ALY, the ved. ere 590 ®) ©® LEE ©) ® @ 0) QQ 9 200000000000000000000000000000000008 | Teuring cord tires, schock absorbers, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16th, 1924 Next Community Sale The Community Sales Co. will hold its next public sale at Florin on Saturday, April 19Llh, General line of merchandise, farm and household goods. at 1:30 P. M. Sale starts (lassified Column NOTICE—H. H. Morton and fam- ily take this means of thanking all their neighbors and friends for their implements | Young Folks Are | Joined in Wedlock i (Continued from Page 1) | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. | Deitz, and H. Lloyd Miller, of Tunk- | hannock, Pa., were married at the | home of the bride's parents in Mount | Joy, Pa. The ceremony was per- | formed by Dr. G. D. Gassard, Presi- {dent of Lebanon Valley College, many kindnesses during the sickness { Annville, Pa. and death of Mrs. Morton. LOTS FOR SALE—I have several very desirable building lots at a good location in Florin. Will sell one or all, thereon. The price is right. Joy, Pa. FOR SALE — COBBLER SWEET POTATOES. Apply to Andrew Zer- | Director in the chor, Bell Route 1. Phone 140R21, Mt. Joy, apr.16-1t. | Bell Phone apr. 9-2t-pd | FOR SALE-—-Hatching Eges, R. C. | Rhode Island Red, good laying strain. | Apply to H. N. Hostetter, Bell phone! 127R4 Mt. Joy. apr. 9-2t| Call Price reasonable MEN WANTED—Apply to NEW STANDARD CORP., Mount Joy, Pa. apr. 9-tf FOR SALE — 5,000 Gladiola Bulbs (America) for sale cheap. Write for prices. America is a fine Pink variety, very large flowers. s Greenhouses, Palmyra, Pa mar. 26-tf VIOLIN INSTRUCTION I will open a Studio of Music for the purpose of teaching the Violin, at 202 South Barbara Street. Any one interested wiil please communi- sate with GEORGE CLOR, Millers- ville, Po. every Friday and Saturday. mar.26-6t. FOR SALE-A number of Newly Built Dwellings, and Desirable Build- ing Lots. E. L. Nissly & Sons, Morin, Pa. july 25-tf "FOR SALE Late model Ford ete. P. Franck Schock, Mt. Joy., BDodge Brothers Motor Cars. mar. 12-tf STORE ROOM FOR RENT —I have a very fine Store Room 15x20 feet in the center of the business dis ¢riet on Main street, Mount Joy, for pent. Will rent as is or put in an- ant. For particulars see JNO. E. SCHROLI, Bulletin Office, Mount iow, Pa. Both Phones. tf. GOOD HOUSE CHEAP—If I can sell this modern home on Marietta St. Mount Joy, within the next two weeks I will give some one a bargain. Al Iconveniences and immediate pos- session. If interested call or phone Rail 41R2 or Ind 869, Mount Joy. feb. 20-tf FOR SALE --- Serviceable Used Cars. P. FRANCK SCHOCK, Mount Joy, Pa. jan.23-tf WANTED TO BORROW $3,600 on a first mortgage on a good single @ty property. Write 1909 Manada @$treet., Harrisburg, Pa. pd. BARGAINS—A lot of used New- tewn Brooder Stoves at reasonable ices. The stoves were used only m one to two seasons and are in sxcellent condition. Call Bell Phone 188R6, Musser Poultry Farm, Mount Joy, Pa, R. D. mar. 5-tf GARAGE FOR SALE—I have one of the best Garages for sale in this section, located in Mount Joy. Place enjoys excellent "patronage. Will sell with or without tools, stock, ete. Good reason for selling. Call, phone er write JNO. B. SCHROLL, Bell hone 41R2, Ind. hpone 860, Mount oy. feb.20tf NOTICE ! I Am Always in the Market for BOLOGNA AND FAT CATTLE A. W. MUMMAU, Bell Phone 111R16. jan.23- mos. ELIZABETHTOWN ‘CHOICE BUILDING TOT FOR SALE-—Loeated on the north side and fronting 50 feet en Donegal Springs street, Mount Joy. Splei iid focetion and bezutifu! dwellings o either side. Cati Jno. E. Schroll Mount Jov. may 23-t{ BEAUTIFUL HOMES For Sale by MT. JOY DEVELOPMENT CO. New Brick Homes on West Donegal street, fully equipped with bath, wat- er, pipeless heat, electrically wired, gas connections, 6 rooms, bath and ntry. On trolley line. Inquire of i " Engle, 340 W. Donegal St. Mount Joy, Pa. Jan. 9-tf FOR SALE—18 ft. Counter; two ft. Counter Cases and two 3 ft. Counter Cases. Call at Chandler’s Drug Store, Mount Joy, Pa. apr. 2-tf NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS! The 1923 Borough tax must be paid at once, and dont forget it. T. ¥. Breneman, Collector. apr. 9 NOTICE—April 1, 1924. My wife having left my bed and board I will mot be responsible for any bills con- tracted by herr Wm. Greenleaf. apr. 2-4t-pd apr.16-1t The bride for two One has a good frame building | Sehool at phone J. E. SCHROLL Bh tO | position she left to accept a position : apr. 15-tf. | FOR SALE—Home made Bologna, | they years was head * lof the Latin Department in the Lew- | istown, Pa., High School; the past year she taught English in the High Stroudsburg, Pa., which in Irvington, N. J. The groom is instructor of Biology and Science, and Assistant Athletic Irvington High | School, Irvington, N. J. to Irvington, 1177 Upon their return will make their home at Clinton Ave. Barto-—Eby A quiet wedding was solemnized this morning at 8:30 at the parson- age of the United Brethren church when Miss Lillian F. Barto, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Barto, and Clinton G. Eby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eby, were united in marriage. The ceremony was per- formed by the bride's pastor, Rev. H. S. Keifer. The bride wore a gown of gray canton crepe with hat to match and a corsage of bridal roses. Immeliately after the cere- mony the happy couple left by motor for Washington, D. C., and points in Virginia and West Virginia. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Eby will be at home to their friends in their newly furnished home on N. Bar- bara street, after May first. The best wishes of their many friends accompany them. ee ren airs ii MOUNT JOY MARKETS The following prices are paid to- day by our local merchants: Wheat $1.10 Corny... cnn atin 95 B28 eins 18—19¢ Batter ...... 0 42 Yard 13 William Mallen, colored, of Mari- etta, died and was buried Monday. UNION COUNTY COWS, BULLS AND SHOATS Sale Starts at 1.25 on the Minute. 50 HEAD OF COWS & BULLS AT PUBLIC SALE FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APR. 25, ‘24 The undersigned will sell at publie sale at their stock yards, Mount Joy, Pa., the following live stock: KR, 50 Head COWS & BULLS, Consisting | of Fresh, Springers and Backward Cows: Some Jerseys among them. ALSO LOT SHOATS Sale will positively start at 1.28 sharp. CONDITIONS—Note at 60 days with approved security and bank dis- count added. J. B. KELLER & BRO. F. B. Aldinger, Auct. Zeller & Kreider, Clks, COURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, the Hon. Charles I. Landis, Presi tent, and Hon. Aaron B. Hassler, Associate raw Judge of the Court of Common Pleas ix ind for the county of Lancaster and Assist wud Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Quarte: THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A | Local Doings | Around Florin - | N= | ALL THE UP.TO.DATE HAPPEN. INGS FROM THAT THRIVING AND BUSY VILLAGE THE PAST WEEK | | itor to Columbia. Mr. Jacob Rider made a business Mr. John Stoll was a Tuesday vis-/ in trip to Lancaster on Saturday. Messrs. Harry Derr and Wesley Wittle spent Sunday at Gettysburg. Mrs. Irvin Bishop spent Tuesday | [yj [at Elizabethtown, visiting relatives. | I | Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyson an- | nounce the birth of a daughter Tues- [ day. Mr. Clarence Musselman visited friends at the County Seat on Sat- urday. { E. L. Nissly & Sons, leaf Tobacco | packers, last week shipped five cars 1of leaf tobacco. Messrs. John Kline, Wiser Young | | and Eugene Garber were Saturday | | visitors to Lancaster. { The Atlantic City excursion will {stop at Florin on Sunday, April 19 at 6:30 A. M. Fare $3.75. Mr. and Mrs. John Brubaker and family, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Young at Mount Joy. Misses Helen Stoll and Lillian Ole- wiler of West Chester Normal School are home for their Easter vacation. Mr. Charles Staley is erecting a large automobile garage for the pur- pose of renting space to car owners. | Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McElroy and two daughters of Maietta, called on Mr. E. S. Booth and family Satur- day. Mr. Harry Grosh, a member of | | | | | the State Constabulary flying squad ron, visited relatives in town on Tuesday. Messrs. Walters and Gingrich have broken ground last week for the e- rection of four dwelling houses on Wood Street. The electrical work is being done at the Florin Foundry Company building this week. The spacious plant is nearing completion. Mr. J. M. Barber, sales manager for Nissly Swiss Chocolate Co., left last Wednesday on a two weeks’ business trip to the middle west. The Devine Medicine Company who are entertaining nightly in the Florin Hall will close their engage- ment here on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Greenawalt, Ruth McWilliams and Edith Martin spent Sunday at Elizabethtown the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Foreman, Mr. E. Jay Nissly, who is now traveling through Europe, last week cabled from Hamburg, Germany, that he is well and is enjoying the trip. Mrs. John Flowers and children of Elizabethtown, and Mrs. Newph- er Smeltzer of Mount Joy, spent Sun- day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Bishop. The Florin Construction Company broke ground for a double dwelling on Plum street, opposite the P. R. R. Railroad Station. When complet- ed they will erect another on the same lot. Mrs. Mary Dissinger, Mrs. Ida Danner and Miss May Shreiner of Landisville and Mrs. John Way of Mount Joy, were pleasantly enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Booth on Sunday. Will Give Entertainment bers at 10:3 Junior at school building on Saturday evening, April 26. Everybody welcome. The following program will be rendered: Singing by the School: (a) Happy Greeting, (b) Salute the Flag, (c) dagstone of the Peace In and for the County f Lancaster, have Ilasued their precept to me {irected, requiring me, among other things, to make public proclamation throughout my balll- | vick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer &né | ieneral Jail Delivery, also a Court of Geners' Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail De | ivery, will commence in the Court Hcase, io ! ON THE THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL (the 21st) 1924 u persusnce of which precept public notice is} wereby given to the Mayor and Alderman of he Ofty of Lancaster, in said county, and ab | he Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and ‘oustables of the said City and Oounty of Laz | aster, that they be then and there, in thei: | ywn proper persons, with their rolls, records ! ind examinations, and inquisitions, and thei | ther remembrances, to do those things wkict | o their offices appertain in their bebalf to b« | fone and to all those who will prosecat: | tgainst the prisoners who are or then 3hail be | in the jail of the sald County of Lancaster | wre to he then and there to prosecute against sem as shall be just. Dated at Lancaster, Pa., the 21st day of March, A. D. 1924 { | i ll | Closing Out ORANGES in the car Friday & Saturday DR. BURKHOLDER | 738 Woolworth Bldg. Lancaster, Pa. Specializing in the Combined Treatment of OSTEOPATHY ELECTRICITY LIGHT THERAPY i Chronic Diseases a Specialty apr. 9-4t ~ > "\ N April 18 and 19 Each Evening Rear H. S. Newcomer's MOUNT JOY, PENNA. i “he City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of | . J. | Miss Van Dooley, by Bznj. Staley, { want that has been felt a long time iin our town and now that Mr. Klor, | has started to teach those interested Open Until 9 P. M.| Recite the Beatitudes, (d) Song, Because We Are Glad; A Flag Drill; Dialogue, Mother Goose’s Conven- tion; Recitation, Buddy's Friend, by Leroy Walters; A Japanese Drill, by ight girls; A Drama, The Picnic; Song, The Parade of the Wooden Soldiers; Recitation, The Bad Boy, by Levi Mumma; Duet, Little Mischief, | by James and Joseph Weidman; Dia- logue, Goin’ Somewhere; Recitation, Cheer Up, by Ruth Mumma; A Girls’ Chorus, The Holy City; Dialogue, Tea and Coffee; A Quartette, Little Sermon a 7:30 P. M. Leroy Walters, Geo. Dellinger and Mother, by Benj. Staley; Solo, I've Got a Pain in My Sawdust, by Nora Wittle; Dialogue, The Baby Show; Recitation, When the Little Boy Ran | Away; Action Song, The Little | 7.30. Rev. Mothers; Drama, The Dancing Bears; have charge. Recitation, The Dog and the Bee, by Thursday Irene Good; Dialogue, Playing | Woodring 9:30. Easter Voices~ “men Again the holy Baster Tido comes from the lands afar Where blooms the gentle lily in the light of Judah's Star, Wheres Kedron through the cedars flows as sweetly as a song, And mem'’ries that are dear to all do reverently throng; It breathes again its blessing from the fields where long age He saw the matchless flowers in their pristine beauty biow, And the Easter bells dave voices as they musically ring, And the earth retells the story of its Everlasting King. ‘‘Ho 1s risen! Hs is risen !’’ speak the bells of everyclime, | 4 Ho is free from death's dark prison ; He hath over crime 1** Earth rejoices as the anthems from the altars soar on high Till the chorus of the millions is re-echoed in the sky; Aye, the holy Easter carols come across the sunlit sea With a zlory and a beauty all unknown to you and me, Where He trod ‘he paths of sorrow, where He felt the wound of thera, The thoughts that sanctify & world this Easter Tide are borm. I listen asthe myriad bells take up the glad refrain And mingle with new anthems far beyond the starry plain ; With hope, and happiness, and love the earthly chaacels glow As Easter tells the story of the Victory long ago ; The nations on the mountains and the nations by the sea Together chant the songs that tell of earth’s new jubiles; And from afar where sin is not and error cannot hide, From the fresh fields of the Orient, comes the holy Easter Tide. How gently bend the cedars where the lily blooms in white I How tenderly the wild rose grows where He arose that night? The stars that saw the sleeping guards, thedark centurion’s train, With added light and beauty shine upon the orient piain; No longer in their armer watch the soldiery of Rome, Their shields and helmets shining "neath the vaulted azure dome, Ths Prince of Peacs is risen now, and ever far and wide The bells of earch proclaim anew the sacred Easter Tide, I hear the be'ls of Baster by the Lake of Galilee, For me they drown the sorrows of the Vale Gethsemane, They sing of One arisen till the matchless music stirs The tender grass in Hebron’s vaie and Lebanon’s proud firey Methinks again He teaches where Capernaun’s waters lie And Judah's everlasting hills seek out the summer sky; And yonder where Jerusalem lifted once her head with pride, 1 hear the mingled voices of the old world’s Easter Tide, To every heart this sacred day the holy bells bring peace, And while they ring in Easter’s morn let sin and Sorrow Coase; They voice that wondrous gtory which the years can ne'er forget A story which this world of curs doth cherish even yet; Ring out, O bells of Easter! prociaim on hill and plain Bow once He broke the bonds of Gea*h and rose to life again; How from Eim we get the blessed day we hail with love and pride, 43 we listen to the voices of the gentle Raster Tide. T. C. HARBAUGH. R.M. IRI. TE MUNITY 0 A M. 5:30 P. M. C. E. at 6:30 P. M. Sermon at 7:15 P. M. Services Tuesday to Friday even- ing at 7:30 2. M. Religious News in Our Churches NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY BORO AND THE ENTIRE SURROUNDING COM- Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. Harry A. Swartz, Pastor. Short Easter program. 10:30 A. M,, a short Easter Mes- sage and Holy Communion, 3:00 P. M., Junior League. 6:30 P. M., Epworth League. 7:30 P. M., Sermon, “Easter.” Florin U. B. Church. Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. Communion and reception of mem- Donegal Presbyterian Divine worship will be held at 7:30 P. M. with Easter sermon by the pas- { Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor Sunday School at 9:00 A. M. Morning worship and Holy Com- munion at 10:15 P. M. Junior and Intermediate Christian Endeavor at 6:45 P. M. ored pastor from South Carolina, ac- {companied by his two sons aged 13 and 14 years, and both of whom can preach, will conduct a series of re- vival services in the church on Fair- view street, beginning Sunday night. The meetings will continue every eve ning during the week and everybody is most cordially invited to attend. Church of God Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. J. S. Hamaker, Supt. Program at 10:30 A. M.: Organ Voluntary, March Pompus, St. Clair; Holy! Holy! Holy!; Invocation; An- them, Christ Now is Risen, Lorenze; The Scriptures; Hymn 333; Prayer; Response; Hymn 323; Announce- ments; Voeal Solo, Mr. H. C. Brun- ner; Sermon; Prayer; Anthem, “Worthy is the Lamb”; Offertory; Cantilena, Drdla; Hymn 616; Bene- diction, Postlude, “Church Festival March” Stultz. Christian Endeavor 6:30 P. M, Mrs. Fred Bucher, Leader. Picked From Our Weekly Card Basket (From Page 1.) Gingrich. Mrs. Andrew Kautz, Misses Emma Pennell and Elizabeth Heisey, spent Sunday visiting in Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mishey and children, of Lancaster, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Shank. J. Statler Kuhns, West End mail is off duty to illness. Har- old Funk substituted Monday for him. Miss Grace Dietz, of Irvington, N. J., is spending a few days here visiitng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. {John Dietz. ® Mr. and Mrs. Russel Brown, of Lancaster, spent Sunday here visit- ling the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Brown. { Mrs. Josephine E. Martin, of At- | lantie City, N. J., is spending a few | days here visiting her mother, Mrs. | Mary A. Eberle. Miss Kathryn Casey, of Philadel- | phia, is spending a week here visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Christ Herr and daughter, Eunice. Mrs. Francis Bennewit and daugh- ter, of Lancaster, spent Monday the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pennypacker. Miss Mame Bertz, nurse at the | General Hospital at Lancaster, spent Sunday here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Frank Schock. Mr. and Mrs. George Sillers, Mrs. Anna Fetter and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- gar Dyer and children autoed Sun- day to Elizabethtown. Mrs. Francis Bennavit and laugh- ter, of Lancaster, spent Monday here the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pennypacker. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dyer, son Robert, and daughter, of Lan- caster, spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. George Sillers. Mrs. Alice E. Brandt entertained at her home Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Engle, of Marietta, and Miss Lena Dissinger, of Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Will Cunningham and son and daughter, of Elizabeth- town were Sunday visitors of the former’s sister, Miss Sue. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sload daugh- ters, Barbara and Dorothy, of May- town, visited Sunday here with : Charles Sload and family. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Strayer en- | tertained Sunday at dinner: Mr. and { Mrs. James Piersol, of Lancaster. Mrs. Fred Lieberher and son, Ken- ineth. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mourer, of Hershey, and Mrs. Harry = Blotten- berger and children, -of Landisville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Pennypacker. Our former townsman, Mr. J. N. Hostetter, of Harrisburg, made a pleasant call at this office while in town Friday. Jonas is driving a new Rickenbacker coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Glattacker of Maytown, Mr. and Mrs. John Glat- tacker, of Lancaster were Sunday guests of Mrs. Annie Pennell and Miss Emma Pennell. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gingrich, Mrs, Kautz, Miss Emma Pennel, of town; and Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meyre, of Mid-week prayer service Wednes-| | | Holy Communion 7:00 A. M. { ‘town, Raymond and Annabelle Hiv- Evensong 4:00 P. M. Rehearsal 6:45 P. M. lley, Elsie and Bessie Shires, of York, Miss Kathryn Shires and Mr. { William Harnish, of Lancaster, were i | Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har-; tor. : You are cordially invited to these Good. Friday 12 3 services. | Three Hours Devotion to o’clock. St. Mark’s United Brethren Church Evensong 7:30 P. M. i Saturday Morning Prayer and Litany AM Easter Sunday Holy Communion 7.00 A. M. Church School and Bible Class nd Holy Communion at 9:15 A. M. : Holy Communion, Anthem and E. S. evening at 7.30 will preach. After this this You are most cordially invited to all these services. T. U. Evangelical Church Rev. J. L. Ferguson, Pastor . ed 5 Revival every night { Paul Baker; Recitation, Somebody's! come to these services at 7:30. Sunday School Sunday morning at S. F. Eshleman, Supt. Preaching and Baptism at 10:30. Communion Sunday week. evening at Woodring will Rev. School; A Mixed Chorus: The vice quarterly conference will be Song, Slumber Song, The Levee pq Song; Dialogue, The Agent; Panto-) Easter mime, The Little Tots’ Good-Night. early prayer Program starts at 7:30 sharp. { Margaret E. Raymond, Teacher. | NYY { Rev. New Violin Studio ! At another place in this issue will pg, be found the notice of the fact that] Mr. George Kior is forming a class in the study of the violin. It is a Geo. 7:45 P. M. 9:30 A. M. munion 10:3 should see him. Easter Su morning at 5:00 service. A. Kercher, ndsy Bible 0 AM school o’clock Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Holy week daily services 7:45 P. Confessional services Good Friday Morning services with Holy Com- Easter Festival and Pageant with at Sermon 10:30 A. M. Easter Pegeant and Presentation 'of Mite Boxes 7:30 P. M. Easter Monday Evensong 7:30 P. M. Congregational meeting 8 P. M. First Presbyterian Church Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor Wednesday Preparatory Communion will be held at 7:30 P. M. Every member of the church is asked to be | present at this service. Thursday Mission Study Class at the home| of Mrs. C. Schock at 2:30 P. M. Friday: The choir will 7:30 P. M. Sabbath The regular Sabbath vices at 9:30 A. M. Divine Worship at 10:30 A. M. with Easter message by the Pastor. The Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper to be administered by Pastor. Let us con into the House of the Lord; spend the er Sabbath in His School ser- ine ing hour of Ea Temple. Communion Sea 7:00 service meet at] open- | Let us come to Him at this] Lancaster, attended the Musical Con- At 7.30 P. M. the Choir will Sing cert at the Fulton Opera House on], the Easter Cantata “Jesus Lives. | Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hinkle, Jr. day evening at 7:45 P. M. | entertained Elsie and Bessie Shires, | of York; William Harnish and Kath- A tertai t wi i n entertainmen will be given Rev: Jame: M. Fisher, Pastor | St. Luke’s Church : +e Shires, of Lancaster and Paul by the pupils of the Washington i Rev. P. H. Asheton-Martin er: Primdry Scheel, in this place, in the The regular Sabbath School ser-| aq Thursd | Shires and son, Ross, of Newtown, ? 2 vice will be held at 9:30 A. M. { Maunday | as Sunday guests. Paul Shires and son, Ross of New- ry Hinkle, Jr. i i i i i | } | | | { pain | ast amount of | wire usad by The Bell Telephone i 1 An idea of the Company in Pennsylvania and how the amount increases each year is shown on the above chart i reel ee OUR SALE REGISTER Following is a list of public sales | or which posters were printed at his office or said sale is advertised lin the Rnllatin TS Y I > prepared te do all kind Either dump or cargo h cawurany, SATISFACTION,