The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, April 09, 1924, Image 5

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"Classified Column

FOR SALE—Home made Bologna.
rice reasonable. Call Bell Phone (in the Bulletin.
Mt, apr, 9-2t. pd

t Joy, Pa,
-Hatching Eggs, R. C.
ood laying strain

Rhode [slant
PL to H. N. H
R4 Mt. Joy.
day evenings an
and evening. App.
Stumpf’s Restaurant, Moun

FOR SALE—Buggy with rubber ises
tices and good paint. Inquire this of-
fice. apr. 9-1t-pd

FOR SALE—Wash machine,
by gasoline engine, Inquire at this|Andrew Reed.

office. ap. 9-1t-pd ' advertisement. { due church. Interment in the Eberle| Sermon at 7:15 P. M.
im eA Friday, April 18—At their resi- | “31s. and Mrs. John Dyer spent | cemetery. i HIGH GRADE FERTILIZERS
AC to NEW | gence north of Mt. Joy, cows, bulls, gunday at Elizabethtown visiting | Chures of God ie. dames
RS hogs, apples and potatoes by C. |, Sn Mrs. Samuel N. Heistand | Rev. I. A. MacDannald, Pastor Pennsylvania famers last year
— Frank & Bro. Vogel, Auct. fe Ned Mrs, Christ Malehorn Susan A., wife of Samuel N. Hei- | Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. J, 8. purchased 285,128 tons of commer.
WANTED—Man to work on farm| Saturday, April 19th-—At the called on relatives at Harrisburg, | Stand, of Landisville, died at her Hamaker, Supt. cial fertilizers, according to figures
by the year; the Hertzler farm near
Ne Apply Wm. Strickler, Mt.
doy, mar. 19- At-pd

or Heater in
good condition. @,
m eh


Range in good conditio
theap. G. Moyer. mar.
FOR SALE — 5,000 Gladiola
albs (America) for sale cheap.
jces. America is a fine

NOTICE-—March 29, 1924. Notice
is hereby given that I will not pay
any bills contracted by my husband,
John Metzler. Signed: Mrs John
Msieter, Rohrerstown, Pa.
apr. 2-2t-pd

cate with GEORGE C
ville, P#. Classes every Fri
easy sewing on your ma-
chine. Whole or part time. Highest

possible prices paid. For full infor-
L. Jones, Box 2,
apr. 9-1t-pd
piano in
. Main

Position as chauffeur

Dodge Brothers Motor Cars.
have a very fine Store Room 15x20
feet in the center of the business dis
¢rict on Main street, Mount Joy, for
gent. Will rent as is or put in an-
ant. For particulars see JNO.

AY, APRIL ¥ 1924
H. | large lot of household goods by D. E.
8 Kitchen |
JE Juin Xa "Tf and i Fass 0: Samus Be force of | Wife a son Harry and one daughter, 199% , Theme, “The Enthroned 3) tong Crysler Sic that Ms, Collins §
rested orly at night and tired eas. painters are painting the C. S. Frank Mrs. Robert Mason, at home. Also Junior and Intermediate Christi An interesting comment by Mr.) Mr. Chrysler.
ily. kidne barn and Saree weak ton > brothers: Joseph. of Elizabeth- End t 6:45 P oy SUN | Kellogz is the fact that the use of
streaked ® with sediment gud at times garag . town and Penrose of Bellaire. Also | at 6: « NM. high analysis brands is increased,
day by our Torsl merchants: Thursday, Friday and |, Saturday place, died at the home of her| 9:30. 8S. F. Eshleman, Supt. og line for the farmer. milk, but 14 townships were inter
Wheat. ‘31.10]evenings, sister, Mrs. George Rost, 436 Peffer| Preaching Sunday morning This use of high analysis brands | ested in cheesmaking as a phase of
. vi vee 9B Mr. Ralph Musser, a student in a street, Harrisburg, Thursday at 12 K. L C. E. Sunday evening 6:30. is in line with the recommendation milk utilization. About 900 pounds
oes... 18—19c¢ | Philadelphia School of Music spent | jock noon. She was in her Topic, “My Decisions”. that this Department, the Pennsyl-|©f cheese were made in the county,
ns, Butter 000 ser Sunday with his parents, Mr. and eighty-seventh year and was a mem. Preaching Sunday evening 7:00. State College, and the f ry according to a report received by the
Yard 0. haa rn savers 1. 0, Muster, ber of the Evangelical chareli here With this service Revival Services 8 ipod manufacturers have Yeon . kc. | United States Department of Agri
we Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Earhart and will begin, lasting till Easter. na "| culture.

Local Doings Road We Must All Religious News
Around Florin! Travel Sometime
roun on | 803,761 bushels from 10,278 acres,
died dC a > ape) one Beaver County succeeded in obtain-
ALL THE UP-TO-DATE HAPPEN- f her sister Mrs. Geo. Myers of | NEWS PERTAINING | TO ALL THE [ine the highest price per bushel and
INGS FROM THAT THRIVING | ©" SO FF: yors, CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY |had an average of $1.60 and Phila-
. AND BUSY VILLAGE New Haven street, from a complica- | BORO AND THE ENTIRE delphia County was second, receiving
dinger, Suc, Sco advertisement. THE PAST WEEK Hon of diseases, aged 45 yours, 11 SURROUNDING COM. an average of $1.50. Allegheny
| Saturday, Aptil 12—At the resi- - months. She was a member of the | MUNITY County, receiving an average of
dence of Warren Greenawalt, on | Mrs. David Martin is on the sick | United Evangelical Church and is | $1.42, was third,
survived by her husband and the fol- | Because of its size, the potato
East Donegal street, Mount Joy, a list,
I Mr. Joun Stoll is ; Stude- | lowing brothers and sisters: George crop in Lehigh County was the most
Mf. Join Stoll Js sporting a valuable and brought in a total re.
Heisleman, haif brother Joseph!
venue of $1,624,671. That of
is on the | Brandt, Mrs. George Myers, Miss |
along the concrete road at| sick list. Pua} Greevawsls is 0 Minnie ‘Heisleman, all of Mount Joy. | Sen gods ave a pou
Anchor, live stock, farm implements, | pe funeral of Mrs. Benj .Herr | Funeral services will be held from was third Sa - $911,
household goods and a farm of 53 |, Jargely attended on Sunday. | her home on Donegal Springs street, Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. | Fort
by Mrs. Emma Reed and| pm." Clarence Musselman made a |On Saturday at 1:30 o'clock and 2 | Junior at 5:30 P. M. = —
Wagner, auct. See | pusiness trip to Lancaster on Mon- o'clock in the United Evangelical | C. E. at 6:30 P. M. PENNA. FARMERS USE MORE
in the total production with 1,805,
190 bushels while Schuylkill County
was second with a yield of 1,017,500
hushels, which were raised on 9,260
In Our Churches acres, Berks County was third with

Following is a list of public sales
or which posters were printed at
his office or said sale is advertised

Friday, April 11--At their stock
yards in Mount Joy, cows, bulls AV
shoats by J. B. Keller & Bro.



Eby’s Church
M. H. Miller, Pastor
Services at 10 A. M.

Light. Vogle, Auct. baker.
Saturday, April 12—-On the prem- | Mrs.

Florin U. B. Church.
| Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor,

Preaching at 10:30 A, M. supplied to James W. Kellogg, chief
Junior C. E. at 8:00 P. M. Miss! of the Bureau of Chemistry, State
Erla Bear, supt. Department of Agriculture. He ex-
Senior C. E. 6:30 P. M. pects the amount will be increased
Communion Service at 7:30 P. M. | when complete reports are received
Mid-week prayer service Wednes- | by the Bureau of Statistics from the
Florin Hall, home cured meats, gen- Thursday. home on Friday morning at 6:30 of
eral line of merchandise, house- Mrs. Albert Fike and daughter, | ® complication of diseases, aged 67
hold goods and farm implements by Evelyn were Wednesday visitors to | 5 months, and 20 days. She
Community Sales Co. Sale starts was a daughter of the late Henry
at 1:30 P. M,, G. 8. Vogle, Auct. and Anna Hoffman Baer of East
Hempfield township. She is survived
Mr. George Anderson, of Harris- pi

eA iness trip to town : i i
EAR EXCHANGE beg made a business trip to to by her husband and one son, Harry day evening at 7:45 P. M. various counties. H. COLLINS, ge of the
y M Ye 1 £ Leb B. Heistand, of near Landisville. Al- 5 Estimates place the retail value of most men In the
r. John Musselman , of Lebanon, Trinity Lutheran Church “em auto-
the fertilizer at $5,548,200, roughly
so six grand-children and a half] * motive industry and generally
AfNew Back for an Old Ome—How | sont Tuesday here with his father,
. Rev. Geo. A. Kercher, Pastor. istri . i d d
SE. Toy or or Ma oe a 2 brother, Simon Mummau, of East » | . distributed © as follows: ammonia,| recognized as the dean of automobile
Mr. H. S. Musselman. Palm Sunday Services 5 : : salesmen, has been named Chicago
Bad Back Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Brubaker | Petersburg. Funeral services were Bible School 9:30 A. M. $1543,800; | ‘Phowhorie seid, 28, distributor for the Chrysler Motor

held on Monday afternoon at 1:30 069,200, and potash, $635,400. Corporation by Walter P. Chi
Of the total amount, the number | president and chairman of the
of tons of each kind of fertilizer % on of the Maxwell, Chalmers fi
3 . S oO .
were: 5 builder of the new Chrysler Six.
_ Complete fertilizers, 164,762 tons; Mr. Collins was born in Illineis,
nitrogen and phosphoric acid ferti- nd i a ig in asses and ij
lizers, 2,920 tons; phosphoric acid | work was as a clerl
and potash fertilizers, 22,240 tons; ig Je learned Se hope
acid phosphates, 83,835 tons; | amongst the Indians. His first
ground bone, 3,600 tons; tankage,| job was in Kansas City whet he wag
a a porter an salesman for a =
: tons; nitrate of soda, 2,5.9 wholesale Implement dealer. From :
tons; potash salts, 2,822 tons; sul-| this time on his rise was rapid. .
phate of ammonia, 953 tons; dried In the automotive industry it is
blood, 35 tons; and miscellaneous, | regarded as a striking tribute to the
Morning service and confirmation |
of catechumens at 10:30 A. M. {
Vespers with Passion History at:
Holy Week, Services every even-
John S. Foreman. ing at 7:45 P. M.
The funeral of John S. Foreman, 3 :
aged 46 years, of Rheems, was held 7- i Service, Good Friday,
Tuesday morning from his late home
The back aches at times with a| visited their son Jacob and family I
dull ‘Wndescribable feeling. making | at Lemoyne on Monday. at the house and 2 o'clock In the
you wd ry, and Fastlese; Piercing Mrs. Ed. Booth, daughter Mildred at Landisville.
DR ve a. Ne Bd ore 30 and Myra Booth were Saturday vis- | Interment in the adjoining cemetery.
lame thafAto stoop is agony. No use| itors to the County Seat.
to rub or Wpply a plaster to_the back] Mrs. Ed. Steigerwald, of Paoli
if the kidrigys are weak. You can-| .q 4 Monday visitor to her parents,
not reach tHe cause. Follow the ex-
ample of thf Mt. Joy citizen. Ask| Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Geyer. :
your neighbo Misses Catherine Kline and Sylvia
Samuel Gafber, quarryman, 110| Weidman spent the week-end at
W. Main St, oF Po work | penn State visiting friends.
gp gh ge oy back When I Miss Martha Fry, of Manor is
tried to do anythMgz a darting. stab. | spending some time here as the

at 9.30 at the house and at o’clock 5 .
at the United Brethren church of | >t Mark's United Brethren Church 1,321
Rev. H. 8. Kiefer, Pastor
Sunday School at 9:00 A. M.
Morning Worship and Sermon at
which the deceased was a member.
Interment was made in the Mount
Joy cemetery. He is survived by his
Mrs. John Schock, of Manor, is
spending several days here with
4 Mr .and Mrs. Christ Malehorn.
® pra bE 2 De he! i ne Mrs. Susan Buller, of Elizabeth-
my back, flushed out the Nneys | town spent Friday here the guest of
and restored them to a normal gon-| her son, Harold Buller and family. |
60c at all dealers. Foster-Milbu Mr. Stanley Booth, of Palmyra
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. spent several days here the guest of
ee eee Geren his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Booth.
MOUNT JOY MARKETS A Medicine Company will give en-
The following prices are paid to- tertainments in the Florin Hsll on
Evening Worship and sermon at | that is brands of mixed fertilizers
2, M. Theme “Life 8 Sacred | which, according to guarantees, con-
ppor unity. 3 Gril tain more than 14% plant food. On
You are most cordially invited to more than 14% total plant food. On
all these services. :
two sisters: Mrs. Lizzie Yahn, of
Elizabethtown, and Miss Amanda T.
Foreman, of Philadelphia. The de-
ceased was a land mark of West
Donegal township, deeply interested
in the welfare of others and served
as road supervisor for many years.
He was an extensive produce dealer.
read about the
Pills were bringing
the past year’s registration approxi-
mately 50% of the tonnage used
T. U. Evangelical Church was high analysis with a like amount
Rev. J. L. Ferguson, Pastor |helow 14%. The use of this high| 1° the milk-utilization campaign
Prayer meeting Wednesday even-|analysis brand means that there js | carried on in Benton County, lows,
ing at 7:30. less filler, less freight to pay and during 1923, attention was largely
Sunday School Sunday morning at {less handling charges all along the directed to the home consumption of


Mrs. Harriet Forrest
Mrs. Harriet Forrest, formerly of

: These brothers and sisters survive ing for some years.
Mr. Business Man. family, of Donegal, were callers at fp... Mpg Elizabeth Cooper, Salun- Quarry Conjerence Apr 17th ys
: In t<ms of agricul
You may as well try to conduct |the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs, Catherine Winters, Florin; This will be the last meeting before food, the Burean ns Tras fen
your business without capital as to |baker on Saturday eyening. Joseph and Daniel Blottenberger, senstal conference, friend jtpiMmates that the fertilizers supplied |
try and get along without advertis-| On Monday while Mrs. Norman of Marietta and Mrs. George Come ond bring your feiss Wi 48,905 tons total plant food, divided |
ing. There’s no use, it won't go. All|Tyson was operating an electric Rost, Harrisburg. you! as follows: 3,859 tons of ammonia
the leading and most successful mer- | wringer her right hand was caught! body was taken in charge by 80,692 tons of phosphoric acid, |
chants use the columns of the Mount |and badly bruised. Dr. W. M Undertaker Roy B. Sheetz, of this largely in the available form, and |
Joy Bulletin. tf Thome Signage her, dh place and was brought here for Wednesda 9,354 tons of water soluble potash.
r. and Mrs. Myers Kreider and |}, i. Services were held in the Drover Service at IY P. M. The trowel to smooth down the concrete
sr ers A re er
« .Concrate Work
When a concrete walk or floor is
laid, cover it with dirt or manure
and keep it moist several days. This
prevents rapid evaporation of water
| and results in a better piece of work.
Use a wood float instead of a steel

First Presbyterian Church
Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor

S8CHROLL, Bulletin Office, Moun
Joy, Pa.. Both Phones. $2,

sell this modern home on Marietta St.
Mount Joy, within the next two
weeks I will give some one a bargain.
Al lconveniences and immediate pos-
gession. If interested call or phone
Bell 41R2 or Ind 860, Mount Joy.


Pram seman
35] a Uae d
Dodge Cars. P. FRANCK S
jan. 2o=tf

feb. 20-tf | OSTEOPATHY

38 Woolworth Bldg.
ancaster, Pa,
ee eee ei pm em.
SE i gt Evangelical Church Monday after- [Sabbath School Association meeting |A YOUNG GIRL LOSES | surface. A steel trowel makes the
ate 2 we m 8 noon at 2 o'clock and interment was | iatel rs i surface t th d sli
aa; : tely after the er service SIGHT OF BOTH ! surface too smooth and slippery.
Sd hen Ss home of Mr.|, in the Florin cemetery. | immediately eon ay 5 EYES; i.
and Mrs. John Brubaker. The Mission Study class will meet| The fourteen-year-old daughter of |
Mrs. Bertha Kraybill and daugh-
ter, Dora, who moved nd M at the home of Mrs. C. Schock at|Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher, Newville, |
ck a1 ? i Mrs.

Mrs. Barbara M. Herr,

Selecting Hatching Eggs
Pay some attention to the size,

. 2, ra Mellincar Sv oP
in the Pate purchased » bungtiow on i a hy Ph is 2.30 P. M. 2 Bi Ne stricken blind a! shape and color of the eggs used for
Combined of Chocolate Avenue, from the Florin is 5 Me 2 or | ol Friday in, wo, by yes faa to Philadel- | at ching purposes and in the future
Construction Company, who erected from indies A to od ate The Chon vil 7302. M4, Hy eve id sry 25 Toe a by years your flock will produce eggs
ELECTRI six houses during 1928 and disposed | gp woo a dauchter of th Hono Lan, ; i RY We of 84Y which will command a premium price
of them. 2 eh ienry | The regular Sabbath School ser- | has the sympathy of the entire com-| on the market,

Mellinger, of near Safe

Mr. and Mrs. John Brubaker and arbor and |yice at 9:30 A. M. with decision Day | munity, and it is hoped her sight can |
MY, ¢ in 2 a i ween ett






Mount Joy, Pa. oh os of ihe Toit cian Py,
ve . a membe he Dretarer n Chris y > 3 ee S hE ¢ re i
— iki : Chronic Diseases a [taille in the Mr 2 aber of the Brethren in Christ | How many in the Sabbath School restored. St
RROW 23 |family visited in the home o | nearly half = echinre She a Fort : i +1 SRE OP A friend is a person who tells of
WANTED TO BORROW $3,600 Rat a Mrs. Leo Blanck at Manheim on lo. , 4 © 2 ceninry. She Was who have not confessed Christ, will| £ She 13 2
a first mortgage on a good single | Sn SAA i. T a mE M . BI io the last surviving member of her decide to do so next Sabbath? | Read the Bulletin. your mistakes if they are worth
3% 5 : anck is} ) 2 4 Ta: eds
y: Ww rite 1909 Manada | eve ning, Mrs Sines is family. Besides sand she ivine Worship at 10.30 A. M. | If you want to succeed—Advertise noticing and keeps still if they are
- | rapidly improving from an attack of |, __° VT als rE
rrisburg, Pa Pp BS i i 5 nig leaves the following n. Mrs. | with Palm Sabbath message from the Sabseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin BOL.
—-_ rma AES A a A I TT ceri mez CT
lot of used New| COWS, BULLS AND SHOATS Nun of Florin B. Frey, of Manor; Mrs. 7. of Christ. _—
ARGAINS ( sea I { aris G. Shelly, o “lorin, who | ff Dank A TOT ties . 2.08 VE >
town Brooder Stages at reasona able is Stake. at 1 25 on the Minute. | represents a chick hatchery in Ohio | Forrey of Rapho; Mr H. i. Ling Divine Worship at 7:30 P. M. NEY ARRIVALS
prices. The stoves re used only | ale Starts a 50 | State, 1 Ry : . tof Rowenna; Mrs L. 0. Musser of | with sermon by the pastor.
rT Far can an ro tn 0 Ss u- i
from one to two nd are in | State, has fi rders for six thou | Florin ri ‘Bs regal Presbyterian oe
excellent condition. Call } Phone
133R6, Musser Poultry Farm,
Joy, Pa, R. D. Lf


nd Eliz

[sa and chicks thus far in 1924 season.
{ Harry
| FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APR. 11, ’24 { farmer of near Rheems, has placed |
he r late ho:
Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor
Emenheiscr, a prominent | Spri Dress Goods: Come See Them.
ne on S Sunday at 1.00 P. Friday
M. and public




EE ross Roads The regular Sabbath School ser- | COLORE YOXRGE
“GARAGE FOR SALE—I have one | The undersigned will sell at public | an order for one thousand single | Church at 1:30 P. M. Interment in | vice will be held at 9:30 A. M. ol H gD Bl
of the best Garages for sale in jis val at their stock yards, Mount Joy, | comb White Leghorns. [the adjoining cemetery. } Plesse phat to Be with u as : hi ANT
section, in Mount Joy. Plans {pe | , the following live stock: | A TT De a yay held 31 the | : { ED ee | AL
a ys excellent patronage. { home of Mr. and Mrs. Agustus Shut- Mes. Jacob i {
with or withot ut tools, stock, ete. ter last Friday evening in honor | Elizat Mu ) oui. POTATO REVENUE ~~ .
od reason for selling. Call, phone | thei " Park th = bol = 1zabzth Ro wife SHOWS GOOD INCREASE | oor Coverings
a rite JNO. BE. SCHROLL, Bell | gir SON) lhe ateasion emg | of Jacob Zercher, died at her home eesti | NO ADVANCE > Tr SAVE Vat iver
phon R2, Ind. hpone 860, Mount | { his 15th birthday. The house was | on Columbia Avenue in this place Harrisburg—Although the total | .., hips we CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. KOLORe
Joy feb. 20tf | beautifully decorated with green | this morning, in her 81st year of a vield of in Pennsylvania | ART FIDFS CARPETS ANR KOLORFAST FIBER RUGS AT VERY
-_ ne et i and white crepe paper by his class | complication of diseases S last year was more tl i INTERESTING PRICES.
Pam Al NOS CE ai for | mates of Mount Joy High School. { lifelong member of the Brethren in s less than th
Am Always Markel 10 { Games, music and refreshments were | Chris hi: She Is siirvivel by revenue from | WE CAN SAV FATT 2 r
BOLOGNA AND FAL CATTLE Bry. ot the chief entertaluments. He re. Se ow three sons and. fin Million dollars greater 140] VF ye Io ra oy AFFEE. OUR PRICE .........32
A. W. MUMMAU, | 40 Head COWS & BULLS, Consisting | ceived many presents. A large | daughters; Ezra, of this place 1722s, fe, parment 3 lv. | BIG MASTER SOAPS, 6 LARGE CAKE yt
Bell Phone 111R16. Fresh, Springers and Backward | crowd of young folks were in at- | wife of J. N. H: y, Florin; Mary, spre vicld last vear was 045 | BEST LAUNDRY SOAP, 8 CAKES
Be Tuga mimes wits OF Bom Doce, Of Hvis oe ar re- | STAR LAUNDRY SOAP, 6 CAKES ...... Nooo
"CHOICE BUILDING LOT F OR | Sale a start at 1.261 Ss Rl i Fanny, wife of Rev. Abner Martin, venue of $24,728,076.45 in | THOMPSON'S BORAX SOAP, 6 CAKES Chae ih Sra a 29
SALE—Located on the north side lh The Weather Bureau of the Unit- | Elizabethtown; Andrew, of this boro;| 1922 the Producti ion was 40,300 ; CAMPBELL'S SOUPS, CAN ................. RE a 10c
snd fronting 50 feet on Doneg: CONDITIONS— Note at 60 days €d States Department of Agriculture | Nomia, wife of Rev. Ervin Musser, bushels with a revenue of $15.2 210,- TALL CAN PEAS N f'n es reo

Springs street, Mount Joy. Splen
i dwellings ©

er, pipeless heat,

| with approved security and bank dis- is frequently asked how far in ad-| of this place; Martha, wife of W alter 558.72. 2 TALL CAN SUGAR CORN ........ 0. iia Th ae 10c
| count added. § ac

; h atin clearlv &
htown; Ira, of Ma-! [Lhe bulletin cl

vance weather conditions may be re-| Heisey, Elizab LARGE CAN PEACHES ceva iad

eation and Deans Fel ws 10
either side. Call Jno. E. Schroli : 4 4 nd Pr sason f his is Vv Bie - fiancee ss
NE Joy. may 23-tf F. B. Aldin B. KELLER & BRO. | jighly foretold. It is generally | varre, Kan. Thirty-two grand child- between the a S 8 : LARGE CAN PEARED APRICOTS * . Vu ae 25¢
- | Ze TE Lr Ciks. known among meteorologists that the | ren and one great grandchild also ol last ye IF $1.06 and thit of HEINZ MUSTARD, 3 GLASSES FOR ................ Bais ..3Be
§ Sy remem | fOTCCEStinG Of weather for move | survive. The funeral will be held jn 1993 $ .74. There were : § SALTED PEANUTS, POUND ........ ii ie Bh. 29¢
OURT PROCLAMATION rion { than a few days in advance is at-| Saturday morning at 9:15 at the of 220,880 acres of land in t+ ASSORTED CHOCOLATES, POUND 0d ;
les I. Landi gr J ha 2 ts rs } 3
New Brick Ho Te he Hn oD. "Hassler, Associate | ceded by great uncertainty, and for) house and 10 o'clock at the Cross State planted in potatoes last year { BROOM SPECIAL 3.
street, fully equip with bath, wat-| Law’ JudgeNg? the Court of Common Fleas ir | this reason no national weather serv-| Roads church. Interment will bejand in 1922 there were ) :
ounty of Lancaster and Assist

the Courts of Oyer and Ter | iC2 in any country attempts detailed] made in the adjoining cemetery. ! The bulletin st it the average

! yield per acre was 106 bushels

res connections, 6 TOO! bath and | fner and GenWgal Jail Delivery and Quarter re Jet 4
ptr. On trolley line, Wau of | Smal the Neo ti Tr he aly | Srocasts of the weather Sov more) es ET aren) S. B. BERNHART
H. Engle, 840 W. Done t., | of Lancaster, huvhy issued their precept to me than a week in advance. Beyond ai If there is anyone looking for a Year and 110 bushels in 1922. ! ;
. , among other ngs. ! : : 3 , ih 1B QQE a
P: Jan Rett | ton throughout my ballt | week the forecasting of weather is| nice home in Florin, 8 rooms and ,, Lehigh County, with 15,835, had S83E. Main Street, Mount J
oe ree S1k, Jt 8 ae er A ame | attempted without a reliable and| bath is heat, electric lights, frame {ne largest acreage in potatoes in | oy,
Tn ery, S a tat 3
FOR SALE — Counter; two | quot, Sessions of th¥y Pesce and Jail De tertific basis therefor. stable, 2 chicken houses, ete, at a|the State. Ce 2 3
two 3 ft. | ple endid loeation, I can accomodate | with
6 ft. Counter Cases ¢

ounter Cases.

{ ous Dall, phone of write 3
Store, Mount ha Pa. J . Small Farm Cheap (a new house. Call, phone of write on C
~ apr. JOR THE THIRD OXDAY IN Kavi well fa to | 4. E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf ._ i
APRIL (the. S 924 I have a small farm of 20 acres! da 1 potate RUCK SERVICE
em et eee 2 the ssn : 3 i i
nine. H rs 4 > x 8
TO | = _persusnce of wis h precept e Bulletin contains more local ; RQ i 3
nahh WW | given to afd ¢ argest yield per 3 IT n i to s of hauling wi vi
DELINQI ENT | Hh C ity of Li ancast er, te news tna off Si? an a I~ o ng Nish five-ton
23 rongt t he Juticer of the Peace, n. Com : ; tru Either du ng. Prompt Serviee.
The 1923 Bor { 0 nstables f the said City and - ' ) 1 1 33 A TROLS A it
paid at once, an d | caster, that they be ti hes aud nce y rsei It costs only yush W m i GUARAN TEED
M. Br neman, Co ect tor. wn Proper persons, wit - on
wn d inquisition eM — QD J 5 ps
NOTICE—A pril 1, 1 924.
having left my bed and bo
not be responsible for any bill S Cl
tracted by hey Wm. Greenlea af.
Subseribe i
will commence Inthe Court House, I»
ndler’s | the Oity of Lancaster, in
| Pennsylvania,


© Commonwealth of oa. Price is way below the cost of County



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A. D. 1924 Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin Lehigh County als te § A N FLUC SSNS LP OOO A hla

C. F, HOMSHER, Sheriff.! ;S ibseribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin
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