©ELEEE Boys’ 98¢ Blouses & Shirts ........5.. 78¢ THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8 A. Men's Extra Heavy Boys’ Extra Fine Men's & B D M U : . en’s oys’ Dress 's is i nn’ i - \ Mine i Work Shirts in Blue Eke Pants. sizes. §'to : ys e : ee op nion Men's Nainsook Ath Men's Fine Balbrigan ons Suits, 4 tic Style tic Uni Suit: i Suits ...... Chambray ~~... 78c 18 78¢ aps 78¢ uits etic Style 88¢ | letic Union Suits ..48¢ | Union Suits 78¢ WEDNESDAY, lot of 25¢ Each One Corsets, a yfants’ Turn Sole Shoes, Hb to 8 .68¢ a Ne say. Silk Floss “for fine embroidery. Reg. Price bc per skein, ; Our Price 1 Doz. 25¢ Women’s House Dress- es, Gingham and Per cals... 0. en 66¢ One to a customer. ———————————————————— One lot of Women's Bungalo Aprons ..66¢c One to a customer. Children’s Dresses, in Fancy Stripes and Checked Ginghams. 66¢c Each Women’s Silk Skirts, in Checks and Plaids $1.00 Each —————————————————————— Crepe De Chene En- velopes trimmed with lace and embroidered edging. Special $1.50 ——————————————— Women’s, Misses’ & Children’s Nightgowns. Special 66¢ Angora Wool Sweat- ers, in fancy patterns. $2.95 Each Women’s Silk Hose, Rose Beach, Grey, Nude Berge, Black and Brown (drop stitch) Easter Special 2 Pr. 85c¢ Reg. price 85c. Little Shoes, One lot of Gents’ School gizes 9 to 13%. $1.00 Per Pair One lot of Baby Shoes. $1.00 Per Pair One lot of Ladies’ Shoes and Oxfords. $1.00 Per Pair One dozen of Men's Good Cotton Dress Hose .......... $1.00 Men’s Endicott John- son Scout Shoes, sizes 6 ic 11 .......... $1.69 50c¢ Ladies’ Silk Hose in Black, Cordovan and White. 3 Pair for $1.00 OPEN EVERY NIGHT Overwhelming Were The Crowds That Attended The GREATEST EASTER SALE N RECORD None Were Disappointed--Plenty for Everyone--New Goods Arriving Daily at Ridiculously Low Prices-- Manufacturers Are Overstocked and Are Shipping Us Their Latest Creations at One-Half Price--Seeing Is Believing--So Do Not Fail To Attend This Won- derful, Masterful Demonstration of the King of Low Prices and Only for 4 Days More. a veers ee tee cet reese epee meee. se me emer fir retro mr ie sn. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only Sale Closes Positively Saturday, Night April 12 Women’s and Grow- ing Girls’ Oxfords Boys’ Two Pants Suits Men's High Grade o : Dress Shoes and Children’s Easter Wonderful Selec- and Pumps Oxfords + Dresses : . Bleek and’ Brows Made of Good, Black and Bron tion of Women’s and Kid and Calfskin, Sturdy Flanmels, Cae In Serges, ond Kid and Calfskin Children’s Millinery, 200 welled simeres and Wor- Wool Crepe, Orkard, Patent Colt Skin, 4 ori that eather soles, rubber : Grey. Ai i at prices that range heels. Every wanted steds and made for Fancy Checks and 3 Brown Sone iv : fale for Bator oad wear and service. Plaids. Values up-4o 2 sewed leather soles, from $1.00 to $5.00. ; SON. : : $5.00. : z Military 11. Sale Price $3.95 Easter Sale Price walking heels, sizes : 215 to 8. Values ¥ 0 $3.95 $5.05 $2 ’5 range to $6.00. 33 i =3 0 : $3.95 Pair 3 Yh 3 A Oo allie - EVERYTHING ON DISPLAY--So You Can See What You Want--Plenty Of Sales >... 3 Lm i ~~ » =) Grandest Display Of Goods Ever Seen 3 People To Wait Un You In Fact The a — & GROWING GIRLS 3 Cc WOMEN’S DRESSES 2 & 8 C ¥ aT - g Nr v ON AE] CC WOMEN’S SPRING CCATS & Of the most exquisite styles and pat- Ahead hk Of Fancy Polo Cloths, Checks and Plaid rus, made of Canton Crepe and Poiret SPORT DRESSES i ancy Oi 1010s, CKS and rialias nic i 1 3 Rez, 1 1 1 Wiis In blue, Grey, brown, Black and 1 7 : p 8 nd with Fancy Silk Linn Tad ter aall Foon Toh Marae ie : Gy Bal In Silk and Wool, conservatives and fancy, @ and witn ancy Sik Lining. Made to sell for wy. Handsome in designs and made to a : 4 . - 8. ; i ROA Rn Bn te 1 an, Black and Grey Mixtures and Com- 3 8 $15.00. Our Easter Price al mand ion Plaids. All the latest designs & patters. & a