1924 > it 3 5 jor - E % 3 £ . i 4 i “, 20th, 1024 WEDNESDAY, FEB, ST. LUKE'S MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC CLUB (by special arrangement with Samuel French of New York) PRESENTS THE ORIGINAL COMEDY THE WRONG MR. WRIGHT by George H. Broadhurst IN THE MOUNT JOY HALL FEB. 25th and WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27th AT EIGHT O’CLOCK MONDAY, Ticksts at Brown Bros.’ Hardware Store, Bernhart's Grocery Store or from any member of the congregation. "Chart for Reserved Seats Will Open Friday, February 22 FOR POULTRYMEN a .EVERYTHIN AAT SS Sn Write, Phone (3866 31 SouthQueen Street SPRECHER &\ GANSS, Inc. THE BIG POULTRY\SUPPLY HOUSE P. LIVE CHICK BOXES INCUBATORS Hot Water—Hot Air ood Shipping Coops BROODERS EGG CRATES uloid Leg Bands G TESTERS ermometers Coal Stove or Oil ] OATS SPROUTERS Cabinet and Open Pan Galvan- ized Brood Coops SAN NON-FREEZE FOUNTS Green 1-2-3-5 Gallon Sizes MASH FEEDERS 1% and 1 Bushel Sizes Wall and Jar Founts Grit and Shell Boxes Baby Chick Feeders Ground Shell and Parcel Post Egg Boxes Poultry Netting WRITE TO-DAY FOR COMPLETE LIST e Cutters able Cutters Feeds and Remedies and Chickens WOULB YOU BUY AN Electric Washing Machine If you could get a brand nev machine at a substantial saving over the regular I have been able to secure a li ROTARE ELECTRIC WASHERS and will make a real proposition to move §hem quickly. Cash or Time Pa Call or phone NOW so you will be sure to ake advantage of ted number of the well known ents 5G this saving, DEITZ ELECTRIC SHOP, Mt.\Joy, Pa. SOOO0O00000 * Ca x, J x LS 0 3 3 * Te You of 1-4, 1-2, and 1-3 on A Quarter Million"Bgllars Worth of Brand New Seasonable Merchandise. , eR WORRY aa RIE 0 E. E. WOLGE ELECTRICAL i TH RK Electrical Supplies Material For Building Telephone and Electric kines House Wiring Use That Stream of Water to Generate Electric “Current. Our Aim Is “Satisfaction™ MOUNT JOY, PENNA." Feb. 20-3m Information Freely Given. Rell Phone 128R2--R. D. No. 1 JT | 5 5 OT NO CTY A po ETT 2" YELLOW PENCIL >> = will REDBAND THE LARGER! PERGLLIACTORY ror EAGLE PENCIL CO. NEW YORKUSA, “7 2 | Dairy Feed 18 pe. | Dairy Feed 25 pe. THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, 1 THE PRODUCE AND LIVE STOCK MARKET CORRECT INFORMATION FUR- NISHED WEEKLY BY THE PENNA. BUREAU OF MARKETS FOR THE BULLETIN ———— Market conditions continue very draggy during the past week. Beef steers compared with week ago strong to 26¢ higher, top 9.75 aver- age weight 1170 lbs., bulk 8.25-9.00. Compared with same week last year, top 9.25, bulk 7.20-8.75. Bulls held steady. Fat cows showed a strong- er tendency, best grades closing 26¢ higher. Canners and cutters steady. Calves held firm, top vealers 14.50, few selects $15.00. Hogs steady to strong, top 8.75, bulk to butchers 8.25-8.60. eceipts for to-day's market: 11 cars cattle from the following points: 9 Penna., 1 Indiana, 1 Chi- cago containing 265 head. 137 head driven in. Total 402 cattle, 6 calves, 637 hogs. Receipts for week ending Feb. 16, 1924: 45 cars cattle from the fol- lowing points: 156 Penna., 11 Va. 5 Chicago, 4 Tenn, 3 Indiana, 2 Towa, 1 Pittsburgh, 1 Canada, 1 St. Louis, 1 Maryland, 1 Kentucky con- taining 1635 head. 230 head driv- en in from nearby farms. Total 1265 cattle, 123 calves, 1627 hogs, 62 sheep. Compared with same week last year: 42 cars cattle con- taining 986 head, 200 head driven in from nearby farms. cattle, 45 calves, | sheep. Range of Price: STEERS: Good to choice $9.25-10.25 Tair to good $8.25-9.25 Medium to fair $7.25-8.25 Common to medium $5.50-7.75 BULLS Good tochoice $5.75-6.75 Bair to good $5.00-5.75 Medium to fair $4.50-5.00 Common to medium $3.00-4.50 HEIFERS: Choice to prime $7.75-8.50 Good to choice $7.25-7.75 Medium to good $5.25-7.25 Common to medium $4.00-5.25 COWS: Good to choice $5.25-6.25 Medium to good $4.00-5.25 Common to medium $3,25-4.00 Canners and cutters $1.25-3.25 FEEDING STEERS Good to choice $7.25-8.25 Fair to good $5.25-7.25 Common to fair $4.00-5.25 STOCK STEERS Good to choice $6.50-7.50 Fair to good $5.25-6.50 Common to fair $3.00-5.25 STOCK BULLS Good to choice $5.50-6.25 Fair to good $4.25-5.560 Common to fair $3.00-4.26 CALVES Good to choice $12.00-13.00 Medium $7.00-12.00 Common $3.50-7.00 H0GS: Heavyweight, 200-250 $8.50-8.75 Medinmweight, 150-200 $8.50-8.75 Lightweight, 100-150 $7.75-8.50 Rough Stock $6.25-7.75 Lancaster Grain and Feed Markets Prices to Farmers Wheat ......» aie au pia wie $1.07 Corn, per bu. .80 Hay (baled) Timothy veer ton Straw... $12.00-$13.00 ton Selling Price of Feeds: Bran .....- hv. $39.00-$40.00 ton Shorts... ive. $38.00-$39.00 ton Hominy ........ $43.00-$44.00 ton Middlings ....... $40.00-§41.00 ton Linseed ........ $55.00-$56.00 ton J IGIUtER sv es ores $51.50-$52.560 ton Ground Oats ....$40.50-$41.50 ton Cotton Seed 43 pe. $61.00-$62.00 ton Dairy Feed 16 pc. $37.00-$38.00 ton $41.00-$42.00 ton $54.00-$46.00 ton $52.50-$53.50 ton $53.50-$54.50 ton $43.50-$44.50 ton good supply, Dairy Feed 20 pe. Dairy Feed 24 pe. Horse Feed 856 pe. Beets: Homegrown, 5-10¢ bunch. Cabbage: Homegrown, good sup- uly and condition, new stock 5-10-16 head. Carrots: Southern, good supply, be bunch, 10¢ qt. box. Celery: Homegrown and N. J, fair supply, 5-20c stalk. 4 Cauliflower: Homegrown, 15-30e | head. ettuce. Nearby, 10-20¢ head. Ca Iceberg, 20-25¢ head. Endive: 5-10c head. Onions: Homegrown and Ohio, fair supply, 10-15¢ qt. box. Parsley: Homegrown, geod qual- ity, 1-5¢ bunch. Peppers: Homegrown, fair supply and quality, 1-3-Bc each. Potatoes: Nearby Irish Cobbler, new stock, 15-20c 1-4 peck, $1.75- 2.25 bushel. Small, $1.00-1.50 ou. Sweet Potatoes: Dela. and heme- grown, fair supply, 15-20c 1-4 peck. Spinach: Jomegrown, fair supply, 10-15¢ % peck. Turnips: N. 25¢ % peck. “