- Bo Ny. a \ \ \ See! THE MOUNT JOY per, MOUNT JOY, 1° © Western Newspaper Union At “HE “. "NCASTER CWUNTY, [ATVIVIVA ARE “Nou SURE 9 WS A DIAMOND? PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. — Anyway It’s a Genuine Rin YR A WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18th, USE PHONE THE MILK. ~because, in gener: 1, vegetables | {radishes) are, ( on, plants | that die after yielding once. Fruits (apples) grow on plants that keep yielding, year after year. Each of the following A reef . Puwizies7 Laxatives differs from the others in action, yet all are effective, pure and safe. salt at last that is easy to take. Puretest Mineral Oil, Russian Type—A gentle intestinal lubricant. Puretest Castor Oil—Positive in action and easy to give to children. Three of 200 Puretest prepara tions. Every item the best that skill and conscience can produce. E. W. GARBER Drag Store Krall’s Meat Market 1 always av on hand anything in “WE. the line of SMOKED BEEF, BOLOGNA, LARD, ETC. 8d i3 =o fa West Main St, MOUNT JOY. LD Dr.MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS RIVE out the body poisons. Keep well. Keep the system active, Relieve constipation. Favored For Years Girls Wanted IDEAL WORKING CONDITIONS STEADY WORK. GOOD PAY THE LeBLANC COMPANY Formerly The Herrorann Aukam & Company Factory sept. 26-tf HAVE YOUR SHOES NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE City Shoe Repairing Company S. QUEEN & VINE STS. LANCASTER, PA Don. W. Gorrecht 37 WEST MAIN STREET Jeweier Watchmaker—Engraver Hours: 7 to S P. M. and by Appoint- Bell Phone 76R2 Resident Calls J. S.. KUHN D.C. High & Mt. Joy Sts., Mt. Joy, Pa. | CHARLIE GARBER Puretest Epsom Salt—An epsom | MEATS, HAM, DRIED | Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttos | HEY POP! WiLL You TAKE MY PICTURE FOR I'LL SHOOT 1] LL ALRIGHT PoP! WHY IN THAT FOR LAND SAKE! | | | | GOOD CIGARETTES DURHAM TOBACCO We Are Buying FURS At The Highest Market Prices | Witmer Eberle 102 E. Donegal St., Mount Joy, Pa. { { |B A man’s appearance depends | 2 upon the way he has his HAIR 5 CUT. We cut hair to suit the customers, and not ourselves. Two Barbers for your service. C.K. WEAVER | 8 x 3 ¢ Two Doors East of Bennett's Meat Market STONE placing your elsewhere see us. We have cut prices to pre- war prices. J. N. STAUFFER & BRO. MOUNT JOY, PA. S. HESS HERSHEY Investments Real Estate Insurance MOUNT JOY, PA. Bell Phone 75R2 I, Before order OYSTERS Famous Chincoteague Salt Oysters Ice” Cream, Groceries and Confections BRANDT BROS. Mount Joy Street, Mount Joy, Pa. WANTED 20 MEN and 20 GIRLS STEADY EMPLOYMENT AND TIONS. APPLY Nissly Swiss Choc. Co. Inc.| FLORIN, PA. EA oct. 24-tf PLEASANT WORKING CONDI-| MACHINERY AID TO MAINTENANCE Scrapers on Trucks Keep Roads Fit | The best road in the long run is {the hard road. But there are many localities where the use of the hard | road does not permit its cost to be lan economy for the community. Hence the addy gravel, shell and other types of roads, not hard surface, which are built. Such roads require constant main- tenance if they are to smooth. Formerly such work was done by teams. But modern ingenu- ity has provided road tools which can be applied to trucks, with a great economy of time, labor, and money. As an example, consider County, Mich.,, where, according to the annual report of the County Road Commissioners, there are 252 | miles of gravel roads, varying in width from 10 to 16 feet, the tota’ width of the grade varying from 2¢ to 30 feet. Nearly all the seraping and grad- ing work is taken .care of by scra- pers attached to trucks, which with | the scraper attachment, travel a- bout 10 or 12 miles per hour. Each truck does the work of six or seven teams. Nine trucks equipped with sera- | pers ain an nearh | 30 miles each. The quality of the | work of this kind of equipment is said to be much better than with | horse-drawn equipment, and it takes less supervision to look | kind of maintenance organization. The gravel roads are kept smooth by the constant graders, and by the application of thin layers of screened gravel where required. One-half inch to one inch of screened gravel is kept on the surface of the road all the time; by scraping around to fill ruts and holes, it is possible to maintain 2 smooth road under a traffic of sever- al thousand vehicles a day. eet Eee Kent maint average of { |cow TESTING LEADS DAIRYMEN OUT OF DARK Cow testing associations are lead- ing Pennsylvania dairymen out of the dark and are making a profit possible through the elimination of the “boarders.” When the cow testing associations were first organized in the Key- stone State in 1910, the average {production per cow in the organiza- tions that year was 5,724 pounds of milk and 234 pounds of butterfat. Figures just compiled by the dairy extension department at the Penn- sylvania State College show that the average production per cow for {1923 is about 7,000 pounds of {milk and 290 pounds of butterfat. This means that these dairymen in the associations scattered all over the state have increased their year- ly flow of milk per cow by about 1,300 pounds during the 13 years. By weeding out the poor producers, the members of the associations are now getting as much milk and but- terfat from eight cows as they did from ten in 1910. The average yearly production for all cows in Pennsylvania is a- bout 3,990 pounds of milk and 160 pounds of fat. Milk scales and the Babcock test have brought the ani- mals enrolled in cow testing associa- tions to a point where they are pro- ducing almost double the state avreage. dd Removed To Huspital Rev. H. H. Newell, McKeesport stricken with smallpox at Lititz ear- ly last week while conducting evan- gelistic services at that place, war removed to the isolation ward at the local county hospital at Lancaster. remain after this | use of scrapers or | -~ pn " iL adh WEEKLY PRESSLY FCR THE BULLETIN BY DR. DAVID H. REEDER VIBRATION: Perhaps never given much thought word vibration, but [= you have ME HEALTH CLUB LETTER WRITTEN EX to the! if vibration had aE Es § WEAK, § ERVOUS | | Benefited by F by First Bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege- table Compound given you as little attention as you! have given it, you would not now be reading this paper. Without vibration there is no life. Every form of matter and every vous. My sister-in- form of life has its own distinct an Jol 78 Db try at i Iv , Lydia inkham’s | rate of vibration. Every form of flvegetable Com. | light, every color, has its own pound. My husband tinet rate of vibration. Health has its own positive rate of vibration and disease has its rate! of vibration. The most marvelous ever made by physicians has been the fact that each of the fundamen- tal forms of disease has its own dis- vibration and by the tinct rate of measurement of the vibrations it is impossible to make diagnosis. As a correst diagnosis been known as the most part of the physicians’ it is now to be made an exact sci ence and capable of absolute dem- onstration. In the foremost ranks of progres sive and aggressive physicians it has been known for a of years that each disease has a defi- nite rate of vibration and that each disease always has the same rate of vibration whether in man, woman, or child, but the exact degree of the has always important profession disease has been in doubt for the reason that the physician himself imust be trained by thorough pra {tice to judge of that degree. Thus [the human element, tain, remained. One of the big things about man abuse of other interests and the cost of time labor and money, he persists when he feels that he is on the right track. When we knew positively that the fundamental diseases each had’ a distinct rate of vibration, we knew that able to make a machine that would detect and measure that wherever it might be found. For a number of years I have been depending upon a comparison which we and eye for gnosis of disease and the same law] of vibration that causes the needle! have measured by ear abled me to correctly diagnosis causes of suffering and the proof of! the correctness of the law has been that when the cause was removed! and the vibrations turned. I have steadily recognized the! fact that so long as my ear can ac- curately measure tone and my eye judge color, so long would I be able’ to diagnosis correctly, but no human! being has a definite and permanent! lease upon any of the five senses and therefore when I received no- tice from one of our investigators this morning that the instrument; would soon be completed which would entirely eliminate all human element except the patient himself, I was glad. I have made an ap- pointment with the big laboratory and will be there next week to wit. ness a demonstration of the work. It means much for humanity be- cause when a disease is known to exist in an individual and we know the vibrations of that disease we then know just what to do in order to eliminate those disease vibrationc and establish the normal or health rate. of health discovery | a mistake in a always uncer- is that in spite of the skeptics, the | ultimately we would be! disease | of tone and color, (the vibration of | centuries) in the dia-! to always point to the north, has en. ! the disease or sickness disappeared | re-| |teaching, lime and fertilizer distri- jbution and many similar fields have [need for young men with agricul | | Lancaster, ‘After I was mar- ‘ried I became terribly run-down and got me a bottle at @ionce, and it did me so much good that I kept on taking it. I began to fee Hlandstrongagoin and able to do my - up to the time my baby was bofn—anice fat little girl in the best of health. I surely am recommending the Vegetable Compound have troubles you 10 use these fac Mrs. Fraxx H. Str ree, Lanc Women s as pains, 6 Ld. yuld heed such symptoms bac ckache, was weak and ner- | well | nervousness, a | run- -down condition and irre gularity, as they indicate some form of female | 1934 " [THE MARTIN SANITARY DAIRTRY + PASTEURIZED MILK | MAN Get us on the wire and 5 <$ tell us to deliver your PL) N milk every morning. Bona It"]1 make your shop- en ping easier and you'll know you have a milk of splendid whole- By JACK WILSON some ew Copyright fps McClure Newspaper Sradicate, I GONG TO SEND IT TO ~THE MARTI THE NEWSPAPERS AS THE FIRST £ ANITARYD v y FELLOW EVER To HEAR A i “3. A R.MARTIN | RADIO PROGRAM WHILE Your Millman” k STANDING ON HIS HEAD f j i i £ gest Li x i LY ITY DOT ITY 1 \ i A hy wt | In the City on Gerson = UM WHO DONT MOW } Plain Hats A Specialty i Gress md geen us | ! i, | JOHN A. HAAS, Propr. Si id 144 N. Queen Lancaster, Pa. eed) |i ie NT Yr rr 7 JNO. D IE] { 119 E. Main St. Bell Phone . } a 3 | HOUSE WIRING DONE TO YOUR i | SATISFACTION § a ! | Attractive Fixtures of All New Fiae ishes at Reasonable Prices gy | Electric to Make House- work a Pleasure a Rotarex Washers, Ironeis and Apex 3 Cleaners 4 Kook-Rite the New Electric Stove | That can be sitached to a light socket 3 | Westinghouse Ranges. Lal Irons, Heaters, Waffle Irons, ete. &, % i { ! Valer trouble. Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Com- | pound is a dependable icine for all these troubles. Yor sale everywhere. decrepitude, but I have faith to be-| lieve that will yet conquer the processes of decay and be perpetuate virility and healtl beyond present day i of || age, that in time the story of Ma-| thueslah will be an every Gay story FARM BOY IN COLLEGE SHOULD STUDY AGRICULTURE we a farm, and who expect to go to] college, are missing ‘tunity unless their college education is directed towards agricultural channels, is the belief of Dr. John M. Thomas, president of the Penn- sylvania State College, who makes this subject one of outstanding im- | portance in his recently announced {annual report for 1922-23. “The best doorway to a successful business career open to-day to the] 'young man whose early life has | been spent on a farm is through a! { agriculture” Dr. Thomas in his report. the advantages of farm life and to {encourage more youth of Pennsyl- ivania farm homes to direct their {education towards agricultural pur- suits.” President Thomas outlines some of the activities in which agricultur- ‘al college graduates can forge ahead (in addition to general and special- i ized farming. other extension work, the manufac- jture and distribution of farm imple- iments, of food and farm products, agricultural editorial work, research, tural school training, he points out. CATARRH Catarrh is a Local disease greatly in- ; fluenced by Constitutional conditions. { HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE eon- | sists of an Ointment which gives Quick | Relief by local ap plication, and the | Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts | through the Blood on the Mucous Sur- ! faces and assists in ridding your System | of Catarrh. : Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O A Ieee. Lorenz Betag, aged 67, father o | 26 children and married three times | was given a license to wed hi: | fourth wife at Philadelphia on Mon. | The vibrations of youth and viril- day. That Pennsylvania boys raised on|g¢ a great oppor-| good course in a college school of’ declares | “It is time to exalt I County agent and | Good KE. Donegal Farm If anyone wants a real good E Donegal by druggists | Donegal creek, with the best of lime stone soil, here’s your ch acres, ity are not the same as for age and | | meadow. > | New barn, 406x960, 8-room brick ho |summer house, shedding for 10 acres |of tobacco, ans tojand house. so fax | shape, an excellent producer and can be | bought at $180 an acre. led call, {Schroll, Realtor, Mount Joy. Read the Bulletin. it pays to advertise in the FEBRUARY 14th t [to remember your friends. VALENTINES TO TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS LENTINES, township far: n, along Lit | J A ance. seven acres of which is g or Farm divided into 6 fields |coMIC VA °|CAL VALENTINES +n |TINES IN (girl or best fellow. TINE POST CARDS. Get them running water at Buildings in exceptio al arm is convenient tc markets If interest | at Jno. E. | tf | DRUG STORE West Main St, MOUNT JOY, phone or write en sae AA Erne nei. SE ntines will coon {with us and you will need something We have FROM ONE CENT be MECHANI- and VALEN- BOXES to send your Also VALEN- best CHANDLER’S Tid PA. DEITZ ELECTRIC SHOP, Mt. Joy, Pa. WOULD YOU BUY AN Electric Washing Machine If you could get a brand new machine at a substantial saving over the regular price? I have been able to secure a limited number of the well known ROTAREX ELECTRIC WASHERS and will make a real proposition to move them quickly. Cash or Time Payments Call or phone NOW so you will be sure to take advantage of this saving. DONEGAL SPRINGS ST, Supply the Chicks Having recently doubled my hatching capacity I am prepared to fill your orders for Baby Chicks and Custom Hatching I solicit your patronage and remember my motto is to please. Bell Telephone 63R2. Jacob E. Wolgemuth MOUNT JOY, PA. jan. 33-2 : 4