- Jot nay \ » 7 My \ wlll: ib WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20 193¢ Cromer S$ WHO TRIES Yo BAG A GEAR WITH AN LIKE “TH' HUNTER AR GUN! HEM NER AFTER B\G BUSINESS «= Te Mou BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER CUUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. & A. BABY'S BOWL OF CRACKERS J AND— JK 8 The baby’s fhilk is of the greate import- ance. The doctor has HELLO RALF! A ~because the ne ef danger signals. eurs they hurt. T the brain a call for Puwretest keep coming from laces where tired ruises cry for its ment. k Fine for relieving ing babies’ inflamed odors of perspiration, ing the face after shang. Absolute- | ly safe for external§ use in any pantity, and leaves agfaint rose o- Ir. One of 200 Every item the best that skill and Lonscience can produce fes are a system | When injuryoc- Calls for | : i RUBBING ALCOHOL thousands of | muscles and | plmy refresh- | { eadache, cool- kin, removing ! nd for sooth- | DUR re Troxell o ~I'M GOING WITH "2 GENUINE “BULL” HAM TOBACCO By JACK WILSON Copyright 1922 by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate MRS CRAFT GEE, THAT'S A NEW, ' ONE ON ME = Bur |F SPUD'S MOTHER GETS ONE FOR HiM = I'M ,GOING TO HAVE ONE yoo! NEW RADIO RADIO BUG Now! SHE 1S GOING AROUND WITH SPUD GATHERING UP "A OM NO, You MusT BE MISTAKEN PION'T XI JUST SEE “EM P= AND 6PUD SAID SHE WAS GOING To GET A "PERMANENT WAVE" = CAN I HAVE ONE ? PARTS, AAT ro | BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY | HELD AT KINDERHOOK | Mr. and Mrs Divet entertained {the following persons in honor of | their daughter, BY DR. DAVID H. jam’s birthday: { Mr. and Mrs. George Reitzman, and REEDER daughter, of Norwood, Miss Martha TTT ! Y \ Tea. Wari ssorhrset: Kinderhook; Elmer FROST BITES: Throughout Ro gers, of | Hess of Oyster Point; Mr. Ruthart, of Columbia; {James and Ralph { bia; Mr. and Mrs. northern states and Canada th are always more or less unfortun who suffer from frost bites, and the most unfortunate cases, r and Mrs. Masters Maller of Colum- M. Leiphart, Del- » roy; P. A. Goss, Miss Martha Kline, freezing. { of Klinesville; Roy Keiser, Kinder- : { hook; Miss Marie Stauffer, John Der- came to me who had lost all of his | rier, Lester Divet, Walter Divet, { Charles Divet, Miss Miriam Divet, { Mr. and Mrs. Walter Divet, Mrs { Louis Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. George | Bear, of Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. fingers and portions from freezing. His team of horses were strung and he habitually drove w tight lines. ‘s Meat Market FRE 4 always haveipn hand anything in ; thélline of SMOKED MEA HAM, DRIED BEEF, BOLOG LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal Pork, Muttow 102 E. Donegal St., Mounk U RR &S | mews . ‘H H XK LL = West Maia St, JOY. fon © — ee CUT. customers, way he has his aT gE 3 DrMORSE'S a | INDIAN } A | R : ROOT PILLS} | EX pe Bert os ier tie Relieve constipation. C.K. WEAS Meat Market Favored For Fifty Years placin elsewhere your us. Girl EE Gir 5 J. N. STAUFFER & MOUNT JOY, PA. fDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS STEADY WORK. G AY 2 THE LeBLANC COMPAN Formerly The Herrmann Aukam Company Factory sept. 26-tf “Investments Real Estate Insurance YOUR SHOES NEATLY MOUNT JOY, Bell Phone 75R2 cut hair to suit the not ourselves. 2 “and > = £ Two Barbers or your service. |S. HESS HERSHEY | a A mgn’s appearance depends HAIR Two Doors East of Xr | order | to pre- year, although the law holds hunters PA. 8. QUEEN & VINX STS. PLEASANT WOR TIONS. APPLY Nissly Swiss Choc. Co. FLORIN, PA. Sa bears were oO Y S T ERS 1922, when the ld and 6049 wild turkeys were bagged . “ag compared to 5431 in 1922. us Chincoteague A ch d - h 1 t ANTED | classes with four prizes to each class. |g ae?» Ome'y treatmen | AND | CONDI- | { } | oy, Pa. { Miss Margaret Pa. | held in the school building at Landis- | f ville on Saturday evening, February cold or. an operation, | John Gable, Mrs. Nora Doll, Jacob { Doll, of Klinesville; Miss Hazel Mal- ter, Miss Marguerite Birk, of Kin- | derhook, Donald Helwig, Miss Esther Helwig, of Norwood; Amos Hogen- Miss Mary Palmer, of Co- ly cut off the blood supply freezi There is no pain after instead of thawing lumbia, Roy Stauffer, of Klinesville; slowly by rubbing with snow or Jour medicine end ye ay use a. [Miss Miriam Sponge, Marietta; | putting them in ice water. Sire 18 Soman.” $Mrs. OLE NORD- James Schelegelmilch, Norwood; When a boy I frosted both mj LEIN, Box 23, Zahl, Ngrth Dakota. Miss Elizabeth Leonard, Chestnut | ears and have suffered ever since Over 121,000 womenghave so far re- | : 1 1 yi - Hill; Miss Leah Schlegelmilch, Nor- | because they have always, since hed 3 Samim oe Los E. SUCHZF wood; S. K. Keiser, Kinderhook; | then been hyper sensitive to cold Pinkham’s Vegetable fompound ?”’ Hoberstorh, of Co- lumbia; Howard Zeamer, Miss Ruth ! other people are comfortable. Kies, Miss Mary Zeamer, of Kin- and Robert Ruthart and { derhook, ‘ence I had about that time been talki vith an India | IN LAST GAME SEASON} [2 124 been talliug with a | of his body covered with a blanke only. He told the Indian that hi bare skin would freeze without be Fifty-three hunters were killed in { Pennsylvania during the hunting season last year and approximately ing better covered. 150 injured, Seth E. Gordon, secre- The Indian said: “Then why no j tary of the State Game Commission { you face freeze, him no covered?” | announced to-day. Thirty-seven “Yes, that is true, but my face i | hunters were killed in 1922 and 125 | 4 to being exposed and is tough.’ | wounded, showing an increase last The Indian answered, “Huh, mc all face.” The man then told father that if the Indian’s feet got very cold and were in danger of frost bites hr would take off his moccasins and run bare footed in the snow. I now doubt the whole story, but I believed it then, and not long after while playing near a schoolmate’s home my feet got cold and I prompt ly took off my shoes and stocking: and ran in the snow. I did not wait to be told to pu; them back on and hurry to the house where my playmate told his mothe the story. She quickly got the shoes off and my feet in ice cold wa- ter and in a little while I was non the worse for the experience. I dislike to tell the rest for fea: some other boy might try a simila; fool trick, but as a matter of fact 1 | accidently killing or | person responsible. { An examination of the reports on | fatalities and non-fatal accident: ows that most of the fatalities self-inflicted by careless hunt: ers. he Game Commission plans thorough analysis of the reports te determine responsibility for the big number of accidents. The first open season for elk ir Pennsylvania last year resulted in : kill of 23. Secretary Gordon reports 16452 deer killed last year, as com | pared to 6115 in 1922. These com- { prise 1001 spike bucks, 1322 wit} two points to a side and 2363 wit} four points to a side. Five hundrec killed, a decrease ove: bear kill was 563 wounding = Estimates on smalt game kill in- 2 feet since that experience and ? dicate the average number of rab- | have been where the temperature bits, squirrels and grouse bagged | yg lower than 45 below zero. by the hunters was not up to they Women as a rule do not properl; a two years.. Only 87,000, tect their feet. Their shoes arc unters have reported on their small [very thin with thin soles and the game kill. | present oxford style for young men a ———— : : and women is both foolish and dan- - "An Old Time Bee An old time spelling bee will be many people warm and well. When it’s the fashion to save 2 human being: 23, under the auspices of the Gram- simply follow the fashion. ar school. There will be three r frost bites has been sent in fron many sources by people who like tr help others. Boil a peck of finely chopped beets The admission is 35 cents. Miss Ethel R. Steinkomph is the teacher. HOME HEALTH CLUB] ALL REE WHY WORK A number of years ago a patient | Imo HE of his thumbs! i hig | Holding the lines tight- to the fingers and they were quickly frozen. i takes place and he, ignorantly wen into a warm room on arrival home, the fingers out {and I must keep them covered when I remember also a severe experi- ye h for ail- R 5 ] Sch da whiel | ments for which it is foes mended are | ura nC 100iS { about the way he was dressed, mos! have never suffered much with eolc ! | gerous, but it’s style and that keep: | WOMEN ( Should Know how this Worker was | | he | Made Strong and Well by Lydia E. gle Compound { o ’ at. | Pinkbam’s Veget in! eal Zahl,N. was nervous and | | weak and was not regular. I also had | pans frequently. I | i wills sickly for seven ith , and a lady I for told me of d. Iamtaking ng it @§nd it has made do my work again. I Bave even helped take care of a sick neighbor recently, so you can see how fit I am. 1 highly praise an MR, 98 per cent. of thes Veg, This means that 98fout of every 100 women taking this medicine replies answer i | Ira Hoover, of Columbia. _ Music j might have been very disastrous | benefited by it. For fale by all drug- | ri J was furnished by James and Ralph | but fortunately turned out alright. | &ists. | and Schola | Malles, Robert Ruthart, Lester and I was in what was then known a: EE aes ! he hindi hr Divet. Games were played | “the big woods” of Minnesota, not SALUNGA | Sl f land refreshments served. { far from the Winnebago India: seen Me ! (From Page 1.) i Ge err | agency. Miss Florence Bishop, of West | fered with so constantly. The cen- | MANY HUNTERS KILLED A Relghbor told my father that]Chaster, spent Saturday with Missi don't know toe sot | : | nor the situation. Mrs. Jacob Minnich spent the | The truth is that in spite of all week-end with her parents in East (disadvantages the best citizens of | Petersburg. | our country, by far, are still turned | The Church of the Brethren held | out of the rural schools. Cities can- | prayer meeting in the home of Mrs { not, by any means or device within Anna Bender, Wednesday evéning, [their power, equal the product of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eby role schools. These authorities ar- entertained on Sunday by Mr. and |gue that because cities spend mil- | Mrs. Milton Schaeffer, of Brunners- | lions upon millions on ville. { buildings and because L| Miriam Kendig. : magnificent | they consoli- Sunday. [the future in those establishments. The Sunshine Class of the M. E. | Their effort is hopeless, measured by Sunday School will have charge of | the workings of the rural sections. the school this coming Sunday at] They cannot compete with the rural 9:30 A. M. sections in the making of sturdy, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Newcomer (thoughtful, sensible, steel-nerved, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nissley (Young Americans produced in coun- with a number of others were enter- | try schools, This maudlin pity for counrty dis- and Mrs. Christian near | tricts is silly and undesirable. The Florin. | complainants forget that the ever- Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Kendig enter- | Presence of the big, free landscape, tained their son, Benjamin, and | the unsmoked firmament of the coun- wife and children, Donald, Benja- | try and the natural beauty all about, min, Jr., and Betty Jane and John | 2%€ themselves the greatest teachers Kendig and wife and daughter, Vi. of all; and that the suffocating, tow- vian Jean, on Sunday. of brick and the tained on Saturday evening by Mr. | Sheaffer, ering walls hard | The M. E. Sunday School re! Stone pavements of the cities, and Commercial and 1 elected the following officers for the | the erusley of Bite, will forever Fairmont Park jyear: superintendent, Miss Alice | prevent cites from turning oui or Gara oh Strickler; assistant superintendent, great Americans in anything like the of “The Quaker City.” N. N. Baer; secretary, Walter Pei- ; proportion, compared with popula- fer; assistant, Levi Peifer; treasur- tion, tuned cut in the country. in spite of all the pampering elegance with which we children. er, A. B. Kreider; Mary M. Kendig. a — MAYTOWN organist, Miss surround the city * of plant and physical equipment of | our educational systems is the very| H. S. Newcomer, for several years proprietor of the Washington House, | system? Never, in this place, has purchased the Ex- never, never, celsior Bakery, here, from G. W. the present age holds sway. Don’t | Houseal, and will deliver bread, | let us be foolish any longer and! cakes and rolls to Marietta daily. | waste time in pitying the nation be- He has purchased a new truck and cause of the poor education our| i until thoroughly cooked and as soor i as cool enough so you can stand it ‘put the feet into this. After about Ever Think Of It? Mr. Business Man did you ever stop to think that every copy of the . Bulletin is a salesman, visiting many, | 3k af Shee Tours: o an hou many homes each week and soliciting h ou. an ry “hem nem siness for every advertiser in its t e fire. Do not use a towel. Re will give prompt attention to all or- | country children receive. They are ders. our only salvation. While they will not gather the money and large es- to bed and the chilblains are said tc be gone. In a recent case of frozen ears 1 added three per cent of Iodine t« some of Grandmother’s Herb Oint ment and in a few days they wer: tates that the urban dwellers will accumulate, (at least not so large a per centage o. them) they are yet and ever will be, the real thinkers and the mainstay of our land . td co TIP QIT GROUCIT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lutz enter- | date schools that they have a sure © tained the latter's parents, Mr. and | guarantee of a superior means of Mrs. Harsh, of Rohrerstown, an [making the great men and women of which has a motor driven brush. cleaner and convenient terms if de- sired. told you # buy for it milk of Jthe highest quality. Prder Martin Dairy nmflk—it’s pure. TH ARTI Ww © ANITARY DAIRYA yf MARTIN, PROS, Ho man” k rile W. DONEGAL ST. CA LE IE Winbert & Haas iat Store argest Line of i i Hat i In ie City Plain Hats} A Specialty JOHN A. F N. Queen AS, Propr. Lancaster, Pa, | THE / | , ¥ Tr TF ~y Pll 74 Bell Phone I'15R3 IRING DONE TO YOUE ATISFACTION et aA Le ain St. ixtures of All New Fim- t Reasonable Prices { Westinghouse utomatic Ranges. Irons, Heaters, affle Irons, ete. Be ee re [0CEries er quart. Bread 5c Lo\f. ALBERT STRICK EAST MAIN ST., MT. JOY, PA. Special Through®Irain Leaves Mount Joy ..... Stopping at tions between Ha Lancaster. Returning, leaves a 7:00 P. M§ See Independence 1:00 to 4:00 P. M., Hall, and Academy Arts, open 1:00 to 5:00 Pennsylvania R. R. Systhm Standard Railroad of the Wolld When will we learn that the kind | If you are thinking of purchasing an Electric Cleaner least important of the factors of the | I will gladly demonstrate in your so | own home, the powerful suction and long as the insane extravagance of | cleaning qualities of the “Premier Duplex” Cleaner A liberal allowance for your old Geo. B. Zeller 309 E. Main Street normal. ‘peat one or two nights before going | | i It pays to advertise in the Bulletin It pays to advertise in the Bulletin