THE PRODUCE AND NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN generally steady, and offerings were moderate. Florida U. S. No. 1 Your or San be eth Spaulding Rose in double head bar- - without changing rims, rels ranged from 8.00 to 9.00 per oa [ A) barrel with Pittsburgh reporting the . wr R top price of 6.25 per barrel. Offer- { ings of old potatoes were moderate * and met a steady market. Western The most im J ortant tire Maryland sacked McCormicks bro’t 1.35 to 1.40 per cwt. in Baltimore. announcem (2 t of years: Philadelphia quoted New York and ) Pennsylvania round whites in 150 ou%an now equip your Ib sacks at 2.50 to 2.7bper sack; ] car With a tire twice as similar stock in Pittsburgh ranged i big as cords and from 2.50 to 2.65 per sack. New : inflated ta only half the York reported Maine bulk Green 3 X pressure. fits present Mountains at 4.00 to 4.25 per 120 ip rims and colts about the Ibs. same as tires, It The strawberry market was steady 1 gives revoluti ary ad- with a slightly stronger tendency in : ; vantagesof comfort and car- New York. Virginia, Norfolk Sec- or M economy, It is the new tion Klendikes and Missionaries in 2 % oR Michelin Comfort ‘Cord. 32 and 60 quart crates ranged from . a Will you come in to see it? 14c to 22 1-2¢ per quart, some fancy % stock bringing high as 25¢ per quart in Baltimore; similar stock sold for 8 — 4.50 to 5.00 per crate in Philadel- E. B. ROHRER, Mount Joy, Pa. phia. New York reported North Carolina 32 gt. crates of Missionaries 3 at 14 to 16c per quart with few 1 i sales at 1Tto 18¢, while Baltimore quoted similar stock at 12 1-2 to 20¢ x per quart. Storage stcks of dairy products - were large on May 1, 1924 as com- pared with a year ago. American cheese in storage was almost double the quantity on hand a year ago, and the same was true of both barrel and box apples. Quantities of pork, beef and lard were slightly larger than last year, the twenty per cent in- 7S Me erease of lard being the most impor- tant change. The usual April stor- ing of eggs resulted in the same volume in storage on May first as in 1923. Holdings of turkeys amount- ed to 95 per rent of a year age, but other poultry in storage totaled only : about 70 per cent. Recent market dH conditions resulted in a reduction of og ivator lamb and mutton in storage to a- 3 bout one-third of the stocks of May T k 1923. Cc as Market dull. Beef steers showing | slight weaker tendency. Compared The new Oliver No. 32 clitivator is equal with week ago 15-25c lower, better x to any cultivating conditions. ¥ operates per- ing Si Tne > > : .65 average we § Sy > fectly on level or hilly land, straight or loads. Bulk of sales $8.00-10.00. crooked rows. Compared with last year, top $9.50, Only a slight pressure on the, guiding | bulk $8.25-8.75. Bulls , she stock 7 an i 3 { and canners closed steady. Calves stirrups is necessary to shift the wheels and { closed steady with week’s decline, to gangs sufficiently to insure successful culti- | vealers $12.50; bulk $950 11.00, | vation even on very steep hills. The quickness | Hogs steady, top westerns $8.75, | and ease with which the gangs and wheels { bulk $8.40-8.60. are shifted makes it possible to follow croo | Receipts for Saturday's market: 5 | iw rows without damage to a single stalk, % | ars cattle from Penna. containing | er it 5 ® * 5, { 113 head. 340 head driven in. Total | Examine this implement and you will | 453 cattle, 7 calves. agree-+hat 16 Js the most complete cultivator % Receipts for week ending May 17, in operation, 5 { 1924: 29 cars cattle from: 23 Pa, 2 Chicago, 1 St. Paul, 1 Indiana, 1 : { Ohio, 1 Towa containing 586 head. H. S. NEWCOMER & SON | 808 head driven in. Total, 1394 J 2 | cattle, 177 calves, 220 hogs, 9 sheep. MOUNT JOY, PENNA. | Compared with same week last | | year: 45 cars cattle cont: ning 939 | head. 847 head driven in from near- FT RA TRE TR a a { t farms. Total 1786 catle, 575 nil. Wl : - hogs, 267 calves, 60 shegp rh i iE S . bai Pay Your Carfare on Purchases of § | 52m & | Good to Aa! $9.75-10.75 Tr ny “pp i r to goo $8.50-9.75 i ~ / 3 # | Medium to fai $7.50-8.50 g » IN \ A N S ef | Common to medium $6.50-7.50 es $ BULLS: Good to choice $7.00-7.75 Store Open “§aturday Evenings Until § O'Clock | Fair to good $6.00-7.00 a Ce ne I ee edium to fair $5.00-6.00 - RT ro omz medium -5 . MEN'S ONE ND T WO PANT ommon to Rens $4.00-5.00 . S S & hoice to prime $8.25-8.75 # | Good to choice $7.50-8.25 $E 1 5S & Medium to good $6.50-7.50 ° wa | Common to medium $56.00-6.50 he Styles for men and young men, in every new shade 4 is Cows: y for sports and conservative wear. i Good to choice $5.50-6.50 The one-pant suits are conservative styles of viceable wor- 3 | Medium to good $4.50-5.50 steds, while the two-pant suits are light cassimeres mixed 3 { Common to medium $3.25-4.50 gl | Canners and cutters $2.00-3.25 a STOCK BULLS: Good to choice $6.00-6.50 | tocracy.” | Fair to good $5.00-6.00 | Common to fair $4.00-5.00 | Sorghum. Good to choice $11.50-12.50 CO A 1. CO A I f Medium $10.00-11.50 8 | Common $5.50-10.00 ALL AND KINDS OF COAL ON HAND FOR IMMED. § | o a Boge. i eavy weight, 200-25 .50-8.7 TE DELIVERY" CARDS ARE NOT USED ANY MORE. Medium weight, 150-200 $ Lightweight, 100-150 $8.25-8.60 Fd Rough stock $6.50-8.25 yva, is there any ER Lancaster Grain and Feed Market should not end ! i Wheat $1.12 bu.| hero TRY SUCRENE DAIRY FEE OR MORE MILK | Corer... ico .88 bu.| the last moment? SE SUCRENE DRY MASH FOR CHICKE FOR MORE EGGS Hay (baled) i 3 u M B = 5 5 A oe | Timothy $ ton | ye i 4 gb Straw $13.00-15.00 ton | Lt { —- = an Selling Price of Feeds | coal Both Telephones MOUNT JOY, "RENNA. $32.00-33.00 on $31.00-32.00 ton 0 = e | #7 ith the RED BAND Ae or PENCIL CO, | $39.00-40.00 ton | | Linseed ton | | Gluten ton ! | Ground Oats ton ! Cottonseed 43 | Dairy Feed 16 | Dairy Feed 18 | Dairy Feed 20 pe. $39.50-40.50 ton | { Dairy Feed 24 | Dairy Feed 25 | Horse Feed 85 ELLOW PENCIL || You can go Is to order a man to r CALVES: en consent In an shot at sun: $41.00-42.00 ton pc. pe. $ pe. $i ton | i 7.00-38.00 ton rr eI ie THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, Human Body I ‘omposed 75 to 80 Pe| People think that literally, among the) LIVE STOCK MARKET sed largely of wate. CORRECT INFORMATION FUR. |" sely \ proportion being from three-fourths water, even including our brains. I have heard people speak of a per- son as having “a fluld mind.” did not realize how close they came to From head to foot, all of us ure so “fluid” that it seems almost a miracle when we continue intact, year after year, apparently as solid as ever, You may think that we become more folld as the years go by; that old peo- ple really are, as we call them, with- ered and dried up. But they are not Human beings grow even less dry as age comes on. timated that the water content of the body In old age is from 81.2 to 84.8 per cent, as compared with from 75 to 80 per cent In earlier life. common expression, The market for new potatoes was | the literal truth. | “a dried-up old man,” has no basis in fact. If the amount of water content in the body is reduced by only 10 per cent, It results in very serious dlsor- If it is reduced 20 per cent, There have been cases where a per- son has survived beyond this point; but a loss of 22 per cent is, I believe, a limit beyond which human beings cannot live.—American Magazine. Says Coffee Fruit Is Similar to a Cherry “It 1s doubtful If in all nature there | tion of It when away from home and package than the frult of the coffee tree,” says Willlam H. Ukers In “All Tea and Coffee | | World’s Smallest Book About Coffee” describes it minutely as follows: and having in {ts upper end a small at the Library of Congress in Wash- | ington are: the smallest book In the thin, gossamerlike skin which Incloses a soft pulp, swectish to the taste, but of mucilaginous Incloses the magic | wrapping, a delicate sllver-colored skin, And this last wrapping is so tenacious, so true to its guardianship treatment can dislodge it altogether; for parts of it cling to the bean even and grinding daintily stitched and bound in green paper. The printing of the mam- | moth Tu Shu Chinese encyclopedia | has been called the “greatest 15po- | | graphical feat in the world.” Three | years were required to print its 5,280 | volumes with their 800,000 pages. The table of contents alone is forty wvol- umes. A copy of this volum printed at Shanghai was given to the | United State in 1908. Audul ica,” the ginnt Americar First Europeans in Panama Isthmus of Panama were those who, | of Rodrigo de Bastldes, sailed from Cadiz in October, The records of this ex- pedition are meager, but it is known | that they plcked up the mainland of | Trinidad and coasted westward past the Gulf of Da- | rien and along the Isthmus as far as inches long inches wide inches thick. i that on one of them a tun is pro duced in life-size. Ti Nombre de Dios | four volume ey are The letters of “Lettera Rarlssima dl | ,..q horsehide : the library b; Au of a dispatch from the 1827.—Detrolt News. He wrote this let- | Lettuce and cucumber handle, ed by the J: Se. | strawberries are returned from pepsia sooner than anything els teres Forms of Government lie 1s different from tribes. Most intere ajo tradition of world which is “Undoubtedly,” ' The Tragic End Theater Manager-——You do not seem to have enjoyed the st No Danger A 0 Ae Will Hold Exams An open competitive examination rules of the U. S. il Service Commission for the position of postoffice clerk, village delivery ton | under the pe. $46.00-47.00 ton | Service at Mount Joy will be held on pe. $47.00-48.00 ton | Saturday, May 24, commencing at pe. $45.00-46.00 ton | A. M. Applications for this examin- obtained from Mr.| Calvin R. Kramer at the local office. weekly in this seet | and convince yourself. It costs only | | [$150 a year. | ation 8A Perils in the Hoine Told by Risk Company | Mark Twaln once called attention to the peril which surrounds a bed since 80 many people die there, According {o an Insurance company, home is not an entirely safe piace elther., This concern learns from an examination of Its records that out of every 88 accldental deaths nine take place in the home, Thus nearly one-sixth of the fatal accidents occur In an environment in which one might reasonably expect to be protected from danger of Injury. Age, however, has a bearing on the situation, Children are In greater peril than when they develop Into youth, and the danger Increases as one passes from middle age. Burns, falls and inhaling poisonous gases are the chief causes of fatal aceldents in the home. We are accustomed to consider the peril which attends traffic In the street and employment in many lines of in- | dustry. The fact that it is impressed on us may make us more cautious. Thus many accidents may be avolded which would otherwise happen were we regardless of the danger. Because we feel safe when within the walls we call home, may in some measure be responsible for the accidents which occur there. Qur surroundings being so familiar the sense of lurking dan- ger in an open fire, or a loose board on a step, does not suggest itself. After the damage Is done we may per- celve wherein we erred, but it is too late to remedy the harm done. We are never entirely free from peril whether at home or abroad, but we are likely to have a keener apprecia- the opposite may be one's undoing at home.—Pittshurgh Telegraph. in Library of Congress Some of the interesting curiosities | world, the longest printed work in | the world and the largest book In | America. The smallest book is a copy | { I of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. | | The longest work Is the Tu Shu Chi- | | nese encyclo the parchment be- | cause of its tough texture. The parchment bean In its last while the largest | a 18 James Audubon’s Birds of America.” The midget Rubaiyat is only three- elghths of an Inch wide and one-eighth | of an Inch thick. Letters in the book, even on the tifle page, are so small that they can be read only with the | book in Ameri | aid of a powerful magnifying glass. | | Its 48 pages of Japan paper are | | | inous work | r of China | of Amer- | | | ook, is forty 1 Japan and China embroide thelr | I WILL RUN AN IC JOY AND FLORIN DAILY SERVED WITH PURE D WATER ICE, PLEASE CALL IND. PHONE 856R2. ICE FOR SALE DURING AND AT ALL TIMES AT MY PLA AT BREWERY. WAGON THROUGH MT. IF YOU CARE TO BE {TILLED AND SPRING : PHONE 49R4 OR ENTIRE SEASON OF BUSINESS North Market Street GOOD FURNITURE Is the Only %ind I Sell—Furniture That is Furniture " RS) Rockers, Mirrors, Hall Racks, S54 Picture Frames, Ladies’ Desks, Extension and Other Tables Davenports, China Closets, Kitchen Cabinets, Fact Anything in the Fur. UNDERTAKING EVERYTHING FOR POULTRYMEN = Write, Phgne (3866 Bell), or Bring your order to *, 31 South Queen Street HER & GANSS, Inc. TRY SUPPLY HOUSE P. P. LIVE CHICK BOXES Wood Shipping Coops EGG CRATES , Celluloid Leg Bands ™, EGG TESTERS -, a % Thermometers bY THE BIG PO INCUBATORS Hot Water—Hot Air Coal Stove or Oil OATS SPROUTERS Cabinet and Open Pan Galvan- ized Brood Coops SAN NON-FREEZE FOUNTS 1-2-3-5 Gallo 1 MASH FEEDERS ¥% and 1 Bushel Sizes Wall and Jar Founts Grit and Shell Boxes Baby Chick Feeders Parcel Post Egg Boxes end Chickens Ground Shell and G Poultry Netting WRITE TO-DAY FOR COMPLETE LIST colors mat 1 ra 1 S and we 1 , and the ut S- | he on, bi Ji 1 vax, 1 eS rs ir Batik, the process , is a i art, an indus | to this | © tik make raw | >t wax on white cot 1 then color the unc f the pattern by cloth again and aga That the | x nd of a short bamboo | instrument was invent- | Navajo Story of Creation George Rogers, who has recently country | New Mexico tormat is the Nav- a : ly identical |B in the Bible. desc | ir ere a great god Ya. | a re S no bat water | ce. Then forth his |= and the 1d out of the wa- | Ag 1 his han |& < la Te. | |= snd goes on, say ‘a 9 v in r i his people. mT yee =z Ever; = 3 s | m = | | Ra —— Eee i Oo COMING I Rul £ Rubin ; {ics 5 more local | e newr than any | ion. Compare it | Success Mes ahead of you in the New Year—if there ave no wastes or leaks, A complete Audit right now will give you Accounting control yer your business so that you can put your e weak spo§,_clean it up, and go forward. Our reputation is your protection, Get in touch with us today. THE G. H™REED AUDIT - ACCOUNTING “SERVICE Woolworth Building, LANCASTER, PA. ts and Inkestigations Experienced Ace Suite, 346-48 Woolworth Building Business Systems Installed—Operated—Audi Federal and State Tax Reports By A 1g | mi im SRA "SE. E. WOLGEMUTH ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR All Kinds of Wing Material For Building Electrical Supplies lephone and Electric Lines be in a hurry to buy aMelectrie plant if you have a - Water power is cheap u don’t have water, bun up with your neighbors and put in a plant. 1s will soon be in es are not needed. Remem Do things with Electricity. Sweepers, Washing Machines, Mo when the rang am prepared to give you s ouse Yiring, 1 My Aim Is “Satisfaciton” MOUNT JOY, PENNA. J A FETE RES TN TN TN NY TY AHH ELIZABETH