The Mount Joy bulletin. (Mount Joy, Penn'a.) 1912-1974, March 26, 1924, Image 5

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EMBLEMS OF LOVE .|New York City $5,000.00 for three iid | vf iy
nights in their Philadelphia Theatre. Ca N F Reh ous Ne : B dc b I | 'H A i 5
Will be Shown at Moose Theatre, |The offer was refused as only bene. ge otes or gl WS The Casting a a S ere ga n
E'town March 28 and 29 ficial organizations can procure this Th P Week 0 Ch h
re picture for the year of 1924, e ast in ur urc €s Vote : fs
While “Emblems of Love” is &| The picture is said to compare By JUSTIN WENTWOOD LOCAL MERCHANT IS CONFIDENT THAT 1924 WILL BE GREATEST
photoplay, yet it is beyond that for [favorably with ““Over the Hill” and “Big’”” Five Loses NEWS PERTAINING TO ALL THE | YEAR FOR THE SPORT. SOME FACTS THAT INTEREST.
it is a treatise on human love, hope “The Love Nest”, Many of the| Manager Witmer Eberle claims| CHURCHES IN MOUNT JOY (@. 1925, Western Newapuper Union.) 0
TY Sy a CRIS Jeon He Ee | NDI PRE | | west daily vet cme 2
} i 20 8 aine y one [a “dirty Iris rick” on him by . buck? i ot ime 4
and his lovable wife, who while try- | of the great fraternal organizations [putting in an appearance for Mon- MUNITY “Never ugaln, dear,” to rhe lod fue hen Br oe pay Juan are supposed
ing to help themselves still have time [of this country. day night's game, while the players “But he's not dead, mummy? the moonlight nigigs do have their effect, but we have a hunch that some *
to feel for others and point tho way | Will be shown in The Moose Thea- [contend that they just wanted a Donegal Presbyterian Church Clara sighed. How was It possible | of the thoughts of red-blodded young man are for baseball.” ;
| for them. This old couple's savings. | tre, Elizabethtown, Friday and Sat- [night off. As a result the Memorial Rev. James M: Fisher, Pastor to muke little Jim understand that his SN “Baseball 2 th Sport of She gies he, National pastime,” said H.
accumulated with great effort snd |urday, March 28 snd 29. Matinee | Presbyterians, of Lancaster, defeat-| The regular Sabbath School ser- father was dead to them for ever? , Newcomer, 0 oca inchester ‘Store ay
sacrifice, are wiped out by the mys- | Saturday 2 P, M. ed our picked five in a corking good vices will be held at the usual hour a. lad ottes. pit a hareeit igre are i> bo Joune Heh ir rf Pm f Thete ate Sheil Yi
; ; ee ili : : Td 38 eball on Regularly organ-|l, s of various
Jeon? oa Jeloyed P < game her e Monday night 29 » 27. 200 Jou are cordially invit- per to take him back. Her pride Fed oth teams,” d Mr H. jizes in the United States, and the
ou sorrow is added to ENN STATE GRADUATE Curley” Hendrix and Mateer were eel with us, would never permit it. No, everything | S. Newcomer, “and year thejmnore leagues we have the more
by the elopement of their only SCHOOL IS POPULAR |the leading scorers with eight pionts was at an end. number increases by $housands. Dur-| eagues we have the more ba 7
daughter with & scapegrace. " cach ‘The ‘sores’ Florin U. B. Church. But little Jim couldn't understand. [ing the last generatidp baseball has| Will grow and prosper. Leagues are
It is a mighty drama of father There are more graduate students Mt. Joy Rev. M. H. Miller, Pastor. He was always crying for the father developed and has outgrown all other he salvation of sports, especially
love, mother love, sweetheart love | majoring in English than in any of Field Foul Tis. Sunday School at 9:30 A. M. who used to carry him on his back. Shorts from the stand@oint of inter- a The gheal ee
and the love of man for man. It is|the 26 other courses in which work | Wagner, F. orl 1 3 Sermon at 10:30 A. M: The worst man sfows the best side of . : eagues League or al-
different. from anything the screen | for advanced degrees is being given | Weaver. F. ... . ......2 0 4 Junior at 5:30 P. M. his nature to a child. And, after all, In the of 60,000 7ays create interest and secure pub-
sh beestss Its praat- tthis vear he § oly C. E. at 6:30 P. M. there were good points to Henry. persons paid admission ach day last icity such as independent teams ;
own e of its great y at the Pennsylvania State | Mateer, F. ve wid 0 8 S However, in a few weeks she would fall to witness the worlds series con- th Fis
er compass in love element. Money, | College. The Graduate School is now | Eshleman, F. ........2 0 4 RIOR 9) 7:15 P. M. freo. She would ‘go away some | tests and as many morefwould have Sanne ope to get. $A
honor and hope enter the equation |in its second year, with a total en- | Hendrix, C. .........4 0 8 Teacher Training Friday evening wher ith th iE je | Attended if they could h§ve been as- This year baseball will be
i . a ’ at 7:30 P. M e with the child, and there he | of admission. | brought to the attention of the
and are treated in a manner that is |rollment of 126 students, most of | Klugh, G. 0 0 0 ? would learn to forget. “The major league Wlubs have! Sport loving people more forcefully
of vital interest to every man, wo- (them faculty Fourteen | Mumma, G. .........0 0 0 : 4 Btill, it was all very embarrassing, | been in the South or ex@reme West | than ever before by reason of two
man and child in this country, “Em |are preparing for the Master of TTS Marks United Brethren Church and little Jim very miserable, longed | for several weeks and another | ‘baseball weeks’ sponsored by Win
blems. of Love” portrays what love | Science degree in English, ten are 0. tri 1 27 Rev. H. S. Kiefer, Pastor for his father. He would wake up | few weeks the National #hd Ameri. Chester Stores all over the United
ts, whenee its origin, I : « | aspiring for the title i s Sunday School at 9:00 A. M. with a start In the middle of the night | can League seasons willbe under, States and the Athletic Goods Man-
gin, how its forces | &spiring in chemistry Memorial ~~ Presbys. Morni : and cry for him. That was the hardest | Way. Within a month m@st of the! ufacturers’ Association. The Win-
move and what wonders it performs. | and the balance are distributed in Field Foul Tis. orning Worship and sermon by thing boar—the ou as i important leagues will b playing Chester week is from March 27 to
The cast includes such characters | lesser numbers over the schools of { pontz F. ...........0 1:19 The yastor at 10:15 a4 iis his father had come re and the erack of the bat of it meets APTil 2 while National h
as Jane Thomas, versatile screen | agriculture, education, engineering, i Erisman Fo. esd 2 6|p Jitior and Intermediate Christian And then there came a wonderful the: ball will be heard h every! es from ap i i By
actress, who has played the principal | liberal arts, mines and natural Shoffstall 0 4 njeavor a 6:30 P. 1. day for Jim. It was on his way home Tt Nine een hus iy any fered as prizes for The post daw
roles in “The Queen of Sheba”, |Science. Ninetcen are working for Brooke, G. 0 0 olp Senior Christian Endeavor at 6:45 | from school, and there, standing out- baseball ever had, but oa Be displays featuring Baseball Goods.
“Hoodless Moths” and many other | technical degrees, Le . > M. Mr. Christ Herr, leader. side the candy shop, was his father! | that 1924 will far surpassfnything it Would not be surprising if 10,000
routinet Gries re — y G. go 0 Evening Worship and sermon at | He could hardly believe that he was | heretofore ‘accomplished. | Merchants made displays of baseball
Charles Delaney, Jane Jennings Nice Home in Florin Totals 3 2 A vary Velcome 1 awaiting yon fa, > = be ad fe 2s va “From the standpoint of fbusiness Sone oe While baseball
| Janes West, Jack Driscoll and other| If there is anyone looking for a] Referee, Eilis at all these services. Mugged |} 1m. en he knew that he baseball is a’ big thing. §In the are being displayed there will ba~
| well known stars. This picture ig a | Rice home in Florin, 8 rooms and Co Church of God Such a kiss and a hug, and they two of oral Lage ii A Tg iil alk of My sug-.
i human document, one of the most | bath with heat, electric lights, frame Our Reserves Lost Rev. I. A. MacD walking hand In hand, men together, us | There were about the same ni\mber a. Re — i it ot 20d i
| real things ever reflected from the | stable, 2 chicken houses, etc, at a| As a preliminary game here Mon- Fri Sch yp atu Md, in the old days. 1sed in the American League, Ppssi- ball and wish hy boy er ;
i screen. splendid location, I can accomodate | day night the Keeley Stove Co. five | a chool at 9:30 A. M. J. S.| “But you mustn't tell mother, or |’ly more than that used in the ¥a- | ment and form leagues that
| The Stanley Company recently of- | YOU. Price is way below the cost of | of Columbia easily defeated the local ams er, Supt. she'll never let you meet me again,” | ‘'ific Coast League because of ¥ts | so at once.”
| fered the Produggion Company of | § house. Call, phone of write | 33 to 15. Shield reaching at 10:30 A, M. bis father hud insisted. “If YoU tell
i . E. Schroll, Realtor, Mt. Joy. tf| ‘-eserves to 18. Shields, for the Junior C. E. at 8:00 P. M. Miss | her you'll never see me again.” : rr Ty rg TE
eee - — visitors had five field goals, being | Erla Bear, supt. And little Jim, wondering very much, |
the high scorer. The scores: Senior C. E. 6:30 P. M., Mr. A. B. | bud given his promise, :
Mt. Joy Reserves » { Hocer, leader. it was so hard to keep. But two or .
Preaching at 7:30 P. M. three times a week he found his father |
Field Foul Tis. ; ZA | ©
W. Mateer, F' eed ee Mid-week prayer service Wednes- | the candy shop. Then there | Ye
re. : came u day when Henry, haunting the ' 3 ]


: €
| ~1 day evening at 7:45 P. M.
N Kage Bread 1 7 You i to x th place for a sight of the little son whom |
arma, CG 0 1 1 vides ese 8er-| ne loved so dearly, falled to meet him '&
Pons 0 0 coming home from school. And the | . CC ®
ugh, G. 1 1 3 a —— aext day it was the same, and the | CO 1
M umma, F. 0 1 1 T. U. Evangelical Church next and the next. i 2 ,
— aw Rev. J. L. Ferguson, Pastor He dared not go to the house, though | oO
Totaly visio 8 “18 De Wednesday even- ae Rew we 3 Wag Toa wis = AN IDEAL "RESORT FOR AN EARLY SPRING VACATION
ing at 7:80. ara’s sake, But he stood far off an : : i 8
Keeley : Bible School Sunday morning at | looked at it, and saw the doctor's car . With the clgsing days of the winter season, and its round of
Field Foul Ts.| 9.30. 8 F. E 5 drive up and drive away agaln. And social activities 2d business cares, the Seashore sends forth a call
B.S P. o 1230 3B shleman, Supt. chen lie KDW. | forceful and cogeMf in its appeal to the pleasure seeker, and sug-
R. Greer. F 1 ° : Sunday morning 10:30. [4 the house the cBlld. stricken | of days of gud ease and comfort for the tired worker
- pI aire ar > : ‘ ’ Ro -grivi i
J. Greer, .........3 2 8 leader — iy 0:30: | wit aiplithiertu, raved und tossed on | A «ues
Waller. G. ..........2 3 7 a No : ; his cot. More and more eagh year Atlantic City is becoming accepted
Kibler, Co : : Some 70. “He keeps crying for his father,” | as an inviting seaside r@sort for a Lenten and Easter season of
Holli ne rang are welcome to these said the nurse. |@ relaxation from social and business cares.
ollis, G. 2.0 1 1|services. Come, The mother felt a lump rise in her
Aston, F, Le gig throat. ‘That memory persisted ATLANTIC CITY IS BELIGHTFUL IN EARLY SPRING
— ee First Presbyterian Church through everything. : i .
Totals cia. 2-13 7 33 Rev. James M. Fisher, Pastor “No possibility of getting the fa- all by and i the sary Jays. of spring. It is a
Before, Elio, Wednesda ther?" asked the doctor, who knew all veritable city of sunshine by ®e sea. There is a tonic benefit in
’ lay about ths dv the ozone with every breath of #r wafted from the ocean and health
i Prayer meeting at 7:30 P. M. Ses- Olt the Gomest o Iragedy. i and recuperative force in the brRezes from nearby forests of pine.
sion will meet at 8:30 P. M. No one knows where he is.”
LANDISVILLE Thuisday “He's standing In front of the candy The sixty-foot-wide Boardwalk is always a colorful spectacle,
Missi stifly class at home of shop—in front of the candy shop on with its magnificent hotels, rolling hairs, wonderful shops, thea-
A number of packers have com. M C > 2 the way to school. Wiv a bag of tres, concerts, attractive piers and aM array of beauty and fashion,
] pleted packing their tobacco for the| = = Shot st 2150 P. 4. candy in his hand, Don't you see him, with the ever restless sea as a to the pleasing picture.
5 riday mummy?”
season, ; : :
3 : The Choir will meet at 7:30 P. M. “Something must be done,” sald the Soft Breezes, Warmer 'Air, Ferns, Restful
I Use Only Choice Prigge Oysters for Frying. Two large flocks of wild geese Sabbath doctor, shaking his head. ease, Bright Sunshine und a of Nerve
DOZEN Jew, i the village la’ week,| Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M. Di.| “Daddy, I want you to come to me. Force, Health and Strength, are the Jig vouchsafed the
. eaded due north, vine Worshi ith S .| [ love you. Come daddy!” i ! Early Spring Sojourner at Atlantic City.
Full Course and Pla Dinners H. H. Koser and J. W. Kreider ur at 0 in M Sram. by he Distracted, Clara fled from the room.
Served Daily F 11:30 1:30. have been surveyi i is i There was only the slightest chance _ Convenient all-rail service is provided by thg Pennsylvania
aily From eying in Columbis,| Every Member Canvas In The Af- that there was anything In the child's Railroad from all sections of the country.

Petersburg, Salunga and Centerville.|trnoon. Be Sure To Stay At Home| gory. But she ran Into the darkening
Night EE ea
: = \ Until The Canvasers Call street, and to the candy shop. |
MOUNT JOY MARKETS The Communicants’ Class will meet] And Henry was standing there, but P ENNSYLVANIA R. R. SYS

Clam and Chicken Corn Soup Every Satu
Tables For Ladies



The following prices are paid to-|at 7 P. M there was no bag of
. M. ag of candy in his hand.
9 day by our local merchants: Divine Worship will be held at “He's calling for you. You must THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE WORLD
STUMPF S RESTAURANT Eggs, per doz., a ae aaa i 2-23 7:30 P. M. with sermon by the pas- come!” | 5 \
Both Telephones Lard, perl, tor Henry silently accompanied his wife O0000KOOO000000CO00OCOOOOCO00C000000000000000000000C
’ back to the houses. The child was toss-
# West Main Street 5 MOUNT JOY, PA. Busey; ver $s aps ing on his bed and crying. Se me =
» eee tees ee ee -
ps "Ee . “Here I am, Jim,” said Henry, kneel- | i ECE EES TE OO RE TY
Wheat... 81.10 Picked From Our ie Det rae LoTR AT RE TRE 01

= And the child knew his father's

Weekly Card Basket voice, and stretched out his little hands a eo E. WOLGEMUTH ®
ne oo TA a and smiled. == : y P
% After that came the long days of | = ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR :
LS {From page one) convalescence. Little Jim was very |= =
3 3 bay, mind. a t . : Fe: . . ae
Mak ce Sur e of spring vacation as the guest of in| “pe says youve savea his |g All Kinds of Wiking Electrical Supplies a
% parents. . lite, Henry,” said Clara. B Material For Building“Jelephone and Electric Lines =
- ° Miss Nedra Dicenderfer spent the| “And now”—he gulped—“I'll have to | = : : :
Early 3% elivery week-end at Lancaster the guest of | be going, I suppose. I know you won't | 8 Don’t be in a hurry to buy electric plant if you have a
i her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. | have me here, although I wish it were |i small stream of water flowing Water power is cheap
: 2 vg = power. If you don’t have water, buRgh up with your neighbors
% Cunningham! possible for me to stay and try to A bed gut ins plant
3 : atone for the past—" = Sn
Mr. and Mrs. John Baer, of Lan- |" a Electrical Fans will soon be in Water Heaters
Spring with its rush & Fordson orders
will scon be here. Tove sure of get-
2 . a “But Jim wants you, Henry,” an-
caster, spent Sunday here with the swered Clara. “Suppose we ot him lig
when the range fires are not needed. RemeMper I am prepared
to give you service. Do things with Electrieit House Wiring,



i? latter’s brother, John MeGinnis Jr. Ste ”
ting delivery in tiine, ofgcr LGV. and family. the tasting vote? uw Electric Supplies, Sweepers, Washing Machines, tors, Etc.
rm 1 tea 5 ois . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Weidman and Needed the Combination. 5 Information Freely Given. My Aim-Is *“Satist
The gemang ior yo ordson: ds mcreasing grandson Harold Buch of Lancaster, | A couple of visitors to the Hebrides | @ Bell Phone 128R2--R. D. No. 1 MOUNT JOY,
every dav, an ad Ol may be were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. | tumbled out early on the morning of | 4
. an you : ary D. W. Strayer. their arrival and began to fish in a Ld
ait £00 4 hv Tha Mine |
if you wait $60 007, % Mrs. James Hockenberry and child | nearby loch. After the passing of An |g. SEE RE 80 Sig & 208 2 @
hour or two their lack of success led

ren of Rheems, spent several days




9 4 % od
Cine Tair PR 31 ; 5. abe . pr
py placing vder early You will here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. um ne 2 about the pre
¢ sure oi gelling your rordson gh time Joscph Weber. | “Is it Tow’ or 1s it ‘Wck?” asked C. B. KLEINFELTER’S PUBLIC SALE OF
for the pre.iminary work whic wil Mr. and Mrs. .amparter of Mount-| one. AUTOMOBLIES
st tn ile a ede “ ville, spent Sunday here with the| “I understand it is ‘low,’” said the {© HORSES) MULES, COWS, HOGS, CHICKENS AND POTATOES
ut it in the Dat condition for, the the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. other, “and I sincerely hope that is 5
1eaAVieTr Work O gpring. % William Shaffer. { true.” SATURDAY, APRIL 5th, 1924
T : Yi Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Curgan, of | WAY? ae At 10 A. M., at the rear of Farmers’ Hotel, opposite D. B.
Talk with us about a tracter at once: Philadelphia spent the week-end here Because if this Is a ‘lock’ we | gioffer's horse stiles, Middletown, Pa., the undersigned will sell the fol-
; . , | haven't the combination. * i it:
with the former's parents, Mr. and a lowing to wit: PAIR BLACK MATCH HORSES
H S NEWCOMER & SON Mrs. Wesley Curgan. Little Bluebsile. Ages 6 and 7 ‘years, fearless of all objects, ready for work.
5 1 Mr. Reuben S. Kraybill of Los| “My, my, but these judges are par ONE PAIR MULES

x Ages 9 and 10 years.
Angeles, California, is spending some | tlcalar.”
time here as the guest of his sister, “What now, Bluebelle? Ex
Mrs. Mary Brunner. “] see a judge threw a man's case | / “One has calf by her side.
Mr. Monroe Kramer returned to | of court because he did not come { "TWO STOCK BULLS
his home here on Monday after a | court with clean hands.” © 150 CHICKENS

" ‘ ~»
week’s visit to his niece, Mrs. C. A. 5
Swisher at Uniontown. Eu Duty a vou . 50 SECOND-HAND CARS
Mr. and Mw. Irvin Smith, sn ie Ag you, Practically all cars in good shape, consisting of Oaklands, Cadillac,
. hE my on Ir- madam. Willies-Knight, Overland, Saxon, Chevrolet, Buick, and the balance are
vin and daughters, Buelah and Caro- Her Mistres=—How do you knew | Fords Ca
line, spent Sunday with friends at | he's a gentleman? BLACKSMITH TOOLS AND PARTS ?
Harrisburg and Lemoye. Mald—Becavre he sald, 3a par- Blaskamith's Oui Band Saw, Woe Saw: with bench joi a
Miss Margaret K o | don” before be kissed me.—Kinema | cr; Edging Machine, Rubber Tire Machine, ey, ting and 2
University Baise Pri of Tou Commie. London. Drill Presses, Tirs Roller, Blacksmit! Forge, Iron Shears, Wheel Stand,
k y sce pa, the aS a_i Mortising Machine, numerous Wagon ‘Bolts, Nuts, Chips, Felloes,
week-end at her parental home with A all kinds Iron, Braces and Wagon Wo Wagon Shafts, New Wheels,
Mp» and Mrs. H. H. Krall. Cold weather in the Gulf coast | Never-Slip Tap Machines, 2 Manuals, e ing Machine, W
Miss Kathryn Longenecker of Ir- regions, according to a report re- Boring Sais, all sizes = wate Spe, Fi ] sizes of +8
ving College, is spending the Spring | ceived by the United States Depart- afts, Sha Toss Pieces, Horse Sho and heeled ready
pring | ment of Agriculture, has apparently Stoves, Wagon Upholstering Material, Tube Vulcanizing Machine, :
3 vacation here with her parents, Mr. | \ :
and Mrs. C. S. Longenecker. resulted in high mortality among Order of sale—Blacksmith parts and ls, and wagon parts will by
Mr. and Mra Samuel Geib and | Some of the semitropical forms of | followed with horses, wiles, Sows, hogs, ickens, )
daughters, -Anna and Emma and Mr, | truck-crop insects, such as the belted} There will be many other articles so are
and Mrs. William Wintermeyer spent | Cucumber beetle, the Australian to- in Notes Lo 30, 60 or 90 days will be taken good security and
ry > 1 .
Sunday visiting relatives at Salunga. | Mato weevil, and the sweet potato | YE Foc. Auet. CB.
weevil. John Metzgar, Clerk.
FOR SALE—A 5 piece Velour Sale will start promptly at 10 o’clock, at the reas
Parlor Suite in good condition. Ap. If you want to succeced—Advertisc | posite D. B. Kieffer’s horse stables, Middletown,
ply to Joseph Huisey, Florin, Pa. tf.' Subscribe for the Mt. Joy Bulletin’ 1924.