HIGHEST Demonstration —OF— Majestic Steel Ranges During the week beginning MAY 26, 1324 at the store of H. S. Newcomer & Son MOUNT JOY, PA. PUBLIC SALE THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1924 Will be sold on the premises, a- bout one mile south of Elizabeth- town and one-half mile north of Rheems, along the State Highway: 20 HEAD OF COWS springers and Some fresh, close backward cows. Among these you will find some big milkers and high test cows, consisting of high-grade Holstein, Durham and Guernsey COWS. 30 HEAD SHOATS AND SHEEP 50 Chickens; 30 Bushels Potatoes FARMING IMPLEMENTS Acme 3 and 4-horse Wagon, 2-horse Wagon, Ontario 10-hoe Drill, with fertilizer attachment, used one sea- son; 3-horse Roller Harrow, good as new; No. 10 Peerless Chop Mill, Set Hay Ladders, Hay Rake, 2 Riding Cultivators, one International Riding Cultivator, with tobacco hoer attach- ment, like new; 2 Walking Cultiva- tors, Potato Digger, Osborne Mower, Manure Sled, Land Roller, Buggy, Buckboard, Wheelbarrow, Carriage Pole, Set of Axles and Wheels for 1-horse wagon, Forks, Shovels, Picks, Digging Iron, Jockey Sticks, Single and Double Trees, Grass Seed Sower, Harness, 50-gal. Oil Tank, Empty ‘Barrels, Step Ladders, 2 Sausage Stuffers, 2 Enterprise Meat Grinders, Kettle Furnace, Iron Kettle, 2 Lids and Ring; Copper Kettle, Cream Separator. These implements are all in good ghape. I have rented my farm, and have no further use for them. OLD-FASHIONED SETTEE OLD BUREAU Pp » Glass Knobs, over 100 yrs. old. Old Sidebegrd, with mirror; Good Heater, Victrola with Records, and a lot of articles not mentioned. Sale to commence at 12:30 o’clock P. M., when conditions will be made own b i y ANDREW REED. Mount Joy = and Elizabethtown | you (Classified Column Why hobble and limp with a pain- ful bunion? We guarantee FAIRY- FOOT Bunion Plasters will end your pain almost instantly. W. D. Chand- ler and Company. Don’t let your bunion take the joy out of life! Get rid of them at once! Ask W. D. Chandler & Com- pany for FAIRYFOOT Bunion Plas- ters. Won't cost you a cent unless are satisfied. ————————— —— Painful bunions spoiled Anne's dancing. Next day she stopped at W. D. Chandler & Company for a pack- age of FAIRYFOOT Bunion Plas- ters. Now her bunions have disap- peared just as Chandler & Company said they would. LOST—A [Fraternity Pin with owner's name inscribed thereon. Re- ward for its return to this office. may 28-1t-pd PIGS FOR SALE—Twenty 7-week old pigs, Hampshire stock. Call or see N. E. Garber, Mount Joy; farm near Rheems on Harrisburg pike. Phone Bell 171R11 E’town. may 28-1t-pd Spray Kiltone, special for Wild- fire in your tobacco beds. This is a sure preventive and a cure. It has been tried. Five to ten pounds will cover large beds. Charles G. Becker, of Milton Grove, handles these goods. may 21-2t-pd Notice to Delinquent Tax Payers The 1923 School and Occupauon taxes must positively be paid on or before June 1st, 1924. T. M. Bren- eman, Collector. may 21-2t FOR RENT—Two Rooms, with kitchen and bath. Also spacious side porch. Electric lights, steam heat, ete. Will rent furnished or unfur- sished. Apply to Jno. E. Schroll. E. Main St., Mt. Joy. apr. 30-tf FOR SALE—1921 Ford Roadster, iron for body. Apply J. F. Boyer, Florin, Pa. apr. 23-tf LOTS FOR SALE—I have several very desirable building lots at a good location in Florin. Will sell one or all. One has a good frame building thereon. The price is right. Call or phone J. E. SCHROLL, Realtor, Mt. Joy, Pa. apr.15-tf. FOR SALE—A number of Newly Built Dwellings, and Desirable Build- mg Lots. E. L. Nissly & Sons, Florin, Pa. july 25-tf STORE ROOM FOR RENT —I have a very fine Store Room 15x20 feet in the center of the business dis- trict on Main street, Mount Joy, for rent. Will rent as is or put in an ant. For particulars see JNO. E. SCHROLL, Bulletin Office, Mount Joy, Pa. Both Phones. tf. GOOD HOUSE CHEAP—If I can sell this modern home on Marietta St. Mount Joy, within the next two weeks I will give some one a bargain. Al lconveniences and immediate pos- session. If interested call or phone Bell 41R2 or Ind 860, Mount Joy. feb. 20-tf FOR SALE—A 2% story 8-room frame house, log to the square, half of roof is corrugated iron, balance shingle. Building to be removed. Quite a lot of good flooring and heavy timber in building. J. E. SCHROLL, Mt. Joy, Pa. apr. 23-tf trolley passes every half hour. CASH PRICE PAID FOR VEAL CALVES : PUBLIC SALE SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1924 The undersigned will sell at pub- fie sale at the Sporting Hill Garage, g Hill, Pa., the following de- geribed personal property: HOUSEHOLD GOODS Beds and Spring, 1 Extension able, 1 Combination Couch and 9 Old Style Bureaus, 1 Large 1 Robe, 1 Duplex Phono- 1 Old Style Woolen Bed- Home-made Comforts and a few Home-made Rugs, a Table Cutlery and Tableware, A rs, Rockers and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at 1:30 P. M,, terms will be made known by MRS. KATE H. DILLINGER. 1 H. Kauffman, Auct. USED CARS 1922 Ford Roadster. 1917 Ford Touring. 1923 Chevrolet. 1918 Overland. 1920 Dodge. J P. FRANCK SGHOCK MOUNT JOY, PA. may 21-tf ADMINISTRATORS’ NOTICE Jstate of Cyrus S. Sweigart late of Rapho Township, Lancaster Co., Letters of administration on said - estate having been granted to the ed, all persons indebted are requested to make imme- ‘diate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same present them without delay for to the undersigned. ~ IRVIN G. SWEIGART, Manheim, R. 3, Lanc. Co. Pa. fo Administrator BEAUTIFUL HOMES For Sale b MT. JOY DEVELOP; CO. New Brick Homes on West Donegal street, fully equipped with bath, wat- er, pipeless heat, electrically wired, gas connections, 6 rooms, bath and try. On trolley line. Inquire of EB H. Engle, 340 W. Donegal St. Mount Joy, Pa. Jan. otf CHOICE BUILDING LOT FOR SALE—Located on the north side and fronting 50 feet on Donegal 3prings street, Mount Joy. Splendid location and beantiful dwellings on sither side. Call Jno. E. Schroll, Mount Joy. may 23-tf FOR SALE—18 ft. Counter; two 6 ft. Counter Cases and two 3 ft. Counter Cases. Call at Chandler’s Drug Store, Mount Joy, Pa. apr. 2-tf EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE Estate of Christian G. Sherk, late of Mount Joy, Lancaster County, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on said es- tate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted there- to are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will pre- sent them without delay for settle- ment to the undersigned, residing in Mount Joy, Pa. ELMIRA E. SHERK, Executrix. Wm. M. Hollowbush, Att’y. may 14-6t FLAGS FLAGS 7A hi ad THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MO UNT JOY, STORE- LANDISVILLE Mrs. Emma Strickler bought the S. N. Heistand property at private | sale. | Benjamin Bricker and wife will {take a trip to California in the near | future. Norman clerk in the Landisville. The new firm of Snavely and Co. busy building their Planning Mill and Sash and Tobacco Shucks. Mr. Snyder bought a property from H. H. Nissly. Harry Herr bought a house and lot from H. H. Nissly. Mr. H, H. Nissly has one of the finest dining rooms you can find be- Lancaster and Harrisburg. seat eighty people at one time. He serves grand chicken and waffle suppers. Come and try them. There is quite a boom here at present in selling real estate and building houses. A. H. Greider is building a house on Cooper avenue. The Bethel church is building a parsonage, Wallace Miller bought Bowers was appointed | First National Bank at | are tween He can a property from Mary Minnich he intends to tear down and rebuild. Ra DOPED CHERRIES USED IN MAKING ICE CREAM Harrisburg, Pa.,—Embalmed ries in ice cream is the latest doped food concoction unearthed by the Bureau of Foods and Chemistry, Pennsylvania Department of Agri- culture. Samples of ice cream con- taining cherries impregnated with sulphur dioxide to preserve them from decay and to retain their firm, ness were collected in Philadelphia by Robert M. Simmers, general food agent in that city. Dealers selling the product found upon analysis to contain sulphur dioxide, will be pro- secuted. Field agents of the Department are now conducting a drive against adulterated summer drinks and foods in all sections of the State. A Mts OUR SALE REGISTER Following is a list of public sales or which posters were printed at his office or said sale is advertised in the Bulletin. Thursday, May 29-—At Anchor, along the State Highway one mile east of Rheems, personal property by Andrew Reed. See advertise- ment. Friday, May 30—At their resi- dence north of Mount Joy, lot of extra good cows, bulls, hogs, apples and potatoes by C. S. Frank & Bro. Saturday, May 31—At the Florin Hall, home cured meats, general line of merchandise, household goods and farm implements, an entire butcher- ing outfit, also hogs, cows, etc. by Community Sales Co. Sale starts at 12:30 P. M. G. S. Vogle, Auct. Saturday, May 31—At the Sport- ing Hill Garage at Sporting Hill, a large lot of household goods by Mrs. Kate H. Dillinger. Kauffman, Auct. See advertisement. Saturday, June 14—On the prem- ises on Columbia Avenue, household goods by Jacob Zercher. Frank, auct. snr A A eens BARR-McKONLY WEDDING AT MOUNTVILLE JUNE 3RD The marriage of Miss Rebecca McKonly, Mountville and Mr. Fran- cis H. Barr, Elizabethtown, will be solemnized Tuesday June 3rd at the home of the bride-to-be in Mount- ville. The ceremony will be per- formed by the Rev. J. G. Meyer, of Elizabethtown College. After the wedding the couple will go to Chica- go where they will take up religious work. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Harvey McKonly and a student in the preparatory department of Eli- zabethtown college. The bridegroom-to-be is a junior in the college. RE MOUNT JOY MARKETS The following. prices are paid to- day by our local merchants: Next Community Sale The Community Sales Company will hold its next public sale at Flor- in on Saturday, May 31st. General line of merchandise, farm imple- ments, an entire butchering outfit, and household goods, also hogs, cows, | etc. Sale starts at 12:30 P. M. A me Business Place for Sale A business with store stock and | fixtures including cigars, tobacco, confections, ete. in business district | For May the 30th and | Firemen’s Convention, | June 7th | We can furnish you with suitable flags ranging in price from five cents to $1.50 each. Also Picnic Plates, Napkins, Table Cloths and Luncheon Sete. CHANDLER'S DRUG STORE West Main St, MOUNT JOY, PA. of Mount Joy. A dwelling in con-| nection can also be rented. Imme- | diate possession. Apply to Jno. E.!| Schroll, Mt. Joy. tf i | | Frank & Bros.” Sale On Friday, May 30th, C. S. Frank| & Bro. will sell a lot of extra good | cows, bulls, hogs, apples and pota- | toes at public sale at their residence just north of the boro limits. 2t! re et A ete | Asparagus Beetle | This insect will soon be at work. | Dust the asparagus with two per! cent home-made nicotine dust or] with one of the commercial dusts of that strength. { LANCASTER 2 COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. & A. AY 28th, P03 WIDE CLEAN-UP SALE To Continue 10 Days Longer Men’s Shoes Yous 2:31.98 without rubber heels. Men’s Shoes. Atay $2 98 Men’s Pants Men’s Pants. Work $1.39 ETE RNR IE CRETE IR Brooms Brooms 70c¢c Brooms, good 35¢ material, one to a customer. EE EAE RAR TR IR Gauze Vests 48¢c Women’s Gauze Vests. 35¢c Silk and Lisle Hose 35¢ Misses’ & Children’s Bloomers 50c Misses’ and | Children’s Pink and 35¢, White Bloomers. 48¢ Women’s Silk and Lisle Hose. Boys’ Blouses 48c Boys’ Blouses, 35¢ all shades. Children’s Socks 48¢c Children’s 35¢c Fancy Socks, every design and color. Men’s Hose 15¢ Men’s Black & 35c¢c Brown Cotton Hose, Men’s Dress Shoes & Oxfords Men’s Dress Shoes and Ox- fords. Patent Colt, Calf and Kid Skin, Black and Brown. Sport, Dress, Blucher and English styles; sewed welt- ed leather soles, $3 88 rubber heels. hr, lL. Women’s Dresses Women’s Dresses in Ging- hams and Voiles, Fancy and Checks, Pin Stripes and Polka Dots for street and dress. Values range from $4.00 to $8.00. Sale Price. $1.88 © $3.88 TE SE SR Boys’ Suits $5.50 Children’s Linen Crash Suits of very fine material. Good $4.39 wear guarant’d RE ER, Women’s Silk Hose $1.98 Women’s Full Fashion Silk Hose, Rose Biege, Log Cabin, Nude, Silver, Cham- payne, Black, Brown, Grey, Peach to match the latest colors in Ox- $1.69 fords. Men's Coveralls Men's SUITS | =i Boys’ Coveralls 98¢c © $1.48 aa... Children’s Socks Children’s Socks 50 C 3 pair foy LP LS RRR BOYS PANTS Well made and good material. Serges, Flannels, Cassimeres, Wors- teds and Tweeds. You must see these | to appreciate. $5.8 AND Boy’s Pants $1.25 Boys’ Pants, 88 \ . C sturdy matenjal. MEN’ STRAW HATS Men’s Straw Hats of very fine quality, no seconds. $1.50 Children’s Shoes and Pumps. 88¢c I ID RSE Women’s Shoes and Oxfords $2 to $3 Women’s Shoes and Oxfords. 88¢c Dress Shirts $1.25 Dress Shirts 88¢ to go at CERT RRR IT VT RAR Women’s Silk Hof> $1.25 Women’s-Silk Hose, Black and 88¢c Brown. Very latest styles and no flaws. We can fit you at 95¢ “ $2.95 MEN'S SUITS Just the very suit you were looking for. Tweeds, Serges, Cassimeres, Worsteds and Flannels, Pin Stripes, Conservatives, Checks. Sport mod- els, pleated backs.. Sizes 34 to 44. J ACE Sweaters Sweaters Closing out a lot of Men’s, Ladies’ and Children’s Sweaters at a big reduction. RR ML EUR YES Children’s Suits $1.25 Children’s Wash Suits. 88 C TRE Work Shirts Extra Heavy Blue Work Shirts. 88c EE Boys’ & Gents’ Shoes and Oxfords Boy’s and Gents’ Shoes and Oxfords in Black & Brown i Calf Skin, Blucher and Eng- lish styles, welted leather soles and rubber heels. Ger- berich-Payne and A. S. Kreider make. $1.98" $2.88 RTI TERR Men's Panis for Dress [cose Children’s Dresses for Dress : i and School in washable A rare opportunity to select a high Ginghams, Checks, Stripes grade pants of worsteds, Cassimeres and Plaids. Value up to Tweeds, Serges and Flannels. Pin Stripes, Checks and Fancy. $1.75. All to go Sizes bi rs at 88c ER AR A RR CED Sizes 28 to 44 waists EE TE ET "Union Suits Men’s Athletic Union Suits, HOW CAN I AFFORD SUCH LOW PRICES? Seal Pax. Genuine 99 C The volume of my business is so great that I work Ladies’ Blouses Ladies’ Silk Pongee Over-Blouses $3 79 ® $4.98 Ladie’s Canton Crepe Over-Blouses in all shades. Ladies’ Bloomers Ladies’ Pink and White Bloomers, 3 pair for $1.00 Ladies’ Silk Scarfs Ladies’ Silk Scarfs in all the newest styles. B.V.D. RRR Women’s Oxfords & Pumps Women’s Oxfords & Pumps in Black and Brown Kid & Calf Skin; Patent Colt, and Suede Sandals and Ox- fords. Strap Pumps. Values $5 to $6. Sizes $3.88 2145 to 8. on a small profit and quick turn over, and it is to your advantage to buy and buy and reap the harvest of the King of value givers. LASKEWITZ OPEN EVERY EVENING MOUNT JOY, PENNA OPEN EVERY EVENING