PB GUNK © A Te ON THE STUMP THESE NO LAND ON “THE BAND RN THE MOUNT JOY BULLETIN, MOUNT JOY, LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, U. 8. A. By Charles Sughros \ WANTED HEM | SEE THE ARRAY OF FAIR FEMININITY WANT\NG Yo GEY THEIR BOBBED HAIR TRIMMED IN TH BARBER SHOPS THESE DANS," SIGHS ROMEO SAPP MOURNFULLY, Wi WISH MY FOLKS HAD LEY ME GE A BARBER WKE Yo @e\ Goswm\"” Little Interviews N PORE HLUSBLM MAN HAB HAD W\S FAULTS," MOURNED WIDOW JOHNSING, GUY ENMIEHOW HE NEVAH DECEEVED ME! AH NEVAW BELEEVED A WORD DAY BLOKE MAN You' Mes" We Handle Only The Best NATIONAL and CLEVELAND Also FISK and PENNA. TIRES REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY All Makes Talking Machines Repaired Roy G. Hershey All Work Guaranteed 42° N. Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. ce Cream, Greceries and — Conicctions BRANDT BROS. | Mount Joy Street, Mount Joy, Pa. - ———— | re —————————— | HAVE YOUR SHOES NEATL REPAIRED AT THE City Shoe tor | Repairing Company | S. QUEEN & VINE STS. LANCASTER, PA DOO 200 C.K. WEAVE TONSORIAL PARLORS R Two Barbers—No Waiting BOOGOOO00DDLLY yn East Main St., “Mount Joy ~~ OOLOOO00LLLLW | 4 { Don. W. Gorrech 37 WEST MAIN STREET HD O00 J Jeweler Watchmaker-—Engraver I AM NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS —r le No. 4, East Main Street, Mount Joy Opposite Post Office I Serve SANDWICHES, WATERMELON, SOFT DRINKS, ETC. MARROW’S ICE CREAM in enyovantity. I make a specialty of supplying for parties in any man- ner desired. | | I Sell Heilig & Hallgren's Milk pleased have you —eall at any time. Will be JNO. A. MCcGINNIS Mount Joy, Pa. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Estate of Annie Geistweit, late of punt Joy Borough, Pa. deceased. Letters of administration on said ate Paving been granted to the un- fiersigned, all persons indebted khereto are requested to make im- mediate payment, and those having aims or demands against the same, pill present them without delay for lement to the undersigned, resid- at Mount Joy, Pa. ELIZABETH GEISTWEIT, Administratrix. ank Kready, Atty. sept 12-6t CHARLIE GARBER po PIANO TUNER ount Joy, Penna. REOREREERN Dr.MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS RIVE out the body poisons. Keep well, Keep the system active. ! By Jack Wilson Copyright 1922 by the MicQure Newspaper Syndicate OF THE SEVEN BiLLoN EVERY YEAR ; NOT ONE 16 GRAPEFRUIT GROWN IN THE U.S. SQUIRTLESS! = THIS 15 — ~AN OUTRAGE WHICH NO PEO-PLES HAVE To ENDURE! = I CLAIM GRAPEFRUIT GROWERS SHOULD BE FORCED To— — FURNISH A RAINCOAT OR UMBRELLA TO EVERY ONE OF US! I WASN'T THINKIN® GRAND-POP!~ THAT WAS WHAT SENATOR SYRUP WAS SAYIN IN A WIRELESS TALK MY, MY} © I HAD No IDEA YoU THOUGHT. SO DEEPLY, RALF JACKNWALEON——, 4-26 7 i ? DURHAM What Shwilkey Bumblesock Has PENNSYLVANIA DUTCH | pv | To | Say This Week Ehns vun de beliebste Geschichte unner de Pennsylvaniseh Deutsche is die Story vun der Begina Hartman, | 3 AN... TOBACCO WEALAND'S - FORA _. COMPLETE LINE OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES AT REASONABLE PRICES Ca CONFECTIONERY AND ALL KINDS OF FRUIT C. A. Wealand MOUNT JOY, PA. STONE placing your order elsewhere ses us. ~~ We have cut prices to pre war prices. J. N. STAUFFER & BRO. MOUNT JOY, PA. Before I always have on hand an ng iz the line of Thing SMOKED MEATS, HAM, DRIED BEEF, BOLOGNA, LARD, ETC. Also Fresh Beef, Veal, Pork, Muttos H. H. KRALL West Main St, MOUNT JOY. S. HESS HERSHEY Investments Real Estate Insurance MOUNT JOY, Bell Phone 75R Good House fo I have a good 8-rg West Main street, in I will sell very reason ested will be pleased It pays better to ow this than nd rent. Realtor, Mount Joy. WANTED—Everybod] tion to use our “wan ats.” column more freq Lound to pay, Just ‘wu vun de Insching gafange war. Thr Geschicht war emol ime englische or die Bucher sin > : ranzo:s ’ fun Louisiana geegnet. Zwische zweh Lanner is en Krieg ausgebroche Die Franzose hen die Insching in Pennsylvanie uf ihre Seit kriegt un die hen kusterlich gege die deutsche Leut gefochte. Sie hen die deutsche Leut so schun gehasst, weil sie die Insching vun ihrem Land vertriewe hen katt. In Berks Caunty hen die wilde Insching apartig arg gehaust. Sie hen viel weisse Leut gemord un Dehl Annere, besonders Kinner, ge- fange un fortgeschleppt. Die Manns leut hen alsfort thre Flinte mitge- numme, wann sie uf’s Feld oder sunst ergeds hingange sin. Sell hen sie ah geduh an Dehl Platz, wann sie in die Kerch gange sin. Unner de deutsche Leut in der Tul pehacke Gegend hot die Familie vun Henry Hartman gewahnt. Es ware der Vatter, die Mutter, zweh Buwe un zweh Mad. Sie hen gewohnt in was nau Bethel Taunschip, Berks Caunty, is, nachst bei Fort Henry. Dic EHere ware fromme Leut un hen ihre Kinner gelernt zu bete, die Bibel zu lese un zu singe. Selle- mols hot’'s ofkohrs ken Sunndag Schule katt, awer die Eltere hen ihre Kinner selwer unnerricht so gut sie hen konne. Sie hen oft das Lied gesunge, das ahfangt mit:* ‘Allein und doch nicht alleine.” Sell war ihne en grosser Trost. In die Kerch hen sie oft net geh konne, doher hen sei Kerch daheem gehalte. Das Lied is ihne nochderhand zum grosse Gluck worre. Der gut Sahme, wu in der Jugendzeit gesaht werd, bringt oft en herrliche Ern. Am 16te Oktober im Johr 1755 is en schrecklich Ungluck uwer die Hartman Familie kumme. Die Mut- ter un der jungst Buh ware in die Muhl gange. Dereweil sin die rohe Insching kumme un hen die Familie ahgegriffe. Wie die Mutter un der kleh Buh zuruckkumme sin, hen sie gefunne, dass der Vatter un der altest Buh gemord ware, die 12jah- rig Barbara un die 10jahrig Begina gefange genumme niedergebrennt ware! Was en recklicher Zustand! Dehl vun de Familie ware gemord, Dehl gefange un fortgeskehleppt, die Annere ware ohne Hehmet. Die zweh junge Mad sin vun de Insching westlich in die Berge gesch leppt worze. Endlich sin sie vun nanner getrennt worre, un vun der iemolh wieder eppes ge- Die Regina is endlich he Frah uwergewe wor- 0 . dene sch- sie en hart Lewe katt. ! pekte konne, ihre Mut- ister ish Lebtag wieder Ir so is es doch kamme. o war sie bei dé Insch- f kohrs nef deutsch die Gegina hot die pch un die Insching hb hen d r Kri we. e K Ng Insching un verlore un Inching hen ufkewe mus Ruquesne y ! gebrocht, un die Gebauer | we nau die Stadt Pittsburg steht. Sie ware verlumpt un en Dehl hen schier gar ken Klehder ah katt. | im kalte Dezember. | r sin | Ww » weisse Kinng lisle in Cumbe rland | un die worre h rebrocht worre, weis- n eigelade Kinner. an war zu kum- | Das Herz der| nau voll Frehd, | 10t gehoflt, konnt nau | zweh ‘Mad wieder finne. | ] 1 wl wer wie Carlisle ~N N sie is noch re, 1t enne? ir hen en Verannerung | gemacht in de Kinner, awer die arm | Mutter hot gebet un gehofft, un ihre Hoffnung is net zu Schande worre. Die gestohrene Kinner ware all in en Reih gestellt un die Mutter Hart- man hot sie all beguckt, awer ihre Kinner hot sie net gefunne. Thr Herz war nau voll Wehmuth un sie hot laut geheult. Der Col. Bouquet hot die Mutter gefrogt, ib die Kinner ken Merk an sich hatte, an dem sie sie kenne konnt, oder ob sie net eppes duh konnt for sich mit de Xinner bekannt zu mache. Sie hot gesaht, sie hatte oft als en Lied gesunge, wie Mad noch kleh ware, un ver- eicht wusste sie ch eppes dovun. Jer Colonel hot ¢esaht, sie sollt das Jded singe. Dann hot die arm Mut- er mit bewegtem Herz Thrane in de hge der erst Verst gesunge: | sollt sie ihre Kinner mn | { 301 grosse lie “Allein und doch nich ganz alleine 3in ich in meiner Einsamkeit; Denn wenn ich ganz verlassen scheine, Vertreibt mir Jesus selbst die Zeit Ich bin bei Thm nnd Er bei mir, So kommt mir gar nichts einsam fur.” Die Mutter hot erst zweh Leine gesunge katt, do springt die Regina aus der Reih, helft das Leid singe un umarmt ihre Mutter! Mer kenn leicht denke wie gross ihre Frehr war. Awer wu is die Barbara? Niemand wees es, un vun ihr hen sie niemols eppes gehort. Sell hot of kahrs ihre Frehr gehinnert. Die Mutter hot ihre Tochter mit hehm genumme in die Tulpehacke Gegend. Vun ihre nochherige Ges- chicht is net viel bekannt. Es heesst awer, die Regina war alt worre un en fromme Frah gewesst. Sie is be- grawe worre newig ihre Mutter an der Christus lutherische Kerch bei Stouchsburg. Dr. Muhlenberg, der bekannte lutherisch Parre, hot die Hartman Familie gut gekennt un schreibt vun ihr. Des is korz die Geschicht vun der Regina, wu so beliebt is unner un- serm Volk. Sie beweist, dass die Gottseligkeit zu alle Dinge gut is. War's net for das Singe vun sellem Lied gewesst, so hatte die Mutter un die Tochter enanner nimme gefunne. Die Familie hot ah ihre Bibel gelese un sell hot die Regina dorch all ohr Insching Lewe net vergesse. Wie sie mit ihre Mutter hehm kumme is, hot sie gefrogt wu sell Buch war, in {dem der Heiland so scho schwatzt {zu de Kinner. So bericht der Dr. | Muhlenberg. Awer leider war die | alt Bibel dorch die wuste Insching | verbrennt worre. Dr. Muhlenberg {hot ihne en neue Bibel gewe. | S——— A A [STUDY EFFECT OF SOD ON GROWTH OF TREES | | An interesting report recently {coming to the attention of the Penn- |sylvania Department of Agriculture |gives the results of several experi- i ments conducted by the Cornell ag- [ricultural experiment station to de- THE EIGHTH WARD DE- { FEATED LOCALS SATURDAY | The game with Enhaut sohedulod! : : 0 a ~ 5 . 1 ist for a week. for last Saturday was canceled as| C eh En : dd in our inexperienced team was not well | -ommunion Services Jere held in matched with the Dauphin County | the M. E. church on Sunday after- aggregation. The Eighth Ward was ro iad 3 : substituted and proved just as | 5 The Mennonite Sauteh nag Com strong, defeating the locals 18 to 0. | y sho SO Pvyag 2s langigville. con Yeager and Greiner were the consis-j’ Rhtay. forenoon. tent ground gains for the victors and | Mrs. Annie Barnhart, it was some effort on the part of the] Joy, visited her sister, locals to keep it as low as it was. Boll, on Sunday. : The lincup follows. { Arthur Myers, of near East Peters: Mt. Joy (0) Eighth Ward (18) | burg, _spent part of Sunday with G. Groff lett ond H. Spigle | Earl Newcomer. Zimmerman left tackle Steigler | ., Henry H. Weidman , and Clayton Brubaker left guard Lightner | Roger foo} 209 ato trip to the coal A Nr g { regions Saturday. Sowalier (0) confer tab "Sis" Mian. Miler cclebrated Klugh Hot Colle Spidle her birthday on Saturday, as also did Shs Teh ond Washer her son, Milton, celebrate his 23rd i ates .o..| anniversary. I, Cask fehelerhack Sate Frances Lucille Kendig, daughter Germer right half Yeager of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Ken- W. Pennell fullback St. Clair | dig, was buried on Saturday, on her Mount Joy 9.0 0 0—0l first birthday anniversary. 8th Ward 0.120 6-181. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bucher and Touchdowns, Greiner, Peifer, Wag | fanily, of Manheim, and Mrs. Ella ner. Substitutions, Mt. Joy: B. | Ben and daughter, Byrl Amanda, of Groff for Zimmerman, Fellenbaum | Mount Joy, rent Sunday with M. for Engle, A. Penell' Zor Ringh,| 7 eveomer, aud fandly, Herr for Schatz, Bleyer for A. Pen-|. © Sunday School meeting held nell, Mateor foe Herr . Wagner for | I the Mennonite church on Thurs- Ellis, Schatz for S. Groff, Garber fo: | 92 was well atended. The house B. Groff, Dobson for Bleyer; 8th | Vas flied to the doors and the Ward: Alexander for Peiffer, Yeager | Tokers gave micresiing talks, for Alexander. Referee: W. Ellis. |, Grant and Reba Laudermilch en- Umpire, P. Alexander. Read liurs | tertained their grandmother, Mrs. man: Fred Schneider. Periods: ya| Giant Laudermilch, and their aunt, and 10. ! and Mrs. | Miss Lizzie Laudermilch, | Violet Laudermilch, of Lebanon; and Sow. | their uncle, John Bender, of Ann- PENNA. “44” WHEAT LEADS { ville, at the home of thelr grand- OTHER VARIETIES IN STATE | parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Weid- — | man, on Sunday. eet I ten Walter Brinard was on the sick noon. of Mount Mrs. C. K. N. Pennsylvania “44” wheat again | triumphed over other varieties in| Supper and Sale of Work Pennsylvania this year. | © The members of St, Mary’s Guild The results obtained in 13 variety | of St. Luke’s church purpose holding tests conducted on farms in various|g supper and sale of work in the parts of the state by the agricultural | hagement of the church, on Satur- extension department at the Penn-|day, November 3rd. Full details of sylvania State College show that the supper will follow in next week’s this variety, which was bred by Pro-| edition. Meanwhile, keep that date fessor C. F. Noll of the Experiment | free! You know what these suppers Station, out-yielded the other varie-| are like and it does not do to miss ties by about five bushels per acre.| one This bears out the results obtained] Jn the last four years which have al-| termine the effect on apple trees of the continuous growing of grass in | orchards. It was found by the Cornell offic- | ials that the grass caused a disap- pearance of the nitrates in the soil and injured the growth of trees. Previously it had been held that the principal trouble was due to a dif- ference in moisture content between cultivated soil and soil under sod conditions. The Cornell experimen- tors found, on the contrary, that moisture differences were a minor consideration and that the lack of nitrates was the factor of greatest concern. AG ARI Read the Bulletin. It pays to advertise in the Bullet ¢ } ways favored the new wheat. Yields | CATARRH of thirty or more bushels per acre | poate is a Local disease greatly in- were reported very frequently to! HATIS YCATARRE MEDICIonS. he State College, compared to the state | gels oe 2» Siniment which gives Quick a - elie y local application, and the average of less than twenty. Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts The increase .in the amount of through the Blood on the Mucous Sur- Pennsylvania 44 grown in the state faces ang agvisis in ridding your System tf Catarrh. has beep phenomenal. Last year| Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. there were over 50,000 acres harvest | ed and it is estimated that over 100,- F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. 000 acres were grown in 1923. The Feeding Fresh Cows a extra yield obtained over Leap’s Prolific, Fuleaster, Harvest King and other varieties has influenced many ‘farmers to change to Penn- sylvania “44”. I mun SER © Feed grain sparingly to the cow or a few days after freshening and gradually increase the amount as the milk bow increases. When she seems to have reached a full flow of milk and does not.respond to increased feed, reduce / the amount slightly. phrata, was arrested Saturday, She | This will -avoig overfeeding and get- WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24th, 1928 It’s a pleasant sen- sation and you can experience it all the time by wearing Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes. They give a satisfaction in fit, ease and durability never before ap- proached in the mak- ing of better shoes. Yovd cs Chan Hn Bovis Noe More 5 East King, Formerly ’ ) Lancaster. o rry s Shoe Store cA ¥] AN ITARY DAI RY 74 ‘My Bread and Milk Was Fine, Mamma” That is the favorite dish for the kiddies and i thelps them grow up to a joyous, useful health, Our milk is sealed for your safety, ¥ _THEMARTIN W {© ANITARY DAIRY! R.MARTIN, PROP. “Your Milkbman” Ek: CRA CLES 3 ER \ ho TT TS J. Howard Hersh dealer in The Keashy & Mattison Co. Asbestos Century Shingles, Asbestos Buliding Lumber and Asbestos Corrugated Sheathing Estimates for materials or appli- :ation cheerfully furnished. Bell Phone. Ind, Phone. 47 Stiegel St., MANHEIM, PA. mar. 15-tf THE Wingert & Haas Hat Store Largest Line of FALL HAT In the City Plain Hats A Specialty JOHN A: HASS, Propr. 144 N. Queen Lancaster, Pa. NEW STAND Formerly Darrenkamp’s Pool Room | HOUSE WIRING A SPECIALTY “ESTINGHOUSE AND STAHOT IRONS AT $5.50 BALANCE OF THIS MONTH Agent for Westinghouse Electric Ranges Full Automatic See Me Beliore Buying Elsewhere JNO. H. DIETZ Bell Phone MO JOY £. Main Si J The Bul and up-to-t weekly in and convin ptaing me ne , Sadie Wolf, aged 16 years, of is charged with murder. tT ting the cow feed. $1.50 a