NTE pT TR ATA FE Sa f REE nl i Lene oe. sips sana LORNA SE Ad RIAA t PAGE TWO THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14th, 1924 MT. JOY BULLETIN cured to seceed, it we woud (AI | EN) TELEPHONE | RHEEMS ; MOUNT JOY, PA. only apply the patient and loving | a AN 3 & (1.4 a i ini e 5 A A A bb Bat & Pov EE 1, bn vn ory DERN TRG | oe so siz ours 1 ——— YA Sema 1 : spent last Monday at the home of his Subscription Price $1.50 Year! The thought of mother can not gi Mrs Hor K. Landis, in wv | Sample Copies. ..... FREE long leave any man or woman, and this place o. gy ’ wr | Single ‘en ne Sani ne et Dey 5 Boe Term Originated When First Mrs, H. G. Thompson spent Wed- % ree Months. ... mts | cessary {éep green in our mem- i | . W i wwday » home of her mother Six Months......78 Cents ories all that Mother has meant to us. Switchboards Were nesday at the home of In DLT. “5 x yo’ a > | at Atglen, RE RES | It’s just the thought of a graceful | Invented. | "A. S. Bard and wife spent Sun at the Dont offes at Mount Joy a% | {ribute, that on this one certain day | — | day nd. Mondav at the home of Mr ond . . | aE anda 1 ne N( e mr - 0 0 N / Q y 3 y Nise | | Y ’ i date. v! the Sxpiration of Jue | in May the whole country in unison | The term “central” as applied to! and Mrs. J. K. Bard, at Bethlehem. | + sand receipts for subscription money re-| Should pay particular homage to] 5 | You a ge ac ] f ved. Whenever you remit, see that you are Mother the telephone central office and some- | Carpenters and painters are renos| . ( er, | | : 0 + proper eredit. We eredl all subseription | > yperators has i . vating the residence f Mrs. Susan oh BR ope Sah. Ne on I's mighty ~ fine: it this day - to] times to the operators has a signifi Ati g e re ences 0 1 5. the subscription lists of the Landisville Vigil, | 3 yh cance which few realize | Wolgemuth along the State Highway Florin News and the Mount Joy Star and | Wear a ved flower expressive of the do at Rheems a Mews, were merged with that of the Mount | warm love of living mothers, and a Due to the fact that every .tele- at neems. LE a fy Bulletin, wkich makes this paper's ordinary : he oe oy 1 3 li ot . Ir of wires! Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Risser, con- A | = weekly. white one in loving memory of the| Phone line Is a seperate palr of wires { J rity i roodness of the hers | connected to a switchboard, It Is veyancer and surveyor of Lawn X @ EDITORIAL purity and goodness Je mouners a tv that the switchboard Ig | business at the Greider md RT ED yho have sse t it seems ecessary thi he switcehhb nn r o { who have passed on; but ms to : : a | Poultry farm at Rheems Wednes- wu a me that the real tribute should go| each community be at the “central” | dav : A Lesson For Us further than this, and that the| point in the town. | Zerphey Brothers, the Mount Joy — The time will Some. When Moun: | greatest possible tribute anyone can This point is sometimes called the | township painters, are applying a Joy will want 30 Insta a uy Yel BE pay to Mother is to try each day| “wire center.” It Is the place where | coat of paint to the interior and ex- tem and it may be we for our Boro | with all his or her might to some- | all of the wires of all of the sub- | terion of the Church of the Brethren, officials or any one interested id keep what approximate the kind of man| geribers are brought together, and at Rheems. | Holds ~ their ayes. on Elizabethtown, Council or woman Mother hoped and prayed| real estate values are comparatively! Mr. and Mrs. Elam Stauffer, of fgets ~~, in our sister boro is now struggling | 4nd labored so hard for us to be- high at that point | near Erisman’s Church, spent last bots, Cad i reliminary work. Recent- |. > : A Gi — wing leather cushions, ten we Whe Pre Sy on come. In the case of manufacturing con- | Tuesday morning with her grand- Snchesideep. Cowl lights. oy Srene § pane a ed d . cerns, the principal factor consldered | father, Joseph W, Kraybill, the old- non-skid cord tires. of t hay oun ag Boosting is transportation facilities. Thus fac- | est citizen of Rheems. meeting they red” the supervising Boosting is the cheapest commod-| tories are on the outskirts of towns.| R : : LC : ; > cheapes of «| ussel K. Bard, Senior student at F d h fi . b engineers. Now they propose start- ity on the market. And yet it does Gas and electrie light plants are usu- Elizabethtown, is ending the week 1n out Ww. at com ort, power, eauty ing all over again. more actual good for the individual | 8!ly located a considerable distance =. at State Coll ¢ t of hi : 3 i and th nity than the expen. Jom the center of the commuuty. | nd at Hate College as guest of his 1045 will buy in a Studebaker Can't Be Too Good ane ¢ community than the €XPEN-| qm. 1g feasible because the product | Sister, Miriam, who is a Junior mem- : Some verv excellent fire fighting diture of thousands of dollars. | of these concerns is piped or wired ber of the 1923 and 1924 class. % machinery is being developed in the Some people are natural born | into the town and then many cus- The Penn Lime and Stone Com- TUDEBAKER offers a world-famous Compare it for beauty, comfort, roominess, puroughs and towns oF Lancaster: boosters. Others have to cultivate | tomers can be supplied from one pipe | pany received a massive rolling Six, a car embodying the best men uphafstery, for obvious refinements. County: There 3 h “~~ |the art. But whatever it takes, it is| line or one circult. Telephone com- | sercen for their stone crushing plant know, at a price that makes it folly to Coin : : rounty. 5 ere 13. perhaps no or San certainly worth the effort. panies, on the contrary, are compelled | which will require a temporary shut deny yourself a fine car. ., Lompare it, too, for ease of handling, flex- ization that makes its usefulness felt| po . boosting doesn’t consist simply | {0 Place their bulldings in the very |, Eoin Pinion on B i the cheil cf tat al : ibility, power, quietness, lack of vibration. more than a local fire company. Just of talk. The real booster hus 2180 heart of the community. Because of Church of the B . ere is the thrill of a power six-cylin- See for yourself what you can buy with lit- 8s the physician is received with . Sea wos Bo this fact telephone buildings cannot UEC 0 e Brethren opened a der L-head motor; the comfort and luxury tle ney in a fine car today. open arms when the family is sick) (0,08 & “doer”. Your is the | pg of the “factory” varlety, but must | Series of evening meetings at Green- of a big, roomy body — deep cushioned and 3 ® kk : : . ’| fellow who is back of the civic pro-| pe constructed architéeturally so that | tree church Sunday, May 18, to con- 1: i " so when our properties take fire we| He is the man who attends! 1 : round. | ay restful; beauty that characterizes the most Rifle in this car, ride in competitive cars. ‘ feel th £ £ th ting | STAM. e is the man who atiends| they will conform to the surround-|tinue for ten days or two weeks costly cars : tee g comfort of the Protecting | ass meetings, reads this paper and| ings. Thus, buildings constructed by | conducted by Rev. Ziegler from ac Co arison is the surest way to judge an hands of our loeal fixe ladies, | otherwise keeps himself informed on| the telephone company are good look { adjoining district * * * automobile. Studebaker will place a Light- ! ; MS the Baliolin suspen that wef what is going on. The booster is| i iy a ered to the Church of the Brethren of the Now in justice to yourself, look at this car. Six at your disposal for this purpose any the 8S, 8 gl rganiza- | td ? | ey mus ore strongly built | ye oranare it with ¢ iti i i : ! aaa a oe Antes | slow to criticize. There are plenty | than yy t fo | West Green Tree District will hold Co apace nt with cars at its price timgyou name, ONS Ire None 4 ap | Of things with which he is not in| ov can carry the very heavy eqaip-| their spring time Love Feast at the | —then with cars selling for several hundred Bay no car at $500 or more without mak- | investment, Every dollar, arty accord. But he takes the ment hick 1% pl d in them Wit! | Green Tree church May 2¢ d dollars more, mg this test. Don’t buy blindfolded. given to a fire comnany makes for|, °° ° | elt whith 1S D'acec In. tem. ih ch May 29 and 30. % Caf tv 1 * homes time and pains to equip himself| the present-day construction costs, |A large number of visiting ministers | i es Saiely. anc protec 10 Of our homes. with the facts before he starts talk-| new buildings required to meet the will be present from York anc an-} { SIX S Insurance companies have long ago | needs of the i 1 for : I m York and Dau- I 2A SPECIAL-S#X BIG-SIX ey SO 2 ia ing. | pgous Ol A nai} phin Counties. iF; > . RID > LYNE; BD > 1 advocated the best possible fire pro-| ee 1 nows there are two $ gre g considerable Item in| ppc pon the Garden Spot | fl ry Are Amine Foi Jie. anne wir tooth 8 ars Sina every co nun- ng 0 KNOWS 1 e dai com an bh deo i 4 40 01 tne arden >pot i . > V4 ouring + ¢ ¢ o » » 42 Ouring « «+ ¢ « oo «» {30 ag tus ar omy un ok budget. | Poniiry Association report quite al } Pin) . Jos3 Roadster (2-Pass.)s + ofits 1400 Speedster (5-Pass.) + . » 1835 i ty .et us remember one tl ; : : y 1395 2 (5-Pass,) + + + wm 1895 5P255.) ¢ 0 + 2 be too quick to critici 4 o Gs In Sais hg chiel a oh ool ig ie os 5 i i ih sv +0 ible: work of ui 1924. They 27 = fe RE 8 noble work of son well matured All prices fu 0s be factory, Terms to med your convenience | laddies. They are serving volun- ; ST t ly and deserve praise—plus. YS % ot 3. a Haphazard Tax Reform (7) evel . BE Vor 3 If the United States Senate or the i Arm Wie Ie = ESE A BA TA FANE President by use of the vote does vod ne un ti t Lib REAM, MOUI JX, nr ii 5 - wt bring order out of the chaotic ederal tax bill now being mn ogether in the house of represen tives, the country has little to look; a piace ai forward to in the way of relief 2 from burdens, the natural aftermath of the war. ¥ t ™ i Am n Camer- | { Respoasibie leadership appears to is no I) : Hee 2 with Jon: rms received a number | a disappeared almost entirely in way one looks at it. nickels, di and quarters } or car Le 3 of hydrating lime in ad-| \ ~t===="hoth parties, and the results so far been a mmonplace feature . of ion bo the ia h 1 tons of do not lend confidence to an adjust-| Northwest Rapho American telephone service, In Eng. | ea or hel cco andj ment of the wide differences be- | land, however, they are only just be. |. a Comm p M k Ce 0 tween the Mellon and the Garner, pp. poultry yards seemed to be ing introduced Into general use, smal TE Len oN fam a Le ow Ure Ox mak- platform demands for women’s meetng will be held the latter part ee tracked the engine and opened up Eary and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Har- beth, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bisler, try and get along without advertise plans, if the latter can be so desi2- wo) stocked with supply for next are regarded as a great novelty. bine G63 At. i a nated. Neither will be recognizable year. “Within the next fews weeks,” sa pig i to do any work in | i Early Delivery o in the measure that is being placed | The voice of the tractor is heard a recent article in the London Daily | The Bhosins Fire and Improvement together in haphazard fashion, in the field and on repairing the Telegraph, “there will be instalied in| Association held their monthly meet. | ; Henry Ford hits the nail on the highway. London an automatic telephone call-| ing at the office of H K. Leratic il bl Spring with its rush of Fordson orders head when he says: | Miss Beulah Geib is spending the box which will take both copper and | Monday evenin ih A 5 gli as EH il b 1 ge T b f Any administration or any set of past week in the family of Rufus Silver coins, and will enable telephone | President in is 4h il ne 5 wi soon € nere. O DE sure oO get legislators that advocates high taxes Wenger, users to converse over far greater| oo. 8 chair. After the | 8 ting delivery in ame, order now. ought to be run out of office, be- Mrs Mattie Werner spent the distances than has nitherty been pes Fn 1 big wi Be Nay ial . Mat err spent the 0 = ing | transacte eter R. bill £, S ic 1 : cause they are really advocating past week in the family of Raymond Sine 98 ye nia B. Heisey presented ih 12 4 i The demand ior Fordsons 1S Incr casing high cost of living. near Milton Grove. ; | graph adds, that, “should the experi-| System with full explanation for the | 0 every day, and you may be disappointed > { The dandelion 1S seen In every | ment prove a success, it is intended | illuminating of the Rheems streets. ia if you wait t60 long. Sund A otter » Dey i meadow, along the brook and on| to extend the use of the multi-coin.|It was decided to circulate a petition fo unday, May 11, was set asiae as & gyery back yard and lawn. box at unattended call offices to per-| among the citi a 1 10 1 day devoted to mothers the world | Mys. Elizabeth Hollinger spen | mit the passing of long distane ¥ie ctaens I Jews he £ By placing your order early you will ; | ger spent the | Pp g 4 & future procedure of street lighting | be i i i over. May is the month of flowers past week in the family of R. N.| trunk calls ang telegrams.” to be brought up at the hort oar! sure o getting your Fordson in time s via i Ge ” 5 a qe » and hope, and it seoms this is analo- | Good, of near Elizabethtown. | nee dui the only yous; 4 for the preliminary work which will ous e never failing fai ove , ary i ; : ss 1. od hope of all oboe Th Spr Sh Bn Se have .efiored for years, lian pan > bisa i ig pasty ut it mn the best condition for the pe gata in, "| but which have not been offered by 5. 18 In honor o iss Susan i F Te rl foe as $0 hein age a sell in Ee family of C.| the Postoflice telephone system of Rejuey at her home at Rheems last eavier work of spring. 3 Songer on Saturday. | Great Britain; and there are more| Monday evening it being her 60th 1 1 ¢ the all-encompassing love of al Rev. J. R. Timmel, of Elgin, Ill, | telephones in operation today In New| birthday. The following relatives Talk with us about a tractor at once. mother. A man may break every held services in the Mt. Hope Church | York city alone than there are In the| were present: Mr. and Mrs. C. G y law of man and God, he may be- of the Brethren Thursday evening entire Kingdom of Great Britain and| Breneman and son Roy Anna Burk: H S NEWCOMER & SON come as a pariah among his fellows; and on Friday evening at the Chi-| Northern Ireland. holder, Mr. and Mrs. Abram G. B : I : 3 but, if he have a mother living, he | ques church. aight anil sn Ban il MOUNT JOY, PA. \ has one refuge to which he can al-| The following guests spent Sun-! Telephoning in France Hershey, Mrs. A. M. Breneman Mr, ways go, sure of a loving welcome. day in the home of C. G. Hollinger: Telephone subscribers In France| 2nd Mrs. H. B. Heisey and son Wil. It may be that, through years of Mrs. Aaron Hollinger and family, | must guard against becoming angry|liam and daughter Mary, A. Paul disappointment, his conduct has Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Hollinger and | And criticizing the telephone operat | Roarman, Arthur B. Heise nd graven lines of sorrow on that be- | daughter Dorothy; Mr. and Mrs. °rS If they do not want to have serv.| brothers Winfield and rr : d loved face, lacerted a thousand Isaac Koser and family, Mr. and Mrs. | '¢® discontinued for two days, ac |Fanny Ruth Heise The gif! oa times that trusting, hopeful heart, David S. Hollinger and daughter | 2 i too numerable PE i Wee | but unworthy as he may have be- | Elizabeth, Ruth Hollinger, Mr. and! of Dosts aul Telsgrapiis, from California, Washington rae come, even such a man as this can [Mrs. H. S. Greiner, Susan Shaeffer | New York and New Jersey. Ea return to Mother with the certainty and Mary Geib. y that she will have for him the owl cd | _— R Dopenstile TX. trac tender solicitation and love that | | mad Inace of seven + marked her care in his infancy. MAYTOWN | atom From belly Sp | ! y lying brake shoes, larg. . x { | {ce e In the following lines Kipling has, The Maytown Fire Company is in| | pieces of iron, car springs, loose penned a tribute to mothers which | , flourishing condition and in the | Whoels and ballast hung from a train aptly expressed the boundleseness of | naar future are going ‘vo purchase due Rheems 9:43 A. M. ruming a mother love: {additional fire apparatus. mile a minute, While the train was if I were damned of body and soul | A Japge tree in front of the May- | approaching on the straight line love would make Hef Garment factory, in Centre! whey Ration the flying debris and : ran to safety. A i I were drowned. in the deepest’ quare, has been taken down in or- 2 4 ttracting the en-| der to give more light in the build- | gineer's attention who promptly ap- | Ei sea, ling. The tree is believed to be plied the brakes bringing the train 5 A mother’s tears would reach down' yearly a century old, and has been | to stand still one-fourth of a mile 1 me. standing before the building was | east of Rheems they discovered the 1 * Possibly it is one of the tragedies erected | rear truck and wheels to the tend : e : er % the world that the praises of The (lass day exercises of the of the engine broken in many pieces, | ®& = other are too often unheralded Maytown High School will be held | With the wheels off the rails dam- Is i 1 i 1 unsung. The outstanding qual- Monday evening, May 26, in May- | aged many rail to such an extent | VM’ and Mrs. Lee Chauman, Mr. and { Shope and daughters Dorothy, Mar-, ter Gulchsecr:al, Miss Charlot Dibler, »3 of motherhood are self-denial ' | t it require i Mrs ¢ ter, An-| tna, Anna fae an orence, an ilfred, Max and Lester Ri town band hall, beginning : at 8 0 5 that it required new rails. The rear | Mrs. Harry Brandt and daughter, th A M d d 2 in d | Wilfred, M cedorf. i: gelf-effacement. You will not ; er i : | end of the i as -tike { : Son \Yvarner, Mr. an rs. William a Se the t mothors of the wold Slack, The commencement exercises Combining the Far East with | > 12 train ‘was Saken na, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Erb and Ricedorf, Mr. and Mrs. Harry K. Mr: Bask grea e : will be held the evening following. the West. Most of America’s | Passing siding by an end engine sent | sons Robert, Paul and daughter, Ber- Landis aod daughters J d Ev r. Business Man. f ng the harridans who disgrace There are geven in the graduating !3rge Chinese business houses |from Lancaster. After a short de- | tha, Mr. and Mrs, John Stehl, daugh- lyn. M d ol J phy “ej You may as well try to conduct anhood and motherhood by cjass, The alumni b have Chinese telephone operators. | lay the Columbia wrecking force re- lla and sons Leroy, George ya, #5 an TS. pF oe hor rt oak i anquet and | 8 re- | ter, Ste vs ge, ry, son James and daughter, Eliza- | your business withou’ capital as to ht You will not find them 2- that week a KE | for traffic about 12 o’clock ve A Mil- : sek. 5 | rey Hoffman, daughters, Anna, Mil d : . 2 the garrulous class of women — See wa Held Exam Neos An old time birthday surprise was | dred, Dorothy and sons Samuel Mil- and daughters Anna, Alta, Mary | ing. There's no use, it won't go. All for birth control, and An open competitive examination’ 3 ! : d Arthur, | 30d Hazel, and son Lewis, Mrs. | the leading and most successful a & take If there is anyone looking for a! under the rules of the U. 8. Civil held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | lard, Harvie, Lester and / Grace Garber, daughter Hazel and | ess. mor. : ss themselves, elect to dic nice home in Florin, 8 rooms and! ie tos 4 Charles Ricedorf, ncar Rheems in|Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rice and chil- 2 | chants use the columns of the Mount fortunate women the proper bath with heat, electric lights, frame. .c¢ Commission for the position Near > Jcems dren EB Jobin. ‘George, Emer.) 20> Roy, Lee and Lester, Mrs. Hor-| ik 5 rear children. The great Stable, 2 chicken houses; etc, at a | Of Ppostoffice clerk, village delivery 0° Mr. Tigsdor] Who his at: William, Rich rd Hos , Anna, | 2¢ Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Norman | 9 A ie wor 1d, thank God, Splendid location, I can accomodate ' Service at Mount Joy will be held on tained sie age "of 39. Over one sen, K Su M : od Mrs, Merle | Garber, and daughters Peggy and a 4 Che * you. Price is way below the cost of | Saturday, May 24, commencing at 9 | hundred persons were in the yard [and Kathryn, fs an 5 Ellen, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Shoeman COMING Lynn and daughter Mabel, Mr. and Dr. I. B. Rubi i in Mrs. Lester Hench and son, Dale, ubin, of Rubin & Rubin, a8 new house. Call, phone of write | A. M. Applications for this examin- ready to rush in the door when he Harrisburg’s Leading Eyesight Spee- Ne me gE mothers that we all remem- and daughter Evelyn, and sons Syl- loving and kind. J. E. Se Re bits se Tn ad child- E me "= Jov. Hlation can be obtained from Mr. gence a 4 ie yt ket Mr. and Mrs. George Endslow, Mr vester and Floyd, Miss. Anua Wiki; will be at Chandl Drug oder i i : . | the door. e following persons| Mr. . ’ “11; . » ndler’s Calvin R. Kramer at the local office and: Mrs. Frauk Rinehart, “Mr. and liams, Fanny Ruth Heisey, Susan |Store, Mount Joy, one day only, vhe out for us On Pennsylvania f: s there sf i a who smoothed farms there were! I { were present to enjoy the usual fes Mary Espenshade, Lee Rinehart, | Tuesday, May 20th, from 9 A. M. to troubles of impatient 136,942 turkeys in 1910. Ten years| gupcorine for the Mt. Jo . | tivities and to a late hour: | Mrs. Fannie Tressler, Mr. and Mrs. 5 ron 2 seri y Bulletin | tivities and games up a late hour: . SPM yes examined and glasses into the world later the total dropped to 87,404. If you want to succeed—Advartise | Mr. and Mrs, D. H. Derr, son Walter; | Sewel Tressler, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Russel Maise, Edward Kaylor, Wal- | fitted as low as $3.00. roy 23-4t i I - - HY SS ov