The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, May 21, 1924, Image 1

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~The Mo

Joy Bul

$1.50 a Year in

The Firemen’s Convention in Mount Joy in June w
Mount Joy, Penna., Wednesday, May 21, 1924
in the History of This Town

and Commu |

eA Picked From Our
Many Advantages




: C I if The East : Hempfield Township | vy } 1 { i B 1 +
3 Las y ) ) sny 3/3 rig YO
mn ountry Ll € school directors elected the follow- | viee iy ward dsKel
———— ing teachers at a meeting Thursday | ————
HON. H. FRANK ESHLEMAN | afternoon: M. W. Metzger, princi-| PERSONAL MENTION ABOI
GIVES MANY REASONS FOR | ral of the Landisville High School: fHE MANY COMERS AND
} APPRECIATING LIFE IN | James Keller, first \ssistant princi- GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY
RURAL DISTRICTS pal; Es M. R cond assist eet
RN | ant prin ; gran school, Ethel Leo Frank visited his indmoth
(The following are extracts from | Steinkomph; interme school, D, er at Lai i on Fri
an address delivered by H. Frank | Ellen nning; sec school D. | Mr. and hrist Hei y Son al
Eshleman, of Lancaster, given Friday | Laura Kauffman; second y, | daughter, Sunday in York.
evening before the Drumore High | Dorothy Minnich; first pris Mir Mr. and Mus. Joseph Janson, o
School Alumni, at Chestnut Level.) iam Keller; East Petersburg gram- Columbia, will take a trip to Cal
In order to be happy, most people | mar, I. W. Martin; | fornia. : : |
must seek some other object in life | Kathleen Landis; secondary, Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Haus of Marietta, |
than that of making money or even | Krall; primary, Mildred Good; Roh- | Were Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary |
of establishing a business. In this | rerstown grammer, G. B. Lefevre: Schrite. 2
life there never was more than a| intermediate, Mabel Adair; second- Mr. and Mrs. James Neal are |
mere insignificant per cent. of the] ary, Blanche Erb; primary, Mame | SPending some time visiting relatives
people who got or made much money | Newcomer; Independent school, va- | it Missouri. |
out of life; and there mever will be | cant; Oak Grove, Mary Peiffer; in-| Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brandt of
{ more than a small per cent who will | structor of music, Florence Swarr. Lancaster visited Mr. and Mrs. B. |
5 gain wealth. Therefore, unless we oh Si [Ps Sh Sanday. Ss
adopt some other means of happi- ND dic > f Q a Maud Difling Fond Hilda
ness, it is a certainty that the great- 1/€(0 1CAtion O i. | Pronk Shen Sunday Manheim as
er number of us, in fact most of us, A jo D 1 joao te M0 r > re
will go throtigh He unloppy. That ViarK S U D. Church! walcaster, spent Sunday here visit. |
manner of facing life is useless and i Mrs Muro Enbeel os
needless. There are many other aa Ly Nice are Rios Sos)
good things in life and because we | CONTRIBUTIONS AND PLEDGES| .& and Miss Mar. |
cannot attain the one we set out to TO THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 |° re rend ° Spent Tue
reach, is no reason why we shall not WERE MADE AT THE jo here with Miss Wilhelmina Cur- |
shift our purpose and fix on some SERVICES [oan Bertha Wertz, of Philadel
other objective which we may rea- ren bins ; : i
ET i sly ‘to ‘Waste life In be: The new church auditorium of | pais, ; is Spending So 1e time here
. ing unhappy. Life is a precious and | St. Mark’s United Brethren church, | ae fer mother, Mrs. Frank Her.
of this place, was dedicated last Sun- | Shey.
glorious thing and we have only one
chance in all time.
Your education, during your
school days, dear alumni, will have
helped you immensely if it has
taught you this truth which I have
just stated. If your school days did
not lead you to that truth, then for
dav with an al service, and a) Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yocum and
crowd of people at every service. | daughter Elizabeth of Harrisburg, |
Bishop Bell, D. D. LL. D., Bishop of SPent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas |
the East District, of Harrisburg, Pa., | Johhson.
preached in the morning and after-| : : |
fioon. on tho. theme. of Christianity | Sendobler, now a resident of the City |
aC Work. { of Brotherly Love, called on friends |
here Sunday.
aay a
Our former townsman, Frank Ho- |
a tat ty y Bishop Bell is one of the most!
goodness sake adopt the truth now po 4 in y : |
rd Tivo up to it. scholarly and eloquent speakers in| i: Annie Immel, of Mountville,
If you have not yet found happi- | the church and always attracts a A ‘her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth
large audience. Greetings from the of Lancaster, spent the
ness in life in the means you have
. A ow cop! Week-end with the Misses Sho Ss
acquired or in the achievements of | pastors of the town were given for] es Shookers.
Mrs. Amos Garber left


1 te as 3 for a
t d on page five.) their congregations during the day.; . 3 |
(Continue pag All the Toca? pastors orc. ini otter. i to the West where she will visit |
I t gl sof & tcos! riends and relatives in Detroit,
LOCAL FIREMEN PUBLISH 4s one or nore 9 he gorvice Springfield, St. Louis and Abilene
CREDITABLE SOUVENIR BOOK | as well as a number of Unfted K )
| Brethren ministers. They were as Buses: % Ly |
Our local firemen are now distri- | follows: Revs. O. T. Ehrhart, C. H.! Mr and Mrs. Fred Schaeffer
Holzinger, Lancaster; M. H. Miller, daughter, Dorothy and son, of Lan. |
Florin; C. A. Lynch, Ephrata; A. L.| caster, were the guests of Mrs.
Gibble, ' Schaeffer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al |
buting a souvenir book that is full
of good information relative to the
Early, Harrisburg. 3
The evening sermon was preached | Zimmerman of Harrisburg, Mr. and |
by Dr. S. C. Enck, Conference Supt. Mrs. Raymond Zimmerman and chil. |
who was present all day and had dren, Margaret and Dorothy of Camp |
panies in the county and much other
valuable data. In addition the ad-
vertising columns are very well pat-

E. W. Bentzel, with Miss Pearl! Farm Women’s Scciety No. 5 met |
Myers at the organ. In the after-' Saturday afternoon at the home of |
noon the Bishop’s Quartette render-| Mrs. Abram Hostetter, East Peters- |
| burg; with fifteen members present. |
which! The speaker of the afternoon was!
The Building Committee, Miss €
is composed of Dr. E. W. Newcomer, | 58 Helen Doty, fo the :
H. N. Nissly, I. W. Bentzel, L. L.| Community Service Association, who |
Charles, H. G. Longenecker and the] spoke of the work of the
of tion in aiding mothers and children. |
The committee in charge of the
annual reunion of the Old Donegal
Presbyterian church will finish their
program in a few days. The re-
union will be held in June. Many
prominent speakers will be present.
Witness Tree Chapter, D. A. R. will
: ¢
ed several fine selections.
dedicate a tree at the afternoon ser- | Pastor, deserve a great deal | : |
vice in honor of their deceased | credit for their earnest efforts in the! A piano solo was played by Mrs. |
members. erection of this splendid church, and | Grace Hostetter and readings on;
TT Sve. the congregation and friends of thei” others’ Day were given by Misess |
. 1
church shown their apprecia-| Anna Doster. Ella Snavely, Ruth |
5 | ener : :
tion by contributing and pledging Hostetter and Bernice Redeclay.
Will Tour the County
The Publicity committee is going
to make a small tour of the county | over $10.¢00 to be paid within one!
the home of Mrs. J. R. Cassel, on {

xt Tuesday evening at 6:30 o’-| year. Ey 3 13 ns > : Th | ———
pe im : a The dedieatory service was in he Basing pissy Nosy eine: Ye x We pine On| widow of Franklin D. White, of the With the victory went a beautiful The soldiers” bonus bill finally nas
2 chines are invitec to go along, the | charge of Dr. Enck, assisted by Ra t orn will be ap- he Sp ly i ton j9ad of hay, { Harrisburg pike near Landisville, | cup, which was on display in the! become a law.
more the merrier. All noise makers | Rev. M. H. Miller and the pastor. | propria 8 to Meg ay, = dc) Mr. wi ey was delivering a {died Sunday afternoon from pleuri- | Bulletin window for several days. The measure which has been the
= - and signs will be given free by the |. This service is most impressive and | Friel and po Tn oe y ME 2 She was born in Brickerville The scores are appended: subject of a fight beiween congress
: committee. Report at Fire House. solemn. The services will be con-| AUTOES IN A COLLISION floss > Horses Shoes god and had been a resident at her pres-{J. E. Schroll-—0-2-2-2-2-2-x-2-2-2-2-{ and two successive presidents, was
ee tinued throughout the week, closing | IN THE WEST END SUNDAY | ¢ided to drive Sugar Alley. In round | ent home since 1886. The following 2-2 2-4 ‘ repassed Monday by the Senate over
Better Chain Those Dogs on next Sabbath with a sermon by| ne the Soper at Waterford | children survive. Sherman B. White, [J. B. Sellers—2.-2-2-0-2-2-2-2-2-2-| President Coolidge’s veto by a vote
There is considerable complaint | Rev. P. B. Gibble, of Palmyra, in | Row, and Mis Geo. Brown, colored, ye Sie hue Besta ele B Shion} na Miss Anna Mary White, both at 0-2-2-1-0-2-2-2-0-2-2-1-2-2-2—21. | of 59 to 26.
about dogs being allowed to roam at | the morning, and the Baccalaureate) 0 Yorl figured in a slight automo- on, Vie og hued) Kl (home, and Harry B. White, of Lin- (x) Denotes dead out of bounds. This ‘was a mans two vobes
will thruout East Donegal, especially | sermon to the graduates of the High | Iie at the corner of Fair- Dy Hi ig fos propa i den. One granddaughter, Mabel B. ut dm A linn: sein more than the tw: jority
in the vicinity Donegal Springs. { School at 7:30 by the pastor. ey i West Main street, | ae BY they = 3 2 grasp ain { Mohler, and one grandson, Donald Peony- Bush Blooms Early as compared with t ‘here
They destroy young game, particu- AA in BY a in which braved. = bd 7 ST oii Mohler, of Utica N. Y., also survive.| For a peony bush to be in bloom | were to spare when the veto was
larly rabbits. The owners had better | OVER A FOOT OF SNOW Wee riding and Which was drive hove. Ca : Fury diat 34 The funeral services were held | the middle of May is something sel- | over ridden in the House last Satur-
take warning and chain them before IN MONTANA ON MAY 6|¢n by a chauffeur collided with a Feo Stopes almost immediately. ! this afternoon from the late home. dom seen. But in the yard of Josh- | day.
s0me gave commissioner ‘wate Wise ; car eontainnig three persons from oa a and the | Interment was made in the Rohrers- | ua Kaylor, Conoy township, a bush President Coolidge made a futile
or they may be put to some expense. Jacob Bollock, of near the Iron Harrisburg. None of the persons ho Fanslerred. : There was some | town cemetery. containing seventy-five large peonies | last minate effort to have his veto
ral pens Bridge in East Donegal, on Thursday| Were injured. : amage to the wagon. i [is in full bloom. In addition there | sustained in the Senate, calling to
Hearing About a Road morning received a letter from his] Rev. Brown was on his way to the Mrs. Marie Slider | are numerous buds. This bush was the White House for a breakfast
The people in East Donegal town-} son, John, who is stationed in Grass Macedonia A. M. church, where he WILL ELECT TEACHERS | Mrs. Marie Slider, widow of | not given any attention over the win- | conference with seven Republican
ship will be interested in a hearing | Range, Montana, in which he says conducted the services on Sunday. WILL ELECT TEACHERS George Slider, of Marietta, died |ter, while another which was cared senators. Four of these who previ-
there is over a foot of snow while
he is writing this letter, dated May
6, and farmers are back considerably
in their work. The wheat crop will
be a heavy one as it has been well
protected all winter. Horses and
cattle have advanced in price with-
in the past month.
I A psis3pn-np
Will Attend Church
to be held at Lancaster Friday, May
23, relative to the township main-
taining the old Mount Joy and Mar-
jetta pike. Complete details may
be found in an ad elsewhere in this
Will Go To Europe
Our former townsman, Mr. James
C. Cassel, of Roanoke, Va., recently
returned from Florida where he and
his wife spent the winter. They will
sail on the 24 inst for Europe on the
“Leviathan” and expeet to return
in September on the S. “Baltic”.
— GCIs
————- Qe
Class Day and Commencement
Class Day exercises by the Senior
Class of the Mount Joy High School
| pr : : Mr. and Sirs . | HAVE SEED 10. THE bs Be ent
d iters, An and r, sons, | > oan Ann‘e S. Shelley
I wd and Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. | Mrs. Jane Shellenberger died at| Annie S. Shelly, eighty-two, died
n Greider, son, Edwin Jr., Mr. | Columbia, aged 70 vears. { Friday. evening at the home of Mrs.
nd Mrs. Benjamin M. Bushong, of | la { Israel Graybill, of Manheim, from a
Columbia, Mr. and Mrs, H. Martzell | Mrs. Jane Shellenberger, aged 74 | complication of diseases, after an ill-
I daughter Ruth, East Petersburg; years die t Columbia after a|ness of fifteen weeks. She was a
r. & Mrs. A. Greider, Rohrerstown, | ering illness. { member of the Brethren Church. The
| and Mrs. John Weidler, of Lan- | | following children survive: Mrs. Is-
sville, Mr. and Mrs. Martin E.| Mrs. Margaret Witmoyer Rohrer, | rael Graybill, of Lititz; Mrs. Hiram
Greider, of Lancaster R. D. 3., Mr. widow of Ralph Rohrer, died at Co- | Gibble, of Manheim, Mrs. Samuel
{ and Mrs. Roy Bender and daugh-|lumbia aged 30 years. | Kettering, of Annville; Abram Shelly
ter, Pauline, Mr. and Mrs. Martin | — lof Mastersonville; Mrs. Jacob Bru-
{ Strickler,
{ Frank Young and daughters, Thelma| Mrs. Harvey Metzler died at her | Sahm, of Pasadena, Cal., Mrs. J. A.
and Elizabeth, Arion Musser, Wil-| home near Erisman’s church on Sat-| Beckmer, of Ontario, and Mus. J.
liam Thomas, Lavina Hostetter, urday morning, death resulting from | Kurtz Miller, of Frederick, Md. Two
{ Mr. and Mrs. Eli B. Hostetter and | pneumonia. | brothers, Joseph Shelly, and Benja-
. > - . gv . - | : v1 1 .
sons, Robert, Paul, Lester, James, | {min Shelly, of Long Beach, Cali.,
{ daughters, Mary and Emily and Mr.
{ bacco beds says our County Farm
Sremen’s convention less next month | Huestor, Mavhoim; .P. B. ile: bert Campbell on Sunda one of the Brown properties on |i" her seventy-third year. Death was|tion of the state but our team was
It contains a list of all committees, | Palmyra; S. C. Kauffman, Neffsville; Me Trvin Shoos 40 famil ¢ | Columbia avenue > {due to complications. She is sur-| not to be denied and won with ease.
vos Ave i py Mr. 8 ally of | io . 3 The time of
complete roster of all the fire com- | C. A. Snavely, Harrisburg, C. oy a + lamily : x] vive , sons: Abraham, Cor-| The time of the race was 3.48.
2 b : i Elizabethtown, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Miss Fannie Mumma is seriously | ¥ived by four sons 8 § Was 51s
Clay on Frank street.
hanging himself in
home in Fulton township.
and ¢
{ Donegal township, and a hired boy, |
The next meeting will be held at| Herbert Judy, had a narrow escape |
of electing teachers for the ensuing
Board’s Office, Sporting Hill, on Sat- |
urday evening, June Tth, at 7:00 0-|
clock. A number of vacancies exist |
il! be the Biggest Event
Road We Must All
resided; at Deodate, and Elwood, of
Elizabethtown. Funeral services will
be held from his late home on Friday

{ A birthday surpise party was held | T ] q : | morning at 9 o'clock and at the
by Eli Hostetter for his wife on her | irave ometime| Spring Creek Brethren church, at
thirty-fourth birthday at their home | ae | Hershey, of which he was an active
1 North Barbara street, Friday ev- Interment
MANY WELL KONWN PEOPL! | member, at 10 o'clock.



Miss Miriam Engle, Mrs. | { baker, of Lancaster; Mrs. H. G.
Mrs. Harvey Metzler

Harry B. Allison
Harry B.
: | also survive.
Allison, Columbia, died |



and Mrs. Rea E. Greider of Mount | The funeral services were held May 29-—Gerberich Payne—Geo.
> ip 1 at 1e TY of is nenhew | m 1 1 pi -
Joy. Refreshments were served and | vi the home of his nephew, Jacob | Py day from the home of her| Brown Sons
Mis toting irs 16. + Allison, at Columbi f a eon htcr: Mra (7 J: : 0 3
Mrs. stetter was recipient of | A 1 on, ab imbia, « A com wghter, Mrs. Graybill, with further June 3—Business Men—George
a number of useful gifts. j Hot of aged 68 years, I ces at Chiques church, near | Brown Sons
a ten {| IS Survive 7-1 is rife 73 , =
~~ irvived by his wife. Mastersonville. Interment was made June 5-—Skeeters — Gerberich-
Fy AY arr ; in t cemetery Pay
4 \ Ya Vv. yne.
Naure f Lloyd Harland Eppler tH Fo 3 7 :
| NCWS or | Lloyd Harland pler, son of Mr. | June 10—Business Men—Gerber-
| nA io av
rn 2 a John Eppler. of 1/3 BR - ich Payne.
{ ick Reading fia : from th 1 NCD : June 12—Skeeters—Geo. Brown
Nr >. i 1 and dro Dons.

at the Track Meet
EE i 15 years, 10 months and 25 Piling June 17—Skeeters—Busintss Men.
INTERESTING HAPPENINGS | pynoral services were held Friday June 19—Geo. Brown Sons—Ger-
A A es DE IN | afternoon at 1:30 at the house and) MOUNT JO mm hes Payne % :
OF BUSY PEOFLE I 2 o’clock in the Church of God, in|’ 2 Y HIGH SCHOOL WON une 24—Business Men—George
a | Elizabethtown. Interment was made| THREE FIRSTS AGAINST Brown Sons,
Mrs. Mame Kover is ill. [in Good’s cemetery. | © VERY KEEN COMPETI. Jute 26—Skeeters — Gerberiel
Miss Emma Skipper has been il
for a few days.
Elmer Ebersole is quite ill at the |

Miss Emma S. Halbach |
Miss Emma S. Halbach, 79 years| In the field and track meet held
home of his mother in this place. |°f age, the last surviving member otf on tho & Marshall athletic
12,000 coal miners of the Lehigh | the family of the late Gottleib and po at Lancaster Saturday, the Mt.
Valley Coal Co. went out on a strike, | Mary Elizabeth Halbach, died in the] “%¥ High School made a very credit-
1 { Masonic Home, Elizabethtown, from | able showing.
la stroke of paralysis. She was a Our “boys” won first place in the
Agent. member of the First Reformed relay race, first in the broad jump
John Whervell one of his | church her entire life. Funeral ser-| and first in the pole vault, for which
fingers while at work repairing his | vices were held this morning. the participants deserve great credit.
yroperty. DORE The Relay team was composed of
: A shoe dealer at Lima, Ohio, was | Mrs. Mary H. Floyd : Albert Booth, Leroy Herman, Char-
killed when a cow fell thru the roof| M¥s- Mary H. Floyd, widow of | les Eby and John Eshleman. They
of his house. | Philip Floyd, died at the home of her were pitted against some of the
Mr. Addison Habecker moved into | son-in-law, William Kise, at Ironville, | best High school teams in this see-
Wildfire is raising havoe with to- b

Mr. Charles Eby won first place
in the broad jump, the distance be-
ing 20 feet, 1 3-4 inches.
| delia; Philip, Lancaster; Jacob,
of her aunt Mrs. dia
| Mountville, and Edward, Kinderhook.
ill at the home
| The yg ras ) fr the -
Joseph Gans and Harry Shaak, of The fanazal was bold from ihe Jron

ronized. The book is certainly a p Tt Sony en U. B. church Sunday afternoon Mr. John Eshleman finished first | Payne.
credit to all who took part in the | charge of the finances. Dr. Enck oe, ay h the home of James | ul Brice Vox both badly | the service being conducted by Rev. [in the pole vault, clearing 9 feet, August 12—Gerberich Payne—
work. It is the product of our job- | spoke on the theme of “Having an” op ond Tamily on Sunday. hr ie a an. Bass ia ! Albert W. Dombach, of Columbia.|11 3-4 inches. John can feel quite | Business Men.
bing department. Aim”. The services throughout the] oi Se Salt ar Ne pi be, Bass and Burial was made in the church ceme- | proud as he cleared the same heighth August 14—Geo. Brown Sons—
mel entire day were inspired by the FARM WOMEN SOCIETY fre =~ Yu Sie Iwenty or tery. in the class for schools as did an F.{ Skeeters.
COMMITTEE IS PLANNING splendid music from the choir, with MEET AT PETERSBURG | = JMS In: Lancaster. county fe & M. man in the college class. August 19—Skeeters —— Business
FOR THE COMING REUNION ! anthems and quartettes in charge of} a jas Week. S. B. Kiefer. All our entries received beautiful | Men.
Amos Fisher committed suicide by | :
EE Recorder of Deeds of
I 8. B. Kiefer,
i Lancaster county, died at his home
in Elizabethtown at three o'clock this
i morning, aged 61 years. Deceased
| was a notary public Elizabeth-
{town for many years. He leaves a
{ wife and one son. Also three broth-
| ers and two sisters. Rev. H. S. Kie-
fer, pastor of the United Brethren
i church here, is a brother
bronze medals and a banner which
were on display in our window Sun-
shed near his
38 years old.
A display of coins of all nations 4
3 at
s was given by the Lancas-
er Trust Company last week. It at-
racted considerable attention.
- ee a MOR

In the challenge match of the
Pennsylvania live bird championship,
John E. Schroll, of this place, as
The funeral will be held from his | challenger, defeated John B. Sellers, September 9—Skeeters—Busines
TT . 1. late home in Elizabethtown Saturday | the title holder, by a margin of one | Men.
Harry Hershey, a farmer of East | 4fternoon at two o'clock. kill, registering 22 out of 25 to his Eee
The shoot was held
Valley traps at
Reading, on Saturday afternoon.
Fianna White
Fianna White, eighty-five,

opponent’s 21.
: i ; | Mrs. over the Spring
rom serious injury on Wednesday |

Wednesday night, of a complication
of diseases, aged 74 years. She was |
born in the house in which she lived, |
April 15, 1850. For the past nine
months she had been confined to her
She is survived by two daugh-
ters and one son, as follows: Edna
M.,, and Essie C., at home, and
Charles H., of Elizabethtown. One
granddaughter Fay Seiple, also sur-
for, shows no signs of bloom.
E’'town Lad Enlists
Earl Hershey Brinser, a barber, of
Elizabethtown, has enlisted in the
navy at the local recruiting station.
The recruit, who is six feet tall, will
go to the training school at Newport,
iR. XL.
A meeting of the School Board
Rapho Township, for the purpose |

will be held at the School |
the township, and any applicants Ga
€ requested to send their applica- I ii
will be held in Mount Joy Hall next All Sons of Veterans in Mount Joy A Badly Mangled Arm pons to J. W. Moyer, Secretary. Ap- | vives. She was one of the oldest Printing for Kansas mo
Wednesday evening, May 28. Com- | and vicinity are requested to meet Witmer Steffy Jr. suffered a badly plcants are also requested 10 ‘vet ny rs of the Presbyterian church. The programs for the annual
mencement exercises will be held in | at the Hail on Sunday morning, | mangled arm when the sleeve of his | Present at the meeting of the School | private funeral services were held [Sunday School meeting in Belle
May 25th, at 10.15 to attend services
in the Lutheran church in company
with the Grand Army, American
Legion and other patriotic organiza-
tions. H. B. Greenawalt, Command-
er, Lieut. D. H. Nissley Camp, No.
74, 8. V.
—— eee
Will Go to Church
shirt became entangled in the wheels
of a cement mixer while at work on
the road near Rohrerstown. He was
taken to the office of Dr. M .M. Den-
the United Brethren church on Thurs
day evening, May 29.
A AR tren
Nursing a Sore Hand
Alex Cunningham, while at work
with the repair gang of the P. R’R.
in this place, ran a large splinter in
his right hand. The hand is very
sore at the present time.
eet Cees.
Next Community Sale
The Community Sales Company
will hold its next public sale at Flor-

Board on June 7th, in order to sign
| by the Bulletin.
His First Hair Cut | es BES SE
On Saturday, Aaron Danner, of | Eli Booser Frank & Bros.” Sale
Manheim, had his hair cut by a bar-| On Monday afternoon, while Eli On Friday, May 30th, C. S. Frank
eet Next Sunday forenoon the mem-|in on Saturday, May 31st. General | own hair. the plow from heart attack before | just north of the boro limits. 2t
W. C. T. U. Will Meet bers of General Cameron Council|line of merchandise, farm imple- -—— { medical aid could be summoned. merriment A
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the | No. 851, Fraternal Patriotic Amer-| ments, an entire butchering outfit, Messrs. Jacob M. Schroll and Fred| Mr. Pooser was seventy years of | Miss Mary Brubaker, a linotype
home of Mrs. I. D Stehman on Mon- | icans will attend services in the Lu-|and household goods, also hogs, cows, | Schneider spent Sunday at Tower|age and is survived by his wife and | operator at this office, is off duty on
day evening at 7:30 o’elock. Jj theran church. fete. Sale starts at 12:30 P. M. City. two sons: Eamest. with whom he |account of sickness. {
Springs Church, at Navarre, Kansas
on June 5, were printed this week
{in the home on Saturday afternoon.
| Interment was made in the Marietta
: 70
the time of election.

Booser, of Deodate, was assisting a
neighbor, Elmer Lehman, with his
spring plowing dropped dead at
r, for the first time. Mr. Danner
now eighty-seven years of age and
until Saturday always cut his
& Bro. will sell a lot of extra good
cows, ‘bulls, hogs, apples and pota-
toes at public sale at their residence


Payne meets Geo. Brown Sons.
Tuesday and Thursday evening and
the complete schedule for the season
is appended:
Brown Sons.
ness Men.
berich Payne.
Brown Sons.
Srown Sons.
ously had cast their ballots in sup-
port of the executive.
Announcement has been made of
both of Elizabethtown. The cere-
town by the Rev. Solomon Brinser.
Both the bride and bridegroom are
second marriage and the third matri-
monial venture of the bride,
A business with store
fixtures including cigars, tobacco,
confections, ete. in business di ;
nection can also be rented. Imme-
diate possession.
Schroll, Mt. Joy.
Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bul

Our League Season
Opens on May 29

An Indusrtial League was formed
here and at a meeting Monday ev-
ening, a playing schedule was ar-
ranged and adopted. There are four
teams in the League as follows:
Gerberich-Payne, Business Men, Geo.
Brown Sons and the Skeeters.
A thirty game schedule was a-
greed upon and the games will be
played on the Recreation Grounds
diamond. The season will open next
Thursday evening when Gerberich-
The games will be played each
July 1-—Business Men—Gerberich
July 3-—Skeeters—George Brown
July 8—Skeeters— Business Men..
July 10—Geo. Brown Sons—Ger-
erich Payne.
July 15-—Business Men—George
July 17—Gerberich Payne—Skeet-
July 22—Gerberich Payne —Busi-
July 24—Geo Brown Sons—~Skeet~
July 29-—Business Men- Skeeters,
July 31—Geo. Brown Sons-—Gey-
August 5— Business Men—George
August 7—Skeeters — Gerberich
August 21—George Brown Sons—
August 26—Business Men—George
August 28—Skeeters—Gerberich-
September 2—George Brown Sons
September 4-—Business


marriage on Sunday of John M.
rman and Mrs. Louisa Singer,
ny was performed at Elizabeth-
years old. It is Mr. Garman’s
EE ———
Business Place for Sale
stock and
Mount Joy. A dwelling in econ-

Apply te Jno. E.
———— i.