grover C. Baer, the newly elected principal of. our public schools, moved his family and house- hold effects here from Minersville, Pa. last week. He occupies the Jacob Zercher property on Columbia Avenue. — CI —————— Five Took the Trip Five persons from Maytown and Marietta, accompanied the excursion J day. from here to Atlantic City on Sun- i tered in Mount ‘next two hours were very pleasantly a tent meeting on Saturday, July 12th, at March Creek, near Howard, Centre county. The meetings will be in charge of Rev. L. F. Sheetz, Supt. of the Centre County Mission who extends a hearty invitation to his | Lancaster county friends to attend these meetings which will continue for about three weeks. A A Building a Kitchen Being crowded for room, Mrs. Anna McGirl, who conducts a board- ing house on East Main street, is erecting a spacious kitchen to the rear of her property. Our 16ers Hold Annual Meeting THEY ABANDONED THEIR EF- FORT OF ERECTING A SOL.- DIERS’ MEMORIAL HERE AND ORDER CONTRI- BUTIONS RETURNED The annual meeting of the Mount Joy Sixteeners’ Association was held here last Thursday. The event was a success in every way, the usual large number of former soldiers’ orphans assembling for a day of great pleasure. At ten o’clock the members regis- Joy Hall and the spent. At 12 o’clock all partook of the annual dinner served at Mr. Henry J. Engle’s Central House. At 2 o'clock the business session opened with sixty-eight Sixteeners present. After various routine mat- ters the following officers were elect- ed for the ensuing year: J. A. Gramm, President; Mrs. Katie Foltz, first vice president; Mrs. Minnie Bayley, second vice president; Mrs. Sadie Barry Wyant, recording (Turn to Page 4.) rr AE MOI MR. AND MRS. RESSLER GAVE BIRTHDAY PARTY larry Ressler, Jr., one year old and William Fogie, fifty, of Newtown, were the guests of honor at a birth- | day party givem Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ressler. The following guests were pres- ent: Mr. and Mrs. William Fogie and daughters, Anna and Frances, of Newtown; Mr. and Mrs. Felix Otto, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Emlin Buller, daughter, Anna May, son, Robert; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mumma and son, Lester, Mrs. Ben- jamin Periola, daughter, Elizabeth, son, Bernard; John Dillinger, Wal- ter Zercher, Edith Derr, of Sporting Hill; Stella Meyer, of Manheim; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressler and sons, Isaac and Harry Jr. * A A rene Palmyra Plays Sunday The next base ball aggregation to oppose Brown's Darlings will be Palmyra. The visitors always have a good fast team and a good game can be expected. They will “play ball” at two thirty. rm A Mi Visited by the Stork Mr. and Mrs. A. Peris at Florin, announce the birth of a ten pound son. .er’s Greeting,” | WHY WE'RE LATE large A break | cylinder press this morning | on our caused the delay in printing the Bulletin to-day. | MRS. CHARLES SHEAFFER ENTERTAINED BIBLE CLASS Mrs. Charles Shaeffer entertained the Ladies’ Bible Class of the U. E. church on Thursday evening at her home on New Haven street. Games were played and prizes awarded to the following: Guessing game, lst Earl Kaylor, 2nd prize, prize, Mrs.. advertisement Freddie Lieberher, game, lst prize, Mrs. H. B. Arntz, 2nd prize, Miss Nedra Kaylor. Misses Mildred Way and Nedra Kay- lor sang a duet. A dainty luncheon was served and a good time had by all. Those present were: Mrs. Earl Kaylor and daughter, Nedra, Mrs. H. B. Arntz, and son, Gerald, Mrs. H. Walters, and son, Junior, and daughter, Barbara, Mrs. George Myers, Mrs. Fred Lieberher, and son, Freddie, Mrs. Harry Kaylor and daughters, Dorothy and Bernice, Mrs.Alex Kramer, Mrs. C. S. Ging- rich, Mrs. H. M. Seaman and daught- er, Helen, Mrs. Amos Fetter, Miss Mildred Way and Mrs. Chas. Shaeff- er. Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY Mr. calvin Kramer spent several days at Wildwood, N. J. Miss Anna Webb is several days at Columbia. H. P. Royer, of Wilkinsburg, spent a few days in town with friends. Miss Jeanne Brandt is spepding the week at Lancaster with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Meyre. * Paul Shire, of Newtown, spent Sunday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinkle, Jr. Miss Hilda Schneider spent the week end visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nissley, near Manheim. Mrs. Charles Wealand spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam- uel Myers, near Palmyra. Miss Dorothy Schroll is home from a two weeks’ visit to her sister Mrs. R. R. Lauer at Harrisburg. Mrs. M. M. Aller and Miss H. C. Aller have returned from a twe weeks’ visit to Bethlehem, Pa. Ray Myers, of Newtown, spent Sunday as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Albert Mumma and family. Miss Anna Shoop and Miss Kath- ryn Shaeffer, of Elizabethtown, vis- ited Miss Iva Shoop last week-end. (Continued on page five.) mn GR er CHILDREN’S DAY PROGRAM IN EVANGELICAL CHURCH The Children’s spending Day program pre- sented in Trinity United Evangelical | church Sunday night was well attend- ed. : AT: Following Mu- was the program: sic by the orchestra, song by Sunday | school, Scripture and Prayer; reci- tation of welcome, Blanche Garber; “A Summer Shower,” Mildred Kay- lor and Almeda Kaylor; “The Flow- Jeanne Brandt; “Lit- tle Folks,” Irvin Dellinger and Anna Sload; “Anchor Here,” Donald Pei- fer; recitation, Barbara Walters; so lo, Bernice Geistweit; Primary and Beginners departments; Chance,” Cleon Sheaffer; address; recitation, Helen “Three Golden Keys,” Naomi Del- linger, Howard Johnson, Norman Johnson; “An Exception,” Cletis Kaylor; “Tit-For-Tat,” Naomi Del- lingd ; “Roses of Promise,” four girly recitation, Naomi Cunning- ham, benediction. ra CE song, Pastor’s Seaman; Having a Fine Trip Mr. who are now taking an extensive trip thru the west, writes us they are having a fine time. They visited Yosemite National Park, known the | for its mammoth tree world over grove, as well as many other points of interest enroute. They will go to the Pacific coast. wn net AI restival a Success The festival held here zation. rt A in Letters Granted Elizabeth G. Nauman, Rapho town | Baer, near Salunga for the benefit he ship, executrix of Henry K. Nauman, late of Rapho township. “Your | H. S. Newcomer and family, | Saturday night under the auspices of the In- dependent Band was a big success. H. L. Rhinehart is manager and Rus- sel Sumpman secretary of the organi- {RAPHO SCHOOL BOARD ELECTS ALL ITS TEACHERS Are Dissalishied With Milk Prices ————— INTERESTING "MEETING HELD AT DONEGAL SPRINGS ON FRIDAY EVENING BY MILK PRODUCERS Road We Must Al Travel Sometime MANY WELL KONWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND At a recent meeting of the school board of Rapho Township, teachers were appointed as follows: Back Run, Miss Ethel Ulrich; Chiques, Mary Gibbel; Elm Tree, C. F. Holsopple, Fairview, Edith Eichel- berger; Garfield, Dora Sauders; Hossler’s, Ella Hosetter; Lincoln, C. E. Rohrer; Mastersonville, Kath ryn Zug; Midway, Edith Mohler; McKinley, Mable Frey; Mt. Vernon, {John Miller; Newtown, Alice Strick- ler; Pike, Esther Walters; Pleasant Place, Fanny Brubaker; Sunnyside, Kathryn Rettew; Sporting Hill Secondary, Frank Mauss; Sporting Hill Primary, Mabel Minnich. ere eel QQ JESSE WATSON APPOINTED DEPUTY OF COLUMBIA LODGE Harriet E., widow of S. Benton Clepper, died at Columbia aged 77 years. A determined effort has been launched by farmers who produce milk in several sections of the coun- ty to alter the conditions under which they have been forced to dis- pose of their product to the local distributors. At Quarryville a slumbering local of the Inter-State Milk Producers Association has been revived and in the Elizabethtown-Mount Joy section about forty farmers signed contracts in the same organization and estab- lished a local that will surely be heard from. Without any organization with which to form a contract with the distributing agencies, the local farm- ers say they cannot obtain simple justice as individuals from those through whom they are compelled by circumstances to dispose of their milk. A variety of prices, that are eut without notification, prevail on the different routes for the same grade of milk, so it is said. Several Different Rates At a meeting held at the home of David Zook, Donegal Springs, last Friday evening, after ‘‘swapping” experiences, the farmers found that at least six different prices prevailed, in the making of which the producer had no voice. At this meeting they organized a local branch of the Inter-State Milk Producers Association. Another meeting has been arranged for Tues- day evening, July 8 at the warehouse of the Mount Joy Farm Products Co. on Frank street in this place. Rep- resentatives of the Inter-State Milk (Turn to page Four.) Man Is Thrown Off Ladder by a Cow JACOB EICHLER SUSTAINS A BROKEN ARM AND IS NOW IN HOSPITAL WITH CON- CUSSION OF BRAIN Emma Killian, aged 64 years, ended her life at her home in Lancas- ter by inhaling gas. Mrs. Jessie Wealand Mr. Charles Wealand, of this place, received word this morning that his | sister-in-law, Mrs. Jessie Wealand, was found dead in the bath room at | her home in Harrisburg this morning. | John Thomas Sharp Mr. Jesse Watson, of this place, John Thomas Sharp, aged 65, died Was appoinfed deputy of Court Sus- at the home of his son-in-law, at: quehanna of Columbia by Charles Marietta Sunday evening. He was| W. Goul, secretary of the Associated born October 8, 1859. Besides his| courts of Lancaster County. widow he is survived by these child-| J. J. Weaver, a member of Court ren: Pearl, wife of David Montgom- Lancaster, No. 125, Foresters of ery; Minnie, wife of Robert Yeaple, America, was appointed deputy of Aaron C., Geneva, wife of Roy | Court Mount Joy, No. 228. Scheaffer and Ruth, wife of George Simmons; also two step-children, Goldie Bott, Harrisburg, and William Young Folks Are Bookman, of Norristown. One sistas and three brothers also survive as! di Ww dl k follows: Ella Sharp, Lancaster; Wal- Joie mn € oC ter, Maytown; Aaron and Joseph, of York. Funeral services were held NUMBER OF VERY WELL KONWN from his late home Thursday after. | YOUNG FOLKS ARE JOINED noon. Burial was made in the Mar- IN THE HOLY BONDS OF ietta cemetery. | MATRIMONY Mrs. G. A. Billett | McKain-Breen Frances Krebs Billett, wife | Miss Lillian MeKain of Marietta, of G. A. Biliett, died of Grantville, Join O. Breen of Lancaster, Lchaner. Erion a Rn were married last Wednesday. They Y, gering 1 will reside at Lancaster. illness of a complication of diseases. | Mrs. Billett was a former resident of Forney—Holsinger this section, having resided at the| Abram Forney and Miss Hulda Falmouth lock when canal boating Holsinger, Elizabethtown, were mar- was in operation, later residing on ried Saturday morning by Prof. H. the Herr-Smith farm. She was a|K. Ober at the home of the bride. member of the Falmouth United After a wedding trip to Buffalo and Brethren church.Deceased is survived | Niagara Falls they will reside in by her husband, one daughter, Mrs. | Elizabethtown. Geo. A. Fisher, Elizabethtown; Roy | Reinhart—Stahl Billett, Bowmansville, Cumberland | Mr. Edgar Reinhart of Elizabeth- county; Glenn Billett, York. Two town, and Miss Stella Mae Stahl, sisters, Mrs. Hiram Billett, iq daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Stahl, Mrs. Harry King, York; one brother, of near Maytown, were married Sat George Krebs, Ohio, and two grand- |urday afternoon at three o'clock, in sons also survive. Funeral services parsonage of the Lutheran church were held on Monday morning at! jat Maytown, by the pastor, Rev C. Grantville, with further services, | W. Baker. The ring ceremony was and interment at Falmouth cemetery, | ysed and they were attended by Miss in the afternoon. Mabel Breneman, and Mr. Walter ig 2 le of the bride. They G P. Club Banquets will reside at the bride’s home for at Hershey Cafe the present. THE SEMI-ANNUAL EVENT WAS re el Green NEW TYPE TROLLEY CAR A DECIDED SUCCESS FRI- DAY EVENING—AN EX- MAKES TRIAL TRIP HERE CELLENT MENU Mrs. Mr. Jacob Eichler, a painter of Florin, met with a bad accident in a peculiar manner Monday afternoon whereby he sustained a fractured arm and is now suffering from con- cussion of the brain. Mr. Eichler is employed by Jocob G. Loraw, the painter. With a num- ber of other men they were painting the barn on the farm of Christian Strickler. Mr. Eichler was near the top of a ladder when a cow walked a- gainst the ladder, knocking it down the man was thrown to the a distance of about twenty The first of five commodious and extra- length new trolley cars to be put into operation by the Conestoga Traction Company between Marietta, Columbia and Lancaster, made its trial trip last Wednesday. ground, G.-P. Club of the Gerberich-Payne | The new cars slung low to the feet. Shoe Company was held last Friday tracks similar to the one-man trolleys, Fellow employes went to his evening at the Hershey Park Cafe,|but almost twice assistance and he was immediately at Hershey. | equipped with plush seats and aec- removed to his home. Dr. A. F. Mr. Gabriel Moyer, of cording to reports the trial trip of | Snyder was summoned and found was the speaker of the evening. Rev.{ No. 67 made that day indicated Mr. Eichler had sustained a fractured Kercher, Mr. E. S. Gerberich and |that the new cars can develop a speed | 16ft arm near the wrist. {Mr. C. E. Gerberich also gave the !over the interurban stretches of up- About nine o'clock that evening | members short talks of advice and |wards of 35 miles an hour. his condition grew worse and he was good cheer. | I immediately removed to the General An excellent banquet followed | At the Baltimore Shoot Hospital at Lancaster in the ambu- with the following menu: punch,! Jno. E. Shroll, of this place, at- | lance. He is now suffering from con- chicken and waffles, mashed potatoes, | tended the target shoot at Baltimore cussion of the brain. His condition | celery and olives, buttered string | two days last week. On Friday he today is slightly improved. | beans, creamed peas, orange frappi,|won the Oriole Eastern doubles The unfortunate young man is | salad, oriental aroma; chocolate nut|championship from a field of 66 about twenty-five years of age. sundae, mints, cafe nair, cigars and |shooters. Saturday he tied for |cigarettes. An orchstra furnishd the | high gun, breaking 97 out of 100 Saw the Double Header music. {and won the shoot-off, thereby win- Messrs. Harry Laskewitz, Jacob The following members were pres-| ning the Oriole singles championship. { G- Brown, W. M. Hollowbush, Jacob ent: Rev. Kercher, Mr. G. Moyer, | The local gunner also won the Maple- | H. Zeller, Albert Laskewitz, Paul Mr. E. S. Gerberich, Jacob Arndt,{ wood Hundred and was high over | Hipple, Lee Ellis, Leroy Engle, Edgar Hagenberger and George Groff took Warren Bates, Wm. Batzel, Earl | all for the two days. Boyer, Ben Boltz, Abram Brubaker, | Te a trip to Philadelphia by automobile Monday where they witnessed the Ben Brown, Joe Bundle, Milton] Denny, Harvey Derr, Harvey Dill-; Mr. Christian Heilig made a lucky double header between New York man, Lee Ellis, Leroy Engle, Chas. yesterday. He walked across {and the Athletics. Eshleman, Robert Eshleman, { the floor of the second story of Chas. TT = ——— Breeds Thoroughbreds Walter | 1 Eshleman, Earl Eshleman, Ira Gainor, | Bennett's frame stable. The floor and fell to the ground to- Mr. J. H. Eby, a former resident of this section, is now extensively Carl Germer, Clyde Gerberich, Grant | gave way all its contents such as engaged in breeding Shorthorn | Gerberich, Ray Gilbert, Levi Gott-|gether with | schall, Harvey Harclerode, Paul Hip-|hay, lumber, ete. Mr. Heilig’s leg ple, Roy Hipple, Harvey Hinkle, |Was slight tly bruised. cattle and spotted Poland China hogs on his farm near Pond Creek, Okla. He is quite successful we are pleased { Ralph Kramer, Ralph Kauffman, | TST | Christ Kinsey, Jay Klugh, Leroy | Two Autos Collide to say. Mr. Eby has been a regular subscriber to the Bulletin for a | Leedom, Roy Loraw, John Mateer, | Two automobiles collided on the Norman Mateer, Lloyd Myers, Jay | Mt. Joy and Marietta turnpike, both | Pennel, Sam Ruhl, Russel Schatz, | bearing Pennsylvania licenses. The | number of years. Paris Shonk, Christ Simons, Frank | fenders of the one car were demolish- mre. Schroll, Irvin Smith, Leo Smeltzer,|ed and the running board of the other Automobile Upsets J. K. Stauffer, Joe Stoner, Enosjtom off. A woman occupying the An automobile, bearing a New Wastetter, Aaron Wolgemuth, Clay- front seat was cut with glass and the | York license upset on the road from ton Young, Walter Young, Frank | other occupants were badly frighten- | Maytown to Elizabethtown, near Zeager, Winfield Zerhey, Paul Henry, | ed. Anchor, in rounding a curve Joe Moore, Amon Landvater, Ben] sharply. No one was injured, Groce, Wm. Mateer, J. Mumma. School Board to Meet the fenders were da; ES The Conoy Township school board {number of farmers assisted driver to turn his car. ee sm. and The semi-annual banquet of the as long, are Narrowly Escapes Injury C0 C—O. Festival Near Salunga will meet Saturday, July 5, and The Mount Joy High School OT-|transact business that necessitates chestra furnished the music at a fes-|3]l the members being present. There tival held on the farm of Norman C.!lare still a number of the teachers to elected,! and the tax rate for Conoy township will be fixed at this session. Voluntary Bankrup’ Norman W. Tyson, of F, 8 ship, was adjudged a vol! rupt in the United & Court on Saturday. Lancaster} of the auxiliary of the General Hospital.