The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, June 25, 1924, Image 5

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Lancaster's Daylight
Department Store
Miss Elizabeth Nebinger
Buyer of Corsets and Infants Wear

Two Weeks! Starting
News! Thousands have Det
ancaster’s Greatest Merchandise Eve
year! Watch Lancaster Newspapers!
| _einbach & Company
fc oN

Qf the
Lancaster's Daylight
Department Store
Buyer of China and House’ "

June 28th to Saturday, July 12th
ing for it!

alter C. Ficlth

Mr. W

RECITAL TO-NIGHT BY PUPILS one who intends to be present in
OF MISS T. ANNA WELSH | the audience to-night not to indulge
lin conversation while the pupils are
| playing their numbers. One minute
| between each number and ten min-
utes intermission between Partl and
utes intermission between Part 1
and Part 2 of the program will be
given, and all necessary talk can
be done then. The Kimball Grand
piano used has been furnished by
Yohn Bros, of Harrisburg.
Followmg is the program:

In order that those who wish to
do so may attend both prayer meet-
img and the piano recital to-night,
the opening number of the recital
will not begin until 8:15 o’clock.
Children wnder ten years of age
will positively not be admitted un-
less accompanied by an older person
and Miss Welsh takes this occasion
to make a personal appeal to each
2, Tramway Galop (Duet) «... Gobbaerts
Anna Garber, Robert Heilig
3. Overture to Poet and Peasant (Trio) .......... Von Suppe
Anna Mumma, Alice Longenecker, Pauline Engle
Telephone Operator Receives Vail
Award For Courage and Le

Miss Sia M.
Bell Telephone Company, for “c
ership during a fire’
Religious News
in Our Churches

Donegal Presbyterian
Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor
The regular Sabbath School serv-
ices will be held at 9:30 A. M.
Florin U. B. Church
Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor
Sunday School at 9.30 A. M.
Communion at 10:3 0A. M.
Junior at 5:30 P. M.
C. BE. at 6:30 P. M.
Sermon at 7.15 P. M,
Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. Harry A. Swartz, Pastor.
9:15 A. M. Sunday School.
10:30 A. M. Sermon by the Pastor.
6.30 P. M. Epworth League.
7.30 P. M. Sermon by the Pastor.
Prayer Meeting Wednesday even-
ing 7:30 P. M.
A cordial welcome to all” services.
Church of God
Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor
Sunday School 9.30 A. M. J. S.
Hamaker, Supt.
Preaching at 10.30 A. M.
C. BE at 71 P.M. Leader, Rev.
I. A. MacDannald.
Preaching at 7.45 P. M.
Mid-week services Wednesday at
7:45 P, M.
Come to church. You are welcome.
First Presbyterian Church
Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor
The regular Prayer Service at
7.30. P. M.
Choir practice at 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
Divine worship at 10:30 A. M.
with sermon by the Pastor.
Divine worship at 7:30 P. M, with
sermon by the pastor.
You are invited to these services.
St. Mark’s United Brethren Church
Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor
Sunday school at 9.00 A. M.
Morning worship and sermon at
10:15 A. M.
Junior and Intermediate
tian Endeavor 6:30 P. M.
Senior Christian Endeavor 6:45

| and evening July 6th.
4. By the Mountain Spring ............... Bohm
Lester Brubaker
BS. Fifth Nocturne ........ .... Gi See «+... Leybach
Myrtle Grissinger
8. Robin’s Return ............... CER ay +++. Fisher
Celeste Brown !
7. Sack Waltz .............. i... 0, svi Metcalfe
David Laskewitz
8, Bicycle Galop cave we ere Bochter
George Zink
9. Fairy’s Dream CAL Reynold
Laura Sumpman
10. Forest Nymph (Impromptu Valse) Hamer
Anna Garber
31. Sur Lu Glace Crawford
Oliver Longenecker
312. Fairy Barque tess vive Smallwood
Rhoda Engle
13. Song: “Thy Dear Eyes” seve vases Bartlett
Erla Bear
14. Frolic of the Demons (Duet) Sav eee eevee Martin
Ethel and Joseph Moore
15. Springtime March (Trio) Tutscheck
Elizabeth Stumpf, Esther Lindemuth, Ethel Newcomer
16. Cabaletta (Wild Horseman) .......... vd Freytag
Robert Heilig
37. Song: A Winter Lullaby De Koven
: Dorothy Schock
13. Railroad Galop (Duet) .. i Marzo
Myrtle Grissinger, Lester Brubaker
19. Barcarolle from “Tales of Hoffman” .... Offenbach-Spindler
Ethel Newcomer
20. Sextette from “Lucia di Lammermoor” ...... Donizetti-Krug
Elizabeth Stumpf
22. (a) Rays of Gold (Valse Caprice) ....... Wachs
(b) Stars and Stripes Forever (March) ............ Sousa
Ethel Moore
23. Lily of the Valley Mazurka ........ vere Smith
Esther Lindemuth
24. Wedding-Day at Troldbaugen ..................... Grieg
Alice Longenecker
“Wedding-Day at Troldhaugen” was composed
by Greig as a gift to his wife for one of their
wedding anniversaries. ‘“Troldhaugen’” which
means “Hill of the Fairles,” was the name of
Grieg’s summer home close to Bergen, Norway.
25. (a) Valse Brilliante (Op. 42) Chopin
(b) “Country Gardens” (English Morris Dance) ... Grainger
Anna Mumma
Life «... cv 0: Fev Spindler
Joseph Moore
27. (a) Paraphrase on Quartette from “Rigoletto”, Verdi-Spindler |
(b) From an Indian'Lodge ....:.... ih ive MacDowell |
Pauline Engle
28. Marche Slave (Duet) cv... Pres Tschaikowsky
Anna Mumma, Alice Longenecker |
“Marche Slave” translated means March of the Slavs (Russians)
A |
“Mother of the Forest”
The “Mother of the Forest” is the
mame popularly given to one of the
great California trees in Calaveras
grove near Steckton. This giant tree
§s 315 feet high and is 61 feet in cir-
Calderon’s Busy Pen
Calderon, . the celebrated Spanish
dramatist and poet, was an indefatig- |
life 111 plays and 73 sacramental plays |
for the church.
j popularity.
able worker. gHe composed during his | ble Class.
He enjoyed extraor- | Sermon.
Preaching at 7.30 P. M.
Holy Communion both morning
You are most cordially invited to
all these services.

St. Luke's Church
Rev. P. H. Asheton-Martin, Rector
Sunday, St. Peter's Day
7:00 A. M. Holy Communion.
9:15 A. M. Church School and Bi-
10:30 A. M., Morning Prayer and
7:30 P. M. Evensong and sermon.

Lovelace, C
ourage, coola’
in the €ynwyd Central Office.
The Cynwyd alght operators received a group award, and seven
other Bel reople received medals for similar a~tion In other emer


hief receiving
award of Theodore N. Vail Medal from President Kinnard, of the
and unusual lead-
Choir Practice at 7:30 P. M.
St. Mary’s Guild with Mrs.
T. U. Evangelical Church
Rev. Ralph Borneman, Pastor
Prayer service Wednesday evening
at 7.30.
Bible School Sunday
Preaching Sunday morning 10:30.
Children’s Day program will be
rendered Sunday evening at 7:30.
Bible Study, Tuesday 7:30 P. M.
morning at
Everybody is welcome to these
services. Come.
meee ll Rin

Mr. and Mrs. Simon P. Landis,
west of Rheems, observed their sil-
ver wedding anniversary last week.
The couple was presented with a
number of gifts including $25 in
silver and a bunch of 25 roses. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Miller, of Lancaster; Mr. and Mrs.
Cyrus Musser, Mrs. Benjamin Mus-
ser and daughter, Barbara; Mrs.
Alida Grieder and daughters, Alida
and Martha; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Harnish, Anna L. Gish, Anna Win-
ters, Mary Hersh, Albert Rutt, Anna
and Ida Rutt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Smith, Walter Smith and Martha
Smith, Anna L. Miller, Alta Nune-
macher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Erwin
Gaugey Wayne Gaugey, Wanda
Gaugey, John Landis, Mary Landis,
Albert Landis, Amos Landis, Ruth
Landis, Alice Landis, Elsie Landis,
Ada Garber, Edna Nunemacker, Eu-
nice Nunemacher, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
len Burkhart, Maggie Roth, Peter
Risser, Mrs. Jonas Ebersole, Mrs.
Jonas Ebersole, Mrs. Lizzie Kayler,
Lizzie Kaylor, Martin Kaylor, Sal-
ome Engle, Tillie Detra and Mrs.
Walter Detra.

Two of a Kind

A. Burton, of Philadelphia, and
his brother, Wm. Bu of Los
Angeles 3oth are foneers in
the Bell 3ystem and each is presi-
dent’ of his local chepter of the
Telephone Pionecrs of America.
rr lll ne
The Bulletin contains more local
and up-to-the-minute news than any
weekly in this section. Compare it
and convince yourself. It costs only
$1.50 a year. t
AC ua" i ———
The world’s total of wood econ-
sumption is more than 500,000,000

Local Doings
| Around Florin

— .
Charles Stark transacted business
at Harrisburg, Monday.
Mr. Benjamin Sauder is spending
the day at the County Seat.
| Mr. E. G. Inners was a week-end
| visitor to York and Hershey.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whye motor-
{ed to Washington, D. C., Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whittle were
| visitors at Lancaster Saturday.
E. Jay Nissly left Monday for
Binghamton, N. Y., on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Liggins and
children spent Sunday at Mt. Gretna.
Miss Bertha Weaver and Earle
Landvater motored to Sunbury, Sun-
| day.
Miss Mary Sauder spent a week
at Lancaster, visiting relatives and
Mrs. Ida Kolp and son Arthur,
spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Eli
Mr. John Carson, clerk at the local
[P. R. R. station is enjoying a week’s
| vacation.
{ Amos Sheaffer
pounds a year in excess of total pro- | home of Mr. and Mrs.
Sunday: Mr. and el
Mrs. Cora Hiene, of Harrisburg,
visited her brother, Roy Martin, here
Mr. and Mrs. William Eichler and
son William, motored to Hershey and
Harrisburg, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ebersole
and family visited relatives at Akron
over the week-end.
William Levy, of New Cumber-
land, was a Sunday guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Schlegelmilch.
Mrs. Charles B. Stark visited her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William De-
Carlton, Marietta, Sunday.
Miss Esther Kline and Paul Geyer
of Elizabethtown, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Hamilton, Sunday.
Mrs. Jacob Geyer, of Elizabeth-
town, spent the week-end with her
daughter, Mrs. William Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Christ Fair and chil-
dren of Lancaster, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Sam. Fair and family, Saturday.
Miss Margaret Kilgore, of Lan-
caster, was a Sunday guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Brown and family.
Mrs. Mary Cooper, of Harrisburg,
is spending several weeks here the
{ guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Easton.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lawrence
and son, Kenneth, visited the form-
er’s sister Mrs. E. James Dukeman,
Sunday. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shires*## i
and Mrs. Frank Klugh and children

visited relatives at Hummelstown
Mrs. Tillie Connley and Mr. and
Mrs. Victor Smith and children, of
Lancaster, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Easton, Sunday.
Mrs. Annie M. Musser and Mrs.
Edwin Gish, of Elizabethtown, were
past week visitors to Mr. and Mrs.
David Landis.
Miss Myrtle Wolf and Garland
Hench, of Blair, Perry County, visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. David Wentz and
family, Sundays
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brinser, of
| Elizabethtown, were Sunday guests
of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
| Harry Keener.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Geyer, Mr.
{and Mrs. Harvey Geyer and two chil-
{dren spent Sunday at the home of
Michael Geyer at Hillsdale.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Witmer, daugh-
ter, Berni of Harrisburg; Mrs.
and daughter, Mary!
son, Earle, visited at Lititz, Sunday. |
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Olweiler |
family atter
former’s m

and ded the funeral of |
Mrs. Malinda |
at E bethtown, Monday. |
following were visitors at |
7: Mr. and Mrs. |
1 children. John |

the her,
Mr 's. Harvey Geyer and
ty returned to their |
after spending a

parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Nissley Gingrich, real
and insurance agent of this
sold for E. L. Nissly & Sons last] 3
week the dwelling in Florin recently
occupied by Harvey Johnson. |
The following were guests at the
Henry Brandt, daughter, Anne, of |
Rheems; and George Weirick, of |
New York.
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Charles and |
daughter Ruth, spent Sunday after- |
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |
John B. Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. |
Samuel Becker called at the same |
The following were guests at th
home of Mr. and ' Mrs. Emen-
heiser Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Paal
Bentzel, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Rupertt, daughter, Olive, son Lewis, |
all of York, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace
Mr. and Mrs. G. McElroy,
daughter Hazel, son Raymond, of
Marietta; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Gochenauer of Manheim; and Mrs.
Mary Dissinger and son, Martin,
Landisville; were Sunday guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Booth.
— a
Following is a list of public sales
or which posters were printed at
his office or said sale is advertised
in the Bulletin.
Saturday, June 28—At the Florin |
Hall, home cured meats, general line |
of merchandise, household goods and |
farm implements, an entire butcher-|
ing outfit, also hogs, cows, ete. by!
Community Sales Co. Sale
at 12:30 P. M. G. S. Vogle, Auct.
The following prices are paid to-
day by our local merchants:

Corn... ee devs -... 0c}
Wheat ........ J 77... $1.15]
BEES arn ee 24-25¢ |
Butter 45¢|
Lard ....:... ' ite 13
SR lisesi
For the Garden
It is not too late
‘ure for summer sa easons
and Berlin Golden Yellow are var-|
icties of head lettuce that will stand |
the summer heat. Many gardeners
prefer leaf lettuce because it is eas- |
ier to grow. J

British postage stamps have been |
printed by four different private |
firms since 1839. {
Scarlet snow, due to the presence |
small and very thin worms, has fall-|
en at Halmsted, Sweden.
A cheese weighing 1 ton, 10 hun- |
dredweight and 3 pounds has been |
. . . ye |
made in Australia for exhibition |
purposes. |
shaped fruit about the size of a cher- |
ry. Its evolution is due to 1200
years of cultivation.
Dr. Foley, of Indiana
calculates that 2,434,026
locomotive whistles.

-— Will only handle
of all kind in
the future and to ge me more room,
will dispose of al stock of can-
Jies, stationery, at pub-
fc auction on -Thursday ge
gvenings at 7 o’clock
iand, Mount Joy, Pa.

LOTS FOR SALE—I have several
very desirable building lots at a good
all. One has a-good frame.

d building
The price is
Joy, Pa. apr.15-tf. |


People Read
This Newspaper

ice, Eli Arndt,| i

That’s why it would be
profitable for you to
advertize in it
= KF you want fo hire somebody
If you want fo sell something
If vou meant io buy something
If you waant fo
z F you want a fob
3 rent your boase
7 you want io sell your house
if you want to sell yosr farm
yoo want {a boy proverly
If there is anything that vos B|
the quickest and best spay
to supply that want és by placing
an advertisement in this paper
The results will surprise
and please you


place in the evening. aA

starts | .

The orange originally was a peg |
{ nothing. W. D. Chandler & Comnf§
location in Florin. Will sell one or
phone J. E. SCHROLL, Realtor,

FOR SALE—Celery pla
John Guhl, Florin, Pa.
FOR SALE—Celery plants. Appl :
H.C. Ney, near Iron Bridge, RL
WM june 25-2t-pd


homes if desired. “HH
muth, North Barbara S
70R2 Mount Joy
. WANTED—Everybody in this sec-
tion to use eur “wanted, for sale,
sts.” column more frequently. It is
bound to pay. Just try it. tf


Acute shooting bunion pains can
end instantly with


kitchen and bath. Also spacious side
porch. Electric lights, steam heat,
Rooms, with
etc. Will rent furnished or unfur-
sished. Apply to Jno. E. Schroll. E.
Main St., Mt. Joy. apr. 30-tf

sell this modern home on Marietta St.
Mount Joy, within the next two
weeks I will give some one a bargain.
Al lconveniences and immediate poS~
session. If interested call or phone
Bell 41R2 or Ind 860, Mount Joy.
feb. 20-tf
Immediate re-
eltained with

have a very fine Store Room 15x20
feet in the center of the business dise
trict on Main street, Mount Joy, for
tent. Will rent as is or put in an. ’
mt. For particulars see JNO. E.™
L, Bulletin Office, Moun
Both Phone QE
R §
SALE—A 23 story 8-room
se, log to the square, half
corrugated iron, balance
0 Building to be removed.
Quite a lot of good flooring and
heavy timber in building. J. E.
SCHROLL, Mt. Joy, Pa. apr. 23-tf
sufferers! Buy FAIRY-
... Get your mour mon.
; shige Dain
WD" Chandler &

Jov, Pa

ey bac
has vanished.
SALE—Located on the north side
and fronting 50 feet on Donegal
Springs street, Mount Joy. Splendid
location and beautiful dwellings on
either side. Call Jno. E. Schro

Mount Joy. may 28-t
aks fo buy FAIRY.
UOT! Unless 1 Ro 1 i

» e ry
pain within a few hours 10H
For Sale
consumed annually aie Brick Homes on Yeu, Dolls
steam to blow the United | er, pipele
uipped with bath, wat-
| gas connections, Fa bul
| pantry. On trolley
| 8. H. Engle, 8340 W. Donegal St.
Jan. 9-tf
| Mount Joy, Pa.
| If there is anyone looking for a
| nice’ home in Florin, 8 rooms and
| bath with heat, electric lights, frame
stable, 2 chicken houses, ete, at a
| splendid location, I can accomodate
you. Price is way below the cost of
| a8 new house. all, phone of write
J. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf

Rubin & Rubin, Harrisburg's.
Eyesight Specialists will bew
at Drug Store,
uesday, July~
M. Eyes

15, from 9 A. M.
Examined Free.

your order early. Se-
lect what yo want now and have
same put back
We also have Pi
Spoons, Forks,
Cloths, Plates ani "Ll
pkins, Table
cheon Sets.