of ok & the Mt. Joy Hall, on Friday evening, May 16th. A very good program is being arranged. VOLUME XXIII NO. 50 The Firemen’ s Convention in Mount Joy i in June wil be the Biggest Event in the History of This Town and Commu L.W.M. Society’ $ 3-Day Convention DELEGATES FROM PENNSYI.- VANIA, NEW JERSEY AND ADJACENT STATES TO MEET AT LANCASTER MAY 20 The biennial convention of the Women’s Missionary Society of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania, which opens in Trinity Lutheran church, Lancaster, Tuesday evening, May 20, will bring to Lancaster 117 of- ficers, department secretaries, dele- gates and many visitors from all sections of Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware. These delegates will represent more than 10,000 active members from 318 or- ganizations of the Synod, not includ- ing the list of Honorary members and hundreds of children enrolled in the Light Brigades of the congrega- tions. The first session on Tuesday eve- ning will be held in Trinity Chapel and will be the Japans Girls’ School meeting. Young women from the various Lutheran churches of the city ‘will participate in a- sketch as the opening feature. The president of the Synodical Society, Mrs. Syd- ney R. Kepner, Pottstown, Pa., will preside, assisted by the Synodical Secretary for Japan, Mrs. Walter S. Wells, Reading. The speakers of the evening will be Mrs. E. C. Cronk, Philadelphia, ana Mrs. Hor- ace Becker, Hanover. Wednesday morning's meeting will open at 9:45 when reports of officers and department secretaries will begin. These reports will con- tinue during the five day sessions, and will be intersperced with ad- dresses by missionaries engaged in the Home, Inner and Foreign Fields, which the department represents. Miss Emilie, Weiskotten, Rajahmun- dry, India; Sister Grace Lauer, Phil- adelphia; Sister Emma Francis, New York City; Miss Gossner, Inner Mis- sion worker for the Ministerius; Mrs. H. C. Bell, General Field Sec- meal CR = The Alumni Entertainment The Alumni entertainment to be given on Friday evening looks as though it will be the best entertain- ment ever presented to the local public. Everybody is hard at work putting the finishing touches on their part and the results are sure to be perfect. The music, is going to be exceptionally fine, and the specialty members are going to be a big sur- prise. The chart for reserved seats opened to-day at noon at Garber’s Drug Store and there is every indica- tion of a crowded house. rm QM 78 RURAL PUPILS TOOK EXAMS HERE Seventy-eight pupils from rural districts took the high school en- trance examinations in the Mount Joy High School last Saturday The pupils will enter Mount Joy High School, Landisville High School, Maytown High School or Milton Grove High School if they pass the examinations. neem eG GR Only Fair Attendance Due to the inclement weather there was only a fair sized andience in the Evangelical church Sunday afternoon to hear Rev. J. L, Hynson, of Lebanon, address the Men's Fed- eration. Those present heard a very good address. me ees Aer Beackliart Named Ase ossor Mrs. Charles Ricedorf and two sons, | rg | The County Commissioners on Mr. Russel Moore, Mr. and Mus. Saturday. appolnted Mr. Paul G. Abner Staley, Mr. and Mrs. John Eyer and son, Earl, Master Leroy Bruckhart, of this place, assessor of the East Ward to succeed the late John W. McGinnis. ree se An New Tax Collector The County Commissioners have appointed George R. Miller, tax col- lector in Marietta borough to sue- ceed Robert Taggert, who has ac- cepted a position in the Maytown bank. rr A rs 2 He will meet with Troop No. 1, of | WOMAN 99 YEARS OLD of the Mount Joy Chau- | His Auto Was Stolen and two daughters, Beatrice and| on Thursday evening, when GOES FISHING FOR TROUT) tauqua this year as it came in the | An automobile belonging to A- | Betty, Mrs. Clara Gantz and Mrs. H.| 5 jemonstration patrol from Troop | Circuit is July 8—July 13. Some bram B. Rohrer, Manheim R. F. D. |J- Staumbach. No. 1, of Lancaster, will accompany Stroudsburg, Pa.—Whipping the] years we have kad it in June and No.1, was stolen Wednesday evening him. famous Broadseas creek for trout,|that appeared too early. Last year from its parking place at Prince and Kauffman is President MVS ere Mrs. Mary E. Labar, Monroe Coun-|it came in August and that was too Orange streets, Lancaster. Officers were elected and educa- A Good Attraction ty’s oldest angler and believed to be|late. We believe the date this year ———— eee tional subjects were discussed at Five clowns and a black face | the oldest in the state, puffs her pipe | is to our advantage, Real wisdom Entertainment May 16 the 18th annual meeting Saturday|comedian, each with a saxophone, | and competes on equal terms with| has been shown in the make-up of The Mount Joy Alumni Associa- tion will give an entertainment in 3t ere A Are Food Sale May 24th The Epworth League of the Meth- odist Church will hold a food sale in front of Strickler’s store Satur-, from fifteen bands, two drum corps Miller, Martha and Anna Eyer, Miss Maude Yohn, son, 7 Messrs. Miss Dorothy Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Jacob Zeller, Joseph Hershey, Mr. les Derr and two and Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Derr afternoon of the Young People’s Di- vision of the Lancaster County Sab- others badly SIXTH SUCCESSIVE YEAR Last week we delivered the year books to the High School at Miners- ville, in Schuylkill County, ing the sixth successive year the Bulletin has printed this book. The book this year contains 128 pages and cover, and appropriate to the class colors black and red, the red silk cord. The book, as usual, contains about fine half-tone illustrations, is printed on good coated stock and is sure a credit to the school. We make a specialty of that kind of printing and the fact that it was is our best evidence that we do that class of work at a right price and in a satisfactory manner. Prof. Charles E. Roudabush, for- merly principal of our schools here, is supervising principal of the schools at Minersville. We will be pleased to quote you when in neeu of that or any other kind of printing. RS Preliminary Work for Convention TO DATE SEVENTEEN BANDS AND DRUM CORPS AND 23 FIRE COMPANIES ACCEPT INVITATIONS Matters are rounding into shape very nicely for the various commit- tees of Friendship Fire Company No. 1 relative to the preliminary work for the fourth annual session of the Lancaster County Firemen’s Association Convention to be held on Saturday, June 7. A meeting of the General Commit- tee was held in the engine house Monday evening with President Groff in the chair. The Invitation Committee report-! ed that they received acceptances and twenty-three fire companies to participate in the parade and that there are a number that have not as vet been heard from. The Publicity Committee reported large posters and auto stickers in the hands of the printer and that the souvenir books are about completed. The Finance Committee reported money being contributed and that a complete report will be made later. The Refreshment Committee re- ported the receipt of the bids for re- freshments for the visiting firemen. Also for the lunch stands. The Entertainment Committee re- ported the purchase of 1500 paper hats for the street dance in the even- ing. Also that the Lebanon Chemi- cal Company Band will furnish the music for the dance. There will be 25 men in the band at a cost of $1.50 per man. The Decorating Committee report- WE PRINTED THE BOOK this be- | that cover is black with red printing and, one hundred very, printed the past six successive years| Mount Joy: Penna, Yednesday, May 14, 1924 ‘Will Dedicate U. B. Church Sunday SPECIAL SERVICES WILL CON. TINUE DAILY DURING THE FOLLOWING WEEK—A BEAUTIFUL STRUC.- TURE The congregation of Saint Mark’s Church of the United Brethren in | Christ of this place, will dedicate their beautiful new church building next Sunday, May 18, with special services continuing during the follow- ing week. Bishop Wm. M. Bell, D. D. L. L., D., Bishop of the Eastern Dis- trict and S C. Enck D. D., Supt. of { the East Pennsylvania Conference and a number of fromer pastors will assist the pastor in these services. The Church Auditorium which has just been completed is built of Mountville tech brick with raked joint and white cast stone trim. The interior is finished oak, with beauti- ful stained glass windows, Bowl shaped floor, indirect lighting, pipe organ, making it one of the most modern and best equipped churches in the county, The Sunday School room which was erected in 1915-16, is also modern in its arrangement | (Turn to Page Five) tn GQ QI Ransing—Myers The marriage of Miss Elizabeth A. Ransing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ransing to Mr, J. Russel Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs Harry Myers, of this place, was solemnized at the rectory of St. Joseph's Catho- lic church, Lancastre. The ceremony was performed by Father Robert Hartnett. Mrs. August A. Krimmel, Jr., ate tended her sister as maid of honor and wore a gown of orchid French voile, hat to match, and carried a bouquet of roses, daisies and forget- me-nots. The bride wore a gown of Coolidge brown, beaded, with hat to match and carried a bouquet of roses, Mr. August A. Krimmel, Jr., acted as best man. after the ceremony was performed, at the home of the bride. About seventy-five guests attended, with a number of guests from Philadelphia | and Mount Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Myers left on a wed- ! ding trip to Atlantic City, and New | York City, and on their return wili | reside in Glen Moore. | Qs. ee EXCITED WOMAN STEERS { AUTOMOBILE INTO TREE | Mrs. Cyrus Evans, of Elizabeth- | town, while on her way home on Saturday evening, in a small sedan, crashed into a large tree in front of | the residence of Lewis Siller West Main street. Another lady was | in the car beside Mrs. on ed that they will be ready to sell flags in the very near future. Various bills were then paid. SE —— \ A BIRTHIAY SURPRISE v FOR DANIEL H. S. DERR| Mrs. D. H. 8. Derr and son gave | a party at their home on West Main] street, in honor of Mr. Derr, who | celebrated his thirty- birthday. | Rev. George Kercher gave an ad-| dress. Refreshments were served.) The following were in attendance: Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Kercher, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Tressler, Mr. and Mrs. Lau Tressler, of Rock Point; Mr. and Miss Beatrice Robin- and Lynn Gutschall, William and Eugene _ Rice, Murrel and Mrs. William Bailey, Franck Schock, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Char- daughters, Ruth A Arn Bad Auto Collision One woman was killed and five injured when several day, May 24th. autos collided on the state highway|farm, near Elizabethtown, and has |t bien. seme just outside of Lancaster Sunday] purchased the sixty-five acre farm of Deeds Recorded evening. One car was completely{Jere Martin, one mile north of John E, Herr, to J. Trout Herr, | wrecked. Those injured were from| Bellaire; takiny immediate poses- property in Landisville. J Middletown. sion. the borough High School on “Birds.” known as the Saxophone play in the Moose Theatre, at his position on the W. A. Withers College, May 12 and 13th. Miss Garber is a graduate of the |“per capita” offering. This offering bridee at Salunga they struck a rut Mount Joy High School, class of |is collected during Lent for the mis-! svhicli torned the machine toward! 1923. {sion work of the Church in general | {1 fence, breaking two rails and | SRE. Gs jand St. Luke's average worked out | striking a pole, which broke off a-| EXECUTIVE TO LECTURE “ at slightly better than $4.30 per| yout ten feet above the ground. This| ON BIRDS IN THIS PLACE member. In spite of the rain the | however, saved them from going over | School returned in a very happy! the steep embankment to the P. R.| Scout Executive Frank A. Green- hawk, of Lancaster, will visit here this Wednesday and will lecture in Six, will Eee. \ Bought Farm Near Bellaire " Mr. C. S. Hollinger has resigned and design and can be thrown into | : i lin the A reception was held immediately ! i settles itself down { MR. JOHN B. TR to the school which has the highest | frame of mind from Lancaster any fisherman. Mrs. Labar told County were absent from their home close to| Luray Caverns Sunday. thieves stole the four tires off the wheels of {| William Shires and John Whittle, of his machine. A WEDDING DINNER FOR THEIR NEPHEWS General News for Mr. and Mrs. Frank H., Groff Jr., daughter Clara, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Groff Sr., and son Benjamin, Mr. Frank Sprout and daughters Ada and Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mr. and Mrs. avenue. Miss Alberta Sprout is able to b present enjoyed the accasion. Mr. and Mrs. Phares Sprout and son Winfield spent Sunday evening at the same place. RE Onions Are The Cause of It All | TWO SCHOOL TEACH TEACHERS TIE AN ONION POULTICE ON ONE county, is successfully and rabbits in the same house. No. 59, I. O. R. M. on Friday even ing. of the properties on will move into one Brothers’ avenue. A package surprise was Tuesday in honor of Miss { { | i OF THEIR LITTLE GIRL Sprout. She received a number of Mr. and Mrs. Truman Sprout | PUPILS useful gifts. f spent Saturday at Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Germer Jr.,{ Mrs. Truman Sprout is visiting at The following appeared in last moved into one of the Brown Bro. the home of Mr. Frank Sprout. night’s Lancaster Intelligencer and |thers' properties on Columbia avenue. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Walters and . - | . is of local interest as one of the par-| on Friday. Mrs. Hartzell, selling stock for the Farmers’ Oil Company, Ine., “Judge’’ Fiester, who issued war-| rants for the arrest of Miss Ruth) ! Eckman and Miss Miriam Engle, | teachers at the Duke Street school.| funds of the company. The teachers are charged with | Three men from Lancaster have putting an onior poultice under the purcahsed the Dolly Varden Choco- nose of little Miss Mamie R. Lin-! late Company at Cincinnati, O., and coln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John! all its branches for $1,000,000. Lincoln, 507 Church street, after! VV Mr. Harvey D. Shaeffer, formerly the little girl, having dined on on- of this place, left on Sunday for St. ions, insisted on blowing her breath Louis where he has accepted a posi- faces of all the other pupils,! tion with the Purina Feed Co. much to their discomfort. i J. E. Whisler, the embezzling As noted exclusively in The Intel- cashier of the York Haven state the question] bank, was sentenced a term of “how far one to 10 years in the Eastern caster, yesterday to to onion breath in ligencer from 4 with an penitentiary. ican go { Lancaster.” { The Seniors of Mount Joy High Dr. H. B. Work, the president of School are now taking their final the school board and the chairman! tests. It is expected by next Mon- of the superintending committee,’ day the final averages will be avail- worked late last t on the able. The valedictorian for the com- { tion which is not y to be settled mencement exercises will be an- the teac nounced. me before MR. AND MRS. EBY GAVE A DINNER FOR SON AND WIFE ED RE . Clinton Eby gave a in honor of their son Mrs. Clinton G. ently married. nr fr Yi, ana MT dinner St and and wife Eby, JONI Mr. last week pu Evans and {will and fixtures 11 were present: she took hold of the wheel, turning | garage on Mariett: ] Barto, and it directly into the tree. She stated place, ] pul 1 and sons .Ross and that a machine in front of them was! ate possession. Jacob B Mr. and about to stop and to avoid hitting | business « HE and son 1 the car she took hold of the wheel | “make good j Mr. and t while excited. Mrs. Evans received | Mr. Ream w ind Park J { a cut lip, while the other lady escap-|to selling new G all i ed injury. The front of the machine ' ducting his busine . and Georg was badly damaged and was taken |e r, and » the Ream garage for repairs. pl E b town rye | Local Banner Winners on { MISS ESTHER C. GARBER Vv At the sixth annual service for the | MT. JOY FAMILY PARTY REPRESENTED COUNTY | joint presentation of thei ite box- | AY —n 3 Sir the Episcopal C nos of | HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Miss Esther C, Garber, daughter {the counties of York and Lancaster | Samuel E. Garber and family, of i of Dr. and Mrs. E. W. Garber, of held last Sunday in St. John's | this place, on Saturday afternoon | this place, represented Lancaster {Church, Lancaster, St, Luke’s church | ped what may have been a ser- County in the mock Republican con- school, of Mount Joy were suceess- | sellin at Salunga. They were vention which was held at Oberlin [ful in winning the banner presented | on their way to Petersburg. At the foot of the approach to the railroad| : and | RB. tracks. No one was hurt but the| determined to do their best to keep automobile was badly damaged. the banner for at least two years. etl Emam Bl ———— The Coming Chautauqua The date She is 99 years old, Treasurer, the Chautauqua program which will | be given in a later issue of our pa- bath School Association in the Unit-| bethtown, Saturday evening, Ma, George Labar, when she applied for | per. Plays—two of them—sym- ed Brethren church at Mountville. J.| 17. There will be two shows 6:45 | her fishing license. Her pipe, she | phony orchestras and national figures D. Kauffman, of Ironville, was nam-{and 9:00. See the advertisement on | said, has been part of her fishing|are among the attractions. . ed president. another page. | equipment for seventy-five years. rr | \ . . Nineteen on Excursion Sure Is a Mean Trick Nineteen people accompanied the While Harvey Kaylor and family | Pennsylvania R. R. excursion to the Among them he Big Chestnut Tree, along Keller, Lena Dillinger, the | were: Harry Falmouth Pike last Tuesday evening, | Sara Dillinger and Thelma Coolege entered his garage and{of Mount Joy, and Ruth Kahley, Florin. 2 Quick Reading gave a wedding dinner to their : . nephews, who were recently mar- Adjutant Browns Darlings ried. They were Mr. and Mrs. Tru- INTERESTING HAPPENINGS |and The Athletics o Ancaster. was . FROM ALL OVER THE COUN. [cancelled and will be played later man H. Sprout, Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton S. Sprout, and Mr. and Me TRY FOR THE BENEFIT in the season. There will be a Phaves 8. White. The following OF SUSY gsme on the loss] grounds oF am . Ske ay afternoon at ‘clock when were ako present: Mp. end Ms! Harry Bear Jr. io fll ab the homely footie oR dy SES po ais Hiram Groff and son Elam and|of his mother on West Main street. John Simmons, of Florin, moved into one of the Brown Sprout and children Carson, Bea-|out again after a severe spell of| .. ” : trice, Samuel, Elsie, Esther, Ida, onan “B Spatiey Oo Satehers Mabel and Sarah, Mrs. Ida Sprout, Mr .and Mrs. George Zeager, of Mo : fir a Sony) i ) Ky Mrs. Fanny Sprout, Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster, will move into one of the Hs Bo, one ae tr he i 2 Frank Groff Jr, and sons Elmer, | Brown Brothers’ properties. ee oe : oie} ie” vy . prs Paris, Raymond and John, Mr. and John Tryon has bought Ed Ream’s base: op R= It a fi ire Mrs. Miles Hammer, Miss Myrtle garage and will continue the busi- “Bu yr ha va Rony oe is Roth and Miss Emma Moyer. All| ness at Mr. Ream’s old stand. Reo her ay os T. H. Stauffer, of Kissel Hill, this raising cats Charles Roth and Benjamin Shank were initiated into the Otsego Tribe Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zimmerman, Brown Columbia given Alberta ticipants, Miss Miriam Engle, is Lightning set fire to the large Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers are from this boro: {barn of Jacob Brubaker, near| entertaining Mrs. Margaret Johnson. Backfiring an ‘onion breath” is: Ridgeway and caused a loss of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kramer at- cruelty to animals, according to $15,000. | tended a funeral at Lancaster, on at Lan- is in jail for misappropriating The Mount Joy Bulletin THE STRONG LEBANON TEAM PLAYS HERE ON SUNDAY Owing to the inclement weather the game scheduled to take place be- Lebanon. The star slab artist for Lebanon is Ben Ember who on dif- ferent occasions has played with Mount Joy and Marietta. The Dar- €llings will have their usual line up: “Minnie” Hipple and “Artois” Myers utility men, Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket PERSONAL MENTION ABOUT THE MANY COMERS AND GOERS IN THIS LOCALITY children spent Saturday in Lancaster. :| Sunday. B. Frank Shraider, of Lancaster, made a business trip to this town on Monday. Miss Clara Barlow returned home after spending the winter in Harris- burg and Perdix. Mr. Garriet Arntz; of Lebaron, spent Sunddy with Mrs. Sabina Arntz and family. Mr. Reuben = Shellenberger spent Saturday at Lancaster, as the guest of Richard Bowman. Miss Erla Bear is spending week at Philadelphia brother, John H. Bear. Misses Dorothy Schroll and Doro- thy Loraw enjoyed an auto trip to Clark’s Ferry on Sunday. Mr. Ralph Kramer, of Pottstown, the visiting her $1.50 a Year in Road We Must All Travel Sometime MANY WELL KONWN PEOPLE HAVE PASSED TO THE GREAT BEYOND Edward Fox, a former resident of Colunbia, died at Philadelphia. ; Mrs. Maria Brandt, aged 84 years, widow of David L. Brandt, died at her home along the Colebrook road one mile east of Middletown. H. R. Dumser died at Columbia and will be buried to-morrow. Elizabeth, wife of James B. Hin- kle, died at Columbia aged 51 years. Mrs. Annie Eshleman Mrs. Annie Eshleman died at the home of her son, Joseph Eshleman, residing on East High street, Eliza- bethtown, on Tuesday night from general debility, aged 91 years, 8 months and 13 days. She is sure vived by two children: Joseph, Eli- zabethtown; Mrs. Mary MecDonnel, Mt. Joy. The following brothers and sisters also survive: Henry Hoover, Mrs. Jacob Hollinger, of Elizabeth- town, and Mrs. John Hoffer. Funer- al services were held from her late home Friday afternoon and at the Church of the Brethren, of which she was a member, with interment in the Green Tree cemetery. Arthur A. Boltz Arthur A. Boltz, aged 42 years, died at his home on S¢ ‘kh Market street, Elizabethtown, afternoon of pneumonia. “i._ 1s sur- vived by his widow, one son, Albert and one daughter, Grace, also his father, Reuben Boltz, of Ironville. Deceased was an active member of the Church of God, and for many years was Superintendent of the Sunday school, He was also a mem- ber of the men’s chorus of that church. The funeral was held from his late home Saturday afternoon with interment in Mount Tunnel ecg tery. Mrs. Bertha L. Lantz Mrs. Bertha L. Lantz, 38 years of age, East Petersburg, died in the Lancaster General Hospital after an of two weeks. She was a of the Smithville Bethel She is survived by her hus- illness member church. spent several days here with his (Continued on page 8) nee A eres. RECITAL FRIDAY NIGHT | WAS WELL ATTENDED | The recital which the primary ¢ intermediate pianoforte p Miss T. Anna Welsh gav Joy Hall Friday even was well attended. The sented their selections in a very en ertaini way. : The following Arntz, § h Bear, Estella Julia Brae It, Eleanor] » Martha Dodenhoeft, Dorothy | e in th ng participated: Rut} [uth Brand at, isher, Catharine Garber, De Gorrecht, Kathryn Grove, Melvin re Hilda Hartman, Elizabeth Pauline Heilig, Richard Charlotte Hertzler, Maud e, Harriet McElroy, Irene Mus- , Benjamin Rohrer, John Schadt, He len Sheaffer, Evelyn Smeltzer, | Charles Zeller and Mildred Zink. eee The Devil's Bait |! That's the title of a recital and | motion picture play to be given in {Macedonia A. M. E. Church Tues- | day evening, May 27, at 8:30: The peaker will be Mr. Noble Wiley who laims he is the only man who ean outtalk a woman. The proceeds will be for the benefit of the church. IC. | ser Successful Successful are the days witz’s store. Many and numerous are the bargains. You will miss the grandest opportunity of a life time if you fail to attend this great pow- er of the low price sale.—Nuff said. | See advertisement on last page. ee Union Co. Stock This Sale On Friday afternoon, May 23, at 1:25 Messrs J. B. Keller & Bro. will sell 48 head of Union County cows, at Laske- bulls and shoats at public sale at their yards here. This will be a good lot of stock. tf I The Weather Interfered Owing to the inclement weather the athletic meet of the Mount Joy schools was not held last Friday. It will in all probability be held two weeks hence but the exact date will be announced later. re re A Ue Frank & Bros.” Sale On Friday, May 16th, C. S. Frank & Bro. will sell a lot of Perry and Lancaster county cows, bulls, hogs, apples and potatoes at public sale at their residence just north of the | brothers band, bach, Manor her mother, Mrs. Susan Es- widow of John Eshbach, of township. The following and sisters also survive: Moses Eminheiser, Albert, rles, of Manor township; William Harry, Annville; Mrs. Walter y, Philadelphia; John, of Lancas- and Benjamin, California. The 1 Saturday morning yme followed by services Millersville Mennonite rment was made in the emetery. Mrs. Mrs. Hettie Hess tie Hess, widow of John l at 10:17 o’clock on Thurs- ncaster General Hos- trouble and a com- plica She was born in 1848 in Lancaster. She was twice married. Her first husband, James Clark, died in 1875. She later mar- ried John Hess, of Philadelphia, where she resided ten years. Her late husband died in 1905. She was a member of the Methodist church. Mrs. Hess resided in Mount Joy with the late John and Clarence Schock from 1908 to 1917. She was a rare old fashioned strong charac- ter. Her life was spent in render- ing kind and faithful service to others who needed it. Her happiness was in doing her duty. Funeral services were held in Lan- caster on Monday afternoon with interment at Woodward Hill ceme- tery. 2 MB Mle Physics Class Visits Holtwood The Physics Class of Mount Joy High School taught by Miss Janet E. Nixon motored to Holtwood Monday afternoon where they made a com plete inspection of the Holtwood power plant. The following took the trip: Mildred Way, Ario Shelly, Alois Heilig, Harold Kral John Eshleman, Fred Diffenderfe Joseph Moore, Walter Becker, Shaeffer and Joseph Sheaffer. ee A Asn Next Community Sale The next Community Sales will hold its next public sale at in on Saturday, May 17th. line of merchandise, farm ments and household goods hogs, cows, ete. Sale starts PM 5 ee eee Festival June 14 The St. Mary's Chapel place will hold their ; in the Mount Joy Park on boro limits. 2t| June 14th.